#glitching robopon ~ gigi
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askdusknfriends · 10 months
The Intro (Because they Forgot)
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"Aaaaand that's everything!"
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"Oh good!"
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"What do you mean by 'everything'?"
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"What do you mean?"
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"...You aren't prepared still, are you?"
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"Now that's just wrong!"
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"I'm very prepared, as prepared as I can be!"
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"You don't sound too prepared."
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"We are all as prepared as we can be!"
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"I'd honestly wouldn't be too surprised if anyone wasn't prepared! Dusk seems like she still needs more time."
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"Kind of sad when we have her Poke-Sweet and not her own portraits..."
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"Eh, if people want to fix them, they can. She's not stopping them."
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starlitfunkster · 2 years
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So that new character that joined Dusk and her friends.. is she even Pokemon-based?
Well, if you know their game (Robopon), then yes! Sort of, the sequel does change it up a little bit. Both of the RPG games would fit for sure, since they originated on the Gameboy.
Gigi is a corrupted Robopon, some young girl who's soul was trapped inside of a very broken Robopon 1 game. One that combines all three of the versions into one cartridge, which resulted in the game becoming very unstable.
Because of this, Gigi became a combination of Micro, Macro, and Necro. Three different Robopon from the same evolution line. Her soul is also visible in her chest, where Macro's jewel would be.
Rep: Micro's helmet, most of Macro's armor design and its laser sword, and Necro's buster and.. spiritual aspects. Also because of all three Robopon's, Gigi has a sense of justice unrivaled by the other three.
(Extra info below read more. No NSFW this time, because robot.)
-Gigi has fought with other Robopon, since none of them have any 'Owners'. Strangely, the game identifies them as a Robopon, and not a 'Trainer/Owner'.
-Yes, they are intentionally a rip-off of Glitchy Red. Just like how Robopon was made to compete against Pokemon. Before you ask, yes I did look up both release dates. Robopon's first game released in 1998, 2 years after Pokemon Red and Green's release in Japan.
-Oddly, or maybe not that oddly, other Micro's and Macro's look up to them as a 'Secret 4th Evolution of our kind'. Meanwhile, Necro's fight alongside them when Gigi inevitably has to fight stronger Robopon's.
-They cannot get out of their game without the help of an outside force, unlike Glitchy Red who can come and go from his game with ease. This has made them jealous of Red.. but also curious.
-Yes, that does mean they have met before. And that they wanted out of their game, but Red told them no.. for right now, anyways.
-They would finally get out of their game for the first time in years because of Glitchy Red helping them escape. When asking him why, he just told them "Because I didn't want you to become forgotten like the series you are based on."
-No one was sure if others would inevitably follow them, but it seems like Necro's have the ability to exit the game as they please. They have also helped Gigi go outside the game every month.. which became every week as Gigi became more and more curious of the outside world.
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