#btsmee story
givemaycoffee · 6 years
Yoonji made her way away from the tall girl she had just met, knife in one gloved hand and a drink in the other. No one ever noticed the knife, in the darkness and the flashing lights of the club. She would include the drink in the bill, as a work expense.
It wasn’t hard to lure the target into the center of the packed dance floor. She had worn her hair up and a black dress with a slit for the occasion, and it didn’t matter anyway, really, because drunk men tend to be down for anyone, if you kiss them first and talk after. The promise of a quick fuck hidden in plain sight (like in the middle of a dark, sweaty dance floor) is powerful motivator.
She waited till she felt him pulling his pants down to turn around and caress his neck with her knife, making a nice long slit but jumping immediately out of the way to avoid the spatter. He slumped to the ground, blood gurgling out of his mouth.
She had been afraid, the first time she used a method like this. It seemed like an easy way to get caught. No one ever noticed, though. She feigned surprise and disgust, as if this man falling to the floor had simply gotten too drunk and passed out, and the people around them barely spared a second glance for the body laying there. The slippery floor around him would be attributed to puke.
She made her way back to the bar where she had left the tall girl from earlier. The girl was pretty and she would make a good alibi, in case anyone managed to connect anything back to Yoonji herself (they wouldn’t, but Yoonji didn’t mind an excuse).
The girl wasn’t there. Yoonji ordered herself a shot of tequila instead, to celebrate a job well done, and was about to throw it back when someone squeezed their way up to the bar and accidentally bumped her arm in the process, spilling the damn thing all over Yoonji.
“What the fuck,” Yoonji turned to glare at the person and was surprised to see it was the girl.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” she squeaked. Her hands sorta flapped around uselessly for a second, looking for someway to help, and went behind her back when she realized there was nothing to be done. Yoonji had grabbed napkins and was wiping it off herself. “I uh, I can buy you a new one.”
“Okay.” Yoonji was admittedly a little annoyed, as happy as she was that the girl had reappeared.
“My name is Namjoo by the way! I think I forgot to mention that earlier,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. It was long and white, the opposite of Yoonji’s short black bob. Namjoo ordered two shots for them.
“I’m Jimin,” Yoonji lied smoothly, accepting her shot. They actually came with lime slices, which was a pleasant surprise.
They both took their shoots and it wasn’t till Yoonji was pushing the glasses back toward the bartender that Namjoo leaned in conspiratorially.  
“You’re not only cute, but a killer too? Neat.”
Yoonji blinked.
Not two hours later, Yoonji found herself writhing and crying out, unsure she could take another second. But Namjoo’s hands were pinning her down and she wouldn’t stop, pushing Yoonji to the edge.
Yoonji’s back arched, straining against Namjoo’s hold as she was hit by her second orgasm of the night. 
A/N: From the @the-moon-dust-writings writing prompt :  “You’re not only cute, but a killer too? Neat.”
Also hai. This is the first thing I’ve written in over a year, but I’ve really been feeling Kim Yoonji recently, so. Here we are. It’s short but it was fun to write :) 
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resi-lient-e · 7 years
I was tagged by @btsmee (basically a wonderful person)
the objective is to answer 20 questions then tag 20 friends who you want to get to know better 
name: ok, brace yourselves: My name is Eulalia (never met someone with the same name, im a loner lol)  
nickname(s): Lalia(my friends in general) Lali(my family since I was born calls me like that, so its like THE NICKNAME, some friends use this sometimes, I still think its a little strange hearing from someone outside my family), Lalinha(one of my best friends is the only one to use this one, and I like it very much)
zodiac sign: capricorn
 height: OH THIS IS A TOUGH ONE, LIKE 1,59m (according to wiki 5’2.5’’) but I really think im taller than that??? So I stick with 1,60m (5’3)
orientation: bissexual, but hating almost everyone soo dontlikepeoplessexual (kidding)
nationality: im from Brazil, my father is from europe(Spain) and my mother is brazilian 
favorite fruit: im the most unhealthy person so, I dont like fruits? Ok maybe, orange, lime and strawberry, I like juices 
favorite season: I love summer!! The sun, the fact that I dont have to wear all my clothes to feel warm… I have never seen snow, so maybe someday I can like winter, but right now I rlly dont appreciate. I like spring, because of course, the flowers and the nature in general, but when its cold i just want to run and hide in my bed. 
favorite book: I really love reading, but with my studies I dont have much time, all I read this days is about veterinary! But I have some that has a special place in my heart > Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (@btsmee yes yes yes yes beautiful book!)  >Wuthering Heights by Emily Brönte
> Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
>In the shadow of the banyan by Vaddey Ratner 
favorite flower: Tulips, Azalea
favorite scent: Mostly I like sweet scents or floral; I dont like woody scents, or at least I still didnt smell a good one yet 
favorite color: pastel colors in general, specially blue and pink
favorite animal: seriously this is a very hard question. I like all, but right now dogs are my favorites( I have 7 dogs and just 1 cat, so the dogs are winning) 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hmm I like all of them? Like, 10/10 would drink the 3 at the same time (maybe not, but u got the feeling)
average hours of sleep: trying real hard to catch the lovely 7 hours of sleep 
cat or dog:  STOP THE TORTURE I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! OK if I have to choose it will be dogs bUT I LOVE MY CAT CALLED CAT(yes thasts her name,- Gata-which is the feminine of Cat in portuguese) I hope she doesnt read this, shell kill me in my sleep 
favorite fictional character: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Ok, first of all, after contemplating for a while I see that I like more fictional characters than real people and thats kind of disturbing?
