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tmarshconnors · 10 months ago
The Ten Plagues of Egypt
The Ten Plagues of Egypt are a series of calamities described in the biblical book of Exodus, chapters 7-12. According to the narrative, these plagues were inflicted upon Egypt by God through the agency of Moses and his brother Aaron, as a demonstration of divine power and to compel Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Here's a summary:
Water turned to blood: All water in Egypt, including the Nile River, turned to blood, causing the fish to die and rendering the water undrinkable.
Frogs: The land was overrun with frogs, which invaded houses and beds, even appearing in bread ovens.
Gnats or Lice: Swarms of gnats or lice infested the land, causing irritation and discomfort.
Flies or Wild Animals: This plague is sometimes interpreted as a swarm of flies or as wild animals, such as lions or other predators, causing destruction and fear.
Pestilence or Livestock Disease: Livestock in Egypt, including cattle, horses, donkeys, camels, and sheep, suffered from a fatal disease.
Boils: Afflicted both humans and animals with painful boils or sores.
Hail: Hailstones rained down upon the land, destroying crops and causing damage to property.
Locusts: Swarms of locusts descended upon Egypt, devouring any remaining vegetation after the hail.
Darkness: A thick darkness covered the land of Egypt for three days, preventing people from seeing or moving about.
Death of the Firstborn: The most severe plague, where the firstborn of every Egyptian household, including humans and animals, died. This ultimately led to Pharaoh allowing the Israelites to leave Egypt.
After each plague, Pharaoh initially promised to let the Israelites go, but then changed his mind, leading to the next plague. It was only after the tenth plague that Pharaoh relented and allowed the Israelites to depart.
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kelegerauthor · 1 month ago
'Troubles 'a Luresome' (God)
February 14, 2025: 'Troubles 'a Luresome' (God)...'…She has not acknowledged that I was the one who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil, who lavished on her silver and gold—which they used for Baal.'—Hosea 2:2-13
Troubles 'a Luresome (God)feel the breath of My airfeel the urge of My wrath'o lowsome people on Earthyou shatter each otheryou bring make-believeto the forefrontas your endless commercialsselling stuffno one needsplaguing the Earthwith filthas you sell babiesto evil's desireshow do you feelhaving bitter sex with a child?do you not seethat I seewhat you are doing?there is no place you can…
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makeastraightpath · 1 year ago
*Newly Uploaded* - Section 6 of 10: "THE FIRST AMONG THOSE WHO FALL" (From: The Last Trumpet Before The Time - Volume 7) "I am indeed come out to punish, I am indeed come down to repay, each one according to their words which they have spoken against Me and My messengers, each one according to their deeds which they have committed against Me and My prophets! For they provoke Me with their words, and by their deeds have they brought My anger to the full!..." Says Yahuwah (*Please click the video below to see the WHOLE Section) ▶️ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1r8aamVOWc&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=6 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trumpet_Before_The_Time ▶ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE (Sections 7-10 coming soon) ▶ Volume Seven - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE
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spiritsoulandbody · 1 year ago
#DailyDevotion Think About Your Mortality Some To Gain Wisdom
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#DailyDevotion Think About Your Mortality Some To Gain Wisdom Psalm 90 7Yes, Your anger consumes us; Your fury terrifies us. 8You have set our sins before You, our hidden sins before the light of Your face. Moses on a number of occasions in the wilderness could have written these words. There was the gold calves incident. There were the constant grumblings against the LORD. There were revolts against Moses. People hid corban (things that would have been destroyed because God ordered it, usually booty from war). Of course there were sins people tried to hide and sins we don't even know we have committed. All these things had God's anger consume the Israelites and His fury terrified them. Hopefully, when we sin, we can know God's anger and fury against our sins so we can confess them and look to Him for mercy through Jesus Christ, our LORD. Many in the world reject God, the LORD, the God of the Israelites because they don't want to face His wrath and fury. Because they are terrified by the aspect of God they see revealed in nature and their hearts they reject Him thinking that somehow in doing this, they will escape it, well at least during this lifetime. They do not know the name of the LORD revealed in Ex. 34:6 and made incarnate in our LORD Jesus