#strong sense of composition and light
gigivas · 3 months
1K GIGI Prompts Collections 'Vivid Contrast: Abstract Woman's Profile' 6014 Free 10 pages out of 1000 pages
Get Free 10 pages MTMEVE00573G_274_0001 – 1K GIGI Prompts Collections – Vivid Contrast, Abstract Woman’s Profile 6014 10PagesDownload 1K GIGI Prompts Collections ‘Vivid Contrast: Abstract Woman’s Profile’ 6014 series provides two documents, one document is 10 pages of prompts in 1000 pages, available for free download. One document is the complete 1000 pages of prompts, this is a paid service,…
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hot-astrology · 3 months
Herzen (3052) ~ Your Love
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Herzen represents your hearts content and where you vibrate on the frequency of love. This asteroid represents the heart. Today, we'll be going over more prominent aspects/placements in synastry, composite, and natal. In the natal chart, Herzen will show where you vibrate on the frequency of love and where you love the hardest. In synastry, we see where this love is ignited between the two. In composite, if there are prominent placements, then it shows where there is unconditional love within the relationship.
Herzen conjunct Neptune
Natally Herzen conjunct neptune shows a transcendental love that the chart holder possesses. They have the ability to love past flaws and worldly circumstances. They know how to love others from & for the soul because they understand we are all one.
In synastry, this is powerful because, again, we see unconditional love with no boundaries. The neptune person has no idea how much the herzen person loves them, although subconsciously, they feel it. They can have dreams and strong intuitive feelings of loving the other. This love has nothing to do with the physical but all with the oness they feel together spiritually.
In composite, this aspect tells the story of a relationship filled with unconditional and undying love. There is definitely a spiritual link between the two.
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Herzen conjunct Saturn
Did you know saturn represents contracts? It only makes sense because of Saturn's will to bind things together. Not to mention, that libra the sign of contracts is exalted here. There is a strong connection of contracts & business whenever saturn is involved with something, that's why saturn is karma because when you make a contract with someone, you now both owe the other something. When saturn aspects herzen, but especially conjuncts the native has a contract to learn about the matters of the heart. They have come down to this dense,3d realm (saturn) to learn how to love unconditionally and vibrate on that frequency. In synastry this is the same except, the saturn person has a contract with the herzen person to learn about love, and saturn is here to teach herzen lessons about love. This energy is also reciprocated into composite. The relationship will be filled with trials & lessons about love.
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Herzen conjunct Sun
Herzen conjunct Sun in the natal chart shows that the native is the physical embodiment of love, and their personality exudes this heart frequency. They can be very selfless, and it's important for them to not just love others but also themselves. People can love the light this person gives off. In composite, this shows that the source of the relationship is based on love; and when these souls come together, the vibration of the relationship is the heart. In synastry, they both love each other a lot and are willing to sacrifice certain things for others. This is a representation of unconditional love. Look at where this conjunction is taking place.
Herzen in 7h
In the natal chart, this shows that through partnerships/marriage, this is where your heart feels content. This native likely gives a lot in their relationships, and it's also important in relationships that their partners show them, unconditional love. They will likely attract partners who have a very big heart. Herzen 7h overlay in synastry can show the energy of love exists strongly within the relationship of these two. Their souls agreed to come together to gain love within their connection. Herzen person exudes this energy in the 7h person's eyes, and they love the Herzen under no conditions, and Herzen just loves the 7h person just because of the way they are. Similar to the Herzen 7h overlay in composite, there is unconditional love within their relationship.
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While doing some research, I stumbled upon a page on Instagram called @extraasf, and their posts are SO inquisitive. They introduced me to this asteroid, and I had to know more. So go check out their page if you are into the more spiritual side of astrology! These are just a few descriptions of some random placements, but pay attention to this asteroid if it's closely conjunct to any planets/angles. I would also say look to see if you have this asteroid at any libra degrees (7°,19°) because this rules over relationships/contracts! Hope you guys enjoyed it, see you next week. 🌙
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𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 |🫦| masterlist
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gudgurkan · 3 months
Got any tips in shading stuff in black and white digitally?
Hi Anon!
You're in luck! I'm currently wrapping up a book which is shaded digitally, so I've been thinking a lot about this recently.
How I do this is by no means the only way, so take from these tips as much or little as you want! When I add grays and shadows to a line art drawing, I try to think about these things:
Preparing the image
I like to work with a file that has a white background and a layer with only line art on top of it. Between these two layers I add new layers where I use the pen tool and bucket to fill areas with black, then I lower the opacity for that layer to get a value that I want.
