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godcriticizes · 2 months ago
God you lied to me why is Mammon missing??
I did not foresee it, I don't know where it...
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delightintheway · 5 months ago
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"I AM THE LORD! And there is no God besides Me!…
Yet the people kindle fire upon MY altar And steal from MY sanctuary; They cease not from destroying MY holy things!…
For they are desolate and have no knowledge! They take not one word into their hearts And ignore My every decree!…
They have not known Me, Though I have walked among them.
Behold, they are dying and welcome death, though My life was poured out for them! They will not drink, they no longer wish to eat, that I might sustain them! For their every fountain is polluted, and the bread they serve is filled with rottenness!… Therefore, I shall vomit them from My mouth! For the lukewarm have no place at My table, and have no interest in the Truth as it really is; Truth has departed from them! Only pretense remains and is worn proudly. Thus falsehoods rise up, bearing chains of imprisonment; harlotries increase, bringing forth illness, infecting the whole of the body… Therefore shall their fornications eat their flesh as their new wine inflames them! For insolent cords bind the proud, and rebellion is a rope by which the foolish hang themselves, says The Lord."
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Shiloh
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laelbelongstoyah · 3 months ago
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Thus says The Lord: Behold, the time has come. It is time for great things to be shown in the heavens above and upon the earth beneath, for the flood gates to be opened and the storehouses emptied, for all that is hidden to be uncovered and that which slumbers to be awakened.
Source/Excerpt from:
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lettersfromgod · 10 days ago
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"Thus says The Lord: Peoples of the earth, why do you corrupt and pollute My garden?! You have made it as the dunghill! Thus you have signed your own certificate, and with death you are in agreement. And though you walk as if you will live forever, I tell you the truth, you are already dead. For you have surely crossed the threshold; behold, you have reached the point of no return. Yet in your arrogance, you continue to forsake your Maker and Him who has given you breath, holding fast to the wide path which leads to destruction. Therefore, judgment waits for you on the horizon; calamity and desolations shall increase by measure, as the sun sets upon this age of men.
Peoples of the earth and all leaders among men, hear the Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord: Your knowledge is useless, all your achievements are in vain, and shall come to nothing in the Day of The Lord’s Anger! For as it is written: I shall surely punish this world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity. I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and utterly humiliate the haughtiness of the tyrant, the mighty, and the terrible.[1]
Therefore, turn from this Wicked way you have chosen! Repent, and kiss The Son, That you may live and not die![2]…
For I AM HE!…
He who raises the poor from the dust And lifts the needy out of the dunghill[3]…
Says The Lord."
⬆ Isaiah 13:11
⬆ Psalm 2:12
⬆ Psalm 113:7 (ASV)
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Wide_Path
▶ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nnw1FjVWC0&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkM99Siv2xPqHtuLS9gEQ6FA&index=2
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makeastraightpath · 5 months ago
*Newly Uploaded* - Section 2 of 2: "I DO NOT KNOW YOU!" (from: Shiloh - A Testament Against The World: The Lord's Rebuke) "Woe to those who stop their ears to the voice of God, and follow after men!..." Says The Lord (*Please click the video below to see the WHOLE Letter) ▶ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZlegow6VJc&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=2 ▶️ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDQlxs5RA2Y&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=35 ▶ The Lord's Rebuke - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6D1BC949E9840878 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Shiloh
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on-going · 6 months ago
(Regarding the Feast of Trumpets)
Thus says The Lord to His servants: Beloved ones, hear My words. For I have indeed set you apart to do My will. Therefore you shall honor and celebrate this feast in My name. You shall do all I command you, even that which the world and other believers do not yet understand. This night, you shall blow the trumpet as the sun dips below the horizon, doing so with great sorrow in your hearts, because of that which this world has chosen in all their forsaking of Me; even as a lamentation over all this wickedness mankind has wrought in the earth, which shall come to a swift end at the setting of the sun upon this age of men. Then when morning comes, you shall once again sound the trumpet as the sun breaks the horizon, doing so with great joy in your hearts... For My Kingdom comes! From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️ https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_Be_Set_Apart For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear 
*Also See ANSWERS ONLY GOD CAN GIVE - Regarding The Holy Days of God: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_The_Holy_Days_of_God ▶️ *Regarding The Holy Days of God Video-Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVchFJ22QYKKfZ5cAnLm_TxWABElLw7Z
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questions-answered-by-god · 2 years ago
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𝐐: 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞?
