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strangerxperv · 1 year ago
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Dom Eddie Munson x Shy Sunshine Reader "Sunshine"
(another au? Well of course!)
She Protect and He Fuck
Minors do not interact
Eddie is a dominant metal head that takes pleasure in taking care of you. He truly loves caressing your face with his bloody knuckled hands. When you lay kisses on his many wounds or look at him with worried doe eyes. But none of that compares to right now.
"Oh, and by the way! If you ever speak that way about my Eddie: I'll kill you!" Your sweet laugh entangles Eddie and his eyes widen while you're darken, "Sorry. That sounded like a joke. I will actually kill you."
You're standing toe to toe with the jock without a speck of fear. The usual soft warmth you give is eclipsed with glacier rage. It makes the would-be beat up asshole nervous and he takes a step back before fleeing.
Eddie takes slow steps in your direction till he is but a breath away. His dark eyes never wavering from your deep glare that follows the jock. A rough and warm large hand encases your neck while the thumb applies pressure, just slightly.
Finally you look at him as if surprised he's there and your face begins to warm. Your heart races and blood pumps all the quicker under your skin, and he knows. Just as you know that he is affected by you and your show of protectiveness.
"You, you have been such a good girl. So good that I'm not even gonna wait till graduation to knock you up. I'm gonna do it here, Sunshine." Eddie has you backed up to the lines of lockers where one arm lays above your head. He's caged you in with one hand still around your throat, "You get to cum as much as you want tonight, as much as you can handle."
Finally his mouth is pressed to your own but even the gentle touch feels filthy. Eddie's teeth nip at your bottom lip before his long tongue flicks at the sore spot. It makes you moan ever so quietly a sound only he could hear.
"All right! That's enough! Come on! Break it up you two!" Eddie deepens the kiss in retaliation to flick at your tongue before pushing off you.
"Guess I'll have to wait till tonight to thank my little Sunshine."
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lestowell · 2 months ago
"Are they gonna breed"
"It's dan and phil"
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bitebitekxll · 3 months ago
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Kinktober ‘24 || Day 5
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shotgunning | breeding | knifeplay
Kaeya x gender neutral! Knight!reader
Notes: This prompt list is actually the reason I now know what shotgunning is, and I thought I’d give it a go. I’ve never actually smoked, so if it’s inaccurate— blame it on teyvat being weird that’s the excuse we’re using. Also I wasn’t actually trying to make this match any real world drug, it is literally some random non-existent herb that is used as a plot device.
CW: recreational drug use (well, mentions of it being medical? Potentially? But mostly recreational), smoking, implications of being high, breathing in smoke from another person’s mouth (which is what shotgunning is).
w. 1888 (this is a long boi)
Masterlist . Kink list
It was always peaceful being in headquarters after hours. Of course, you didn’t ever intend to work overtime, but the soothing atmosphere of halls without a soul around— apart from the guards at their stations, of course —was a nice consolation. Walking out of your office, you were ready to finally get back home. You had no pressing work to attend to the next morning, meaning had the chance to lie in after your late night.
Except… you noticed one of the doors you passed was open: The Calvary Captain’s office. The light was off inside but the movement you caught through the crack in the door made you pause.
You spotted Kaeya, leaning against the wall behind his desk right next to the cracked open window. There was an odd sense of ease about him that wasn’t usually there, like the carefully constructed personality he always held had been stripped back, revealing something more natural.
He also looked to be… smoking something?
“It’s not polite to stare, you know.”
The smooth voice snapped you from your thoughts. Kaeya didn’t glance back at you, gaze still trained on the view outside, but tension creeped back into his shoulders. You only noticed it because of how deeply you observed him, driven by fascination or admiration— you couldn’t tell which.
Considering he hadn’t told you to fuck off, you figured it was safe to slip into the office, shutting the door behind you. “Captain,” you greeted.
He laughed, a chuckle too even and perfect to be entirely genuine. “Oh come now, we’re both off the clock. There’s no need for formalities…” Finally his gaze turned to you, even as he kept his face angled away. Taking another drag or whatever was between his fingers, he softly exhaled out the window. Smoke curled over the edge of his lips, dancing up into the cool night air. Unlike regular fire smoke, this smelled floral with perhaps a dash of mint. Astute as ever, he picked up your curiosity right away. “This is a blend of herbs from Liyue,” he explained. “Albedo has been experimenting with them and found they contain possible medicinal properties.”
“…when smoked?” You asked.
Kaeya smirked, the joint between his lips as he replied, “That’s what I’m trying to find out.” There was a lull in the conversation, but it didn’t feel awkward. “Why are you here so late, anyways?”
