Full moon in Gemini: Protecting your peace of mind 🧠☮️✌🏾 <<Mind the Informant>> The moon deals with your emotional nature Your response to the feeling of energies that penetrate you internally It is hidden from the outside world unless expressed Gemini is the sign of mutable air It is fast but calculated It can inhibit many spaces and fill many forms But essentially it has no depth or form of its own Instead it utilizes the environment and energies around it to formulate thoughts and ideas Full Moon in Gemini = reflecting on emotional response to the thoughts and ideas that you have formulated from your immediate environment of people, places, and things •For Sagittarius Ascendants, this Full moon falls in the 7th house 7th house- dealing with connections/partnerships, relating to others, pleasures, and personal needs The lesson here is finding balance when it comes to nurturing yourself and your relationship with others. Study your ability of receiving. Your approach to what you’re receiving is what determines its longevity in your space. Full moon in Gemini in the 7th house guides you to reflect on your emotions about how you relate to the thoughts and ideas from your surroundings. Look at your relationships as clues to assess the influence of your thought patterns. Use judgement on what you’ve received in these connections that has nurtured your mental state or neglected it.
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lettersfromgod · 2 months
"Hear, therefore, the bitter grievance of The Lord: The heart of man has grown increasingly wicked; he seeks only to steal, kill and destroy. His ravenous appetite is never abated, and his lusts are never full. For his hunger only increases in the pursuit of evil gain, his thirst deepening with every drop of blood he spills… Therefore he shall surely have his fill! Evil shall reign and wickedness shall overtake him! I shall give him blood to drink, and in the midst of his fullness he shall starve! Behold, I shall oppress the kingdoms of men day and night, and the hand of The Lord shall weigh heavily upon them! And at the height of their transgression, I SHALL TREAD THEM DOWN!" Says The Lord
▶ Five Part Video Series (with voice over): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-ZnErbsSwQ&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=14
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Generation_of_Wrath
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delightintheway · 11 months
*NEW Strong Video!* Section 4 of 9: MY JUDGMENT MUST BE SATISFIED (From: The Last Trumpet Before The Time - Volume 7) "I must not withhold My punishment, and My judgment must be satisfied; evil must be utterly destroyed, it must be consumed from before My face. For if I do not do that which I have purposed in My heart to do, and if that which is stored up in the storehouses of My wrath is not poured out, mankind would surely destroy themselves by their own hand, leaving the garden uninhabitable!..." Says YAHUWAH (*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trumpet_Before_The_Time
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Red Heifer Sacrifice Warning - Bible Study - Shining The Light Ministrie...
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on-going · 2 years
From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️ For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear THE BREACH - "Your sins gather in strength; night and day they increase and testify to your demise!"
“Thus says The Lord God of Israel, to the generation of the slaughter: I have come down to you, and with brevity I speak to you. With shortness of speech and in a very stern voice, I have proclaimed your error. Is not the will of The Most High written in His Book? Are not My decrees made known, even My Law? Lo, even within you did I place discernment, that you may know right from wrong, that you may choose the good and refuse the evil. Yet what is this before My eyes, day and night?! What is this you have chosen?! Look at what you embrace, O most wicked generation!... You have hated justice, and The Promise is a loathsome sore in your eyes! You rage against My covenants and My people you do hate; My messengers are loathed in all the earth! The cause of the needy and the widow you have not known, and from the fatherless you withdraw your hand! You have forsaken and murdered the innocent; your feet stand in pools of their blood!
Your sins gather in strength; night and day They increase and testify to your demise!...
The stain of death covers you, the pit beckons you!...
Behold, a fissure has formed beneath your feet, The gap widens quickly!...
Lo, in the midst of you a great valley has emerged, Deep darkness and death spreads forth in every direction, Multitudes of dead and dry bones!...
Yet you refuse to see, neither will you listen! For you have grown accustomed To the sound of wailing, And the silence of death pleases you!...
Therefore, FALL!...
Says The Lord.”
A Testament Against The World: THE LORD'S REBUKE
*A Testament Against The World: The Lord's Rebuke - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6D1BC949E9840878
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makeastraightpath · 2 years
Section 1 of 2: "THE TERROR OF THE LORD IS AT HAND!" (From: The Glory of Men Must Die) *Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Glory_of_Men_Must_Die
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igate777 · 1 day
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letspraynow · 15 days
Prophetic Word Unveiled: John 21:18 Explained
Curious about your future? Wonder no more. God wants to give you a word concerning your future.
