#red heifer
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sugarmarbles21 · 11 months ago
We don’t have a lot of time, people! If these cows are slaughtered then that’s it. World War III has begun and it was because of Zionist hubris! I read in the comments that the heifers are not fit to be sacrificed because they were not born in Israel which is one of the requirements, so maybe if we use that then we should be able to stop the slaughter for now.
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creature-wizard · 11 months ago
i know you’ve talked about evangelicals end times conspiracies and stuff before, so do you know what’s going on with the red heifer thing? someone told me about it today and i know it’s probably just conspiracy, and likely antisemitic in some way, but i can’t find resources on it that aren’t. well. prophesying the end times
I searched DuckDuckGo for "red heifer judaism" and found some pages that I think should sum up the situation? This isn't a conspiracy theory so much as "the eschaton immanitizers are at it again."
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shinisenko · 9 months ago
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news4dzhozhar · 1 year ago
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But they call Muslims backwards and barbaric? They're literally trying to bring on the second coming by killing some "special" cows. You can't rationalize with people who don't see anything crazy about this entire archaic belief.
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girlactionfigure · 8 months ago
Red Heifer Yourself!! - Parshat Chukat
Rabbi Benny's Weekly Torah Thought... Keeping it short, contemporary and meaningful.
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aranyadev · 1 year ago
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brojames-glorytogodvideos · 11 months ago
Passover Update! Five Sacrificial Red Heifers Are Now Four
Now that the Jewish Passover has begun, beginning on April 22nd and ending on April 30th, I'd like to update you on current events concerning the sacrifice of the red heifer and the building of the Third Temple - so relevant to Bible prophecy. Those of you who follow this channel, you know I made a video back in 2022 telling you about the 5 red heifer cows shipped from Texas to Israel. And I've kept you updated since then about how this story is moving along toward the time when the Jewish rabbis in Jerusalem sacrifice one of these red heifers for the purpose of purifying the people of Israel. In the meantime since I made my videos, the internet is now flooded with "red heifer mania." Is this sacrifice of a red heifer bringing about Armageddon? Apocalypse? Nuclear War? The 5 sacrificial red heifers are now FOUR.
Website GloryToGodVideos.com
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judahmaccabees · 11 months ago
A Record of Dream
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Dream, protector of dreams, battled a shadowy deceiver. Doubt lingered, twisting gratitude into suspicion. He embraced self-reliance, a new era of unwavering truth.
Intruders defiled his realm. Dream unleashed a spell, banishing them to oblivion. Accusations echoed, demanding apologies. Dream acknowledged the pain, seeking reconciliation.
He embraced self-gratitude, a shield against past betrayals. The realm basked in his authenticity. Whispers of thieving control threatened, but truth empowered the inhabitants. Deception’s charade ended, Dream stood, a beacon of truth in a world of illusions.
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Wake up.
- Heaven
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You subsist in a Dystopia of pissants calling this Paradise.
I Offer you The Kingdom.
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shiningthelightministries · 11 months ago
Red Heifer Sacrifice Warning - Bible Study - Shining The Light Ministrie...
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sugarmarbles21 · 1 year ago
Something needs to be done about the red heifers!
I believe that I don’t have to explain why this sacrifice can’t come to pass. If you don’t know, fanatical religious groups are planning to tear down the Al aqsa mosque after killing a red cow and that mosque is not only sacred to Muslim countries but also Muslims over the world!
This awful ritual must be stopped or else, WORLD WAR III! If we can prevent the cow from being slaughtered then they can’t destroy Al aqsa. There is a link to a petition to save the cows in the video. Sign it if you’re able to.
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lightman2120 · 1 year ago
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fathercharlesoffdensen · 1 year ago
Hear me out: We get like 9 unblemished red cows and have Dethklok play a concert to dually consecrate the building of the Third Temple in Israel that all three Abrahamic religions have been creaming themselves over for 2k years. They all have to share and/or adhere to a sign up sheet (no piggybacking time slots!) going forward. Someone get Brendan Small on the phone!
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at-the-end-of-days · 2 years ago
So here’s… something.
And what does that mean?
Well, to me, I think it means that no war with China or with Russia is going to happen in 2023.
Why? Because if we take Revelations at face value (and many don’t, it’s the end of the world and why should they?) then we know that a huge amount of people are doomed to die. That everything in the ocean pretty much is doomed to die.
I don’t know about all of you, but if the oceans are supposed to be empty ish by 2050? There’s no way they’d recover from a nuclear war in time for Armageddon in the next 25 years to even have anything to empty.
And we know that something is going to happen at the Temple.
What could possibly defile it more.. than to host an animal sacrifice on its steps, and to drive out the Islamic population that’s within the mosque already sitting there?
Yes, there’s a holy site to Christians and Jews there. But there’s also a site for Muslims! Of great importance!
Do we honestly believe that rebuilding a temple, a location, is worth hurting the people inside it? I, for one, do not believe that Muslims would so readily stand aside and let their place of worship be destroyed. And we have already seen so much violence within Israel.
That is assuming that any of the five cows do not grow a blemish, or a single discolored hair in the next year and a half. But let’s say that one cow out of the five does look perfect. That the priests, kept “pure” all this time, continue to be “pure.”
That the sacrifice takes place.
That the blood is scattered.
The animal burned.
Would not a great desolation be the harming of people within the temple?
Would not nations respond to such violence?
So my belief is that earthquakes and famines will arise and abound during the next year and a half. That the US economy and the world economy will teeter and that some places will do better than others.
But I do not believe a hot war will begin until after the slaughter of the cow.
And hey, if it does? Then I don’t think we’re at the end of days.
I think humanity *does* turn around. That after the war, we actually stop destroying our oceans, we fish more responsibly.
But I think, as a Christian… that I have to follow the word of the son of Nazareth before all else. And he said that some desolation would happen first, that the people of Israel would have to flee. I think.. that since we have red cows.. that we have a definitive timeline.. that while a war is coming… it isn’t the BIG ONE unless something happens at the Temple and all the people of Israel have to drop everything and run.
I could absolutely see, that a red heifer is brought to age, sacrificed.. and then the mosque is destroyed, and lives lost. And that in retaliation.. a bomb, or some gas attack, or a mini nuke, SOMETHING happens.. that sends everyone running for the hills.
Then the end begins.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years ago
Red Heifer Yourself!! - Parshat Chukat
Rabbi Benny's Weekly Torah Thought... Keeping it short, contemporary and meaningful.
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aranyadev · 1 year ago
Stop the Sacrifice — Stop Holy World War III
Please sign and share.
#christspiracy #peace #war #WWIII #WorldWarIII #World_War_III #israel #palestine #gaza #redheifer #genocide #animals #animalrights #animal_rights #vegan #veganism #justice 
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