sibylance · 2 years
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He is not used to such enthusiasm from a princess
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marmotsomsierost · 27 days
I have a lot of really great pictures of Nanuq- in focus, good composition, etc. And I also have a lot of pretty bad pictures of Nanuq- and in a lot of them he's the happiest he could be. And i really miss him a lot, so here- some terrible photos of my excellent dog.
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An Baby, extremely suspicious of the incoming tide, and Yearling's First Harness time. The one and only time his reaction to that harness was bored befuddlement and not 'instant joyful zoomies.'
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Still mostly baby, refusing to get out of the driver's seat of the car because this is where the Snow is and this is where the Bacon Lady is and we can't leave yet.
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A park saga of finding a delicious grody tennis ball, becoming a husky vortex of murdergrowlraarg, and then realizing it's california and sunny and it's hot so now it's time to de-vortex and just lay down and snap lazily at each other. (white is Sasha, black is Mishka; the dog park quickly learned what Husky Hour really meant and either adapted to a background noise of murder or avoided the park around sundown)
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And finally, his favoritest thing ever: mud and stormy weather and nyoom. That estuary muck took like four rounds of scrubbing, and he was the saddest wet beaft in existence during that process. He had that sproingy wooly husky fur that traps the smallest bits of grit and particulates but loooved mud puddles and smushy grass and lakeshore/bayshore shenanigans.
He was ours and we loved him.
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vegan-nom-noms · 5 months
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Ramen With Vegan Egg Recipe
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layaart · 1 year
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Here is the cover I designed and illustrated for SUGARSNAP, a YA sapphic horror novella sequel to BABYLOVE!
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unstablelover · 2 years
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aroaessidhe · 6 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Sweethearts & Sugarsnap
books 2 & 3 in a YA paranormal novella trilogy set in 2004
lesbian couple try to survive the last year of high school before they can get out of their creepy and restrictive small town
but the supernatural stuff they messed around with last year isn’t done with them yet, and they each have secrets haunting them
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daisychainsandbowties · 9 months
i will make you eggs, little casper. CRONCH
i've actually been an absolute chef the past few nights 😳😳!! and nobody at all helped me or gave me instructions or reminded me that you can cook food in things other than water. you can, in fact, stir fry things in substances besides tap water and hot sauce. and you can, in fact, cook vegetables along with whatever random piece of fish you've scavenged off the side of the road like a mongrel beast
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scribefindegil · 1 year
wow I love PLANTS!!!
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owleics-fr · 2 years
What they don’t tell you about FR is that at some point you will end up on some wikipedia page looking for dragon names. Currently perusing the Bean wiki lol
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sibylance · 2 years
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y'all accepting mario ocs? I offer up my girl, Sugarsnaps
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
I wanna make lofi music soooo bad bc I have so many (soft) bangers in my head waiting to be made but I just cannot bring myself to learn any more digital programs. But I don’t have the equipment to just not need them
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radley-writes · 2 years
Gonna make this an ask so you can publish your response if you like: to help you finish your current project by making you itch to write more, please tell me one thing about each main character that you are super excited about, no matter how insignificant to the main plot. 👀
Loki: horrid menace who just can't stop making dick jokes. Even if his whole family's life is on the line. Seriously.
Sigyn: tired. So tired.
Angrboda: old as balls but way cuter
Freyja: weaponizes her Hottness 24/7, but her only true desire is to be a spinster cat lady
Odinn: googles 'how do I murder my blood-brother without breaking my oaths to him' on the regular and doesn't delete his history
Frigg: :) (that's it, that's her single face expression, and it's terrifying)
Baldr: baby boy, baby
Thor: evil, evil
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malmagicstar · 6 months
steddie killed my grandma
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unstablelover · 2 years
you aren't just like a god to me, you ARE my god. i am at your beck and call, your words are my scripture and i live to serve you.
i would sacrifice everything to show you my devotion, i give all i have to you, my time, my wealth, my soul, all of them are yours for the taking.
you are the light that guides me, i ascend when i am in your presence for to me, being with you is my heaven.
i will give you my all until it consumes me, until you consume me, until there is nothing left.
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zamii070receipts · 7 months
Sugarsnap Pea Penne with Shiso
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