#sugamon fanfiction
fandaround · 2 years
It was funny, even when they were young and stupid and acted like they hated each other, Yoongi had been a little fascinated with Namjoon. At first, it was because Yoongi couldn’t figure out where Namjoon kept pulling his lines from-because surely no one’s brain could just spout words like that so quickly and stay on beat, and surely the nerdy fucking beanpole they shoved Yoongi into a dorm with didn’t actually know shit about girls or parties or living a tough life. He was all fluffy hair in the mornings and sunglasses at night, and Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes off him.
“What are you always looking at?” Namjoon has asked once, when it was just the two of them in the dorm.
“Your ugly face,” Yoongi replied automatically, and watched Namjoon roll his eyes.
“Not where my face is,” Namjoon looked a little constipated, “Don’t be weird.”
The problem, though, was that Yoongi was weird. If by weird, Namjoon meant not straight-and that was most certainly exactly what Namjoon had meant at the time because for as much confidence he held on stage, Namjoon had been cripplingly insecure about himself until much later-far too late, really-in their career. Yoongi remembered random comments like that, questions about Yoongi’s lyrics and the way he dressed. Maybe he should have put a stop to all of that early on, but Yoongi didn’t really bother defending himself or correcting Namjoon until after the other members had joined them.
Namjoon hadn’t actually even said anything, but the look on his face when he found Yoongi huddled in front of his computer in a bright pink and purple sweatshirt was telling enough. “What?” Yoongi prompted, sighing.
“Nothin’, man,” Namjoon shrugged, still eyeing his sweatshirt disdainfully.
“If you have a problem with my clothes, say it.”
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed. “Aren’t you worried people will think you’re…you know?”
“No.” Yoongi deadpanned. “I’m not worried about it.”
“We have a public image to uphold now,” Namjoon reminded him.
“Then next time I wear this I’ll make sure it’s in public so that people know I don’t care.”
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giraffenamjoon · 3 years
Sanctuary Between Words (Poly!Namgi Fic)
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Fic Summary: Everyone makes difficult choices, which is what Min Yoongi tells himself. Having left the protection of Bangtan, he runs a simple and clean tattoo parlor with his friend Park Jimin. He tries not to think of being in love ever again. It's not very hard when his brusque manner pushes everyone away.
You are a former heiress who just wants to live a normal life; unfortunately, your crippling anxiety threatens to make that impossible for you. Having walked away from a marriage to Bangtan's leader, Kim Namjoon, and separated yourself from your wealthy parents, you're learning how to live like a regular person. To make everything worse, you meet Min Yoongi, who seems determined to judge you. At first.
But the world of the wealthy and Bangtan aren't done with either of you yet, and little by little you find yourselves drawn back to the lives, and man, you both left behind.
Note: This is a poly Namjoon/Yoongi/ReaderOFC fic that is very slow burn. Ratings will change as the story develops (chapter 14), so please be advised that violence and more mature themes will appear over time.
Read me on A03: Sanctuary Between Words
Updated regularly!
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cloudwaeve · 3 years
If I write a fanfiction about two kpop group members as a couple even if they aren't in real life and it contains smut, am I disrespecting them and should stop or its okay because its just fanfiction and I don't actually want them to be a real couple and don't hate on them?
Please don't answer too bluntly, I'm weak;-;
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International Fanworks Day 2020
It’s that time again my dudes! I’ve barely had time for writing this past year tbh but I always have time to recognize the talented work of my fellow fanfic writers. Rules are the same as always, 3 fics from each pairing I read over the last year:
hell, high water by mnsg
This is another one of those fics that I’ve come back to and reread multiple times. It’s that good good angst that I just adore reading in fics. Also, Jeongguk’s utter devotion to Jimin always gets me right in my feelings. On top of all this Jeongguk is a badass knightly king and Jimin is his magical psychic bride, which is a very fun AU to read.
Shooting Butterflies by mochiminpeykpan (flippednique)
It’s very rare that I read fics that aren’t completed yet, but I’m so glad I decided to read this one anyway, and I had so much fun keeping up with it until it was completed. I already adore Mafia ABO fics, and this one delivers on both counts. There was never a point where I wasn’t hungry for more of this fic, and I’m so impressed with the way the author put it together where the narrative is moving in the past and the present simultaneously. Jimin ran away from Jeongguk for the safety of their son, but it would be impossible to run forever.
Black Rabbit by vlevxn
I’ve never recommended an incomplete fic before but this one definitely deserves it. I’ve kept up with it for a long time now and it just keeps getting more wild the longer I read it. I thought the plot was compelling when I first started reading but it just keeps getting deeper and more complex the further I go. Each character has complex motivations, and no one can ever be taken at face value, even by the reader. It’s also really interesting to see how Jimin and Jeongguk’s relationship evolves over the course of the fic, going from people who are just using each other to being completely intertwined. Jimin’s father left him a massive debt with the Black Rabbit Casino when he died, and Jeongguk may or may not be his salvation. ABO Dark!AU
when the lights go out (run away with me) by JemKay
I think this was actually the first Namgi fic that I ever read. It’s super sweet and soft and has a lot of Namjoon taking care of his smol cold boyfriend which makes me just melt. Namjoon is weak for a soft Yoongi and honestly, so are we.
First Love by MmeIrene
Despite Taehyung’s apprehension, Yoongi gives Namjoon a tattoo. Thankfully, Namjoon keeps coming back for more. This is a very sweet short piece where Yoongi learns about Namjoon through his tattoo choices and Taehyung and falls in love with him from there. Also, if I ever get tattoos I’m totally stealing Namjoon’s idea.
Salt in the Ruins by dawnstruck
ABO Arranged Marriage Joseon Era AU. Yoongi has little more to offer a marriage than his Omega status and thin blue blood. Namjoon, a rich merchant, makes an offer anyway. This story is super interesting in that each character must operate under the strict rules of their class and placement within the household. It hurts so good.
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dancingskys · 5 years
Pairing: NamGi
Tags: ABO, Royals, Alpha!Namjoon, Prince!Namjoon, Omega!Yoongi, Noble!Yoongi, Romance, Mutual Pining, Namjoon is smitten, (there is smut in this)
Summary: Namjoon had never felt such a strong pull towards another person and yet this omega captured all of his attention effortlessly. He did not know his name but he knew he was special. Not just his beauty but his enchanting presence and flirtatious attitude pulled Namjoon in. There was an undeniable connection between the two of them and there was nothing holding the alpha back from wanting to be this omega's mate.
If it weren't for the fact that Namjoon was the crown prince and his future mate couldn't just be anyone. If he revealed his title, would the mysterious omega still want to be with him?
Status: complete 
Word count: 19,519
AO3 Link
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skswriting · 7 years
in sickness and in health
Rating: PG-13 (cussing can always be expected from Min Yoongi) Pairing: Kim Namjoon/Min Yoongi Words: 3,305 Summary: Yoongi doesn’t argue and that worries Namjoon, who takes in the worse than usual bags under Yoongi’s eyes and the almost deathly quality of Yoongi’s cheeks. His forehead is blazing under Namjoon’s palm and Namjoon watches as Yoongi leans into him, vulnerable and sick under his touch. “You have a fever,” Namjoon tells him quietly. AN: just a little sugamon fluff as i completely ignore everything i have to do ao3
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Namjoon wakes up in a puddle of his own sweat, hair sticking to his forehead, the blanket tangled around his legs, and Yoongi shivering beside him.