Christ, “The LORD, the LORD, God, merciful and gracious, slow to get angry, rich in love and faithfulness, 7continuing to show mercy to thousands, forgiving wrong, rebellion, and sin, without treating it as innocent, but disciplining children and children's children to the third and fourth generation for the sins of their fathers.” When we believe in the name of the LORD, we move from fear and terror to faith and love. 9When You pour out Your anger, all our days vanish; we finish our years like a sigh. 10We live as long as 70 years, and if we're strong enough get to be 80. Yet what we are proud of is but toil and trouble; it's gone so quickly and we fly away. 11Who knows how fierce Your anger is? Your fury is as great as the fear due You. 12Teach us to count our days that we learn to be wise. 13How long until You return, O LORD? Have pity on Your servants. Our mortality is lamented here. We would be wise to contemplate it some. We should not put off repenting our sins and turning to God now, today. Life is full of troubles from the moment we are born to the time we die. We should always see our misfortunes as the LORD calling us to repentance and faith. It is His great love for us that He calls us to repent of our sins. We should spend our time trying to please God through faith in Jesus Christ. We await His return so we may be ultimately purified of all sin and enter into His glory. 14In the morning satisfy us with Your mercy; then we'll shout happily and be glad as long as we live. 15Make us glad as many days as You made us suffer, as many years as we've seen misery. 16May Your servants see what you can do, and may Your glory be on our children. 17May the kindness of the Lord our God be upon us; give us success in what we're doing; yes, give us success in what we're doing. They would have had the morning sacrifice which indicated God accepted it and His mercy was upon them. We get up making the sign of the cross and calling upon the name placed upon us in baptism to know we belong to God. We ask these blessings mentioned here to be upon us even as Moses prayed them upon the Israelites. We pray for good days where we are not being disciplined so we may enjoy the goodness of God in our lives. We pray for His kindness to be upon us so we can bear with the troubles of the day. We pray for success in what we are doing, namely, turning from our sins and turning to our LORD Jesus Christ, living out His life in our lives so He may receive the glory and have His glory rest upon us and our children. Heavenly Father, give us a spirit of wisdom that we may rightfully understand our mortality and live our days in holy fear, love and trust in You above all things. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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riotsquare · 1 year ago
God is a lawnmower and we’re all grass.
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ladyisadorafairfax · 6 months ago
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As the storm rages around me, I can feel the raw power of nature—an overwhelming force that reminds us of our place in the universe. The lightning strikes, the wind howls, and the rain lashes down, each element a manifestation of the divine wrath that has echoed through the ages. In these moments, we are faced with the reality of forces beyond our control, challenging our strength and resolve. How do you face the storms in your life? Let’s share our experiences and find strength in the midst of adversity, knowing that even the fiercest storms will pass. #sepjedai24 @ai_art_jedima gods wrath #nftart #artoftheday #aiartist #digitalartist #VictorianElegance #GodsWrath #StrengthInAdversity #FacingTheStorm #TimelessWisdom #VictorianEra #Inspiration
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newprophets · 7 months ago
What does Romans 1 teach about God's wrath
Romans 1 and the Revelation of God's Wrath: A Call to Repentance
Romans 1:18 begins a sobering discourse on the revelation of God's wrath against sin. Paul writes, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men" (Romans 1:18, KJV). This verse sets the tone for the following passages, where Paul details the consequences of rejecting God's truth.
God's wrath, as depicted in Romans 1, is not arbitrary or capricious. It is a measured and just response to human rebellion. When people turn away from God, ignoring His truth and living in sin, they are, in essence, inviting His judgment. The wrath of God is revealed as a response to the willful suppression of truth, where individuals knowingly reject the knowledge of God and choose a path of unrighteousness.
One of the striking aspects of this passage is how God's wrath is revealed. Rather than immediate punishment, Paul describes how God "gave them up" to their sinful desires (Romans 1:24). This abandonment is a form of divine judgment where God allows people to fully experience the consequences of their choices. It is both a consequence and a warning—a reminder that turning away from God leads to spiritual and moral decay.
