#styx ♡
vwritesaus · 1 year
Thomastair, Gracetopher and Sophideon!!
sorry for taking 3000 years to answer this but oho—going in hard with the big guns, i see. LET'S DO IT
they really do make me ill what the fuck i love them so much
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preface: i'm particular about gracetopher in the sense that i love them as a QPR ship and a demiromantic/sexual ship, hence why i've put both "i love them!" and "i like them platonically" (i hope that makes sense jashdjhas). that's how i write them i suppose, but i do literally read any version of them :'> just. them.
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holy fuck did i love them in tid, and i still love them. just... they're my scone babies ;; also the lightwood-collins family would have to be my number #1 fav tsc family
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thanks Styxie!! <333
send me a ship bingo!
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ghostaholics · 1 year
I don’t know if u will get me but I think ghosts *love* is hate?
trust, i get you
sabotaged missions
safehouse confession
'while you were bleeding out i gave you a direct blood transfusion from my own vein when MEDEVAC was too far so i could give you a chance at surviving and led resuscitation efforts not once but twice when they couldn't find a pulse because you kept dying on me and i wasn't gonna let that damn well happen; but when you wake up from being unconscious for days in the icu, my first words to you after watching you fight for your life are going to be a stupid fuckin' joke'
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styxfoxx · 2 months
"why do you disappear from serves" IDK MATE I DON'T KNOW 90% OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ON MY SAME SERVERS
THE "what ifs" EAT ME ALIVE
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yuurei20 · 19 days
Hello! Are you alright with fans sending in questions about myths/hearsay in the fandom? You just seem like one of the best people to ask since you already go to such lengths in compiling facts and giving translations.
Hello hello! Thank you for this question! And you are too kind ♡
Certainly!! ^^ All are welcome!
Here is a collection of past questions about myths/hearsay, for the curious!
・Did Jade really eat his siblings? ・Is Ruggie really the vice-housewarden of Savanaclaw? ・Will Ace really betray the prefect? ・Is Idia really close to the prefect? ・Was Silver really in the prefect's bedroom? ・Did Leona really leave the prefect behind? ・Did Idia really say that he likes it when characters call him big brother? ・Is NRC really a college? ・Is Crowley really stingy? ・Was Crowley's name really changed for EN? ・Does Jamil really care about Kalim? ・Is Cater really bisexual? ・Is Cater really a playboy? ・Is Neige really an orphan? ・Is Lucius really Trein's familiar? ・Was Book 2 really supposed to be Book 6? ・Does medicine really work differently on different species? ・Is STYX really the government?
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yan-lorkai · 8 months
Hi! I remember that a while back, you did some yandere alphabet for Idia? If it’s alright, could you expand on the part for letter Q? The idea of thinking you successfully escaped him and the Island of Woe only to be tracked down and brought back from where ever you are hiding has my brain in a chokehold right now. Thanks!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I maybe expand a little too much, as this is somewhere between 2k and 3k lol. But I love him too much! Oh and Ortho also appears in the fic to help Idia, hopefully he's not too ooc! It took me a while to finish this, but I hope you like it darling. ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾. Yandere alphabet anon was referring to can be read here!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, kidnapping, memory loss induced by drugs and spells.
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The early hours of the morning are always the worst for Idia, sleepless nights thinking about you and if you are safe find their way into his heart and mind, the same way he used to stay awake after the incident with Ortho. It's been exactly a week and a half since you fled the Styx guarded base and he hasn't slept since.
The ticking of the clock seems to drag on longer than necessary, causing Idia to let out a long sigh as he lets the footage of you remain frozen on one of the monitors he watches so carefully. He runs one of his fingers over your face and part of him wants to feel your skin again, your characteristic smell, see your smile.
Instead, he touches the cold, inanimate glass, and feels his heart break again. It's his fault, really. It's his fault for not paying attention to you, to what you wanted, to letting you stay in your room, alone, but mainly because he taught you how to deactivate the Styx system in case of emergencies so that you could escape if something happened.
Even though time passed Idia worked every day to find you, his love wouldn't let him stop trying, he needed to protect you from the world and make sure you never left him again. If you left, then it's definitely because someone threatened you, someone definitely did something to you and he would find out who it was and what that person did, but later. He was committed and determined to find you.
He will ratify his mistake, this time he will really protect you and keep you close. This time, he will tell you "I love you" every day and night.
It's only a matter of time.
"Brother, your tea is going to be cold." Ortho's voice snaps him out of his thoughts, just a second long enough for him to take a deep breath. Ortho points to the tea that rested next to some sandwiches, both untouched.
You used to make him sandwiches too, you used to sit and listen to him. Reluctantly Idia drinks his tea even as the cold liquid rips down his stomach, the pain doesn't seem to register in his mind as he drinks until not a drop remains.
"Why?" He asks his younger brother and then turns to his computer screen. The question torments him too much. Why did you leave him? Don't you love him anymore? Did he do something wrong?
"I don't know." Is all Ortho can answer as he leans over the computer. The younger Shroud reviews security camera footage, watching your pleasant expression turn to one of despair as you run through the empty halls of STYX late at night.
He and Idia watch you leave the main building and disappear. "What are the chances of them still being here?" Idia asks him, a single drop of hope still present in his voice.
And his brother sends him a look of pity, but as the voice of reason Ortho forces himself to explain. "Very low. Styx patrols scanned every corner of the Isle of Woe and did not find them, so my calculations suggest that they may have gone back to the Land of Dawning and gone elsewhere afterwards."
Idia turns around, appearing to have an epiphany. A small smile forms on his blue lips as he looks at Ortho like he hasn't looked in recent days; it's the same look as when he's about to win a game.
It's the look of someone who realizes they have the advantage in a game. And Ortho almost feels sorry for you, almost, but you chose to run away and leave him and leave Idia without trying to tell them what was wrong. He doesn't know if he can trust you anymore, and he doesn't know how his brother can trust you anymore. The signs are all there, you weren't forced to do this. You premeditated everything. And if that's not the case, Ortho wants to hear your reasonings.
