#such a bangin song btw
theworstcreature · 23 days
Reblog if you have six legs all equipped with tippy tappt toes and are planning on climbing up the podium on Sunday
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lucabyte · 2 months
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i burned the bridges thoroughly but still everyone's trusting me again and i should be relieved but it happened so suddenly (and i know in my heart i haven't earned this, but everyone acts like my concern isn't a problem like nothing is wrong with my very involvement)
but i know how the song ends (x)
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originemesis · 5 months
// sooo...anyone notice the little face grab a.dam does @ charli.e during 'you didn't know'? like he looks so fucking giddy that he gets to see li.lith's rage rising up in her daughter's eyes. :' ) the ultimate revenge power-move.
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edsbacktattoo · 2 years
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. no skipping!  
I was tagged by @nofeelingisfinall and @epersonae thanks guys!! ✨
i have over 1300 songs in my liked playlist so this is going to be messy af i’m so sorry in advance lmao
1. Louder than Thunder by Devil Wears Prada
2. Flesh Without Blood by Grimes
3. Judas by Yngwie Malmsteen
4. Faceless by Red
4. Nearly Witches by Panic! at the Disco
4. We Cry Together by Kendrick Lamar feat. Taylour Paige
5. Marcel by Her’s
6. Helmet in the Bush by Korn
7. Take My Head by Turnover
8. Iris Rose by Orville Peck
9. Andromeda by Gorillaz feat. DRAM
10. Dumb Things by Paul Kelly
That was worse than i thought it would be holy shit.
i’m surprised only one Gorillaz song made it in there considering i have almost their entire discography in my liked playlist lol
thanks again for tagging me!! absolutely no pressure, but I’ll tag:
@tisziny @skysofrey @beardedblack @blakbonnet @awkward-fallen-angel @wearfinethingsalltoowell @snake-snack-stede and anyone else who wants to!!
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
Based on your user and your post saying you were trying to stay up for Jimin on Jimmy, I'm going to assume you're an ARMY . . .???
Thoughts on Jimin's new album? 👀 I'm dying to talk music with someone 😂💜
Cheers! I hope all is well.
@twogyuu hey friend!!!
yeah i'm an army lol (the chill kind so don't come for me yall 💜😂) little backstory i found out about them back in 2018. i was just about to graduate high school at the time and was freaking out about the future, as one does, when i stumbled across their fake love mv. my curiosity was peeked and it was over from there. their songs and lyrics got me through literally some of the hardest times of my life, and whalien 52 will always symbolically be my favorite track from them because, besides being nice to listen to, it really spoke to me at the time and i would play it a lot whenever i would be hard on myself or feel upset over my circumstances. that song (and others like so far away by suga) was like a comfort - like an acknowledgement of my feelings and a reminder that i wasn't alone, that i wasn't the only person who has felt lonely or struggled in some way. and bts was my gateway into kpop so they'll always hold a special place in my heart (although now i have to suffer from being attacked everyday by a different kpop group and its members so idk thanks i guess??? lololol) ok sob story about my username is over lol.
this post is getting long so album thoughts are under the cut.
thoughts on jimin's new album - idk if i'm gonna get flamed for this but it wasn't really my vibe (no pun intended) if i'm being honest and i say that lovingly/respectfully. he is my bts bias and the first bias i ever had so believe me i am being honestttt lol. his dancing is what he's known for obvs so it didn't surprise me when the first release was set me free prt 2 which had more of an anthemic, powerful vibe to it. that was definitely fun to watch but it was that kind of kpop release where i get this feeling of like, this is a great performance to watch, but not a song i'd necessarily wanna hear again. and then i listened to the rest of the album and the other songs didn't do it for me personally either *with love*. Like Crazy was definitely my favorite, with the soft 80s vibes <3, but I'm not sure I'm gonna be playing it all that often. There wasn't a stand out point for me in it where I was like 'ah i wanna hear that part again' ya know??? For ref i really liked the song he did with taeyang (Vibe) and I still love the heck out of Serendipity from the Love Yourself days so I know jimin is capable of greatness...this just wasn't it for me personally. i keep emphasizing that b/c i'm not tryna receive any army hate 🤣. of all the member's releases so far, my favs were rm's indigo album (such a vibe ugggh + his features were fantastic), jin's the astronaut (was meh the first time i listened and then i heard it again in the middle of the night and it broke me???) and jhope's song on the street with jcole (not much of a rap girlie but i loveeeee jcole's music in particular for his incredible lyricism - he's a goat and one of the few i listen to - so i screamed when i saw the collab and the song was so freaking good 😭). I am incredibly excited for V's release whenever that comes because I'm convinced it's gonna be full of kdrama tracks that will make me cry (have you heard sweet night??? christmas tree??? winter bear??? bruh) and then Jungkook is such a stunning vocalist that i know I'll enjoy whatever he releases (euphoria is set as my phone alarm and ringtone and it still makes me cry to this day 🥹).
