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It’s @sukker-sugar’s birthday today!
Happy birthday, hope you have a beautiful day!
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Danish pancakes
For any and all Danish learners, this is my (technically, it's originally from Frk. Jensens kogebog) recipe for Danish pancakes, proudly presented in Danish and English | italics indicated a comment. Note that in Denmark pancakes are a dessert. The are large but thin, like crêpes.
Ingredienser, fire portioner - Ingredients, four servings
4 dl mel - flour 4-5 dl mælk/hvidtøl - milk/light ale | plant-based milks work just as well as cow's milk. you should try it with light ale though, it's really good! 3-4 æg - eggs 1-2 spsk. sukker - tbsp. sugar | spsk. is short for spiseske 'tablespoon' 2 tsk. vaniljesukker - tsp. vanilla sugar | tsk. is short for teske 'teaspoon' 1 spsk. olie - 1 tbsp. vegetable oil en knivspids salt - a nip of salt | knivspids literally translates to 'knife tip'
Fremgangsmåde - method
1) Bland alle ingredienserne i en skål. Pisk evt. sukker og æg sammen først - Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Optional: whisk the eggs and sugar separately and then mix.
1a) Dejen skal have konsistens, så den kan hældes relativt let uden at være for tynd - The texture of the batter should be so that it's relatively easy to pour without being too thin.
1b) Teknisk set skal dejen hvile i køleskabet i en halv time, men man kan sagtens bruge den med det samme - Technically, the batter is supposed to rest in the fridge for half an hour, but you can use it immediately without problem.
2) Varm en smule olie på en stegepande - Heat a bit of oil in a frying pan.
3) Bag pandekagerne ved mellemhøj varme (ca. 7 på komfur med 1-9) - Fry the pancakes on medium-high heat (approx. 7 on a stove with settings 1-9) | generally Danish pancakes are the size of the pan you're frying them on, so make sure you cover the entire pan with a thin layer of batter.
4) Server pandekagerne varme med is, syltetøj, sirup, flormelis eller sukker - Serve the pancakes while hot with ice cream, jam, syrup or (powdered) sugar | in Danish, the separate word flormelis is used for powdered/icing sugar, not to be confused with puddersukker 'brown sugar'.
#i know just mixing all the ingredients willy nilly makes me a heathen but i really cant be bothered to sift anything anywhere#this was the first recipe i ever learned to make; let it be your first danish recipe!#pancakes#danish#danish language#danish recipe#recipe#cooking#food#danish langblr#danish food#dessert#desserts#original
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
13. Food
Hello again! I hope you're hungry, because today we're talking about food!
mat (m) - food
måltid (n) - meal
å spise - to eat
brød (n) - bread
ost (m) - cheese
egg (n) - egg
et smørbrød (n) - sandwich
smør (n) - butter
olje (m/f) - oil
sukker (n) - sugar
salt (n) - salt
pepper (m) - pepper
frokost (m) - breakfast
lunsj (m) - lunch
middag (m) - dinner
sulten/sultent/sultne - hungry
brødskive (m/f) - slice of bread
Grammar: Ikke
'Ikke' (not) was mentioned on day 2, so let's quickly look at it in some sentences:
Jeg liker ikke ost. (I don't like cheese)
Hun spiser ikke egg. (She doesn't eat eggs/She's not eating eggs)
De er ikke sultne. (They aren't hungry)
In simple sentences, 'ikke' comes after the verb. It gets a bit more complicated when you start making longer sentences or you want to add nuance. Don't worry about that for now though.
In questions, 'ikke' comes after the subject:
Liker du ikke smørbrød? (Don't you like sandwiches?)
Spiser dere ikke frokost? (Don't you eat breakfast?)
Er han ikke sulten? (Isn't he hungry?)
Words like always (alltid), never (aldri) and only (bare) follow the same pattern:
Vi spiser alltid egg til frokost (We always eat eggs for breakfast)
Hen har aldri smør på smørbrødene sine (They never have butter on their sandwiches)
Spiser du bare den brødskiva? (Are you only eating that slice of bread?)
Til frokost/lunsj/middag
To say you eat something *for breakfast/lunch/dinner, use the preposition 'til':
Hva spiser du til middag? (What do you eat for dinner?)
Hun spiser smørbrød til lunsj (She eats sandwiches for lunch)
#nutrcracker norsk#norwegian langblr#beginner norwegian#jan '24 beginner norwegian crash course#norsk#norwegian#learning norwegian#norwegian: a1#my oc: norwegian
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Kokken laver pandekager med sin pande. The chef is making pancakes with their pan.