"Of course, heavens, how did I not remember that?" Idia laughs, but it's not a pleasant sound. It's painful, as if his soul is being ripped apart, as if all the joy in the world has ended. "We receive supplies every month, they must have gotten on one of the ships and from there gone to Sunshine Land, which is closer to here. It's just a few days of travel."
"Don't you think they would go to Queendom of Roses?" Ortho asks, staring at the small map that his brother opened, interested in his thought process.
Subtly the younger Shroud pushes the plate of sandwiches towards the older one, wanting his brother to taste the food after so many days hiding in his laboratory to work non-stop. Idia notices this, obviously, and despite anything tasting like sand on his tongue, he still forces himself to eat it.
His stomach complains after so many days of hunger, but the pain doesn't bother him. "They're smart, Ortho. They know that if they went there I would follow them, after all Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover and Riddle Rosehearts live there, and they are people Yuu-shi trust a lot."
Ortho watches Idia's fingers slide across the keyboard and the numbered folders slowly appear on the computer display. IP addresses, real-time videos of the houses and neighborhoods that each of your friends lived in being displayed on the huge monitors. And Ortho almost can't contain a sigh of admiration for his brother being so knowledgeable.
"They are closest to Ace and Deuce, and these two live in areas close to each other. The cameras would have recognized Yuu the moment he saw them, if they didn't then they didn't go there." Idia concluded his trail of thoughts.
"How are you going to proceed then?”
Idea smiles. "First I will adjust our satellites, then I will go to them with my suit." He hesitates a bit, but lets out a sigh and fluffing his brother's soft hair, he asks. "Can you get me some water from the River Lethe, Ortho?”
Nodding, he does as he's told.
The older Shroud's gaze returns to the bright screens, eyes tired and watery, with a location in mind now he redirects his satellites to find you. And in a few seconds they would find something interesting, the internet today was something fascinating and it was at his disposal; people were always recording themselves, taking photos and sending messages, and Idia had access to everything.
His satellites were his eyes and ears. And soon they would see you. Soon he would have you back.
The ticking of the clock no longer bothered him. The monitor screen lit up with a location and your face appeared on a background from a video made by a kid who wanted to be famous in Magicam, it was so quick, just a thirty second but it was enough. A reverent sigh leaves his lips and he feels himself smiling, feels his chest tighten and a new wave of determination wash over him. He almost couldn't contain his excitement.
Ignoring this, Idia observed the background of the video and ran a recognition search on its database. There were few options to explore and little by little he eliminated them until there was only one likely place left where you could hide. It was a hunch, a feeling that, like the people of that country, you would take shelter in an inn in the middle of nowhere, where there was only forest everywhere.
Where surely you had thought that he wouldn't discover you.
"Brother, here it is!" Ortho brought with him water from the River Lethe in a bottle. Water capable of erasing memories and making a person reborn; just as you would forget and be reborn to be the person Idia knew you were.
"Your suit is also operating at full capacity and ready for use." He informed Idia.
For the third time that day he was smiling. He knew where you were and he would have you back soon. Idia took the bottle, watching how the water shaked and shone, part of him would hate to have to erase your memory. But this part lasted remembering that you chose this, this part wanted you to face the consequences.
"Let's go, Ortho."
Your days have been filled with the sensation that at any moment, you would be back in Idia's arms, subjected to his gaze as if you were a rare specimen deserving of isolation and study. It was disconcerting, terrifying. And now, small things made you anxious; a shadow behind you, the wind whispering in your ear, a nightmare in the middle of the night.
Honestly, you seemed like a zombie. Dark circles under your eyes, exhaustion draining you like a leech. But at least you were a very much alive and safe zombie. A zombie that had been doing its best to disappear without a trace, and so far, it had worked.
You avoided crowded places, some days not even leaving the small house where you were staying, afraid that Idia might find you. He shouldn't be able to find you, right? You hoped not.
You hoped that the ghosts STYX had captured had been released and attacked Idia. You hoped their system had short-circuited and everything exploded – him, the ghosts, the secret organization his family commanded.
You wanted everything to disappear. The hot sun on your head, the heavy bags of food you carried, the cicadas flying by your head. The shadows of the trees moving in the wind, the barking of dogs, and the singing of birds. Everything could vanish, and you wouldn't mind.
Today was the last day you would be here, with plans to go farther away, to do the impossible if it meant escaping Idia Shroud, once your best friend and boyfriend, who had slowly revealed his darker colors as your relationship progressed. He was untouchable, but you were not.
You had been here long enough; it was time to move. It was time to find another place to hide, another place to live, and then move again. You needed to be in constant motion; otherwise, he would find you.
A tired sigh escaped your lips as the outlines of the small cottage you were staying in began to be seen on the horizon. The small wooden roof reflecting strangely on a figure standing by the door. No, not a figure, but two.
Shiny, made of metal. Austere as if nothing in the world disturbed them.
Your heart stopped at the same second. It beat so fast that it seemed to crawl and fight against your ribcage to escape. You controlled yourself, taking a deep breath and surveying the terrain, ironically, as Idia had insisted you do before making a move.
The perimeter was clear, and there was no one hiding anywhere. If you were going to escape, now was the time. Slowly but determined, you moved away on shaky legs, holding your breath while your eyes remained fixed on the two static figures.
Mechanical arms closed around your waist, and you screamed, trembling like a kitten about to get its first shot. Due to the short stature, you deduced it was Ortho behind you, holding you so tight it seemed he wanted you to suffocate – and hey, he did, since you betrayed him and his brother but he won't act on these thoughts because his brother loves you.
You struggled, your eyes still trained on the two figures in front of you.
"Oh, that?" He laughed at your confusion. "A hologram."
You turned to look at him, trying to find a weak point you could use, controlling the apparent growing panic on your face. A solitary drop of sweat descending on your forehead.
"For someone who managed to escape us, you didn't think of the obvious, did you?" Ortho teased, his grip tightening every second as you continued to struggle and push him back. His yellow eyes gleaming with mischief as if you were just playing.
A few months ago, maybe you would have enjoyed playing with him, helping Idia test Ortho's infrared sensors by playing hide and seek, unaware that such modifications were made only to make finding you easier. But you knew now, just as you knew that the young Shroud had several new changes in his program.
