ambivalent-auguries · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​ / Roger for Jumin. 
     Being fashionably late was one of Roger’s strong suits. Making an entrance, however, was his expertise. He ran a hand over his carefully styled hair before exiting his sports car and throwing the keys with a charming grin to one of the valets. 
     “Take care of her, will you?” A strong English enveloped his words as he patted the man on the shoulder and made his way towards the entrance of the imposing mansion. He gave dazzling smiles to any eyes that set on him and was welcomed into the building by a tray of champagne glasses. “Cheers,” he made as he picked up a flute and advanced further. The ballroom basked in tones of gold and red, stylish decorations adorning walls and tables. Everything around him looked and felt expensive. 
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     “Ah, Melanie!” he greeted as he rose his glass towards one of the women afront him. “Long time, no see, no?” Kisses on cheeks were shared, introductions were made and soon enough, as usual, Roger was the centre of attention. He accepted the flattery with feigned timidness, never one to shy away from laudation. Entrapped as he was in conversation, he barely noticed the familiar face in the crowd - he did see him, however. With rushed apologies, he took his leave with a promise to return, before walking towards the man that piqued his interest. 
     “Fancy meeting you here, Jumin. I didn’t know you care about orphans,” he quipped, a charming smile sitting comfortably on his lips. 
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yariibu · 4 years
   This, among the hundreds of kisses they’ve shared, was welcomed. However, the thrill of it lied in the fact that this was the first time they’d kissed in a public setting. Unlike the alley behind the building of the RFA party, this spot wasn’t unfamiliar with strolling pedestrians. Zen felt like his own head was swimming, slightly tipsy from the beer he’d been drinking at the restaurant they settled on having dinner at.
  Zen welcomed the other’s pressed form as his back hit the wall of the building, a smile playing at his lips under the kiss. The risk of being found out was still there, even when he currently wasn’t in South Korea. Japan was aware of Zen’s climb to fame, but their relationship had yet to be fully disclosed. However, what with Zen’s family having learned of Zen’s partner and denying him moreso than before, he decided to throw his cares to the wind. Fuck it -- he loved this man.
  Therefore, he should be allowed to kiss this man wherever and whenever he liked. So he returned the kiss, hands pressed firm to Yui’s sides to keep him close. “I love you,” Zen muttered against Yui’s mouth, fingers hooking into the belt loops of the other’s pants to keep him close.   // @stylesofh2o
he knows it would be safer for the sake of appearances to have waited until they weren’t in public anymore - but yui felt like he’d waited long enough . he’s selfish , he knows . but it seemed like anything that could have gone wrong already had at this point - & after waiting a two whole months after leaving south korea to be able to meet up with zen again , he felt like he’d waited long enough to be able to get close like this .
yui wasn’t there when zen’s family found out . he wasn’t there to help . all he could do was stay on the phone & try to cease his own climbing anger at the entire situation . but he could do something now . 
their kiss when yui had met up with zen at the airport wasn’t enough for him . hands gripped at his shoulders near desperately as he forces the other’s back against the wall , catching him in a kiss that needed to make up for two month’s time . he didn’t want to play this hiding game anymore . even though he was the one so willing to sneak around & pretend their relationship didn’t exist - it started to hurt him . & yui didn’t want to feel insignificant compared to zen anymore .   ❝ ....i love you , too . ❞   he breathes , hand reaching up to cup zen’s cheek as he hides his face in the space under the other’s jaw .   ❝ shit.... i really missed you . ❞
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malibvnghts · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​  /  jaeho && gabriel
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            “  alright . . . forget pleasantries  ,  ”  jaeho said  ,  eyes looking up from the file he was reading when the door opened  .  immediately stubbing out the cigarette  ,  he rarely smoked around guests  (  and less so . . . around gabriel as a courtesy to the man’s child  ,  though the other shouldn’t feel special . . . jaeho’s just conscious of who is around him and where he smokes  )  ,  he doesn’t rise from his seat to greet the russian nor make a move to accommodate him  .             “  your frenzied texts has caused so much disruption that you managed to wiggle a meeting . . . so what did you want  ??  ”  he asks  ,  leaning back in his seat  .