“Fuck,” he mumbles, the word low and stuck in his throat, “’s hot.”
He stumbles out of the room, pulling his tank top away from his body and making a face at the wetness of it.  The thermostat is set to 86 degrees and Namjoon groans again, dialing it back to 75 and heading to take a shower.
The coolness of the water quickly washes away his sweat and he sighs, standing under the water for probably longer than necessary and if Yoongi was awake he’d probably bang on the door and tell Namjoon he was wasting water.
Speaking of Yoongi, it’s a little odd that he’s not awake yet.  Namjoon wraps a towel around his waist, though it’s not like Yoongi hasn’t seen his dick before, and heads back to their room.
“Yoongs?” he says softly, afraid to wake the older man, but Yoongi is already sitting up.  He’s hunched over a little, hands pressed over his face and Namjoon furrows his eyebrows, “You okay?”
“I feel like shit,” comes Yoongi’s muffled voice but Namjoon can hear the scratchiness in it, the raspy tone Yoongi has, “Did you turn the heat down?”
“Yeah it was like a fuckin’ sauna in here.”
“And now it’s like a fuckin’ igloo.”
Namjoon frowns, pulling on a pair of boxers and slipping a shirt over his head, “Let me feel your forehead.”
Yoongi doesn’t argue and that worries Namjoon, who takes in the worse than usual bags under Yoongi’s eyes and the almost deathly quality of Yoongi’s cheeks.  His forehead is blazing under Namjoon’s palm and Namjoon watches as Yoongi leans into him, vulnerable and sick under his touch.
“You have a fever,” Namjoon tells him quietly.
Yoongi snorts, “No shit Sherlock.  Your hands feel nice.”
“Here, lay back down, I’ll get you another blanket,” Namjoon pushes on Yoongi’s shoulders and Yoongi struggles against him.
“Can’t.  We have a deadline to meet and we still-”
“You look like death incarnate and you’re seriously going to tell me you’re okay to work?  Lay the fuck down.”
“Don’t take that tone of voice with me,” Yoongi quips, but let’s Namjoon manhandle him under the blankets.
“Then stop being so goddamn stubborn all the time,” Namjoon throws back and Yoongi kicks his leg up and hits Namjoon’s side lightly, “Go back to sleep.  I’ll check on you in a bit.”
“I don’t need you to take care of me,” Yoongi protests, “What are you- don’t tuck me in I’m not a child!”
“Your attitude right now says otherwise,” Namjoon deadpans and Yoongi grumbles, “I’ll be back.  Do not get up.”
“You’re not the boss of me,” Yoongi says, always the one to try and have the last word.  Namjoon just pats him condescendingly on his hip, grabs his phone, and slips out of the room.
He dials a number and puts the phone up to his ear.  After a few moments, a soft voice picks up on the other line and Namjoon sighs into the receiver.
“Mom?  I need your help…”
An hour later Namjoon has managed to make a decent breakfast of lopsided pancakes with cinnamon in them like Yoongi likes and some liquid medicine he found in their bathroom cabinet. Namjoon can’t remember the last time he bought medicine, but apparently Yoongi is adamant on keeping it stocked. There are throat lozenges, bandages, and enough Advil to last them for years.  Sometimes, Namjoon really loves Yoongi.
“Yoongi?” Namjoon calls quietly, pushing the door open with his hip as he balances Yoongi’s breakfast and medicine in his hands, “Are you awake?”
“Joonie?” Yoongi mumbles, voice sounding worse as its more scratchy and laden with sleep, “Joonie lay down with me please, I’m so cold.”
Namjoon can feel his heart squeezing in his chest as he softly sits down on the edge of the bed so as to not jostle Yoongi, but the point is moot as Yoongi rolls over and curls himself around Namjoon.
“You need to eat something,” Namjoon tells him, threading his fingers through Yoongi’s hair.
Yoongi makes a small sound and shakes his head, “Don’t wanna.”
“You didn’t eat dinner last night, so you need to eat something or you’re gonna make yourself sick. You also need to drink some water and this medicine.”
Yoongi just shakes his head again, pressing his face into Namjoon’s thigh.  Namjoon scratches at Yoongi’s scalp and Yoongi sighs under his ministrations, opening a crusty eye to look up at him.
“At least eat half of one? I almost burned my arm making these and now I have to wash so many dishes and I-”
“Okay, okay, Christ,” Yoongi groans, slowly pushing himself up and letting the blanket pool around his waist, “Hand me the goddamn plate.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea; your arms look a little weak.  Here, let me feed you.”
“Namjoon you are not-” Yoongi tries to look intimidating by glaring, but it’s not as effective when his bangs are sweaty and he’s shivering in his boxers and t-shirt and his lips are twisted into an unconscious pout.
Yoongi’s mouth is poised and open to continue to complain and refuse, but Namjoon rolls his eyes and takes the opportunity to pop a piece of pancake into Yoongi’s mouth.  Yoongi chokes on it for half a second before he glares vehemently at Namjoon as he chews.
“I can feed myself,” he grumbles, keeping his mouth firmly shut until Namjoon has another piece speared and ready to go.
“I know you can, I just don’t want you dropping anything in the bed because then I’ll have to clean it so you’ll stop bitching even though you’re the one who-”
“Okay I get it!” Yoongi huffs and then coughs, doubling over as he wheezes.
Namjoon frowns, placing a comforting hand on Yoongi’s back as he rubs at his blazing skin, trying to help ease the irritation.  Yoongi straightens up after a moment and his eyes are red-rimmed and glossy from how hard he’d been coughing.
“Did you bring any milk?” Yoongi asks, voice low and scratchy and Namjoon honestly feels bad for him.
“No, my mom said it’ll irritate your throat.”
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut and a small, coughing tear cascades down his pale cheek and Namjoon is quick to wipe it away.
“Let me get you a glass of water and then you can take your medicine okay?  If you promise not to drop the plate I’ll let you feed yourself,” Namjoon teases, threading a hand through Yoongi’s hair and even though Yoongi looks pissed he leans into Namjoon’s touch.
“I’m going to kill you,” is all Yoongi says as he accepts the plate from Namjoon, “Please hurry.”
Namjoon nods and kisses his finger to boop Yoongi’s nose before he bounces off the bed, causing Yoongi to let out a small shout as Namjoon slips out the door.
When Namjoon gets back into the room, a glass of water in his hand, Yoongi is chewing slowly and glaring at the bottle of medicine.  Honestly, Yoongi hasn’t stopped glaring since he woke up.
“I can’t take liquid medicine,” he bluntly tells Namjoon, who raises an eyebrow.
“Why?” Namjoon exchanges the glass for the plate and sets the plate on the end of the bed.
“I can’t stand the taste, it’ll make me throw up.  Especially grape,” Yoongi winkles his nose, “It doesn’t even taste like grape.  It tastes like death.”
“Then why did you buy it?” Namjoon laughs, grabbing the bottle from the bed side table.
“Because you like liquid medicine,” Yoongi informs him, “Do we have any pills?”
“Mom said you should-”
“Well your mom isn’t the one taking the medicine, is she?” Yoongi snarks and Namjoon raises an eyebrow, a flash of irritation running across his face.
“Don’t talk about my mom like that, she and I are only trying to help,” Namjoon tells him, a hard tone in his voice.