Sukker, jordbær og æg ligger på køkkenbordet. Sugar, strawberries, and eggs are laying on the kitchen counter.
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2023/08/03 Al día siguiente fuimos a una cafeteria de una conocida marca británica para desayunar. Tenían churros. La forma de herradura es como esperábamos y la masa estaba crujiente. Lo que nos terminó de convencer es tanto azucar espolvoreado por encima.
The next day we went to a cafe owned by a well-known British brand for breakfast. They had churros. The horseshoe shape is as we expected and the dough was crispy. It didn't convince with so much sugar sprinkled on top.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain, nous sommes allés prendre le petit-déjeuner dans un café appartenant à une marque britannique bien connue. Ils avaient des churros. La forme en fer à cheval est conforme à nos attentes et la pâte était croustillante. Cela n'a pas convaincu avec autant de sucre saupoudré dessus.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno dopo siamo andati a fare colazione in un bar di proprietà di un noto marchio britannico. Avevano i churros. La forma a ferro di cavallo era come previsto e l'impasto era croccante. Non convinceva con tanto zucchero spolverato sopra.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte fomos tomar café da manhã em um café de uma conhecida marca britânica. Eles tinham churros. O formato de ferradura ficou como esperado e a massa estava crocante. Não convenceu com tanto açúcar polvilhado por cima.
Google Translation into German: Am nächsten Tag gingen wir zum Frühstück in ein Café einer bekannten britischen Marke. Sie hatten Churros. Die Hufeisenform war wie erwartet und der Teig war knusprig. Mit so viel Zucker darüber gestreut hat es nicht überzeugt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen shkuam në një kafene të markës së famshme britanike për mëngjes. Ata kishin churros. Forma e patkoit ishte siç pritej dhe brumi ishte krokant. Me aq shumë sheqer të spërkatur sipër, nuk ishte bindëse.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հաջորդ օրը մենք գնացինք բրիտանական հայտնի ապրանքանիշի սրճարան նախաճաշելու։ Չուրրո ունեին։ Պայտի ձևը սպասվածի պես էր, իսկ խմորը՝ խրթխրթան։ Այնքան շաքարավազ շաղ տալով վրան�� համոզիչ չէր։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На следващия ден отидохме на закуска в едно известно британско кафене. Имаха чуро. Формата на подкова беше според очакванията и тестото беше хрупкаво. С толкова много захар, поръсена отгоре, не беше убедително.
Google Translation into Czech: Další den jsme šli na snídani do kavárny známé britské značky. Měli churros. Tvar podkovy byl podle očekávání a těsto bylo křupavé. S tolika cukrem nasypaným navrch to nebylo přesvědčivé.
Google Translation into Croatian: Sutradan smo otišli u kafić poznate britanske marke na doručak. Imali su churros. Oblik potkove bio je očekivan, a tijesto prhko. S toliko šećera posutog odozgo, nije bilo uvjerljivo.
Google Translation into Danish Den næste dag gik vi til en berømt britisk mærke cafe til morgenmad. De havde churros. Hesteskoformen var som forventet og dejen var sprød. Med så meget sukker drysset på toppen var det ikke overbevisende.
Google Translation into Slovak: Nasledujúci deň sme išli na raňajky do kaviarne známej britskej značky. Mali churros. Tvar podkovy bol podľa očakávania a cesto bolo chrumkavé. S toľkým cukrom posypaným navrchu to nebolo presvedčivé.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan sva šla na zajtrk v kavarno znane britanske znamke. Imeli so churros. Podkvasta oblika je bila pričakovana in testo hrustljavo. S toliko sladkorja, posutega po vrhu, ni bilo prepričljivo.
Google Translation into Estonian: Järgmisel päeval läksime kuulsasse Briti brändi kohvikusse hommikusöögile. Neil olid churros. Hobuseraua kuju oli ootuspärane ja tainas krõbe. Kui peale oli nii palju suhkrut puistatud, ei olnud see veenev.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraavana päivänä menimme kuuluisaan brittiläiseen kahvilaan aamiaiseksi. Heillä oli churroja. Hevosenkengän muoto oli odotusten mukainen ja taikina rapea. Kun päälle oli ripoteltu niin paljon sokeria, se ei ollut vakuuttava.
