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lettersfromgod · 9 months ago
"And behold, the Day is coming quickly When The Rightful King shall rule…
And His Kingdom shall be a Sabbath, Even one thousand years; His reign, forever and ever!…
For The Lord has spoken, and so shall it be:
On earth as in Heaven.[19]" Says The Lord
^ Matthew 6:10
▶ Video (excerpts with music): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1LqfVQ8WoU&list=PLSVchFJ22QYLFnEgsgioj_Lej_q1CzyfH&index=32
📖 Excerpt from "Remember The Sabbath and Your God, and He Shall Remember You": https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Remember_The_Sabbath_and_Your_God,_and_He_Shall_Remember_You
God Speaks About The Sabbath: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/God_Speaks_About_The_Sabbath
Regarding The Ten Commandments: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_The_Ten_Commandments
Regarding The Kingdom and Heaven: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Regarding_The_Kingdom_and_Heaven
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makeastraightpath · 1 year ago
THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, AND NOT MAN FOR THE SABBATH "...For the Sabbath is more than rest, and the Commandment[2] more than peace, for a day in The Lord is as a thousand years! Therefore, as I rested on the seventh day, so also shall My people. For I had blessed and sanctified the seventh day from the beginning[3], a day set apart and holy, even as those in whom I dwell are set apart and holy." Says The Lord [2] ^ Exodus 20:8-11 [3] ^ Genesis 2:3 ▶️ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRp2XT0LPs&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=1 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Sabbath_Was_Made_for_Man,_and_Not_Man_for_The_Sabbath ▶️ God Speaks About The Sabbath - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVchFJ22QYJT9-4xZy5yygXYgYELJYlo ▶️ Letters to The Lord's Little Flock - Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE8FlkxQPQkMIFKwAICFtCCIxuaoHNJSh #thesabbath #shabbat #millennialkingdom #seventhday #kingdomofgod #tencommandments #forthcommandment #sabbath #kingdom #thussaysthelord #thevolumesoftruth #newscriptures #lettersfromgod #God #YAHUWAH
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iuicmontreal · 3 years ago
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Another amazing Sabbath Day. Come Join us every Sabbath! 3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 7009 .……………………………………. Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥 🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist #Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccv2LBqJ2yf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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linesandprecepts · 5 years ago
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That's right my SISTAH @latoyaneal3991 ‼️ #RememberTheSabbath #KeepitHoly #FourthCommandment #SeventhDay #Saturday #GodsHolyDays vs #MansHolidays https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOQ70Dpmsv/?igshid=e54927oospg2
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askasce · 6 years ago
So you're here, too? ~Watching the raven with a frown on his face, the cook tilted his head a little to the side, arms folded on his chest.~ Why are you here? You're too young to die.
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“So were you. But I guess Life is always taken from people without warning.”
“…It is nice to see you again buddy.”
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piouscatholic · 4 years ago
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First, take a little time to pray quietly and read through the examination of conscience below.
Take as much time as necessary.
#IndividualExaminationofConscience-10 Commandments
(Or, for examination using the 7 Deadly Sins scroll down below)
#FirstCommandment: “I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before Me.”
Have I denied God?
Have I been ashamed of or denied my faith in front of others?
Have I ridiculed the teachings or practices of the Church?
Have I neglected my prayers?
Have I used witchcraft, Wicca, or other Occult practices?
Have I practiced various forms of superstition such as fortune tellers, mediums, ouija boards, tarot cards?
#SecondCommandment: “Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.”
Do I use God’s name carelessly, in anger, or in surprise?
Have I called down evil upon anyone or anything?
#ThirdCommandment: “Keep holy the Sabbath Day.”
Have I, through my own fault, failed to come to Mass each Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation?
Do I arrive at Mass late or leave early without good reason?
Do I allow myself to be distracted at Mass?
#FourthCommandment: “Honor your father and mother.”
Have I disobeyed my parents or treated them with disrespect?
Am I disrespectful, impolite, or discourteous toward my family?
Have I neglected my work or my studies?
Have I been helpful in my home?
Have I failed to study seriously and with diligence?
Have I missed an exam at school because of laziness?
Am I disrespectful toward the elderly?
Am I disobedient to the civil law or to those in authority such as the police?
