#sumaya awad
luthienne · 11 months
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Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, ed. Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
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heavenlyyshecomes · 11 months
The Palestinian Nakba is neither a distant occurrence nor a completed history, and treating it as such only reproduces the Israeli contention that Palestine and Palestinians are romanticized representations of the past. The Nakba is not situated fully in the past, nor is it fully in the present: it transcends the notion of linear, progressive, and positivist history. It is a continuous and complex struggle against occupation, against apartheid, against erasure. It is the daily physical and abstract dispossession of land, identity, culture, and history. It has not ended. And for precisely this reason, the Israeli state has sought to penalize the remembrance of the Nakba. In 2011, Israel introduced the Nakba Law, which authorized the state to withhold funding from any public institution that mourns or commemorates the Nakba.
The looming threat of yet another mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland is ever present, especially today. The Nakba is just as present and significant as it was in 1948. Treating it otherwise is to succumb to Israel’s fabricated narrative of a long forgotten past from which it has progressed. Naming and remembering the Nakba is the most basic precondition for building a movement that can effectively resist the racism and erasure at the heart of Israel’s settler-colonist project.
—Sumaya Awad & Annie Levin, ‘Roots of the Nakba: Zionist Settler Colonialism’ in Palestine: A Socialist Introduction ed. Sumaya Awad and brian bean
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godzilla-reads · 10 months
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—Palestine: A Socialist Introduction edited by Sumaya Awad and brian bean
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notphie · 11 months
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It has not ended.
--Sumaya Awad & Annie Levin, Ch.1 Roots of Nakba: Zionist Colonial Settler Colonialism, in Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
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judgingbooksbycovers · 6 months
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Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
Edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
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imanes · 1 year
from haymarket books:
Publishing books on the struggle for justice in Palestine has been a central part of Haymarket’s mission since we published our first book, The Struggle for Palestine, in 2001. Now as ever, we recognize the root cause and ongoing perpetrator of violence in Palestine to be Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid, and we stand in solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom.
We also believe that books, as tools for education, analysis, combatting misinformation, and inspiration, have a vital role to play in the global Palestine solidarity movement. In that spirit, we’ve made three crucial books free to download:
boycott, divest, sanction by omar barghouti
light in gaza edited by jehad abusalim et al
palestine: a socialist introduction edited by sumaya awad and brian bean
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Publishing books on the struggle for justice in Palestine has been a central part of Haymarket’s mission since we published our first book, The Struggle for Palestine, in 2001. Now as ever, we recognize the root cause and ongoing perpetrator of violence in Palestine to be Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid, and we stand in solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom.
Haymarket Books are making three ebooks free to download:
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, by Omar Barghouti
Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, Edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, Edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
More than a dozen state lawmakers and activists in the U.S.—including actor Cynthia Nixon—have started a hunger strike calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The five state lawmakers taking part in the hunger strike beginning Monday are Delaware State Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton, New York Rep. Zohran Mamdani, Oklahoma Rep. Mauree Turner, Virginia Rep. Sam Rasoul, and Michigan Rep. Abraham Aiyash. They are joined by Nixon and various faith and community leaders.[...]
She hopes the hunger strike will “bring attention to the fact that the U.S. government, our President, and our congressional leaders are funding this policy of starvation.” “We send American taxpayer money to bomb communities in Gaza and I don’t think our president is using his leverage to the extent that he could to bring about a permanent ceasefire,” she says. “We’re seeing the impact of that, which is no food, no water.” [...]
Actor and activist Nixon will participate in the hunger strike for two days. Nixon is one of more than 260 artists who previously signed an open letter calling for President Joe Biden and Congress to commit to a ceasefire. Speaking at a press conference outside the White House on Monday, Nixon spoke of high civilian casualties in Gaza. “None of this is normal," she said. "None of this is routine and none of this can be allowed to continue.”
Sumaya Awad, a Palestinian-American activist and director of strategy and communications at Adalah Justice Project, referenced the recent shooting of three Palestinian-American college students in Vermont. “This is what happens when we don’t support a permanent ceasefire and our government continues to dehumanize Palestinians,” she said at the press conference[...]
“The United States is not simply a witness to this genocide. It's an actor in this genocide,” says Mamdani[...]
President Joe Biden is pushing to supply Israel with an additional $14 billion in military aid. The U.S. has dismissed the assertion that Israel is committing genocide. Several genocide experts, as well as three dozen U.N. experts, have argued that there is a serious risk of genocide.
27 Nov 23
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cromulent-marshland · 6 months
If you think that the only way of helping Palestine is going to a protest, then you're not thinking big enough. While protests are amazing, and we need to keep the pressure on Biden and the other world leaders, here's some things you can do in your daily life that also help.
🍉 Follow the BDS list. I'll link some resources of what not to buy and what is safe. I know this gets confusing, but I'll try to give you all the resources you need to make informed decisions.