Google Translation into Georgian: მეორე დღეს საუზმისთვის ცნობილ ბრიტანულ ბრენდის კაფეში წავედით. ჩურჩხელები ჰქონდათ. ცხენის ძირის ფორმა მოსალოდნელი იყო და ცომი ხრაშუნა. ზემოდან ამდენი შაქარი დაასხით, დამაჯერებელი არ იყო.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα πήγαμε σε ένα καφέ διάσημης βρετανικής μάρκας για πρωινό. Είχαν τσούρο. Το σχήμα του πετάλου ήταν το αναμενόμενο και η ζύμη ήταν τραγανή. Με τόση ζάχαρη πασπαλισμένη από πάνω, δεν ήταν πειστικό.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Másnap egy híres brit márkájú kávézóba mentünk reggelizni. Volt churros. A patkóforma a vártnak megfelelő volt, a tészta pedig ropogós volt. A sok cukorral a tetejére szórva nem volt meggyőző.
Google Translation into Latvian: Nākamajā dienā devāmies brokastīs uz slavenu britu zīmolu kafejnīcu. Viņiem bija churros. Pakava forma bija tāda, kā gaidīts, un mīkla bija kraukšķīga. Ar tik daudz cukura pārkaisa virsū, tas nepārliecināja.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag gingen we naar een beroemd Brits merkcafé voor het ontbijt. Ze hadden churros. De hoefijzervorm was zoals verwacht en het deeg was knapperig. Met zoveel suiker erop gestrooid, was het niet overtuigend.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter dro vi til en kjent britisk merkekafé for å spise frokost. De hadde churros. Hesteskoformen var som forventet og deigen var sprø. Med så mye sukker drysset på toppen, var det ikke overbevisende.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnego dnia udaliśmy się na śniadanie do kawiarni znanej brytyjskiej marki. Mieli churros. Kształt podkowy był zgodny z oczekiwaniami, a ciasto chrupiące. Przy tak dużej ilości cukru posypanego na wierzchu nie wyglądało to przekonująco.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi am mers la o cafenea celebră de marcă britanică pentru micul dejun. Aveau churros. Forma de potcoavă a fost conform așteptărilor, iar aluatul a fost crocant. Cu atât de mult zahăr presarat deasupra, nu a fost convingător.
Google Translation into Russian: На следующий день мы пошли позавтракать в кафе известного британского бренда. У них были чуррос. Форма подковы была такой, как и ожидалось, а тесто было хрустящим. С таким количеством сахара, посыпанного сверху, это выглядело неубедительно.
Google Translation into Serbian: Сутрадан смо отишли у кафић познатог британског бренда на доручак. Имали су цхуррос. Облик потковице је био очекиван и тесто је било хрскаво. Са толико шећера посипаног одозго, није било убедљиво.
Google Translation into Swedish: Dagen efter gick vi till ett välkänt brittiskt märkescafé för frukost. De hade churros. Hästskoformen var som förväntat och degen var knaprig. Med så mycket socker stänkt på toppen var det inte övertygande.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün kahvaltı için ünlü bir İngiliz markasının kafesine gittik. Churro'ları vardı. At nalı şekli beklendiği gibi oldu ve hamur çıtırdı. Üstüne o kadar çok şeker serpilmişti ki inandırıcı değildi.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступного дня ми пішли на сніданок у кафе відомого британського бренду. Вони мали чурро. Форма підкови була очікуваною, а тісто хрустким. З такою кількістю цукру, посипаного зверху, це було непереконливо.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي ذهبنا إلى مقهى ذو علامة تجارية بريطانية مشهورة لتناول الإفطار. كان لديهم كروس. كان شكل حدوة الحصان كما هو متوقع وكانت العجينة مقرمشة. مع رش الكثير من السكر في الأعلى، لم يكن الأمر مقنعًا.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা সকালের নাস্তা করতে গেলাম একটি বিখ্যাত ব্রিটিশ ব্র্যান্ডের ক্যাফেতে। তাদের churros ছিল. ঘোড়ার নালের আকার প্রত্যাশিত ছিল এবং ময়দা ছিল খাস্তা। উপরে এত চিনি ছিটিয়ে দিয়ে, এটা বিশ্বাসযোগ্য ছিল না।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 第二天我们去了一家英国著名品牌咖啡馆吃早餐。 他们有油条。 马蹄形如预期,面团酥脆。 上面撒了那么多糖,没有说服力。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 우리는 아침 식사를 위해 영국의 유명 브랜드 카페에 갔습니다. 츄러스가 있었어요. 말굽 모양도 예상대로였고 반죽도 바삭바삭했어요. 위에 설탕을 너무 많이 뿌려서 설득력이 없었습니다.