And you couldn't do anything. Even the command to turn him off was different from before; Idia changed it several times and never repeated the same password.
And now you had an idea why; so that you could never use them if needed.
"You know it doesn't have to be like this," he murmured with a little laugh in his voice. "You're just going to tire yourself out."
But you didn't listen, forcing your feet to work and propelling yourself backward to throw him off. If you couldn't escape running, you would escape rolling and crawling like a wounded beast. But Ortho didn't budge an inch, genuinely intrigued by what you were attempting to do.
It was like trying to push a car uphill, alone, your arms and legs quickly growing tired. And the worst part was that all this futile effort amounted to nothing.
Descending from the sky in his STYX suit, Idia looked different. Satisfied. Still, the same tired expression that adorned your face was etched on him; you didn't sleep for fear of him finding you, and he didn't sleep for fear of losing you. His lips trembled for a second, and his eyes gleamed as if he would burst into tears.
You almost preferred him to cry. At least then, you would have the pleasure of telling him how pathetic and weak he was.
Instead, he approached you. And he was calmer than you thought possible, so calm and confident that each step felt like your death sentence had been assigned. Back to the apathy of your dark, empty, and mostly lonely room.
For someone who claimed to love you so much, Idia left you alone most of the time, so distant, unreachable.
You should never have agreed to go there in the first place; you should never have agreed to meet his parents or that organization. Never should have shown kindness to him.
"Is it not enough? Having stolen me from the only place I knew in this world, now you want to steal my freedom too?" It was a question you knew the answer to, preparing for what was to come.
Idia had other plans, choosing to open his hand to show you a small vial with a crystal-clear liquid. "Do you know what this is?"
You gave him an ironic smile. "Surprise me, Shroud genius. It's not like I'm going anywhere!"
As if to prove your point, you resisted Ortho's grip once again, but it was a futile attempt.
Idia smiled at you, the same giant and awkward smile you used to love, as if he knew something you didn't. And you really didn't know – how he was here or how he found you. Or what he held so firmly as an ace up his sleeve.
Whatever it was left a bad feeling in your chest, his hand slowly caressing your cheek as if he needed to feel that it was real. His thumb traveled from the contours of your lips to your cheek and up, holding your face with great reverence.
"Remember those Greek myths you used to tell me? Remember the water from the river Lethe?"
Of all the things you prepared to hear, that wasn't one of them. Your heart was pounding like crazy in your chest, and Idia wanted to hear one of your tales. You almost laughed in disbelief.
Still, you answered, buying time for someone to come check on you or a gap to open. "It's water that makes people forget things. What about it?"
Idia shook the vial with the fascination of a curious child, as if he expected the liquid inside the flask to erupt in bubbles or explosions. Nothing happened, but he looked at you in a peculiar way, his smile widening.
"Exhaustion has made you sluggish, Yuu-shi." He seemed to find amusement in that. Shaking the flask once more, he added, "What do you think is inside? Poison?"
Yes. Yes, you thought it was poison. Maybe he was just deceiving you, playing some mind game to make you lower your guard. Or whatever; you didn't care at that moment. You cared that you were trapped in the place with no way to escape. Finding a way out was your priority.
At your lack of reaction, Idia continued talking. Perhaps he liked being able to explain things to you, as he had done so many times in the past. His fingers focused on slowly opening the flask's lid.
"I've always found it curious how the stories from your world are distorted, strange. But there is some truth in one of them: the river Lethe exists, and its source is within STYX." Now open, the flask released an attractive and sweet smell. It smelled exactly like your favorite dessert, but there was something more.
It made your mouth water, your mind filled with thoughts, and you leaned forward, eager to taste that water. Moments ago you were struggling to not get closer to him, now you there was a great wall separating you that you needed to cross. You didn't why you were acting like this, but you needed it.
Ortho loosed his hold on you and watched as you throw yourself into his brother's arms eagerly, getting closer and closer to him, unable to resist the small spell Idia had cast on the water and that was strongly tempting you at that moment.
"Say ah, and I'll let you drink." Idia slightly pulled the flask away, watching your consciousness and will struggle with each other.
You were no match for this game. You never were, never would be. You were just a being without any magic living in another world entirely alone, a being that needed his protection. A simple spell had completely taken away your free will, how sad.
"Ah!" You intoned as he ordered, opening your mouth so you could drink from the precious liquid.
Idia brought the flask to your lips and watched as you took a sip of the water of forgetfulness. The liquid went down your throat, leaving a cool and effervescent trail behind. For a moment, nothing happened, but he didn't panic; after all, you were there in his arms. He won again.
"Did it work?" Ortho asked, curious. And Idia nodded, knowing it had worked before even seeing the result.
Your eyes, once filled with dark memories and worries, became glazed and distant as if you were no longer in control of your body. An ethereal veil seemed to envelop your mind, completely erasing all your memories.
From now on, you would only know the world Idia presented to you. There would be no more of your world, NRC, and your annoying friends. No more silly thoughts that made you feel anxiety and fear or the desire to escape. From now on, your home would be wherever Idia was.
The brothers watched with satisfaction as the transformation took place. You, without remembering who you were or what had happened, looked up to meet Idia's yellow and cunning eyes, your eyes reflecting only serene emptiness. You seemed to want to ask something, but you couldn't formulate it in words.
You observed his arms around your waist and the scenery around you. The place was beautiful and peaceful.
"Things are confusing, aren't they, Yuu-shi?" Idia held your chin, making you return your gaze to him. There was something hungry in his look that almost made you take a step back. Almost because his arms kept you in place. "I'll explain everything when we get home. For now, don't you think it's better if we rest a bit?"
As if waiting for this moment, a yawn escaped your lips, and you noticed how tired you were. Your back ached, your eyes watered, and a second later, another yawn escaped you. You nodded. A nap sounded so good right now.
Idia held your hand, guiding you to the small cottage that you had made your home during the time you were missing. After you and he had slept a little, then you would go home together.
