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perceremade · 2 years ago
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zebadonk · 10 months ago
Sorry gguys! I have the mostdeadly illness in the word
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susunuykumvar · 1 year ago
FF versene
Bir bu kadar da yerin altında var
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tatsuname · 1 year ago
dont give me weird looks but im making an AT oc <- sufferingfrom the curse
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kelegerauthor · 9 months ago
'Tangible Assets' (God/Yeshuah)
June 3, 2024: 'Tangible Assets' (God/Yeshuah)…'We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made y
Tangible Assets (God/Yeshuah)what's more importanta soul or material goods?how would you know the differencebetween good and evilif material goodsare so important to you?do you know the price of freedomin a world filledwith so many material goods?is it power to youto have so many material goodswhile people are sufferingfrom so much needbecause of all these material goods?am I† less because…
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mikanlardyclinic · 1 year ago
The plump nurse went in and connected the machine placing some patches on the body of her patient blushing slightly as she touched the stand user's chest
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"i..I'm very sorry b..but it meeds to be on your heart! I..i wouldn't do something so lewd otherwise!"
The nurse finished setting up the device her body trembling before turning it on
Beep beep beep beep beep beep!!!
"a..ahh?! B..blood pressure 150/120 100 b..bpm?!.. M..miss yukako your heart i..is racing y..you're at risk of a heart attack! A..and you're most likely s..sufferingfrom a blockage in your arteries p..please!.. I..i understand youre hungry b..but j could bring you s..something less.. Lard rideen! M..maybe a salad o..or s..some fresh fruit s..steamed veggies a..anything b..but artery clogging lard ridden burgers! "
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"m..ms yukako p..please! S..stop e..eating so much l..lard is not good for your heart!"
The nurse trembled outside the room as the stand user grabbed food lard anything edible with her stand and shoved it down her throat
"p..please a..atleast l..let me c..check y..your vitals!.. Y..you've been eating everything a..and then you order more! I..im worried the next time i leave to bring you food y..you've succumbed to a heart attack!"
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"BWOOOOOOOOORP! And why should i... URP~ Stop? I haven't even had my second dinner yet! Do you want me to starve myself? I thought a nurses job was to to make me better! But... if it'll make you feel better go ahead and take my vitals. Maybe then you'll see that I'm perfectly healthy!"
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anlatilamayanseyler · 3 years ago
Başka bir bloğun var mı
Var ;)
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dunedainsoyu · 5 years ago
@mkzclass @xxxxxxbb @imprettywhyicry @lustxdesiree @siladry @zihnininderinleri @thespritofthebeast @cherryinheavenbabe @gecmiyorsendenumidim @sufferingfrom @niggaisgod @katilbulutlar @yolunsonunageldikmi @minervaq @yuzungokkyuzum @wildsideofmysoul @anlatilamayanseyler @nehirperisi @stillgonegirl @samiiash @bubayaiyiibe @daddyyslover @acdckasedi @yokolmus8 @voiceofdeath @medussaderler @girlsblessu @lostromancex @twerkyapanego @a-passion @crybabyim @angrycrabb @drunksoulx 
aklıma gelenler bunlar, unuttuklarım varsa kusura bakmasın :/
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krenshawkrawdad-blog · 8 years ago
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#sufferingmind #suffering #mind #sufferingfrom #sufferingatwork #mindpower #art #artwork #árt #artgram #artstagram #artlover #artlovers #àrt #art #art #artist #årt #artistic #doodle #doodles #doodlesofinstagram #doodleart #doodler #doodlegram #doodlearts #doodlesketch
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greatell · 6 years ago
Omg Liz stop acting like Franco was water boarded by Jordan and Chase. They brought him in for a few questions. Probably took him longer to get to the PCPD than it did to answer those questions. Acting like he’s sufferingfrom PTSD
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6waypowerstrip · 2 years ago
This is an application in the field of transplant medicine
Why is itnecessary to bank your newborn’s cord blood? Whena baby is born the parents worry about all possible things that could beassociated with the baby apart from the fact that the baby can someday fallill. Some parents make sure that they take precautions right at the beginningof the newborn’s journey of Power Cable With Plug Manufacturers life by banking its cord blood. Cord blood transplant has a major roleto play in this regard. Theplacenta is a temporary organ which transfers nutrients and oxygen to the babywhen it is in its mother’s body, that is, the uterus. Researchers have foundout that the umbilical cord which was discarded right after the birth of achild can serve the purpose of a bone marrow donor by supplying blood-formingor hematopoietic stem cells. 
