#suck for me hehe
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a9saga · 2 years ago
“perfume” by yubin is the most intensely lesbian-sounding kpop song i have ever heard.
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cubedmango · 6 months ago
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desi miku !! 💃
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year ago
not so secret
Character: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover, Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia
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waking up and going to school in the morning only to notice a bouquet of your favourite flowers at your doorstep
you inspect them carefully, and you notice each and every one is vibrant and flawless, as if they were picked meticulously with care
there's a little card along with the twine tying the bouquet together
"happy valentine's day, prefect"
these are for you??? who was so thoughtful to do something like this??
wait! you've only mentioned your favourite flowers to a few amount of people
and you're pretty sure which one said list of people would be most likely to leave flowers for you
lucky him then. you were already planning on getting him a box of his favourite chocolates
only now you're not so nervous about your feelings being unreciprocated (⁠灬⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠灬⁠)
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kaprisvn · 3 months ago
I'm a little confused about what Y/N works as. To me, they look like a manager, kind of, but they have a staff hat, so I assume that means they're a lower/general employee. Do they work with Sun and Moon directly or do they just see the boys often when they're working?
Sorry if this was asked before!
-An interested anon :))
P.S. you're art style is beautiful <3
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You have activated my trap card, dear @chor-reblogs >:)
So, this is something I'm INCREDIBLY glad I got an ask for, as Y/N's role is very plot relevant to the catalyst event of the fic. (In a way...)
To start off, you're actually half-right on the manager idea! In Chasing Stars, every Pizza-Plex employee is meant to have a 'supervisor' for the first month or so - the person they can go to for help or clarification instead of bothering upper management with their plebeian pleas. This supervisor is also meant to give the employee under them their welcoming tour, along with their uniform. The supervisor is always the most experienced (via time there worked) in the same position (ex. food staff, custodian, P&S) as the person they're supervising, and don't actually have much authority over them.
This is how things usually go, HOWEVER, when Y/N was accepted into their role as General Staff, there wasn't anyone else currently in that position (the previous ones 'left' rather quickly. Hm.) This resulted in them not receiving a supervisor, along with a stark lack of instructions. Sucks for them I guess!
But what sucks even more is that shortly after being hired, ANOTHER general staff member joins the team, and since Y/N is technically the most experienced General Staff member... They become her supervisor.
Who is this mysterious girl? Why, Vanessa A. of course!
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Vanessa's nickname for the reader in the fic is 'Boss', and despite Y/N trying to correct her that: A. They have have literally no jurisdiction over her and B. That they're just as clueless as she is, she insists upon the name. Even after she gets put on Security duty due to [SPOILER], she keeps term for Y/N. (Interspersed with a more fond nickname that I shall not disclose yet).
Vanessa and the readers relationship is a significant and complicated one that's going to change a lot throughout the fic. In fact, I'd call it the second most important relationship in terms of plot/themes, after the DCA. But overall, I'd say they're... 'good friends'.
As for the last part of your question - which yeesh, sorry for the yap session - the role of General Staff is to do whatever odd jobs are left over after everyone is assigned their work, but more importantly, they can be called on by any animatronic or other staff member that happens to need help with their job. You can basically summon them like your personal butler. Of course, Sun and Moon abuse this ability to the extreme, which means that Y/N ends up working with them very often. (I mean, the daycare just gets so busy and we're so understaffed!! You understand, don't you? And- we finish the work so quick with YOUR help that you may as well stick around awhile longer, right? Management won't care about a few missing minutes... or hours. We won't tell if you don't :) )
(PS. CS! Vanessa's personality is very inspired by @/naffeclipse, because by god I love her interpretation of the character so much.)
EDIT: I don't consider any of this to be a spoiler btw! You learn all of this within the first 2-3 chapters :3
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garygoldenbignaturals · 4 months ago
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average prince-fledgling sitting arrangement
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wildechildwrites · 1 year ago
Lucky Charms
Looney Tunes Part Two
Word Count: 1.4k
No use of Y/N
Summary: You have some more encounters with König, the mysterious man who lives in your apartment building.