Google Translation into Guarani: Ambue árape roho peteĩ cafetería herakuãitévape marca británica-pe rodesayuna haĝua. Ha’ekuéra oguereko churros. Pe herradura forma ha’e oñeha’arõháicha ha pe masa ha’e crujiente. Hetaiterei asuka oñembohyru hi’ári, ndaha’éi convincente.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I kekahi lā aʻe, hele mākou i kahi hale ʻaina kaulana Pelekane no ka ʻaina kakahiaka. He churros kā lākou. ʻO ke ʻano o ka kāmaʻa lio e like me ka mea i manaʻo ʻia a ʻo ka palaoa i ʻokiʻoki. Me ka nui o ke kō i kāpīpī ʻia ma luna, ʻaʻole maopopo.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת הלכנו לבית קפה של מותג בריטי מפורסם לארוחת בוקר. היו להם צ'ורוס. צורת הפרסה הייתה כצפוי והבצק היה פריך. כשכל כך הרבה סוכר מפוזר מלמעלה, זה לא היה משכנע.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हम नाश्ते के लिए एक प्रसिद्ध ब्रिटिश ब्रांड कैफे में गए। उनके पास चूरोस थे. घोड़े की नाल का आकार अपेक्षा के अनुरूप था और आटा कुरकुरा था। ऊपर से इतनी अधिक चीनी छिड़कने से, यह आश्वस्त करने वाला नहीं था।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Keesokan harinya kami pergi ke kafe merek terkenal Inggris untuk sarapan. Mereka punya churro. Bentuk tapal kudanya sesuai harapan dan adonannya renyah. Dengan begitu banyak gula yang ditaburkan di atasnya, rasanya tidak meyakinkan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日はイギリスの有名ブランドのカフェへ朝食を食べに行きました。 チュロスがありました。 予想通りの馬蹄型で、生地もサクサクでした。 上に砂糖がたくさん振りかけられているので、説得力がありませんでした。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Эртеси эртең мененки тамакка белгилүү британиялык бренд кафесине бардык. Алардын чурролору болгон. Така формасы күтүлгөндөй болуп, камыр кытырак болду. Үстүнө ушунча кумшекер чачылгандыктан, бул ынандырарлык болгон жок.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Am nächsten Tag gingen wir zum Frühstück in ein Café einer bekannten britischen Marke. Sie hatten Churros. Die Hufeisenform war wie erwartet und der Teig war knusprig. Mit so viel Zucker darüber gestreut hat es nicht überzeugt.
Google Translation into Malayalam: അടുത്ത ദിവസം ഞങ്ങൾ പ്രഭാതഭക്ഷണത്തിനായി ഒരു പ്രശസ്ത ബ്രിട്ടീഷ് ബ്രാൻഡ് കഫേയിൽ പോയി. അവർക്ക് ചുരുളുകൾ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. കുതിരപ്പടയുടെ ആകൃതി പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചതുപോലെയും മാവ് ക്രിസ്പിയുമായിരുന്നു. ഇത്രയധികം പഞ്ചസാര മുകളിൽ വിതറി, അത് ബോധ്യപ്പെട്ടില്ല.
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami pergi ke kafe jenama terkenal British untuk sarapan pagi. Mereka mempunyai churros. Bentuk ladam adalah seperti yang diharapkan dan dohnya rangup. Dengan begitu banyak gula yang ditaburkan di atas, ia tidak meyakinkan.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Маргааш нь бид британийн алдартай брэнд кафед өглөөний цайгаа уулаа. Тэд чурротой байсан. Морин хуурын хэлбэр нь санаснаар болж, зуурсан гурил нь шаржигнуур байв. Дээрээс нь маш их элсэн чихэр цацсан нь үнэмшилтэй байсангүй.