“Well you’re doing a pretty shitty job; milk doesn’t irritate your throat it coats it and stops you from coughing.”
Namjoon grits his teeth. He hates when Yoongi gets like this, all prissy and upset because he’s not feeling good and taking it out on everyone else, namely Namjoon and Namjoon’s mom who thankfully isn’t around to receive his abuse.
“I can’t take the liquid medicine and I’m going back to sleep, so leave,” and Yoongi unceremoniously pulls the blanket over his head as he turns over onto his side, back facing Namjoon.
“Fine.  Have a nice nap, asshole,” Namjoon snaps, angrily bundling up the plate, glass, and medicine, “Hope it fucking helps better than my mom and I.”
Yoongi is silent as Namjoon leaves, loudly shutting the door behind him.
Namjoon is seething as he throws half the pancake away, dumping the glass and plate so harshly in the sink he’s surprised he didn’t break them and throwing the medicine somewhere on the counter.  He stands for a moment in the kitchen, gripping the counter tightly with white knuckles as he breathes in and out.  He knows it’s just Yoongi’s fever and irritation talking, but Namjoon is still allowed to be mad about it.  No matter how bad Yoongi feels doesn’t give him the right to talk badly about Namjoon’s mom.
Part of Namjoon wants to leave, go to studio and hash out some ideas with Hoseok, because he’s mad and he doesn’t want to be around Yoongi if he’s going to be like this. But he also knows that no matter how mad he may be at Yoongi in the current moment, he’ll feel bad about leaving Yoongi alone five seconds after he steps foot outside their apartment.
Sighing, Namjoon lets go of the counter to settle himself in the living, where his laptop is.  His headphones at home aren’t the best to work with, but at least he’ll be able to get a little bit of work done.  So Namjoon tries to relax into their slightly shitty couch and put some jingles together.
Namjoon has and always will be the kind of person who gets utterly sucked into their work as he hunches over his laptop, foot tapping slightly as he moves some levers around on his program and presses a few buttons to change instruments around.  His shoulders are tight and his leg is bouncing from a combination of anxiety and tiredness and he can’t remember the last time he blinked, but the jingle is coming along pretty well.  He still has the last few seconds to figure out, because their client had specifically requested that it be catchy and attention getting, but he’s pleased overall with the tune.
But even if Namjoon is engrossed in work, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t notice Yoongi awkwardly standing beside the couch, shuffling his feet even though Namjoon can’t see it from the way their comforter is wrapped around him like a cocoon.  Namjoon isn’t going to acknowledge him though, at least not yet. He’s going to let Yoongi sweat this one out a little.
Eventually Yoongi gets tired of standing because he takes a seat at the far end of the couch, away from Namjoon but with his body angled towards him.  It’s obvious Yoongi is waiting for Namjoon to say something first, but Namjoon isn’t going to give him the satisfaction.
Yoongi stays quiet and still for a few minutes, silently watching Namjoon work, but after five minutes he scoots over on his cushion a bit.  And then three minutes later he’s scooting over on his cushion a bit more. And then a minute later he’s doing it again, until he’s on the middle cushion, the comforter brushing up against Namjoon’s arm.  Namjoon still doesn’t acknowledge him.
He feels Yoongi lean into him slightly, the pressure getting harder against Namjoon’s arm.  Namjoon still doesn’t look up.  From his peripheral he can see Yoongi’s eyebrows are knitted tightly together, upset Namjoon won’t say anything.  Yoongi continues to lean into Namjoon, putting a little more weight on his arm each minute until he’s fully resting against Namjoon, head laying on his shoulder and his legs tucked under his body.
Finally, Namjoon thinks Yoongi has suffered enough, so without saying anything he fully straightens up, which causes Yoongi to flail for a few minutes until he falls face-first into Namjoon’s lap, his arms uselessly trapped inside his blanket cocoon.
“Ouch,” Yoongi whines, struggling to sit up or even move, “Joon that hurt my nose.”
“Sorry,” Namjoon supplies, but he doesn’t sound sorry at all.
Yoongi seems to catch onto this because Namjoon can see the little downturn of his lips as they morph into a frown and he gives up picking himself off Namjoon’s lap, settling for turning his head so he can at least look at Namjoon.  Namjoon feels a little bad when he sees Yoongi actually looks guilty.
Neither of them are one for beating around the bush, which is good for their relationship because there’s no cat and mouse game trying to figure out how to fix fights.  They fight, they give each other time to cool off, they come back together and talk it over and make up.
Now is one of those times as Yoongi says in a soft voice, maintaining eye contact, “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have been a dick earlier about the medicine and your mom.  Especially your mom.  You didn’t tell her, did you?  She already hates me, that would just make it worse.”
Namjoon shakes his head, “No I didn’t tell her.  I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.”
Yoongi’s frown deepens, “Thank you.”
They’re silent for a few seconds, Yoongi looking imploringly up at Namjoon.
“I didn’t mean it, you know that right?  Anything I said.  I was just sick and mad at myself for being sick and I took it out on you and I shouldn’t have.  I’m sorry Joon, I really am.”
Namjoon nods, “Good, you should be.  It was uncalled for; I would have went and got you pills if you had just asked.”
“I know you would have, you’d do anything for me,” Yoongi acquiesces, forehead wrinkled.
“I don’t know about anything,” Namjoon laughs and Yoongi’s face smooths out, “Apology accepted.”
Namjoon helps Yoongi up into a sitting position and Yoongi offers him a weak smile.
“Let’s go back to bed, more sleep will do you good.”
Yoongi nods, relief evident on his face, “I’m going to hate myself for saying this later, but thank God. I have such a hard time sleeping when you’re not there.”
Namjoon grins cockily at him and Yoongi rolls his eyes, “I was right I already hate myself.”
Namjoon laughs as he manhandles back to their bedroom, but he’s not sure how much it can be considered manhandling if the other party lets him.  Regardless, they fall into bed together, Namjoon unrolling Yoongi from their comforter so he can drape it over the both of them.  Yoongi settles overtop of Namjoon, one arm wrapped around Namjoon’s waist and the other under Namjoon’s neck.  Namjoon in turn has one hand on Yoongi’s back, rubbing at his still hot to the touch skin, and the other on Yoongi’s cheek, petting soothingly at his face.
Yoongi must not have been lying about sleeping better with Namjoon, because he’s out in seconds. Namjoon just smiles and continues to hold him, placing soft kisses against his nose every so often.
Yoongi feels and looks better when they wake up, later in the night.  He’s still hot to the touch, but his cheeks have gained a little color and he’s actually hungry, so Namjoon makes the both of them ramen.
“Thanks Joon,” Yoongi tells him as they slurp at noodles on the couch, knocking his arm into Namjoon’s.
“You’re welcome. Honestly, I should get a prize for putting up with your sick ass.”
“You do get a prize: me.”
Namjoon snorts and swallows some broth down his air pipe, choking as he also laughs at Yoongi’s cheesy comment.  Yoongi in turn glares at him with dusty cheeks, the embarrassment clear on his face which he only cements further by saying, “Serves you right.”
When Namjoon gets his breathing under control, he grabs his and Yoongi’s bowls to set them on the coffee table, despite Yoongi’s complains.  And then he attacks Yoongi’s face with kisses.
