#sudarshan chakra story
jeevanjali · 4 months
Lord Vishnu: भगवान विष्णु के पास कहां से आया था सुदर्शन चक्र? जानिए इसके पीछे की दिलचस्प कहानीLord Vishnu: वैदिक काल से ही भगवान विष्णु को संपूर्ण विश्व की सर्वोच्च शक्ति और नियंत्रक के रूप में मान्यता दी गई है। पुराणों में भगवान विष्णु को जगत का पालनहार कहा गया है।
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mplanetleaf · 2 years
కృష్ణుడి తరువాత సుదర్శన చక్రం ఏమైంది? | What happened to Sudarshan Chakra after Lord Krishna?
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stxrrynxghts · 5 months
My favorite moment in StarBharat
Y'all may think it is something Abhimanyu related, but no, it isn't. Okay, maybe it is IS Abhimanyu related.
I really, really love the entire sequence from the night of the 13th day, to Jayadrath's death. So here is a weird summary for those of you don't remember it properly.
Arjun arrives and drops to the ground in shock (kind of). Then he starts to cry, and then remembers Abhimanyu's tear catching days when he was still alive. He is like : who will catch my tears now *sob sob*
I resisted the urge to say : then don't cry at all, Arjun. But I didn't say anything to the Arjun in my laptop seeing the time and occasion.
Then Yudhishthira comes to apologize (as he rightfully should). Arjun asks him who offed his son. Instead of taking the names of the people who shot arrows at Abhimanyu, Nakul is like "Jayadrath got a boon, bro".
Arjun feels very guilty (as he has been feeling and will continue to feel for the rest of the war). Then he flies into a rage and is like time to rectify the mistake I made~
Krishna is standing in the corner like : "mission accomplished."
Arjun goes to the Kaurava camp and starts beating the fuck out of everyone he comes across. Mysteriously, Karna and Duryodhan are nowhere to be seen in this entire scene.
Drona starts telling Arjun how what he is doing is adharma. Arjun tells Drona to shut the fuck up (albeit politely) . Then the rest of the Pandava bros (except Yudhishthira) arrive and start kicking some ass.
Arjun is going to murder Jayadrath (but hey, weren't we supposed to a cool ass death sequence????) Then Samrat arrives fashionably late and gives Arjun Abhimanyu's kasam (indirectly). Arjun pledges to either kill Jayadrath by sundown the next day or die himself.
The next day, Arjun continues his rage induced fight with the Kaurava army. Also, Abhimanyu is still laying in the exact place they placed his body the previous day. In the middle of the fcking camp. Poor guy.
Then Duryodhan starts teasing Arjun how he is going to die soon. Ashwatthama and Dushasan join in the taunting. Dushasan is like : Krishna calls himself a god, how did he help you?
Le Krishna: *covers the sun with his sudarshan chakra in the next scene*
Jayadrath, who was hidden in the camp, comes to the battlefield, because he feels that the sun has set. Shakuni rightfully feels that something is sus, and the Pandavas shed some tears.
Arjun is like : okay. If you think I should die then I will die.
Jayadrath arrives, and then taunts Arjun a LOT. finally, Shakuni arrives and is like : Krishna why tf is your sudarshan hiding the sun.
*cue shocked faces*
Krishna is like : well, I can't make the sunset happen (you very well can. Who are you lying to?), but I can make it appear as if the sun has set, no?
Then a long scene happens. I don't remember much of it, since I was too focused on Arjun's flying hair. He has really entered his Santoor papa era.
Long story short, Arjun sends Jayadrath's head flying. YAYYYYYYY
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pooma-satsangam · 2 years
தமிழில் ।।
Significance of Goddess Katyayani – Navratri Day 6
Kātyāyanī is the 6th form of Goddess Durga and she is worshipped on the 6th day of Navratri.
When we meditate on Goddess Kātyāyanī by keeping our attention on the Ajna Chakra, She blesses us with profound wisdom, happiness and prosperity. All the 4 goals of life such as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha is easily attained with the grace of Goddess Kātyāyanī when you surrender with complete faith. Moreover, Goddess Kātyāyanī has the power to free us from the sins accumulated from all our past lives when we worship her with devotion.
The Mantra for Kātyāyanī:
Aum Hrim Katyayini Durgaye Namaha
Hidden meaning of Kātyāyanī as explained by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Everything that happens and unfolds before us, which is called Prapancha is not limited only to what is visible. That which is invisible and cannot be perceived by the senses is far greater than we can even imagine and comprehend.
The subtle world which is invisible and unmanifest is ruled by this form of the Mother Divine – Katyayani. In this form, she represents everything that cannot be seen or understood. Katyayani represents the deep and most intricate secrets of Divinity.
# How did this form of the Mother Divine come to manifest?
The Story behind the manifestation of Mother Divine to the form of KathyayaniOnce upon a time it so happened that all the demigods became very angry. The form of the Mother Divine that arose from this anger came to be known as Katyayani. There are divine and demonic forces in creation. So also, anger can be a positive or a negative force.
How can anger be a positive or a divine quality, and when can it become a negative or a demonic quality?
There is a huge difference between the two. Do not think that anger is only a bad quality. Anger is also important and has its own place. Good anger is associated with wisdom, while bad anger with emotions and selfishness. Good anger comes from a sense of broad vision. Anger is appropriate when it is directed towards injustice and ignorance. Usually whoever gets angry tends to think that his anger is justified and directed towards some injustice only! But if you go deeper into more subtle levels of existence, you will find that it is not really so. In such cases, anger actually creates bondage for the person. So, the anger that arises for righteous reasons and is directed towards negativity and injustice is represented by Devi Katyayani.
You must have witnessed so many natural calamities which people call the revenge of Nature. For example, many places get struck by huge earthquakes, or severe floods. All these happenings are attributed to Devi Katyayani. Devi Katyayani represents that divine principle and form of the Mother Divine which is behind such terrible natural calamities and disasters. Devi Katyayani also represents that anger that arises in Creation to restore and revive the principles of Dharma and truth. Katyayani is the divine force or principle of the unmanifest Divinity that arises in the subtle layers of creation against negativity and for the purpose of restoring Dharma. It is said that the anger of a wise person only brings about greater good; whereas even the love of an ignorant or foolish person can only cause more trouble. That is why Devi Katyayani actually represents a beneficial and uplifting force.
The Legend of Kātyāyanī’s Creation:
The Vamana Purana mentions the legend of her creation in great detail: “When the gods had sought Vishnu in their distress, he and at his command Shiva , Brahma and the other gods, emitted such flames from their eyes and countenances that a mountain of effulgence was formed, from which became manifest Katyayini, refulgent as a thousand suns, having three eyes, black hair and eighteen arms. Shiva gave her his trident, Vishnu a Sudarshan Chakra or discus, Varuna a shankha , a conch-shell, Agni a dart, Vayu a bow, Surya a quiver full of arrows, Indra a thunderbolt, Kuvera a mace, Brahma a rosary and water-pot, Kala a shield and sword, Visvakarma a battle-axe and other weapons. Thus armed and adored by the gods, Katyayani proceeded to the Mysore hills. There, the asuras saw her and captivated by her beauty they so described her to Mahishasura , their king, that he was anxious to obtain her. On asking for her hand, she told him she must be won in fight. He came and fought; at length Durga dismounted from her lion, and sprang upon the back of Mahisha, who was in the form of a buffalo and with her tender feet so smote him on the head that he fell to the ground senseless, when she cut off his head with her sword and hence was called Mahishasuramardini, the Slayer of Mahishasura.
காத்யாயனி தேவியின் முக்கியத்துவம் - நவராத்திரி நாள் 6
காத்யாயனி துர்கா தேவியின் 6 வது வடிவம் மற்றும் அவள் நவராத்திரியின் 6 வது நாளில் வழிபடப்படுகிறாள்.