Naruto, Madara and Sasuke - Naruto
Mr Darcy - Pride and prejudice ( I really love liz, but Im crazy about��the development from Darcy)
Sakura and Lee - Sakura Card Captors (this is my childhood)
Ikki and Shiryu - CDZ
And thats it folks, stopping right here because I can go all night long 
number of blankets you sleep with: Right now im sleeping with 2, but depends, I can easily put 3 or 4 ( I really dont like cold) 
dream trip: ok story time. Once up on a time, I saw that theres a place in South Korea that has fields with my name (Eulalia), and even a festival with the same name. I searched and it is in the Jeju island. If someone knows if this is tru or not, tell me, because my little heart really wants to go there- if rlly exists- so yes, this is my dream trip. 
blog created: booooooooooy, im here since 2012 so its been a while!! 
number of followers: I have the most lovely 402 followers, even if a big part is formed by porn tumblrs - but hey, one of them liked a post of mine, so ok, im not complaining, thanks porn tumblrs! 
i’ll tag @wearejiminproof, @juu-kyuu, @geekiemee and @great-nardo, that are tumblrs that i really like and would love to know more about them! - feel free to ignore this, lovely people!
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audiences Characters: Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Seokjin | Jin Additional Tags: Abstract, Alternate Universe Summary:
It didn't matter. All returned eventually. None had ever truly left. Time was irrelevant.
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 11
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7, Pt. 8, Pt. 9, Pt. 10
A/N: DON’T JUDGE ME. And this is totally appropriate, dw.
He stared at the kid, perplexed.
Kyungsoo was by no means old (he was only a senior in high school, for christ’s sake), but somehow he already seemed to be losing touch with the youth and all their new social media. What the hell was a DM? You could send pictures on instagram? Or did the kid just want him to post them? There were a lot of pictures, though.... 
He was panicking. Logically, he knew he should just ask the kid what a DM was and how on earth you send a photo on instagram, but his pride wouldn't quite let him. He had the feeling he should know these things, and he wasn't really interested in getting laughed at by a sixth grader. Besides, he had to save face. He was already more awkward than most of the science camp counselors (reflected in the quirky group he had been assigned - he loved them) and he couldn't risk losing the respect he had worked hard to earn. 
He just... he never used social media. It was such a waste of time. Especially instagram, of all things. The only thing he used was Snapchat because it was relatively straightforward and Baekhyun had forced him too and all the screenshots he had were glorious future blackmail material anyway.
"Yeah... sure. I'll do it when we get back to school." When they returned, Kyungsoo sat for a while, staring at his instagram (it had a total of five photos and he couldn't even remember when he had made the thing). He fiddled for a bit, pushing buttons and trying to figure out how to navigate, before he finally just gave up and decided to go with his first guess.
He was probably doing this wrong, because the kid had asked for all the photos and he could only post one at time, but he really hoped DMing was just tagging the person in the picture. 
He chose one to post. - 5 years later - Kyungsoo was scrolling through his (still small) instagram, when he came across an old photo. He smiled, fond memories of a week with a bunch of rambunctious sixth graders all coming back to him. 
"Were you allowed to post photos of your kids on insta?" Chanyeol asked, looking over his shoulder.
"I think so. I mean, they all added me and asked me to DM them the photos anyway..." Kyungsoo trailed off, eyes widening as he was hit by a sudden realization. "Oh my god. Oh my god, Chanyeol. They asked me to DM them the photos. I'm such an idiot."
"I mean I've always known that but I'm impressed you managed to come to the realization on your own."
Kyungsoo punched him (and refused to explain why he was an idiot - Chanyeol would never let him live down not knowing what a DM was in high school).
A/N: BASED ON A TRUE STORY XD It hasn’t actually been 5 years yet, but I still look back and MAJORLY facepalm when I think about that... honestly, so embarrassing.
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 10
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7, Pt. 8, Pt. 9, Pt. 10
A/N:  Warning: Soo is looking at a piece he almost wrote (a thriller), and there is literally one sentence describing what would've been included in it, and that sentence lists a few of the archive warnings. Also, there's another paragraph while he's looking at another piece that mentions abstract death. No details about any of these things, but if you're worried at all, feel free to shoot me a message
Kyungsoo paused for a moment, then continued on flipping through the pages as if he had heard nothing. The voice still sounded like it was on the other side of the house, which meant he should still have a few minutes.
The notebook in front of him was worn and riddled with color-coded sticky note tabs and black ink—the physical manifestation of the brainstorming portion of his creative process. He both loved and hated this notebook.
It held the beginnings of countless stories he knew he would never write, and flipping through it felt bittersweet. He stopped on a page with the word “Demons” scrawled across the top, and debated reading what he knew was pages of pain and angst. This was something he had written while still in university; those were hard years for him.
“SOO.” The voice sounded much closer this time.
Kyungsoo decided against delving into the past. Instead, he flipped forward to another page, this one covered in a web of strange squiggles that connected the seven names he had written there. The pages immediately after were the outline for a thriller he never wrote.
Death, rape, psychological manipulation and torture… this one still tempted him, sometimes.
“Kyungsoo!” The voice was right outside the door, and a fist was knocking impatiently.