“Namjoon!” Yoongi shouts, unable to defend himself against Namjoon’s larger stature, “Namjoon you’re crushing me!”
“My cute baby.  My sick baby.  My cute sick baby,” Namjoon lands as many kisses on Yoongi’s face as he can with Yoongi’s thrashing around, “I’d take care of your sick ass every day for the rest of my life if it meant I got you as my prize.”
Yoongi lets out a bark of laughter as Namjoon kisses his ear particularly loud, finally giving up fighting against Namjoon and instead places a hand on the back of Namjoon’s neck to bring him into a kiss.  Namjoon smiles at his success as he settles more comfortably on top of Yoongi.
“Every day huh?” Yoongi asks, barely moving back from Namjoon to speak, “In sickness and in health, you could even say?’
Yoongi’s eyes are sparkling, the happiness radiating off him even in his sick state, looking so striking under Namjoon and Namjoon can’t believe he gets Yoongi all to himself.
“For richer or poor,” Namjoon says, laying a hand lovingly on Yoongi’s cheek.
“Until death do us part,” Yoongi finishes, quietly, bringing Namjoon down for an infinitely softer kiss.
“I love you,” Namjoon says into Yoongi’s mouth, tilting Yoongi’s head back so Namjoon can kiss him deeper.
“I love you,” Yoongi tells him.
It’s a beautiful, comfortable moment that Yoongi ruins by sneezing into Namjoon’s face, who shouts and throws himself off the couch, falling onto the floor as Yoongi laughs.
Namjoon ends up getting sick and Yoongi ends up peacing out.
“I love you but I am unequipped to deal with sick people, sorry,” Yoongi shrugs, like it’s no big deal as he puts his high tops on, ready to go to the studio to work with Hoseok, “I called Seokjin to come take care of you.  I’ll let you know when I’m on my way home so you can tell me what you want for dinner.  Bye.”
“What happened to ‘in sickness and in health’?!” Namjoon shouts after him, the sound of the door closing being his answer, “What an asshole.”
Fifteen minutes later, the door to their apartment is jiggling open and Namjoon hears what can only be the rustling of the bags Seokjin had brought over.
“Can you believe how much of an asshole Yoongi is leaving me in my time of need?  I swear, he’s such an ingrate-”
“What a way to talk about your boyfriend who went to get your sick ass medicine,” Yoongi sniffs from the front door, struggling to kick his high tops off with no hands.
“I don’t know why you wear those, you’re always complaining about them,” Namjoon observes, comfortable on the couch as he watches Yoongi almost fall over.
Yoongi points a threatening finger at him, “Do you want me to leave you to rot?”
“Kind of, yeah.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, finally getting his shoes off and making his way to the kitchen, “I called your mom and she told me how to make that soup your grandma used to make you when you were younger.  Don’t blame me if it ends up tasting like shit.”
Namjoon smiles as he snuggles down into the couch, feeling utter contentment, despite the looming death, that’s only heightened when Yoongi comes in to briefly check on him and presses a kiss to his forehead.
“Sleep well Joon.”
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0samjha · 5 years
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pseudopsycho · 5 years
August Rain
Author: spiderlilies
Joining the kpop industry was meant to be Yoongi's path towards an easy, romance-free life where music would be the only occupant of his heart. That was the plan. That was the plan, until his feelings decided to sneak up behind him in the middle of the night and pull him into a chokehold. Struggling only made it worse. And when Yoongi woke up the next morning, he realized that his heart had been stolen by the one member with whom he could never seem to see eye to eye with.
It happened in March.
Why I like it: Behold! This is the mother of all Namgi Fics. I love fanfiction, I’ve always loved it since I’ve discovered some Nancy Drew ones when I was 12. There are so many great writers and amazing gems hidden in this usually-scoffed-at form of literature. It’s very underappreciated. But we always come across some fanfics in our lives that have to be revisited once every quarter at least. That we smile and cry and blubber along with. They resonate so deeply with us that they stop being just another fanfic and become that one story we would want to keep in our email drafts- favorited, starred and saved in bookmarks just so we don’t accidentally lose them. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE FOR ME. It’s canon compliant, a true BTS-verse piece of fiction that has very strong undertones of pride and LGBTQ culture and community. The way this author portrays the boys is what I have imagined their personalities to be like. (Not to say I’m right at all or anything, but it helps keep with the feel of the story) The language flows so flawlessly, using just the right combination of dialogue and descriptive. It’s most certainly one of the best SugaMon works I’ve had the  pleasure of reading. If you’re a fan of this ship, I strongly recommend you read this!
Posted on Ao3.
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btsfandicktion · 6 years
Hi! Do you know any fics with smut based on jealousy/arguments? The ship doesn't matter.
This has been sitting in our ask box for over a month I’m so sorry we took so long to get to this so I tried to get a variety of ships and made it extra long :) Pls enjoy!
Love Me Love Me by xingstar (Taekook, 1k, rated E)
If you want it, you can have it by dormant_bender (Taekook, 3k, rated E)
Any Thrill Will Do by coldcherrytae (Taekook, 5k, rated E)
Moonsea (There’s red varnish on the door, I don’t wear that) by Yanyiu (Jikook, 8k, rated M) 
yes, officer by jagermeisterdestiel (Jikook, 2k, rated E)
i feel the rush (and it’s amazing) by dormant_bender (Vmin, 3k, rated M)
heart burns and rug burns are all the rage by wxundedwings (imaginenarusasu) (2seok, 1k, rated E)
Ride of a lifetime by thatbangtanhoe (Vhope, 6k, rated E)
F E A R by luoyingu (Namgi, 2k, rated E)
marked up by joonism (Namjin, 3k, rated E)
The Result of Jealousy by idyllic_hummingbird (Yoonmin, 5k, rated E)
the way i fuck him (you’d think i love this –) by jonghyunslisterine (Yoonmin, 4k, rated E)
It’s been a hard day’s night by thetaememe (Yoonkook, 5k, rated E)
Kiss Me On the Lips by featherlightice (Yoonkook, 3k, rated E)
Sixth Position by LowKeyBangtanTrash (Hopekook, 3k, rated E)
we write sins (not tragedies) by tteokie (Yoonseok, 8k, rated E)
some kind of idiot by hobilu (Yoonseok, 4k, rated E)
~ Admin LE
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joonieflower · 6 years
Burns - Chapter 2
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(Chapter 1)
pairing :yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff
word count: 4.375
Namjoon made a mistake. Yoongi is struggling with his feelings - feelings he has for more than one person. You? You’re confused, caught in the middle of it all.
(this fic is a sequel to my Playboy!Namjoon fic, but can be read as a separate work!)
Yoongi looks at the computer screen, trying to make sense of the lyrics he’s writing. it isn’t working so far, inspiration isn’t coming easily him today. He’s almost relieved to have an excuse to take a break when the doorbell of his studio rings.
He stretches before opening the door, allowing a distressed looking you inside.
“What’s wrong?”
You look like you haven’t slept in days. “Nothing. I felt lonely, I miss Joon. can I stay here for a while?”
Yoongi nods, watching you as you make yourself comfortable on the black leather couch. “You don’t look so good.”
“Thanks,” you reply, voice dripping with sarcasm. “That’s so sweet of you, oppa.”
He gives you an unimpressed look. “Namjoon must have landed in Italy already. I’m sure he’s gonna call you later.”
