#i have a not at all funny joke about this song in my drafts that i dont want to publish
hxneylavendxr · 2 years
hihi ems! breaking into your inbox bright and early today to bring you a song!
today my offering is: Traffic Jam by Niru Kajitsu! It's sung by vflower and is just. Super catchy <3 Kind of a dark and morbid song (this one has English subtitles if you turn on the captions btw!) in places but overall very fun. One of my favorites for sure!
I hope you have a good day today ems dearest! I am sending you good vibes~~
this song URGGHHHH i just i (she has it on her favorite songs of all time playlist) the fade in at the start the way the BASS goes hard from the start (<- HUGE bass fan over here) the way it's just entirely & wholly fucked up.....the feelings elicited by the pv are a lot too it has that fuzzy blur i muse about usually and overall just like it's giving apathetic mourners at an unsympathetic funeral
and now im gonna go on a (relevant) tangent about the vivid bad squad cover from our very own beloved project sekai colorful stage because hoooollyyyy shiiiittttt. traffic jam is one of those songs for me that's so perfect + unique in how it's pulled off that a cover? could never even compare to the original it just can't be done. BUT vivid bad squad made up for what you lose when replacing the robot singer with INVENTIVE VOCAL TURNS and THAT BANGIN MV and so i say that vbs successfully met the majesty of traffic jam with the undaunting power of wlw/mlm solidarity the group wields n i like both versions equally <3 (an shiraishi i love you an if youre reading th
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mhahaikyuus · 1 month
Can you write a college au oneshot where y/n took music production as her major and jean kirstein taking fashion designing 😗?
college jean
tags: established relationship, jean x reader, college au, fluff, very teasing couple, jean is whipped, mentions of drugs
word count: 1.8k
a/n: thanks anon for the request sorry this took so long I kept rewriting it. hope you guys enjoy
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You knew you should’ve listen to yourself. Ignored your boyfriend and his many cries but god he was…incessant. 
“Jean I can’t come over, I literally haven’t started my midterm yet and I have no idea what to do.” You complained over the phone looking at your empty lined notebook. 
Why did you take song composition….
“And I literally, He mocked, “miss my girlfriend.” Over the phone. 
“Jean.” You warned in a tone telling him to cut it out. 
He groaned, you frowned at the phone. He usually wasn’t this whiny away from you. 
“Look I have my project to work on and I need you.” He admitted and you rolled your eyes. 
There it was. 
“Help with what?” You asked and your boyfriend ignored your question. 
“I’m coming over to yours, see you in ten sweetheart.” He said hanging up the phone before you could protest. 
He can come over if he wants but you were actually doing work so if he didn’t like that he would be leaving shortly. 
About 10 minutes later your boyfriend came in with arms full of supplies for own project and a smile on his face. 
Leaning down and almost knocking you in the face with a roll of colorful fabric held in his arms when he came down to kiss you. 
You leaned back a hair to avoid the item and let out a small laugh. 
“Hi.” You said bringing his head closer pulling him in by his neck tugging on his pretty brown hair growing a little longer in the back.
“Hi.” He said softly pressing another kiss into your mouth. 
He turned his head to your notebook. 
“How’s it going?” 
“Could be better…” You said with a small frown
He raised an eyebrow at your words. 
You admitted, “It could be already halfway done too.” 
“You’ll get it done.” He said pulling back and dropping all his stuff on your dorm floor. 
“What project were you talking about earlier.” You said flipping through your drafts of sheet music. 
He flopped on your bed with an audible groan.
“I have to make a dress.” He said to the ceiling making you pause for a moment. 
“ I didn’t know you were into that baby I would’ve never judged you.” You said and a pillow sailing to the back on your head in response making you snicker as the pillow fell onto the floor. 
“You’re so funny.” He grumbled and you smiled to yourself your back facing him. 
“I’m just saying you have legs to kill for-
“Y/n!” He whined as you laughed again
Jean climbed off the bed and came up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I need you to be my model-
“Absolutely not.” You interrupted in disbelief. 
“No not like in a show, I need you to stand up so I can pin the fabric.” Jean said with a roll of his eyes at your dramatics. 
“Ah, yes I definitely want my boyfriend knowing my measurements.” You said with a sweet smile on your face he knew was dripping with sarcasm. 
Jean yanked your chair back from the desk, scooped you up throwing you on the bed. Jumping himself right on top of you making you groan in pain at his heavy weight suffocating your legs. 
“You’re stupid.” He said with furrowed eyebrows. 
“So you try to knock the wind out of me and crush me with your fat body.’ You complain smacking his shoulder. 
“You think I care about your numbers.” He deadpanned. The words he knew you didn’t need to hear in every conversation. He loved you, and nothing would change that. 
“Kate moss does.” You said shyly with a smile poking his cheek trying to lessen the intense look in his eyes. 
“Do I look like a British blonde alien.” Jean asked
“You did want to…ski the slopes.” You said with an evil smile. 
Jean’s face holding distain at your joke. Referencing when you two were freshmen and he “was thinking about joining a frat.” 
You bullied him out of the decision but still love to embarrass him. 
“Shut up.” He mumbled digging his head into your chest. Both of you laying in your bed just enjoying each others warmth. Until you gasped at the realization of what he was doing. Smacking him up the head making him groan, “Why are you hitting me now!” Dramatically rubbing his head as you shoved his face away. 
“You’re distracting me! I have work to do.” 
“Uhhhhh,” He moaned flipping over onto his back staring at the ceiling as you moved back to your desk.
“Jean, do your work.” You yelled at him from your desk. 
“I need you to do it! But you’re being annoying.” He replied. 
“And the sky is blue. I am always annoying you” You said with a roll of your eyes. 
Damn it was that note going to be a F# or G# you thought trying to find your place before Jean came.
You could hear Jean rustling behind you finally starting his project. About 20 minutes later you felt his chin resting on your shoulder again. 
“Yes Jean.” 
“That’s not my name.” 
“Yes Jean Kirschstein.” He pinched your side in retaliation. 
“Yes baby.” You finally corrected yourself. Jean pressed a kiss into your cheek in thanks. 
“I need you now.” He said 
“Jean we are not fucking right now-“ You interrupted thinking he was going for round 2 of trying to get you back in bed with his charms.
“No, as my model.” He interrupted placing his long arm to trail down your arm and into your hand pulling you up out of your chair. Much gentler than the last time.
He had his charming smile on, “We could do that too.” He said with a smug look but you brushed past him to his project. 
Your small dorm was covered in rolls or fabric and sewing materials. 
“What do you need.” You asked looking at the outline he had drawn up. 
He used his foot to hook around a stool and dragged it in front of you. 
“Stand, please.” He said hand out to the tiny step stool. 
“You’re so stupid.” You said with a laugh but taking it anyway to stand. 
“Oh wow I’m almost as tall as you.” You joked. Even with a step stool you were nowhere near his height. 
Jean picked you up by the waist to his height and back down onto the stool with a bounce making you gasp.
“Hm almost.” He said with a kiss on the forehead before turning back around to the fabric he had outlined. 
“Please don’t stick me.” You told him as he began to start pinning. 
He nodded and you could see his sandy brown hair shake in agreement. 
“Scouts honor. If I stick you, you can tweeze my eyebrows.” He said and you were supposed to stay still but he always made you laugh.
The last time you had tried to tweeze his eyebrows you got maybe 5 hairs in before he was reeling back in horror and pain wailing like a child. 
“My face! I know I annoy you but I didn’t know you hated me!” He almost yowled like a cat as you iced the barely irritated skin with an ice pack and stroked his hair in your lap as he snuggled into your (his own words) "angelic thighs". 
As scary and big Jean was all he did was bother you, make you baby him, and love you. 
“How long is this going to take?” You asked with raised eyebrows looking at your almost finished project sitting on your desk illuminated by your small desk lamp your boyfriend had bought you. 
He looked up from his knee with pins sitting in between his lips with a concentrated look softening at eye contact. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked pausing his movements to make sure you were okay. 
“I need to finish my project and it’s almost done.” You said pointing at your desk. Jean’s head swiveled to the desk. 
“What do you need?” He asked looking back up at you, you were getting impatient, shuffling a little more than usual and covering up tiny sighs.  
“My notebook, pencil, and my phone. But I can’t do anything right now I need something to write on and my headphones, I don't want to bother you.” You said with a pout. 
Jean grabbed your stuff and placed your notebook and pencil in your hands with an extra book to write on. 
“If you need something to write on just tell me.” He said and opened your phone to the audio recording app so you could hear it playing as he pinned. Your music would never bother him. He loved how passionate and talented you were with music. There was no need for headphones.
After a couple of minutes of audio, listening to your new piece, and making mental notes of what you needed to change you tapped Jean with your toe. “I need to write.” Thinking he would let you down and pause pinning. 