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This method works well for me, and for simpler pieces I don't need more than 3 layers with different values - light, medium and dark grays.
I work in Clip Studio. Here's a picture of the layers of a recent drawing. Each layer is actually completely black but you can see the opacity percentages by each layer. Lower percentage -> brighter value. This makes it super duper easy to change the value of a layer, no need to repaint it, just change the opacity!
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Value composition
For the best result, do a couple of value sketches with a limited set of values and find something that works well for the image. Getting the values right is what will improve the image the most! Here's a quick tutorial on muddycolors. Muddy Colors is a very nice art blog to check out. Looking at grayscale storyboard drawings or value sketches are great ways to pick up on this too.
I try to group values when working with grays. Take this image for example:
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The character in the foreground has mainly dark grays, which separates her from the background, which has mostly light grays. Then the windows are white and the roof black.
Value composition is a huge and complex area and I recommend anyone wanting to learn to be more conscious about their values and to do value sketches. Analysing art you think has good values is great too.
Not every piece needs shadows, but they can add a lot to an image! I use three kinds of shadows when I work in grayscale.
Inked shadows - these shadows are added during the inking stage and usually show areas where light would have almost no way of getting there, such as under this tent.
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Gradient shadows - these shadows usually represent something getting further and further away from a light source or an area that would bounce light. This tree receives a tiny bit of light from a campfire on the ground and moonlight that bounces on the ground and up, fading as we get higher up in the tree. But mainly I add these gradients in ways that look cool and will help the overall composition.
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Hard shadows - these shadows appear when a strong light casts shadows and can be used on a shape or to cover something. Here's a werewolf with shadows on its back, which gives it a better sense of mass and is interesting visually!
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You can also cover an area in shadow like this, where the tree casts a shadow down on the archer and the cliff.
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I like to add a layer of noise as a finishing touch. In Clip Studio you can create a noise layer with Filter->Render->Perlin noise... Find a balance of scale and amplitude that works for the image, then change the layer mode to "Vivid Light" and lower the opacity of the layer to around 30%. I like how this looks, it's not super visible usually but helps make the drawing feel less artificial and digital.
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I hope that helps! Here are some nice links too:
Muddy Colors
Android Arts
Gurney Journey - Read his books!
Happy drawing!
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luneariann · 2 months
Honestly this was super hard to decide 😭😭 I ended up adding more honorable mentions slots and I’m still tempted to add more cuz you all did rly rly amazing! I wanna thank all of you for participating this was a super fun experience, now, with that said...
In first place we have @carrotkicks with their absolutely stunning piece! :)
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I fell head over heels for the composition its really really unique and it works wonderfully! Their colors were gorgeous and very well balanced, they rly took the prompt and made it their own and it worked wonders :)!
In second place we have @j11nko with this absolute banger of an art piece!
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OOO where do i even start, the lighting i think takes the cake here, completely made it look like they were bathed in gold, made the ambiance of it rly rly stand out, Cins coloring style has a way to make things rly look more vibrant and it showed especially clearly here :)!
In third place we have @afraid-of-the-deep-sea with this piece that had me staring for a solid ten minutes straight
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His use of texture and the symbolism was SPECTACULAR are you SEEING THIS IM SICKKK, once again a VERY unique piece that rly took ownership of the prompt, absolutely stunning, the colors were wonderfully vibrant and the whole thing has a way of sticking to you, amazing job
In fourth place we have @maractius with this beautiful piece right here
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ARE YOU SEEING THAT USE OF COLORS OUGHH, the coloring and rendering is insanely good, and their expressions are soso strong, literally obsessed w this, the way theres not a single stretch of canvas that isn't occupied in some way without making it look cluttered is rly rly interesting and well done, and the subtle shift in perspective is just the final detail that makes this an insanely good piece
And finally in fifth place we have @candiedfright ! With this absolutely lovely piece
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Ouuu this is so pretty 😭😭 the way they arranged the piece gave it a rly strong sense of depth, which in turn makes this piece feel like something ripped straight out of a movie, the way they handled shading only adding to it, SUCH a gorgeous job they did amazing
Now! Onto Honorable Mentions! :)
In honorable mentions we have @tedlebred s stunning piece
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Are you seeing that RENDERING OMIFHE obsessed, i love the way they implemented the flower details in their hair and their decision on the change of the setting, turning the prompt into a photograph and making the text into part of that new setting was a super clever choice that rly made their piece stand out :)
We also have @spiderbends with this rly wonderfully soft piece!
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The change in pose was so fun and so well done, that coupled with the change in expressions to ones much softer completely changes the vibe of the prompt and turns into something you could almost call playful! Taking the text from something confrontational to something teasing, rly rly lovely job!