i loveeeee music so much (she says as if she didn't make that obvs by writing a whole 35k fic based off one dang song) - i am that person with a specific playlist for every possible feeling/vibe imaginable, i do indeed listen to/find gems from the songs writers list as inspo for their fics, and i am constantly on the hunt for new music so please reach out to me anytime about songs/releases, non-kpop included of course!!! this post was long af but hope you enjoyed <3
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paintbrushnebula · 1 month
How would you have fixed/ wrote tangled the series if you were the executive producer/ creator?
How would you have fixed/ wrote tangled the series if you were the executive producer/ creator?
Hoooboiiii good question!! Haha because like, I’m actually kinda prepared to answer this, because I’ve thought about what I would’ve liked out of a Tangled sequel and, tsk I gotta tell you it’s very VERY different from the series XD 
However even though the series isn’t my idea of a Tangled sequel, if I was at this moment granted a wish that would allow me to magically alter the series as a whole, retroactively, I wouldn’t remove anything that the series introduced, because I like a lot it. I like Varian, I like Lance, I like Adira, I like Bruce Campbell, I like all o’ dem fools. Oh and the bangin’ SONGS YELL HEAH! Good food ^^. I also think the Sundrop and Moonstone stuff, the Demanitus stuff, even the Zhan Tiri stuff all sound cool on paper. Queen for a Day was pretty unforgettable for me so I’m not itching to change that in any major way. I honestly wouldn’t want to change the whole series in any major ways. Just, y’know, fix what’s there. Improve the flaws. Develop the underused characters and backstories. Make Eugene’s story mean something and matter. Make Quirin’s note mean something and matter. Add more moms for crying out loud. Explore Rapunzel’s trauma and actually SHOW us her recovery iIn full detail. 
Oh wait. Actually I WOULD make a dramatic change: Arianna is the focal parent NOT Frederic. That’s literally going hand-in-hand with “write Rapunzel’s recovery better.” She needs to see what a good mother looks like. 
OH KRIFF ONE MORE THING XD yeah Cass being Gothel’s daughter is SOO OUT XD 
Moonsandra can stay but she’s gotta have better motives and an actual set goal or smth Jesus
The Zhan Tiri disciples song a villain song. Heck, Zhan Tiri gets a villain song. OOOF could you imagine Zhan Tiri getting a song in the same vein as “In the Dark of the Night” from Anastasia??? That’d be so cool, oh jeez. 
Also I’d have the broadway stars be casted a little more creatively, like, I love what they did with Eden Espinosa, Jeremy Jordan, and James Monroe Iglehart, but I wish they went even harder with it. Gavin Creel being casted as that disciple (I dont remember his name) is exactly what I mean. Get Andre De Shields as someone! How about Susan Egan? Ooooh please could we get Aaron Tveit in there somewhere? Sigh, in my dreams I guess. 
Oh, and make sure they actually get to sing ^_^
One last major change would be to make Eugene’s mom live alongside Edmund. Literally I dont get the big issue media has with doing the “estranged parent” trope and restricting it to one parent (who is usually the father). Like what is it with Hollywood and writing BOTH parents? What’s wrong with a seasoned older husband and wife reuniting with their son, becoming key supporting characters in the story? 