Jean stood up to his two feet and turned. You blankly stared at the back of his head. 
“What are you doing?” You asked 
“Write on my back, just tell me when you need to and I'll stand.” He said leaning forward a bit. Shook your head in disbelief but did it anyway scribbling your note changes on his spine for about a minute or so before you tapped his shoulder. “Done.” 
He nodded kissing you and went back to his knees to finish the fabric of the dress to your silhouette. This went on until you were satisfied with the changes in your composition.
After about an hour you were freed of his pinning and him being your makeshift desk at the same time, so you could both finish your projects. 
Jean knew you only got a little more annoyed with him when you were being interrupted and he had thankfully come up with a solution for him to spend time with you and not have you ring his neck tonight.
“Alright I’m done.” He said studying his work. 
“Spin please.” Jean said with a sly grin but you complied anyway. 
Your arms out you turned in a 360. “How does it look.” You asked looking down on to the flowy dress. You rarely wear anything like this. 
“Perfect, Well you’re perfect. The dress is just an add on.” He said with another small kiss to your lips and helped you step down as you tried to hide a smile from how cheesy he could be. 
“Arms up.” He instructed and you lifted your arms like you were on a ride. 
Jean carefully bunched up the bottom and pulled the dress from your body to not ruin the hour of work he had just completed. 
You stretched your stiff back and plopped back onto the bed ready to do nothing for the rest of the day. Jean climbed into your twin xl bed maneuver you so you both would fit the cramped bed. Your back pressed into his chest and his arms encircling your own. “Do you want a nap? You seemed stressed earlier.” He asked with a kiss to your temple. You nodded, whenever he pulled you in this position it was like  sleep medication that had hit your system. You yawned with fluttering eyes your head just under his neck taking a much needed break with Jean. 
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chrissv4mp · 3 months
tornado warnings 🌪⚠️
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warnings: vulgar language, maybe gets a little sexual but not real smut, getting back with an ex (don't do this seriously its the WORST decision you'll ever make)
author's note: GUYS i am so obsessed with sabrina carpenter so i js HADDDDD to make a matt oneshot based on one of her songs!!
edit: yall are getting this early bc i couldn't wait to post it & i also just hate having stuff in my drafts!!
"matt," you laughed, stumbling over your own feet as you tried to make your way to him.
"c'mon, just a few more steps. don't fall now, darling." he joked, and you swear you felt nauseous at the thought of it.
your eyes glanced to the ground, and you forgot how high up you were. was the alcohol just making it seem higher?
you took the last few steps with caution, and right at the last one, you stepped on your shoelace, causing you to stumble forward.
"shit," matt gasped, grabbing your forearm tight but gentle enough that it wouldn't hurt. he pulled you back, the both of you falling on your asses on the roof.
matt laughed at your shocked expression, acting as if you hadn't almost broken bones. he was always like this, never feeling anything. and even if he did, he would just find it funny.
"what the fuck?" you gasped, and before you could even yell at him, you started to laugh. his laughter was contagious, everyone would agree.
his hold on you didn't last long, quickly pushing you out of his arms and getting to his feet.
your smile faded as you watches him crawl back into the house through the window, leaving you by yourself.
what kind of boyfriend does that?
you shook your head, fending off the bad thoughts and quickly thinking of how many other guys were worse. matt wasn't even a bad boyfriend.
he just... was a little scared of relationships. it was the commitment, he always said.
sighing, you stared up at the ceiling of the office, the only sound in the room being a pen writing on paper and your quiet breaths.
"so, back to what we talked about last session, your boyfriend?--"
"ex." you corrected, looking back in your therapists direction.
"oh, i'm sorry ms. y/l/n. uhm, you said you felt unwanted, but that you still believed he had a good heart, is that correct?" the man asked, looking down at the paper in his clipboard.
"yeah, yes, that's right." you breathed, fidgeting with your hands as you looked around the room.
"you also said that you planned to breakup with him, cut off all communication. have you spoken to him since said breakup?" he tilted his head, looking up from his clipboard.
"no, no i haven't. never saw him. never kissed him." you said, your voice growing quiet as you said the last words.
if he didn't see it, it doesn't exist. he doesn't have to know.
the man sighed, taking his glasses off before placing them on a table to the side, "ms. y/l/n, this is a safe space, you know that. we've been doing these sessions for a little over 7 months now, and i'm sure that you know everything you tell me in here is private and is never spoken of outside this office."
"i know, i do feel that this is a safe space. and i swear to you i'm telling the truth. im over that son of a bitch. he's the worst." your lips curved into a reassuring smile, and unsurprisingly it hadn't helped your case.
"okay," he sighed.
you glanced at the clock on the wall, sitting at the island in your kitchen as you finished up some work on your computer.
your phone was left untouched next to your mouse pad and you silently prayed that it remained silent.
the screen lit up, and an array of messages suddenly blew up your phone.
great, just what you wanted!
you didn't take your eyes off the computer screen, but as soon as you saw matts contact name in the corner of your eye, you couldn't help but grab the phone.
matt🫀: 'can i come over???'
matt🫀: 'nvm im already On my way!'
matt🫀: 'bringing snacks btw, we should watch a movie if ur down'
matt🫀: 'was gonna ask what u wanted but u take centuries to reply soooo coke and kit-kats it is :)
"what?" you whispered, chuckling quietly at his texts.
no, you can't laugh. none of this was funny, and he knows that he's crossing your boundaries right now. why does he always do this?
you: you js keep gaining red flags every day, we're not playing capture the flag, ykw that right?🚩
matt🫀: we're always playing capture the flag, the only flags i collect r green tho!💋
he couldn't be serious. was he even real?
you: sassy man apocalypse has started yet again😱
matt🫀: you take the man out of the sassy apocalypse, not the sassy out the man🤷‍♀️
you: your the worst
matt🫀: you're*
your thumb hit the power button, and not even a minute later, the doorbell rung.
having forgotten about your laptop, you quickly jumped to your feet and ran to the door. a smile was plastered on your lips, and you couldn't seem to get rid of it.
why must you always fall for his tricks. he's such a dick.
"hey, darling," he smiled, his backpack hanging off one shoulder and a plastic grocery bag hanging off the other.
his pet name caught you off guard, and you swore your knees almost gave out. no man has ever made you as weak as matt has.
who does he think he is?
"hi, matt." you smiled, and he didn't hesitate when he leaned down to kiss you.
your hand went to his chest, pushing him back and moving your head to the side even if your hand kept him back.
he scoffed in fake offense, pulling away, "you're no fun, y'know?"
"i'm fully aware." you laughed before moving to the side to let him in.
he went straight to your room, having known your house so well since he had been living with you for a while before.
all doubtful thoughts were thrown out the window as you made your way to the bedroom. you caught matts eye as you made you walked in.
"c'mere," he smiled, gesturing you over with a wave of his hand, "what movie should we watch?"
you couldn't help but smile, almost forgetting all the prominent red flags that he had. he was the worst.
or maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought. maybe it was just you.
he was good for you. he kept you on your feet, kept you grounded.
"baby." he said, his voice breaking you out of your thoughts, "come here,"
matt smiled as he patted the empty spot next to him, and you wasted no time in getting on the bed and situating yourself beside him.
his hand grazes your thigh as he reaches over you for the remote, turning the TV on before scrolling through endless amounts of movies.
"superhero movie?" he asked quietly, looking over at you as you shook your head.
"wow, surprising." he joked, clicking through some more movies that didn't catch either of your eyes.
matt ditched the remote on what used to be his nightstand before he rolled over to face you.
his eyes were still that deep blue that you loved, and the smirk on his face didn't help as you tried to look away.
"i missed you," matt muttered, his voice soft as his fingers danced along the skin of your arm.
your breath hitched as his hand found the hem of your shirt and went under it, that stupid smirk on his face making it impossible for you to deny him.
"matt, we can't--"
"shh," his lips were dangerously close to yours now, and you didn't even want to question how he got so close to you in just a few seconds.
"there's not a rule that we can't, and we both know you need this. just let me relieve your stress, yeah?"
what the fuck is matthew sturniolos secret.
his hand traveled further up your shirt until it landed on your breast, and you couldn't help the gasp that escapes your lips as he squeezed it.
with his free hand, he propped himself on top of you, knees on either side of your body as he leaned down to your lips.
you couldn't resist him, not now that he was corrupting all your senses. all you knew was him now.
"no, matt." you muttered against his lips, your hand gentle against his chest as you tried but failed to push him away.
you couldn't do this anymore. it was killing you. he didn't want anything more than just a fuck-buddy and you both knew that.
so why was it so hard to push him away?
"matt," you gasped as you felt his lips on your neck, his smell intoxicating as your eyes fluttered shut.
no, you wouldn't do this anymore.