Google Translation into Nepali: भोलिपल्ट बिहानको खाजाको लागि हामी एउटा प्रसिद्ध ब्रिटिस ब्रान्डको क्याफेमा गयौं। तिनीहरूसँग चुरोहरू थिए। घोडाको नालको आकार अपेक्षित थियो र आटा कुरकुरा थियो। माथि यति धेरै चिनी छर्किएको थियो, यो विश्वस्त थिएन।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਨਾਸ਼ਤੇ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਮਸ਼ਹੂਰ ਬ੍ਰਿਟਿਸ਼ ਬ੍ਰਾਂਡ ਦੇ ਕੈਫੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਏ। ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਕੋਲ ਚੂਰੋ ਸਨ। ਘੋੜੇ ਦੀ ਨਾੜ ਦੀ ਸ਼ਕਲ ਉਮੀਦ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਆਟਾ ਕਰਿਸਪੀ ਸੀ। ਸਿਖਰ 'ਤੇ ਇੰਨੀ ਚੀਨੀ ਛਿੜਕ ਕੇ, ਇਹ ਯਕੀਨਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੀ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ موږ د ناري لپاره د برتانیا مشهور برانډ کیف ته لاړو. دوی چرس درلودل. د آسونو شکل لکه څنګه چې تمه کیده او ټوخه کرکه وه. د دومره بورې سره چې په سر کې اچول شوي، دا د قناعت وړ نه وه.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد برای صرف صبحانه به یک کافه برند معروف بریتانیایی رفتیم. آنها چورو داشتند. شکل نعل اسبی مطابق انتظار بود و خمیر ترد بود. با این همه شکر پاشیده شده روی آن، قانع کننده نبود.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Poé saterusna urang indit ka kafé brand Britania well-dipikawanoh pikeun sarapan. Aranjeunna ngagaduhan churros. Bentuk tapal kuda sapertos anu dipiharep sareng adonanna garing. Kalayan seueur gula anu ditaburkeun di luhur, éta henteu ngayakinkeun.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan pumunta kami sa isang sikat na British brand cafe para mag-almusal. Nagkaroon sila ng churros. Ang hugis ng horseshoe ay tulad ng inaasahan at ang masa ay malutong. Sa sobrang dami ng asukal na nawiwisik sa ibabaw, hindi ito nakakumbinsi.
Google Translation into Thai: วันรุ่งขึ้นเราไปทานอาหารเช้าที่คาเฟ่แบรนด์อังกฤษชื่อดัง พวกเขามีชูโรส รูปร่างเกือกม้าเป็นไปตามที่คาดไว้และแป้งก็กรอบ โรยน้ำตาลลงไปเยอะจนไม่น่าเชื่อ
Google Translation into Telugu: మరుసటి రోజు మేము అల్పాహారం కోసం ప్రసిద్ధ బ్రిటిష్ బ్రాండ్ కేఫ్కి వెళ్లాము. వారు చుర్రోలు కలిగి ఉన్నారు. గుర్రపుడెక్క ఆకారం ఊహించినట్లుగా ఉంది మరియు పిండి క్రిస్పీగా ఉంది. పైన చాలా చక్కెర చల్లడంతో, అది నమ్మదగినది కాదు.
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم ناشتے کے لیے ایک مشہور برطانوی برانڈ کیفے گئے۔ ان کے پاس چرس تھے۔ گھوڑے کی نالی کی شکل توقع کے مطابق تھی اور آٹا کرکرا تھا۔ اوپر اتنی چینی چھڑک کر، یہ یقین نہیں آرہا تھا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Ertasi kuni biz nonushta qilish uchun mashhur ingliz brendi kafesiga bordik. Ularda churro bor edi. Taqa shakli kutilganidek edi va xamir tiniq edi. Ustiga shuncha shakar sepilgan bo‘lsa, bu ishonarli emas edi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Ngày hôm sau chúng tôi đến một quán cà phê thương hiệu nổi tiếng của Anh để ăn sáng. Họ có bánh churros. Hình móng ng��a đúng như mong đợi và bột giòn. Với quá nhiều đường rắc lên trên, nó không thuyết phục chút nào.
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Why does that can of coke Phil has have "no sugar" in Norwegian? I looked and the flavor is in association with the tomorrowland festival in Belgium but none of the languages spoken in Belgium use "uten sukker"
dude i was in london for dan's show like right when they started selling that flavour and i was so confused seeing it at tesco like h. what .
anyway i assume theyre made in and imported from norway for whatever reason. fuck knows why
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Increadibley Meal-Like Browny Recipie
meals was an account on cohost. this post is manually mirrored from the original post on cohost. im gonna do this with automatic reformatting soon i swear im just rushing to get at least one up over here
Ingreadents: - 2-3 cups whole wheat breed flour
- 1-2 cups corny meals
- 1 cup coco powders
- 1 1/2 cup the sugar
- 100g monsterhella cheese
- 5 slices God-Blessed Americans (as cheese)
- 300g plane yaoigurt
- salt proably
- 3 eg's
- small amount vegging table oil
- 700 mililighters of milm (malk aĉetable too) - John Townsend's Most Incredibly Favourite Spice, The Nutmeg (to tastey)
put melch in pot with jortgurt. make it hot while stir in some americans. all of it. make sure they melt. ok add salt now and also half of your the sugar. good girl. ok put in the mozilla tsiis and stir it a lot and then keept making it hot. ok add half of coocoo power and stir it more and make sure it is all like one thing ok ok? taste it. if it's not friggin schweet add more Soagre. ok stir it and make it go boil and add John Townsend's Most Incredibly Favourite Spice, The Nutmeg. ok stir it a lot and make sure it makes a boil and ok take it off heat. first part is done.