He didn’t think he would ever return to that story, though. Tempting as it was, he wasn’t certain he had it in him to write something that dark, and even if he did, he wasn’t sure he wanted to bring out the side of himself that would relish in such a piece. Even just reading things like that left him feeling a bit off for a few weeks; he couldn’t imagine the effects of writing it himself.
The door swung open, and Chanyeol rambled in, probably frowning. Kyungsoo wouldn’t know, though—he hadn’t looked up or reacted in any way.
Then again, perhaps he should write that piece. It would be good to try a new genre.
He ignored the finger poking his cheek and turned the page; he was surprised at what he found behind it, as he had forgotten about the piece completely. Kyungsoo had sat by a lagoon one day and written something abstract about an unidentified female character and seven strangers who approached her. Each person had come alone and had been searching for something—love, power, sustenance, beauty, peace, companionship, knowledge—and each person she had turned away except the person searching for peace. He never finished the story, but he was relatively certain that the peace she gave them was becoming one with the land of the realm they were in. Death in an abstract way.
The day Kyungsoo wrote that had been a weird sort of day for him. He got high off his ass not long after writing it.
Kyungsoo finally looked up, but only to punch Chanyeol; it was retaliation for the shove he had just received from him. Chanyeol doubled over in pain, groaning.
“Soo, why do you do this to me?” he whined. Kyungsoo shrugged, turning back to his notebook.
“What do you want?”
Chanyeol pouted for a moment before breaking out into a grin.
“That’s probably the fasted I’ve ever gotten a response from you,” he said, smirking. Kyungsoo didn’t deem that worthy of a reply; Chanyeol wasn’t surprised. “So anyway, Xing called and asked if we wanted to get dinner. Apparently he got called into town spontaneously for work, and he’ll be free in the evening.”
Kyungsoo’s head snapped up at the mention of their old friend, and he was grinning by the time Chanyeol stopped talking.
“Of course. I’ll text him-”
“Don’t worry, I already told him we were down.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, smiling. “I knew you’d agree to it.”
Kyungsoo nodded, humming. His mood suddenly felt much lighter, and he set his notebook aside; he’d look through it again some other time. Kyungsoo rose and stretched, then dragged Chanyeol down by the collar for a kiss. He didn’t let go and Chanyeol gave in easily, wrapping his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist and pulling him closer.
After a few moments, Chanyeol seemed to realize something, and he broke the kiss to glare down at his husband.
“Wait a minute. I was calling you for like five minutes, and you ignored me. But as soon as I mentioned Yixing, you were all ears. What the hell?”
Kyungsoo smirked and detached himself, bopping Chanyeol on the nose in the process.
“I like him more.”
“Wha- HEY!”
A/N: Each piece mentioned in this is something I've actually written. This notebook actually exists. (This drabble actually got written into it). However, I am neither married to Chanyeol nor friends with Yixing (a tragedy, I know).
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 9
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7, Pt. 8, Pt. 9
Kyungsoo was simply sitting contemplating his life, much like he always had, when he grabbed a napkin, inexplicably drawn to the idea of writing something on it. He wasn’t quite sure what, as he had never written anything other than what school required of him in his fourteen years of life, but he was determined to write something. Perhaps it would calm the existential crises happening in his head.
He liked it, the way the pen looked on the soft brown material. He had to hold it down a bit more carefully than he might a normal piece of paper, but it was satisfying, so he kept going.
He wrote about a boy. Not a young boy or an old boy, but a boy about his own age. Only, this boy wasn’t dealing with the horrors of freshman year of high school in a country unfamiliar to him. No, this boy was a sorcerer’s apprentice; he was learning the fundamentals of magic.
Well… well except didn’t stories always make the main character wait a while before getting to deal with cool stuff? The boy should probably have to wait, too. For now… for now he was learning little things. Not spells, but how to feel the magic within himself. He thought it was a bunch of baloney, but his master understood the importance of it.
The boy had to sit outside a lot and try to “feel” the universe. He wasn’t sure what that was supposed to feel like, and he was relatively certain that he was developing a permanent sunburn. Apparently he’d eventually be able to “feel” the energy of the sunlight and prevent it from causing the chemical reaction in his cells that resulted in a tan. The trouble was, he wasn’t even getting tan. It was a sunburn! He was roasting alive!
Kyungsoo laughed under his breath and took a mental step back from his story. He liked the boy. He wasn’t sure what sort of magic he had, exactly (he actually wasn’t sure what a sorcerer even did), and he wasn’t sure what the plot would be, but this would be his character.
Kyungsoo would write him a world to live in.
A/N: I wrote this on a napkin. Also, this was the first time he ever wrote anything. His English was pretty bad, but he tried anyway, and kept trying, and now look at him. 
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givemaycoffee · 4 years
So BTS got nominated for a Grammy. Guess it’s time to do my fan duties and actually listen to the new album 😅
Although I’m definitely in the camp of people who are disappointed that it was for Dynamite... 😑 The only song they’ve done fully in English and that they neither wrote nor produced (which - they do write and produce a lot of their own music). And when they had a platinum certified, record breaking album also come out this year.... but whatever.
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 8
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7, Pt. 8
A/N: I dunno. I wrote this in class. 
Kyungsoo blinked sleepily, barely able to keep his eyes open.
It wasn’t his fault, really. Sehun had asked him to try his hand at henna, and when it became clear that he was naturally talented at the art, everyone insisted on getting one. He hadn’t slept till 2 a.m., and waking up at 8 a.m. had been hard.