காத்யாயனி தேவியை ஆஜ்னா சக்கரத்தில் வைத்து தியானிக்கும்போது, ​​அவள் நமக்கு ஆழ்ந்த ஞானம், மகிழ்ச்சி மற்றும் செழிப்பு ஆகியவற்றை அருள்கிறாள். தர்மம், அர்த்தம், காமம், மோட்சம் போன்ற 4 வாழ்க்கையின் இலக்குகளும் காத்யாயனி தேவியின் அருளால், முழு நம்பிக்கையுடன் சரணடையும் போது எளிதில் அடையலாம். மேலும், காத்யாயனி தேவியை நாம் பக்தியுடன் வணங்கும் போது, ​​நம் பூர்வ ஜென்மங்கள் அனைத்தும் செய்த பாவங்களில் இருந்து நம்மை விடுவிக்கும் ஆற்றல் பெற்றவள்.
காத்யாயனிக்கான மந்திரம்:
ஓம் ஹ்ரீம் காத்யாயினி துர்கயே நமஹ
குருதேவ் ஸ்ரீ ஸ்ரீ ரவிசங்கர் விளக்கியபடி காத்யாயனியின் மறைக்கப்பட்ட பொருள்: நமக்கு முன்னால் நடக்கும் மற்றும் விரிவடையும் அனைத்தும், பிரபஞ்சம் என்று அழைக்கப்படும் அனைத்தும் கண்ணுக்குத் தெரிவதற்கு மட்டும் மட்டுப்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாதது மற்றும் புலன்களால் உணர முடியாதது, நாம் கற்பனை செய்து புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாததை விட மிகப் பெரியது.
கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாத மற்றும் வெளிப்படுத்தப்படாத சூட்சும உலகம் இந்த தெய்வீக அன்னையின் வடிவத்தால் ஆளப்படுகிறது - காத்யாயனி. இந்த வடிவத்தில், அவள் பார்க்க முடியாத அல்லது புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியாத அனைத்தையும் பிரதிபலிக்கிறாள். காத்யாயனி தெய்வீகத்தின் ஆழமான மற்றும் மிகவும் சிக்கலான இரகசியங்களைக் குறிக்கிறது.
# தெய்வீக அன்னையின் இந்த வடிவம் எப்படி வெளிப்பட்டது?
தெய்வீக அன்னை காத்யாயனியின் வடிவத்தில் வெளிப்பட்டதன் பின்னணியில் உள்ள கதை ஒரு காலத்தில் அனைத்து தேவர்களும் மிகவும் கோபமடைந்தனர். இந்தக் கோபத்தில் இருந்து எழுந்த அன்னையின் வடிவமே காத்யாயனி எனப் பெயர் பெற்றது. படைப்பில் தெய்வீக மற்றும் அசுர சக்திகள் உள்ளன. மேலும், கோபம் நேர்மறை அல்லது எதிர்மறை சக்தியாக இருக்கலாம்.
கோபம் எப்படி நேர்மறை அல்லது தெய்வீக குணமாக இருக்க முடியும், அது எப்போது எதிர்மறை அல்லது பேய் குணமாக மாறும்?
இரண்டுக்கும் ஒரு பெரிய வித்தியாசம் இருக்கிறது. கோபம் ஒரு மோசமான குணம் என்று நினைக்காதீர்கள். கோபமும் முக்கியமானது மற்றும் அதன் சொந்த இடம் உள்ளது. நல்ல கோபம் ஞானத்துடன் தொடர்புடையது, அதே சமயம் கெட்ட கோபம் உணர்ச்சிகள் மற்றும் சுயநலத்துடன் தொடர்புடையது. நல்ல கோபம் என்பது பரந்த பார்வையின் உணர்விலிருந்து வருகிறது. அநீதியையும் அறியாமையையும் நோக்கிச் செல்லும் போது கோபம் பொருத்தமானது. பொதுவாக யார் கோபப்பட்டாலும் தன் கோபம் நியாயமானது என்றும் ஏதோ ஒரு அநீதியை நோக்கி மட்டுமே செலுத்துவது என்றும் நினைப்பார்கள்! ஆனால் நீங்கள் இருப்பின் மிகவும் நுட்பமான நிலைகளுக்கு ஆழமாகச் சென்றால், அது உண்மையில் அப்படி இல்லை என்பதை நீங்கள் காண்பீர்கள். இதுபோன்ற சந்தர்ப்பங்களில், கோபம் உண்மையில் ஒரு நபருக்கு அடிமைத்தனத்தை உருவாக்குகிறது. எனவே, நியாயமான காரணங்களுக்காக எழும் கோபம் மற்றும் எதிர்மறை மற்றும் அநீதியை நோக்கி செலுத்தப்படுகிறது தேவி காத்யாயனி.
இயற்கையின் பழிவாங்கல் என்று மக்கள் அழைக்கும் எத்தனையோ இயற்கை சீற்றங்களை நீங்கள் பார்த்திருப்பீர்கள். உதாரணமாக, பல இடங்கள் பெரிய பூகம்பங்கள் அல்லது கடுமையான வெள்ளத்தால் தாக்கப்படுகின்றன. இந்த நிகழ்வுகள் அனைத்தும் காத்யாயனி தேவிக்குக் காரணம். தேவி காத்யாயனி அந்த தெய்வீக கொள்கை மற்றும் அன்னையின் தெய்வீக வடிவத்தை பிரதிபலிக்கிறது, இது போன்ற பயங்கரமான இயற்கை பேரழிவுகள் மற்றும் பேரழிவுகளுக்குப் பின்னால் உள்ளது. தேவி காத்யாயனி, தர்மம் மற்றும் சத்தியத்தின் கொள்கைகளை மீட்டெடு��்கவும் புதுப்பிக்கவும் படைப்பில் எழும் கோபத்தை பிரதிபலிக்கிறது. காத்யாயனி என்பது தெய்வீக சக்தி அல்லது வெளிப்படுத்தப்படாத தெய்வீகத்தின் கொள்கை, இது எதிர்மறைக்கு எதிராகவும் தர்மத்தை மீட்டெடுக்கும் நோக்கத்திற்காகவும் படைப்பின் நுட்பமான அடுக்குகளில் எழுகிறது. ஒரு ஞானியின் கோபம் அதிக நன்மையைத் தரும் என்று கூறப்படுகிறது; அதேசமயம் ஒரு அறியாமை அல்லது முட்டாள்தனமான நபரின் அன்பு கூட அதிக சிக்கலை ஏற்படுத்தும். அதனால்தான் தேவி காத்யாயனி உண்மையில் ஒரு நன்மை மற்றும் மேம்படுத்தும் சக்தியைக் குறிக்கிறது.