“Was finishing off a report.” You shrugged, leaving out the fact that it only took so long because you fell asleep halfway through. “Figured I’d get it done tonight so I can enjoy my day off tomorrow. What about you?”
“It’s peaceful…” The smile that graced his lips was smaller and softer than the usual cheshire grins he sported. And along with being smaller, it also looked… vaguely sad. “…being in headquarters after hours.” It seemed like this wasn’t the first time he had stayed back like this. You couldn’t help but wonder if he truly preferred staying here, or if he was just reluctant to go home. But you knew trying to pry would only ruin whatever connection you had built with him. Moving forward, you rested your hip against the edge of his desk, watching the moon highlight his silhouette as he stood before the window.
“What does that taste like?” You changed the subject to something less sensitive, nodding at the joint in question.
Pursing his lips in thought, he twirled the * from one slender finger to another. “It’s hard to explain… Care to try for yourself?” Raising an eyebrow, he handed it to you.
You hesitated. There didn’t look like there was much left. But, then again, you didn’t dare disrupt the mood that had fallen over the two of you. It felt almost… intimate— being allowed to glimpse something more personal of the Cavalry Captain when he could have instead politely dismissed you. Taking it from his hand, you glanced up at him.
“Did this help you with anything?” You asked. Then, awkwardly, you added, “Medically.”
He hummed, considering. “It seemed to help with a headache I had earlier,” he admitted. “There’s something quite soothing about it. I can’t tell if it’s the work of the herb or simply the action itself.”
He did look more peaceful than you had ever seen him. It was as if an underlying tension you had never even noticed in his frame was finally released. You felt bad to deprive him of the last of it. In fact, a small, daring part of you had a terrible idea to resolve that issue…
No. No, that would be a bad idea. This wasn’t some random man at Angel’s Share who you could get closer to under the excuse of having one too many drinks. This was the Cavalry Captain, who may not have been your superior— you weren’t in the cavalry, after all— but was still a superior as you certainly weren’t any kind of captain. So, to avoid acting on the very inappropriate thought bouncing around your head, you placed the joint between your lips and breathed in.
You expected to choke or maybe just feel an unpleasant burn as you usually did with the second hand smoke you had smelled. But it seemed, whatever herb Albedo had procured produced fumes that were light, like mist or the crisp morning air. The taste was faint, but sweet, and slightly floral.
Taking a step closer, Kaeya asked, “How is it?” After holding in the smoke, enjoying the pleasant buzz, you exhaled in order to reply. Turning your gaze back to him, you realised his own was trained on your lips.
You couldn’t even pretend it was the smoke he was looking at; his stare remained even after the plume dispersed into the air of the room. This close you could see his eye more clearly than ever, a deep blue that mirrored the night sky behind him. It even had its own star: a gorgeous pupil with points like a diamond. Though, the edges were less sharp than usual as it had blown wide, and you didn’t think it was simply the darkness of the room causing that reaction.
That same, terrible idea began to rear its head, sounding much less terrible than before. Before you could lose your nerve, before the moment could pass, you said, “We could share.”
Kaeya’s brows furrowed, a bemused smile playing on his lips, as he leaned in even closer. Taking another drag of the joint, you barely even let it sit in your lungs before gently blowing the smoke into his face, letting him breathe it in. His lashes fluttered as he drifted closer, like there was some force pulling him in. Then, his hand came up to cradle your face. Nimble fingers curled around the edge of your jaw and you held back a shudder; for a cryo user his touch was deliciously warm.
You couldn’t help but lick your lips, a reaction to your throat going dry more than anything, but it seemed to push Kaeya to close the distance between you entirely. His lips moved against yours with a gentle ferocity— not rough or demanding but desperate all the same. Your bodies came together and the two of you twisted, losing track of your surroundings for a moment. Then, gravity pulled you down and Kaeya was slumped over his desk with his elbows propping him up, your own body above him after just barely catching your balance.
That didn’t stop either of you, however. Without ever breaking apart from him, from the soft slide of his lips and the strong grip on your hips, you grabbed his plush thighs and lifted. You used the leverage to slide him further up on the surface, adjusting to hover over him with one knee on the edge of the desk.
Gripped by another delicious idea, this time with no reservations to hold back, you pulled back just enough to take one last drag of the joint, while there was still any left of it. Then, before Kaeya could do anything more than open his mouth to complain at you pulling away, you sealed your open mouth to his and breathed out.