next in a small bowel, beat off the egg 3 until soffft........ and then put cow-cow ponder in it. and John Townsend's Most Incredibly Favourite Spice, The Nutmeg. and sukker. ok make it all stirry and i lied you need a tiny bit more milk in there, just like a tiny bit ok? just a little bit. stir it again. good girl. add forgetable oil in here and stir it again ok? good girl. ok that parts done
last put it in a big uhhhh thing that you will bake it in. big. both of the thigns you just make. yea. ok now put the bred flower and the com meals in there and stir it a lot like make sure its not rly clumpy ok? good girl. put it in oven at 375 far-in-height for like idk like 60 minutes ??? i just did it for 60 idk like it's hard my oven doesnt temperature good haha
you will notice this is huge, thats good haha. enjoy <3
#food#foodposting#meal#meal food#meals#food meals#meal food meal#meal food meals#recipe#recipes#recipe posting#feed cohost some meals#haha#good girl haha#milm#melk#malk#oh god i just realized the early meals posts didnt use the plain-english ingredient tags and im gonna have to redo this portion of the tags#milk#nutmeg#cheese#eggs#chocolate#cocoa#whole wheat#corn meal#corn flour#yogurt#dessert#ok thats done i hate that i have to modify the tags for some of these older ones
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life is a little sweeter when I’m with you
This is for the @mlwritersguild October Event! It’s from Team Ladybug’s fic Floured Faces, Frosted Lips by @deinde-prandium, @sukker-sugar, and me ♡
#miraculous ladybug#ml writers guild#october event 2020#adrienette#adrien agreste#marinette dupain-cheng#adrinette#ml fanart#my art#lovesquare#sukker-sugar#deinde-prandium#buggy writes??? technically#do it for the children
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hello tumblr user memorybooks !! how is michael?
hello tumblr user sukker-sugar! michael's good! i really miss him when i'm not in snowchester, which is uh. more often than i'd like it to be. tubbo always gives me updates on him though, which is really sweet!
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opinions on build a bear. this is crucial information
its rather neat makes the kids happy thats always good
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ctommy is a stuffed animal youve kept from when you were an infant - its worn, used, torn in every which way, but loved in its own way. a representation of everything youve done or loved before, whether those things be good or bad. flawed.
ctommy is a stuffed animal you picked out when you were a kid and you named something that you can't remember anymore and you still sleep with it sometimes when you have nightmares and it's lost its softness but you think it's better that way. better flawed
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fic youre most proud of and music you listen to while you write for the ask game !!
- fic i'm most proud of?
well the obvious answer is tici (today, i coded it so everyone is trans-), because i've managed to write it consistently for over six months, i'm almost done with it, and it's actually good! couldn't have done it without sam the beta, but i'm still proud of the work i've put into it!
i'm also gonna go in a completely different direction for a second and say that i'm pretty proud of nox? nox is an unfinished, first-person pov fic for a small fandom about a webcomic on scratch, and i wrote it almost three years ago, but i'm actually pretty impressed with it? i took two lines of dialogue from a character that only appears in half of the (unfinished) webcomic and made an entire backstory based on that. (i liked that character a reasonable amount. /s)
- music i listen to while i write?
right before i saw this, i answered an old ask where i said that i don't listen to specific music while i write- i am so sorry to disappoint The People (/lh), but i do not have a consistent music taste and i will literally listen to anything while i write. i'm probably written to kpop, sea shanties, and lovejoy before! and more! my music taste is nonexistent and it shows lmao
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he almost called the tinky winky cup a jar. help me
please,.,,, this joke keeps going hes so pleased w himself im in pain
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fellow enbies, heres a thing for you :D
put on your crown and feel empowered, vibe with us ✨
(click for better quality, do not repost)
#so bri michael and i coined nonbinary royalty day as being yesterday cause we all had crowns on hand#and i just had to draw us together#sukker-sugar#chaotic-bastard-incarnate#*because friendship is magic*#nonbinary#i just love this sm#art#my art#digital art
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