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inanthesis · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​ | Happy Birthday Jumin
It was in typically dramatic Daisuke fashion that he’d arrived, exiting the needlessly extravagant car with two assistants at his back carrying his things: a large finely crafted and well-polished wine crate AND A CAT CARRIER.
This was AN ENTIRE DAY cleared on his schedule to visit one of his very few friends he actually wanted to keep. Whether he’d actually get this entire day to spend with Jumin? He couldn’t really say when he’d told Haru back at the MCPTF to contact him if anything came up but until any disasters DID or DID NOT show up unannounced he was set on enjoying himself and hoped Jumin would enjoy himself, too.
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❝ Jumin, I know I didn’t give any notice but since I had the time I thought I should spare a visit on your birthday. Genevieve is here too to keep Elizabeth company. ❞ He’d greet with a NATURAL smile the second blue eyes landed on the other magnate. The last time they’d met up Daisuke hadn’t been in the best of moods with everything that had started to unravel but now that was all behind him. Putting his focus toward re-inventing the Kanbe legacy since it was so thoroughly tarnished by his grandmother’s actions has become FULFILLING WORK and traveling the world with Haru and building upon the bond they’d already established left him feeling BETTER THAN EVER. Perhaps even to a point he could say he was HAPPY.
❝ As you may know I’ve been traveling again to handle business with Inspector Katou so I’ve hand-picked a selection of different wines from each country we’ve visited in the last month- ALL REDS OF COURSE, as is your preference. ❞
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detectivekambe · 4 years
Campus college life...it was a concept Daisuke never fathomed nor had the chance to experience given how the young detective was heir to his family fortune. With a private tutor cherry-picked from a pool of worthy and talented teachers, he was given the luxury of learning within the confines of his childhood home. Frankly, there was no need to mingle amongst commoners outside the Kambe estate unless Daisuke was given reason to. Life outside luxury was vastly different though he was willing to drop a few advantages to pose more ‘normal’ amongst his temporary peers.
Of course there was little effort on Daisuke’s behalf making arrangements for their current task at hand. He along with his partner, Kato were able to slip onto the college campus, undetected and cascading as students as they arranged for a dorm fit for two people. Briskly leading the way to their newly acquired dorm (after a long-winded tour of the school they were attending), Daisuke promptly rolled his suitcase besides his bed before strolling past to shut the door behind them. Upon turning to Kato, he couldn’t help but to look beyond, inspecting the details of their room upon sweeping glance, a miniscule hint of distaste coloring his face as he noticed the missed form of dirt collecting at the corner of one of the nearby tables.
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❝ The least they could’ve done was dust the tables and the corners of this room..❞ Daisuke commented flatly, peeling off his coat and neatly folding it across his arm in an attempt to make himself feel more ‘at home’, more ‘comfortable’.
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❝ We need to find a way to extract information from the students here without being too conspicuous..I’m assuming methods used in the past won’t work here considering there’s a very low probability of someone with a large amount of wealth attending this campus in particular..❞ Daisuke said, returning his glance back towards Kato as he awaited his superior’s answer. 
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manynarrators · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​ || plotted Augustus && Tryphon
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New York might not have been the bustling home of the most famous ballets, or the dancers who were most well-known; the Royal Ballet, and the Bolshoi were far, far more likely to claim those titles, but New York was home, and it almost always came with new things; new ballets, new roles, new auditions. The announcement of the opening of Apollo had come at a good time. He’d finished the year, Julliard’s strict  training schedule a familiar one after three years, and the exams had finished early last week.
Now, he was at the theatre, dance bag resting beside him, as he tied the first pointe shoes. They were starting to wear thin, and he’d need to replace them, probably sooner rather than later (he’d learned the value of not letting them wear out on him after the soles came loose mid jump, and he’d landed and sprawled half way across the room). He tied off the shoe, the ribbon tight behind his ankle as he crossed his legs, and began with the second foot.
There wasn’t an overwhelming number of people; most of them were ones he’s seen before- a few he’d been going to classes with since they were both small enough to not realize they wanted to do this as a career. Even then, there had never been an overwhelming number of men in the ballet, and he’d had more than a few years where he was the only one he saw outside competitions. 
A few of them might even be stiff competition for the titular role, but... across the room, was someone he hadn’t seen at an audition before, but did remember seeing in the paper a handful of weeks back. At the time, he hadn’t payed much attention, too caught up in the distraction of practice and the approaching finals. Now, he’d have to see what the other man was like, and what sort of rivalry there would be.