He snorted at the thought, thinking back to high school and wondering how his younger self had done it. He distinctly remembered staying up till at least 2 or 3 a.m., and having to be up by 6 a.m. at the latest the next morning, for a school day that would last until 3 p.m.
He did nod off in classes back then too, though, he supposed. But now, staying up late left his body exhausted and sore and creaky, and he honestly felt like an old man. He needed sleep and actual meals to function, both of which were not only irregular and inconsistent back then, but things he would have scoffed at.
Oh god. He really was an adult now.
A/N:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I mean, basically, that was me this morning, so. Welcome to the original purpose of these drabbles.
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 7
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7
A/N: This is short and set after the library escapade and before the weed cookies one. This is mostly just the Kyungsoo&Yixing friendship.
Kyungsoo shifted, settling more snugly against Yixing, legs draped over the elder’s body which was angled perpendicular to himself. They were lounging on the couch in Yixing’s apartment, studying for their respective classes and sipping at now lukewarm cups of tea.
Kyungsoo glanced up at the elder, a small wave of appreciation for him swelling in his chest. Kyungsoo had moved here from Korea in high school, and the change had been difficult for him. Besides the expected struggles of moving to a new country, skinship in the U.S. wasn’t really normal between guys like it had been in Korea. There, it was as common to see guys being affectionate with their friends as it was to see girls. He had really missed that.
Yixing, though. Yixing understood. Kyungsoo admittedly knew very little about Chinese culture, but for whatever reason, the guy was as comfortable with skinship as Kyungsoo was, and although neither of them were the most touchy-feely people, they did take comfort in little things - like lounging together on Yixing’s couch with their legs draped over each other.
“Hey, Xing?” Kyungsoo lifted his leg to poke the elder in the side with his big toe.
“Yeah, Soo?” Yixing looked up, his usual half-hooded, sleepy gaze settling on the younger.
“How do you know Chanyeol?” He prodded with his toe again, this time digging in a little. Yixing swatted his foot away, and shrugged.
“Music classes together. Did he ever end up finding you at the library?”
“Yeah, he brought me food and coffee.”
Yixing nodded, humming. “Yeah, the dude’s super nice. Kinda loud. The type that’s giggly when he’s high and everyone’s best friend when he’s drunk, y’know?”
Kyungsoo wrinkled his nose at that. “Sounds obnoxious. Well, it was nice of him, though. Guess I’ll have to return the favor sometime. He seems alright.”
“We should all hang out sometime. The dude’s also a whizz on the guitar, I think you’d enjoy jamming with him.” Yixing nodded thoughtfully. Kyungsoo just hummed appreciatively.
“Sure, I’d be down. Lemme know when you’re both free.”
A/N:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idek. But I kinda like the YiSoo friendship. I'm actually not sure how Yixing ended up being the friend, but I feel like he really would almost obliviously be the sorta person to help make Soo feel at home. I like their friendship here :) It's almost unintentional (like, they didn’t exactly try, it just happened), but it works well.
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 6
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6
WARNING: This entire chapter is just them donating blood, so there will be mentions of blood, needles, and fainting spells (no one passes out, but its talked about). If any of that bothers you, please skip this drabble! (And don't worry, this is during their married years so you aren't missing out on any early relationship development).
“You’ll be fine.”
“But you’ve passed out before.”
“But you haven’t.”
“Okay, but I’ve never donated blood before, that doesn’t count.”
Kyungsoo sighed, resigned to the fact that he would be dealing with this for the remainder of the day.
This wasn’t new for him, as he had been donating since college (he even had the gold donor card, received for having donated as many times a year as was physically possible), and the entire process felt familiar and easy. He had certainly passed out a few times after donating (including the last time, actually), but it never bothered him, and the people helping him always reassured him that it was fine and him continuing to donate wasn’t a problem for his health or anything.
Chanyeol, on the other hand, had never donated, and Kyungsoo’s occasional post-donation fainting spell had freaked him out to no end. Kyungsoo was actually amazed he had convinced Chanyeol to donate at all, all considered. He supposed he should have expected the whining and continued worry from his giant manchild of a husband, though.
“Chanyeol Park and Kyungsoo Park?” A young woman popped her head out the door and glanced around, eyes settling on the two as they moved to rise. “Right this way please. You will be in that room, and you will be in that one. We just need to have you both answer some questions and have your blood pressure checked and such. It shouldn’t take long, and then you’ll both be able to come out here for the actual donation.”
They both nodded and moved towards their respective doors. Kyungsoo glanced up to see Chanyeol looking a bit pale, and with that deer-in-headlights look he got when he was somewhat panicked. He gave the elder’s hand a reassuring squeeze before they parted ways, and hid his smile when he saw Chanyeol relax a little at the familiar pressure.
The questions didn’t take long, his hemoglobin levels were fine, and he was out the door again fairly quickly. He glanced around the room, realizing Chanyeol must still be in his own room, and settled into a chair on the right to wait to be set up. It was just as the nurse was inserting the needle that Chanyeol slid into the seat across from his, and he stared at the point on Kyungsoo’s arm with trepidation, but also slight fascination. Kyungsoo chuckled at the response.
“That’s… kinda cool. How it just starts flowing like that. Like… how does it know that it should go into the baggy rather than just continuing down your arm?” Chanyeol murmured, holding out his own arm to have the location of the vein swabbed clean and marked.