Up next we have @seukorei with this lovely piece!
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Once again we have a change in pose that works beautifully to change the tone of the prompt, the shading and the colors chosen give this piece an almost melancholic atmosphere that manages to also be incredibly soft, truly wonderful job once again :)
And for our final honorable mention we have @lotus-pear ! With this pretty number
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THE POSEE, ouuu you guys r killing me w these pose changes! The new closeness of the two characters gives it a much more intimate vibe, coupled w their expressions it does a lovely job at emitting a sense of trust and comfortability between them thats just rly beautiful to see! Rly love job
Aaaand that abt wraps things up! I wanted to add more honorable mentions but i already added more than i was intending to 💔💔 choosing at all was rly rly hard
I wanna thank everyone once again for participating this was truly a rly nice experience and you guys did an amazing job! :)!!
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krisluxxeeempress · 3 months
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Pile One: The One That Got Away
The five of pentacles reversed, hanged man, empress, three of pentacles reversed, strength card reversed w/ the three of wands at the bottom of the deck- for starters. The energy I immediately received as cliché as they say, is simply you are the one that got away.
All the reversal cards are exactly what “your person” is realizing with the hanged man upright, in English, “your person” is experiencing that you are the end all be all. Some of you may think I am being dramatic when I say this and so you may have Leo placements and or they do. Usually, when someone realizes you are the one that got away its due to their actions influenced by thinking the grass was greener on the other side. It’s clear that when you were in this person’s energy, accessible to them- they were not cooperative, the strength card reversed would indicate that they were weak mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically -in addition to being immature with the way in which they handled you. There is no other explanation for someone to fumble The Empress, whether you are a man or women exuding this energy. Like Chaka Kan “ I’m Every Women” or remix “ I’m Every Man”. 
In other words, you have all the qualities a person in their right mind would desire, need and want and yet they fumbled your existence.  For every fumble, there’s a crumble. With the three of wands, “ your person” is trying to find a way back to you. Remember it takes The Ace of Wands ( new beginnings & energy ),  The Two of Wands ( Plans, Action & Follow Through) to reach The Three of Wands ( Doors Opening & Opportunity). “ Your person” is trying to strategize a plan to get you back somehow because again, they are coming to the realization that whatever or whomever they thought was better, ISN’T. This Three of Wands combined with the Strength card reversed energetically reminds me of someone walking with their tail in between their legs or better yet, taking that long walk of shame in the morning. I reference morning because the Empress card represents light. You are their light which reminds me further-more of Aquarius energy. Now let’s clarify the Three of Pentacles reversed. I want to know why they chose not to act right in other words when they had their chance. . . ( 2 minutes later- SpongeBob narrator voice) They didn’t want to act right because surprise, surprise ( The Ten of Cups, upright appeared)
 I suppose they were not ready, which confirms my previous point about their immaturity. The Ten of Cups is very intimate, raw, high vibrational and unbreakable that requires honesty, depth, baring one’s soul, unconditional love, commitment and longevity. I always get a spiritual vibe from The Ten of Cups which connects to The Empress energy you exude, as within and so without. Not making excuses for this person, “your person” but clearly you energy was “too good to be true, powerful, authentic and otherworldly”. Most fear success in a financial sense and this concept holds true when it comes to true love as well. Clearly.  Most will find a way to sabotage a good thing mainly due to fear and insecurity and I do not need to see The Moon card to confirm that fact. I feel like I can go deeper with this explanation but for some reason (that I am energetically aware of ) I am unable to, the way I want. Which lets me know that “your person” has just arrived at this realization and or is finally digesting the reality of their fumble of you. For some it may have been 3 years, months, weeks or days since you’ve last spoken to this person (though that is very specific- I am always hearing the word 4) Heavy Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer placements or Astrological transits and influencing you or them at this time. Some of you may be hearing this person’s name everywhere lately or they you. In synastry or Composite, you may have strong Venus, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Moon and or Saturn placements shared. (Using my own deck called “ Why are they mad”, to clarify The Hanged Man, “ your person” is mad because they don’t turn you on anymore & they must stay mad, cards came out.
So not only does something feel final to them- which confirms it’s been a while since you’ve both have spoken or seen each other but they must stay mad, meaning they figure you are not attracted to them anymore and I don’t mean physically. I mean spiritually and emotionally which to me counts for everything. Whereas, you are genuine, loving etc. inside and out- they realize they are the complete opposite. This also confirms they thought the grass was greener elsewhere- meaning they are superficial, and they held that in higher regard than someone ( you ) that showed them what true love could be and everything that comes with it. ( I want to write more but energetically this is all they can process right now- it’s that deep. They are beginning to dive deeper but as you know water is cold and it takes some adjusting too.
