agent-8449 · 6 months
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As the cycle takes my head! {A vitriolic work of art} (This decapitated apathy!) {God made me this way in a morbid exchange Of theatrics and heavenly fate} I'm just not the way that they want me.
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 months
tim as ceo is an absurd concept (at his age of twenty something because i am a seventeen atheist) except as a joke, but i can see him as a corporate drone around bruce (as head of some kinda department? very nepo baby)
he's the only one of bruce's kids interested in corporative work (except for maybe Duke): Dick is very community focused (officer, teacher, etcetc), Jason is dead (legally and emotionally and ocasionally physically), Cass Could Not Care Less, Steph is Not Official and you can take vet/activist Damian out of my cold dead hands
so yes, tim (and maybe duke) as future nepo baby heads of WE, thank you
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skltart · 2 years
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choosing delusion and manifesting this for season three
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javitrulovesims · 7 days
Now that is confirmed that TS5 is not coming... it's time
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Rumble in the jungle
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Managed to get an extra game this week with a Blood Angels vs Militarum game. First time actually having my terrain fully painted as well
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eternallovers65 · 3 months
I do not like alicent, matter fact I hate the greens, but I HATE how you people will take a complex character such as alicent and just reduce her being a bad mother to "oh she's just a bitch" like yeah but also NO there's a reason why she's like this. I mean, the woman was groomed by a father who didn't love her and only saw her a golden ticket to stay in the court. She didn't want those kids, and she never got to experience firsthand great parenting. That's why she gets so conflicted and jealous of Rhaenyra's freedom. One had a loving father, who defended her and actually cared about her feelings, and the other had a father who constantly belittled her feelings and put his needs and ambitious above her. I mean, while rhaenyra was enjoying her teenage years, alicent already had aegon and was pregnant of aemond
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Where Secrets Hide
Author's note: Zaarius in Husbandry... @sleepyfan-blog and I were talking about... things. :)
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Addiction, drug withdrawal, drug use, making drugs, selling drugs, uh, so, Zaarius can use his Slannesh poison to make drugs. Has before, will do so even on Ancient Terra. Drug Claw Guy comes back into play. Let me know if I need to add any more warnings.
Summary: Zaarius is delighted to find out that some of his Clients are on Ancient Terra as well. And oh wonderful they are craving his goods and have been in withdrawal for a while. Some of them can be Quite Rude, but know to behave when he's the only reliable source that won't make it worse or more interesting and stays in one city.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Zaarius had intergrated as best he could with this Chaos War Band, it was one of the larger ones. They mainly stayed in one city within this part of the continent of Ancient Terra.
There were several Loyalist, Renegade, and Chaos Bases in this large settlement. At first he'd been terribly sulky about the fact that the rules limited him on his expression of worship for his Deity Slannesh.
However, over the months, he'd met, to his delight some of his customers, souls he'd thought died or gone to another source of Delights. Having some of his more Loyal customers find him again, had been… temperamental.
After all, some of them were quite… complicated in their emotional reactions to their needs and desires. The Cravings that could only be satiated with his concoctions that he makes with his poisons that he'd been blessed with by Slannesh themself.
He'd not been the one to give them the low level poisons, turned drugs that they craved. But, he is one of the Known ones, in certain, circles, to be able and willing to make such Delights.
For a price, of course, nothing comes free after all, and besides, his discretion and the fact that he doesn't put in additives, unless specifically requested to, makes him a… Safer alternative then some of his more capricious and mercurial brothers.
He was humming to himself, he'd been making the next large order for one of his more temperamental, and particular clients. The high-handed and arrogant fucker did pay him very well for his services, the poison he craves, and his silence on this matter.
His discretion and his time that he's owed. He packages the Delights he's made for this particular client in a particular way. He writes the Loyal Captain's name on the carefully packaged and wrapped in brown paper Delights.
He'd found out that the particular titration level that this one preferred went excellently in chocolate. He'd made a set of chocolates in various fruit flavors as a Treat, as well as adding in the Delights.
The rest of the Delights are in the normal, boring method, a variation of rations. Getting put on ration making had been dreadfully annoying in how dull it was to make.
But, needs must, with maintaining his clientele's delicate sensibilities and getting the poison to them in a form that wasn't a glowing liquid that all but screamed the truth for all to see. Honestly, Loyalists could be such hypocrites at time!
All that damnation and disgust and hatred for Chaos, and yet, they can come to crave and need it all the same. It was … such a delicious contradiction.
He couldn't stop the wicked smile that curled round his mouth as his Chaos sharpened teeth would cause base line humans to pause as he allowed himself to chortle.
He's in civilian clothes, as a way to be more incognito, granted he's still a Chaos Marine, and still Very Noticeable, but it allowed his clients to pretend it what was happening was more… innocent in nature than what it truly was.