#FifthCommandment: “You shall not kill.”
Did I have an abortion or help another to have an abortion?
Have I mutilated my body or another’s body?
Did I attempt suicide or seriously consider thoughts of suicide?
Do I act violently by fighting or hitting others?
Have I had thoughts of hatred toward another?
Have I taken illegal drugs or abused prescription drugs?
Have I sold or distributed illegal drugs?
Do I neglect to take proper care of my body?
Do I eat too much, or sleep too much?
Do I drink beer or other alcoholic beverages in excess?
Have I allowed myself to become intoxicated?
Am I too concerned about my health or appearance?
Do I deliberately harbor unkind and revengeful thoughts about others?
Have I taken revenge?
Have I used harsh or abusive language toward another?
Do I act rudely, impolitely, or ridicule others?
Have I been guilty of the sin of racism?
Am I cruel to animals?
#Sixth&NinthCommandments: “Do not commit adultery.
Do not covet your neighbors wife.”
Have I desired or done impure things?
Have I taken pleasure in entertaining impure thoughts or desires?
Have I read impure material, listened to music with impure lyrics, or looked at impure images, whether in photos or on television or in movies or on the Internet?
Have I aroused sexual desire in myself or another by impure kissing, embracing, or touching?
Have I committed impure actions alone, i.e., masturbation?
Have I committed homosexual acts or other unnatural acts?
Do I use artificial contraception whether surgical, barrier or chemical methods?
Have I dressed immodestly or been too concerned with the way I look?
Do I use vulgar language or tell or listen to impure jokes or stories?
#Seventhandtenth Commandments: “You shall not steal.
Do not covet your neighbor’s goods.”
Have I taken anything that was not my own?
Have I damaged private or public property or defaced it by vandalism?
Have I been guilty of shop-lifting?
Have I accepted or bought stolen property or helped someone to steal?
Have I bribed someone?
Do I gamble excessively?
Have I borrowed something without the owner’s permission?
Have I failed to return something I borrowed?
Do I waste money or spend it extravagantly?
Have I harbored a greed for money or worldly possessions?
Have I made of money, or any possession, a false god?
Do I waste goods or food?
Have I cheated on tests or schoolwork?
Have I cheated in games or sports?
#EighthCommandment: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Have I lied deliberately?
Have I sworn to do something sinful or illegal?
Have I slandered others by attributing to them sins they did not commit or of which I had no evidence?
Do I gossip about others or listen to gossip?
Have I told a secret I was asked to keep?
Have I betrayed someone’s trust?
Have I criticized anyone uncharitably?
Do I make rash judgments and harbor false suspicions about others?
Have I deliberately misled or deceived anyone?
Have I refused to forgive someone or held a grudge against him or her?
Have I failed to apologize or make amends to someone I offended?
Am I greedy or selfish or do I indulge in self-pity?
Am I proud or vain or do I show off?
Am I superficial and worldly?
Do I desire to be praised by exaggerating my success?
Am I touchy and hypersensitive?
Do I magnify the least oversight or thoughtlessness into an insult or deliberate slight?
Have I been boastful?
Have I been arrogant with others?
Have I obstinately defended actions which are sinful, either my own or other’s?
Am I rebellious?
Have I spent useless time planted before the TV when I could be doing more constructive things?
Am I envious of someone’s possessions and do I inordinately desire them to be my own?
Do I take delight in the misfortunes of others?
Once you have had time to reflect on your sins, simply go to the confessional and celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation in the following way:
Go into the confessional and say,
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.
It has been (how long?) since my last confession and these are my sins…(confess all your sins…be not afraid!).
Father will give you a penance and then ask you to pray the Act of Contrition.
Feel free to use this one:
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because of Your just punishments, but most of all because they offend You, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.
The priest will then say the prayer of forgiveness (absolution).
If your penance was to say some prayers please immediately go back to your seat and say your prayers.
That’s it! You’re forgiven!
#IndividualExaminationofConscience – 7 Deadly Sins
#Pride: “Pride is an untrue opinion of ourselves, an untrue idea of what we are not.”
Have I a superior attitude in thinking, or speaking or acting?
Am I snobbish?
Have I offensive, haughty ways of acting or carrying myself?