A/N: König being unintentionally terrifying is so funny. He’s shy and he’s a giant murderer for hire, excuse him for constantly throwing off the vibe. Let me know if you want to be tagged in part three!
AO3 Link: Looney Tunes
You've got bags of groceries hanging from your arms, pinching at your skin, precariously balanced, a white knuckle grip on the laundry detergent that's determined to slip through your fingers before you reach your apartment. The man steps on the elevator with you, and you can feel your face heating up as he looks at you.
You haven't seen him since the night he'd kissed you, and you wondered if he thought of you everytime he rode the elevator. You certainly thought of him.
He makes no effort to disguise his staring, looking down at you with a flat expression, taking in your overflowing arms.
"I hate making more than one trip to my car," you say, answering the question he didn’t ask, shrugging as much as you can with your arms full. You swear you see his eyebrow twitch.
Amusement? Irritation? It's impossible to read him. Instead, you drop your gaze, feeling his eyes still on you.
"My name is König." He says abruptly. Your eyes jump back up to his face, and it's his turn to look away as you grin, introducing yourself.
When you go to get off the elevator, he plucks the detergent out of your hand, gesturing silently for some of the bags you carry. He follows you to your apartment soundlessly, placing the bags down outside of your door. You throw your 'thank you' at his retreating form, and he doesn't acknowledge it.
Later, when you're putting away your groceries, you say his name out loud, tasting it on your tongue.
One of the lights in the parking garage is flickering again, and you sigh in annoyance as you look up at it. The apartment complex took months to fix the last broken bulb, so you’re unenthusiastic about the prospects of a quick repair. It puts you on edge, affecting the visibility and giving the garage an eerie feeling.
“It’s just like a horror movie,” you mumble to yourself, attempting to break the tension you feel as you head towards the exit. It’s late, your workday running longer than it should’ve, and you can’t help the itch of anxiety crawling up your spine.
You pass an unfamiliar man, standing still in between some of the cars. His eyes are on you, and you grip your keys tighter in your hand, speeding up. You hazard a glance over your shoulder and find he's disappeared, and your eyes search the parking lot behind you.
Distracted as you are, unfocused on where you're going, you slam straight into a solid wall of a person. You let out a shriek, head whipping back around and nearly fall backwards as you attempt to scramble away. Two solid hands firmly grip your shoulders, preventing you from tripping. König is standing in front of you, and you sag against his hold in relief.
“You scared me!” you exclaim, a hand going up reflexively to your chest.
“You should be more cautious, häschen,” König responds, and you swear there’s the faintest trace of a smile on his face, the subtle quirk of scarred lips. “Most people look where they are walking to, not where they are walking from.”
You let out a sigh and roll your eyes with a smile, the anxiety seeping out of your body. “The stupid flickering light really freaked me out,” you say, gesturing at the ceiling. “And then there was a man staring at me, but he disappeared.” König nods thoughtfully. His hands are still on your shoulders, and there’s a beat as you both stare at each other.
König clears his throat. “I will speak to the complex maintenance about repairing the light. As for your mystery friend–” König pulls back and slides one finger across his throat. You laugh at the joke, even though he’s not smiling.
König insists on walking you back to your apartment despite your objections, and although you know you were just being silly, you’re touched by the gesture.
“Thank you, König,” you say, lingering in the doorway, and something in his eyes seems to sharpen when you say his name.
You're eating cereal on your couch, watching cartoons when you should be sleeping. It's a childish habit, but after a long day, you're feeling sentimental and too burnt out to process anything with substance. Scrolling through your phone, half paying attention, you almost miss the soft knock on your front door.
König is standing outside, his face obscured by something that looks like an executioner's hood. The gear he's wearing makes him seem even more massive, a mountain of a man standing in front of you.
"May I come in?" He asks, his accented voice low, and you're so caught off guard by the request that your jaw drops.
