Aphonic Book Reviews
309 posts
Hello! My name's Sarah, and I have a LOVE for books! I'm going to be sharing my opinions on some of my favorite books and some wonderful photos of them as well!
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aphonicbookreviews · 7 years ago
Aphonic's Bookish Christmas Card Project 2017
Aphonic's Bookish Christmas Card Project 2017!
It’s (Almost) that time of year again!   Last year I did my very first Christmas Card Project in the book community and it was a big success! A lot of people signed up and took part in the fun, so this year I thought I would bring it back again! What exactly is my Bookish Christmas Card Swap you ask? Well, let me fill you in! Last year, I started this project because there was a lot going on in…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Before She Ignites: An Interview with Jodi Meadows
Before She Ignites: An Interview with Jodi Meadows #BNATours @jodimeadows @BNATours @KTegenBooks @harperteen @HarperChildrens
Before She Ignites (Fallen Isles Trilogy #1) by Jodi Meadows 496 pages Expected publication: September 12th, 2017 Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Synopsis: Before Mira Minkoba is the Hopebearer. Since the day she was born, she’s been told she’s special. Important. Perfect. She’s known across the Fallen Isles not just for her beauty, but for the Mira Treaty named after her, a peace agreement…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
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HUGE thanks to Simon and Schuster Canada for these books! I can't wait to dive on! #bookaddict #bookstagram #yalovin #YALIT #instabook #booknerdigans #books #Bookbloggers
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
I am alright I am intelligent I am empathetic I am caring I am loved I love I have bpd I am sorry for my outbursts I know you don’t understand I am learning to use better coping mechanisms to operate a healthy, loving relationship, foster strong friendships, and understanding when to let go, when I need my own time, and how to employ healthy and productive distractions when I know an episode may occur when my loved ones are busy or need their own time I am not easy to love I am not easy to understand And I must understand that You are important too Helping someone with mental illness is taxing and rewarding I am learning alone time is not abandonment No replies are not dismissals And when I believe they are, I use that time to focus on projects and tasks It is not my business what the reality of the outcome will be What matters is how I cope and react right now, moment to moment I am learning
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Waiting on Wednesday #12
This Wednesday I'm waiting on Now I Rise by @kierstenwhite @DelacortePress #WaitingonWednesday
  Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly post that allows book bloggers to share books we’re waiting for – Hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Each Wednesday I’m going to share with you a book that I can’t wait to add to my collection! I mean, who cares if my TBR is going to collapse and fall on me. It would be a beautiful sight.   This Wednesday I’m waiting on   Title: Now I Rise Author: Kiersten…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Of Love and Loss - Triumph Over Your Inner Demons
#MentalhealthMonday Of Love and Loss - Triumph Over Your Inner Demons #Mentalhealth #Depression #Anxiety #mom
Mental Health Monday is a weekly post from bloggers, authors and everyday people who wish to share their mental health stories and struggles. I also share reviews of books based around Mental Health, as well as my own personal experiences. Check out here for more information. This week’s guest for Mental Health Monday is none other than my own beautiful sister. We’ve both had our fair share of…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
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Happy Book Birthday to 'When Rishi met Dimple' by @sandhyamenonbooks!! This has to be one of the most charming and adorable books to hit shelves in 2017. If you don't have this book on your summer reading list, you totally should! My review of this beauty is live, link in my bio. #booknerdigans #bookstagram #yalovin #YALIT #bookaddict #bookstagram #reading #Bookbloggers #instabook #Instaread #books
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
When Dimple Met Rishi
I fell in love with Dimple and Rishi and you will too. @smenonbooks @SimonTeenCA @IndigoTeen
When I found this book on the Teen table in Chapters, this was my reaction, including a large very loud gasp.     It was so loud that the woman next to me gave me the strangest look. #Sorrynotsorry I had my eye on this book for SO long. All of the early reviews were coming out and all of them really made me that much more excited to read it. So I grabbed it up and ran away back to my hotel room…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Removing Yourself from Toxic People and Situations
#MentalHealthMonday - Removing Yourself from Toxic People and Situations #Mentalhealth #BPD