காத்யாயனியின் படைப்பின் புராணக்கதை:
வாமன புராணம் அவள் படைப்பின் புராணத்தை மிக விரிவாகக் குறிப்பிடுகிறது: “தேவர்கள் தங்கள் துன்பத்தில் விஷ்ணுவைத் தேடியபோது, ​​அவரும் அவருடைய கட்டளையின் பேரில் சிவன், பிரம்மா மற்றும் பிற தேவர்களும் அத்தகைய தீப்பிழம்புகளை தங்கள் கண்களிலிருந்தும் முகங்களிலிருந்தும் வெளியேற்றினர், அது ஒரு மலை பிரகாசமாக இருந்தது. மூன்று கண்கள், கருப்பு முடி மற்றும் பதினெட்டு கைகள் கொண்ட, ஆயிரம் சூரியன்கள் போல் ஒளிரும் காத்யாயினி உருவானது. சிவன் அவளுக்குத் தன் திரிசூலத்தையும், விஷ்ணுவுக்கு ஒரு சுதர்சன சக்கரம் அல்லது வட்டு, வருணன் ஒரு சங்கு, ஒரு சங்கு, அக்னி ஒரு டார்ட், வாயு ஒரு வில், சூரியன் ஒரு அம்புகள் நிறைந்த ஒரு அம்பு, இந்திரன் ஒரு இடி, குவேரன் ஒரு தந்திரம், பிரம்மா ஒரு ஜெபமாலை மற்றும் தண்ணீர் கொடுத்தார். -பானை, கலா ஒரு கேடயம் மற்றும் வாள், விஸ்வகர்மா ஒரு போர்-கோடாரி மற்றும் பிற ஆயுதங்கள். இவ்வாறு ஆயுதம் ஏந்தி, தெய்வங்களால் வணங்கப்பட்ட காத்யாயனி, மைசூர் மலைகளுக்குச் சென்றாள். அங்கு, அசுரர்கள் அவளைப் பார்த்து, அவளது அழகில் மயங்கி, அவளைப் பெறுவதற்கு ஆர்வமாக இருந்ததால், தங்கள் அரசனான மகிஷாசுரனிடம் அவளை விவரித்தனர். அவள் கையைக் கேட்டவுடன், அவள் சண்டையில் வெல்ல வேண்டும் என்று சொன்னாள். வந்து போரிட்டான்; சிறிது நேரத்தில் துர்கா தன் சிங்கத்திலிருந்து இறங்கி, எருமை வடிவில் இருந்த மகிஷாவின் முதுகில் பாய்ந்து, தன் மென்மையான பாதங்களால் அவனைத் தலையில் அடித்ததால், அவன் தலையை துண்டித்தபோது, ​​அவன் உணர்வற்றுத் தரையில் விழுந்தான். அவளுடைய வாள், அதனால் மகிஷாசுரனைக் கொன்ற மகிஷாசுரமர்த்தினி என்று அழைக்கப்பட்டது.
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Rakshabandhan : A festive of Love and Protection
"Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrated across India, is a beautiful expression of the bond between brothers and sisters."Rakhsha Bandhan is a famous festival among Hindu religion.This festival is widely celebrated in India and signifies the brotherhood and love among Indians, which is the true significance of Rakhsha Bandhan.Rakshabandha is bond that shows the purity and bonding between siblings.
Raksha Bandhan is observed on the last day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Shravana, which typically falls in August. The term "Raksha Bandhan" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Raksha," meaning protection, and "Bandhan," meaning to tie. Therefore, the festival signifies "the tie or knot of protection."
If we look into the pages of history, we will find mention of Raksha Bandhan many times.But the most popular story in Indian mythology is that of Lord Krishna and draupadi ( The wife of five Pandavas ).According to this story, when Lord Krishna killed Shishupal with the Sudarshan Chakra, his finger got cut and started bleeding. Seeing this, Draupadi tore the pallu of her sari and tied it on Krishna's finger. At that very moment, Krishna accepted Draupadi as his sister and promised to protect her for life. Krishna told Draupadi that whenever she finds herself in trouble, she can remember him.When Draupadi was being disrobed in Dhritarashtra's court and an attempt was being made to remove her sari, even Pandava Bhishma Pitamah Dronacharya Vidur could not save Draupadi's honour. Then Draupadi closed her eyes and remembered her brother Shri Krishna. Hearing sister Draupadi's call, Shri Krishna saved her honour with his power and fulfilled the responsibility of protecting her.
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The ceremony starts after the sister has done aarti, which is a custom in which the sister swings the thali in circular motions around the brother to bestow him with divine protection. Sisters tie rakhi on the wrists of their brothers.After this, they sweeten their brother's mouth with their favorite sweets.After every custom is successfully done, now comes the most exciting time of getting rewards from brothers. They reciprocate to their sisters by means of lavish return gifts and tokens of money.
How rakshabandhan celebrated in moden times?
Nowadays, even brothers tie Rakhi on their sister's wrists, and sisters also perform the ritual among each other. If some siblings live in different cities, they send each other virtual rakhis and messages on social media and express there love for each other.
Nowadays, Raksha Bandhan is not limited to only the Hindu religion or Indian celebrations; it is also celebrated by other religions and in different parts of the world.
•In the United States, Raksha Bandhan is celebrated by people of Indian origin, as well as by non-Indians who appreciate its values.
•In the UK, Raksha Bandhan is celebrated by people of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi origin, showcasing its cultural significance.
  Its universal themes of love, protection, and sibling bonding have resonated with people from diverse backgrounds, making it a truly global festival.
Let's celebrate a festive of rakhi with a promise of protection , love and lifelong companionship.
Happy rakshabandhan 🙏🙏
Jai hind🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
#pmo #cmo #the hindu # indian express #rakshabandhan 
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mylavenu99 · 2 months
Jagannath Temple Hyderabad: How to reach, Location, History & significance
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 Hyderabad lies a haven of serenity – the  Jagannath Temple. This magnificent structure, dedicated to Lord Jagannath, the embodiment of the universe, is a cultural and spiritual landmark for devotees across India.Lord Shree Jagannath Temple is a magnificent creation of Kalinga Cultural Trust to provide a sacred place for worship and to arouse divine thoughts in mind and hearts of people. This temple strictly adheres to the principles of sanctity, equity, discipline and cleanliness. The temple is an architectural delight and is a destination to experience peace and tranquility. The temple premise vibrates with the energy of the divine and renders an unique and unforgettable feeling. Enter the precincts of the Majestic Lord  Jagannath Temple  hyderabad at Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad and you will like to visit again and again being drawn closer to the God.
A Historical Journey:
The story of the Jagannath Temple begins in 1992 when a group of Odia devotees in Hyderabad envisioned a place to celebrate their rich heritage. After years of dedication and perseverance, the temple was finally consecrated in 2009. Inspired by the iconic Jagannath Temple in Puri, Odisha, its architectural style reflects a blend of tradition and modernity. Constructed with red sandstone, the temple boasts a towering Shikhara (spire) that reaches 70 feet, a testament to the skilled craftsmanship involved.
A Celebration of Faith:
The  Jagannath Temple is a vibrant center of devotion. Devotees are drawn to the daily pujas (worship rituals) and festivals like Ratha Yatra (Chariot Festival). This annual spectacle, which sees the deities being paraded through the streets on ornately decorated chariots, is a sight to behold. Thousands of devotees participate in this joyous celebration, chanting hymns and seeking blessings.
Why Pray to Lord Jagannath
The Lord who listens and responds to prayers. His kripa and concern are unfathomable.
Lord who rescued the king elephant from the crocodile, saving him by killing the crocodile with the Sudarshan chakra when prayed to be rescued.
He responded to Draupadi’s distressed cries from the Kuru sabha/darbar, protecting her dignity and saving her from shame.
And also He gave shelter to Vibhishana, Ravana’s brother, and bestowed upon him the throne.
Jagannath is Jagat (the Universe) and Nath (the Lord). That is, Jagannath is the Lord of the Universe, does not belong to any caste, creed, sect, religion, or race. He is beyond space and time and not the Lord of Hindus only but the Lord of Suffering Humanity. He is the remover of sins and the giver of Mukti. and also the purifier of the fallen.
Jagannath temple Hyderabad timings:
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
6:00 am – 11:00 am 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
How to reach the Temple:
 Jagannath Temple  Hyderabad Location:
The temple is situated on Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. It’s close to KBR Park and opposite the Telangana Bhavan.
Reaching the Temple:
By Car:
If you’re using a navigation app, simply enter “Jagannath Temple, Hyderabad” as your destination.
There’s a reasonable amount of free parking available on the temple’s northern and eastern sides.
By Public Transport:
Bus: Several buses ply routes near the temple. You can take buses
Auto-rickshaw or Taxi: These are readily available throughout Hyderabad. You can simply hail one and mention “Jagannath Temple, Banjara Hills” as your destination.
Significant Structure:
(Lions Gate or eastern gate) – It is one of the four entrances to the temple and is considered the main entry. It is named so that on either side there are two colossal statues of couching lions with crowns on their head. The gate faces east and therefore is also known as Purva Dwara or the eastern gate. The gate is intricately designed and carved and is of artistic finery and beauty. During Ratha Jatra, the idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Maa Subhadra are taken out to the chariot through this gate. The statue of Lord Mahalaxmi is at the top of the door. The door symbolizes the principle of Dharma and also the majesty of strength through the lion.