You look a little uncomfortable. “I’m not sure about that. he left kinda pissed with me.” When yoongi signals for you to continue, you sigh. “He’s just…so possessive about me. I have a project with my ex and-”
You nod. “Yeah, and he got so jealous. he’s not usually like this, we trust each other. I don’t know why he’s acting like this.”
Yoongi mess with the chords in his desk for a second. “He’s just afraid to lose you. I don’t see how he would be pissed with you about it, though.” You shrug, looking a little hopeless. And he hates it. He hates seeing your cheerful face being so gloom, hates that Namjoon isn’t acting like himself and making you suffer because of it. He knows the only way to help you take your mind out of it. “Wanna help me with this song? I have the melody and the hook, but I’m not sure about the rest.”
You look up from your lap, giving him a grateful smile. “Yes, please.”
He motions for you to come closer, pulling up the melody he had on his computer and showing you the half-finished letter.
You share his seat with him, sitting off the edge of the chair. he can smell your shampoo like this, it’s floral, and smell exactly like he would have imagined.
This, you sitting with him in his studio, was familiar to him now. After working with you on your first solo song, he knew how you worked. Knew that you were best with lyrics, composing, not making the beat.
He knew that even though you were also a rapper in your group, you hated doing it with amazing vigor even though you were good at it too. But when you start singing in a low voice his lyrics, soft low voice mixing with the sound of the A.C and the soft tapping I in the keyboard as you wrote want you thought would sound good, he couldn’t understand how anyone could make you do anything besides sing.
He nudges you in the chorus. “Go higher, a little. A little more soulful. This is a song about wanting something that isn’t yours, so it isn’t really happy.”
He hits record when you start again. As you carry the last note, you smile. “It sounds nice. Are you gonna use this in your next next mixtape?”
After hearing you singing it he’s not so sure. “I was gonna, but maybe you should have it. Or we could collab again”
Before you can answer your phone is ringing, the annoying ringtone loud in the silence of the room. You slide, accepting the FaceTime request. “Hey, babe. How was your flight?”
Namjoon’s voice sounds a little rusty like he just woke up. “Long. where are you?”
You lean back, half laying on Yoongi so you can show him. “We’re keeping each other company.”
“Oh, “ namjoon looks a little surprised in the grainy video. “Hi hyung, are you taking care of her for me?”
“Of course, our baby needs constant attention, right?” he ruffles your hair, making you give a very indignant scoff while you twist in the seat so you can give his shoulder a light pouch.
“She really does. What are you two up to? “
You lean back, fitting yourself in Yoongi’s chest so you both can be on screen at the same time.” Recording stuff, the usual. He wants to give me another song.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “You sound like you don’t want it, maybe I should give it to jimin instead.”
“Oppa!” you whine, looking at him with a pout. “But I like it so much, give it to me, please. ”
Yoongi looks up to see Namjoons reaction. He looks…flustered. Huh, interesting. he doesn’t seem to be minding that you’re half on top of Yoongi, not even a little bit.
He coughs then, making you look at the phone again. “I should get going. Mom and Dad want to go to a restaurant for dinner. I’ll talk to you later, angel?”
A soft smile lifts the corners of your mouth. “Sure. Go eat some Italian food, text me before bed?”
“I will,” he assures you, dimples appearing. “Yoongi hyung, rest ok? I know you’ve been in there all day.”
“You’re not my boss,” he grumbles. “Go enjoy your trip.”
After the call is over, yoongi stays quiet for a second. You’re still laying on him, your body heat is comforting in the chill a.c room.   You look up from your phone, angling your head towards his neck. “Hey, you smell good. Are you wearing perfume?”
He almost chokes in his spit when your nose ghosts over his sensitive skin. “Yeah, the usual.”
“It’s nice.” you smile at him, making your eyes crinkle in the corners. ”Should we order something? I’m kinda hungry.”
And how could he say anything other than yes when you’re looking at him, seeming much more happy than you did when. you first got in there. He definitely couldn’t dampen your mood by telling you that he and Namjoon had been assholes and betrayed your trust like his conscience was telling him to do.
He knew, after all, that if he did that, that if he did tell you about their drunken mistake, you wouldn’t want to be next to him again, nor with namjoon. And he was selfish, he didn’t want to lose you or namjoon.
Swallowing the words about to spill out, he smiles. “Sure. Pizza sounds good?”
“Namjoon,” he says into the phone. “Tell her. She deserves to know, just… just tell her. She forgives you for everything, she’ll forgive you now too. Just…tell her.”
Namjoon heaves a sigh. “I know I have to tell her, I know. I’m just… I don’t know. we’ve been doing so well. I love the both of you too much to let one of you go.”
“Joon-ah, don’t. Don’t be selfish.” he flicks the cigarette to get rid of the ashes. “That was a mistake and you know it. We got nostalgic about our predebut days, that’s all. you didn’t fuck me because you love me, you did it because it felt good.”
the line is silent for a long second, making Yoongi look at the phone screen to see if namjoon had ended the call. When he finally does, his voice sounds tired. “We both know it wasn’t just that. I have to go, my parents want to go grab food before our flight. I’ll tell her when I get home, I promise.”
Yoongi hums, a dreading feeling pressing against his chest. “Have a safe flight.”
Somi is on her phone again, making you huff in exasperation. Mina laughs beside you. “She’s talking to her friends, they’re going out tonight, don’t scold her.”
You pile some more meat on her plate. “I wasn’t gonna scold her. it’s rude to be on your phone when you’re eating.”
The restaurant you and your bandmates are in is a small one, private enough so you and your staff can have the monthly bonding dinner in, a very important event that made things flow way more naturally between all of you. The intimate atmosphere filled with the familiar voices warms your soul, making all the stress fade for a bit.
“She can’t be mad at me, though. she’s on her phone constantly talking to her boyfriends.”
you frown. “I have a boyfriend. Singular. Just one. Are you lowkey calling me a hoe you brat?”
Somi rolls her eyes at you. Her dark recently cut short hair bobs when she shakes her head disapprovingly at you. “Namjoon and Yoongi. I saw Yoongi oppa spamming you with photos of that baby hippo earlier while Namjoon spammed you with Italians dogs.”
You bristle. “These hippos are work-related. It’s for…a song? Yeah, a song. Yoongi isn’t my boyfriend.”
Sohee scoffs. “You two spend so much time together, dare I say more than you do with your precious namjoon. Netizens think you two are crushing on each other since your song came out.”
“We don’t,” you say, baffled. “We just became close. He’s Joon oldest friend, it’s natural of me to be close to him.”
Mina rests a reassuring hand on top of yours. “Of course it is, unnie. Sohee is just bitter because she wishes she had a boyfriend.”
“Yah!” Sohee fake yells, throwing a lettuce leave at Mina’s general direction. “I’m not….”
you let their banter fade. Did you really look like you had a crush on Yoongi?
You knew you were sometimes too close to him, but that just came naturally to you. You got along so well since the beginning that treating him like an old friend came easily to you.
And every time namjoon saw you too being so close he got this sweet look on his face like he was so happy he was trying to find words. it made you happy too.
It was normal, you think, to be close to people you care about. It wasn’t like you just met him too. You and Namjoon had been officially together for a little over 7 months, and you and Yoongi had known each other for the same amount of time. And if you did sometimes spend more time with him is just because of Namjoon. has more responsibilities as a leader than yoogi.foes. He has meetings with the company, has to go over details and details to.make.sure his members are comfortable with all the American interviews they were having. And well… Yoongi didn’t. And even if he was composing or working on something he also let you inside his studio until namjoon came to get you after he was free.
