#submit your requests
teawizard · 3 months
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Alma and Bruno hanging out :)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
To all my fellow encanto oc havers - wanted to say that I will happily take requests to draw your ocs as animal crossing characters with one condition: I will publish them in the blog ;)
To send a request you can just send me an ask with a short reference for your oc and the species of the animal crossing-sona!
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(throwing Daniela in so she doesn't feel excluded)
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Can you blend Wheatley from Portal 2?
Wheatly from Portal 2 is being blended!!
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You cannot save him.
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dtdrawz · 6 months
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small error doodle for his birthday today :3
error - loverofpiggies
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iersei · 11 months
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friendly reminder that you are not immune to pop-aganda (featuring his canonical tramp stamp if that sways your vote <3)
remember to do your civic duty of supporting sexualizing old men by voting DILF of all time glenn close in the @sexiestpodcastcharacter polls !!!
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skylarbee · 11 months
if any of you are still feeling weird about that infamous interview, here is what alex said about it (and why that ashley girl doesn't like him). i really want to point out that what alex says here is the exact same thing us, miles fans have been saying since forever. so, if you are a fan of alex, but throw shit at miles, just remember that your favourite also supports him. and maybe think twice before starting arguments with miles fans and keep in mind that alex has the same opinion about it all.
Alongside Arctic Monkeys, Turner has a long-term side-project called The Last Shadow Puppets with his best friend, the Birkenhead singer-songwriter Miles Kane. During the promotion for their last album, the two did an interview with a female journalist from the music webzine Spin. Turner was being his usual unforthcoming self, so Kane attempted to break the ice with some groan-inducing banter. This included inviting the journalist up to his hotel room when she asked what he was doing after the interview, which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid (he realised as much the next day and emailed her to say sorry). The result, though, was a lengthy op-ed calling out Kane’s unprofessionalism and the misogyny of the music industry at large. Personally, I found some of her complaints against him a tad flimsy — holding eye contact for too long, high-fiving her, “yanking” her in “for a not entirely consensual kiss on the cheek” as she said goodbye, and not least the idea that interviewing a rock star is ever supposed to be an exercise in professionalism. What did Turner make of it all? He sighs. “I think he made a joke he shouldn’t have made and realised he had misjudged the situation.” I thought it was a bit OTT, I tell him. “Yeah, I’m not sure it was deserving of that response honestly, but you just can’t make a joke like that.”
(from 2018, this interview)
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yourfavoritehasocd · 7 days
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The Onceler from The Lorax HAS OCD!
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im sorry to seem like an asshole or like i'm gatekeeping or anything but is it okay ip we pause on the requests for now? i'm kind of overwhelmed i'm sorry please don't be upset
if you want you can even make your own edits but please credit me
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Rose in the Lucky Luciano "you know I had to do it to em" sidewalk
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> Rose: Do it to em.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 8 months
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Requested by @greenyball!
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bonefall · 1 year
Hi there, love your BB AU! And lately, I've been curiously looking at Clanmew and how I would translate my OC's names. I have a gal named Posystar, and I was wondering how 'posy' might be translated in Clanmew? Do they have a word for it, or a word similarly describing a small bunch of flowers? I was also curious as to how I would translate her deputy Lotuswing, I know Lotus flowers aren't native to the UK, but is there a word that might similarly evoke the word? Also, would cats know specific shades of colors? (My healer gal is Cobaltfreckle) Are there words for them? Or are they more generalized? I noticed there wasn't a word for 'sting' in the lexicon? Then again maybe that's just me passing over it :) {For my man, Kestrelsting} I also couldn't find a word for mimic (for my gal Tempestmimic) Checking the lexicon there also isn't a word for borage, so I went to double check that it's native to the UK, but google wasn't being quite clear with me haha. (Boragedusk) I couldn't find the word bristle either, but I'm not entirely sure whether or not the cats would have a word for that, nor could I find a word for back (as in a cat's back). (Blizzardback) Looking up 'Junco birds' it says that they are very rare visitors to the UK, what would a good replacement for this prefix be? (For my bold lil kitty Juncopaw) And last but not least, the boy himself, Mitzy Moo Moo. I'm not entirely sure how to go about translating his name? He's a former kittypet. Would his name stay the same, could he pick a translation? If he did keep his name would it be pronounced differently? So sorry for the long ask! Feel free to ignore it :) I'm obsessed with your project and love the work and care you have put into it!