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styxhealthnsafety · 8 months
are we allowed to have pets? im kinda lonely in this cell
specifically a blot monster thats shaped like a dog, thanks! 😁
Here at Styx health and safety, we believe that providing companionship no matter the cost is the correct and humane thing to do.
Due to this, we have provided you with a service phantom, which we have lovingly named Fifi 🤗
You will find her situated in your cell upon return. We expect you to be kind and responsible with your new roommate.
And remember, by prioritizing mental health, some physical health effects may occur. Luckily, if you become a phantom yourself, you and fifi can frolick in the underworld down below forever ♡!
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sweetblinginrose · 19 days
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(Billy Hargrove x fem¡OCMayfield)
Samantha Danielle Mayfield finally decides to move to Hawkins with her sister and mother, as well as her mother's new husband and his arrogant son, William "Billy" Hargrove. What they are unaware of is that, gradually, these step-siblings will discover that the line between contempt and passion is more fragile than they supposed, and what begins as shared hostility turns into an intense and undeniable attraction that both find themselves unable to reject.
warnings: read at your own risk, as it includes a continuous sexual environment, profanity, mention of death and suicide, stepsibling relationship, sex, and all its derivatives.
words: 3,2k +
autor’s note: this work is entirely my own creation. that is to say, i have not based it on anyone else, so any resemblance to any other work is purely coincidental, as i have been using this format for all my stories since 2019. i hope you enjoy the story. if you find any translation errors, something you don't understand, or similar, please let me know :p
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Chapter two: Renegade - Styx
The air is filled with the smell of freshly made popcorn and various candies, along with the sound of metal coins clashing against each other. Kids and teenagers crowd around the machines, their eyes reflecting the neon lights that blink to the rhythm of the games. Laughter and exclamations mix with the click-clack of buttons and the occasional frustrated hit against the machines. In one corner, a group of friends take turns on Pac-Man, competing for the highest score, while in another, a teenager leans intensely over the Street Fighter joystick, his fingers moving with a skill that only years of practice can grant. Occasionally, a cry of victory cuts through the constant noise when someone achieves a new record.
The background music, a soft blend of synthesizers and rock rhythms, adds to the atmosphere of another time, another world, where the only concern is whether you have enough coins for one more game. And while outside the sky darkens and the rain falls, inside the arcade, each game is a promise of adventure, each score a potential legend.
Behind the counter, Sam casually leans against the cash register. Between her fingers, a bright orange cheeto, which she brings to her lips with a carefree smile. Beside her, Keith laughs at a joke shared in a low voice.
Both observe the controlled chaos of the arcade, exchanging comments and laughter about the oddities of the regular players. The conversation flows easily, jumping from the latest high scores to plans for after closing. The crunch of the cheetos mixes with the sound of the machines, creating a unique soundtrack for their camaraderie.
Meanwhile, the clock slowly ticks towards closing time, but there is no rush. There is a comfort in routine, a familiar rhythm in the waiting, and in the anticipation of the tranquility that will follow once the lights go out and the machines fall silent.
"Did you say like flan?" he inquired, almost choking on the cheeto he had just devoured, coughing hard as a laugh escaped between paroxysms. Sam nodded affirmatively, taking another cheeto from the bag resting on Keith's right hand.
The girl was comfortably settled on the counter, with her back to the crowd, while Keith, perched on his chair, made sure that no one was using the new trick of the coin tied to a string, while chatting with his dear friend and coworker.
"Hey, Keith," a boy called out, followed by others behind the counter. Sam's companion rolled his eyes in exasperation and continued the conversation with the young woman, sucking his finger to remove the orange residue from the cheetos. With indifference, the kids began to relentlessly play the bell on the table, causing Sam to turn around with visible annoyance, which dissipated instantly upon recognizing the group.
"Max?" she exclaimed, greeting her sister, who promptly released the hand of a dark-skinned boy upon meeting Sam's gaze. He was her boyfriend. The reaction only drew a complicit smile on her sister's face. "Billy will be here at eight o'clock sharp, so have fun with your friends in the meantime," she articulated, as she rummaged into the tips jar and gave her sister a few cents to enjoy the arcade machines.
The minutes passed with the slowness of an hourglass, each grain of time falling with the weight of expectation. The arcade, once filled with laughter and the tinkling of machines, fell into an expectant silence. Only Max's group, Keith, and Sam remained. Her companion, with a lazy smile, watched Sam, who, skillfully, reviewed the earnings of the nearest Bomb Jack machine, her unwavering concentration. Max, for her part, lost herself in contemplation of the flashing lights coming from the game that Lucas was trying to complete, her mind wandering between the game and the imminent arrival of Billy. The purring of an engine broke the calm, a sound that grew in intensity until the roar of Billy's blue Camaro was present, a mechanical lion announcing his arrival. The car stopped with a growl.
With a series of hasty goodbyes, Sam and Max made their way through the games and neon lights. The door closed behind them with a muffled thud, and they found themselves immediately assaulted by the torrential rain. The drops hit the pavement hard, splashing and soaking everything in their path. They ran towards the waiting car, the engine revving barely audible above the roar of the rain. Despite the short distance, the rain was merciless, soaking them to the bone in a matter of seconds. Their clothes clung to their skin, and water ran down their faces, but that didn't slow them down.
In an act of carelessness that bordered on malice, Billy had activated the lock on his car, prolonging the exposure of the sisters to the furious storm. Sam, in particular, was in a disadvantageous situation, forced to wait under the curtain of water while Max settled into the back seat.
When they finally slid into the car, Sam took the passenger seat with a tense expression, her anger palpable in the humid air. She was convinced that Billy had calculated those additional seconds with precision, a small revenge for something past, right? However, in his irritation, he did not notice that he had condemned his precious leather seats to a watery destiny. Now, soaked and cold to the touch, the seats reflected the carelessness of a moment that had become an eternity under the rain. Billy, for his part, could only silently lament the sentence he had himself dictated over his beloved Camaro, as he had no time to argue, but Sam did.
"You should know you're a total asshole," Sam exclaimed out of the blue, about five minutes into the car ride, surprising Billy with her accusation.
"I don't have time for your nonsense, you spoiled brat," he responded, teeth clenched and fingers tense on the steering wheel, licking and biting his lower lip with a smile, attempting to contain his anger.