I like Edmund too much to get rid of him, so. Why not have two cakes? 
Oh btw Eugene’s mom would be Susan Egan. No debate. 
Also I’d have the score be directed a little differently. Have actual leitmotifs that aren’t using music from the songs (as much as I like when that happens). Give Rapunzel and Eugene a “love theme” that also gets used for any time any other character is growing as a person or going through changes, like some type of “dream” theme that represents that character having and pursuing a want or goal. Then when Cass or Varian become evil, you twist that “dream” leitmotif to sound sinister because their “new dream” is something dark and twisted. Then you take that and incorporate it into their themes to make villain themes. Could you imagine if Varian and Cass had leitmotifs used when they were good, then when they betray Rapunzel, those leitmotifs are musically altered to sound sinister??? 
WOof, sorry, this was ramble-y and has poor grammar/sentences. I hope this is all readable XD
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peppermint-moss · 2 years
Who/what is your biggest inspo for poetry or art?
aagh i dont think i'll ever have one biggest inspo for poetry n art i just have a lot of lads which i like specific things about + those likes are still always ongoing and changing lol (which btw ty for askin bout poetry cause i LOVE it n i never get asked abt poetry hehe)
I have a big ol google doc where i have lines of fav poetry i write down when i come across them (usually when im just scrollin the internets) and atm I've been noticing that a lot of lines i keep enjoying are all by Mary Oliver even tho i've yet to read her collection of poetry!!! so that's on my to-do list C: other poets who's names keep poppin up in that google doc are ocean vuong, richard siken, chen chen and uhh flatsound? they do more music but they've done some spoken word stuff and their songs just feel close enough to the realm of poetry to me u know
Art stuff... lol which medium?? /lh I really like thomas jordan's photography (the COLOURS my DUDE) mmm shelia berger's kinetic sculptures and KICKASS "Bird Show" encaustic paintings (i watched the rlly short like 5 min documentary on her and i was enraptured) Spencer finch has got a lot of cool conceptual art stuff like i think CIE 529 418 (CANDLELIGHT) is rlly cool!! Holly warb and @/vchienart both got some lovely lovely illustrations/paintings with soft beautiful colours... @/emilienunez has some really pretty and elegant yet v cute ceramics!! and @/soonthemoon some really like cute warm n cozy ones... Oof there's so many digital artists i love ;-; and i keep finding new cool lads aghh @catnippackets has such a good grasp on like form n shape if that makes sense?? like drawin people in these rlly fluid poses in like silky lineart aaa i found @milkdudz 's art recently and i LOVE their art style and their cats are just. perfect balance of spiky and soft n very very Cat which is so good @everydaylouie u gotta know louie right ?? how can someone make such lovely 2d and 3d art and music and also know how to code n make lil games. that is too much power for one soul to possess nifty-senpai's art n animations and designs ofc!! are incredible!! and i REALLY love their concepts for what the wc clan territories look like (this moonpool are you kidding me???? gorgeous) @thunderc1an's lineless art style my beloved...... yall clammorin about my lineless art style u GOTTA check out theirs so good (also the everchanging never the same designs for wc characters is so good so freeing so interesting to look at!!) SmallButera's animations omg... literally speechless (also have u seen their series baman piderman?? its so precious it might be on indefinite hiatus im not too sure but its still my favourite thing) chadisms, Riley Ellis, Asha Phaedra and Cherrydusk also got some BANGIN animation skills and o my god this post got so long n theres still so many ppl ive gots to stop and do homework LOL
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oogaboogaspookyman · 11 months
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when I first saw the title of this bracket I immediately thought of Alina Gray, and I just noticed she's your icon! Heck yeahhhh! Btw you might like the song Piece of Art by Kira-P, it fits this blog very well and reminds me of Alina
ooooh that song's bangin
have this song, the mc of it is gonna compete in this tournament :)
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hxneylavendxr · 2 years
hihi ems! breaking into your inbox bright and early today to bring you a song!
today my offering is: Traffic Jam by Niru Kajitsu! It's sung by vflower and is just. Super catchy <3 Kind of a dark and morbid song (this one has English subtitles if you turn on the captions btw!) in places but overall very fun. One of my favorites for sure!
