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Glorify God, Emulate Christ: The Thesis of Theosis
As Christians, we are called to something far greater than mere moral improvement or personal success. Our calling is to reflect God’s glory and to grow into Christ’s likeness through a deep and transformative communion with Him. This process is known as theosis, a theological concept that describes the believer's transformation into the divine nature. While this may seem like a lofty goal, it is not an unreachable ideal—it is the very purpose of our lives in Christ.
1. Glorify God: Reflecting His Glory in All We Do
The first part of our calling is to glorify God. This means that every aspect of our lives—our thoughts, actions, and relationships—should reflect God’s greatness and holiness. When we reflect on God's glory, we acknowledge His supreme power, His unfathomable love, and His perfection. As believers, we are meant to mirror these divine attributes in the world around us.
In 2 Corinthians 3:18, the Apostle Paul explains that, "we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory." This transformation is not something we achieve on our own, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we live in communion with Christ—through prayer, Scripture, and worship—we become more like Him, and His glory is reflected in our lives. Theosis is the process by which we are increasingly shaped by Christ to reflect His perfect image, and thus bring glory to God.
2. Emulate Christ: Growing into His Likeness
The second key aspect of theosis is to grow into Christ’s likeness. This is not simply a matter of imitating Jesus’ actions, but of allowing His character to transform our hearts and minds. As we become more like Christ, we begin to think as He thinks, love as He loves, and live as He lived. This growth in Christlikeness is an ongoing process that requires both commitment and dependence on God.
Romans 8:29 states that, "those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son." Christ is our ultimate example, and we are called to emulate Him in every way. But this is not something we can do through our own strength or willpower. It is through communion with Christ that we are able to grow into His likeness. As we draw near to Him, He changes us from the inside out, and we are empowered to live lives that reflect His love, humility, and holiness.
The Power of Communion
The unifying thread in both of these key points is communion with Christ. It is only through a deep, personal relationship with Jesus that we can fulfill our calling to reflect God’s glory and emulate Christ’s likeness. This communion is nurtured through regular prayer, meditating on God's Word, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In John 15:4, Jesus said, "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me." True transformation—becoming more like Christ—can only happen when we are deeply connected to Jesus, allowing His presence and power to shape every area of our lives. This intimate relationship is the foundation of theosis, as it is through our union with Christ that we reflect His glory and grow into His likeness.
Conclusion: Our Calling to Transformation
Theosis is not an optional part of the Christian life. It is our holy calling to reflect God’s glory and to grow into Christ's likeness through communion with Him. This calling is both a privilege and a responsibility. As we live in relationship with Christ, we are transformed into His image and, in turn, reflect His glory to the world. Our journey of becoming more like Jesus is not something we do in isolation but is deeply rooted in our communion with Him.
As you walk through your own spiritual journey, remember that your calling is clear: Glorify God. Emulate Christ. Through deep communion with Him, may your life reflect His glory and grow into His likeness, day by day.
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▶ THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, AND NOT MAN FOR THE SABBATH - "The Sabbath is more than rest…": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NRp2XT0LPs
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Sabbath_Was_Made_for_Man,_and_Not_Man_for_The_Sabbath
▶️ God Speaks About The Sabbath - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSVchFJ22QYJT9-4xZy5yygXYgYELJYlo
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*New Video!* - Section 3 of 5: BITTER DOCTRINE - "CHURCH LEADERS, LET MY PEOPLE GO!" -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RWvKkC7Ltw&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=27 <- <- "Therefore, thus says The Lord: My anger is kindled against you, O churches of men! My discipline is prepared and made ready and shall be most severe, on account of all this blasphemy I have heard from your lips, and because of all these heresies of which you have readily accepted from all these haughty scholars, teachers, pastors, preachers, ministers and priests, who have set themselves up as an authority, who as the Pharisees of old have lifted up their heel against Me! CHURCH LEADERS, LET MY PEOPLE GO! No more feed them, for I alone shall feed them! Let them go, so I may purge them and make them clean! LET THEM GO! Let My children come out and worship Me in a place set apart. For they are My treasure and I shall surely steal them away, even all in whom I see of Myself, those who have received of Me in sincerity and in truth, humble and penitent, with a new heart and a contrite spirit."