"Oh, yes you do, so you'll listen to me carefully," the drenched young woman retorted, raising her voice as she settled into the leather seat to confront Billy, who kept his gaze fixed on the road, knowing that any eye contact with Sam would only intensify her anger. "We didn’t make you wait at all, but you left us in the rain for what seemed like forever. Just look at me now!" she protested, now shouting, pointing at him with her index finger and twisting the edge of her shirt to squeeze it inside the car, in a small act of revenge. The rainwater had invaded the area of the gearshift and the cup holder. Billy turned his head toward her with a furious expression, evaluating the situation. He was visibly angry.
"Are you out of your mind!? I ain’t got time to clean the damn car, you get me? So you’re gonna clean it with your damn tongue, bitch!" he shouted back, with palpable aggression, not taking his eyes off the girl, not paying attention to where he was going.
Max, aware of the situation, looked worried. She tried to warn Billy in a low voice, not wanting to get involved in the everyday fight between her siblings. Both were too absorbed in their argument to notice.
"Oh, yeah? You’re so busy shoving crap that ain’t alcohol into your body you can’t even clean the damn car?!" they continued shouting full of fury.
"And what you did in... !?" Billy started shouting, but his voice gradually faded away, interrupted by something unexpected. Sam thought she had run out of arguments, feeling like she had won the fight, but the reality was very different.
The young woman did not realize that the reason for Billy's sudden silence was herself, specifically her figure. Although the boy had seen his stepsister without pants before, she was always covered by a loose shirt that hid her form, due to the cold weather here. However, this time it was different. The rain had adhered Samantha's shirt to her body, outlining her waist and curves prominently, but the most striking were her breasts. Billy was surprised to see that they were much larger than expected, and small, erect buttons in the center added an additional touch of temptation. A wave of heat ran through his body, clouding his mind and leaving him speechless. He couldn't understand what was happening to him, but all he could think about was how those breasts would look without anything covering them.
Just seconds later, the golden-haired young man parked his vehicle in front of the threshold of his house, averting his gaze to avoid temptation, without even offering a goodbye to his stepsisters.
"Thanks," Sam expressed with a harsh tone, as she exited the car. Max replicated the gesture, although with a more neutral tone.
Billy, with a furtive glance, watched both figures rush inside the house, noticing how those ripped and worn jeans clung to Samantha's silhouette. With a sigh, he leaned his head back against the seat, closed his eyes, and covered his face with his hand. Moments later, he repositioned his hands on the wheel and glanced at his watch, realizing that something didn't fit. An unexpected lump stood out in his pants, a quite large lump that definitely shouldn't be there…
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The rain hit the windshield with a constant rhythm, as if marking the beat of Billy's anger. The windshield wipers moved from side to side, trying to clear the view, but the storm was persistent.
Inside the car, the radio played a hard song, almost drowned out by the sound of the rain. Billy adjusted the volume, letting the strong melody fill the space. The dashboard lights shone dimly, creating an intimate atmosphere in which he was alone with his thoughts.
The air smelled of wet earth, a scent that mixed with the perfume he had chosen for the occasion. Every red light was a pause in his internal monologue, a moment to catch his breath and rehearse in his mind what he would say when he saw the girl he had charmed that night. As he drove, the deserted streets and blurry buildings became the backdrop of his adventure. The city seemed different in the rain, more mysterious, as if it held secrets that were only revealed to those who dared to explore it under the veil of water.
Billy finally arrived, parked the car, and remained silent for a moment, watching the drops slide down the window. He forgot about his date and began to brood over the bad day he had had and how his relationship with his stepsister was getting worse, feeling a slight feeling of sadness that dissipated instantly when a teenager opened the door as his neon lights pointed. She wore only red lace panties that delicately hugged her curves, along with a short lace nightgown that completely exposed her breasts. The reason for their meeting that night was evident. Billy immediately forgot about what had happened during the day, allowing a mischievous smile to form on his face.
Hurriedly, he turned the key and stepped out of the car to avoid getting wet in the rain, although it was futile, since it was impossible, but it was worth it "Who would have thought that all that heat would be in that body today?" he purred with a deep voice, wrapping his arm around the girl's waist and pushing her hips towards his so she could feel his erection, which was already present before seeing his companion that night but she had further fueled his desire
"You did well to let me know your parents wouldn't be home. You needed a babysitter, right?"
The girl simply laughed at his comment, grabbing Billy's denim jacket and pulling him into the house, closing the door behind them.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the noisy night was accompanied by the soft sound of a brush against skin. Sam stood in front of the mirror, her movements reflected in the polished surface as she meticulously applied her makeup. The dim light in the room barely revealed her figure, but her eyes reflected a fierce determination. It was the calm before the storm, the preparation for an escape that promised to be as exciting as it was dangerous.
Max watched from the slightly open door, her silhouette barely visible in the threshold "Are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice a whisper that mingled with the darkness.
Sam did not respond immediately, her unwavering concentration as she carefully traced the last eyeliner stroke "Of course, it's easy. You just have to tell them I'm sleeping and not to come into my room", she finally said, her voice full of a confidence that needed no more words.
With one last look in the mirror, Sam stood up, her straight posture defying any doubts that may have existed.
Less than half an hour later, the sound of a familiar engine began to be heard in the distance, a sign that her plan could begin. With high heels in one hand and an umbrella in the other, she carefully opened the window, trying not to make noise. Just as they opened the front door, Sam closed it.
The cold night breeze caressed her face, and a shiver ran down her spine. Despite her careful planning, she couldn't help but sigh in frustration as she felt the mud splash against her bare feet.
Around the corner, Vicki's car came into view, an oasis of fun in the midst of the rainy night. The lights inside illuminated their conspiratorial smiles. "Sammy, get in quickly!" Vicki exclaimed, while Nicole nodded enthusiastically. Sam slid into the backseat, closing the door just as a laugh escaped her lips.
"You have no idea what we have in store for tonight" Nicole began, with her typical annoying girl accent, chewing gum while the car pulled away, leaving behind Samantha's silhouette "Last year's Halloween party was epic, and Tina promised to surpass herself this year".