Cancer energy- the crab is on the land near the water. Scorpio energy goes deeper into the water and Pisces energy is the bottom of the Ocean) “ your person is experiencing Cancer- crab energy, they are adjusting to the cold water, their cold heart and your cold exterior. Feel me? I sure feel you. In conclusion, with the Three of Wands- the cards The King of Cups reversed, Fool reversed, and Two of Wands upright came out. Literally what I just said- they are going back and forth between land and water meaning- they are not ready STILL to dive in completely due to fear and the expectation of being vulnerable and honest. The King of Cups reminds me of Capricorn energy, not Scorpio. They may have Capricorn placements, or you. I don’t see them taking any action as of now.
( P.S. : I almost forgot to pull from my “ love oracle deck)
" Someone is viewing you as the one" card came out ( ON GOD)
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Pile Two: Let it Burn
The devil reversed, king of pentacles reversed, three of swords, three of cups reversed and the ten of wands reversed with the fool reversed at the bottom of the deck- for starters. I was literally hearing “Let it Burn” by usher when these cards came out and the last time I heard that song literally was last summer during a bonfire at my father’s house down at the beach. I say all this to say that last summer (I know what you did last summer vibes), someone’s father – or the fact they are a father or just became one and fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius placements) may be significant to some of you. Anyway, The Fool card appeared in PILE (1) reading above, so you may come from that pile, or it would be in your best interest to read that pile as well. “Your person” is a procrastinator because it's energetically taking me a long time to get to the point, I even had to restart my laptop to start thing reading. This could also be an indicator that “your person” has fought these painful feelings regarding you for some time- hence The Ten of Wands card reversed that are triggering The Three of Swords. The King of Pentacles reversed reveals that your person could be a Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo (or have those placements) which explains further the delay. More specifically if they are a Taurus- matters of finance, overindulgence (thanks to The Devil card reversed), status, comfort and an unwillingness to change explains what “your person” was too busy with as opposed to your connection with them. ( I just got tired out of nowhere) This energy feels like the cliché “ having all this success and no one to share it with” vibes. Damn, and it just got worse.
To clarify The Three of Swords, The Ten of Swords just came out (NO LIE). “Your person” is experiencing an emotional and mental devastation currently. It makes me wonder if “your person” has lost it all (and by all, I mean everything they were so busy being concerned with that wasn’t you) and only now that they aren’t distracted with those things, they are now feeling pain and mental anguish. The High Priestess and The Ace Of Cups came out to clarify further which lets me know that they knew all along you were The One, their One Love and Happiness but “ THE DEVIL MADE THEM DO IT”. . . .Like PILE (1), I am having a hard time energetically going deeper to get to the root of the problem which may indicate that your person is blaming everything but themselves for the demise of the once was relationship between the two of you. The Tower, Eight of Swords and Ace of Swords has appeared and so, “your person” is experiencing a TOWER MOMENT. The truth of matter has them trapped mentally and physically. This is extreme guilt, depression and KARMA.
“Your person” clearly aligned with societal norms and expectations- putting money, power, respect above true love and everything that comes with it and now they feel like it wasn’t worth it. In fact, they feel worthless. Crazy – the Justice card reversed just came out and keep in mind I am still clarifying The Three of Swords. “Your person” isn’t talkative now ( if they ever were) however, it’s hard to give more of an interpretation of their energy. The truth sets you free but first IT HURTS. (Pulling from my Why are they mad? Oracle cards) “ They are mad because they have nothing to offer but Hard D*** or Wet P*** card came out. ( DAMN) “ you person” may have used you to boost their ego and status in some way or flaunted their material goods in a manipulative way to make you feel like they were the prize, and you were simply not good enough or had to compete for them. ( I just pulled from my Love Oracle deck) “ someone is having raw sex with multiple people, and they are not just friends” cards came out. Now it makes sense why “ Let it Burn” came to mind. “ Your person” may be burning with an STD  or experiencing some kind of skin irritation, cold, flu, sickness or shingles. They burned a bridge with you and now they are burning in some way physically.