"matt, get off." your gentleness was gone now as you pushed him with real strength, he didn't give a single fuck about you, really.
the boy didn't hesitate to stop, quickly climbing off you before plopping right back next to you on the bed.
"shit, i'm sorry, baby." he muttered, real worry in his voice.
you shook your head, sitting up as you covered you face with your hands.
"please, just leave. we can't do this anymore. seriously." you sighed, tears pricking in your eyes.
"but--" matt tried, but you cut him off just as he was about to start begging.
"get out, matt." your hands went back to your sides, but you didn't dare look at him.
he would only reel you back in.
the boy sighed, frowning as he collected his stuff slowly.
he stopped when he reached the doorway of your bedroom, turning back to look at you, and this time you looked back.
"i do love you, y/n." he said quietly before leaving, shutting the door gently.
your lips parted as you took in the words that had just left his mouth.
no, it was a lie. it always was.
it wasn't true, right?
this was just another red flag to add to the list. all the lies he'd say.
fuck, he drives you crazy.
. . .
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hughessdemon · 1 year
Do you even miss him ? || j.Hughes PT.2
Social media au -
summary - you haven’t interacted with the Hughes after since Jack draft until recently when you returned to New Jersey for an event .
Ever since I moved to California the night of Jack draft , I haven’t been communicating with anyone in Michigan. My parents seemed to disown me respectfully understanding I guess ? More specifically I haven’t spoken to my best friend Luke neither Quinn . I stopped and changed my number afterwards when I arrived , I didn’t want to have communication with anyone back home especially Jack , why would I break him more if I answered his calls , his nonstop texts hurting us both . Anyways I have had a nonstop schedule with award shows, films to writing music for my albums . Most of my award winning songs were always about Jack but I never hinted at it due to fear fans finding out . Even though they probably knew who he was due to the NHL draft , my phone went off couple of time in the span of seconds knowing it was my publicist telling me my schedule for the next week .
S.P : you have been scheduled to hockey private event on May 2nd , 2022 in New Jersey you’ll be representing whatever hockey team you want . Xxx
that text put me in a moment of distress and disbelief, like was she joking or is she being serious that I have to attend a private hockey event ? and before my birthday really , I couldn’t even reply back due to shock , oh instead I immediately called Trevor Z yeah we kept in contact well he’s the only one who did everyone seems to cut me off . The phone was ringing a bit which was annoying since he always picks up fast . “Hey what’s going on Y/n?” As you hear him speak you sighed “I got chosen well invited to a private hockey event in NJ.” you whine telling him , you could hear him laughing at the other end but also worried knowing how it might end bad . few moments of silence you hear him laughing again “well I’m going if that helps you .” amusing as it was to him you were nervous “haha you’re so funny Trevor what a wonderful way to help me.” Trevor got serious again “ I can be honest here and ask why tf you would be invited to a event like that but I won’t ask , anyways all I can say is the whole Hughes clan is gonna be there so is …” Trevor paused not knowing what he was gonna say you asked “who else Trevor?” curiously wondering who is he talked about . “His girlfriend is gonna be there as well.” Your breathe halted for a second, not knowing what to say or really anything. You pushed your feelings away , “okay and what do you want me to do about that Trevor ?” Trevor seemed shocked when you even said that .. it wasn’t something he wanted to hear really , he always loved you and Jack together especially knowing you would always save him from Jack anger issues . “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or honest?” Trevor says at the end of the line . You faked a good attitude to hide the hurt in your voice , after all you’re an actor for a reason . “I’m being honest Trevor I left to be where I am today I knew what would’ve happened the day I walked out of the room , ignoring his calls . I’m happy for him he deserves nothing but happiness..” you lied through your teeth knowing you’re not happy he moved on but it was your fault at the end still … Trevor brings you back to the conversation by breaking the silence “ anyways you wanna flight out together since you’re an hour drive away from me ? I can have you picked up on the 31st at 6:00 pm ?” you nodded “yeah sure just text me three days prior so I can mentally prepare myself for your annoyance .” you laughed as knowing Trevor was offended by that as he hung up on you .
||May 1 , 2022||
you arrived to NJ , few hours back it’s currently 4 pm , you were chilling in your hotel room with some friends you decided to bring along to hide the fact you’re gonna see your ex and his new girl tomorrow night. Vinnie , Jack , Jett and Avani became your closest friends ever since you met them in 2019 when you guys all stupidly decided to live together, becoming roommates with them was a nightmare in the beginning as we were all just new and awkward around each other . Hiding every time when someone when to the kitchen . Back to the topic yeah ever since we got here Trevor ran off to be with of course Hughes family , you didn’t really care as you had your publicists running you and your friends over on behavior and how to stay engaged with people for tomorrow night , since they’re all influencers it makes us our job easier knowing what to do and how to act . There always been a rumor about me dating Vinnie since we were always close together, I’ve been spending the holidays with his family for like 3 years now . His mom and dad became my parents , while Reginald became a little brother to me . But we never cleared up the rumors because it was useless , anyways we went out for dinner and came back the hotel to knock out early for tomorrow big event .
|| MAY 2, 2022||
next morning was so bad , we all struggled waking up on time , hung over and all . Jett sitting up staring out in oblivion asking me “do we really gotta get up this early .” as if I enjoyed it being awake at 9 am , I heard my phone dinging receiving a message from Jack and Trevor , curiously ignoring Jack message I looked at Trevor’s message.
T.Ziggurat : I’m excited for today but also terrified for you didn’t even have the guts to mention to them you’re appearance tonight . Okay bye im shit bent right now happy early birthday dukie 🤘🏼.
as always Trevor reminding you , the Hughes family will be there and not mentioning you to them seems cute as he protected you from the fact you probably would’ve had Luke up in your hotel room asking you too many questions , that you weren’t ready to answer yet . “Hey Y/n what should we do for you birthday since we close to NYC wanna head out there after all this?” You hear Lydia say while sitting to fix Avani nails , Lydia arrived this morning last minute as a surprise which made me think they’re all planning some wonky crazy party again this year for me . “ I don’t know what should we do ?” As the door rips open to Jack yelling “MAY THE 4th BE WITH YOU!!” laughing at the star war pun for your birthday.
Few hours passing
you were done getting ready, matching with Vinnie in Ami and the others wearing other designer brands they represented, fixing up as you head to the event . Sitting nervously looking out the window , voices of people around you sounding like water to you as you’re panicking when you arrived to the carpet . Vinnie opening the door for you , giving a slight smile towards you as while you’re thanking him “don’t be nervous if he looks at you ima make sure to eat him alive with my own eyes .” Vinnie says making you feel little better as you laugh at it off . Making it through the carpet posing and taking solo shots , you all make it inside , holding on for dear life as your feet started to hurt . Your publicist points at your table for everyone to be seated but you and Vinnie weren’t allowed to sit as you guys were being introduced to higher people in NHL , few people you have met before . The event was about to start when your team told you and Vinnie to make a speech on behalf of Ami sponsoring this event . you haven’t ran into any of the Hughes yet or Trevor yet whichever was a good sign to you . “Now I introduce you to the these two young duo who one have changed the music industry and acting industry as well with her young age making award winning movies and the other one having girls and guys swoon over him with his work and talent in gaming and fashion , both working and living together to achieve their dreams….. Let’s have Y/N and VINNIE HACKER up on here on behalf of Ami!!!” you laugh as you walk up the stairs to the stage and Vinnie helping you up , “thank you for having us tonight it’s a honor to be here for Ami and being in a room full of amazing people tonight.” You say ending your little speech as Vinnie about to start his speech , you look around to see your friends laughing and having a good time, cheering you both on . Corner of your eyes you can see the Hughes looking at you in awe mostly Luke and Quinn , Jack seems to shocked silently as he seems to be busy flirting with his girl , you’re ignoring eye contact with anyone else for the moment as your attention got brought back to you leaving the stage , handing the mic off to your publicist . Vinnie basically hiding you with his 6’1 built body from eyes of Jack as you both walk to your table sitting next to Avani , she came close to you whispering “I kinda wanna punch him they’re all staring too.” You smile as you tell her “ I hope they don’t come over here making me feel uncomfortable.” The whole night was actually great , you were having a good time talking with everyone around , Trevor giving you side eyes from the Hughes table making you feel bad for him being stuck there but it was his choice anyways . End of the event , you were about to head out when you felt a hand on your shoulder seeing a somewhat a 6 foot big foot towering over you , “damn when did you get taller.” You said to Luke looking at him dazed out , Ethan and everyone you used to go hang out at school with was behind him smiling at you awkwardly, Luke speaks up asking “you don’t even care to call me back even once I thought you were dead!” Luke silently yelling at you , feeling bad as you see Luke tearing up a little as he pulled you into a hug “ I missed you Y/N.” He says gripping on as if you’re a ghost . You smile a little “I’m sorry I left like that but I also lost your number sorry Lukester” . You lied a little bit not wanting him to know you didn’t wanna hurt him by telling the truth. “You know you have my Instagram right you could’ve contacted me there too !!” “I’m sorry really Luke.” he lets you go from the hug as the other boys came in to give you guys Ethan spoken up asking why you haven’t came home for summer break curiously . “I just been busy 24/7 I rarely get a break when I do I just sleep in maybe one day I’ll be back home one day …” you smiles at them awkwardly wanting to go back to your hotel room , Jett came to your rescue in the moment “Hey Y/N let’s go the car is waiting for us to go already.” You knew Jett was lying but you were glad to be saved -
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pontiussy · 2 years
warnings: none, sfw <3
I’ve had these in the drafts for so long but my twitter moot mentioned hcs which inspired me to post these, enjoy!