Meanwhile, Sam pulled out a cigarette from the packet she had hidden in her bra and lit up.
The excitement for the start of vacations was palpable in the air, almost as dense as the rain that had pounded the streets minutes earlier. But now, the storm had calmed, leaving a trail of shiny drops on the asphalt that reflected the lights of the town.
The three friends, enveloped in a bubble of laughter and plans, talked non-stop. Between confessions and promises of an unforgettable night, the conversation turned to how they would let themselves be carried away by the euphoria of the moment, how they would dance without inhibitions and perhaps flirt with boys under the starry sky that was beginning to appear.
The night promised to be one of those stories that would be told over and over again, each time with more details and more color, as if time embellished the memories. And as Vicki's car slid down the road, the three friends plunged into the anticipation of what was to come, a summer that could be the best of their lives.
They drove through a neighborhood adjacent to Tina's, where a residence stood out, the only one lit on the entire street. The young women chose to pass by without paying attention, absorbed in their conversation about what cassette to play next. In that same residence, Billy was immersed in a difficult task.
Everything went smoothly from the start, but preconceived notions about his stepsister resurfaced in his mind, stopping him at key moments and deeply unsettling the young man. The blonde clenched his eyelids tightly to avoid thinking about it, while executing intense movements that resonated throughout the house.
The girl called the boy, imploring him to look at her and utter words of misconduct at the same time.
(These kids these days and their strange tastes... (≖᷆︵︣≖))
Billy thought it was a good idea, but as he opened his eyes, he thought he saw his stepsister's face in the girl, moving away precipitously, rubbing his eyes fiercely to confirm her identity. He didn't want to cum while thinking about his stepsister.
"I have to go..." he announced suddenly, adjusting his pants while his excitement persisted. It could be said that even more... The girl was stunned, not knowing what to do or say.
Hargrove, still panting and sweat-drenched, tried to adjust his bulge, but his tight jeans didn't cooperate in those moments.
Before the girl could react completely, the boy slipped out, closing the door of the residence in her face, hurrying to his car, where anger took hold of him, hitting the steering wheel repeatedly and repeatedly honking the horn, scaring the stray cats that wandered the wet street. Seconds later, a smile returned to his face as he looked at himself in the mirror, running his fingers through his hair and checking the time again, remembering that a girl, whose name he barely remembered, was hosting a party his friends were attending. He quickly forgot about the girl and set off towards the address written on a piece of paper, located among used condom wrappers and cassettes.
He left confident, confident that he would find numerous attractive girls who had come to town for the summer, and that he could seduce with his charming rebel surfer's charm, and enjoy the company of his equally uninhibited friends.
The tires slid on the deserted streets. The engine of his car murmured softly in the quiet night. The streetlights blinked as he passed, reflecting on the hood like shooting stars. As he approached Tina's house, the music grew louder, a persistent bass that throbbed in his chest. Upon arrival , he parked with a loud screech and stepped out of the car. The house was lit up like a lighthouse, laughter and chatter floated in the air. In the front yard, his friends were huddled together, dancing shadows against the warm light emanating from the house.
"Billy, Billy!" they shouted in unison, their voices rising above the music. The bottles in their hands glistened in the moonlight as they raised their arms in a jubilant greeting. "Billy, Billy, Billy!" they sang, again and again, their words becoming a welcome anthem, a cheerful and unrestrained melody that celebrated his arrival.
The blonde responded with a smile, the warmth of the welcome mixing with the coolness of the night. These were his people here, his moment, and the night had only just begun.
With a triumphant smile, Billy made his way through his friends and took the bottle of Jack Daniel's from Tommy's hands. He lifted it in a bold gesture and, without hesitation, tilted his head back, letting the amber liquid flow freely. The whiskey slipped down his throat, a warm current that promised euphoria and uninhibition. When he finished, he let out a triumphant shout, a roar that resounded with the energy of the night. A few rogue drops of Jack Daniel's escaped from the corners of his mouth, tracing a damp path down his neck and disappearing under the fabric of his t-shirt. His friends burst into laughter, the sound of their joy mixing with the music inside and the shouts of jubilation.
One of them, still laughing, handed him a cold beer. "To finish off, champ!" they encouraged him, as Billy accepted the bottle with a knowing smile. He opened it with a snap and brought the edge to his lips, ready to continue the celebration. The party was in full swing and, in just a few seconds, Billy was the undisputed protagonist of the night.
The atmosphere was electric, charged with laughter and the murmur of animated conversations. The notes of a soft and seductive song floated in the air, mingling with the bittersweet aroma of beer. They had spent an hour talking about their conquests and academic failures, each anecdote more hilarious than the last. The night was young and the possibilities, endless.
With high spirits fueled by alcohol and camaraderie, they decided to venture into the heart of the party. The house, lit up with dim lights and decorated with colorful garlands, vibrated to the rhythm of the music. As they entered, their bodies began to move almost instinctively, letting themselves be carried away by the melody that promised more than just a dance. That's when he saw her. A silhouette that immediately captured his attention, a girl who danced with the same passion and grace as the slow and sensual song that played. Her hair moved in waves to the rhythm of the music, and although he could only see her back, there was something about her posture that irresistibly drew him in. Surrounded by friends, she was the center of a whirlwind of laughter and fluid movements. With determined but gentle steps, he began to approach. Every step was a beat of the song, every movement a line of the story that was about to be written. The distance shortened and the anticipation grew; he was about to enter the orbit of the unknown, ready to join the dance and discover where the night would take them.
With determined steps, he approached the brunette, letting the music envelop them in its seductive melody. His compliments flowed naturally, expressing his admiration for her skillful movements. With a bold gesture, he slipped his arm smoothly around the girl's waist, feeling the curve of her back under his touch as he pulled her closer to him. The closeness was intoxicating; Billy's hips fit perfectly against the girl's back, forming an intimate connection that moved to the hypnotic rhythm of the song. Every movement was a sensual dance, an improvised choreography that enveloped them in an aura of irresistible attraction. Initially, the girl seemed to tense up, ready to push him away abruptly, but as she felt Billy's firm grip and noticed his athletic physique pressing against her, her reaction changed. Although she still couldn't see him, the sensation of his muscled arm clinging to her, his toned torso against her back, and his deep voice resonating in her ear, sparked a spark of intrigue and excitement in her. Moreover, the effect of alcohol clouded her inhibitions, causing worries and doubts to fade into the mist of the party. In that state of disregard and euphoria, she decided to go with the flow, allowing the chemistry of the moment to envelop them in a dance of desire and mutual attraction.