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Pile Three: Moving Fast
Eight of wands, ace of wands, page of swords reversed, three of swords, chariot and the magician at the bottom of the deck- for starters. Well damn, when the cards presented themselves, I literally couldn’t pick up the energy because it was moving so fast. I forced myself to sit still and process everything and that is the vibe “ your person” is coming in with. If you read the other piles, this fast movement towards you would be because “your person” is rushing in to fix things and doing so with BIG D*** energy ( whether they are man or women) Reason being is because for some of you it’s been years, months, weeks, or days that you’ve last seen or spoken with this person and they randomly came to a realization about you and the relationship you could of, should of, or would have had. For some you were the person that got away and now they figure rushing in and giving it their all- there may be hope. For others of you, “your person” is new. Even if you know them by name, seen them in passing or experienced a brief conversation- they feel relatively new.
We have all been hurt and that hurt should challenge us to heal, grow and move on and so “ your person” will be coming in to play the role of assisting you with moving on from a past heartbreak, disappointment or waste of time. “Your person” may be a fire sign ( Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) It’s energetically so strange because I want to reference the previous piles as if this is someone you know, and they are coming back with brand new energy but then part of me feels like some of you may still be holding on to the past ( Cancerian energy) and viewing this new person through hurt lens. Some of you may be making “your person” responsible for someone in the past hurting you. For others of you, if this is the same person coming back to prove themselves, I can feel that you are untrusting and holding their wrongdoings against them. I feel discouraged and I keep energetically questioning myself on whether this is a new person or the person from the previous piles. 
They say “time heals all” but personally, the longer it takes someone to apologize or attempt to do right by me the worse off they’ll be. Time makes me passively resentful, and I am wondering If this is how some of you feel if “your person” isn’t new. I feel extremely conflicted right now in this energy. Is this a new person moving fast and you worry that you’ll make the same mistakes from previous relationships? Or is this a new person that is moving fast because they know what they want? Clarifying the chariot comes the Justice card, Four of Wands reversed, and the King of Wands reversed. I am having a very difficult time deciphering if this a new or familiar person however, regardless a decision is going to have to be made (No wonder I can’t tell energetically thanks to the Justice card, indecisive Libra energy) If “your person” is new, they are going to suggest eloping together. If “your person” is familiar (from the past) they are going to want to make up for lost time and suggest eloping or getting married to prove how serious they are. For whoever this resonates with, I feel strongly that you will feel stuck, unsure and ultimately conflicted (your energy is so strong, I’m surprised the two of swords didn’t come out)
When I pulled from my Why are they mad oracle deck, the card “they are mad because you are not on their time” came out. And so, clearly you are not moving as quickly as they would like whether this be a new person or past person. (The Seven of pentacles and page of wands cards are present as well) With that, your decision appears to be making “your person” wait and work for it. PERIOD. This energy felt very difficult for more reasons than one. “Your person” may feel that you are being difficult but in my experience through difficulties comes long term reward. My advice would be to make them put in the work over an extending period to ensure you do not get hurt or repeat past mistakes as I can sense those past mistakes are still lingering in your conscious.
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pmamtraveller · 1 month
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Adolph von Menzel (1815-1905) was a German painter and printmaker who portrayed life in 19th-century Prussia, historical events, and everyday scenes. He was largely self-taught, and his skills developed practically through lithography and drawing experience.
The Iron Rolling Mill, 1875
This painting captures the intense labour of steelworkers in a Prussian industrial mill. There is a detailed expression, both of the machinery and the workers, illustrating the social condition of working-class people during the Industrial Revolution and Menzel's turn from historical themes to contemporary issues.
The Dinner at the Ball, 1878
It is a portrayal of an elegant high-society scene, coupled with detailed portrayals of fashionable guests and luxurious surroundings, all of which bring out the Biedermeier style. It captures the 19th-century social life, proving Menzel's skill to render social dynamics and intimate moments.
Frederick the Great Playing the Flute at Sanssouci, 1852
It portrays the tranquil scene of Frederick II music-making in his palace. The painting showcases Frederick's dual character as a ruler and as a musician, evincing cultural sophistication and the opulence of his court. The composition is the epitome of Menzel's great admiration for Frederick and his commitment to a history of Prussia done with emotional depth and realism.
Studio Wall, 1872
Menzel painted a nighttime view of his studio wall, with illuminated plaster casts, including death masks and classical figures. This work highlights Menzel's thoughts at the time; he had been ruminating over life and death and artistic posterity. It was a touching memorial to his friend Friedrich Eggers as well as a strong demonstration of his mastery of dramatic lighting.
The Visit From Death, 1844
Death is depicted as a humble professional who is neither wrathful nor unkind. Just simply doing its job and has no ill will for those it visits upon. It even has a sense of respect, taking its clogs off before entering the home. Menzel followed up in 1845 with a hilarious painting that suggests that the arrival of Death isn’t so final after all!