VYAGHRA DWARA: The Western door (Tiger gate) is guarded by two statues of tigers and is also known as Paschima dwara or Vyaghra dwara. It symbolizes Moksha and Vairagya (Renunciation) and energy by different schools of believers.
HATHI DWARA: The northern door, the Hathi Dwara or Uttara Dwara, is also symbolically indicated in this temple in view of the constraint of access to the temple from the northern side. This gate represents artha or prosperity different believers.
The southern gate is guarded by two statues of horses. This Aswa dwara symbolically represents Kama or Gyana (Knowledge) or military powers.
Navagraha statues are placed on all the gates in addition to small images of Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman, Durga, and Narasimha.
 ARUNA STAMBHA: The pillar is named after Aruna, the charioteer of the Sun God. In Puri, it is a sixteen-sided pillar (Height 25′ 2”, circumference 6′ 3.5″) with Aruna in prayer mode. An elegant and master piece of art, it is placed before the temple as the Sun God is considered identical with Vishnu from Vedic times. An  Aruna stamba cladded with carved and designed brass plates adorns the Jagannath Temple at Hyderabad. Artistic and imposing, it stands tall at 20 feet.
(Twenty-two steps): After entering the temple premises from the eastern gate, one needs to climb 22 steps to proceed towards the sanctum sanctorum of Lord Jagannath. In  Puri temple, each of these steps is 70ft in length, 6ft in width, and 6 to 7 inches in height. Here the steps are symbolic and do not conform to this measurement. The steps are given a lot of divine significance and considered auspicious for numerous holy activities. It is believed that during the car festival, several Gods, Goddesses, demigods, heavenly entities, souls of ancestors, Chitragupta, and Yamadootas descend upon these steps to witness the Pahandi of Lord Jagannath during the Ratha Jatra/Car festival.
BASI PANCHA significance
Madan Mohan, the representative idol of Lord Jagannath, offers pindadana on these steps to His ancestors—Nanda and Yashoda, Devaki and Vasudeva, Koushalya and Dasaratha on chaturdashi theethi of the dark fortnight in the month of Margasira. He also offers pindadana to King Indradyumna, who built the temple, and Queen Gundicha since they were childless. The steps are also called steps of self-control as these steps represent 22 kinds of faults and weaknesses in human beings.
Children are made to roll down on the steps to bring them spiritual bliss and happiness. Each of these sacred steps is named differently as: 1) Tidva, 2) Kumundati, 3) Manda, 4) Chalobati, 5) Dayabati, 6) Rajani, 7) Ratika, 8) Raohi, 9) Krodha, 10) Bajrika, 11) Prasavani, 12) Priti, 13) Marjana, 14) Khati, 15) Rakta, 16) Sandhipani, 17) Alapani, 18) Mandanti, 19) Rohini, 20) Gamya, 21) Ugra, 22) Khorini.
Crossing the 22 steps means crossing the 22 shortcomings to see the Lord. The shortcomings (Para Prakriti) are Kama, Sambhoga, Keli, Lova, Sancaya, Kosa or Panjikarana, Abhamaya, Himsa, Ersa, Kisunata, Kapata, Mithya, Hhuna, Ninda, Ajanta, Krodha, Raga, Dvesa, Ahankar, Mada or Parba, Uthkantha, Maithuna.
It is also believed that Baikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu, is situated above saptaloka, sapta patala, and asta baikuntha (22 stages); one has to cross them to reach the Lord. Thus, the steps in the temple take the devotees to the sanctum to have his Darshan. The  Hyderabad temple also has 22 steps leading to Garuda Stamba and to the sanctum thereafter, though not of the same specification as that of  Puri Temple.
Must know: Swarnagiri temple
A cosmic column which joins heaven and earth, Garuda is a vehicle of Lord Vishnu. Garuda is ever ready to serve the Lord with exemplary devotion and extraordinary power. Garuda is constantly watching the Lord on the Ratnavedi. Garuda Deva is installed on the column made out of wood and cladded with intricately woven brass at the entrance of Nata Mandir. The devotees, before proceeding towards the sanctum, touch and go into extraordinary devotion and a state of surrender to the Lord. A mere touch is assuring and arouses a cosmic connection with the devotee. Garuda Stambha is of the same importance as Nandi in Shiva temple.
The Neela chakra or the Blue Wheel adorns the top of the temple. The wheel symbolizes the Sudarshan Chakra, the most powerful disc weapon of Lord Vishnu. The wheel is made out of alloys of eight metals consisting of iron, copper, zinc, mercury, lead, brass, silver, and gold. The Neela chakra in  Puri temple weighs 2200 Kgs and has a height of 11 ft 8 inches with a diameter of 7 ft 6 inches. There are 8 wheel bars in the chakra.
The Neela chakra has eight Navagunjaras carved in the outer circumference all facing towards the flag post above. The Neela chakra in this temple is much similar but small in size and about 2’X3′ in width and height and weighs about 100 Kgs. A flag is flown tied to the mast attached to the Nilachakra. It is a pious and holy act to offer the flags to the temple.
Daily rituals in the Temple (Niti and Dhupas)
Morning (Sakala Dhupa):
Dwarapitha: The day begins with the opening of the temple doors and the sanctum sanctorum.
Mangala Arati: The first lamp offering to awaken the deities.
Mailam: Removal of the previous night’s dress and offerings from the deities.
Abakash: Ritualistic cleaning and bathing of the deities.
Besha Mailam: Dressing the deities in fresh clothes.
Sahan Mela: A brief public viewing of the deities in the sanctum sanctorum.
Besha Ulagi: Changing the deities’ clothes again.
Rosa Homa: Offering of oblations to the fire.
Surya Puja & Dwarapala Puja: Worship rituals dedicated to the Sun God and the guardian deities of the temple doors.
Gopala Ballav Bhoga: Breakfast offering to the deities.
Sakala Dhupa: The main morning food offering, consisting of various vegetarian preparations like black gram (kanti, enduri, etc.), rice, curries, sweets, etc. This offering is performed with 16 “upacharas” (ritualistic steps).
Midday (Madhyana Dhupa):
Similar rituals as the morning, including Mailam, Besha, and offering of a more elaborate midday meal (Madhyana Dhupa) with a wider variety of dishes.
Afternoon (Madhyan Pahuda):
Sandhya Arati: Evening lamp offering to the deities. (This might occur before Madhyan Dhupa if there’s no Madhyan Pahuda)
Madhyan Pahuda: A period of midday rest for the deities. (This might be skipped depending on the temple schedule)
Evening (Sandhya Dhupa):
Similar rituals as the morning, including Mailam, Besha, and offering of an evening meal (Sandhya Dhupa).
Chandana Lagi: Applying sandalwood paste to the deities.
Badasinghara Besa: Dressing the deities in special attire for the night.
Badasinghara Dhupa: A final food offering before the deities retire for the night.
Khatasejulagi and Pahuda: Putting the deities to sleep in their designated chamber for the night.
Types of Prasad:
Mahaprasad: This is the main Prasad offered to Lord Jagannath and then distributed to devotees. It consists of a variety of vegetarian dishes, including:
Rice preparations: Khechudi (sweet rice dish), Kanji (sour rice dish), Pukhala (rice cooked with vegetables) etc.
Dal: Mixed lentils cooked with spices
Sabzi (Vegetable Curries): A variety of seasonal vegetables cooked in different styles
Sweets: Gaja (flattened rice cake with jaggery), Peda (sweet milk balls), Laddu (sweet balls made with flour and sugar) etc.
Sukhilla Prasad: These are dry offerings that devotees can purchase directly from the temple counter. They include:
Khaja: A crispy sweet pastry made with flour and ghee
Gaja: As mentioned above
Laddu: As mentioned above
Distribution of Prasad:
Free Prasad: A limited quantity of Mahaprasad is distributed to devotees free of cost after morning and evening Aaratis (lamp offerings).
