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zevanthsnecromancy · 10 months ago
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Instead of calling her a sow and Alucard coming out to threaten him. Integras quick to fire back some shade. Alucard mid phasing through the wall loses his mind laughing at Integras insult.
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lettersfromgod · 15 days ago
"O unholy church of men, I take no pleasure in you. You are an abhorrence to Me, your faith is dead, and the fruit of your doings brings forth death, says The Lord. For you do not give heed to My words, nor do you obey My Commandments; My every statute you have torn asunder. You do always reject My Word; from My ways you are far removed. Behold, you have taken it upon yourselves to change MY Word and MY Commandments, teaching as law the doctrines and traditions of men, which I hate, to the continual blaspheming of My spirit! How long shall I suffer you?! I can not endure all this iniquity! You are perverse, a church overflowing with iniquity, harlotries beyond measure! Your offerings are not accepted, all your supplications are rejected; behold, they are a foul stench in My nostrils, a rancid taste in My mouth! Therefore you must be purged, I must vomit you out!
O unholy church of men, mother of all fornications, How long shall you tempt The Lord your God?!...
How long shall you bring before Me defiled offerings, Making supplications in the name of the dead?!...
How long shall you deceive yourselves, as you continue To place your hope in those who have fallen asleep?!...
For I tell you the truth, even by all you say and do, Do you cause your people to sin, even to crucify Their Savior again and again in their hearts.
For the people come to you, to you and your appointed “fathers”, seeking forgiveness, which I said you shall not do. Your appointed fathers are guilty; they remain in their sins! Nor can praying in the name of Mary, using vain repetition, save you, which I said you shall not do. THE SONS OF MEN CAN NOT FORGIVE SINS! MARY IS NOT THE WAY! Mary was My beloved servant and vessel, who also was in need of redemption by Him who created her and through whom she was made. Mary sleeps, she is dead, and her sepulcher remains with you to this day. Is she assured of life in The Kingdom? She is. Because though she bore The Victory, she humbled herself before Him, knowing in herself that The Son she bore first bore her; being both her Son and her Father, her Lord and her God from Heaven; also being her brother, both being children of David and of God in the earthly places.[1] I tell you the truth, all have sinned, all have fallen short of glory. There is none righteous, no, not one. Shall you then pray to the vessel, or to The Maker who formed it? And shall you hold the handmaiden of The Lord in high regard, and make for yourselves graven images, though I said this you shall not do? Therefore I tell you plainly, by your own hands you have transgressed The Commandment, and by your own fingers you have sinned against The Lord your God! YEA, BY ALL YOUR DOINGS, YOU HAVE SURELY FORSAKEN AND BETRAYED THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD! Behold, even your consciences are defiled, and upon your knees you commit idolatry without ceasing! Did Mary suffer for your iniquities? Did Mary bear your sins on the tree? Was Mary crucified for you? Was Mary raised from the dead, and by her life do you now live? Can anyone in need of redemption redeem another?! Only He, who is completely blameless, may redeem those who have fallen. Therefore if one commits themselves to a faith which is dead, then with the dead they must sleep, having denied The Truth and The Life sent to them, crucified and raised, The Lord your Righteousness, The Only Way." 1. ⬆ Luke 3:23-38 📖 Excerpt from - "To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of and Sits Upon Seven Hills": https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_the_Church_Who_Dwells_in_the_Midst_Of_and_Sits_Upon_Seven_Hills
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byfaithmedia · 1 year ago
Does the Vatican possess the lost Jewish temple treasures from ancient Jerusalem?
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italiangiftsforyou · 2 years ago
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Italy | Rome | Facts about Italy | Travel to Italy | Venoz TV
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thevolumesoftruth · 8 days ago
From: To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of and Sits Upon Seven Hills, Volume Two 
 1/31/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear  📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_the_Church_Who_Dwells_in_the_Midst_Of_and_Sits_Upon_Seven_Hills 
 ▶️ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkMD5gM7PMYRekKIZ3tlPWAY
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battlesuit · 1 year ago
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Hook & Sinker (Hannibal/Will)
An alt/goth Hannigram mixtape curated by @battlesuit and Artwork by @hcnnibal (patreon.com/thevatican) Please don't shuffle!
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What's REALLY Behind the Master Slave Mentality?
Victim/ Victimizer Programming.
#Diddy #Epstine #Weinstine #GateKeepers #MeToo #Slavery #Trafixking #TheVatican #DeathCulture #NAA #SilentWeapons #SilentWars #WarOverConsciousness
#Hollywood #Politics #ChangingOfGuards
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thetruekyle · 21 days ago
This is TRUE...
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@TheVatican "(Great Babylon) ..is fallen, is fallen."
Catholicism is just paganism mixed with Christianity
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anewbis · 5 years ago
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“A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.” -Marcus Aurelius
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2025inrome · 5 years ago
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This is the ceiling of the wall of maps. Along the walls there were maps from what people in Italy believed the world looked like years ago. While interesting, it is hard to take your eyes off the beauty of this ceiling.
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byfaithmedia · 8 months ago
Why did Israel ask the Vatican to look in their vaults? Do they have the lost Jewish Temple treasures?
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makeastraightpath · 28 days ago
GOD REBUKES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH *Newly Uploaded* - Section 1 of 4: "I CAST DOWN THE WICKED AND CAUSE THE LOFTY TO FALL" (From: To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of and Sits Upon Seven Hills, Volume Two) ▶ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU3e0s7TZyo&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=1 ▶️ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: (coming soon) ▶️ GOD REBUKES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkMD5gM7PMYRekKIZ3tlPWAY 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_the_Church_Who_Dwells_in_the_Midst_Of_and_Sits_Upon_Seven_Hills
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italiangiftsforyou · 2 years ago
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Rome in 4k: The best places to see in 4k.
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thevolumesoftruth · 22 days ago
From: To the Church Who Dwells in the Midst Of and Sits Upon Seven Hills, Volume Two  1/31/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear  📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/To_the_Church_Who_Dwells_in_the_Midst_Of_and_Sits_Upon_Seven_Hills 
 ▶️ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU3e0s7TZyo&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkM99Siv2xPqHtuLS9gEQ6FA&index=33 (Sections 3 & 4 coming soon) 
 ▶️ GOD REBUKES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkMD5gM7PMYRekKIZ3tlPWAY
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bigwords-grandfeelings · 6 years ago
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Musei Vaticani - details from my trip
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vhour-blog · 7 years ago
if anyone keeps even one of these little children from me it would be better if he were never born --you are all going to fucking die -- so a trumpet would have to be a real president no? -- still holding the virgin mother in a dungen - you have zero chance of going to Heaven 
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