𝐀: “I tell you the truth, the very moment one has a change of heart do they pass from judgment into life...
For I know the hearts of men, and their thoughts are not at all hidden from Me;
Behold, I look upon their innermost desires, I know every hidden intention...”
Says The Lord
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Death_and_Deliverance
𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐬:
-Regarding True Repentance: https://tinyurl.com/2p8n5thr
-Regarding Salvation: https://tinyurl.com/nhfyv3rm
🎬 Video (with voice over) https://youtu.be/zKHuPo5BMCQ
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cursi4do · 2 years ago
wei nadie literalmente m abia hecho llegar al punto d sentir q estoy escribiendo demasiado en una carta. bn kabron todo conesta morra.
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godcriticizes · 2 months ago
I can't say for certain about the Stolas situation, but you have the means to open your eyes about the situation maybe consult in @stellacriticizes or @0ctaviacr1ticizes for their situations, the sides you see were in Stolas' maybe seeing from another perspective can change things.
As for that, I will tell Tilla, but something tells me she already knows and is proud of the imp you've become.
I am currently praying you'd see the real Stolas, I fear for you, My Child. And by the way, Tilla, your mother sends her regards.
FU—! Sorry! I saw your other ask and I thought you were a bot or smth but…M-My mom? She’s okay? Wow, that’s such a relief. You have no idea.
Look, Big Alrighty God, idk how you are with taking requests from imps like me but can you pls tell my mom that I’m so sorry for everything and that it was all an accident? I-If you can tell her that and that me and Fizz are ok and that I love her then I won’t make fun of you ever again. Swear it.
But wdym by “Real Stolas”? Did smth happen? Is that why everyone’s having weird dreams and mentioning “Helluva Boss”? Even Mox and Loonie are acting strange.
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thevolumesoftruth · 5 months ago
9/14/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Generation’s_End
▶ A Testament Against The World: The Lord's Rebuke - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6D1BC949E9840878
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yahushuaskingdomcomes · 2 years ago
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godcriticizes · 2 months ago
Been a ahile
Of course, how is everything, My Child?
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delightintheway · 4 months ago
*Newly Uploaded* - Section 2 of 2: "THE NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS IS BROADSWORD!" (From: Proclaim The Name of The Lord, Volume 7)
"The name of The Lord of Hosts is a broadsword, and My every word a freshly sharpened blade! For in My name is great power, and at the sound of My name all darkness flees away! For as a razor removes the stubble, and fervent heat burns away the dross, so shall My name purge the waste places and cleanse the polluted cities!... Says The Lord God."
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Letter) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Proclaim_The_Name_of_The_Lord
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laelbelongstoyah · 3 months ago
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Therefore, thus says The Lord: I have trumpeted the call to awake, yet who has heard My call? Who has given heed and walked according to the will of The Lord? Wicked and slothful generation, DEAF CHILDREN, you have forsaken Me! For you have filled this world with every kind of evil; behold, you have reached new heights in wickedness! Thus I must blot out the kingdoms of men! I must wipe them away and cast them from My sight forever!... Never again shall they arise! Never again shall the nations do evil in My sight! Never again shall they walk proudly, shaking their fists toward Heaven in their self-proclaimed glory! Never again shall they revel in all these perversions and practice all these abominations, seeking always to satisfy their ever-increasing lusts as they pursue evil gain! FOR I AM THE LORD, AND I HAVE SEEN IT!