Achild may be adversely affected by illnesses like childhood cancer, blooddiseases, immune system disorders, etc. All these diseases require radiationtherapy or chemotherapy to kill the destructive cells in the body. Thesetreatments kill good cells too and this leads to the need of having a stem cell therapy. In this process newand healthy cells are produced in the baby’s body. Bankingyour baby’s cord blood can be a natural way of protecting y child from ablood-borne disease. It forms a natural source of important stem cells whichcan be used for any ailing person. A number of cord blood stem cell therapiesare available that can treat 80 different diseases. There are a number ofcompanies which are working towards the protection of the health of pregnantwomen, babies and the respective families. How can cordblood banking protect my family? Whensevere needs arise and one of your family members need a cord blood transplantation then you can always depend on the baby’scord blood that you have saved. It can be used for treating patients sufferingfrom leukemia, lymphoma, and other types of cancer and blood disorders.
This is an application in the field of transplant medicine. Anewborn baby’s cord blood can further be used in case of regenerative medicine.It finds its use in treatments for cerebral palsy, juvenile diabetes, traumaticbrain injury, etc. It further saves you from the trouble of locating a matchingdonor when transplants are concerned. Cordblood transplanthas more use. When bone marrow transplants are being considered there are allpossible chances that it could be rejected by the recipient’s body. Forexample, if your child is suffering from some disease and requires stem cell transplant you can consideryourself to be completely safe if his or her cord blood had already been bankedas there is no chance that the child’s body will reject its own stem cells. How to do cordblood banking? 
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pwrpixie · 3 years ago
Conversation opened. 1 read message.Skip to contentUsing Gmail with screen readers Message marked not suspicious.40 of 608 GREETINGS IN JESUS NAME !!!! what is this Mrs. Jessica Jeffrey <[email protected]>Fri, Dec 3, 3:14 AM (1 day ago) to bcc: me My name is Mrs. Jessica Jeffrey from United States,a widow sufferingfrom  Breast Cancer and Stroke, which denied me a child as a…
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gulumsecunkuguzelsin · 7 years ago
@sesiniduymadigimgunyasanmisdegil@sufferingfrom@yanyatakmuzyiyensezar@morintraket@allahdiyentulumba@reptile--vagabond@ruhruha@busehirdengitmeliyim@1alexdegill@[email protected]@sonofspace@haruharuasosyal@serserimayoon@incendiesx@gitsekmiki@ciileklisuflee@daemonischosen@u-mutsuzpanda@batmaninamcaolu@plutondagezegen@kulkedisicans
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Generation, Processing, Food, And Medicinal Values
Dates comprise calcium, calcium, sulphur, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, unstable oils, including Vitamin-B6, folic acid, Potassium, Iron and Magnesium, proteins, sugars, vitamins and so are rich in natural fibers that contribute to your nutritious http://wiihealthy.com/y0laoso971/post-energy-in-brand-44867.html body and intellect. Typically regarded asEntende in Luganda dates (Phoenix dactylifera) are flowering plants which produce fruits. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are alkalizing. Mango can be a fruit which grows in tropical locations and is usually known as the "King of tropical fruits".They are eaten fresh or are used for making desserts, preserves, and also several different foods.
Research continues invisibly in regards to a definitive connection between unique plant compounds and heart health . however, it's arranged that an boost in fruits and veggies generally speaking can assist in preventing heart illness. Even the high degree of iron in dates make them a ideal dietary supplement forpeople sufferingfrom anemia.
There isn't sufficient flesh on those fruit in order for these to function as much use for a food however they are edible and were eaten along with the youthful leaves of the Canary Palm by the Guanches, who lived about the Canary Islands previous to the Spanish conquest. Figuring out what types of foods have been comprised from the alkaline diet will allow one to plan meals in advance.
Noni juice reduces blood fat (antilipidemic), H AS anti inflammatory positive aspects, cancer avoidance, reduces blood pressure, also reduces blood glucose . The combination of effective flavonoids, More helpful hints antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phyto chemicals and the countless micro- and macro nutrients make fruits really advantageous for your health.
The body's metabolism, also functioning of organs and organ structure all unite to find out that our susceptibility to such heaty and cooling ramifications of foods. If you are adding some other fruit etc, this really is enough full time you would put in them, such as dates, prunes etc.. Involving pruning, thinning, protective bagging and reaping, Bateel farm personnel scale the palm trees Helpful site Kurma Wholesale a dozen times per season to guarantee a thriving crop.
A fiber-wealthy diet program plan is important for diabetics considering that fiber reduces down the speed in which carbohydrates get into your bloodstream, helping to avoid spikes in your blood sugar, according to Elisa Zied, R.D., composer of diet in Your Fingertips. " Fiber from the diet program is also correlated having a much healthier weight, which can encourage manage diabetes.