You shake your head, shoving a large spoke of rice into your mouth. The girls were being stupid. Sometimes they got like this, picking at you like jealous siblings. It was as cute as it was annoying.
Sohee smirks when your face lights up at the sound of your phone ringing. “See? Whipped.”
“Shut it.” you hiss, getting up from the table so you could find someplace quieter to speak.
You finally settle for a bench at the front of the restaurant. Finally sliding your finger to answer the phone, you can’t help the warm feeling spreading through your chest at the voice that greets you. “Angel, are you busy?”
You shake your head no, even though you knew he couldn’t see it. “No, we’re just having dinner. How was your flight?”
Namjoon voice sounds muffled like he’s trying to talk to you by holding his phone between his ear and his shoulder without using his hands. The last attempt at doing so had resulted in a cracked screen.
“Long, uneventful. The food was kinda nice, though. Do you think you could come here later? or maybe I could go to yours if you’re tired.”
You scoff at him. “You’re also tired, babe. I’ll go meet you, I think we’ll be finished in an hour? I’ll go straight there then.”
“All right then,” he says, his deep voice sounds soft. “Love you.”
Even after a while of hearing it, your heart still beats harder with his words. “Love you too.”
When you finally manage to arrive at the dorm, inputting the code and opening the door you’re greeted by an empty living room. Which was…odd. Usually, Jimin would be in there, or even Jungkook, computer hooked into the plasma tv so he could play his games with Taehyung.  
As you walk down the hallway, all door are closed, lights out, except for Yoongi’s and Namjoons. Your eyebrows furrow at this. This was weird. The boys should all be here.
“You’re here.”
You jump, startled, hand coming over your heart to try and calm down. “Fuck, Joon, don’t sneak up on me like that!”
He tries very hard to hide the fact that he’s laughing at you, but his dimples give him away “You know I could never sneak on anyone,you’re the one who wasn’t paying attention.”
you huff, finally closing the distance between you two, arms circling around his neck. “Hi,” you whisper, getting on your tiptoes so you can reach him a little better.
He’s fully smiling now.”Hello.” he greets you back. “I missed you a lot. Next time I’ll drag you to go with me.”
You card your fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. “Missed you too.”
Your lips meet, his plump lips feel soft against yours. You suck his bottom lip into your mouth and he groans, starting to lead you to his room.
His hungry hands grab the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. You push him backward, making fall in a sitting position against his ridiculously big bed. “Where are the boys?”
“Dunno. don’t care. Yoongi hyung is in his room, but he’s got headphones on.” he answers, lips trailing along your collarbones sending a shiver down your spine.
You gasp as he sucks at the sensitive skin on your neck, his hands trailing down to undo the buttons on your pants. “Joon.” you sigh when he finally has his hands where you needed it the most. “No teasing today please, I’ve missed you. Need you now.”
he steps away for a second, hands coming to his own shirt and pulling it over his head, revealing his beautiful tanned skin. He hovers over you and you can see every little mole on his shoulders, you can count every eyelash. you can feel his breathing ghosting over your face. “As you wish.princess.”  Your hands go to his sweatpants, pulling it down, You can feel the heat of his desire for you.
You can feel yourself becoming already completely wet, but you did spend almost two weeks away from it so it this need for him to be inside you already was justified. His finger slide inside of you this time, and you moan.
Namjoon chuckles. “You’re so needy, angel. Didn’t you touched yourself while I was away?”
You shake your head. “It isn’t the same. It’s too little, It wasn’t enough.” he crooks his fingers, the pressure at the exact right spot. “Oppa, come on….”
He’s away from you for a millisecond but it’s enough to make you whine at the loss of him. He shuffles at his drawers before finding the black tie. You crook one eyebrow at him. He usually only tied you up if he wanted to be rougher, and that was only when he was stressed.
“Can I?” you nod. “Use your words, baby girl. You want me to tie you up?”
You blush a little at how the term of endearment makes you clench around nothing. God, Namjoon being a dom WAS going to be the death of you. “Yes, please.”
He’s fully hard inside his black boxer briefs now. “Wrists together.” Even demanding his voice still his careful, loving.
You oblige, the friction of the fabric isn’t uncomfortable against your skin. “Is it too tight?”
You try moving a bit. You still have a little movement, so you nod. “It’s good.”
“What are your colors?” you sigh, wanting him to just get on with it already. He kisses your shoulder, arms encircling your waist as he presses himself against your back. “Come on, baby, you know it’s important that I hear you say it.”
You have a hard time thinking about anything but his hard length pressing against your ass. “Green is good, yellow is slow down and red means stop. Now please, just fuck me already.”
His fingers trade through your hair before he tugs it down, forcing your head back so he can see your face. “Good girl.” He sits back, back against the headboard of his bed, legs slightly spread apart. “Come here, sit on my lap.”
You walk on in your knees to him, the soft bed sinking beneath you. His hands come. to your hips, helping you as you sit in his lap, his hard member pressing against your sex. You whine, moving your hips so you can have so.e friction. He hands roam your body, sliding over your breasts, his fingers flicking your nipples.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, looking you over in what can be described as awe. His hand slides down your belly, reaching for your pussy again. “You’re mine?”
His thumb circles your clit, making you buckle your hips forward. “Yours, Joon. Please, oppa” you whine, curving forward so you can kiss his neck. “please fuck me, I’ve been thinking about this since you left. I missed you so much.”
He rolls his hips into yours, sliding you over his clothes member. You gasp into his neck, feeling his skin hot against your lips. His hands tug at the knot in your hands, pulling you back, exposing your breasts to him again.
He wasted no time in sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, hips never stopping their rolling. You writhe in his lap, the teasing being too much. You can feel him smirking against your skin.
Another tug and your l half lying in the bed on your back, your hips still connected to his. Namjoon leans over you again, mouth sliding against the skin of your stomach, light kisses being spread against your waist, your hip bones. “Ride me, then.”
He helps you in a sitting position again. You lift your lips enough so he can slide his underwear off, his cock fully hard, dark skin glistening with precum. You need him so bad, you think if he doesn’t fuck you already you’re actually going to cry.
He holds the base of his cock, helping the act of sliding it inside of you easier.
You lower yourself, moaning at every inch, the pressure almost enough to make your mind go blank.
You move your hips, Sliding his length in and out of you. He throws his head back when you start picking up your rhythm, moaning at how his thick cock fills you up. One of his hands tangles itself in your hair, pushing you so he can kiss you, the other holding the tie between your hands.
This makes his pelvis press again your clit, making you moan hard at the newly added pleasure. He starts to fuck into you from beneath, tongue Tangled in yours, his hand pulling your hair so slightly. The soft pain sends almost sends you over the edge, making you moan loudly, not caring that technically you both were not alone.
“Oppa,” you mage to say into his kiss, his hand on your scalp pulling your head back so he could suck hard at your neck. “I’m close, let me come, please, please.”
He slows down, his trusts becoming deeper. You clench around him, face contorting in pleasure. “Why should I?”
You look at him, knowing full well how good you looked on top of him. “I’m so pretty, oppa, don’t you wanna see me cum? I want you to fuck me hard so I can cum on your cock.”