I hope you have a good day today ems dearest! I am sending you good vibes~~
this song URGGHHHH i just i (she has it on her favorite songs of all time playlist) the fade in at the start the way the BASS goes hard from the start (<- HUGE bass fan over here) the way it's just entirely & wholly fucked up.....the feelings elicited by the pv are a lot too it has that fuzzy blur i muse about usually and overall just like it's giving apathetic mourners at an unsympathetic funeral
and now im gonna go on a (relevant) tangent about the vivid bad squad cover from our very own beloved project sekai colorful stage because hoooollyyyy shiiiittttt. traffic jam is one of those songs for me that's so perfect + unique in how it's pulled off that a cover? could never even compare to the original it just can't be done. BUT vivid bad squad made up for what you lose when replacing the robot singer with INVENTIVE VOCAL TURNS and THAT BANGIN MV and so i say that vbs successfully met the majesty of traffic jam with the undaunting power of wlw/mlm solidarity the group wields n i like both versions equally <3 (an shiraishi i love you an if youre reading th
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shnashq · 2 days
i tried to cook but then made something absolutely horrid.
the sample is from mickey's robot laboratory (it's still available on flash museum btw). i thought it was bangin so uh...
listening back to it. it's sorta decent, especially the parts that had a slower tempo in the original song. did so well
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 10 months
Hear me out, project sekai groups based on color would be GOATED
(Btw keep in mind I’m probably gonna fuck up who has what color because this is about the color of their ✨ SPIRIT ✨ and also I tried to keep multiples of the same group out so all of the interactions would be new but do tag other groups that you think would be better color matches!)
Warm Colors/Brown Group:
The Shinonomes
The Tenmas
Pink Group!:
This group is so fluffy!!! I love how they’re all just various flavors of pop sounding XD Emu and Mizuki would have THE STRONGEST VOCALS TOGETHER OMG. AND HONAME AND AIRI?! ID LOSE MY DAMN MIND. Also just how cute Kohane and Mizu or Kohane and Hona would be??? Luv em
Blue/Purple Group:
This group seems random as hell, and it is, but here me out. Rui and Haruka would be SUCH A POWERHOUSE OF VOICE, and Haru mixed with An??? An Rui mixed with An?????!! BEAUTIFUL! Ichika and Mafuyu blend the strong voices into something softer but still emotional, and I just feel like this would be THE. COVER. GROUP. I just love the idea of them lol
And lastly, the Pastel/White/Other group????:
Okay, so I have no excuse for the color choice of this one. It’s essentially a grab bag of all the characters I forgot to add in the other ones! Literally even the color I’m representing this with is just the last different color tumblr had to offer. Woohoo! Coincidentally, they’re all the quiet ones in their group for the most part. Mayhaps that’s why I forgot about them XD I think they would still sound really good though. They might seem same-y on the outside, but I just think they would blend really well. They all might have “softer vocals” but they all bring something to the table! Toya brings a strength to the vocals that they’d need, and Shiho would bring some depth. Shizuku would have a smoothness that would make every song beautiful and Nene would provide such emotion! Also Kanade could fit into any of these categories in one way or another and would just be great to bring the whole group together, so even if I botched the color I didn’t botch the sound! XD
Those are my groups I want if they redid April fools, thanks for coming to my tedtalk!!
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
the only girls in touhou 2 me specifically, a Non-fan.
lil blonde demon girl w cool-shaped wings n red eyes n wears red n a white hat n she looks deranged n her theme is "U.N. Own Becomes Her" or w/e (an absolute BANGIN song btw)
cirno, the lil blue pixie of cirnos perfect math class fame
marisa (is she the long-haired blonde 1? she has tht 1 meme song)
the main girl from bad apple
some witch girl
a shrine maiden. w long hair. (is it brown?)
girl w purple hair n a moon in her hair n a pink dress
a maid? w Knives? w an AMAZING song called smth smth "flowering nights"
the clown girl!! who wears red n blue! fuck yea!!