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Churches_of_Men,_Hear_The_Word_of_The_Lord
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Pruning season 🌱
““I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken.”
John 15:1-3 MSG
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Set Apart by God to Stand Out from the Crowd
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Omnia SetApart FNL
Omnia Construction delivers that result through an outstanding professional process that is dedicated to accomplishing the finished product you imagined. We do that through collaboration, communication, and execution. See here: https://www.omniaconstruction.com/
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Living Hope in Life's Trials Embracing Faith and Resilience through Jesu...
"Set Apart for Purpose: Embracing a Life of Holiness"
1 Peter 1 calls us to be holy, “for I am holy.” But what does holiness mean? It’s not about a flawless, rigid life. Rather, holiness is about being “set apart,” living distinctively in a way that reflects God’s love and truth. It’s about walking in a manner that reveals the heart of God to the world around us.

Holiness as a Way of Life
In practical terms, holiness shows up in our decisions, relationships, and interactions. It means choosing integrity over shortcuts, kindness over anger, and gratitude over complaint. It’s a daily decision to align ourselves with God’s character, showing love, patience, and compassion.
Tips for Embracing Holiness Daily
Start Small: Aim to reflect God in small, daily actions, like offering a kind word or helping a neighbor.
Seek Accountability: Surround yourself with people who encourage you in your faith and help you stay focused on living a life that honors God.
Reflect on Scripture: Spend time in God’s Word daily, allowing it to shape your thoughts, attitudes, and actions.
Ask for God’s Strength: Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to make decisions that reflect holiness, even when it’s hard.
Holiness isn’t about perfection but a heart dedicated to God. In living this out, we stand out, showing the world what it means to be loved and changed by God.
#SetApart #LiveHoly #CalledForPurpose #1Peter1 #ReflectGod #FaithInAction #LifeOfHoliness
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10N ☀️

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The Divine Calling of Every Christian: Reflecting God’s Glory Through Christlikeness

The Christian journey is more than a path of personal devotion—it is a divine calling that transcends individual spiritual goals, inviting believers to embody a transformative relationship with God. Rooted in the concept of theosis, this journey calls Christians to glorify God, emulate Christ, and foster relationships that reflect His glory and purpose. These three imperatives—glorify, emulate, and foster—serve as the foundation for a life of faith that aligns with God's eternal plan.
Glorifying God: The Heart of Christian Existence
At the core of the Christian life lies the call to glorify God, to magnify His presence through words, actions, and attitudes. This is not limited to worship services or prayer but extends into every moment of life. As Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
Glorifying God involves reflecting His holiness and goodness in every aspect of life. This process begins with acknowledging Him as the Creator and sustainer of all things and continues through acts of obedience, gratitude, and love. As believers grow in their understanding of God's character, they increasingly become vessels through which His glory is revealed.
Practical Steps to Glorify God:
Worship: Make worship a daily practice, acknowledging God’s sovereignty and expressing gratitude.
Excellence in Work: Approach every task with diligence, offering it as an act of worship.
Witness: Share God's goodness with others through testimony and acts of kindness.
Emulating Christ: The Path to Christlikeness
The second pillar of the Christian calling is to emulate Christ. This means more than copying His actions—it requires embodying His character and aligning one’s life with His example of humility, obedience, and love. Romans 8:29 affirms this goal: “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son.”
Emulating Christ is a dynamic process fueled by the Holy Spirit’s transformative work. It involves abiding in Christ through prayer, studying Scripture, and participating in communal worship. As believers draw closer to Christ, they naturally begin to reflect His virtues, such as compassion, patience, and selflessness.
Ways to Emulate Christ:
Abide in Him: Spend time daily in prayer and Scripture to deepen your relationship with Christ.