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goofy ahh
you guys r always giggling about dumb shit
annoying everyone bc you guys do NOT SHUT UP AROUND EACHOTHER ur so giggly all the time
he doesn't care:)
even if he's just messing around you love listening to him
he loves how excited you get when he plays for you, his smile is so cute AAAA <33
late night walks
tackle hugs !!
squeezes you to death and does the lil spinny thing when hugging
always followed by forehead kissies
pinches ur cheeks n shit
just the gigglest relationship ever
he just always smiles around you :)) he can't help it
lets you play with his hair
he loves it
you brush it for him, and braid it sometimes
he is so thankful and makes sure to tell you how pretty his hair looks now
not that it needed your help at ALL
always cuddlin
you love watching him do bits
and he loves having you on set
never seen a man so proud of his s.o. being there to witness his boys do silly things to his ding ding
he comes over to you after every one to see if you thought it was funny or not
just like this :D
assuring him that you did think it was funny
calling him party boy affectionately
and calling him chrissy :))
he calls you 'y/n bug' :"")
also has silly nicknames for you for sure based on inside jokes
would still think you are just as beautiful if you hadn't showered in a month and were wearing a garabge bag
this is so specific but I just picture him to make a lil flower crown for you :")
known each other since you were kids
always hung out with him and the cky gang growing up
corny friends to lovers bullshit when you get older
being his personal nurse when he wipes out
acts like he hates it in front of the guys
loves it
obvi calling him bammy, bambi, bam bam
calling him brandon occasionally to piss him off
bam is a pouty whiny BITCH
he just wants ur attention!!
will not hesitate to grab your hand in public when someone flirts with you
ur his >:-( !!!
buys you jewelry, clothes, shit whatever ur lil heart desires
going to concerts together
money is not an object when it comes to making you happy
does not appreciate it when the guys mess with you on set
he gets very aggressive
"bam its okay it was funny pls calm down" "no its not okay these dickheads need to leave you alone!!!" all POUTYYY
wearing his clothes
he thinks you're so beautiful when you do and makes sure you know
doing his eyeliner
laying on his chest when you sleep, him scratching your head gently <3
rubs your back when you hug him
calls u "my girl" AAAA
matching tats ofc
matching outfits sometimes too
loves buying you new clothes for you to model for him
he just thinks you're so pretty <3
april and phil just love you
he calls you so so many sweet names
I think it's his love language
doll, darlin', punkin, sweetheart, etc
"how was your day, doll?"
he's so flirty with you
he never stopped flirting with you even after you became official
king of romance
would take you to the rodeo or some shit
does that whistle thing when you enter a room lookin all dolled up
"now who's this pretty lil thing?"
loves getting you embarrassed by flirting with you in front of people
loves to hold your waist
prefers that you don't watch his really dangerous stunts, he doesn't want you to be scared :"(
he thinks you're beautiful no matter what, but cannot deny that he LOVES when you wear his favorite dress and do your hair really nice
"you know just what to do to drive a man wild, darlin'"
you love wearing his pink jackass cardigan
I feel like he would really enjoy you wearing red lipstick so he can mess it up later
in front of the guys too he doesn't give a fuck
he babies you a lot
you are his whole world
singing songs together in the car !!
simply the sweetest bf ever
arm around you always
"hun" :")
so many forehead kisses
both of u being adopted by april
I just feel like he'd be very comforting, and the best to have deep, late night convos with
will never judge you for anything (make jokes? oh definitely. never judgemental tho)
cuddly asf
would affectionately do that head rub hair messing up thing?? (there's a word for that i just can't think of it)
always there to calm you when you’re stressed or scared, in any way you need
“shh it’s ok I’m here” “I’m not going anywhere hun” and hugs and forehead kisses and shit awwwww
loves hugs
he’s such a gentle lover, I don’t know how else to put it. He’s just so sweet and caring and soft n shit
he would do anything to put a smile on your face
if one of the guys tried to mess with you? he will punch the shit out of them seriously
you are ry’s world ok!!!!
you and him are absolutely best friends
never the arguing type. if there’s a problem you’re gonna sit down and talk about it. he’s an amazing listener and always understands your side of things. of course lots of huggin and cuddlin after the fact :)
he babies the shit out of you
I picture him to always bring you little gifts/trinkets to show his love. like if he was filming out of town he’d bring you back something cool he found at a thrift store or gift shop, or maybe a cool rock he found on the side of the road.
i also picture him to wanna buy you cute stuff too like necklaces, but random cool items are a staple in this relationship!
always wearing his shirts
I picture him to kiss u a LOT. he’s leaving the room for a sec? gotta kiss that cheek. you’re watching a movie? soft kisses on the forehead. going on a walk? kisses your hand while holding it.
calls u babe
respectful king
shows you off at any opportunity
romantic asf
flower petals in your bedroom n shit type romantic
helping him with his elaborate bullshit ideas
partners in crime honestly
matching fits type cheesy
prank wars with eachother
thinks you are an angelic being and deserve the highest of respect and praise
adopting pets together :)) and being pet parents :))
going on trips and vacations together as often as possible!
I can’t even fathom how he would react if someone disrespected you oh god
it would be so ugly
they are absolutely destroyed
if you’re ever feeling insecure, he ain’t having that bullshit
he’s gonna go on and on and on about how drop dead gorgeous and wonderful you are and kiss the shit out of you
you better not dare say anything negative about yourself in his presence, he will give you an ear full so fast
you are a god to him
he definitely buys you jewelry n shit
and cute lil outfits
and compliments the shit out of you in them obvi
“damnn baby you look so good in that”
hands to yourself has no meaning to him (obviously unless you told him to stop! he’d never wanna make you uncomfy)
calls you things like “love” n “sweetheart”
squishes ur cheeks n shit
hugs from behind !!!!
corny ass dates like going to a diner and having a milkshake with two straws
you both baby eachother
comforting him after gnarly stunts
petting and kissing him
if you ever need comfort he will pet and kiss you too
always has an arm around you
loves being close to you!
he is such a kind and loving bf
would never ever want you to be sad and will do anything it takes to prevent it
ehren third wheeling on trips n shit
you have the best times together when it’s you 3! always giggling
but it’s even better when ehren leaves and it’s just the two of you, sharing sweet loving moments where nothing else matters, just you two together, in warm embrace :)
your chemistry is just so good, that it’s almost like you speak a foreign language sometimes to the other guys. no one gets eachother like you do, even if it may not make sense to others
I think he would love playing with your hair
and just holding you
and doing both at the same time actually
he is just the kindest ever and it’s always so considerate of you.
best listener. you could really rant to him for hours and he’s gonna give you his full undivided attention and comfort.
also great advice too I feel. I think all around he’d be amazing to talk to
never ever ever ever judgemental. ever
loves you to death !!!
he is baby
you wear the pants in this relationship and that’s cool with him
I picture you two to have met on set. you had been costars for a while. while everyone was making ehren the butt of a joke, you just never participated. If ehren and dave weren’t partnering up for stunts, it was typically you and ehren. you made a great duo, being the underdogs of the jackass crew. you understood eachother and had a great bond. you eventually confessed your feelings to one another one night while you were hanging out at his place.
he was completely shocked
he thought you were far too beautiful and lovely and cool to want someone like him
you assure him he is acting silly
he was so giddy and smiley, and you could practically feel his butterflies secondhand when you leaned in to kiss him
been together ever since
like I said ehren is baby
little spoon energy
he worships the ground you walk on bc he thinks he doesn’t deserve you
you have to reassure him that you absolutely adore him
he loves holding your hand
I picture him to always smile at you the same way he did in the honeymoon phase forever
he’s all yours, he’s such a sucker for you
separation anxiety like a mf
you stay with a friend for a weekend and the second you come home he’s tackling you with hugs, he’s so excited to see you :)))
he would lay his head in your lap and have you scratch his head while watching movies on the couch
he thinks you are the most wonderful person on this planet and will never fail to remind you of how proud he is of you and all you’ve achieved
I picture him to write you little love notes n shit which are so thoughtful and meaningful but with cute little spelling mistakes sprinkled in (how do I spell gorjus headass)
takes anniversaries and v day and all that shit so seriously and WILL go all out
always your choice of food and activities on those days, he lives to please you
a little bit of a jealous type (maybe a lot a bit)
you’ll always reassure him though
sweetest baby ever I love him
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nitrateglow · 3 days
Warning-- unpopular opinion ahead
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I watched M*A*S*H (movie, not the show) for the first time, mostly spurred on by the recent death of Donald Sutherland.