The Balcony Room (1845)
Inspired by his journeys to Paris, Menzel depicts a sparsely furnished apartment full of sunlight. This painting foreshadows impressionist techniques since it's totally oriented with light and atmosphere, marking an important turn in Menzel's career away from historical themes and toward contemporary genre scenes.
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the-virgoperspective · 3 months
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Part 2
Venus is one of the most important planets to understand in a composite chart, as most people (should) hold love within their bonds. Venus in the composite chart represents love, attraction, and the ability to form relationships. This placement can indicate how much love there is in a bond, how strong this love can be, and how strongly it can carry them through life. The position in the composite chart can tell how love will be expressed through the bond and what part of the native’s environment is most desired to be brought to the experience. It is not necessary to have a “good” Venus, as I personally don’t believe there are any bad positions, but a “good” Venus can make the relationship worth having.
I will be using the writings of Robert Hand from his novel “Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relations” to describe the meaning and significance of Venus in each composite house. Please always keep in mind that this is only one vital step to reading an entire composite chart and should not be seriously considered without viewing everything as a whole. This is just one piece. Enjoy!
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7H Composite Venus
Composite Venus in the seventh house is a good indication this is a personal relationship based to a considerable extent on affection. There may be other reasons for this relationship, but love is certainly one of the most important. This position of Venus does not guarantee a successful relationship, but it does help. After the Sun and Moon positions, this is the one of the most important elements in the chart of a love relationship.
You will have a strong sense of shared emotion and feeling and a great need to share your experiences. You will think of yourselves as a unit, a couple, rather than as two single individuals. You will want to be together and do things together as much as possible.
The only danger that you should watch for with this position is that you may tend to be too accommodating; that is, you will try to agree with each other even when one of you has a legitimate grievance. Instead of expressing it, you will remain quiet for the sake of preserving the peace and harmony of the relationship. The problem is, if you do this often, eventually the friendly atmosphere wears thin, and all kinds of resentments boil out, with no way to control them. Do not let your desire for peace and harmony prevent you from confronting important issues. Speak your mind-it can’t seriously disturb a good relationship.
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8H Composite Venus
With composite Venus in the eighth house, the love and affection between you will have an intensity that is often lacking in the other houses. This position does not guarantee that you will have a love relationship, however; it simply indicates emotional intensity concerning love.
Traditionally the eighth house is the house of death, although that does not always literally mean physical death. The eighth house has much to do with creation of something new as with the destruction of something old. So Venus in the eighth house represents the mingling of love and death, or more accurately, love and regeneration.
In a love relationship, the expression of love will be quite intense. With a powerful quality that will transform both of you in some fundamental way. You will experience love as a regenerative experience that makes you over into a new person. A sexual relationship particularly will have this intensity. Your love will not be light and gay but something very serious that involves both of you at all levels of the mind, body, and soul.
On quite a different level, the eighth house can also refer to joint finances and property. Venus promises material prosperity within this relationship. It is often said that Venus rules money, and although some people have questioned that, Venus does produce an ability to attract money, especially in the second and eighth houses. This is an especially good placement if the two of you ever require financial help from others.
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9H Composite Venus
With composite Venus in the ninth house, love and affection tend to be intellectual issues that are discussed and pondered over rather than felt. The ninth house of the composite chart represents the overall life-view shared by the two of you-your collective attitudes and the nature of your intellectual exchange. Consequently there is a danger that you may over-intellectualize your feelings in this relationship. Love is a more distant experience rather than something felt and shared immediately.
However, in compensation, you both examine the nature of your feelings and are more capable than most people of understanding what you mean to each other. You are somewhat less likely to behave in an unconscious and inappropriate manner toward each other. You can communicate at a very high level concerning your relationship.
Love may become a philosophical ideal in this relationship, much as it was in the medieval code of chivalry. You tend to think in intellectual terms and to devote considerable attention to bringing about your ideals.
The experience of this relationship may also make both of you see more clearly and become more aware of the world around you. Venus in the ninth house can signify love as an agent of consciousness expansion. One or both of you will be exposed to a broader range of experience because of this relationship.
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10H Composite Venus
The tenth house of the composite chart is an angular house, and therefore the effect of Venus is emphasized. Your experience of love within this relationship will very strongly affect the lives of both of you. The tenth house rules the purposes for which the relationship exists, the nature of its individuality, and its role in the larger society. On the psychological level, this relationship will aid both of you in discovering what you want to do with your lives. Loving each other should reinforce you and give you greater confidence in yourselves.
Partly because of this mutual reinforcement, you are likely to be very openly affectionate in the company of other people. They will regard you as a loving couple, or if you are friends, as having a very close friendship. This is a relationship that stands openly before the world and does not hide from the view of others.