Serve Others: Follow Christ’s example of servant leadership by meeting the needs of those around you.
Forgive: Practice forgiveness as a reflection of Christ’s unconditional love and grace.
Fostering Relationships: Living Out God’s Relational Nature
The third imperative is to foster relationships with God and others. Rooted in the relational nature of the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—this calling emphasizes nurturing meaningful connections that reflect divine love. Jesus declared in John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.”
Fostering relationships begins with cultivating intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word. This relationship serves as the foundation for all other connections, enabling believers to love and serve others selflessly. Within the Christian community, believers are called to encourage and support one another, reflecting the unity and harmony of the Body of Christ.
Practices for Fostering Relationships:
Deepen Your Relationship with God: Regularly engage in prayer and worship to strengthen your connection with Him.
Build Community: Actively participate in church life, offering encouragement and accountability to fellow believers.
Extend Love to the World: Demonstrate Christ’s love through acts of kindness, reconciliation, and hospitality.
Theosis: A Journey of Transformation
The calling to glorify God, emulate Christ, and foster relationships is deeply connected to the doctrine of theosis—the transformative process of growing into God’s likeness. This journey involves three stages: purification, illumination, and union, reflecting an ongoing progression toward deeper intimacy with God and fuller reflection of His character.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers are continually sanctified, becoming vessels of God’s glory. This transformation not only impacts personal spirituality but also shapes relationships within the Church and the broader world. As believers embody God’s love and holiness, they fulfill their divine purpose, participating in His redemptive work and inviting others into a relationship with Him.
A Shared Calling for All Believers
The Christian calling is not reserved for a select few—it is a shared invitation extended to all who follow Christ. By glorifying God, emulating Christ, and fostering relationships, believers collectively bear witness to His transforming power and reflect His glory in a world that desperately needs it. This sacred journey affirms that Christians are not isolated pilgrims but part of a global family united in their mission to make God known and to grow into the likeness of Christ.
As we embrace this calling, may we be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives that glorify God, reflect Christ’s character, and build relationships rooted in His love. Together, let us fulfill our divine purpose, advancing from glory to glory until we are fully united with Him in eternal communion.
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"The Bride"
The true bride is chosen; She has been called out and shall be lifted up!…
Behold, I will come for her and she will be taken, Caught up to My Father’s house for one week In The Lord, and we shall be together forever…
All tears wiped away…
Even every tear she shed on the behalf of others; Every tear she shed for the afflicted and the unborn; Every tear she shed over all this evil, On account of all this oppression and death…
Even every tear she shed in repentance, In seeking after her Bridegroom…
Says The Lord.
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two#The_Bride
▶ Video/Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knS5_mcFXlg&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkPHgZ2CISXAJx3vpxyJ9MCr&index=25
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*Video!* Section 2 of 5: "TURN AWAY FROM THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN" (The Lord Rebukes the Churches of Men) -> ->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCRvdjlWu0E&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=26 <- <- "Behold, your adulteries shall be uncovered, O churches of men, and you shall cry out in the streets! And with tears streaming, you shall fall and be made to sit upon the ground, until you once again stand up with pure testimony and right understanding, proclaiming My name in truth, honoring My Commandments and keeping My Sabbaths, and no more adding to nor taking away from the Word which I have commanded you.[2] In that day, the multitudes shall lie down in death, and many of you shall fall asleep. Yet I shall come for you, and lift you up, and give you robes of white. Yes, you shall die, even at the hands of men, yet you shall be lifted up to glory.
Therefore purge yourselves, and cease from all this awful spewing! Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, AND REPENT; return to Me!…
Beloved, come to Me empty, that you may receive true knowledge; Come out from among them and embrace your Savior in truth; Be delivered from all this darkness!…
Turn away from the commandments of men; Stand apart from those who call evil good and good evil, Who put darkness for light and light for darkness, Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter,[3]
Says The Lord."
[2]: Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32 (NKJV) [3]: Isaiah 5:20
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Churches_of_Men,_Hear_The_Word_of_The_Lord
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