Tryphon clicked on his phone, checking the time, and stood in a smooth motion before pushing his glasses up. There was still time before they were supposed to be on stage, an introduction couldn’t hurt. 
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hancfubuki · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​ / x
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    “right. i don’t know which one of you is most insufferable.” probably himself, but never gonna accept it. even at this point, junho was unsure on how to socialize with his bandmates. faking it in front of the camera was actually easier than real life. “nope. hyung is busy today and hajoon is boring because he always breaks. that makes you my victim today, consider yourself lucky.” 
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lilacasia · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​  /  sc.
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            “  here  ,  take some more . . . don’t worry about it being too sweet  ,  ”  he presses a few more candies into the other’s hand  ,  “  i make them myself . . . it’s actually healthier than it is junk  ,  ”  he declares  ,  offering a bright smile  .  “  it’s good for an energy boost  .  ”
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mcnyhearts · 4 years
continued with @stylesofh2o​​ !!!
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           MAFUYU COULDN’T LOOK HIM IN THE EYES.     ---     it wasn’t a new thing for him, and ongoing problem and thing he struggled with but... never with yuki. not since they were kids. once they got over the hump of meeting and getting to know each other as children, mafuyu didn’t have any issues looking him in the eyes. their connection only got stronger as the got older and closer. as they dated, as they loved... and then it all came crashing down after a fight.
          a fight that mafuyu still completely blamed himself for.
          sure, mafuyu had been trying to say he was lonely. that he was being left behind. that he wanted to be seen and heard but yuki but... it all came out wrong. things always came out wrong. mafuyu couldn’t express himself right, and usually yuki could see past that. not that time though. they walked away and the next time mafuyu saw him was hanging from the ceiling. screaming for help as he clung to the other’s legs to keep him up, hoping he was still alive. he lived but, he disappeared. it didn’t make sense, mafuyu was hurt and confused. the person who said they would never leave was gone and all he had was a guitar. in the end, the only thing that made sense to him was trying to play music. the thing he had hated because he thought it was taking yuki from him.
          arms were wrapped around the guitar, holding it close to his chest like it was a life line for him. if he let go, what would happen? would he fall apart? the real thing was standing in front of him suddenly and all mafuyu could do is stare down at the guitar. the guitar he carried around everyday, even before he learned to play. “ okay... thank you... ” he muttered out, his grip tightening around it still. he looked like he was protecting it with his life.
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orcx-nus · 4 years
@stylesofh2o​ liked for a starter!
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         Maybe he shouldn’t have been running.
         Maybe he should’ve been paying more attention to where he was going.
         Maybe he could’ve done a lot of things differently.
         Either way, it was a little too late to stop the sequence that followed.
         Almost as if suddenly stuck in a slow-motion sequence, his eyes widen in shock as he feels his feet slip beneath him (surely no thanks to a hidden patch of ice upon the sidewalk), followed by a sinking of the heart as he realizes he’s slipping in the direction of an unfortunate passerby just rounding the corner. All he can do at that point is make a feeble shouted attempt at a ‘Watch out!’ before he tightly shuts his eyes and braces for impact.
         Next thing he knows, he’s opening his eyes to find himself sprawled on the ground, pants and hands cold and wet from the damp snow, and... his unfortunate victim struggling to stand up.
“W-Wah, I-I’m so sorry!!!”          he exclaims as he jumps to his feet, having forgotten his own pain and discomfort in his desire to help the other man out of his misery. 
         Though clearly ashamed, Makoto doesn’t hesitate to extend a helping hand to stabilize the poor stranger.
“Are you alright?”
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@stylesofh2o​  —  thank you so much  !!
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@churlchief​  —  ayyy thanks so much  !!
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@fatetrapt​  —  thanks  !!  well  ,  plenty of good things have happened this year so i’d say yeah . . . 25 is pretty okay  .  don’t worry  ,  i have a crisis 24/7 so we can have a crisis together :)
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ambivalent-auguries · 4 years
     Sebastian rides out the high of his night with Ugetsu for as long as he can, a genuine smile on his face even after the man takes his leave. All of the sudden, he finds himself texting two people instead of only Yu on his lunch break during his Saturday shift and a few hours later he is in a change of clothes, ready to meet his best friend and his mysterious housemate. He takes in the gallery as his eyes drift from one exposition to the other, all the while his gaze searching for the familiar figure of his friend. He is quick to shoot a text across and ask for some more precise directions and a bright smile contours against his face as he rounds the corner to where Yu was supposed to be found. 