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. ( John 21:18) Curious about your future, destiny, and how you might die? These questions linger in everyone’s…
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deepakbarman1997 · 16 days
राजस्थान के लोकप्रिय देवता रामदेव पीर ने पुस्तक चौबीस प्रमाण के 65 पेज पर लिखा है:
नगरकोट नहीं जाट कहासी, मुखबंद होकर कवि गुण गासी।
जिनके घरा भड़ भिवजी आसी, जत सत न्याय आप ही करासी।।
अर्थात वह महापुरुष जाट जाति में जन्म लेगा और अपने मुख से कवि अर्थात कविर्देव के गुण गाएगा। जिसे हम कबीर साहेब कहते हैं और वर्तमान में संत रामपाल जी ही जाट जाति में जन्मे वह संत हैं जो कबीर परमात्मा का ज्ञान बताते हैं,
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gloriasworldblog · 5 months
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Spiritual Message for the week of April 14, 2024
53 second message.
Get Things in Order.
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natashaferguson7 · 7 months
"I know that God will agitate me on this until i write something about it, there must be an increase of it around? So all I'm going to say about it in this world's crumbling system is that Pornography should come with a warning to all men that by watching it and partaking in this will cause their willies to metaphorically fall off." Where a man's flesh will make his spirit weak will cause himself to stumble around groping in spiritual darkness or spiritual blindness. This is what breaks relationships marriages and families causing unfaithfulness in a home and in hearts." _ Natasha J Ferguson
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lettersfromgod · 2 months
"The enemies of The Lord gather and set themselves in battle array; they gather together to destroy My holy mountain! They seek to break apart My covenants and slaughter My people! The cleverest among them devise evil schemes, and the most knowledgeable forge weapons of war. Yet the banner of The Lord is risen up, the might of The Holy One is lifted high! Behold, I am poised in My strength, and My face is set to defend! And when I strike, who shall withstand My assault?! Who shall be left, when the hand of The Almighty is stretched out against them?!" Says The Lord
▶ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PltZIM1Eykk&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=11
📖 Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Fire_Is_Kindled
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delightintheway · 11 months
*NEW Video!* Section 6 of 9: THE FIRST AMONG THOSE WHO FALL (From: The Last Trumpet Before The Time, Volume 7) "I am indeed come out to punish, I am indeed come down to repay, each one according to their words which they have spoken against Me and My messengers, each one according to their deeds which they have committed against Me and My prophets! For they provoke Me with their words, and by their deeds have they brought My anger to the full!..." Says YAHUWAH (*Please click the video below to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trumpet_Before_The_Time
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life-888 · 1 year
This is a prophetic word God gave me for women using the example of Jael driving a nail through the head of Sisera.
Then Jael the wife of Heber took a tent peg and a hammer in her hand and went quietly to him, for he was fast asleep and tired. She drove the tent peg into his temple, and it went down into the ground, so he died.
—Judges 4:21
Hit the nail on the head means to get to the precise point; do or say something exactly right; to be accurate; to hit the mark; to detect and expose (a lie, scandal, etc.). Prophetic women, get ready to “hit the nail on the head.” Your prophetic utterances will “hit the mark.
John Eckhardt 🎯
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on-going · 2 years
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From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️
Section 2 of 2: "LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS!" (From: The Glory of Men Must Die)
“...Therefore, O peoples of the earth, because you have slaughtered the innocent and murdered your neighbor, lo, you have even made for yourselves laws that all may do their pleasure in unrighteousness and perform evil at their leisure, so then shall I also declare MY Law, and it shall fall hard upon the backs of all nations! Yea, I have put forth the decree and hasten to carry out your sentences, O peoples of the earth! And what is the sentence, you ask?... Look upon the slaughtered innocent! Look upon their torn and broken bodies; behold how they are torn in pieces! See how their blood pours down and their limbs are strewn about! LOOK! Look how they are scraped out of their mother’s womb! Look upon the works of your hands, you evil and most wicked generation! LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS! LOOK UPON ALL YOU HAVE DONE!
Thus says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth: Because of this blood which remains on your hands, because of all the multitudes of slain you have piled up in heaps, because of the evil works of your hands in where you have agreed together, to both do and allow them, to make them law, THUS SHALL I IN LIKE MANNER DO UNTO YOU! IN LIKE MANNER SHALL YOU RECEIVE AT MY HAND!...”
A Testament Against The World: THE LORD'S REBUKE
*ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQUHWgyx-Ro&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=6
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