Through the haze of the drink, one of her friends watched every move, although their minds were not entirely clear. The other, with a playful smile, leaned against the other and murmured something unintelligible, but clearly amused. The friend turned and laughed, completely oblivious to her friend's confusion. The stranger with whom she was dancing led her with confidence. The friends, in their alcoholic state, began to speculate with knowing looks and comments between laughs. "Who is that hunk?" one asked, while another replied with an exaggerated shrug. Finally, when the song ended, the expressions of the friends went from amusement to astonishment. "It's Billy!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices rising above the music.
With every move, Billy drew closer to the unknown girl. His hands, skillful and determined, gently roamed the contours of her body as his lips delicately explored the exposed skin of her neck. The touch of his lips sent shivers down the girl's spine, who let herself be carried away by the exhilarating sensation of the moment.
Without warning, Hargrove took the initiative and spun the girl around, pulling her towards him with a fiery impulse. Their kiss was like a spark that ignited desire in both of them, a fire that threatened to consume them completely. Billy's hand slid firmly to rest on the curve of the girl's hip, while his other hand gently clung to her nape, intensifying the contact between their bodies. The sound of the girl's laughter whispered in Billy's ear, causing a mischievous smile to form on his lips. They separated briefly, but their gazes remained connected, charged with complicity and desire. However, when they finally recognized each other, a mix of surprise and complication took hold of their faces, breaking the spell of the magical moment they had shared.
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yellowgreendinno · 5 months
!Teaser Trailer! .⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Flickers of Fire amidst the Mist
Styx Lügner was one of the happiest girls Nebra had ever met. Her amber yellow eyes shines with brightness and her fiery hair bounced with every step she gave. The red gem that hung on her forehead was a reminder of her family line, which, even though she didn't like much, she wore with pride.
On Styx's 15th birthday, she joined the Purple Orcas alongside Xerx. Nebra missed having her around, she cherrished her a lot at her 11 years of age. Styx always hang out with that peasant man. Even due to his status, Nebra thought he was cool, and even a cool dad.
But then, in the midst of the happiness, Zara Ideale passed away. Xerx became distant, as well as the vice Captain of their squad. And for the first time in forever, Styx was different. She had a horrible look on her face.
Not much different to Nozel's. No wonder they were best friends.
But they grew apart. They all did. And Nebra went after her, trying to find out what happened. Everything she had, was gone in an instant.
Tienes to flickers of fire amidst the mist.
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merakiui · 6 months
25, 29, and 35 :)
💖 thank you for asking!!
(ask game)
25. Are there any specific writing tools that you find helpful?
Dictionary/thesaurus!! It helps when I need to check the definition of a word if I'm not sure. Grammar checkers also help, but I like doing the proofreading and editing on my own because I think it's fun to manually make a rough draft more polished.
29. Are there any characters, relationships, or general character dynamics you've never written about but would like to try?
I really liked writing gross, grimy tweels from this fic. They're so morbid. >_< I would like to write more with a morbid duo or pairing who are pining for darling. The Rook and Vil kidnapping you for r18 film is winning in the recent poll for a Vil fic, so I plan to make that one morbid!!!
I also want to write more fem twst fics! Definitely more stepcest and creepy professors. Also more sk Floyd. I miss him. ;;; and god!twst. Something with cults. More angst. Styx Idia.... something with ex-husband dynamic.
I also............. waaaa it's a confession,,, orz I'd like to write more Malleus.
AAAAAA there's so much I want to write!!!! If I continued to write it all here, the list would go on indefinitely.
35. What do you enjoy most about being a fic writer?
I'm happy to be able to share my stories and meet lots of people who have similar interests! I'm also very grateful to have a space to brain rot with everyone. (⸝⸝⸝• ω •⸝⸝⸝) ♡ thank you for always chatting with me!!!!!!!!
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 months
Effervescent liminality (if your still doing the playlist ask game) thanks! ♡
End of Beginning - Djo
Fantasy -Mariah Carey
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
Evermore - Dan Stevens
Raise Your Glass -P!NK
Versace on the Floor - Bruno Mars
Everytime - Britney Spears
Same Girl - R. Kelly
Come Sail Away - Styx
Every Morning - Sugar Ray
Natural - Imagine Dragons
Take on Me - a-ha
Leave the Door Open - Bruno Mars
Ironic - Alanis Morissette
Marvins Room - Drake
I'm Not a Vampire - Falling in Reverse
Numb - Linkin Park
After Dark - Mr. Kitty
Let's Groove - Earth, Wind & Fire
It's My Party - Lesley Gore
Take a Bow - Rihanna
You Found Me - The Fray
send me ur name/URL in an ask and ill make u a playlist from my playlists using the letters from them
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yuurei20 · 2 months
Hello! I’m so glad I’ve found your blog! I always like looking at TWST theories but have found it hard to find ppl talk about it without any spoilers of stuff not in the ENG server yet! I was so happy when I stumbled across one of your vids on YouTube by chance and saw that you don’t talk about Book 7 at all, beyond what is already released in English.
Speaking of theories, I was wondering if you knew anything about the theory of Ace betraying (will betray or perhaps…already has?) the Prefect. I don’t know if it’s a popular theory but I’ve seen it mentioned once or twice
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question! ♡
For the origins of this theory, I think it may have come from a comment in vol. 1 of the official Fanbook!
"Trappola is the name of a classic Italian card game, and means 'trap'." - Twisted Wonderland Fanbook vol.1
And, the "classic Italian card game" being referenced? Is "the earliest known trick-taking game where the Ace is promoted above the king." 👀
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But Ace being a "traitor" and being "promoted above the king" have both already come into play, when he punches Riddle in the face after forming a plan to overthrow him in Book 1.