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bastardsunlight · 2 years
FAV COLOR(S):   teal, black, gold
FAV FLAVOR(S): chocolate, tajin spice specifically, garlic salt, raspberry is p bangin’
FAV GENRE(S): horror, sci-fi, high and low fantasy
FAV MOVIE(S): Speed Racer, Independence Day, Top Gun, Mortal Kombat (1995)
FAV SERIES: Madoka Magica probably—I’ve seen it 69,420 times
LAST SONG: Demons by Zeds Dead
LAST SERIES: Umbrella Academy
CURRENTLY READING: Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium by Sandy  Mitchell (fucking delightful btw, hard recommend), Creation by Gore Vidal (also VERY good—extremely pithy)
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: a few Warhammer 40k ficlets, clearing my inbox
TAGGED BY: @vehxmence​
TAGGING: @extraordinarygrrls @mad-musings @sxvethelastdance @darckcarnival @justliukang
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saturniade · 5 years
for requests how about some davetav !! and for songs- you should try out cherry cola by kuwada or lipstick covered magnet by the front bottoms bc they're bangers
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gay gamer boys having a gay gaming time
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Do you have any headcannons with the boys getting drunk with their s/o and doing stupid and out their character stuff together? I think that'd be super funny. Love your writing!! <33
thank you so much! This is such a fun idea btw
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
the boy is a sub when he’s drunk
he will beg, and I mean get down on his knees and beg, for you to touch and punish him when he’s drunk
I also feel like he’s a paranoid drunk too which the two don’t mix that well together
like tie him up but every 2 minutes he’s like “wait, is there someone outside the door? Did we lock the door? Holy shit is it locked?!” 
not very sloppy of a drunk, just more affectionate publicly towards you because normally he keeps that shit subtle 
such a snuggle bug, even in front of Splinter
also kind of a naughty drunk....
will do things *so* that you’ll punish him later, very bad boy
but you’re awful too because you encourage it!
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Oh if you thought he was handsy before...
get ready for drunk Raphael
you’ll never forgive him for the time he threw you over his shoulder and when Leo asked where you were going he replied “to get my dick sucked”
he likes you on his lap as it is, but when he’s drunk your cheeks will never touch a seat, they will always be on his thighs
he will make you blush so much with what he says and does
a very sloppy drunk
does a batman impression that involves screaming “where is she!?” and almost tackling you to the sofa
also an excellent cocktail maker, normally the one handing out drinks to the group
also a bit too ready to fight crime when he’s drunk
has to be stopped from running out into the street to “go all ninja on these mother fuckers!”
like “no you big red idiot, you can barely walk!!”
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you will never meet a more hot&cold drunk in your life!
one minute he’s curled up in a ball saying he feels so alone in the world
next he’s bugging Raph to duet Piano Man on karaoke with him and he’s the life of the party
lots of spontaneous confessions of love towards you
like at least 3 an hour
“I just- no shh, shhhhhh! I could never forgive myself if I didn’t tell you how much I love you and how bangin’ you look in that dress tonight”
but then it’s back to sad boy hours and asking his brothers if they still love him
which they begrudgingly tell him they do
has drunk asked you to marry him over text a few times because he’s that type of guy
the best intentions but oh lord he cannot handle his drink
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Donnie is another person when he’s drunk!
Boundaries? Who is she? Donnie don’t know her!
lifting up your skirt/dress because he “Just wanted to see if you were wearing underwear”
far more confident, sociable and snarky tbh
but also so sweet towards you
like you do anything and he leans in to whoever is next to him and is all “that’s the woman I’m gonna marry one day”
follows you around like a lost puppy too, he just wants to be near you
but like, also wants to look down your top so watch out for that
can handle his drink reasonably well, but not the best
will get *down* to some songs when he’s drunk and dance like no one is watching
but they are watching and he looks so adorably dumb
his cover of Primadonna Girl is to be matched on karaoke 
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