BTS Enthusiast & Yoongi-centric Writer
5K posts
Sky, she/her | No translations/reposts allowed Moved to Twitter ( CuriousCat ) AO3 | Updates | Voltron Sideblog
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dancingskys · 2 years ago
Switching Wands [Year 6]
Pairing: YoonJin
Tags: Hogwarts AU, soft Yoongi, soft Seokjin, them being boyfriends
Summary: Yoongi is engrossed into his book, Seokjin tries to get his attention, there is some interesting talk about cleavage and Seokjin lights up everyone's life.
Status: complete [Part 9 of Hogwarts AU]
Word count: 2,681
AO3 Link
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dancingskys · 2 years ago
I just read three story’s of yours and I am in love, your writing Stil, your smut, your plot everything was so fvcking good uff please never stop writing 😩💜
so... this came in 1 1/2 years ago and I'm so sorry I missed it!
I just wanted to say thank you and I have you enjoy my stories that I have lined up. It's been a long while but maybe you'll see them 🧡
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dancingskys · 2 years ago
New stories
I haven't posted anything here is so long. How's everyone doing? 🧡
If anyone is still getting this: there are some new stories in the works!
I've set myself the 30th of July as a deadline to post the first one and I'm fighting the battle against all of my author demons and bad habits to present you with fresh content.
For now there will be new stories in the Hogwarts AU but hopefully also other stories. Stay tuned~
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dancingskys · 4 years ago
If u take commisions taegikook where taekook are like mafia boss’ or smth like that and Yoongi is their lil shy bf 🥺btw with maknae Yoongi.
Sorry, not taking any commissions and I haven’t written BTS fics for well over a year now :)
(don’t know when this came in)
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dancingskys · 4 years ago
answered a CC that came in almost a month ago, I hope the person sees it <3
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
I uploaded a new Klance story if anyone is interested!
The Moon Shines Brighter At The North Pole
Pairing: Klance
Tags: ATLA AU, Firbender!Keith, Avatar!Keith, Waterbender!Lance, Strangers to Lovers, Fire Nation attack (additional tags will be added later to the story so please read those as well)
Summary:  As the Avatar Keith has the responsibility to protect the world. In past lives, this meant helping people with their problems. For him, it means learning all elements as quickly as possible to stop the Fire Nation from taking over the world. There aren’t many places left where people can live in peace but he is determined to do anything to protect the Northern Water Tribe from meeting the same fate as the captured cities.
Learning waterbending proves to be the most difficult of the four elements and Keith struggles to achieve even the smallest improvements. He would have continued to struggle if it weren’t for a white-haired boy called Lance who declared himself his unofficial teacher and helped him figure things out.
The longer they stay at the north pole and the more time he spends with Lance, the more Keith realizes that he feels drawn to him in a way he has never experienced before. But the attack of the Fire Nation looms above them and he isn’t sure he’ll be able to protect the city even as the Avatar.
Word Count: 38k once completed
Status: Ongoing atm
AO3 Link
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
Hi, I think I'm in love with you and your stories. Have a nice day.
I hope this hasn’t been sitting in my inbox for too long but thank you! I’m glad you like them, that makes me very happy ^^
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
Hello, I'm mmeimeir on AO3 and also Meruillie on Wattpad. I found one of your stories three days ago and until now I have finished reading all of them. I like them so much and I wanna ask you that can I translate some of your stories into Vietnamese and post them on Wattpad? I will credit my translations well. Thank you!
I don’t know how long this has been sitting in my inbox, sorry if the reply is late.
I don’t allow any translations of my stories, regardless of credit. I want them to stay where I can monitor them and under my name on the site of my choosing. 
On top of that, some of them deal with heavy topics and since I can’t read the translated versions, I can’t check if I’m okay with the wording.
But regardless of the reasons mention, I don’t allow translations (or reposts). Sorry.
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
hello! i wanted to know if i could write a follow-up piece (sort of) to ur DemiGod bts fic. i just read it recently and i absolutely loved it! especially because i was one of those kids who were really into Greek mythology. so could i? ill credit u as "work inspired by..." on ao3. thank u and stay safe.
Sure! Go wild 😊
There is always demand for more demigod fics, I'm sure people would love to read it
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
I’m Ace
Coming back after what... 4 months of radio silence (?) to drop this here. I have been debating whether to post this or not for a long ass time and I have like 6 or 7 drafts about this topic, the first one dating back almost a year by now. I decided to post it because... because I want to, honestly. I’m still scared of being “a fake” which is stupid but you go brain!
Anyway - Hi, I’m Sky and I’m Ace. Yes, I also write porn 😎
If you’re a fellow ace or you have any questions/thoughts to share, please do so (there are no stupid questions) - but this site is fucking dead so... I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m announcing this in front of an empty theater. 