🍉 Give money to Palestinian organizations. Just like the BDS list, I'll link all the resources I have. Lots of them are helping on the ground to provide aid and give Palestinians a chance to tell the world whats going on.
🍉 Follow Palestinian journalists. I'll link a lot of them down below, but they are the best way to see what's going on right now.
🍉 Listen to Palestinian people. I'm white, so I only want to use my voice to uplift Palestinian ones in this issue. I will stand hand in hand with them and use my privilege to push them to the forefront, but I never want to to take the spotlight away from them.
🍉 Learn Palestinian History. I'll link some great resources I found that helped me learn the history of the Nakba, the constant degradation of Palestinians by Israel, and why this issue needs to be talked about until Palestine is free.
🍉 Distribute reading materials, zines, stickers, or anything else. It's a great way to spread information and lift up Palestinian voices.
Resources after the cut.
🍉 What is BDS? - The official website. It tells you want not to buy and all that other fun stuff.
🍉 Sully Iqbal - His TikTok's about the BDS list break it down simply for everyone can understand what it means and how to follow it.
🍉 CARE FOR GAZA -  Nonprofit that’s taking donations to help get food to the people in Gaza right now. 
🍉 E-SIMS FOR GAZA - eSims are one of the only ways Palestinians have been able to keep in touch with the world and loved ones.
🍉 CARTOONIST CO-OPERATIVE E-SIM DRIVE - If you donate an eSim to Gaza through the link and provide proof, you can get a commission or free art piece from these amazing artists. 
🍉 MEDICAL AID FOR PALESTINIANS - an organization on the ground in Gaza working to stock hospitals with essential healthcare supplies.
🍉 MIDDLE EAST CHILDREN'S ALLIANCE - Helps children in Gaza.
🍉 PALESTINE CHILDREN’S RELIEF FUND  - Also helps children in Gaza.
🍉 UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAM  - They are trying to send aid trucks into Gaza right now and working to get it past Israeli checkpoints.
🍉 DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS  - Many members are in Gaza right now helping in hospitals.
🍉 Motaz - Not currently in Gaza, but is important to follow as he goes to plead Palestine's case all over the world.
🍉 Bisan - Currently in Rafah. Makes beautiful documentaries and posts about everyday life.
🍉 Wael - Not in Gaza, might be returning. Works with Al Jazeera in the Middle East.
🍉 Walaa
🍉 Nour Arfaa
🍉 Doaa
🍉 Aya
🍉 Al Jazeera - Good news source. Actually gives you information about what's going on in Gaza.
🍉 Lama - The youngest journalist in Gaza right now at 9 years old.
🍉 BLACK ZINE ARCHIVE LINKS FOR PALESTINE - Lots of good resources and articles about Palestine 
🍉 PALESTINE ZINES -  by ig @illegibledistro
🍉 PALESTINE: A SOCIALIST INTRODUCTION Edited by Sumaya Awad and brian bean 
🍉 "LIGHT IN GAZA" - edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bin, et al.
🍉 "THE NAKBA AND PALESTINIAN REFUGEES: IMEU QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS" - by Institute for Middle East Understanding, May 5th 2022
🍉FREE PROTEST ART - Paste it in your city.  
Analysis and history 
🍉 “The Question of Palestine” Edward W. Said 
🍉 “Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics” by Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick 
🍉 “ The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A history of Settler Colonialism and Resistance 1917-2017” by  Rashid Khalidi  
🍉 “Words under the Words: selected poems” Naomi Shihab Nye 
🍉 “Birthright” by George Abraham 
🍉 “ Dear God. Dear Bones. Dear Yellow.”  by Noor Hindi 
🍉 “Rifqa” Mohammed El-Kurd 
🍉 “I could die today & live again” by Summer Farah
🍉 “Born Palestinian, Born Black” by Suheir Hammad
🍉 “ How water holds me” by Tariq Luthun 
🍉 “Almond Blossoms and Beyond” collected works of Mahmoud Darwish 
🍉 “Minor Detail” by Adania Shibli 
🍉 “Against the Loveless World” Susan Abulhawa
🍉 “The Book of Ramallah” Short Stories edited by Maya Abu al-Hayat
🍉 STOP THE GAZA GENOCIDE TOOLKIT - Very important. A treasure trove of information. 
🍉 PALESTINIAN BUSINESSES - Support people and Palestinian businesses directly. 
🍉 WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR PALESTINE BLANK ZINE - Fill it out and hand it out to give out when you're in public.
If you have any more resources or suggestions, reblog them under this post or DM me and I can add it to the original post. Free Palestine. We can't give up on Gaza, no matter how tired we may be. They need our help.