Corn, abalone, apricot, steak, beet-root, dark fungus, carp, carrot, celery, poultry egg yolk, cuttlefish, duck, fig, honey, kidney bean, lotus fruit and seed, milk, oliveoil, margarine, pear, pork, potato, pumpkin, radish foliage, red bean, plum, citrus seed, sweet rice, sweet potato, white fungus, yellow soybean, brussels sprouts, snow peas, sweet potato, taro, dates, figs, raspberries, peppers, rosemary, rosemary, thyme, brown rice, citrus.
It's been indicated that date fruits and vegetables seeds can be manipulated into some food applications using their high heights of antioxidants and fiber. Conclusions: The calculation indicates that when dates are expressed in one point with a equal volume of water, even the Bx amount of these juices reaches about 3-5, but also the Bx reduction in the press cart of 55% dampness is (intolerably) high (30 percent ).
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An occasional snack with dates isn't hazardous, nonetheless it always is better to check on your blood glucose level about two hours after ingestion them, just to understand the way your body reacts to them. Fruits like grapefruit and orange are full of calcium along with vitamin K, which each that aid in maintaining healthy bones and also also help improve the bone mineral density.
Summary Dates have been asserted to promote Get more information bone health and aid in blood glucose management, however, these impacts have yet to be studied sufficiently. Dates could be more healthy, however eating more calories than you burn off calories , no matter in the place where they stem out, leads to weight reduction.
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suberomarkets · 7 years ago
Cattle fatteners in Oromia earn more after adopting improved husbandry prac...
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In East Shewa Zone of Ethiopias Oromia Region, small-scale farmers use cattle fattening to complement other farming practices. But it oftenrelies on traditional methods sufferingfrom lack of linkage to feed suppliers, inadequate extension support, limited capacities and awareness gaps on improved beef production techniques. These challenges limit theeffectiveness of fattening activities and hinderthe agricultural productivity of livestock keepers. On the other hand, farmers long established know...
[Read Article]
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evelynjhendrix · 5 years ago
3 Life-Affirming Chapters of Poetry and Prose Explore Links between Personal Trauma and the Global Coronavirus Pandemic
July, 2020 –– In this brave new world, heartbreaks and personal tragedies affect us all deeply. Whether grieving a loved one, escaping abuse, or surviving a global crisis. We may move on ultimately to a new chapter but we do not ignore or forget the past and we certainly do not remain unscathed.
Can we still find hope amid disaster, trauma,or loss? When it feels like we have given up, we may stumble upon the words and deeds of others which inspire us to carry on.
Just recently, Anna Grace Du Noyerreleased three life-affirming chapters of poetry and prose in her bookFear is a Liar. The book tells a story ofcrisis, loss and survival, and the ultimate impact of love and hope.
“Poems have the power to translate unspeakable stories into something people can comprehend. For the poet, this means looking at the trauma right in the face!” commented Du Noyer.
“Poems are vehicles for compassion. Sometimes that means compassion for yourself.” she added.
Du Noyer is best known for her poetry collections of major life and World events. Her writing ranges from explicit and poignant compositions to abstract, free verse, providing a poem for every emotion experienced during prolonged periods of crisis.
Revealing a little of the author’s complex life-story – the new book explores topics such as abuse, domestic violence, grief, loneliness and rebellion.  But it’s not all doom and gloom.A silver-lining ofoptimism runs throughout each chapter, with a layer of sarcasm and dry-wit added for good measure.
“I hope that the poems can benefit others - particularly women and girls. Perhaps a small step in learning to live with their ordeals, and to own them.Being angry is ok!Laughing is fine too -it’s your experience– and it doesn’t define you." Du Noyer said.
The timing of the book couldn’t be more apt. As the World emerges from a global crisis, Du Noyer believes the Pandemic has shone a light on trauma - whether the collective sufferingfrom this generation-defining crisis, or personal traumas, amplified by the uniqueness of the situation.
“The coronavirus pandemic has acted as a global trigger-warning!” She says. “It has ignited long-suppressed feelings, for many, andit would not surprise me if it caused a mental health pandemic”
In the final chapter of Fear is a Liar, Du Noyer observes the impact of the virus on the fragile human spirit; expressed through poetry, making this book a compelling, must-read for 2020.
The final chapter is also available as a stand-alone book, Poems of the Pandemic.
Both books will be released to Audible and iTunes in August 2020, for the beautiful and full impact of spoken word.
You can listen to the poem 'Loneliness' from Du Noyer's upcoming audiobooks on her YouTube channel.
Both books are available for Worldwide distribution.
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