At the same time, this relationship will teach you about the nature of love and how you relate to others on an intimate personal level. The only way you can learn what living with another person means is by doing so. That is one of the purposes of this relationship.
On a very different plane, the tenth-house Venus may also mean that you have come together for some purpose connected with the arts, entertainment, or luxuries. This may be either amateur or professional.
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11H Composite Venus
Composite Venus in the eleventh house is one of the best placements for an intimate personal relationship. The eleventh is the house of friendship, and at the very least, Venus here will help to make you friends. However, the emotional depth of this relationship is not limited to friendship. This position can also be a sign of a deep love affair. In some ways it is better than a fifth-house Venus, because along with “being in love��� you also love each other. That is, you have a strong abiding affection for each other along with that well-known, often short-lived feeling of intoxication.
The eleventh house is also the house of hopes and wishes, and Venus here is a good indication that the two of you have harmonious ideals. Because you both are seeking the same things, being together will help you find them. It can also mean that you idealize either the feeling of love or your attitudes about feelings. But if both of you are reasonably realistic about yourselves, you will experience this relationship as something beautiful and ideal, because the experience is based on truth.
The eleventh-house composite Venus is one of the best signs for a balanced and harmonious relationship of any kind.
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12H Composite Venus
Composite Venus is one of the least difficult planets to have in the twelfth house. There are problems associated with it, but there are strong points as well.
This placement signifies that while you may have strong feelings or affection for each other, you may not be demonstrative about them. Other people may not even be aware of how you feel about each other. The twelfth-house Venus can be a sign of a secret relationship.
This is also the house of your own unconscious, of those areas of your lives and experience that you have repressed from your conscious mind. With Venus in the twelfth, your relationship may be influenced to a considerable degree by unconscious factors in both of you. It may be difficult to understand the dynamics of this relationship, and you may do things for no apparent reason. This can be either good or bad, of course, depending on what you do. In any case, you should try to understand what lies behind your relationship, if only to gain greater control over yourselves.
On the clearly positive side, this placement can help both of you overcome your ego-drives within the relationship. It enables you to give way to the other when that is desirable. You are able to think of yourselves as a unit and to subordinate your personal interest to your interests as a couple. This ability can eliminate many problems that will arise.
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Find part 1 here!
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ᡣ𐭩 star divider by @grungenglam ᡣ𐭩
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celestialtarot11 · 7 months
Composite/Synastry Chart Observations & aspects 🪻🤍☁️
Hi friends! 🫶🤍 We’re going over composite chart observations. I really love looking into synastry and composite charts as there is so much to learn from. Enjoy! Please reblog, like and share your thoughts with me as it’s appreciated 💌
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🖱️Composite Observations🖱️
Sun in the 10h- The father may be involved in the connection or relationship somehow. Whether it’s in a positive way or negative, the 10h can suggest the Fathers focus is on the relationship. Usually the father has strict roles, expectations, and is invasive in the relationship. If mars is placed here, the Father is aggressive, authoritative or has high standards. Its easy for the father to project his way of thinking onto the connection.
Scorpio mercury- Telepathy. Strong telepathy is associated with this placement, hidden knowledge comes to light in the connection through dreams, and intuition. It can also indicate a sense of privacy in the relationship, not being public, moving away from family roots/home to live a private life with the significant other. Or friend!
Moon in the 12h- Lots of emotional healing, transformation and realizations. Usually the 12h represents separation, retreat, isolation and healing in that, so the connection can experience breaks or endings. The 12h goes back to womb, where we were isolated, growing and life was being sustained. I think in this placement both learn to balance being with each other and alone to heal.
Chiron in the 1st- Healing insecurities regarding physical appearance, health, and the identity. In the connection both people go through awakenings and realizations about their values, beliefs and subconscious behaviors. Its possible someone could end up having a surgery as seen with this placement and it may highlight insecurities within the person.
Venus in virgo- Relationship is built off of some sort of practicality, help or function. For example you may have met this person because you needed their help, or they needed. Virgo is analytical here, so its possible someone was thinking of a future with this person. Likely would have been friends before lovers.
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Aspects and how they influence the connection in synastry:
Whilst houses and signs are relevant, aspects are important because they show us how the individual/s show up in the connection. Houses and signs are expressions of energy, where/how it’s expressing itself. But aspects have to do with individuals.
🤍 Moon square ascendant- The moon person can bottle up their feelings in the connection towards the ascendant person, and may project their hurt instead of turning inwards to heal it. This can show up as the moon person finding faults in the ascendant person.