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feline17ff · 8 months
Free Black History, Palestine, Socialism (and other) books on Haymarket
So, HaymarketBooks is a cool online bookstore that, while it does sell physical and digital books, it also offers a lot of free ebooks on subjects it thinks the public should be aware of.
Two categories I know of are Black History, after some racist law in the US that banned Black History resources
And Palestine, what with government media giving a super biased view of unfortunately
It’s in moments like these that we must turn to independent media and resource providers to educate ourselves on topics the government or other people don’t want us to learn about.
Now, here are all of Haymarket’s books they are offering for free, since their website doesn’t have a filter or sort by price option.
Here they are, 17 in total, as per 2nd Feb 2024 :)
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions by Omar Barghouti, 320 pages
1989, The Number by Kevin Coval and Nate Marshall, 23 pages
Inauguration by Idris Goodwin and Nico Wilkinson, 23 pages
The Anti-Inauguration by Anand Gopal, Owen Jones, et al., 40 pages
Commando by E'mon Lauren,
Human Highlight by Kevin Coval and Idris Goodwin
1919 by Eve L. Ewing
The New Authoritarians by David Renton
Socialist Strategy and Electoral Politics
The Brother You Choose by Susie Day
Can't Pay, Won't Pay by Debt Collective
Black Lives Matter at School by Jesse Hagopian and Denisha Jones
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction Edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
Light in Gaza Edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, et al., 280 pages
A Life of Activism by Howard Zinn, 81 pages
Our History Has Always Been Contraband Edited by Colin Kaepernick, Robin D. G. Kelley, et al.
From the River to the Sea Edited by Sai Englert, Michal Schatz, et al.
While their website is limited when it comes to pricing options, it's not limited with free books, so you don't need to enter a single financial detail to download these books :)
Note: I haven't read any of these books yet so the tags are just based on their book descriptions
Other places for more free books:
Liberation Library
On the colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine
Sudan guide, not an ebook, but #keep eyes on sudan #free sudan
Happy reading! :)
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luthienne · 11 months
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Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, ed. Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
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heavenlyyshecomes · 11 months
For an identity to be formed, it must be grounded in tradition and a shared notion of historical memory. Israel succeeded in fabricating both in order to create the Israeli citizen. In order for Israel to establish for itself a new and legitimate national identity, the other, the Palestinian, had to be excluded, and its history reformulated either to fit into the Israeli narrative or to be absorbed by surrounding Arab states. Palestinians have been robbed of the right to narrate their own past. This right to remember is made impossible by the Israeli state, through its censorship of textbooks, criminalization of Nakba commemoration, and refusal to acknowledge Palestinian self-determination and sovereignty. In fact, many critical documents from the period are under lock and key, accessible only to Israelis, if at all. Defenders of Israel’s version of history continuously seek to delegitimize Palestinian historians by claiming their work is too attached to the subject matter and too weak because of its reliance on oral narratives. What Israel does is to mobilize history in such a way that deviates from any intention to narrate what really happened, and instead to appropriate only those memories that serve its expansionist agenda. Erasing the Nakba is a key component of Israel’s adamant refusal to allow Palestinians their internationally recognized right of return.
—Sumaya Awad & Annie Levin, ‘Roots of the Nakba: Zionist Settler Colonialism’ in Palestine: A Socialist Introduction ed. Sumaya Awad and brian bean
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godzilla-reads · 10 months
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“The hideous policies of the current Israeli regime and its close alliance with the US establishment must be seen in the context of a long history of the occupation and colonization of Palestine. Indeed, it is a reminder that the Nakba is not a thing of the past. Its impact is felt by every single Palestinian, and its memory shields against the systematic attempt to whitewash the violence and bloodshed that characterized Israel’s birth seventy years ago sustains its apartheid regime today.”
—Palestine: A Socialist Introduction edited by Sumaya Awad and brian bean
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 11 months
✨ National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM) is celebrated in April. The first Arab American Heritage Day was celebrated on October 25, 1992. NAAHM celebrates the heritage and culture of Arab Americans and Arabic-speaking Americans. It also recognizes the contributions of Arab Americans to the United States, including:
🌙 The history of Arab migration to America 🌙 The diversity within the Arab American community 🌙 Important customs and traditions 🌙 The fight for civil rights and social justice
✨ NAAHM also serves as a time to: 🌙 Combat Anti-Arab bigotry 🌙 Challenge stereotypes and prejudices
✨ In 2023, the president declared April National Arab American Heritage Month. However, I felt it necessary to recognize Arab American Heritage Day this year, too. I'm Palestinian 🇵🇸, but growing up, I never saw that word printed on a page, never saw it recognized as a nationality in novels or newspapers. We're here. We exist. We will not be erased, ignored, or silenced.
✨ In celebration of these voices, here are a few books by Arab and 🇵🇸Palestinian authors to consider adding to your TBR.