Romans 1 serves as a call to repentance. It highlights the seriousness of sin and the reality of God’s judgment. But it also points to the hope found in the gospel. While God’s wrath is revealed against sin, His grace is also extended to those who turn back to Him. The passage calls believers to reflect on their own lives, to recognize the dangers of sin, and to embrace the salvation offered through Jesus Christ.
Hashtags: #Romans1 #GodsWrath #ChristianRepentance #BibleTeaching #ChristianFaith #DivineJudgment #BiblicalTruth
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delightintheway · 6 months ago
*Newly Uploaded* - Excerpt from: "A Day of Thick Clouds and Darkness, Bitter Sorrows... The Day of Deliverance and Judgment, The Day of The Lord" Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/A_Day_of_Thick_Clouds_and_Darkness,_Bitter_Sorrows..._The_Day_of_Deliverance_and_Judgment,_The_Day_of_The_Lord
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kelegerauthor · 3 months ago
'Sanctimonial Rising' (God)
December 5, 2024: 'Sanctimonial Rising' (God)…'...The Lord is angry with all nations; His wrath is upon all their armies. He will totally destroy them, He will give them over to slaughter. Their slain will be thrown out, their dead bodies will send up a s
Sanctimonial Rising (God)time is approachingfor the seal to beginyou are in the tensthe tens take timeof time that is Minesays the Lord AlmightyI have given timetime wastedyou have wastedon making thingsunparallelto things already madetaking tripsbeyonduseless explorationof spacenot yours to explorevoiding of timeneededto repair what's been brokenwhy won't you repair?why always newwhen the old…
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makeastraightpath · 2 years ago
THE WORD OF THE LORD - "The Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any double-edged sword" *Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Word_of_The_Lord
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oillampslit · 6 years ago
Luke 8:17 (KJV) 17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. #KJV #kjvbible #Bibleverse #Bibleverses #Luke #Jesusiscoming #Keepyouroillampslit EVERYTHING WILL BE REVEALED! You can Run, You can Hide but you can't escape gods wrath Revelation 6:14 (KJV) 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.#Revelation #KJV #Kjvbible #Bibleverse #Bibleverses #keepyouroillampslit #GettoknowJesus #Repentforyoursins #Jesusislord #everykneewillbow
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yoda1117 · 6 years ago
Shit just got real in #fairfaxva #thursday #godswrath #crazyweather #climatechange #climatechangedenial (at Fairfax County, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0SY7th389/?igshid=1va9j4kc823xd
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trikkidetroit · 2 years ago
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Stripped of their bark by God…… (Overwhelming evidence to follow)…… “The sequence to the peak of perfection the PLAN is in effect // No one MAN is exempt // Attempt escape & catch the wreck // of REALITY crashing into you from the back & the sides // When the CHILDREN of the SKY RISE through NATURE’S COMPROMISE” -the Grouch // “Plan in Effect” #barklesstrees #nobarkonthetrees #deadwoodforest #deadwood #deadwoods #thewoods #forest #nature #GodsPleaToUsAsWeAreHUMANITY #andhereticsareINHUMANandareUNAPPREHENDABLEandalwaysresorttoINHUMANITYmeaningACTSOFVIOLENCEandDECEPTIONandliestoprotecttheirMORTALSINNINGtotemporarilyc (so God sets it up that by heretics disobeying him (by being here to destroy creation & following sATAN & the other heads of the dragon) that they always GET WORSE, thereby making their eternal punishment much more severe and with each act of heresy driving them selves further away from God (God set this up or Self-Protection & Preservation & to PROTECT ALL HIS GOOD CREATION INCLUDING US & ALL REALMS/MULTI-DIMENSIONS OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT PLANES) that the heretics are destructive in order to fulfill bloodlust because they weren’t supposed to be here in the first place and because the burning in their souls is eternal they ALWAYS choose violence to protect their heresy and temporarily ease the burning 🔥 in their souls: even what seems like a heretic’s “best intention”/“well-meaning” ALWAYS has an evil intent behind it. Don’t be fooled! They are UNFORGIVABLE and CANNOT REPENT! REMEMBER: THE FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES THROUGH ATTEMPTING TO SPEAK TRUTH & SEND THE MESSAGE OF HOPE IS A GAME TO HERETICS, IT’S A “RUSH”FOR THEM TO SHOOT GOD’S MESSENGERS!!!!!!) DELIVER US GOD FROM EVERY EVIL! #theirisNoPLANetB #GodsPlanisPeaceonEarth #GodsWrath #SaveOurPlanet #trees SaveHumanity #ENDhESESy #InnocentmurdervictimsATPOSTSofHERETICS #skinned #skinnedalivelikethetreesinthewoods #itssymbolicGodiskillingtheforestoutofANGERfortheINJUSTICE #whycanticrossthisriver #outhereinthesewoods #stateproperty #notthepropertyofheretics #666acrejabberwocky #whathappenswhentheveilsfalloff #EvidenceofGodswrath #theendofVIOLENCE #THEENDOFsATAN #Planisineffect https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvnW1crfvb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christlivesinme-sanctified · 3 years ago