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I looked into a few JP-server communities to see if there is maybe some secret connections being made behind the scenes, but for how popular this theory is I found a surprising number of reassurances that it is all unfounded rumors! Just people having fun ^^
I, too, have been unable to find anything in-game to insinuate that Ace is being built up as a traitor!
(Although he does lie a lot!)
And there was an interesting summary on kamigame.jp! (Conveniently, this particular page has not been updated with anything beyond what has been released on EN.)
The summary points out how, thus far, every 1st-year student's unique magic has been introduced to us when they were saving someone from someone else: Jack trying to help Ruggie, Deuce protecting Epel, Epel saving the prefect/the STYX staff member, etc.
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Kamigame brings up Rapunzel's magic from the movie, and how she was capable of both healing wounds and reversing aging, i.e., turning back time: one of the few things we know of that Malleus cannot do.
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The game has also made a point of establishing that "Not even Styx tech can turn back time."
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Is it possible that Ace's unique magic, too, is going to manifest in a situation where he will be saving someone from something? Perhaps the prefect, like Epel did? Tying into the timeloop theory? 👀
If we want to try and bring the "traitor" theory in, the best theorizing I have been able to find is people asking: what if Ace betrays the prefect by doing what is best for them, even if they do not want him to do it? By saving them in some way that will be detrimental to himself or to the world, for example: sacrificing himself, or something, or someone, in order to save the prefect or to return them home?
As there has been nothing in-game to insinuate that Ace is secretly, consciously and maliciously plotting some grand betrayal, that might be my favorite interpretation of the theory ^^ But it is still just a theory overall--just people having fun!
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yan-lorkai · 5 months
Hi hiii I'm the anon that requested the Charlie! Reader and I was wondering- would it be weird to ask for a Adam! Reader with yan! Idia, Leona, Malleus, and Vil? (If you it's too many feel free to remove anyone! ^^)
And can I be Beanie anon? If it's alright?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: It's not weird at all. Adam has it's charms though he isn't one of my favorites character so this end up a little short. Also yes, you absolutely can be Beanie anon (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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The first human, the one who saw everything and did everything. An angel of the highest rank, despite all his arrogance, superb character and foul vocabulary, you find yourself trapped here, still doing things your way, ordering and mocking everyone. Some students hate you, others love you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ For Vil, you are incorrigible. Someone he doesn't see why he loves as intensely as he does. Or maybe it's just because you two are so different that he feels curious at first and then interested. Still, there are many things you must work on to achieve your best, many things he will make you change, no matter what techniques he has to use. Doesn't care about your status but he does get curious about heaven. What does it look like? Did humans portray heaven right? As much as he is the one manipulating and twisting the threads to control you, Vil is also curious and someone as old and "wise" as you could use that to silence him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Idia... Idia finds you intimidating, out of his reach, a UR+ card he'll never get no matter how much he farms and pulls. He starts watching you soon after you appear in this world, waiting to see what he would have to deal with if your paths ever crossed. You are intriguing, strong and confident, everything he is not, everything he wanted to be. He is a little surprised when he finds out about your high status and angel powers, but he is confident that he can defeat you and lock you inside STYX if you ever have to fight.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He doesn't care about your angel status, your powers, about heaven or the purge that takes place annually in hell. Leona doesn't care about any of that, preferring to think and plan how to shut you up when you go on and on about how you're the first human and everything you've ever seen and done. Due to your different powers, Leona tends to use more physical force against you, which usually ends in a draw since you both are strong. But you love the challenge, teasing and mocking him. "How bold of you, Kingscholar, trying to kidnap the first human!" How does it end? With a headache for Leona, so many people for him to obsess over and he fell in love with this troublesome angel.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Malleus think you're funny and he likes to watch you interact with your peers. He is like a researcher watching its subject doing random things, being fascinated. He does not mind your status but offer to help with the purge that happens in hell if you want. He would also like to hear you talking about whatever you have seen and done as you are older than him. Talk about heaven, about the earth, about anything you like, he'll hear you with a smile on his face the whole time. Though if you both fight someday he straight up just use his unique magic to trap you inside a dream.
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sourfunstrips · 12 days
Name at least 1 thing you like about each of your moots
well i don't have many here so lmao
garb: they're my sibling!! my compadre!!!!! i genuinely love how sweet they are and i cannot wait to see them in person and be able to give them all of the platonic cuddles they could ever DREAM OF!!! i love them!!!!! sm!!!! /p they're also a baking GOD and my dumbass wants to slurp up whatever they make because lactose intolerance be DAMNED i want whatever shit they throw together
don: my lil bro!!! my broseph!!!! he worries me a lot sometimes and i know i'm genuinely in no position to say anything because i've been in his position before (and still kinda am, despite having more freedom than i ever have before) so that's cool i guess. but anyways his art is (chef's kiss) and i love how he thought about putting me in tmnt:ff as casey even though he REALLY didn't need to- so tl;dr i love you lil brobro you got this ♡
mimi: we don't talk much, but she makes me smile whenever she pops into my inbox!! ♡
styx: same w mimi, i always smile when i see them sjebeneben
phan: do you want me to make an entire video essay.
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styxhealthnsafety · 6 months
How's the living quality in Styx?
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hoppin on the emotions train for a second here, but i agree wholeheartedly with phantom.
genuinely, if it were not for you and tomi and mimi and styx and everyone else i've met because of them, i would not be here right now.
i would have most likely succumbed to my urges, but i haven't.
you (yes, you in specific) have given me a new type of hope i don't have normally.
you, little brother that i love oh so much, are the best fucking thing to have happened to me and i am SO glad i met you.
to quote someone:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
i love you, little brother. ♡♡♡ /p
Falls to the floor dramatically choking back sobs
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♡ mark x donghyuck
river styx (1/1 | 11,031 | M)
by bluedesert
“Would you give me the world, if I asked it of you?” Donghyuck asks.
“I would,” Mark says immediately.
“Then give me your world, and I will give you springtime.”
(aka hades & persephone/greek god au with a twist)
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