I really should have just rewatched Klute instead.
Wow, I disliked this film. Like, it took all my willpower to finish it. I hated the characters, and found the jokes cheap and obnoxious. As a Vietnam-era satire of war's absurdity, I would much rather watch Nichols' Catch-22, which people often compare unfavorably to M*A*S*H for some fucking reason. Catch-22 is actually funny and has powerful moments. I find the characters in that interesting, even the ones who are terrible, terrible people. M*A*S*H is just a headache.
And this opinion is not coming from someone who dislikes Robert Altman's directorial style. I love Thieves Like Us. 3 Women and The Long Goodbye are good. I think That Cold Day in the Park is underrated. Even Poepeye, which I don't like all that much, has Shelley Duvall perfectly cast as Olive Oyl and some good songs and set design.
This-- nothing. Just the longest two hours of my life. I'm with Tim Brayton who said he feels a lot of what this film does well was done better in Altman's later work. He characterizes the film's humor as "snotty," which I think is an apt adjective.
Okay, there were two moments that made me crack a smile. "Hot Lips" asks how Hawkeye ended up with such a prominent position in the military, and Father Mulcahy replies in the driest way possible, "He was drafted." The other moment was the very meta presentation of the end credits. I thought that was neat.
But that's about it.
Okay, rant over.
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i love love love the new fic and im sooooooo excited for where you'll take this 🥰❤️
just curious, could i ask how many chapters ur planning for the new fic? like just in general, cause i know that can change from time to time - but like how long do u see it going on for?
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i'm sorry it was too funny not to slap those at the start,,
genuinely? on a hopeful estimate? i want to say 30-40.
realistically? i've no fucking clue. i'm so sorry. that's like- a running joke at this point here. i do not control the chapter count or word count. i just write. when i think it's only going to take five more chapters, there's 200k words after it. when i say we're nearing the end, we end up on the first third.
so like- the safest thing i can say is that it shouldn't be longer than cyanide. but like. fuck if i know if that's actually going to turn out being true. plus it could still be longer than cyanide on word count even if it has less chapters given cyanide only started hitting 9k words average per chapter on like... chapter 30 and up i think. whereas jadeite's chapters are all 8-9k (i know there's only 4 so far but still) not to mention, 'not longer than cyanide' doesn't tell you much given cyanide is- quite big.
so uh- TL;DR - i'm sorry i just have no fucking clue LMAO
fun fact though- i know i laugh about it and i honestly am more flaberghasted by it than annoyed? about this not being able to control the lenght fo a fic thing. but i won't lie and say i sometimes wish i could bc then i could like- coordinate chapter titles.
geuinely the only reason why most of my fics have no chapter titles is bc i've always wanted to coordinate them, and only a few fics on the shorter side lend themselves to having basic chapter names about stuff that happens in the chapter (like babysitting and every good intention). not that i couldn't do that for the others, but i just wanted to coordinate them from the start, but ended up not doing that since well. you know.
so the actual fun fact is that i actually started jadeite- obviously for various reasons, but one of the things that got me writing was the idea that i could coordinate the chapter titles of this zhongli-centric fic idea i had to one very specific song's lyrics. as in, have each verse be a chapter title.
for that reason alone i really, really want jadeite to have 37 chapters in specific. but since i know that's mostly wishful thinking, i've left the chapters titleless. if i somehow actually manage to get it to stick to 37 (i'll take 38 or 39 even, could probably fit it in 40 as well), then i'll change the chapter titles to what i had originally intended them to be. but we'll have to see if the fic ends up matching the draft i had when it comes to matching the lyrics. or we could accept it's just for the cool aspect of it and have some chapter's titles have nothing to do with the chapter, all in the name of being able to open the chapter index and read an entire song that does vibe with the fic as a whole hahah
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cannibal-nightmares · 2 months
did you know may is mental health awareness month?
text under the read more: an unreality ramble about my dog. he is a good boy.
have a peaceful song -
where do I even begin
I guess I'll start with that I don't like talking about my delusions. there's some I want to talk about but can't because they're either scary and/or too confusing in that theyre too real. or im "not allowed" to. but this one exists in a neutral space, so a neutral story this will be
I only got him when he was 1½ years old and he was kenneled at the shelter w another dog identical to him, but if he wasn't someone's service/emotional support animal, then he must have been in a past life. or he has a human consciousness. or something. my friends joke about the latter often but I'll get there in a second. the way he responds to my emotions and actions is uncanny. he is a rather quiet dog, but if he notices me freeze up and go quiet to an uncharacteristic degree, he will very blatantly try to get my attention. if I lie on the floor from anxiety, he will lie on my legs; if I lie on the floor in being depressed, he will get in my face. he's intervened self harm (namely hitting, but, if he's alert, he's interrupted trichotillomania episodes). The thing is, idk where he gets it from. I didn't train him to do any of these things
my friends joke that's he's "just a dude." "a man in a dog's body" etc. it *is* a funny joke. he likes people more than other dogs; his eye contact is oddly human-like (ask my friends). it *is* a funny joke, and the following isn't directly related, but I do have great fears about him. some of which the noise isn't going to let me say outloud here but. what I can: sometimes I fear it's true--an organic thought outside of what my friends have said, the two ideas don't feel the same--or perhaps that he was someone in a past life. or is a positive-neutral force sent to look after me. idk. it's hard to explain why while it would be/is theoretically positive, how it is still unnerving. and how it feels like something will change in one direction or another when I post this. I digress. He's just a guy. I have bigger fears on it, but that's the simple of it.
A coworker asked and suggested why I don't get a service dog. at first, I considered the question as courteous, but then realized... I struggle to walk my current dog, if I am honest. I do it, I take him out every day, etc, but as much as I got a dog to help me w paranoia, it has not curbed it. in ways, in ways, it has made it worse. countless of times I have tried to walk him around the block, made it halfway, and turned around due to feeling like a force was watching me, like something was waiting around the corner, like there were traps ahead, and many other more specific and pertinent things I am not allowed to say here (plus it'd be safer if I didnt). taking him outside is like flipping on a geiger counter to gauge the state of the day. I feel really bad for him in this. I can't imagine trying to get a proper service animal in these regards.
My friends like to joke that he's some sort of bending entity in that he's just shaped funny. I mean, he is. His legs are goofy-long, his nose is angled funny off of his snout, his ears are huge. Etc. But--again, separate from what they've said--sometimes I look at him and he doesn't feel real. It's difficult to explain. I look at him and it's like I'm missing something. Like how you can't reach into a tv and grab what's on the screen. idk.
The reason I'm saying all of this is because... As much as I am sometimes scared he isn't real to some degree, I consider that, even if he isn't, I think he's worth "wasting time" on. I love him, he's a good little guy, and so far, at least, everyone is pretending along. Sometimes I pick him up and feel like a question mark is above my head hahaha. Like I'm missing something. But he's worth my time. He's worth my time in the same way daydreaming can be fun. I don't know how to fckng word this. He is good. Real or not, he is good. I can't imagine trying to "prove" his "realness," and I also don't know how. I don't mind devoting time to him, real or not, because he is good. agh. I hope this makes sense. I've been sitting on these thoughts for at least three years now.
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stacywaters · 1 month
Coffee and Violets (SUGA) CH10 - Golden
The light flickers on, my head staying focused on my notebook in front of me.
"Are you still writing? You've been in here since 6:00 am" Hoseok gawks.
"What can I say," I laugh, "I've just found something interesting to write about"
"More like someone.." he teases. My smile just widens as he gasps, "you're not even going to hiss at me for teasing you? You must be down bad"
"Ugh, I don't know, Hoseok" I cover my face with the lyric book, "what if she doesn't feel the same way? And I'm just wasting my time?"
"Loving someone is never a waste of time, Yoongi"
I lift my head, "but what if I just end up hurt?"
"You might. And if you do, you know I'll be here to help you pick up the pieces. But you might not, you might take a chance on something great and find yourself better than you've ever been. You have to love her enough to take the risk," he rests his hand on my back, "and you have to love yourself enough to know you deserve it"
I sit up, "you're right. Thanks Hobi, I needed that"
He pulls me into a hug. I groan.
"I said I needed the advice, not a hug"
"You looked like you needed a hug," he laughs, "now go finish your love song"
I chuckle and continue writing. It all comes to me so easily, stanzas pouring from my pen like waterfalls as my feelings spill from my heart onto the page.