Paid Prasad: Devotees can purchase Sukhila Prasad from the temple counter. The cost is nominal.
Puja Name
Approximate Cost (INR)
A sacred bath for the deities with various auspicious substances like milk, curd, honey, etc.
₹500 – ₹2000
Offering prayers and chanting mantras specific to a particular deity.
₹100 – ₹500
Laghu Rudrabhishekham (Shiva Puja)
A simplified version of the Rudrabhishekham puja for Lord Shiva.
₹300 – ₹1000
Satyanarayan Puja
A puja dedicated to Lord Vishnu for blessings of peace, prosperity, and well-being.
₹500 – ₹1500
Griha Shanti Puja
A puja performed for peace and harmony in the household.
₹1000 – ₹3000
Vishnu Sahasranama Archana
Chanting of the thousand names of Lord Vishnu.
₹200 – ₹500
Special Pujas (Birthday Pujas, Marriage Anniversary Pujas)
Pujas performed on specific occasions like birthdays or wedding anniversaries.
₹1000 – ₹5000 (depending on the complexity)
Some pujas may require booking in advance, especially during peak seasons or festival
The temple might offer a wider variety of pujas on request. It’s recommended to inquire with the temple administration for a complete list.
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monukumarr · 4 months
Shri Pagal Baba Temple Vrindavan: (Timings, History, Aarti, Location & Phone)
Nestled in the spiritual town of Vrindavan, Shri Pagal Baba Temple Vrindavan stands as a testament to devotion and architectural brilliance. Renowned for its serene atmosphere and divine ambiance, this temple draws thousands of devotees and tourists every year.
Historical Significance of Shri Pagal Baba Temple Vrindavan
Shri Pagal Baba Temple in Vrindavan, established in 1969, has a fascinating origin story linked to a judge who experienced a divine vision of Lord Krishna. This life-altering encounter led him to renounce his professional career and dedicate his life to spirituality. He came to be known as Pagal Baba and founded the temple, which became a symbol of his devotion and faith. The temple’s construction reflects his commitment to creating a space for spiritual solace and communal worship.
Architectural Marvel
Constructed in 1969, the temple showcases exquisite Nagara-style architecture. Made from pristine white marble, the temple boasts nine floors, each representing a different aspect of Hindu mythology. The temple’s height of 221 feet provides a panoramic view of Vrindavan from the top.
Unique Features
Puppet Show: The ground floor hosts a year-round puppet show depicting scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Electronic Jhanki: Visitors can enjoy the electronic displays of Krishna Leela and Ram Leela for a nominal fee.
Circular Window: The first floor features a window resembling Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra.
Akhand Jyoti: An eternal flame that burns continuously in a glass chamber.
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suroy1974 · 5 months
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Ashwatthama, son of Guru Dronacharya, is a cursed character according to the Mahabharata. In the last part of the Mahabharata, Vasudeva Krishna struck Ashwatthama with the Sudarshan Chakra on his forehead and cursed him for his worst deeds.
According to that curse Ashwatthama will never die, his whole body will be white, bruised, full of decay and he will suffer this till the end of creation.
Kalki will show the story exactly 6000 years after Mahabharata. Where Amitabh Bachchan will be seen as Ashwatthama.
Why Ashwatthama is still going around in secret, what is his purpose will be seen in this film.
▪️Ashwathama character teaser has boosted Kalki's hype manifold. The rest is increasingly obvious.
#ASR #Kalki
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luxurypropertiesworld · 9 months
11 Amazing Facts About Jagannath Temple In Puri
Jagannath Temple in Puri stands as a timeless testament to India's rich cultural and religious heritage. Nestled in the heart of the coastal town of Puri, this sacred site is not merely a place of worship; it's a living entity with a profound history and mystique.
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Welcome to the divine abode of Lord Jagannath, where spirituality intertwines with architectural brilliance. Jagannath Temple is not just a structure; it's a symbol of devotion and an embodiment of age-old traditions.
Historical Background
The roots of Jagannath Temple delve deep into history, tracing back to ancient times. From its humble beginnings to becoming a cultural icon, the temple's journey is a fascinating exploration of religious evolution.
Architectural Marvel
The temple's architecture is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Intricate carvings, towering spires, and a unique blend of Kalinga and Dravidian styles make it a visual masterpiece. Let's delve into the secrets hidden within the walls of this divine structure.
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Spiritual Significance
Jagannath Temple is not just a place for rituals; it's a sacred space where devotees connect with the divine. Explore the religious practices that breathe life into the temple and the grandeur of the Rath Yatra festival.
Jagannath Cult
The enigmatic Jagannath cult revolves around unique beliefs and practices. Unravel the stories and myths that surround Lord Jagannath, Subhadra, and Balabhadra, the principal deities of the temple.
Temple's Iconography
Delve into the symbolism behind the idols enshrined in Jagannath Temple. Each deity has a profound meaning, and understanding their iconography adds layers to the spiritual experience.
Mysteries and Legends
Jagannath Temple is shrouded in mysteries and intriguing legends. From the miraculous Sudarshan Chakra to tales of divine intervention, these stories add an aura of mysticism to the temple's ambience.
Renowned Festivals
The temple comes alive during festivals, each a spectacle of colours, music, and devotion. Explore the significance of Rath Yatra, Snana Yatra, and other celebrations that draw millions of devotees.
Cultural Impact
Jagannath Temple is not just a religious site; it's a cultural hub. Discover how the temple influences local art, music, and dance, contributing to the vibrant cultural tapestry of Puri.
Pilgrimage and Tourism
Pilgrims and tourists flock to Jagannath Temple, drawn by its spiritual aura and architectural grandeur. Learn about the visitor experience, facilities, and the magnetic pull that this sacred site exerts.
Preservation Efforts
Despite its timeless appeal, Jagannath Temple faces challenges. Explore the initiatives taken for its preservation, the ongoing conservation efforts, and the delicate balance between tradition and modernity.
Popular Myths Debunked
Separating fact from fiction, this section addresses common misconceptions surrounding Jagannath Temple. Let's dispel the myths and uncover the truth behind this revered place of worship.
Jagannath Temple and Modern Society
In a rapidly changing world, Jagannath Temple remains a constant. Explore its relevance in contemporary times and how it continues to shape the spiritual and cultural landscape of India.
Global Recognition
Jagannath Temple has transcended borders, earning recognition and admiration globally. Discover the international appeal of this sacred site and the diverse experiences of visitors from around the world.
As we conclude our journey through the realms of Jagannath Temple, let's reflect on its multifaceted charm. This sacred site not only preserves ancient traditions but also serves as a beacon of spirituality, inviting all to witness its magnificence.
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astrovastukosh · 11 months
Many stories of the origin of this Chakra are heard. Some people believe that Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Jupiter have created it by pooling their energy.
It is also believed that Lord Vishnu attained this Chakra by worshiping Lord Shiva.
Sudarshan is made up of two words, Su meaning auspicious and Darshan. The word Chakra is made up of the words Charuhu and Karuhu, which means movement (always moving).
It was made of silver bars. There were iron prongs on its upper and lower surfaces. A very poisonous type of poison was used in this.
There is also a story related to Sudarshan Chakra that it was created by Vishwakarma.
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astrocenter · 1 year
Kaal Sarp Yoga/Dosha -Rahu in Hindu Mythology-story behind kaal sarp yoga
Rahu’s Birth
Simhika and Viprachitti gave birth to Rahu(also known as Swarnabhanu). Simhika also know as Simhita was daughter to Hiranyakashyap. Hiryanakashyap is an Asura (Devil) from the Puranic scriptures of Hinduism. Hiranyakashyap was killed by Prahalad who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu.
 Rahu was given a status of a Planet by Lord Brahma. 