“Science I guess,” Kyungsoo shrugged, looking down with renewed interest at the burgundy flow into the bag at his side.
“It’s kinda… creepy. It’s like siphoning gas from a car, but you’re the car and your blood is the gas,” Chanyeol noted.
“Alright, you may want to look away for this part,” the nurse warned, and Chanyeol quickly shifted his line of sight to the ceiling, grimacing as the needle was inserted into his arm.
Kyungsoo waited until she was done before questioning the car comment.
“So… is there something I should know? You siphon gas from cars frequently?” Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow at his husband.
“Wait, what? No! I’ve never siphoned gas! I’ve just heard of that, and that’s what it made me think of,” Chanyeol defended. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at his volume, but was secretly grateful that Chanyeol was thinking about this rather than the blood currently seeping out of his arm.
“A-huh. Sure. I swear to god, if the cops come looking for you, I’m throwing your ass to the dogs,” Kyungsoo said dryly.
“Some husband you are,” Chanyeol shook his head, but failed to hide his grin. “What happened to ‘For or better or for worse, in sickness and in health’ and all that?”
“I most definitely did not say ‘For better or for worse,’ and this is not a case of sickness, so you’re on your own,” Kyungsoo shrugged nonchalantly, internally laughing at the betrayed expression on Chanyeol’s face.
The banter continued for a while, and it wasn’t long before they were both done, snacks in hand and arms wrapped in black self-adherent wrap. Kyungsoo bumped Chanyeol’s hip as they walked out the door together, smiling up at him.
“Hey. Neither of us passed out.”
Chanyeol looked surprised, presumably having forgotten about the possibility, but then grinned down at him, expression shifting to pleased.
“Oh yeah, huh.”
A/N: Sorry if this was... boring? I donated blood today and had the urge to write but didn’t have time for anything longer than a drabble so... here we are. Fun fact, I do faint sometimes after donating (but I didn’t today!! Yay!), and it is apparently totally fine. It just... feels awful. I used to have seizures when I slept (lemme tell yah, waking up not being able to breathe and knowing that you’re having a seizure is fucking horrible), and for some reason the last time I fainted after donating, it felt like I was seizing. But apparently not, cus they didn’t tell me anything... but then I had one recently for the first time in 10 years soooo.... I should maybe be concerned. 
Welp. Anyway. Once again, these are weirdly personal and here I am oversharing. Thanks for reading!
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 5
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5
A/N: Ahem. Warnings for recreational drug use (aka weed cookies). That’s all. Oh and this is more pre-relationship/college Chansoo.
Kyungsoo watched in horror and fascination as Chanyeol stuffed the entire cookie into his mouth in one go, cheeks bulging. The elder showed no remorse, a crumb stuck unashamedly to the corner of his mouth as he chewed, eyes bright and perhaps more excited than the occasion warranted.
“I can’t believe you just ate an entire one of those. You are gonna be so gone,” Kyungsoo huffed, shaking his head. He picked his own half of a cookie, taking a bite of it and slowly chewing. The flavor of peanut butter and weed permeated his soul, a surprisingly compelling flavor combination that seemed to somehow seep into every taste bud and overwhelm even his sense of smell. He hoped he didn’t actually smell like it as much as he felt like he did.
Chanyeol shrugged, grinning, before chugging down half his glass of milk and passing it to Yixing as the elder finished his own cookie. “Honestly Soo, you’re just puny. Yixing also ate the whole thing.”
Kyungsoo glared at the pair. “I’m not puny, you’re just a giant. Besides, I know that’s enough to have you potato. Don’t try and pretend like I haven’t seen you eat a whole cookie before.”
Chanyeol threw his hands up, giggling, “Okay, fair, fair. But it’s nice, y’know? I like relaxing.”
And Kyungsoo could understand that. He had spent the last quarter getting to know this gangly giant of a human, and the only time he had really seen Chanyeol chill was when he was high, or deeply concentrated on a piece of music - though even then he was often tapping away with his fingers, like his body had to channel the energy somehow.
It took a while to hit them, as edibles tended to, and they shifted onto Yixing’s queen sized bed (that lucky asshole) while they waited for it. It wasn’t until Chanyeol slapped his arm and giggled about an hour later that Kyungsoo realized he was high. Once he noticed, however, he suddenly couldn’t understand how he hadn’t before, or what he had even really been concentrating on prior to then. His head felt like it was floating, and he responded to Chanyeol’s giggle with his own.
“Woah. Dude, do you ever just… ever just feel like a genie?” Kyungsoo closed his eyes, swaying slightly in his place on the bed. The lower half of his body fell away, an endless void beneath him, and his top shifted gently. When he cracked open an eye, the feeling was reinforced by the bedside lamp, whose light was cut-off by the books in front of it, leaving the bottom halves of their bodies in darkness. They looked like genies, and below his waist felt like one of those wispy tails.
“Yeeees,” Chanyeol sighed, lax grin splaying across his face as he tipped backwards onto the blankets. Kyungsoo felt the movement, as if Chanyeol’s impact with the bed had created ripples that gently rolled over his body. He shuddered.
“Aww, my little genies,” Yixing cooed, swaying slightly himself, but grinning. “I remember when it still felt like that for me.” He pretended to sniffle and swipe at a tear. “Ah, to be young again.”
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at that, but couldn’t stop his own lazy smile. “Xing, you're not old, you’re just a stoner. There’s a difference.”