I'd say I lost track of time, but time must've lost track of me. I found myself wandering into a whole other world while dreaming about her. Just the image of her in my mind was enough to make me completely lose my mind.
Golden hour drew shadows of monstera on the wall as I breathed in the fading light. I close my eyes, imagining the warmth of her hand in mine. Trying to picture us together, my heart pounding at the thought. As I sat there, my eyes began to flutter closed.
A warm hand shook my shoulder, "Yoongi, it's me, Y/N,"
I bolted upright, immediately taking notice of the lyrics sprawled out in front of me and stealing my notebook from the desk.
"Hey, just brought you some coffee"
I gasp for breath. She's standing way closer than she ever has before, and her hand is still rested on my shoulder.
"What's in the notebook?" She asked.
"Um, nothing" I sank into my seat.
She giggled, "okay. You don't have to tell me, but now I'm very curious"
"It's, it's uh," I stuttered, "my joke drafts"
She burst out laughing, "joke drafts?"
I grinned, "yeah. I like to write them down first to see if they're funny or not"
"Can I hear one?"
"I kinda feel like I am one right now," I replied.
The afternoon together faded with the golden light, and soon it was just the two of us and a sky of stars. It was dark, but neither of us reached to turn on the too-bright fluorescent lights. Words stretch into the depths of the night. I take a sip of my americano, the cold of the ice now a faint memory. Driven by our caffeine delusions, the night marched on. Time has forgotten us in this patch of the universe.
"I have a lot of ideas, but I haven't pieced any of them together yet" she says.
"Can I hear one?"
"Well, um," she pauses, "I've always dreamed of having a character that, like- has become so focused on the routine of work that they kinda.. forget what inspired them in their work? But then as they find themselves meeting new and different people, they find who they themselves are, like- as an individual," she looks to me, then exhales, "there's also a romance in the book, but... but I don't know if that's too weird, or too basic, or, or maybe I just don't have the skills or the time to write something like that"
"Of course you do" I say before my mind second guesses.
She giggles, "well how would you know?"
I scoff, "because just listening to you, I know that you're brilliant enough to write whatever you want. Plus, it's not like you could write it wrong, not if no one's written it before"
"Yeah..." she plays with the lid of her drink. It's been empty for a while now, "maybe I'm just not good at trusting myself, at being patient with myself. I can never find the time to write anymore"
"If you can't believe in yourself, then let my belief in you be enough," my hand absentmindedly finds hers. I think back to Hoseok's words earlier, "love yourself enough to know you deserve to make time for things that are important to you"
She looks at me. Like, turns to face me fully while holding onto my hand with both of hers. I never noticed before, the way her eyes seem to sparkle in this glimmering way. Even in the darkness of this room. Her eyes shine like fresh snow, reflecting light into my life. I see it all around me.
"Yoongi, there's something I need to-"
"Yoongi! It's time to close the shop!" Hoseok calls from outside.
Instantly she pulls away, dropping my hand. Damn it, Hoseok!
"What did you want to say?" I pried.
She mumbled, "I uh, it's nothing. I've been here a while, I should go"
"Wait, at least let me walk you home!"
Hoseok yelled again from the storefront, "Yoongi! I need your help closing!"
I sigh. Y/N just smiles, "see you again tomorrow?"
"Yeah," I pause, "wait, you don't have work tomorrow though?"
"I know! Would you be up to maybe hanging out?"
I beam, "yes! What time?"
"Meet me at my store, around 8:00?"
"I'll be there" I grin.
After I saw Y/N off, I stormed over to where Hoseok was sweeping.
"What the hell, Hoseok?" I fumed.
Hoseok stopped sweeping, "I should be saying the same thing! I was working all day and you couldn't bother to even help clean up?"
"Y/N was about to tell me something that could've been really important!"
"Oh my gosh," He choked, "I completely forgot you were talking to her. How did it go? Did everything go okay?"
"It was going great! We talked for hours, I got to know so many things about her, and then she said she needed to tell me something-"
"Well I WOULDN'T KNOW because SOMEONE interrupted..." I attacked.
"Oh Yoongs, I'm so sorry,"
"It's alright" I mutter, "I just really wish I could've heard what she was going to say"
"Well, you'll know soon enough."
"Huh?" I ask.
"With your song! Once you tell her how you feel, you'll be able to find out pretty quickly whether or not she feels the same way" he smiles, "did you finish writing it?"
"Pretty much, just gotta put it to music"
He smirks, "when are you going to play it for her?"
"I don't know... I mean what am I going to do? 'Hey Y/N, I wrote a song about you, so we need to find a piano so I can play it for you, and if you hate it it'll be a really quiet drive when I drop you off'? ...It'd be awkward"
"What if you recorded it and played it for her?"
"And just sit there while she listens to it?" I question.
"Or, or what if you said 'Hey, I made some new tunes for your cafe' and then sneak it in the mix?"
"Yeah, and what if she's like 'no, I hate this one! Why would you even make me listen to this'" I burst out laughing.
He chuckled, "I really don't think she is going to do that"
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secret-diary-of-an-fa · 6 months
Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road Review- A Nice Big Plate of WTF?
So… I have… questions? Many of them aren’t even things I can express in words- they’re just helpless looks of confusion happening in my head and a general, non-specific yearning for answers. I’m not saying I disliked The Church on Ruby Road. I’m not saying I liked it, either. I’m saying that it’s so bafflingly other that I’m not 100% sure how to process my feelings about it. Consequently, this is going to be quite a short review. I mean, when Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle blew me away, I knew exactly what it was I was enjoying and why. When The Star Beast disappointed, I knew exactly why it disappointed me (it felt like a first draft). I don’t even know what emotions I experienced while watching The Church on Ruby Road or if those emotions even have names, so it’s kind of difficult to talk about.
Okay, let’s start with something easy. I like Ncuti Gatwa’s take on the Doctor. That’s something I’m certain about. He’s breezy and bright and- occasionally- a tiny bit bitchy. I think he’s going to be an interesting addition to the line-up. Also, I think it’s really cool and progressive that he’s the first Doctor… WITH A MOUSTACHE! So yeah, he’s a perfectly fine actor for the role. I could have done with a slightly stronger, more sure-footed introduction- something like Ecclestone’s “Run!” or David Tenant just straight up grabbing a Sycorax energy-whip by the business end and yanking it away… but I get that he’s meant to be the fun, easy-going Doctor and I accept that his intro has to suit the character, which means a gradual, laid-back sort of interweaving. So yes: nice work on establishing Fifteen, Ruby Road.
But then there’s the goblins in flying wooden boats. Doctor Who had goblins now, and that’s fine… but they’re never really explained. We’re told they can surf the waves of time, but we’re never told where they came from. Are they just on Earth all the time? Have they always been here? Are they from space? Another dimension? We’re just kind of asked to accept them and the fact that they regularly abduct and eat babies (yet this has somehow never come up before). I mean, I’m okay with goblins, but I’m not sure how I feel about inadequately-explained goblins in a sci-fi show. Doctor Who has every right to be extremely silly- it’s practically in the charter- but there’s a razor-thin line between ‘silly’ and ‘stupid’ and I’m not sure which side of the divide big-eyed mischievous goblins in flying boats fall on. Especially when they start singing.
Ah, yes. Maybe I should have led with that. The goblins sing. And I don’t mean unearthly, alien singing of the kind befitting their essentially inhuman nature, nor even the type of shanties that would match their outfits and flying, old-fashioned sailing ship. No, no. They sing a full-on, carefully-orchestrated and choreographed, extremely catchy pop song… about eating babies. It’s fucking mental. I mean, it’s obviously meant to be funny and it made me laugh… but I’m not sure I was laughing at the intended joke or if I was just having a breakdown in response to seeing something so fucking inexplicable. I mean, when the Celestial Toymaker interrupted The Giggle for a musical number, it made sense. The Toymaker was characterised in such a way that murdering people to music perfectly fitted his character- he’s bloody psychotic. But with the goblins it just comes completely out of left-field.
I thought the overarching themes of family being about more than blood and people forming intricate webs of connection that depend more on love than superficial genetic ties were pretty solid and universal. On the other hand, making new companion Ruby Sunday such an enmeshed part of an adopted family meant her personality didn’t get much chance to come through properly, despite her more-than-ample screen-time. She always felt like a part of something larger- particularly with the fairly extravagant and entertaining personalities of her other family members (one in particular).
I think what’s weird about this episode is that it’s meant to be the start of a soft-reboot with the potential to draw in new fans, yet if you’re not familiar with Doctor Who already, it presents a bit of misleading picture of what the show is. It centres mythic and magical creatures over the show’s more standard cosmic and alien fare or scientific-disaster-style stories, while previous events are referenced with little or no context. As a long-time Who fan (who even forced myself to watch the execrable Chibnall/Whitaker episodes necessary for an appreciation of the plot), I understood what was being alluded to and also knew to make allowances for this being a daft, knock-about Christmas episode that won’t be typical of the season to come. But new fans? They’re likely to be completely bloody lost.