Samudra Manthan
Long time back there used to be a Guru called Shukracharya. He was a Bhagwan Rishi who studied under Rishi Gautama. He hated Lord Vishnu, because Lord Vishnu had killed her mother for giving shelter to some Asura who Lord Vishnu was hunting. He performed tapasya (penance) to Lord Shiva and obtained the Sanjivni Mantra also known as Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Due to the hatred Shukra (Venus) bore towards Lord Vishnu, he decided to become the Guru of Asuras..
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Powered with Sanjivni Mantra, Shukra convinced Asuras to attack Devas. Shukra would bring back to life all Asuras who died in the War. Devas started loosing the battle and approached Lord Vishnu.
Vishnu then suggested all Devas to perform the Samudra Manthan, which would yield Amrita (Holy Nectar). Devas on drinking this Amrita would become Immortals.
The huge mountain, Mandara, was used as the pole to stir the waters. But as the pole entered the water it kept sliding into depths of the ocean. To stop this, Vishnu quickly transformed himself into a tortoise and placed the mountainon his back. This image of Vishnu as the tortoise was his second avatar called ‘Kurma.’
Once the pole was balanced, it was tied to the gigantic snake, Vasuki, and the Devas and Asuras started pulling it from either side. As the churning began and the massive waves whirled, an extremely poisonous drink called halahal came out. The gods became scared because this blue drink could destroy creation.
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                        They all got together and prayed to the powerful Shiva to help him them. Shiva appeared before all and gulped the entire poison. But, he did not swallow it. He kept the poison in his throat. Since then, Shiva’s throat became blue, and he became known as Neelkantha or the blue-throated one.
The churning continued and poured forth a number of gifts and treasures. They included Kamdhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow; the goddess of wealth, Laxmi; the wish-fulfilling tree, Kalpavriksha; and finally, came Dhanvantari carrying the pot of amrita and a book of medicine called Ayurveda.
Once the Amrita was out, Lord Vishnu disguised himself as Mohini, a dancer and took upon the responsibility of  distributing the Amrita among Devas and Asuras (who also helped in the Manthan process). For convenience of distribution, Mohini kept Asuras in one line and Devas in the other line. She tactfully offered to give Liquor to the Asuras in disguise of  Amrita. She kept offering Amrit to the Devas.
Seeing this, Swarbhanu (Rahu) suspected her and came to know the reality about Vishnu being Mohini. He disguised as one of the gods and sits in between Surya and Chandra to drink the Amrita. When Mohini was offering Amrita to Swarnbhanu, the sun and moon Devas recognised it to be a trick and complained to Mohini (Vishnu), who in turn, severed Swarnbhanu’s head with his Sudarshan Chakra. As Swarnbhanu had already consumed the Amrita, his head and torso became immortal. The head of Swarnbhanu is known as Rahu and the torso of Swarnabhanu is known as Ketu. 
The Sun and Lunar Eclipse (Surya Grahan and Chandra Grahan)
The head of the Swarnabhanu (Rahu) fell on one side of Sun and the torso of Swarnbhanu (Ketu) fell on the other side of the Sun.
Sun being a responsible planet (In hindu astrology sun is a planet and not considered as a star), decided to stop his movement to keep Rahu from meeting Ketu. That is the reason in any astrology chart one will see Rahu and Ketu in 180 degrees placement from each other.
As an act of revenge, every now and then Rahu gobbles Sun or Moon; causing world to suffer from darkness as a result we witness Solar/Lunar eclipses. The headless trunk of Rahu came to be known as Ketu and since then Rahu has become the eighth planet and is considered in astrological formulations, Ketu being ninth.
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Kaal Sarp Yog
Rahu worshipped lord Shiva. Lord Shiva’s own son Ganpati has the similiar story where Lord Ganesha’s head was chopped off. Lord Shiva had given Lord Ganesha a head of an elephant.
Rahu asked Lord Shiva to give him a body and Ketu a Head. Lord Shiva took mercy on Rahu and blessed Rahu with the body of a snake and Ketu with the head of a snake.
If in someone’s birth chart all planets lie in between Ketu (the head of snake) and Rahu (the tail of snake), then this yog in Kundli is called Kaal Sarpa Yog.
Kaal Sarp Yog can be formed in any person’s horoscope like king, rich, president, prime-minister, peon, poor etc. and those who has Kaal Sarp Yog in their horoscope, instead of they have all kind of facilities but always suffer from any tension, fear, insecure. A person who has bitten by snake cannot sit comfortably like this a person who has Kaal Sarp Yog in his horoscope always fear from death.
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 Parmod Kumar Astrologer
For astrological remedies please email at [email protected] or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.
This site is for high profile and premium customers.
You can reach on WhatsApp numbers +918860017788 or + 917009270427
Instagram :- thepkastro
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statuestudio · 2 years
Fact about Vishnu-The Versatile and his role in Hinduism
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Many scholars believed that Hinduism started back in history between 2300 BCE to 1500 BCE. But still no exact date is found. Hinduism has no founder as per the research. It is a diverse religion which has beliefs, traditions and cultures of the Indian region. It is believed to be the oldest religion on Earth. Its origin and development ranges from pre-Vedic period to contemporary times. Hinduism is believed to be set on the shoulders of the trinity of gods. Hinduism has four major sects, Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism and Samaritans. Vaishnavism is the predominant sect prevalent majorly all over India and abroad. Under this, devotees and followers of Vishnu learn and follow the path shown by Vishnu in different incarnations like Krishna and Rama.
This trimurate of God has Brahma as creator, Vishnu as preserver and Shiva as destroyer. Vishnu is also known to people as Hari and Narayan. 
Appearance and its significance
Lord Vishnu has blue colored skin which depicts the vastness of sky. He is a four-armed god who has four things: sudarshan chakra (discuss), gada (mace), shankha (conch) and lotus. Shankha stands for five elements: the sound of AUM, salagram, goddess Lakshmi, purity, waters and perfection. Chakra stands for protection and vanishing all the evils. Gada represents the power of knowledge. And lastly, the lotus stands for purity, beauty, harmony and self realisation.
Vishnu idols and pictures depict different poses and moods. These idols come in a variety of materials and designs like bronze, brass, copper, wooden and marble. One can easily order them online with great ease. One can spot Vishnu idols and images in standing and sleeping pose. For a unique Vishnu idol, you can also visit our website
 In the standing pose, he is seen as a four-armed god standing on a lotus. Vishnu is seen in a sitting pose where he has Garuda as his vehicle( vahan). Garuda is a giant Eagle. While in resting position he is lying down on coils of a giant serpent, Adishesha with thousands of heads. Goddess lakshmi sits beside her. The image is seen with the ocean in milky colour. This shows vaikunth (paradise of lord Vishnu). Oceans represents bliss and consciousness while the serpent stands for desires, time and illusion. It is said in holy text that when Vishnu was in deep sleep (yog nidra) and when he woke up he got a stir in his belly button, out of which a lotus flower bloomed. This flower was the place where lord Brahma sat.
It is believed that Vishnu has the 10 avatars(incarnation) as per the requirement of time and universe. All of his incarnations have taught the world a lesson of wisdom, knowledge, chastity, chivalry, rightfulness, strength, will to win the right over wrong and conquering the world with only and only truth and right values in mind. Every time mankind faced a threat from demons, Vishnu came to Earth with a new incarnation to kill the demon.
He has then 24 avatars on Earth but mainly 10 incarnations are most popular and talked about.
His first avatar was matsya avatar(fish) where he saved the world and four vedas from the flood.
His second incarnation was Kurma(turtle) who helped the world by supporting it on its back.
His third incarnation was of Varah (Boar) who saved Earth from flooding water and took it on its tusks.
His fifth incarnation was of Narsimha (half lion and half man) to kill the demon.
His sixth incarnation was Vaman (dwarf saviour) who saved the universe in only three steps.
The seventh incarnation of Vishnu was of Parshurama, who destroyed the warrior caste of society.
His eighth incarnation was Rama, hero of Ramayana who taught the world victory of good over evil.