Smoke billowed out from the seam where your lips met, and he let out a high keen as his eyes rolled back. His hands moved up your back, arms circling to tug you flush against him and your own found themselves planted on either side of his head. You couldn’t tell if it was the lack of air or way his tongue rubbed against the underside of yours, but your head was spinning. Maybe you were high— could this thing even get you high? You still didn’t know exactly what was in it, but the fucking Calvary Captain himself was kissing you and letting out the sweetest sounding little moans so who cared?
The silky strands of his hair brushed against your face, more and more coming loose as your hand— and when did that get there? —held his head.
Kaeya’s honey-smooth voice came out in a broken chain of noises, arching his back so he could press up against you. You sunk your teeth into his plush bottom lip before realising the burning in your lungs wasn’t just from the smoke.
As you pulled back for air you saw the last of the smoke leaving his lungs. The plumes curled out from his lips and into the air, before being disrupted by his own panting as he tried to catch his breath. You gave him the chance to while you turned your attention to his neck, peppering kisses down the expanse of his throat.
“Mm~ Please,” he murmured, sounding completely gone— drunk off of lust and perhaps Albedo’s mystery drug.
You bruised his pretty skin, leaving teeth marks in your wake, until you realised what was left of the joint was still burning. It had been reduced to a small nub of paper between your fingers. Kaeya followed your gaze and his eyes lit.
“Let me,” he purred, fingers wrapping around your wrist and gently guiding your hand close to his mouth. In one graceful, sinful move, he pressed the lit end of the joint to his tongue, putting it out with a quiet hiss. The flash of cryo around the stub explained how he hadn’t flinched. Your eyes were locked onto it, heat pooling in your stomach as he took the paper roll between his teeth and pulled it from you, tossing it to the side with a snap of his head. Then, he tugged your arm closer and licked a stripe up your forearm, peering up at you through his long lashes with a molten gaze.
Fuck, he knew exactly what he was doing. It made your blood burn, and you would’ve pounced on him again if he hadn’t continued speaking.
“You know, my office isn’t exactly the most… well-equipped,” he admitted. “But I can think of somewhere else we would be more comfortable.”
You couldn’t help but grin at his offer, marvelling at the disheveled state of his attire: jacket slipping down his shoulders, hair coming loose from his ponytail, the fabric of his trousers straining against his—
“Then by all means,” you replied with a grin.
Thank Barbatos you didn’t have to go into work tomorrow.
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helpimsleepdeprived · 3 months ago
'twas the night before titmas (my tour date is tomorrow)
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simplydnp · 2 months ago
absolutely fluffed up my m&g but its fine bc theyre lovely and they thought i was cool
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dysthoepiadaily · 7 months ago
went through the notes of the Phil photo editing tutorials post, and someone was calling it cringe... Sorry, but would it be cringe if he just posted those pictures? no, it would not. It would be iconic scene king of him to not post the tutorials and just the pictures. However, Phil Lester is a man of the people, he shares his secrets to internet fame and popularity, and this is why he deserves everything.
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blondephil · 9 months ago
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excellent news i have been here longer than i thought
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thephouseplants · 8 months ago
I'm going to ask about something since I know you smart phandom phreaks (/af)
Might be able to give me answers.
So I very distinctly remember this person who made YouTube videos related to Dan Phil, they made videos talking about their coming out videos, and some other content about them. They had a pink background and wore a pink baseball cap(?) Had long straight dark hair.
I cannot for the life of me remember the channel name but I think the channel pfp was Stingly from lazy town (may be wrong)
I watched some of her videos in 2019 and enjoyed them. And yet I cannot find the channel or videos? If they deleted them for whatever reason, fair. I understand.
but now I feel like I dreamt the whole thing up. Please was this a real thing? Does anyone know what I am on about?
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phannie-by-night · 2 months ago
Gang I gotta be honest it is so absurdly cheap to fly to Dublin right now I feel like I'm losing my mind
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risingsunresistance · 1 month ago
twitch giving me FIVE ads in a row im gonna kms
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aqueen2c · 3 months ago
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avenirdelight · 2 years ago
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imagine jamie and jack as teammates in england nt
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gamingbeats · 1 year ago
i’m unsubscribing because of the surprise asmr
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helpimsleepdeprived · 17 days ago
logging into r/danandphil today and tell me why actual civil war has broken out??
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simplydnp · 1 year ago
the way this video is designed for long time viewers like these boys clarified and explained nothing they were just sappy and on the offensive
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months ago
The last episode of the DIC produced G.I. Joe series aired on January 20, 1992. The DIC produced version ran for 39 episodes. The final episode was a clip show recapping Metal Head's previous adventures on the show. ("Legend of Metal Head", G.I. Joe, Cartoon TV Event)
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