Hura was out of the Chaos Base, tending to some of the Loyalists for some reasons or another that he'd not been told. He shrugs a little as he heads to the location that one of his Loyal clients had requested, he wait at for the drop off.
He hums to himself a song, an earworm that he'd heard on the Radio that his darling bonded had on while they worked on cleaning their domicile.
He was, eventually, going to move in with his human. But they were still at the beginning stages of their relationship, and they tended to be a bit shy around him sometimes.
As much as the distance between himself and his Bonded ached at times, he approved, even if it made him sulk, of their caution. And it made him preen, yes, he is a very dangerous sentient creature, isn't he?
He is also magnificent and ever seeking Perfection in all of it's forms that he wants to attain. He straightens up as he hears the swift marching of Ceramite booted feet and he turns to glance and gives a friendly smile to one of his Loyal clients.
"Greetings," Zaarius purrs to the Holy Captain. "It's been a while hasn't it dear?"
"Slanneshi whore," The Loyal Captain says scowling fiercely at Zaarius. "How dare you foul this place with your very presence."
"That was rude," Zaarius says, his smile fading as he scowls at the blue eyed bastard, "And here I thought you were craving some hand made Delights."
He sees the way the Loyal Captain twitches as he mentions the word Delights. Sees the way the fire, brimstone, rage, and a whole lot of bluster fades from the others eyes. Zaarius gives him a pleasant smile and sees the way the other's hands shake minutely.
"Darling, how long has it been since you were able to have Delights?" Zaarius coos to the other Space Marine.
"I have been on Ancient Terra for a few years," He says gruffly, clenching his hands into fists a couple of times as he scowls at Zaarius and then their surroundings, "None of the other Slanneshi whores who were Noble Space Marines, have quite the right… recipe."
"You flatter me darling~" Zaarius cooes, almost flattered by the others words. "Now, do you have what I requested for payment?"
"Yes," The Loyalist says with a grumble as he pulls out a satchel and eyes him and the paper bag with the desperate gleam of someone who's unraveling at the seams. The pain of the start of Falling to Slannesh can tear at the soul and be agonizing, and not in a way that could bring Pleasure and Excess in a way that could be enjoyed.
"Why don't you snack on these Delightful Chocolates?" Zaarius says, carefully pulling out the extra Treat that he made. "Don't worry, I have your whole order properly made into rations for you. But since this is the first time, in what seems like a long time, since you've tasted Delight, I thought something excessively delicious would help."
The Loyalist stares at him sharply, assessingly as he looks between the box of chocolates and the surrounding area, and at the descreetely packaged brown paper bag full of Delights. He huffs a sigh and shoves a hand out for the box of homemade Delightful chocolates.
"Now, now," Zaarius tutted, "what do we say before taking something?"
"Give it Whore," the Loyalist Captain snarls at him.
"Hm.. Cute, but no," Zaarius says shakingh his head, "Some manners are in order, darling one."
He sees the way the other grinds his teeth and the way his ears go a charming bright red as his stone face gives away nothing, although his blue eyes darken with rage as the Captain huffs out, "please give me what I ordered.'
Zaarius hands over the box of Delightful chocolates with another grin, "See, was that so hard?"
He gets a steely eyed glare as the other opens up the box of chocolate and swiftly eats one of the chocolates. Zaarius sees the way the other's body posture relaxes, the subtle shaking and trembling subsiding and he seems to stabilize with a relieved sigh.
"Feeling better, darling?" Zaarius asks with a coo in his voice.
The other Space Marine glares at him again, and he only chuckles at the other. He continues to look over the satchel of requested payment, seeing everything is in order. He carefully hands over the rest of the Order of Delights that the Loyal Captain had ordered. Zaarius had been told by some of the other brothers and cousins who have been on Terra for a lot longer that Falling to Chaos can still happen on Ancient Terra, but it was much harder, and the process as a result was much slower.
Zaarius wondered just how much more perfect and interesting this particular Captain was going to become as his slow desent into Slaanesh's embrace happened. He alos wonders if anyone has noticed that this bastard is falling, while it has been slowed, it is still happening. Some had hypothesized that there might be a way to stop The Fall, at least on Ancient Terra.
Not that he's seen or heard of such a thing happening. but one of the many oddities and curiousities that is being upon Ancient Holy Terra. He calls out to the Captain, "make sure to send be a Vox message when you need your next dose. I usually reside within this city for large cycles of time."
"That is good to know," The Captain says his back turned to him, "As you know, I am part of a wandering band of Loyalists."
"You know," Zaarius says slyly, voice like silk and sin, "If you have some brothers in that band who are Curious, allow them a taste of the Delightful chocolate. I'd be willing to give you, and anyone you recommend for my… Services a discount."
"I am not desperate," The Captain snarls, "And I won't allow your disgusting Chaos Taint to twist those of weaker wills."
"Very well then," Zaarius says with a shrug, "It is still an offer on the table, you only need to be bold enough to sieze is darling."