Just wanted to share this here as well because a bunch of people know me for my Smut Shuts, the BDSM series or the Dragon AU - which are all very sexual. If you’re curious about that just hit me up. I also have a CuriousCat if you’re more comfy with that.
If you want to hear from me more often go follow my Twitter.
Alright, that’s it, love ya!
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
Escaping Reality
Pairing: NamGi
Tags: heed the warnings in the story tags and notes!, Dissociative Identity Disorder, lots of confusion, fluff and angst, mild dubious consent
Summary: “No, you were doing something with me. I was there.”
“Are you in your body?” Namjoon asked before clarifying. “Is this your body?”
He frowned again and looked down at himself. He eyed his hands and legs before smoothing his hand up and down his arm. His toes wiggled a little and he crooked his head to one side. This body was responding to what he wanted it to do and yet something still felt… off. He was mostly confused. “I’m… not sure?”
Where Yoongi has Dissociative Identity Disorder and a new alter appears at a very unfortunate time.
Status: complete 
Word count: 8241
AO3 Link
- I don’t know what to think of this story and it’s pretty different for me so please let me know what you think -
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
I have a very different kind of NamGi story that I could upload... I’d just need to add some trigger warnings and stuff...
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
You Make Me Feel Like We’re J0806
It’s a Peter Parker x Harley Keener fic so probably not something maybe of my followers here would read? I still wanted to make this post here just for the sake of it. 
You can check it out here is you want to.
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
Wow, I haven’t been here in a while...
New story update: I’m working on a Peter Parker x Harley Keener ff so if anyone is interested in that please look forward to it!
I haven’t really worked on any BTS stuff, sorry. Maybe at some point. Maybe I have some draft lying around that I can polish up a little.
Other than that: I hope everyone is doing okay and is taking care of themselves. If you’re bored while isolating and staying at home feel free to drop by with questions or messages or another round of ‘Would you ever write’. I also have a Twitter and a CuriousCat.
I was in Thailand for three weeks before this mess took over so I can make a post about that with my experience, tips and all that jazz. We were a group of four girls and got around a lot. I did the flights by myself so if anyone wants to know how that went, I can tell you all about it.
I wanted to get tickets for the Berlin concert with a friend of mine but I think the entire tour might get postponed so... we’ll see. 
I’ll continue working on my current ff, even when I’m not exactly in the Marvel fandom here. But branching out is fun and I like writing about whatever inspires me. 
Please, everyone, make sure to do whatever you can to protect yourself and those around you ❤︎
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
The Essay About Mushrooms
Pairing: YoonJin (only mentioned here), friends!YoonKook
Tags: Hogwarts AU, Jungkook has trouble focusing, Yoongi is too soft for his own good
Summary: The one time where Yoongi spent three hours dictating an essay to Jungkook in sign language on a cold Thursday afternoon.
Status: complete [Part 8 of Hogwarts AU]
Word count: 3,463
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
Moving to Twitter
I’m thinking about just moving to Twitter completely...
I guess I’ll post the story summaries here as well because it’s the best way to organize them but I’m barely on here anymore. I’m always on Twitter.
You can follow me if you want over at @DancingSkys
I don’t think I’ll post much on here anymore. Maybe just occasionally but not story updates. Those will probably be on Twitter from now on. I still get all the notifications from Tumblr so if you message me in any way I’ll be notified, no worries :)
Maybe I’ll finally get into making threads as well...
But yeah, just wanted to tell you people. I’m not gone or anything but... yeah. This blog won’t be very active, even less than until now I guess.
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dancingskys · 5 years ago
Cats Are Especially Cuddly On A Rainy Afternoon
Pairing: YoonJin (+ starstruck Jungkook)
Tags: Supernatural elements, everyone has a small quirk, CatShifter!Yoongi, Seokjin owns a café, married!YoonJin, college student Jungkook, told from Jungkook’s POV, cute and soft
Summary:  After sleeping through his stop on the subway and then getting caught in a downpour a small coffee shop was Jungkook's only escape. He wasn't sure why but he immediately felt welcome in this new space. The handsome barista who let him chose his drink in peace was incredibly kind and once Jungkook met his adorable black cat he just couldn't resist returning regularly. Delicious pastries, hot chocolate with whipped cream and petting a cute cat would make everyone's day better and he loved to talk with Seokjin. Especially whenever he talked about his husband who must be an amazing person as well. Jungkook wondered if he would ever get to meet this mysterious man.
Status: complete
Word count: 16,864
AO3 Link 
Moodboard | Spotify Playlist
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