He takes a deep breath. “Face down and ass up, baby girl.” You lift yourself, leaning forward when he moves from under you. the sheets pressing against your cheeks as you spread your legs, so he can see your wet pussy, smells like him. He slaps your sex lightly, making you moan when he flicks your clit. “What color?”
“Green. “ you say, breathless from his hands still in you, “please please let me cum.”
He enters you again, cock going even deeper, making your mouth hang open when he starts thrusting hard and fast, hand coming down to slap your ass check while the other held your hands together at your back. “You like me being rough, don’t you baby? Like me fuckin’ you so hard you can’t even breath?”
You moan in response, mouth slack as your loud moans echo through the room. “Wanna cum, please oppa, please, make me cum and them cum in my mouth, wanna taste you missed you so much, please, plea-”
He leans over you, catching your lips with his, one hand tugging at your hair so he can have easy access to your mouth, the other circling your clit mercilessly as he continues to snap his hips hard against yours. You clench desperately around him, high pitched moans showing him how far gone you were.
“Cum for me, angel.” he finally allows.
And fuck, you do. You cum hard, stray tears spilling from your mouth with the force of it, Namjoon fucks you over the aftershocks before pulling out. You wine with the loss of him.
You put yourself in a sitting position, opening your mouth wide. The head of his cock rested against your tongue as he jerks himself off, eyes glued to your face. He grunts, face contorting in pleasure as he comes into your mouth.  You swallow before licking his cock so he was clean of any stray drop. As you do so Namjoon lets out a broken moan. You smile, falling back in the bed.
He reaches behind you, undoing the tied tie, freeing your hands. He kisses each wrist, massaging them after.
He lies down next to you, pulling you close to him, lips finding yours again in a sweet kiss. “Love you.”
You give him another kiss. “Love you more.”
You close your eyes, feeling content. Namjoon gets up, coming back a few minutes later with a cloth so he could clean you up, pulling his shirt over your head when you shiver.
He watches you for a long while before he speaks again. “You know I love you a lot, right?”
You open your eyes, smiling at him, reaching for his hand. “Yep, you say it all the time.”
“I’m sorry about the way I’ve been treating you lately. I’ve been distant and cold. “
You detect the grave tone of his voice and finally sits up, giving him your full attention. “Yeah, you have been. Was that because you were stressed?”
He runs his hand through his dark hair, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, also because I didn’t want you to break up with me. I was scared of it, that’s why I was closed off.”
You frown. “I’m not going to break up with you. Why are you saying that?”
He takes a very deep breath and a sense of dread starts filling you. “When we were in America for the AMA’s… Yoongi and I got drunk after. We slept together “
You can feel yourself growing cold all over. “That’s not funny, Joon.”
“I’m really sorry. Neither of us meant for it to happen, and I never wanted to hurt you.  Please, Y/N, I’m so fucking sorry, you have no idea. I love you so much, I never meant to hurt you.”
You swallow the limo in your throat, getting up and looking for your pants.
“Is that why you kept giving me shit about Sehun? You thought I would do the same thing you did with me?”
You zip up your jeans. He holds your hand, eyes big as he looks at you. “Yes! I’m sorry, please stay, let’s talk. I don’t want to break up, I love you so much. Please, angel. Give me another chance.
Your eyes soften at how desperate he looks. You push your hand away from him.slowly. “We’re not… I just… did it mean something? Are in love with him?”
“He’s my best friend, so of course I love him. When we were trainees, we used to date.”  He gets up, hands coming to your cheeks, his touch soft, unsure.  
“When you asked me to date you, Joon, back when they locked us in here so we would take things out, you promised me. You promised me you would never lie to me.”
“I did. I’m so sorry, I don’t have any words to say how sorry I am, but it never was my intention to hurt you, we didn’t plan it, believe me. He feels as bad about it as I do.”
You take a deep breath. “And I promised we would always talk things out. We’re not breaking up, I just- I need some time to think. I’m feeling hurt right now, I need some time so I can think before I act.” You go to the door, leaving him standing alone.” I’ll call you when I’m ready.”
You leave him behind you, hurt spreading through your chest. You feel like crying, but you hold it in.
Yoongi is standing in the kitchen, coffee mug in hand. “Y/N…” he begins, voice unsure.
You hold your hand you, tears finally slipping. “Not now, oppa. I’m not mad at you, I need some time. Take care of Namjoon, okay?”
He nods and you all bit runs to the door, slipping your shoes on.
When you’re finally in your car, you let yourself cry as you rest your head in the steering wheel.
after what seems like an eternity, you pull yourself together enough to drive to your apartment.
You lie in your bed, curled in a ball, trying to hold yourself together as you ignore the various texts namjoon sent you. You fall asleep like this, alone, still in his t-shirt.
This, you think before giving in to unconsciousness, is exactly why you were avoiding so much a relationship with him all these months back. To avoid having your heart broken.
a/n Mayhaps tell me to write more if you enjoyed or tll me to completely give it up if you hated it :3c
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minholly-genius · 6 years
Warning: much pining, readers without stable heart condition please proceed with caution.
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taejinkive · 6 years
Taste Of Your Love (chapter ml)[ongoing]
been meaning to do this for the longest time. There might an update with the link to the translations soon. 
Taejin/Jikook Soulmate AU
[based on social media and texts]
AU where, when people turn 18, they get to slightly taste the food which their soulmate is having.
Stuck in the fate-tied world, Kim Taehyung, world famous music artist, strongly distastes the concept. Why would nature decide who he is to love and date?
Kim Seokjin, however, is always waiting for the warmth of his soulmate, that was made just for him. He desperately wants to find the person nature has gifted him.
But, no road is formed without bumps and we seldom find it easy to get what we yearn for the most. The undeniable bond between the two of them teach them how to give up, own up, forgive and find the happiness that’s created just for them.
In which Jimin and Jungkook are tired of all the angst like?? please get together and live in peace and let us live in peace to thank you very much.
two part 1
two part  2
three part 1
three part 2
five part 1
five part 2
eighteen part 1
eighteen part 2
special chapter: italics
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five part 1
twenty five part 2
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one part one
thirty two part two
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
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compelledbyastar · 7 years
if you read gay fanfiction and you say you’re straight, you’re lying.
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mikamangata · 7 years
Explanation Of The Codenames (BTS Mutant AU)
So first of all, thank you so much @inthenowandforever for asking about the codenames, you’re awesome and super nice! I really wanted somebody to ask about them haha
I’ll also explain the IBMC a little more since that and the codenames kind of go with one another. I say this every time but just to make sure, if you haven’t read my other Mutant AU posts (especially “If BTS Were Mutants Hyung Line/Maknae Line”) then you’ll be confused so read that first! Anyways, enjoy! And thanks again for all the positive messages and the huge support, you’re making me really happy and my day brightens whenever I read a nice message/comment you guys wrote me!
So let’s start with the first few questions: What are these codenames? How did they get them? Who did they get them from?
They didn’t give these codenames to themselves and they don’t call each other that. Every mutant that’s classified as dangerous and on the run will get a codename by the IBMC.
The IBMC, short for International Bureau of Mutant Control, is an organisation to prevent mutants from hurting humans (or at least that’s what they tell the public). In reality, they are trying to systematically rid the earth of all mutants so that the IBMC’s power and influence are not in danger anymore.