Mental Health Monday is a weekly post from bloggers, authors and everyday people who wish to share their mental health stories and struggles. I also share reviews of books based around Mental Health, as well as my own personal experiences. Check out here for more information.   Guilt is quite the emotion for a human being to have. It lurks in the body and causes you to question every decision and…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
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Last Saturday I flew from Nova Scotia to Toronto to meet and thank the amazing @therealsjmaas - It was an amazing and incredible adventure. BIG thanks to @bruno.hache for being my travel buddy and an even bigger thanks to @chaptersindigo for the amazing event! Link is in the bio to read about our crazy 3am adventure! #ACOMAF #ACOWAR #ACOTAR #Sarahjmaas #bookstagram #bookaddict #bookstagram #booknerdigans #yalovin #YALIT #Youngadult #Bookbloggers
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
I Flew to Toronto to Thank Sarah J Maas
I Flew 1125 miles to @IndigoSherway just to thank @SJMaas - Here is my adventure. @Indigoteen @Indigoevents
I went on a crazy adventure this past weekend with my great friend Bruno from over at The YA Bibliobaron. It is one of my favorite adventures to date and I would do it over again in a heartbeat. Flying is one of my favorite things. It’s such an incredible feeling getting out and seeing new things, meeting new people.   When I learned that Sarah J Maas was going to be in Toronto for a signing, I…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Waiting on Wednesday #11
This Wednesday I'm waiting on So Much I Want to Tell You by .@AnnaAkana .@randomhouse #WaitingonWednesday
  Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly post that allows book bloggers to share books we’re waiting for – Hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Each Wednesday I’m going to share with you a book that I can’t wait to add to my collection! I mean, who cares if my TBR is going to collapse and fall on me. It would be a beautiful sight.   This Wednesday I’m waiting on   Title: So Much I Want to Tell You:…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Top Ten Tuesday - 10 Books Your Mom Would Love
Top Ten Tuesday - 10 Books Your Mom Would Love #TopTenTuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is put on by the wonderful humans over at The Broke and Bookish. As a mom, one of my favorite things in the world to do is read. I love my kids, I love being a mother to them but sometimes I just need to disappear into a world other than my own; read about someone else’s life and question everything I read. It’s a great ME time activity that I enjoy so very much. Reading is a…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
Waiting on Wednesday #10
It's almost here! This Wednesday I'm waiting on When Dimple Met Rishi by @smenonbooks #WaitingonWednesday
  Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly post that allows book bloggers to share books we’re waiting for – Hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Each Wednesday I’m going to share with you a book that I can’t wait to add to my collection! I mean, who cares if my TBR is going to collapse and fall on me. It would be a beautiful sight.   This Wednesday I’m waiting on   Title: When Dimple Met Rishi…
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
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Finally! I was so excited to grab this baby from the post office today. I was so excited when @jennyhan announced that we would be getting a third book! This is 100% how I plan on spending my night tonight! I can't wait to read more about Lara Jean. #Bookstagram #bookporn #bibliophile #Booknerdigans #Booksofinstagram #YALIT #Instaread #instabook #bookworm #bookaddict #yabooks #jennyhan
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
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Oh my cauldron. This beauty just arrived at my post office and it's gorgeous. I was so sad it wasn't here on release day so now I own 3 copies including the ebook. The ending was perfect. I cried numerous times. A review will be coming soon! I'm flying out to Toronto to meet Sarah J Maas this month and I can't wait. I get teary thinking about it. Will I see any of you there? I'm going to cry. I've been wanting to Thank her for what ACOTAR did for me before my diagnosis. There will never be enough words. #ACOTAR #ACOWAR #ACOMAF #Sarahjmaas #Bookstagram #bookporn #bibliophile #booknerdigans #Booksofinstagram #Instaread #Youngadult #bookworm #bookaddict #YALIT #YAbooks #instabook
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aphonicbookreviews · 8 years ago
I'm Back!
I'm Back and it feels SO good!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!     Okay. So, I know what you’re thinking. It’s May and not the new year but this is my first blog post of 2017! I’m a little late to the game but I took the beginning of the year to deal with some personal things and work on, not only my health but also my mental health. I’ve been reading quite a bit but not writing many reviews. That changes NOW! I’m so glad to be back to…
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