      Oh. His smile falters some, replaced by confusion and surprise. His steps don’t stop, however, and he is slowly brought closer to not one, but two familiar faces. He doesn’t know if he should respond with mirth or incredulity at the sight and by the time he makes his way towards the two men, he is still unsure. 
      “You have to be kidding me,” he breathes, a strained laugh escaping his chest. “You’re housemates?” he asks, his gaze flicking between the two, surprise still anchored in his eyes as he instinctively leans over to Ugetsu’s side to grab his hand. “This is insane,” he chuckles as his gaze moves back over to Yu, a warm smile on his features now. 
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yariibu · 4 years
it’s been almost ten years since he’s heard any of the names printed on the letter he held in his hand . during the beginning of his teaching career , he remembers the students in south korea that solidified his decision to continue teaching once he’d returned to japan . to hear that one of them had passed - & so young , too - it conflicted him . kono never even believed that they’d remember him , let alone invite him to the funeral . 
which was how he found himself at a sullen venue in seoul , black suit adorned & the very same letter tucked away in his coat’s inner pocket . he clears his throat , trying his best to not shove his hands into his pockets & look disrespectful . one of the very first things he notices is that.... he doesn’t know a damn face in that venue . & he hasn’t run into jihyun since he got there , only catching views of him before awkwardly standing in the corner of the venue’s main lobby after the readings . he almost feels like he’s already overstayed his welcome . he could use a drink right now .
a hand runs down the parts of his face he’d shaved that morning , heaving a sigh before ultimately deciding to leave , eyes toward the ground before his strides cause his shoulder to collide with another . a hand immediately steadies on the other’s shoulder with a “ tch “ leaving his lips .   ❝ i’m sorry , i - ❞   then , he got a good look at the other’s face . & when it’s up close , he knows he wasn’t mistaking . he really hadn’t changed too much in the looks department .   ❝ jumin ? ❞   // @stylesofh2o | jumin han .
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malibvnghts · 4 years
[  @stylesofh2o  /  cont  ]
            being drawn into a slow dance across the kitchen floor was new to xifen but not unwelcomed  .  there was some sort of beautiful intimacy to just being able to savor the moment with one another  ,  dancing slowly as the world seemed to revolve around the two of them  .  she finds herself humming to the song  ,  head resting against beau as he took the lead  .  she takes a moment to pull back and look at the man  ,  the words leaves her lips without a thought  .             arms around the other’s shoulders  ,  she finds herself seated on the counter as the song came to a slow fade  .  a tilt of her head and a smile on her lips  ,  “  of course  ,  now or when you’ve got grease across your forehead  ,  ”  she jokes  ,  teasing the other lightly as he nosed along her jaw  .             a gentle shiver at the breath against her skin  ,  “  mm . . . i try my best  ,  ”  she replies  ,  tone soft  ,  arms loose around beau’s shoulders  ,  “  have to look my best for the best  ,  ”
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inanthesis · 4 years
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❝ Jumin. What level of bribery would it take to get you to reduce your height when standing next to me? Constantly looking up at you is both infuriating and exhausting and you know there is nothing I can’t acquire for you if you simply ask. ❞
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ahiiru · 4 years
     it’s not that nezumi’s upset he went out for drinks on new year’s eve and woke up the next year in someone else’s apartment...rather, it’s the cliché of it all. 
     unfamiliar ceiling, check. unfamiliar bed, check. unfamiliar immobile lump in the sheets beside him, check. if nezumi’s hangover were any worse, he’d think he woke up in a second-rate romcom as a flighty hooker played by julia roberts. he pops up from the pillows and promptly squints — not because he can’t see, but because last night’s mascara is crusting over in his eye and his stringy black bangs are matted to his face. he’s hardly a sleeping beauty, and yet the first thing that leaves his mouth, croaky and deadpan, is:
     “ — you’re not as attractive as i remember you. ”
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