Yixing flapped his arm as if this was irrelevant. Perhaps it was.
“Okay, but wait, feel this.” Kyungsoo stared at him in mild confusion as he sat up and pulled an arm back. He gasped, however, when the elder brought his arm down in a slicing motion.
He felt it. It was like a zing of electricity slicing him in half (and somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that was just the weed talking, but he had learned to roll with it. That was what made it fun).
“Oh my gosh, DO THAT AGAIN. That was insane,” he whispered, eyes wide with amazement. Yixing did it again, but this time slicing horizontally, and he felt that same sensation of electricity cutting through him. He shuddered, delighted, and smacked Chanyeol’s leg. The elder jerked upward, looking for all the world like he had just woken up.
“Chanyeol, stop being potato and try this, it feels crazy.” Kyungsoo whacked his shoulder again and the elder whined but turned obediently toward Yixing, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. Yixing grinned.
“Feel this?” He repeated the slicing motion, and Kyungsoo watched with fascination as Chanyeol clutched at his chest, gasping.
“Dude, that’s wild. Do it again.”
They  messed around for a while longer, giggling and allowing themselves to enjoy their own ridiculous imaginations, before Yixing got up and began rummaging around for snacks. This seemed to awaken the void that was Kyungsoo’s lower half, and he realized it actually also included his stomach. He could eat a cow.
After munchies were satisfied (or rather, he forced himself to stop), Kyungsoo laid down again, closing his eyes and allowing himself to just feel. He felt like he was floating, like his arms were wings and he weighed nothing, and for some reason, if he curled his toes, it would cause the imaginary wings to flap. He flexed and unflexed his toes, wanting to satisfy the feeling and bask in the beauty of it all. He thought maybe it was a weird thing to do, but he didn’t really care, in the moment.
He cracked an eye open when he heard a low chuckle next to him. Yixing seemed to already be out cold (or perhaps was just enjoying it like Kyungsoo was), but Chanyeol was staring at him curiously.
“I feel like I have wings controlled by my toes. I’m floating,” Kyungsoo whispered, though unsure why he was telling him at all. It didn’t seem to matter, though, in the pleasant haze he was drifting through. Chanyeol nodded, as if this made perfect sense, and shifted so they were laying side by side.
“I feel like my body is giving off waves, and I can picture them rolling off me and off into the distance,” Chanyeol murmured, closing his eyes and sighing contentedly. Somehow, once he said it, Kungsoo could picture it, and he felt like rather than floating in the air, he was perhaps floating in water, the ripples coming off from Chanyeol causing him to rock up and down gently. It felt nice.
“Dang. Thanks. They feel kinda nice. Like I’m being rocked to sleep,” Kyungsoo said sleepily, feeling the beginnings of sleep tugging at his mind. It was like the weed-induced haze was finally fully taking over, and he drifted into the sweet embrace of slumber.
If anything was said after that, he doesn’t remember.
Kyungsoo was a little startled to wake up the next day in Yixing’s bed, with Chanyeol’s snoring face a couple feet away. He was kinda cute with bedhead and a small pool of drool on the sheets beneath him, Kyungsoo decided. He would definitely give him shit for the drool, though.
A/N: I... may or may not have felt like a genie before? WOW. These are weirdly personally drabbles, you know. Hmm. I actually have another scene written that takes place before this one, but I liked that the story wasn’t continuous, and I don’t want to start making it that way.
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givemaycoffee · 8 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 4
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
A/n: Basically finals are coming up, and its 3am, and I needed a break from studying, so here’s a little backstory for drabble Chansoo (once again, loosely based off my life. You’ll never guess where I am right now). Unbetaed, as these usually are.
He slumped forward, the cold edge of the table digging into his chest, and debated whether or not it was worth it to take a twenty minute nap. He was pretty certain there was a couch spot available, and even if there wasn’t, he could probably knock out in the uncomfortable library chair anyway. He’d done it before; most people had by second year.
At 2 a.m, Kyungsoo hated himself, hated the essay he was working on, and hated the person behind him who kept failing to whisper, despite this being a relatively quiet floor. Sure it was “Saint Fratty’s Day Weekend” or whatever, but it was also the weekend before finals week, and who the hell actually had time for that bullshit? Unfortunately, their volume informed him that their entire frat had time for it (or didn’t but also didn’t care), and that Epsilon Chi Theta would be having a quite the dayger tomorrow (today).
Kyungsoo was still debating between napping and trying to power through when the decision was made for him by a shy “Hey” and the tantalizing aroma of coffee and food. He looked up, surprised by the wide eyes and shy but overly excited smile staring back at him.
“What the fuck?”
Chanyeol seemed taken aback by that response, and opened his mouth in confusion, but all that came out was a sort of of choked stutter. Kyungsoo realized that maybe hadn’t been the best response to someone bringing him coffee and food (he assumed the second cup was for him. It better fucking be for him), but he also couldn’t get past the fact that Chanyeol somehow knew that he was here, despite never having mentioned it.
“I mean. Uhm. How did you know I was here?” Kyungsoo corrected himself, hoping to maybe fix the initial asshole-ness. He didn’t really know Chanyeol all that well (they had met last quarter in a poetry course and had studied for it together sometimes) and he didn’t want him to think he was usually a jerk.
That seemed to snap Chanyeol out of it and right back to his previously cheery mood, because he grinned, said “Oh,” and proceeded to plop everything onto the table, before taking a seat himself. Kyungsoo stared at him, waiting, and Chanyeol stared back for a moment before seeming to remember that Kyungsoo was waiting for a reply.