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#pray #prayer #praying #prayerchangesthings #prayerworks #intercession #endtimes #raptureready #jesusiscoming #jesussaves #hope #godisgood #christiangirl #christian #christianlife #godswrath #jacobstrouble #judgement #raptureready #isreal #samaria #jerusalem #earthquake #volcano #disaster #wakeup https://www.instagram.com/p/CZjs0wolib2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lettersfromgod · 2 years ago
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"Give Me glory! Kiss The Son! For darkness is overhead and great turmoil has come upon this generation, the likes of which no generation before has ever seen, the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! For The Lord your God is coming down to you in judgment and for great ruin, FOR CALAMITY! Behold, I am coming out of My sanctuary to destroy, until there is no sin left upon the earth, until all things have bowed down before Me, to give Me glory! And to those who kiss The Son, to them I shall be God, very close at hand; even they shall rest upon My bosom. Yet to those who forsake Me, who do always rebel against Me and curse My name and The Messiah, to them also shall I be God, very close at hand - The God of vengeance and recompense! The God of judgment and justice!"
~ Says The Lord
đź“– Excerpt from - "The Voice of The Almighty God": https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Voice_of_The_Almighty_God
â–¶ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K16tpN0bcPw&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=40
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linkedsoul · 3 years ago
i love godswrath and heavensent already and i would actually cry if it got turned into a wip, they seem so fun!
They're really fun characters, I'm so glad you like them!!
I’m still slowly figuring out their world and what I’d want their story to be but I already know it would be something that involves them struggling to keep their civilian and Super identities separate, and them having to take on the great responsibilities that come with their great powers. And high school stuff on the side! (And being very queer for each other and very stupid about.)
It’d def be a story about figuring out who you are and who you want to be, and how to reconcile that with how people perceive you, at any rate! I view HS and GW’s story as a “DC meets Miraculous Ladybug” or “supers battling in a city know each other as civils but have no idea and never recognize each other” except I wanted them never to recognize each other for understandable reasons, aka a radically diff identity and different gender presentation and pronouns. 
I also just LOVE the idea of exploring queerness through Super identities. I mean, for both HS and GW, their Super identity is a way for them to present themselves as a NEW person. And they both picked new names, new pronouns, new ways to be. It’s great for them to be different people than during their daily lives, but it also raises questions. Especially since they’re pretty much the whole nemeses with tension package by now. If HS is attracted to Godswrath can they also be attracted to him when he iSN’T Godswrath? Would Godswrath flirt the same with Uriel Evedane, not Heavensent? But can Uriel Evedane be truly loved by anyone who doesn’t know Heavensent - they/them, androgynous, soft-voiced, different - and only knows Uriel? 
And what does it mean if someone tries to learn who’s behind the mask? How long can they keep their two identities separate when they’re forced to blur the lines? They’ve been hiding a whole new person to the world, to their families, to each other. When the clear limit between civilian identity and super identity is challenged.... how long can that limit last? Could it even have lasted in the first place? How do you reconcile the civilian with the super, now?
but there’s a lot of potential in their story and I honestly can’t wait to figure the plot better and try to bring it to you guys! (along with the 10x stories I have in store)
in the meantime.... you’ll get drabbles ;D
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