Do I hold myself above others?
Do I demand recognition?
Do I desire to be always first?
Do I seek advice?
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tiagunz · 8 years ago
Happy Sabbath #taketimetorest #ontheseventhday #completion #Godsaidrest #anditwasgood #fourthcommandment #respectGod #Yahwehschild #TiaGunz #thamisses #seattlebaby #lasvegas #living #Blessed #blackfeetnation
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iuicmemphis · 3 years ago
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Another amazing Sabbath Day.
Come Join us every Sabbath!
3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL
Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 7009
Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥
🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist
#Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth
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lettersfromgod · 9 months ago
▶ THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, AND NOT MAN FOR THE SABBATH - "The Sabbath is more than rest…": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRp2XT0LPs
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Sabbath_Was_Made_for_Man,_and_Not_Man_for_The_Sabbath
▶️ God Speaks About The Sabbath - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVchFJ22QYJT9-4xZy5yygXYgYELJYlo
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opcensus-blog · 6 years ago
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[ 2 months Inactive w/o Hiatus notification, or Deactivated Accounts] Cut for length
Charloss @askcharloss
Chopper @ask-tonychopper  
Smoker and Tashigi @ask-the-marines
Mihawk @askdracule-mihawk
Perona @missprissyperona
Zoro @askroronoa-zoro
Law @asktrafalgar
Enas @askenas
Wintel @askofficerwintel
Katy @ask-the-freedom-pirate
Scale Pirates @ask-scale-pirates
Spoons @ask-spoons
Katakuri @ask-katakuri-archived
Basil Hawkins @ask-basilhawkins
Donquixote Rocinante @askcorazon
Vinsmokes @ask-the-vinsmokes
Mochi @ask-mochi-and-shark
Robin and Franky @ask-strawhat-parents
Shanks @askredhairshanks​
Geb @ask-some-trashyjournalist 
Hildon @asktherollingbat​
Law @secoris​
Thatch @fourthcommander​
Haruta @theprinclyprincess​
Sabo @kaenryuu​
Paprika @paprika-of-the-forest
ariavia @ariavia
Arlong @arlongthelongnose
rosirae @rosirae
Kuma @askku-chan
Luffy @mugiwarva
Katakuri @minister-of-flour
Donquixote Rocinante @heartsmokerosinante
Karatachi D. Mako @nation-of-violence
Carrot @lunarcarrot-archived
Law @pilawforhire
Doflamingo @ask-mingo
Deactivated Accounts
@ask-beautiful-trio​  @ask-bootleg-skellyman @ askcook-sanji @namilium @sh-knockout @wiredxking
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iuicmontreal · 3 years ago
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Another amazing Sabbath Day. Come Join us every Sabbath! 3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 709 .……………………………………. Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥 🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist #Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth https://www.instagram.com/p/CcMfouCuxMM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ohyedrybonez · 3 years ago
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Another amazing Sabbath Day.
Come Join us every Sabbath!
3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL
Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 709
Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥
🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist
#Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth
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ohannaisrael · 3 years ago
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Another amazing Sabbath Day.
Come Join us every Sabbath!
3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL
Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 709
Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥
🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist
#Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth
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truthseeking72 · 3 years ago
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Shalom Family MHNCBUA! Come Join us every Sabbath! 3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 709 #Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth
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yxgana-blog · 7 years ago
@fourthcommander liked for a starter!
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“Hm? You want to have some fresh herbs for cooking?” Izo asked, since usually, the cooks used some stored dry ones, as it was a lot easier this way to save room, despite it not tasting as good as when used fresh ones. But they couldn’t possibly do that with how much they had to cook for such a large crew.
“Of course! A week ago I’ve planted some new ones, you might want to try them.” A smile was directed at Thatch, while he was curious as to what the cook had in mind. “Let’s go to the garden.”
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iuicmemphis · 3 years ago
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Another amazing Sabbath Day.
Come Join us every Sabbath!
3030 S. Monroe St.Tallahassee, FL
Call Us At (855)484‐4842 EXT. 7009
Visit our website here 💻👨🏾‍💻🖥
🔴 https://solo.to/unitedinchrist
#Saturday #Sabbath #FourthCommandment #keepingthecommandments #IUIC #Tallahassee #Truth
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