🌙 A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum 🌙 Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa 🌙 The Woman From Tantoura by Radwa Ashour 🌙 You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat 🌙 Crescent by Diana Abu Jaber 🌙 Salt Houses by Hala Alyan 🌙 Minor Detail by Adania Shibli 🌙 As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh 🌙 Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi 🌙 Silence is a Sense by Layla AlAmmar 🌙 The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah 🌙 Exhausted on the Cross by Najwan Darwish 🌙 Palestine Is Throwing a Party and the Whole World Is Invited by Kareem Rabie 🌙 My First and Only Love by Sahar Khalifeh 🌙 Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd 🌙 Among the Almond Trees by Hussein Barghouthi 🌙 Palestine: A Socialist Introduction (edited) by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean 🌙 The Book of Ramallah (edited) by Maya Abu Al-Hayat 🌙 Stories Under Occupation: And Other Plays from Palestine (edited) by Samer al-Saber and Gary M. English 🌙 Ever Since I Did Not Die by Ramy al-Asheq 🌙 Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine by Mohammad Sabaaneh 🌙 Post-Millennial Palestine: Literature, Memory, Resistance (edited) by Ahmad Qabaha and Rachel Gregory Fox 🌙 The Dance of the Deep-Blue Scorpion by Akram Musallam 🌙 Wondrous Journeys in Strange Lands by Sonia Nimr 🌙 The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey by Laila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt 🌙 Evil Eye by Etaf Rum 🌙 A Child in Palestine by Naji al-Ali 🌙 Murals by Mahmoud Darwish 🌙 Farah Rocks by Susan Muaddi Darraj 🌙 Halal Hot Dogs by Suzannah Aziz, illustrated by Parwinder Singh 🌙 Baba, What Does My Name Mean? A Journey to Palestine by Rifk Ebeid, illustrated by Lamaa Jawhari 🌙 The Olive Tree Said to Me by N. Salem 🌙 Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah 🌙 Don't Read The Comments by Eric Smith 🌙 Jasmine Falling by Shereen Malherbe 🌙 Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa 🌙 The Lady of Tel Aviv by Raba’i al-Madhoun 🌙 Looking for Palestine: Growing Up Confused in an Arab-American Family by Najla Said
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maxbanshees · 11 months
Publishing books on the struggle for justice in Palestine has been a central part of Haymarket’s mission since we published our first book, The Struggle for Palestine, in 2001. Now as ever, we recognize the root cause and ongoing perpetrator of violence in Palestine to be Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid, and we stand in solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom. We also believe that books, as tools for education, analysis, combatting misinformation, and inspiration, have a vital role to play in the global Palestine solidarity movement. In that spirit, we’ve made three crucial books free to download: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Omar Barghouti Light in Gaza; Writings Born of Fire, edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
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clarafordahwin · 11 months
Helpful context for the US support of Israel (which extends far further than the occasional end-times evangelical)
But Israel’s new role as US watchdog was not just regional. In fact, in the ensuing decades, Israel carried out this role globally: providing arms to dictators and regimes worldwide that the US could not openly support and training military and police forces in repressing uprisings and controlling migration. After 1967, Israel began to establish its own full-scale arms industry. Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, Israel covertly and overtly supported Latin American dictatorships, apartheid South Africa, and the Iranian shah with arms and paramilitary training. At times, it served as a direct conduit for US arms, providing weapons to regimes notorious for their brutality that the US could not support directly. Israel supplied the vast majority of arms imported by the right-wing military government of El Salvador and its paramilitary death squads and gave millions to the Salvadoran regime. Israel acted as major arms supplier to Guatemala’s police force, even as it was “condemned by Amnesty International and other human rights groups for its part in official death squads responsible for the murders of thousands” and to the Somoza regime of Nicaragua, supplying more than 90 percent of its arms as the regime killed tens of thousands. Somoza bombed the slums of Nicaragua “mainly with Israeli-made Arava and West Wind planes.” This pattern was widespread, as Israel also supplied arms to dictatorial regimes in Ecuador, Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina. All these regimes killed and disappeared thousands in their “dirty wars.”
The US also used Israel to supply and train repressive regimes across Africa, including Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), Malawi, and apartheid South Africa. In South Africa—where the racism of the state had isolated it from most of the world’s countries—the US funneled helicopters through Israel to circumvent the embargo. Israel did the same with South African products, selling them globally. This was in addition to extensive economic and military collaboration between the two states. This same pattern was repeated in Asia, with Israel supplying the regimes of Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, and Taiwan. Israel even sold arms to Iran, including during the hostage crisis, with Ronald Reagan’s covert consent. In short, Israel has supported regimes around the world bent on crushing democratic movements that might pose a challenge to an oppressive status quo—one that both the US and Israel rely on to maintain their global dominance.
Palestine: A Socialist Introduction edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean (2020) Click here to download the free ebook from Haymarket Books
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