All things considered, I quite liked The Church on Ruby Road- it’s a bit of fun and it’s a reasonably good palette cleanser after the heavier themes of the previous two specials. Plus, it’s just nice to see a new Doctor in action and know he’s going to be good in the role. Does it set out to do what it was meant to do, though (i.e. set out the stall for new Whovians and provide a real flavour of the show? Erm. No. And, however enjoyable it might be overall, its more confusing elements do make me worry about showrunner Russel T. Davies’ mental state. At least we only have to wait until spring to find out just how mad he’s gone.
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thealmightyemprex · 5 months
Columbia Pictures Month : Bye Bye Birdie
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Next film on my Columbia film reviews is the musical Bye Bye Birdie .Now I have no familiarity with the musical ,so will view this as a stand alone thing
Now the plot of this 1963 film is that singing superstar Conrad Birdie (Jesse Pearson ) has just been drafted ,and Rosie (Janet Leigh ) secretsary and fiance to song writer Albert Peterson (Dick Van Dyke) ,has set up a final performance on the Ed Sullivan show ,with a publicity stunt of him kissing a girl from his fan club ,Kim MacAfee(Ann Margeret ) and shennaigans ensue
Soooooo thats the basic plot but um,mm.......Yeah this plot is somehow very complicated and paper thin ,so it makes no damn bit of sense .The story would make more sense if Albert was the agent of Conrad and not a struggling song writer ,I didnt even bring up the fact Albert is also a biochemist ,or Kims jealous boyfriend hugo ,or Alberts overbearing mother .From what I understand the story is supposed to be about Albert and Rosie......But the movie is more about Kim,and while I am thankful made a star out of Ann Margret who does her all with the role ,Kim shouldnt be the focus
Also tangent a big focus on the movie is Ed Sulivan ,he plays himself and his show is a big plot point .Now I was born way after his time,but his TV show was one of the biggest shows in America.....Soley because the guy had connections and paid well cause the guy has NO CHARISMA and by GOD ,HE CANT ACT .And yes I KNOW ,his show was popular cause he got amazing guests like Elvis,The Beatles ,Jim Henson,etc and his job was just to introduce but I am still baffled cause he is one of the most uncharismatic show business people I have ever seen .Sorry to get sidetracked,this has very little to do with the film,I know that but I honestly dont get the appeal of Ed Sullivan and theres a whole damn subplot about Paul Lynde being in love with him basically ,so I had to bring him up
OK so it might seem like I dont like the movie.....But I was entertained ,despite how messy it is.....Most of the songs are good ,not all timers for me but they are fun ,I think the most fun song for me was Kids performed by Paul Lynde ,I think that is the best song in the movie and I was surprised to find Put On A Happy Face came from this .Honestly its just fun to witness the dancing talents of Dick Van Dyke in anything ,and the musical talents of Ann-Margret ,Paul Lynde and surprisingly Janet Leigh .In fact the cast in general is very good,Dick Van Dyke is fun as this mamas boy song writer (Nowhere near as good as his performance in the next years Mary Poppins but hes good ),Janet Leigh is really good and she impressed me in the musical sequences like I said ,Ann Margret while I dont think her character shouldve been the lead COMMANDS the camera and is very good (Her opening song had me concearned but the later songs showed me how good she was ),Maureen Stapleton is frankly hilarious as the overbearing mother,and Paul Lynde is the scene stealer as Kims father ,a lot of his lines made me laugh .The film is also very funny every time I was unsure about the film thered be a really funny joke .I also think George Sidney directs the film well the film going into often surreal and somewhat cartoony vibes
I dunno I dont LOVE the movie.....But I enjoy it .I do reccomend it if you want something kind of silly
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom @filmcityworld1
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ichorblossoms · 5 months
@magnolia-sunrise was talking abt their oc voices and asked me abt mine so i'm gonna ramble abt that under the cut yeehaw
for the most part they have unique voices in my brain, whether or not i a) have voiceclaims for them b) can articulate what those voices sound like c) can actually write them with different voices is another story but i'm giving it my best shot jfjdjjdjf
grimm- i answered this ask awhile ago and said i didn't have a voiceclaim for them and that was not entirely true bc the beginning of this song to the ~30 second mark is closeish to what i image their voice to be like. i found this song abt a month before i created honeybee so it's Embedded in my mind as a honeybee song despite it only partially fitting hdfgklfhd (timestamped where the lyrics begin)
basically low with a slight raspiness? breathiness? grimm definitely speaks with more of a drawl/twang/cowboy accent than this singer tho (its singing voice is NOT like this at all btw). it also might have some sort of almost-lisp or sound like it's talking around smthin in it's mouth bc its got bonus fangs and its jaw likes to act up
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bc of said fangs it doesn't move it's mouth much when talking so that results in a sort-of mumble. concise when they talk, but not clipped unless the situation calls for it. they'll hold a conversation just fine but they're defs someone you can have a whole conversation with and only realize after the fact that you still know almost nothing about them. also will deliver jokes with a deadpan
yarrow- their voice has actually changed a bit from my initial perception in that ask bc i'd say their voice is actually more mid-range and not low, just a guy who's been on t for several years. don't have any refs off the tops of my head, but they have a situational/varying accent depending on who they're talking to, having grown up in a metropolitan area but moved to a rural one later on- smthin that ranges from a slight drawl/twang to an "average" western american accent. VERY expressive and prone to rambling and talking too fast- he's not unsure of himself when he speaks, just has a lot of thoughts all the time, so he'll backtrack to other ideas and restate things and trail off adhd-style. good at being social, and lot of his charm comes from being polite/knowing when to be nice. has definitely adopted a philosophy of "it's okay if i'm weird because people are fine with it if you're nice"
some bonus writing of these two
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depending on whose pov the chapter is from i do try to make it sound like their voice/thought process but i am very much of the first draft and don't know what i'm doing ✌️✨
bc they've existed in my brain for so long, most of the ttw characters also have Voices and i wanna ramble abt them too hehe
serena- originally roberta colindrez' performance in alice isn't dead was The Voiceclaim for her but not quite anymore; i think there's defs a quality to her voice in that performance that aligns with serena's voice, but nowadays i imagine her voice to be a little bit lower and rougher (also timestamped)
she's pretty terse when she talks, but serena's funny bc most of her external standoffishness really is just an awkwardness that comes across as more bitchy that she'd like. but also she is Very sarcastic and has a low tolerance for ppl being dumbasses around her, so how fortunate she is to be in the company of chucklefuck 1 and 2 (pyrithaea and vance) for most of the story.
pyrithaea- there's a line in marigold by mother falcon that i animated a few years back and it's pretty solidly Her Voice. higher-pitched and can get annoying to some people, esp bc she talks a lot and too fast (also adhd style). very expressive and at times dramatic when she talks, doesn't have a full-blown "valley girl" accent but it's there
vance- the music video for still feel by half alive has been very intertwined with vance's whole vibe for like six years, and the lead singer's voice is pretty in-line with how i imagine his voice, except vance's voice might sit in his chest a bit more, if that makes sense? also talks a lot, not as fast as rithaea, but more prone to saying things that don't quite make sense hfgkfdhg. also very expressive and dramatic and gay with hints of that same valley girl accent
leon- actually funny bc the best voiceclaim i have is fucking. gerard way. raspy and kind of nasally and grating
always kind of sounds like their smiling regardless of if you can hear them. also the fucking laugh in this video is their vibe. not their laugh all the time but
skylar and phil don't have as-solid voices yet. skylar's defs smthin androgynous and phil...sounds like a zombie but idk if i want undead and raspy or smthin more light and ghostly yet
bonus ttw writings hehe
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merge-conflict · 6 months
18, 74, 26 for the fic writer asks! 🖤
Questions here
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I usually retitle a fic or chapter at least once. I used to sit and agonize over the coolest title and just could NOT move on until I've done it, but now I just relax because I know I can update it. Generally what it's named in my Scrivener project is just some sort of placeholder or feeling. My usual vibe is "lyrics from a song which vibes" (yes. it is often the mountain goats... but not always! sometimes it's brown bird.) or "common phrase, but changed slightly" or "technical in-joke". Whatever I find most amusing.