His ninth incarnation was Krishna, mischievous god and revered deity of Bhagwad Gita.
His tenth awatar is Kalki who is yet to be born on Earth to perish all bad under his foot.
Also read: Story of Magnificent Satyanarayan Pooja and Vrat Katha
How to worship Vishnu
Vishnu idols or pictures should be placed at the North East corner of the house.
It should be clean. The idol should be placed on a table or altar to show respect with flowers and incense sticks.
Holy Basil (tulsi) is an integral part of worshipping Vishnu. All the Vaishavaites have tulsi in their home and temples. As it is considered purest and pious plant which is considered as avatar of Lakshmi.
While worshipping always chants his mantras.
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strings2book · 2 years
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Radhe Radhe!!🌸 Life can be cruel Life can be harmful But once you are under the shade of Sri Krishna Your life will become a happy place!!💕 I never think about myself because I have blind trust on Murlidhar that he will never let me down in any situation.💐 Life means kanha ji without him I can't even survive for a single moment.🌹 In the frame, I personally collected some books of Sri Krishna & am sharing about them here.🙂 ______________________________ First one is 🌸BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS in English written by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It's the perfect replication of the original Bhagavad Gita with a simpler & easier language. --- Second one is 🌸 KRISHNA: THE MAN & HIS PHILOSOPHY written by Osho. This book talks about the life of Krishna, his philosophy & visualising the whole world from Krishna's Point of View. --- Third one is 🌸SHYAM : AN ILLUSTRATED RETELLING OF THE BHAGAVATA. This book seamlessly weaves the story from Krishna's birth to his death, or rather from his descent to the butter-smeared world of happy women to his ascent from the blood-soaked world of angry men. --- Next one is 🌸KRSNA-THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD(I have its odia version) This one will surely take you one step closer to the divine banke bihari. --- Following it 🌸FRAGRANT FLOWERS AT THE FEET OF MY FLAMBOYANT FLUTIST. The book is a compilation of 50+ beautifully penned down poems based on Sri krishna. The poems are holy full of bhakti & you will connect with Sri Krishna more through the book. --- The next one is 🌸MAYABHARAT : THE UNTOLD STORY BEHIND DEATH OF LORD KRISHNA. The show stopper of the book is an untold story behind Lord Krishna's Death. --- 🌸The upcoming book(s) are YATHARTH GEETA by Swami Adgadananand & I have the book in English & Hindi Languages. --- 🌸 THE LITTLE BLUE BOOK ON KRISHNA by Dr. Shubha Vilas. It talks about the insight of his life & interacting stories like why he wore peacock feathers, playing flute, sudarshan chakra etc. --- Next ones are 🌸 LIFE COMES FROM LIFE 🌸 A SECOND CHANCE By Swami Prabhupada. --- 🌸 KRISHNA : THE SEVENTH SENSE by Debasish Chatterjee 🌸KESHAVA : A MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION by Bhawana Somaaya (at Bhubaneswar, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClvphyNpCdk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
From Shani Mahatmya – The Mythology Behind Rahu and Ketu
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According to the best astrologer in India,The Shani Mahatmya is the narration of incidents that happened in the life of King Vikramaditya during his Sade Sati or seven and half year period of Saturn. Listening to the Shani Mahatmya or reading it is a Shani remedy prescribed for those afflicted by Saturn. Here is a Shani Mahatmya summary of the section about Rahu and Ketu.
 The Story So Far :
King Vikramaditya was a good, just, and gentle monarch who held talks and debates in his court on a regular basis. He once overheard a discussion on which of the planets was the best of them all. Each planet's representative stood up one by one and lauded his planet, proclaiming their planet to be the best of them all. The Sun's representative, Surya, was the first to speak. Following his speech, representatives from the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn each testified about why their planet was the finest. The Rahu representative rises up and talks at this point in the story.
 Introduction – Rahu And Ketu :
Rahu and Ketu, according to Rahu's spokesperson, are two nasty planets. They are the North and South nodes, according to him. They were Asuras at the time of their birth. Surya (the Sun) and Chandra's foes are Rahu and Ketu (the Moon). Fear overtakes the Sun and Moon when they come close to the nodes. They are well aware that the nodes will not spare them without a fight. The nodes obscure the Sun and Moon, causing them to be disturbed. The Sun is afflicted by Rahu, while the Moon is afflicted by Ketu. The nodes can overshadow the Sun and Moon, and they can also eclipse people's lives. People are bothered by the nodes, which are cruel.
 However, they can be pleased and appeased. One can please Rahu and Ketu through regular prayer and offerings. When Rahu is pleased he gives a person good health and mercy and no fear of snakes. When Ketu is pleased the person is blessed with spiritual knowledge.
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Shani Mahatmya :
Rahu and Ketu's Past Lives
Swarbhanu, Rahu, and Ketu were formerly one. He was the son of Viprachitti Daanav and Sinhikaa, the Viprachitti Daanav's wife. Hiranyakashyap's sister was Sinhikka. Hiranyakashyap is best known as the father of Prahlad. Rahu is the severed head of this Asura, while Ketu is the trunk. Rahu instils fear in people's minds. He has a smokey complexion and lives in the woods. Ketu is a scary planet. Ketu wields a torch and a sword in his hands, while Rahu wears the half-moon on his head.Rahu is the ruler of lead and agate while Ketu is the ruler of turquoise and earth. Rahu is the minister of the Asuras and Ketu is the chief of the Asuras.
 Sage Durvasa’s Curse :
The Sage Durvasa once cursed the Devas, saying that they would lose all of their might and prosperity. As a result, the Asuras took control of the cosmos. The Devas were concerned and sought advice from Lord Vishnu. He told them that they were now weak and that fighting the Asuras would be futile. He advised them to exercise patience and diplomacy. Lord Vishnu also instructed them to churn the Ksheer Sagar, or Ocean of Milk, in order to get Amrit, the nectar of immortality. He promised them that only the Devas, not the Asuras, would be able to consume it.
 The Churning Of The Ocean – Samudra Manthan :
The Devas and Asuras formed two lines, one on one side and the other on the other, with the Asuras on one side and the Devas on the other. The Amrit was given to the Devas one by one by Mohini. As a result, one of the Asuras, Swarbhanu, disguised himself as a Deva and sat in the Deva line. Surya and Chandra immediately recognised Swarbhanu as a non-Deva when Mohini offered him Amrit and raised the alarm, through the eyes of the best astrologer in Kolkata. This is why the Sun and Moon dislike the nodes so much.
 The Split – Rahu And Ketu :
Lord Vishnu quickly cut off Swarbhanu's head with his Sudarshan Chakra. He did not die, however, because the Amrit had already been taken by the Asura. Instead, he split into two. The head was renamed Rahu, and the trunk was renamed Ketu. Rahu's blood became garlic when it dripped to the ground.
 This is why garlic possesses many Amrit-like qualities while simultaneously clouding the intellect in the manner of Rahu. Rahu and Ketu were given planet status by Lord Brahma. According to the best vedic astrologer in India, The Rahu and Ketu representative bowed before the magnificence of the two shadow planets who afflict people by obscuring their brains, he remarked.
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thorvimule · 2 years
The Fair Tie
There is no other bond like the bond between a brother and sister! Isn't this line truly said!
    Indeed there can be no better companion than a brother and no better best friend than a sister. Although both of them might have fights on daily basis, but it's true that they can't live without each other! Both are like railway tracts- always parallel to each other- even in the adverse of situations! This special bond is always strengthened by the festival of brotherhood- the festival of a fair tie between a sister and brother- cherish their bond. Yes, Raksha Bandhan, or the festival of brotherhood, is the sweetest of all festivals, and will always cherish the memories of their lovely fights! But have you ever thought about how and when did this auspicious festival begin? How did our bonds get to strengthen up with our loved ones? Let's know how a gesture of gratitude leads to a beautiful bond!