König stares at you and you stare back, contemplating the matter.
You probably shouldn't let him in, this hulking monster in a mask. You don't even know him really, only interacting a couple of times. He's kissed you, and it was a knee buckling, eye rolling kiss, but does that necessarily grant him access to your apartment?
Your logistical side loses when he lets out a sigh, a huff of air that borders on a whine. You step aside, waving him to the couch as you go to the kitchen to grab another bowl of cereal for him. You want to know why he's here unannounced, but you're unwilling to disturb the delicate balance between the two of you, so you say nothing. He pulls off the mask, eyes on the TV.
“Looney Tunes?” he asks, his voice amused. Daffy Duck lets out a shriek in the silence between you two, and you snort.
“Call it a guilty pleasure,” you reply. König’s eyebrow twitches. You offer him the bowl, and his large fingers brush against yours, shockingly warm and rough. His eyes seem to glint at the contact, an almost avian intensity that makes your skin flush.
You sit down a measured distance away from him, and go back to eating your cereal, attempting to display a level of casual that you do not feel. König seems unaffected, sprawled on your couch, crunching away like he does this every night. He's got his boots on still, tacky with a dark liquid you think could be blood.
"Uh… not that I don't appreciate the company…" you begin after a beat of silence, turning to face him. It's the first time you've seen him really smile, and a part of you is unsure if you like it, the almost predatory glint of teeth.
"I just wanted to see if you'd invite me in." He responds to your unspoken question, his voice rumbling deep from his chest, and there's a sharp edge to his words that make the hairs on the back of your neck prickle.
There's a beat, and your expression must tip him off to your discomfort because his eyes widen.
"I didn't mean– I am sorry I misspoke– sometimes my translations are–" he's stammering, and you instantly relax, feeling guilty for your involuntary reaction.
"No! No it's okay I was just… surprised. I'm glad for the company" You say in a rush, your voice unnaturally high. "You're always welcome to come over."
He smiles again, softer than before. His eyes haven't quite lost the cutting focus, but you smile back, relaxing a little as he takes another bite of cereal. You fall back into companionable silence.
It's late, and you're starting to fade, eyes drooping, curled up into yourself. König hasn't moved from his post on the end of your couch, his empty bowl still cupped in one hand, and you drowsily wonder if it's a military habit, the way he sits with perfect stillness. You stifle a yawn, and he glances over at you without moving his head.
"It's getting late," he says quietly. You watch as he rises in one fluid motion, large strides leading him with a seemingly practiced familiarity to your kitchen. He places his dish in the sink and reaches for the soap. You sit up.
"It's alright, I'll wash the dishes tomorrow," you call out, wiping your eyes, and he nods. You stand as he heads towards the door, your legs slightly unsteady.
"Thank you for the cereal," he says quietly, a hand on the doorknob. You think there is a light dusting of pink around his ears, but it's too dark to really tell.
You smile at him. "You're welcome."
König pauses, turning towards you.
You idly wonder if he'll kiss you again. He looks down at you with an inscrutable expression, bringing a large hand slowly up to your face, the ghost of his fingertips skimming your jaw. You let out an involuntary gasp at the contact, your skin electrified, and he drops his hand.
He opens the door, and you notice his fingers are still curled, as if he's cupping the sensation of your skin against his, holding it in his palm.
"Good night little rabbit," König whispers, a silhouette in your doorway. "Catch you later."
Part Three
All for you @whos-fran my beloved (the first person to ever ask to be tagged)
If anyone else would like to be on the taglist for part three reply or reblog this post :)
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saetiate · 13 days ago
gooooood morning !!! ^.^ ooooooh it feels like a bit of a lazy day today for me zzz but i will do my best to get things done!!! i hope you have the strength and capability to get through whatever it is you wanna do today!!!
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threepoint14art · 18 days ago
FHS Shipping Week day 1
February 14: height difference - duet - animalistic (AND ALSO ONNIES BIRTHDAY!)