Recently posted a fic called "done dying" which was originally titled "anthem for the already defeated" both of them from song titles (the first is actually "When I Was Done Dying"). I wrote all of the "the binds that tie" (playing with "the ties that bind") before settling on the title, but in my drafts it was always 'sudo chown -R vim:vim .' (now the chapter title). I like to have my cake and eat it too whenever possible. For stuff I can't come up with names for I've started titling them 'scrap: brief summary' or something I think is grandiose or funny so I can stop obsessing over it and start writing lol.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Gosh. I've been thinking about this lately, and I do think I have a distinctive style but it's hard to describe because it's just.. the way I write? I know I have a problem repeating adjectives like 'just' 'some' 'only' a lot, so that's one give away. My habit of just smash-cutting into the middle of a scene without much setup is probably another. My habit of using repetitive sentence construction to hammer in a point. My habit of writing too much damn banter.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Tbh the damn things overlap was created to be each damn thing overlapping the next, a huge mess, very little time to breathe (condensing the canon timeline down to about two weeks of Valentine going through main storyline stuff. ~a week of which is actually in the the fic!) I wanted to write a story where you feel relieved when characters get to sit down or take a nap, and I think I've succeeded thus far.
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Honorable mention to when her edges soften, where Johnny and Valentine hit the town and each other. Straight from "I'm not gonna fuck you" to competitively tracking the number of orgasms they've both had in the past 3 hours while fucking in alleyways and cars. That might qualify as a sort of wild ride. :3
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katarinas-redemption · 11 months
Season 1 Red's Cryptic Clues in Retrospect with Red is Katarina POV.
All of those season 1 cryptic lines from Red that we we weren’t sure what they meant at the time are now clear.
Spader: If it’s done the way we intend, once we reach the inevitable end of the series, you’ll look back and you’ll realize that there
were things you found out along the way that you weren’t sure how to process and all of a sudden those things will connect.
Warning: Lots of “Fluff” stuff ahead. 🥰
1.01 - [Red’s reaction when he meets Liz in the pilot.]
1.01 - Red: You got rid of your highlights.
1.01 - [Red: Oh, I think you’re very special.
1.01 - Red: but if anyone can give me a second chance it’s you.
Criminals are notorious liars ⬇️
1.02 - Interviewer:?Before Monday of last week, did you have, Or have you ever had personal contact with elizabeth keen? Red: No. Ressler: He's lying.
1.02 - Red: Fine. You can be my daughter.
(The truth boldly stated out loud).
1.02 - [Liz: Why am I so important to you?
Red just looks at her and smiles. The expression alone speaks volumes.
1.03 Liz: Did you know my father? Have the two of you met somehow?
Red: I wish the answer were as simple as
the question seems. But the truth is, the question isn't simple, either.
1.03 - Liz: But you… this is all you have.
1.03 - Red: I have you.
1.04 - Red calls her “Lizzy”.
Dialogue from an early DRAFT PILOT not aired: RED: What do you see, Lizzy?
(Liz). She blinks at Red. Only Tom calls her Lizzy.
1.04 - Like a mom. The Stewmaker. [Gif]
1.05 - Red: That’s my girl!
1.07 - Red: Every cause has more than one effect. Say what you will about Frederick, but someone who's willing to burn the world down to protect the one person they care about ... that's a man I understand. Liz: Is that meant to be directed at me?
1.07 - Red: You know the problem with drawing lines in the sand? With a breath of air, they disappear.
1.08 Sam: I need to tell Lizzy. Red: No. Sam: I know what we agreed, but before I go, I have to tell her. Red: I can't let you do that.
1.10 - [Anslo Garrick Conclusion.]
[Red trades his life for Liz’s.]
1.14 - MADELINE: The girl, tell me about her. Red: What would you like to know? Madeline: How did you pick her? Red: Fate.
1.17 - You spent days building that damn thing. You knew about the song. My father. You knew I'd find out the truth. And you wanted me... To know that everything is going to be okay. [You're going to be okay.]
1.22 - Red: So Sam... took the little girl in, and he raised her as his own... always sheltering her from the truth about her biological father. Liz: And that's why you killed him.
Sam: I killed Sam because he was in pain and he wanted to die and because I had to protect you from the truth. Liz: What truth?
From Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier:
Despite all the answers he promised, most of all I just wanted my life back. A normal life. But the more he revealed, the more I realized my life was never normal. My childhood, my husband, even my path to the FBI. Everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie. My life was never really mine. Reddington had always been in it. Manipulating me from the shadows. I assumed that one day I’d ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS. That one day Reddington would give me the ANSWERS. Finally give me the truth. As much as I wanted him gone, part of me assumed he’d always be there, because he always had been.
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 14/07/2023
Five Dreams at Night 1.16
Season 5 Featured on: Bloodstained Bounties ~ The SiIvaGunner All-Star Summer Festival 2021 Collection [Event Side]
Ripped by andrés
Coincidentally requested by @minindo!
(Sorry in advance if you find this through the Dream tags - I'm going to be making fun of him here.)
In a similar vein to my prior posts about using It's Everyday Bro as a source, we've recently been treated to another song with much the same reputation: Mask by Dream. The song got an infamously negative reaction from its rough animated music video, along with Dream himself being a pretty controversial figure in ways that are honestly more funny than they are upsetting. The song was prime ripping material, but the song's integration onto the channel has been funnier than I could've ever anticipated.
The main thing that elevates Dream rips to another level for me is the implementation of the Sus Mix - if you've been listening to the rip above as while reading this, you might've noticed a few lines in the lyrics don't quite sound right! That's because in almost every rip that uses Mask, the song's fanmade sexually-explicit remix gets integrated into the rip as well at completely unexpected places, which never fails to catch me off-guard in the best way possible. In alternating between the original's so-bad-its-good lyrics and the surprisingly similar-sounding sex lyrics of the remix, Mask rips have become an absolute favorite for me on the channel, and I believe Five Dreams at Night 1.16 was the rip that truly solidified that for me.
The rip uses Living Tombstone's Five Nights at Freddy's song Its Been So Long as its source track, while the main melody alternates between it and Mask itself, and thanks to the nature of the songs used the pitchshifting ends up working extremely well. Honestly, as a ripper I've gotten the feeling that andrés pretty consistently puts in more effort and care than one would expect regardless of the kind of rip he's tackling. As an example, this was one of the first Mask rips to actually ping-pong between the two mixes of the song, rather than playing the versions for extended periods each. The aforementioned pitchshifting and overall production of the rip is done so well that its often hard to notice that its even changed, which elevates the joke even further. The song's first drop is of course the cherry on top of it all, a hysterical yet insanely creative way to both build up the drop itself whilst mining further use of Dream as the rip's joke: If you haven't been listening to the track yet, I don't even want to spoil it.
It ends up being the perfect kind of rip: One that's both immensely funny in its execution, whilst being genuinely listenable as a good piece of music. And, funny enough, I've had this rip in particular in my drafts for a week only for it to become requested mere hours before posting it! In a way, that speaks to just how many other people have been struck by andrés' touch of quality in the same way I have.
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blazethecheeto · 9 months
folklore was made for the sara oliver and laurel situation change my mind. this has been in my drafts for a year bear with me. silly blaze rant below have fun
august? sara and oliver's affair.
"Back when we were still changin' for the better."
"Wanting was enough."
"And I can see us twisted in bedsheets"
"August sipped away like a bottle of wine""
"Cause you were never mine"
cardigan? laurel and oliver.
"Chase two girls, lose the one."
"But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss. I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs."
"And I knew you'd come back to me."
my tears ricochet? laurel cursing at oliver's grave when she thought he was dead, and then oliver visiting hers when she died.
"And you're the hero flying around, saving face"
"And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?"
"Cursing my name, wishing I stayed"
"And I can go anywhere I want"
"Anywhere I want, just not home"
"You turned into your worst fears"
"And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain"
"Crossing out the good years"
(i could rant for years about this song, the grave parallels are too much. anyways-)
this is me trying? sara, especially when she came back.
"I've been having a hard time adjusting"
"I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting"
"I didn't know if you'd care if I came back"
"I have a lot of regrets about that"
"So I got wasted like all my potential"
"And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad"
(oh my god especially with the 'could have followed my fears all the way down')
illicit affairs? do i even have to say it. (sara and oliver).
"But it dies, and it dies, and it dies"
"A million little times"
"Don't call me "kid"
"Don't call me "baby"
"Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me"
exile? lauriver, especially s1.
"I can see you standing, honey"
"With his arms around your body"
"Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all"
"You're not my homeland anymore"
"So what am I defending now?"
invisible string? that conversation sara and oliver had about how everything started from them hooking up-
"Time, curious time"
"Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs"
"Were there clues I didn't see?"
"Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire"
"Chains around my demons"
"Hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven"
bonus bc my god this post is long: mad woman is sara's theme, betty is oliver begging laurel to take him back in s1, epiphany is sara, laurel, and oliver fighting together, seven is laurel and sara's bond, peace is sara or oliver saying to their partners that their life is fucked up and they can't be peaceful, hoax just has arrow vibes for some reason. the lakes is so nysara coded for no reason.
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