The ranks inside the organisation are just like with normal companies, except for the boss, he’s called “The Pope” and the measly footmen are so-called “Soldiers”. The Pope only talks to his most trusted subordinates, a court consisting of ten members (most of which are high political figures, military strategists and such), situated in the Vatican.
It was founded in the 70ties by religious fundamentalists who believed that mutants were abominations sent by god to test the human race. Over time it was corroded by corruption and decayed into the awful and cruel organisation that our boys are fighting now. The Pope only talks in Latin and if you want to be part of the IBMC then it’s required to learn the language.
So let’s start with the codenames. Each codename is related to the mutant’s power and all of them are give by The Pope personally, which is why they’re all in Latin. The IBMC thought it would be good to give mutants these codenames because it makes them less human. For example, there’s a huge difference if you say: “We will kill Min Yoongi the person”, and “We will kill Ignis the mutant” That way it makes it easier for the soldiers to hurt or kill mutants. Now let’s start with the meaning.
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Kim Seokjin (“Arui”): Seokjin’s power makes plants grow and flourish, which is why they called him “Arui”. It stems from the Latin verb “arere” and means something along the lines of “parch”, “decay” and “wither”. It can also be roughly translated to a word similar to “rotten” that you can only use in connection to plants. For example: “Flos est in aridam” - “The flower is dry”, “Aridam” being the adjective to the verb form “arere”.
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Min Yoongi (“Ignis”): His power, pyrokinesis, was fairly easy to name for The Pope. “Ignis” literally just means “fire”. Interestingly, that hadn’t always been Yoongi’s codename. It used to be “Nero”, after the lunatic leader of the ancient Roman Empire. Nero burned down half of Rome in order to blame the Christians and have a reason to kill them and he also let his mother be assassinated. At one point this got a little too much for the people (duh) and so he was forced into suicide. Even though The Pope believed that this name was quite fitting, he changed it to “Ignis” because he thought it would give Yoongi a sense of empowerment if he was named after Nero (which of course wasn’t the case; Yoongi is not a brutal, cruel emperor that tried and almost succeeded in committing genocide).
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Jung Hoseok (“Nimbus”): This Word means a lot, like a whole lot. Everything related to storms, like rain clouds, normal clouds, strong winds, clouds of smoke, can be called “Nimbus”. But it means something else too. Nimbus can also be translated to “A sudden disaster/misfortune”. The Pope thought it fit perfectly because of how fast Hoseok can create storms and change the weather in general.
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Kim Namjoon (“Deliritas”): This literally translates to “Lunacy”. The Pope called him that because of Namjoon’s ability to let people hear, see and feel things that aren’t actually there, his ability to drive humans insane. His name used be different too, because at first they didn’t know that he was a telepath and could do all these things. So his codename used to be “Specularis” which means “Like a mirror” and stems from the word “Speculus” meaning “mirror”, “reflection” or “mirror image”.
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Park Jimin (“Varietas”): Jimin was a tough one to name since his power has so many different aspects. The Pope had to think long for that, but in the end he came up with “Varietas”. This means “variety”, “alternation”, “diversity” and “change” but it can also be translated to “alternating luck” (“varietas fortunae”) or “variegation”. Perfectly fitting for somebody who can change his body into literally any substance/matter.
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Kim Taehyung (“Bestia”): The Pope didn’t have to think long for that one. Taehyung can turn himself into any animal that exists, so he was called “Bestia”. This means “predator”, “wild animal”, “animal” or well...”beast” (but I guess that was kind of obvious)
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Jeon Jungkook (“Haruspex”): This is a very cruel and degrading name. It means a certain kind of divination that has to do with extispicy and is called “Haruspicy”. It literally translates to “The one who told the future by digging through sacrificial animals’ intestines”. Jungkook was called that because of his reoccurring visions and dreams of the future. I know, The Pope is a sick person.
Thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you have other questions/requests, my ask box is open and ready. Thanks again for all the support I’m getting and have a great day!
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givemaycoffee · 6 years
Yoonji made her way away from the tall girl she had just met, knife in one gloved hand and a drink in the other. No one ever noticed the knife, in the darkness and the flashing lights of the club. She would include the drink in the bill, as a work expense.
It wasn’t hard to lure the target into the center of the packed dance floor. She had worn her hair up and a black dress with a slit for the occasion, and it didn’t matter anyway, really, because drunk men tend to be down for anyone, if you kiss them first and talk after. The promise of a quick fuck hidden in plain sight (like in the middle of a dark, sweaty dance floor) is powerful motivator.
She waited till she felt him pulling his pants down to turn around and caress his neck with her knife, making a nice long slit but jumping immediately out of the way to avoid the spatter. He slumped to the ground, blood gurgling out of his mouth.
She had been afraid, the first time she used a method like this. It seemed like an easy way to get caught. No one ever noticed, though. She feigned surprise and disgust, as if this man falling to the floor had simply gotten too drunk and passed out, and the people around them barely spared a second glance for the body laying there. The slippery floor around him would be attributed to puke.
She made her way back to the bar where she had left the tall girl from earlier. The girl was pretty and she would make a good alibi, in case anyone managed to connect anything back to Yoonji herself (they wouldn’t, but Yoonji didn’t mind an excuse).
The girl wasn’t there. Yoonji ordered herself a shot of tequila instead, to celebrate a job well done, and was about to throw it back when someone squeezed their way up to the bar and accidentally bumped her arm in the process, spilling the damn thing all over Yoonji.
“What the fuck,” Yoonji turned to glare at the person and was surprised to see it was the girl.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” she squeaked. Her hands sorta flapped around uselessly for a second, looking for someway to help, and went behind her back when she realized there was nothing to be done. Yoonji had grabbed napkins and was wiping it off herself. “I uh, I can buy you a new one.”
“Okay.” Yoonji was admittedly a little annoyed, as happy as she was that the girl had reappeared.
“My name is Namjoo by the way! I think I forgot to mention that earlier,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. It was long and white, the opposite of Yoonji’s short black bob. Namjoo ordered two shots for them.
“I’m Jimin,” Yoonji lied smoothly, accepting her shot. They actually came with lime slices, which was a pleasant surprise.
They both took their shoots and it wasn���t till Yoonji was pushing the glasses back toward the bartender that Namjoo leaned in conspiratorially.  
“You’re not only cute, but a killer too? Neat.”
Yoonji blinked.
Not two hours later, Yoonji found herself writhing and crying out, unsure she could take another second. But Namjoo’s hands were pinning her down and she wouldn’t stop, pushing Yoonji to the edge.
Yoonji’s back arched, straining against Namjoo’s hold as she was hit by her second orgasm of the night. 
A/N: From the @the-moon-dust-writings writing prompt :  “You’re not only cute, but a killer too? Neat.”
Also hai. This is the first thing I’ve written in over a year, but I’ve really been feeling Kim Yoonji recently, so. Here we are. It’s short but it was fun to write :) 
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dancingskys · 6 years
High School Sweethearts
Pairing: NamGi
Tags: High School AU, Soft, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Love throughout four seasons
Summary: Throughout four seasons Namjoon and Yoongi slowly realize that there might be more to their friendship than just platonic feelings. I mean... is it normal to think about your friend's soft lips all the time and wish nothing more than to kiss them?
Status: complete
Word count: 7,212
AO3 Link
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