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they have it all B) height difference, duet AND animalistic. I love using all of the prompts it makes me feel so accomplished
I don't have a lot of commentary on the drawing itself except for the fact that i LOVE making Deuz tall and that I like making those two really dear to eachother <3 the wood floor with the curtains and all of that is a reference to this:
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And I know i didn't make onnie SING so i think it doesn't really count as a duet but I couldnt figure it out ok!!!!! and also I DO like to think they'd love to sing together... If i can get ANYTHING out of "una amistad" (song i notoriously do NOT like) is that Onnie can sing and they can sing together <3
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love4hobi · 2 years ago
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j-hope through the eras:
No More Dream Stages
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sparkdoesart · 9 months ago
Isat siffrin and loop short animatic thing for my au~
Spoilers for the secret ending!
So much i wanna talk about with these two~
But alas, I'll keep it to myself for now,
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fagladder · 1 year ago
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little goofy i drew from session 1
link1 link2 <- both nsfw! you have been warned,,
y do i always draw pairs that have no shipname???help??
anyway this exchange had me dead... my two faves.... ouhg
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asteroidaffection · 2 years ago
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sir john what
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alukaforyou · 6 months ago
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aaaa @motherish in new york :D we had soooo much fun💕 she got me this dbz book?!? and i did another tattoo for her! check out the 6 months heal on baby goku heh🐉
we went to anime nyc i was mainly looking for jjk and csm merch, there was sooooo many good things! saw a surprising amount of vocaloid stuff too :0 legs hurt sooo much after walking the artist alley ^_T 💸💸💸
i found a place where you can order soysauce marinated crabs directly from korea 1 day shipping it was SOOOO GOOOODDD sushi and i TORE THAT SHIT UPP 🦀 we were toooo obsessed with it 😵‍💫
🧛🏻‍♀️ then we looked thru my vampire knight artbook & fanbook from 1928199 yrs ago when i was Obsessed w that series, the amount of lore / plot i remembered was crazeeee the art for vampire knight still looks sooooooo pretty 🫨✨
the trip was tooo short but sooo fun it was amazing to see sushi again aaa meeting online friends irl...........🥹💗💕💖🩷
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fumifooms · 2 months ago
dude your marchil crumbs are so so good, i LOVE it all, i've been obsessed with this ship for months, you are a godsend. have a nice day!
🥺 Thank you, that’s always nice to hear…! Especially since today… Is my birthday!! 🥳🥳🎉 Here’s to my upcoming uhh year 3 of marchil brainrot! I’m hoping to finish my Marcille & Chilchuck arc analysis aka my marchil meta magnum opus this month, and after that well I always have some marchil post outlines and memes and fanfics and fanarts in the works lol.
Ah, and this ask made me start preparing for Marchil March! The week format of last year worked well, but I was wondering if doing a month format would be good… In the end, I feel like it could stay a week format where every day has two prompts, but then as a sort of expansion of the event there’s also a prompt table for the whole month with one prompt per day, and it’s just there’s less attention and emphasis put on it? Marchil March+ the expansion pack. Marchiler March even. Marchil Marchil mayhaps.
Reorganizing my wall and doing tetris with my tapestries still feels like too much work rn but for the occasion I rearranged my marchil shrine, under its Senshi angel 💖🫶
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The bluray bonus tapestry is sooo big like that’s not a purse itabag that’s a BACKPACK! My hand looks tiny next to it… Also the blushing looks more intense irl lol. Ignore Jade Leech and the several Chainsaw Men on the side lmao. Eventually it might be fun for me to print out my favorite marchil manga moments and do a collage with them to paste on my wall…
Oh! And while I’m here I’ve been meaning to link my kofi somewhere for a bit, for if anyone wants to give me a little something and tip me for all the meta, fanfic and fanart I make! That’s all, happy marchilling everyone that’s my bday wish 🫶
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hopkei · 19 days ago
staying motivated at the office like:
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