sucka99 · 7 months
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 11 months
if i have to stare at applescript for one more second i'm fucking digging up steve jobs
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techdirectarchive · 2 months
Access EC2 Linux Instance via the Password
An Amazon EC2 instance is a virtual server in Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for running applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. In this article, we will describe how to access EC2 Linux Instance via the Password. Please see Create Folders and Enable File sharing on Windows, How to deploy Ansible AWX on centos 8, and how to setup and configure a Lamp stack on…
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linuxteck-blog · 1 year
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joy-jules · 2 years
LazySysAdmin - Vulnhub walkthrough
LazySysAdmin – Vulnhub walkthrough
LazySysAdmin is an easy to crack VM. There are multiple ways to crack this machine, several ports and mis-configured services are present inside this box. The takeaway from this machine for me is to understand a service better and thinking simpler to get root privileges after we are able to exploit a badly configured service. Prerequisites: 1. Download LazySysAdmin –…
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queer-coded · 4 months
> be me
> autistic tgirl in IT
> develop a crush on a cute robot girl
> offer to host a development environment for her on my home server
> she says ok
> struggle to install Debian because I'm a windowsfag
> set up Debian and add her account to the sudoers list
> try to set up a tunnel to a subdomain to point to the box
> mfw it works after an hour of reading docs
This feels like peak nerdy transfem flirting. Tell me I'm wrong.
Do you think she'll like me now? 👉👈
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sentientcitysurvival · 11 months
Basic Linux Security
Install Unattended Upgrades and enable the "unattended-upgrades" service.
Install ClamAV and enable "clamav-freshclam" service.
Install and run Lynis to audit your OS.
Use the "last -20" command to see the last 20 users that have been on the system.
Install UFW and enable the service.
Check your repo sources (eg; /etc/apt/).
Check the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow lists for any unusual accounts.
User the finger command to check on activity summaries.
Check /var/logs for unusual activity.
Use "ps -aux | grep TERM" or "ps -ef | grep TERM" to check for suspicious ongoing processes.
Check for failed sudo attempts with "grep "NOT in sudoers" /var/log/auth.log.
Check journalctl for system messages.
Check to make sure rsyslog is running with "sudo systemctl status rsyslog" (or "sudo service rsyslog status") and if it's not enable with "sudo systemctl enable rsyslog".
Perform an nmap scan on your machine/network.
User netstat to check for unusual network activity.
Use various security apps to test you machine and network.
Change your config files for various services (ssh, apache2, etc) to non-standard configurations.
Disabled guest accounts.
Double up on ssh security by requiring both keys and passwords.
Check your package manager for any install suspicious apps (keyloggers, cleaners, etc).
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debian-official · 3 months
ugh it's been too long since setting up a server. Got me looking up "how to add user to sudoers" and "bash: reboot: command not found" all over again
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clatterbane · 1 month
Oh yay, unexpected system problems!
For whatever reason, my MX install seems to be borked. I can log in on TTY fine, but XFCE refuses to load, and sudo is not working(?). It's claiming the sudoers file doesn't exist. I did not knowingly do anything that might break it.
The only thing I can really think of is probably running an update, and not immediately booting back into it to make sure everything is working fine then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So, I wouldn't have caught it earlier. This is basically Debian Stable minus systemd and with some extra tools bolted on, so I don't really expect updates to go breaking shit like on rolling releases. Didn't see anybody else reporting any weird shit like this, glancing at the forums.
Haven't even seriously gotten into trying to clean up whatever the hell happened yet. I wasn't awake enough yet.
Glad that's not my daily driver right now, but a (sometimes useful) side install that I kept around after trying and mostly switching over to another distro. It's still deeply annoying whenever something like this happens.
But! Worst case, backups may pull my chestnuts out of this fire.
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Got a handy recent-enough snapshot ISO in my little USB treasure chest.
And I've currently got a fresh /home backup running on my current main system.
After that finishes, I'd better go and try in earnest to fix the situation. If nothing else, because I am morbidly curious wtf exactly has even gone wrong there. But, at least it's nbd if it's just not readily fixable.
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princncess · 1 year
“sudo stop sudo stop sudo stoooop!!!!”
the robot girl viciously raping me: “you are not in the sudoers file. this incident will be reported”
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avroaustin · 6 months
hey babe id put u on my sudoers list
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fractalist · 6 months
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this goes out to all you sudoers out there
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daemonhxckergrrl · 1 year
Can I be on your sudoers list?
y-you would like...admin access, to me ? 😳😳
root@synthia # usermod -aG wheel Elizabeth
pls be gentle 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
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This is rarely useful, but you can actually have multiple username+password combinations for the same user in UNIX/Linux.
Just copy the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow entries, keeping the same user ID, and change the username to the same new username in the copied lines.
This gives you two usernames for the same user. The user can log in as either username. Most tools will show the username and other information from the first entry in the /etc/passwd file.
Then commands like `passwd` and `chage` can manipulate the password and things like account and password expiration information for each username independently.
Basically no code in the world expects you to do this, so proceed at your own risk. It mostly works because the line-oriented format of /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow naturally lends itself to code which just looks for the first matching entry, so most lookups by user ID or user name just start from the top and stop at the first matching line.
After knowing about this trick for years, I eventually ran into one real-world use-case of this: at a previous job, we had some upgrade deployment automation which SSHed into the old instance of a server and then the new one. All the code assumed that both servers have the same username for the SSH user. We needed to change the username in the new instance images, and it was the kind of rare change that doesn't really warrant changing the automation code for. So as a one-off manual pre-upgrade step, I created an alias for the service account on the old instances with the new username. The nice thing about this was that if any configuration anywhere on the server still used the old name, it still worked (the one example I knew of was our sudoers file, but this way we didn't have to worry if there are others that we missed).
So maybe this will help you out at some point too.
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oldmanyaoi-jpeg · 11 months
macos admin will have you googling "does applescript run as root ask for password" and "applescript with administrator privileges no password" and getting results like "here's how to put your password in the script in plain text" and "manually edit the sudoers file on 3k computers + then shit yorself and die"
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missouri-and-woe · 1 year
"luke is not in the sudoers file"
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