“OH. Right. Yixing told me you were here studying and I figured you might need a late night slash early morning pick-me-up.” Chanyeol beamed, talking too loudly but clearly pleased with himself, and handed Kyungsoo one of the coffees.
“Wait, you know Yixing?” Kyungsoo whispered in confusion, having no memory of the two ever mentioning being acquainted before now. He supposed it made sense. Yixing was a music student, like Chanyeol, and they had probably had classes together before.
“Yeah, we’ve been friends since like, forever,” Chanyeol shrugged and started pulling out food. Kyungsoo eyed it, already feeling himself salivate. “Hungry?”
“A little,” Kyungsoo admitted, and thanked the stars when Chanyeol handed him a fork.
“Eat up. Oh and that’s what you usually drink, right?” Chanyeol pointed to the coffee sitting in front of Kyungsoo, and the latter picked it up, taking a tentative sip. It was.
“Yixing told you?” Kyungsoo asked, amused and a little touched that this guy had gone so far out of his way for someone he didn’t know all that well.
“Nope. You used to get that all the time last quarter when we studied,” Chanyeol replied, before shoving a mouthful of noodles in his mouth. Kyungsoo paused and stared at him for a moment before setting the coffee down carefully.
“Hey Chanyeol.”
“Wanna hang out sometime, and like, not study?”
It took Kyungsoo longer than it normally would have to get the essay done, because it was a bit hard to concentrate with an overly chatty Chanyeol next to him, but he didn’t really mind. He could sleep when he was dead.
A/N: Epsilon Chi Theta looks like this: ΕΧΘ
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givemaycoffee · 8 years
Kyungsoo Drabble Pt. 3
Kyungsoo Drabble Masterpost Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3
A/N: HEY, so January was the month we were supposed to insert ourselves into a story, right? I sorta did that, using my little Chansoo Drabbleverse.
I think the idea of putting yourself into a story somehow is a really cool idea, and I’m sure there are much better ways to do it (like you could actually be a character, rather than an idea), so I’m gonna challenge @asexpectedofthestork​, @runkairun​ and @lulublu1014​ to do it too. 
 It’s a little messy and unbetaed but here you go:
“She was procrastinating - hard - but she couldn’t bring herself to stop. It was just so easy to validate putting off the work she needed to do and instead write. She had already been so productive today, had made a list and checked off almost all the items already, and besides, she had been wanting to write for weeks. She could never seem to find time, between university and her part time job.
May sometimes (read: often) envied her older friends. They already had a careers and spouses and their own houses. May, on the other hand, was still in university, and had absolutely no idea what she was going to do with the rest of her life. Everyone always tried to reassure her that her degree basically guaranteed her a job after university, but she wasn’t even sure she wanted to be an engineer. She was pretty determined to at least go teach English in Japan for a year after college before making any more serious life decisions.
But for now, before work or school or her career… she would write. Well, perhaps that’s making it seem much bigger than it is. She would probably write for another half hour and then get back to her homework.”
Kyungsoo shifted in front of his keyboard, rolling his eyes. This was messy. He had no idea what he was writing about.
“Chanyeol!” he called over his shoulder, cracking his neck and sighing. He had been sitting still for way too long.
“Huh?” Chanyeol asked, padding into the room, munching on a bowl of cereal. Kyungsoo eyed it thoughtfully, gauging his own hunger. Pretty low. He would wait another few hours.
“I started writing about some random girl named May. She’s an engineering student in university, but I have no idea what to do with her.” Kyungsoo shrugged. “Any ideas?”
Chanyeol grinned and bounced forward, nearly spilling his cereal. “Oh! I get to help? Uhm, uhm. Does she have a best friend? Every college story has to have the wild best friend. You can’t leave that out.” He paused, then gasped, “Unless this is gonna be angsty and she has no friends. But she’s already an engineer, that seems depressing enough. And she’s a chick in engineering. That’s even worse. Oh my goodness Kyungsoo, you better give her a wild best friend.” Chanyeol looked down at him with wide eyes and concern written all over his features. Kyungsoo snorted.
“Well you got invested fast. Sure, I’ll give her a best friend. But what’s the point of this? Should I keep it short? I had no plans when I started this.”
Kyungsoo read Chanyeol what he had already written, and the latter plopped down onto the edge of the bed, thinking.
“Well… you could make her smart but someone who struggles with some undiagnosed disorder, and then part of the story is her finally finding out and getting help, and then things get better. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t like engineering - she’s struggling a lot because of whatever it is, and resents engineering because of it. Or - you said she likes to write, right? Maybe she writes fanfiction. That’s pretty common with college students. Maybe the wild friend is her beta for her smut.” Chanyeol winked, and Kyungsoo wrinkled his nose, shaking his head disapprovingly before the former continued on. “Okay, the best friend should have an accent - accents are cool - and she should also be an engineer. May could be shy or something, but then with the bestie she gets kinda loud. Oh, you should definitely have her write fanfiction. Fangirls are loud as fuck.”
Kyungsoo listened on as Chanyeol continued to spew ideas about what kinds of trouble a girl in engineering could get into (especially with the wild best friend), and couldn’t help the fond smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Chanyeol tended to flap his arms around a lot when talking, gesturing wildly (and dangerously, with that bowl of cereal forgotten in his lap), and he was getting surprisingly animated about this idea.