Lots of new words here, let me try my best! For Cobaltfreckle, Juncopaw, and Lotuswing, dive into the Lexi and try to take a look at the colors, birds, and lilypad words! I also linked some asks there that may be helpful. There's also a word in there for clusters of tiny flowers.
New words time!
Posy/Bundle/A pack of dried herbs, typically for storage or traveling = Rushe (Leaf + Dry) A "Posy" as I know it is a bundle of dried, smelly flowers, based off the miasma theory hypothetical that posited that the basis of all sickness was "bad smells" and environments. So the closest translation here is probably a package of herbs! Could also be used in the context of a "prescription." This is the bundle of herbs you will be taking-- one leaf a day, two leaves boiled at dawn and dusk, etc. These are still administered by the Cleric though.
Stung/Stinging/Will Sting = Kskaib/Kskai/Kska The sharp pain of disinfection OR an aggressive insect attack-- can refer to biting or stabbing. The sharp, sudden pain is the most important part here.
Imitated/Imitating/Will Imitate = Shesapab/Shesapa/Shesap A more positive association for mimic! This implies flattery, or an attempt to pick up a useful skill through observation. Owlstar picked up hunting skills from an owl through this. An apprentice is expected to do this with their mentor.
Bristle = Shech A thick, stiff hair. Associated strongly with boars, but also some types of plant fibres pass beyond "needle" and arbitrarily become bristles, like the frayed end of a chewstick used to clean teeth.
Hackle = Chefaf The especially long hairs that lay along a cat's spine, and stick straight up when the "hackles are raised." LOTS of words are used interchangeably with these to be poetic, including bristle (defensiveness), harmless thorn (bluster or bravado), or even tall grass (excitement/chills)
Hackled/Hackling/Will Hackle = Makekes/Makeke/Makek The act of raising your hackles-- the line of fur down a cat's back! Instead of describing this very common action as "His hackles started to raise," they describe it as, "He was hackling."
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stevethehairington · 6 months
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cranberrykiwi · 2 months
11.5 minutes into the new audio and yk..... my mom (love her dearly) is an avid watcher of those overnight prayer warrior livestreams and idk I feel like V could benefit!
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hivepixels · 2 months
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deerest-me · 11 days
sexiest moments of my life are definitely the two times that i was literally radioactive. needed to play it cool when the doctor injected the radiotracer so i didnt seem too excited and / or moan
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sorry to bother you but what happened to pablo (i cant find him on any page of the spreadsheet)
(or maybe my submission didn’t go through)
(pablo from the backyardigans btw)
(again sorry to bother you)
First off thank you for being kind in this ask! To answer your question, yes Pablo will be in there eventually. The next part is gonna sound rude so I’m sorry in advance but it’s not directed solely at you so hold on for the whole thing. Like the pinned post says, and like the sheets say, if a character only got one submission then I am manually reviewing each one and adding it to the list as I make and queue their polls. I am nowhere near P in the alphabet, and asking like this will not make me push them up in priority when I have hundreds to get through
Sorry if that seemed rude, this is not directed solely at you and I know and appreciate that you specifically were not asking for priority. I just get dozens of asks like this a day and I was actually waiting for a kind and polite ask like yours to address this issue, because some people just send “you haven’t added x character yet” or “can you do x earlier I only follow you for them” and l’m not gonna dignify those people with a response. So thank you for not demanding anything with your ask, I really appreciate it
I’ve just added a new sheet for all the one submission characters with a new reminder at the top to make it easier for people to know! I’ve put the information literally everywhere I can and still get these asks 10 times a day, so hopefully this new page will make the one submission character adding process more obvious
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total-drama-shark · 2 years
draw literally any character but they're doing the gmod crowbar pose
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He’s hunting kitchen rats
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