The Captain gives him one, last snarl and parting words that are rude, vicious and cruel. Likely to make the loyalist feel better about going to a Slanneshi cock whore puppet for something that he definingly is addicted to but is pretending that he isn't for his own peace of mind. Or something. Over the next several days he greets some more of his clients, and they are more or less the same amount of polite to him as that Dear Captain was. None are so highly ranked as Him. But they are still wonderful souls that are starting to walk the path to Excessive Delights that is the Fall to the youngest of the Four.
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sarens-art · 6 months
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The Boy from WTNV if you even care
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tetedurfarm · 4 months
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lovey boy with the tiny ears
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pocketramblr · 2 years
For five ask game: au where Izuku's quirk is the ability to regenerate organs, but only organs. He only finds this out after interacting with All Might, since he had never met anyone before then who had lost any
1- despite what Izuku thinks, All Might isn't the first person he's used his quirk on- he once regrew the appendix of a woman on a train who'd had an appendectomy, and he's accidentally regrown the tonsils of another people. He has absolutely no idea, and neither do they- its just a surprise seven years later to find out somehow, your appendix was not as removed as you thought.
2- Izuku's quirk activation requirements are two and simple for single organs- he has to have physical contact, and he has to want to help. He'd brushed the hand of the woman with the appendectomy when he'd given her his seat on the train, he'd regrown the tonsils of a classmate he was pulling away from bullying. There is a drawback though- Izuku experiences the physical pain. He thought it was random cramping or from said bullying injuries.
3- So, it isn't too hard to meet the requirements for Toshinori- but unlike the others, there's a lot of organs missing there, and it is very noticeable when that changes. Toshinori stumbles, wheezing, and Izuku drops from sudden pain. Toshinori manages get them pulled away from the open beach, unsure if it's a villain's quirk attacking or what, and to call someone on his phone, and a very uncomfortable half-hour later they're in an ambulance headed for the school and Recovery Girl.
4- RG is equally shocked to see what's going on- she insists on looking both of them over. She concludes there's definitely a quirk at play here, but neither remember seeing anyone else on the beach, so while she tells Nedzu to look in the registry, she also has Aizawa come up to erase both of them. When he turns erasure on Izuku, the kid suddenly isn't in any pain anymore, and Toshinori's organs stop fixing themselvse, so he is. Izuku quickly tells him to stop, and when Aizawa asks what his quirk is, Izuku says he doesn't have one.
"No," Aizawa says very slowly. "You do." but Izuku then insists whatever, help All- ah, help his friend. Aizawa has to blink sometime anyway, so he does, and then quickly escapes the room without answering izuku's question of 'wait, are you eraserhead?'
5- the good news is that as Toshinori's organs finally finish regrowing, Izuku's pain stops. Toshinori's goes back now though because ah, he's going to need some further assistance to actually put everything in a usable place, but he insists he'll be fine, and tells Izuku to keep training for the week he'll be treated, since he can't wait to see the progress his miracle of a successor makes, and he's curious how many kinda zany ideas the kid will have about his own quirk to ramble about after too. Walking him out, RG gives him a card with her number on it too, since he's sure to be getitng himself in trouble in the future as well. It's such a cool piece of kinda hero merch, izuku almost isn't even sad about missing All Might for a day. (but definitely does the rest of the week.)
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monofazz · 1 year
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So i finished MDA: Rain Code yesterday-
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pigeon-pigeoff · 1 year
the lyrics over and over "I will never believe in anything again" and "so much for stardust" scream to my soul the same way
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rosalinesurvived · 8 months
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Oh, to go back and feel the emotions of everyone experiencing this panel for the first time
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umbrarkzoo · 2 years
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that one scene from hotel transelvania reminded me of six lol
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istherewifiinhell · 13 days
wait none of you were here (okay save some exceptions) for logh era being u dont know about the. complicating deferred trio dynamics. hmmmmm.
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Shield Captain Augustin Solomon & Vexilus Preator Renatus Victorian
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Custodian Wardens of the Carnifex Solaris shield host have arrived on Umb'ranox bearing a summons to a coming crusade. Forces of the Imperium are mustering a defense of the planetary system Theta-Gamma-1465 in the Pariah Nexus.
A single Custodes worth, as the saying goes, is measured in planets; to send two to merely "request" aid in a crusade is no request at all. As such the Lord of Blood gave the order for the full mobilization of the Chaliceguard, 2nd, and Cursed companies, as well as the entirety of the council. This leaves the defense of Umb'ranox to the 3rd and 4th companies; Captain Tybael now serves as the acting Regent of Umb'ranox while majority of the chapter's forces make for the rendezvous at Bahara's Hive with the rest of the Imperial forces.
Solomon and Victorian have now been imbeded as observers and council to the Lord of Blood. The Custodes attachés have also granted the chapter access to notabe armory of Terran relics to aid in the Crusade.
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