Kyungsoo supposed it made sense. Chanyeol had always taken an interest in his writing, but Kyungsoo had mostly assumed it was curiosity and his desire to support his husband, not really because he cared much for the writing process. But Chanyeol created things himself - music - so he supposed it wasn’t too much of a leap for him to take interest in another form of art. Besides, he did enjoy reading.
Apparently he could also spin quite a story. Chanyeol kept going, describing an entire backstory for May, and Kyungsoo had no idea where all this was coming from. She suddenly had a huge family and a tragic history involving divorced parents, and then a series of boyfriends, and then future arcs involving traveling abroad, unrequited love, character development and adjusting to medication for her disorder that Chanyeol had set his heart on her having. He kept going on and on, and Kyungsoo simply nodded here and there, breath catching at some of the sadder bits, and nearly laughing at a few of the funnier ideas.
“-and then it all culminates in her finally setting off for Japan like she had always dreamed about, uncertain but excited about her future. No boyfriend to tie her down, no job already set in stone…” Chanyeol trailed off, breathing a bit heavily from his long brainstorm, but a broad smile adorning his features. Kyungsoo was impressed - that had been weirdly indepth and strangely well thought out and put together.
“Chanyeol… have you ever considered writing?” Kyungsoo began, speaking slowly and raising an eyebrow. “Because it sounds like you already have a novel planned.” Seeing the defensive look on Chanyeol’s face at that, Kyungsoo quickly backpedaled. “And I actually mean that, I’m not teasing you.”
Chanyeol huffed, then looked down into his bowl of cereal, stirring it uncertainly.
“I’m no good at writing, trust me. But, I do like to think of stories. Sometimes I imagine up entire backstories for the music I write. Like, with characters and stuff,” Chanyeol shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “I don’t know, it makes things more interesting that way.”
Kyungsoo considered him carefully for a moment, unsure what to make of this. They were married - had been together for years now - and he wasn’t sure how this could possibly have never come up before. Kyungsoo was a writer for pete’s sake.
“Chanyeol…That’s literally one of the best things I’ve ever heard and I don’t know why you’ve never told me, but I’m going to make out with your face now because you definitely just upped your attractiveness by at least ten percent.” Kyungsoo grabbed the bowl from Chanyeol’s lap, setting it on the nightstand, and took it’s place, wrapping his arms around the latter’s neck. He snorted at the affronted look on Chanyeol’s place.
“What? That should be at least a twenty percent increase. I just revealed - and discovered because I didn’t even know - a startling ability to come up with a novel’s worth of ideas in like, twenty min-” Kyungsoo cut him off with a kiss, sliding his hands into Chanyeol’s hair and settling further into his lap.
“I’m pretty sure that for a twenty percent increase, you would have had to start off much less attractive than you already are. Percent increase is based off the amount you began with,” Kyungsoo muttered breathily against his lips, teasing. He shuddered slightly at the feeling of cold hands slipping under his shirt and the elder pulling him back into the kiss.
“Oh, so you already think I’m super attractive? Does this mean I’m already almost to maximum?” Chanyeol smiled into the kiss, then proceeded to bite Kyungsoo’s lip, causing the younger to tighten his grip in his hair and rock forward slightly. They both breathed in sharply.
“Definitely not. There’s always room for improvement,” Kyungsoo gasped out when Chanyeol moved to his jaw and then his throat, sucking on the skin there. He yelped when he felt himself being lifted, and then pushed back onto the bed. Chanyeol settled between his legs, arms caging him in on either side, and a smug look on his face.
“Yeah? I bet you ten bucks I can make you take that back,” Chanyeol challenged, raising an eyebrow and grinning cockily. Kyungsoo glared at him.
Some time and much less clothing later, Chanyeol rolled over, grinning lazily at a blissed out Kyungsoo.
“You owe me ten bucks.”
A/N: So, this was mostly because I needed a break from homework and then I couldn’t seem to write anything, and whenever I can’t write, I turn to Kyungsoo apparently. I originally had no part in this, but then I sorta changed stuff so that it was Kyungsoo writing. Oh, and I’m May, in case you didn’t know that. Hi :3
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givemaycoffee · 8 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Park Jimin Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V Additional Tags: Rare Pairings, Yoonkook-centric, Christmas, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Yoongi is sooo gone for Jungkook, soft!yoongi, shy!jungkook, (Except not shy with Yoongi because they are so solid and adorable in their relationship), Christmas Eve with the gang, Christmas Day as a couple, Illicit Cookie Baking Summary:
“Did you know that I am absolutely madly in love with you?” Yoongi asked, breathless. “Yes,” Jungkook grinned down at him, smile lopsided and toothy, and absolutely stunning. Yoongi liked how ruffled he looked. He hoped he looked the same. “Alright, now lets make these cookies look totally badass. I want my angel to have a leather jacket, and my bell to have a peace sign.” “Hyung, do you know how much I love you?”
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
Hey, btw... I'M BACK Korea was fantastic and you can bet your buttons that there will be future fics based off that experience and also the knowledge I gained about Korea from it.
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givemaycoffee · 7 years
The Adventures of May
This was going to be a post about my roommate (who is a virgin and has only ever kissed boys while drunk because she is Anxious™) leaving the room at 1:30am to go meet up with a boy from Tinder, but then I realized this is great material for a Kyungsoo drabble. Look forward to that in the weeks to come :3
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