Says The Lord
Source/Excerpt from:
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lettersfromgod · 14 days ago
"O unholy church of men, I take no pleasure in you. You are an abhorrence to Me, your faith is dead, and the fruit of your doings brings forth death, says The Lord. For you do not give heed to My words, nor do you obey My Commandments; My every statute you have torn asunder. You do always reject My Word; from My ways you are far removed. Behold, you have taken it upon yourselves to change MY Word and MY Commandments, teaching as law the doctrines and traditions of men, which I hate, to the continual blaspheming of My spirit! How long shall I suffer you?! I can not endure all this iniquity! You are perverse, a church overflowing with iniquity, harlotries beyond measure! Your offerings are not accepted, all your supplications are rejected; behold, they are a foul stench in My nostrils, a rancid taste in My mouth! Therefore you must be purged, I must vomit you out!
O unholy church of men, mother of all fornications, How long shall you tempt The Lord your God?!...
How long shall you bring before Me defiled offerings, Making supplications in the name of the dead?!...
How long shall you deceive yourselves, as you continue To place your hope in those who have fallen asleep?!...
For I tell you the truth, even by all you say and do, Do you cause your people to sin, even to crucify Their Savior again and again in their hearts.
For the people come to you, to you and your appointed “fathers”, seeking forgiveness, which I said you shall not do. Your appointed fathers are guilty; they remain in their sins! Nor can praying in the name of Mary, using vain repetition, save you, which I said you shall not do. THE SONS OF MEN CAN NOT FORGIVE SINS! MARY IS NOT THE WAY! Mary was My beloved servant and vessel, who also was in need of redemption by Him who created her and through whom she was made. Mary sleeps, she is dead, and her sepulcher remains with you to this day. Is she assured of life in The Kingdom? She is. Because though she bore The Victory, she humbled herself before Him, knowing in herself that The Son she bore first bore her; being both her Son and her Father, her Lord and her God from Heaven; also being her brother, both being children of David and of God in the earthly places.[1] I tell you the truth, all have sinned, all have fallen short of glory. There is none righteous, no, not one. Shall you then pray to the vessel, or to The Maker who formed it? And shall you hold the handmaiden of The Lord in high regard, and make for yourselves graven images, though I said this you shall not do? Therefore I tell you plainly, by your own hands you have transgressed The Commandment, and by your own fingers you have sinned against The Lord your God! YEA, BY ALL YOUR DOINGS, YOU HAVE SURELY FORSAKEN AND BETRAYED THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! Behold, even your consciences are defiled, and upon your knees you commit idolatry without ceasing! Did Mary suffer for your iniquities? Did Mary bear your sins on the tree? Was Mary crucified for you? Was Mary raised from the dead, and by her life do you now live? Can anyone in need of redemption redeem another?! Only He, who is completely blameless, may redeem those who have fallen. Therefore if one commits themselves to a faith which is dead, then with the dead they must sleep, having denied The Truth and The Life sent to them, crucified and raised, The Lord your Righteousness, The Only Way." 1. ⬆ Luke 3:23-38 📖 Excerpt from - "To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of and Sits Upon Seven Hills": https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_the_Church_Who_Dwells_in_the_Midst_Of_and_Sits_Upon_Seven_Hills
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makeastraightpath · 1 year ago
THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, AND NOT MAN FOR THE SABBATH "...For the Sabbath is more than rest, and the Commandment[2] more than peace, for a day in The Lord is as a thousand years! Therefore, as I rested on the seventh day, so also shall My people. For I had blessed and sanctified the seventh day from the beginning[3], a day set apart and holy, even as those in whom I dwell are set apart and holy." Says The Lord [2] ^ Exodus 20:8-11 [3] ^ Genesis 2:3 ▶️ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRp2XT0LPs&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=1 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Sabbath_Was_Made_for_Man,_and_Not_Man_for_The_Sabbath ▶️ God Speaks About The Sabbath - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVchFJ22QYJT9-4xZy5yygXYgYELJYlo ▶️ Letters to The Lord's Little Flock - Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkMIFKwAICFtCCIxuaoHNJSh #thesabbath #shabbat #millennialkingdom #seventhday #kingdomofgod #tencommandments #forthcommandment #sabbath #kingdom #thussaysthelord #thevolumesoftruth #newscriptures #lettersfromgod #God #YAHUWAH
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