    The tale is headed to dates behind- in the ancient times- the time of Mahabharat! There are two legends specifying the importance and culture of Raksha Bandhan. The first goes in this way that, Draupadi- the wife of Pandavas, was an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna. Krishna hurts his hand accidentally while handling sugarcane. Seeing this, his wives Satyabhama and Rukmini rush to get a clean cloth or a bandage for him. While Draupadi who was nearby him- tore off a piece of her saree and bandaged his wound. Looking at her devotion, Lord Krishna got impressed and promised to help her when she would be in agony. This incident strengthened their bond.
    The other story also narrates the scenes of Mahabharat. The plot of this story revolves around the incident of killing Shishupal- his own cousin- who got punished for all his sins. When Krishna's Sudarshan chakra beheaded Shishipal. The chakra was revolving with the speed of light, which came back to Krishna after beheading Shihupal- this caused Lord to bleed his fingers. Everyone in the arena was amazed to see the miracle. It was at this time that Draupadi rushed to Lord Krishna and tore a piece of her saree and aided him. Seeing Draupadi's selfless service, he got touched by her devotion. He promised to protect her whenever needed. From then she tied him Rakhi on His hand, every year and He showered His blessings on her. He gave her a boon uttering 'Akshayam' meaning endless. And this boon worked when the great warriors couldn't save her pride- in Cheerharna, in the court of Kauravs. When legends like Bhishma, Arjuna, and Bhima couldn't fight for the rights of Draupadi, Krishna helped his sister by providing her with the endless saree and protected her in all the times of her need!
    Now you have understood how special is the bond of a brother and sister. How selfless service led to a never-ending bond. A relationship between a brother and sister is priceless, it's solely the best! With these occurrences, we not only understood more about the priceless relationship between brother and sister but also learned about altruistic duties and even saw their aftermath. In this pandemic situation, there are many people who are working selflessly- for the welfare of the citizens. Yes, the front-line workers, who are working hard- day and night to support all beings and helping us to come out of this pandemic. Indeed we lost many of our dear ones in this pandemic, even many lost their livelihood. The situation got totally changed when the pandemic hit our country. 
    It just broke every strand of peace! Many saw their close ones taking their last breaths and many saw their dear ones walking miles to reach their home. Even many had to leave their education forever- due to this situation. In a way, we all witnessed sacrifice, may it be the sacrifice of our loved ones, time, or education- but everything simply got changed. This time taught us the real meaning of unity and its importance. Even though we faced so much difficulty- we didn't lose hope! And that's the ray of light that is surely driving us out of the dark. There are many people who are supporting us in this pandemic- be it directly or indirectly- and aren't allowing us to lose hope! So this Raksha Bandhan let's thank those supporters who spread positivity and have motivated us to hope for the best and remain calm. This year let's put our leg forward to thank all those who had been a reason for our smiles and positivity. This year let's be the change and become a part of the change!
-Thorvi M.
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plumblueflower · 3 years
Can I have a story too, bro? Any mythology? 🥺
Yes of course! Let me think of a nice one that you'll enjoy.............*please imagine the music you hear when you're on hold for a company phone number, but in kazoo*................DING!
Today we'll be learning about the 2nd incarnation of Lord Vishnu from my own religion/mythology! Disclaimer to any who practice Hinduism, don't come after me for being irreverent. I believe that these stories were meant to be told with love and affection, not fear.
Onward to a cautionary tale about how being arrogant is one of the worst things you can do when met with a temperamental sage and how tortoises and snakes are apparently valid materials in engineering. Due to divinity of said creatures, it can be safely said that no reptiles were harmed in the making of this production!
Once upon a time, while the King of the Heavens, God of Lightning and Thunder (think Zeus but less swol??), Indra was simply king-ing around, a sage came into his court. Now, these sages were very powerful and well-respected members of society. They'd essentially take to the forest and pray for a very, very long time and gain something akin to XP points in a game, along with rather unsavory looking beards (but don't ever said that to them aloud, you'll see what happens when you offend them!). Generally, a force to be respected and tread carefully around.
The sage that came on that Wednesday afternoon (this is an estimate based on my stellar intuition), was named Durvasa. And he was known to be a very, very, very, very grumpy old coot. Perhaps it was because he meditated with the wrong posture, it can't be explained for sure. Anyways, if you ever come across him, keep your manners poised!
He came with good intent, wanting to bestow a flower garland on Indra as a gesture of blessing and kindness. However, Indra, presumably addled by the royal haze, simply took it and gave it to Airavat, his elephant. Now, being an elephant, Airavat did not necessarily have a great regard for decorum and simply stomped on it after realizing that it wasn't a snack.
Durvasa was livid to say the least, and can you blame him? Imagine you spent all your time writing a love letter for someone and they simply through it to their pet shredder, sounds horrid, doesn't it? (Now you'll have more incentive to reblog this!)
Well in his rage, the old geezer cursed everyone in the heavens, gods and demigods alike, to lose all fortune, happiness, and victory! Soon after, Indra's armies began to lose all of their battles, and generally seemed to be going through a time about as fun as ours. The gods were entirely at their wits' end! How would they finagle their way out of this?
Forgive the quick business analogy, but imagine this power structure a bit like a corporate one. Indra would be the CEO of the company, but there is a founding board of directors that he answers to. The Big Three: Vishnu, Shiva, and Bramha.
Anyways, Indra and the rest of the heavenly squad trekked up to Vishnu's realm and sheepishly asked for an assist. Vishnu told them that all their fortune and the immortal nectar, Amrit (for the graecophiles, Ambrosia) was at the bottom of the ocean (Pacific? Atlantic? I think quite possibly could have been an extremely large puddle). To regain their prosperity and health, they would have to churn it out of the ocean!
At that point, Vishnu, in RPG game fashion, gave them a helpful hint: You need the help of the demons to hold the other side of whatever rope you use to churn, but you cannot let them take the Immortal Juice. This would require some hijinks and shenanigans, but they figured out a plan.
The gods convinced the demons to come and help them churn, promising that they would share the Amrit. They assembled a humongous, gargantuan, massive churning mechanism. Vishnu's "snake familiar", Vasuki, King of the Serpents, was the churning rope and huge mountain was the churning rod. As they pulled the snakey-rope back and forth, demons on one side, gods on the other, the mountain started sinking! Oh no! So, Vishnu took the form of a tortoise and went under the mountain to keep it stabilized! By some engineering miracle, the wealth and fortune came right out from the seabed, along with a few unfortunate fishes. When the Amrit came out, the Demons quickly snatched it for security. But the gods had a plan, because as we know, if there's one thing that dissolves all reason from the brain, it is a very hot woman. (unless you're an aspec or a gay in this case, but at this point, I'm willing to bet that the illusion would simply change to be garlic bread or a hot stud to seduce you anyways)
Now who exactly was this hot woman? Well, her name was Mohini, but she was actually Vishnu in disguise! She seduced the demons into letting her distribute the Amrit to everyone and with her charming maneuvers, she managed to distract the demons so that they wouldn't notice that she was only actually giving nectar to the gods! Victory for our side!
But wait! It turns out the demons had a counterstrike of their own! One demon, Rahuketu, realized the trick and disguised himself to be a god so he would get the nectar. But just as the nectar was about to go down his throat, Vishnu caught him and beheaded him with his ultra-scary, spiky frisbee, the Sudarshan Chakra. Because the demon had already ingested it partially, the two half of his body became sentient beings aptly named Rahu and Ketu. We now see them in the sky as Uranus and Neptune! With that deception foiled, the story ends with the victory of the gods!
Fun fact about Mohini: This female avatar of Vishnu, was very much the temptous femme fatale of the millennia! She killed many demons with her cunning and looks, the illusion being able to tempt anyone! Including....one of the other members of the Triumvirate, Shiva himself! According to the stories of Kerela, India, Shiva saw Mohini, they did "lovers-in-the-nighttime" and had a child, Ayyappa! As a trans, I think this is pretty cool, but thought you all would like to know as well!
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