☁️Ascendant square Venus- The ascendant person may struggle with their values when it comes to love, either through codependency or shutting out love. The ascendant person if dealing with insecurities, can feel insignificant and compare themselves to the Venus person. The ascendant person may also have a striking first impression on the Venus person.
🪻Mars sextile ascendant- The mars person awakens the ascendant person. The energy here flows optimally and smoothly, and the ascendant person finds themselves enjoying the Mars persons influence. The mars person is captivating, powerful, and their energy is impactful on the ascendant person. Even if paired with water sign synastry, there will always be an underlying tone to the Mars person, in which they appear magnetic, fiery, and passionate. The mars person may be into fitness.
💌 Venus trine ascendant- The Venus person makes an appealing impression on the ascendant person. The ascendant person feels comfortable, cared for, and seen in a way by the Venus person. Also indicates the two have a lot in common, shared goals, shared experiences, and future ideas which causes them to bond. Shared belief systems. Family systems/childhood experiences may appear similar. Venus person may be into beauty of some kind!
☁️ Sun sextile moon- The sun person helps bring clarity, truth, and vitality to the moon person. Out of the dark, can the moon person find their peace and truth. When the moon person is with the sun, they feel accepted, harmonious, and present. The subconscious and conscious are balanced here, both have a willingness to learn from their past and heal from their mistakes. The sun person can be a teacher or someone who harbors a lot of philosophical knowledge.
🪻 Moon conjunct mercury- The moon person has a way of appealing to the mercury person, certain topics are easily had because the mercury person feels safe. The moon person organizes a calm and blissful space, and the mercury person opens up. There’s bliss, peace and spiritual communication between the two. The two almost read minds. Mercury person helps bring analysis to the moon persons emotions.
🤍 Mercury trine sun- The mercury person helps the sun person feel confident and seen. A bit of an ego boost as well. The sun person can help channel the mercury persons passions, and offer them a beautiful space for their creativity. The sun person loves to learn and listen to the mercury person. Lots of jokes and inner child healing. The sun person can share a lot of wisdom to the mercury person, and the mercury person bounces off of it with their ideas.
🪻 Neptune trine moon- The Neptune person is highly receptive of moods, emotions and spiritual telepathy. The moon person feels in touch with their deeper roots or spiritual self around the Neptune person. There may be illusions surrounding the dynamic, and emotional limitations will present itself to be healed. Be wary of rose colored glasses with this person and the connection! Overall it can be healed with attention and care 💗
☁️ Venus conjunct Jupiter- Lots of expansion and spiritual knowledge is gained through the connection. Usually the Jupiter person can have access to higher knowledge like college, but does not have to be. For example they may be well versed in a certain topic that appeals to the Venus person (shared interests) and its how they click. Somehow, the two keep adding on and on to the conversation and it flows.
Square aspects indicate growth and development. The moments of self actualization. Squares are not bad! They are fundamental to relationships and our inner journey as individuals. Where you have squares in your chart is actually your greatest power and strength.
That’s all! Thank ya’ll for reading & stopping by ☁️🤍 means the world to share this with you all. Please feel free to like comment and reblog! 🖱️🤍
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romchat · 6 months
In Blossom visual analysis (ep. 1-7): How to film a gothic romance
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Although I'm not completely convinced about some of the writing choices of In Blossom, I absolutely LOVE the show's production design and cinematography. @mademoiselle-red wrote a great post about how main character Pan Yue fits the gothic romantic lead archetype, and those gothic elements are not only present in the script but also in the show's visual storytelling.
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A key element of gothic romance is its atmosphere of mystery and suspense.
Something I really like about In Blossom is that despite its dark subject matter, many of its scenes take place during the day. One of the show's main themes is that appearances can be misleading and the cinematography often plays with that notion by linking light to deception and darkness to truth. Note how many of the emotionally honest beats of Yang Caiwei and Pan Yue's relationship happen at night (e.g., their couple escapades at the Li Residence, Ghost Market, and Life and Death gambling house) while fakery, corruption, and evildoing happen in the day. It's with this subversion of our expectations for light that the show creates an unsettling atmosphere.
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And these lighting choices also help set up Pan Yue as a classic gothic romance anti-hero, someone the female lead, Yang Caiwei, fears but still finds herself drawn to.
Look at how Pan Yue is lit when shot through Yang Caiwei's subjective point of view. The strong use of light creates a lot of contrast--through her eyes, he is a mixture of light and dark, his morality as inscrutable as his shadowy figure.
Camera Angles and Shot Sizes
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The show's use of low angles and close-ups further reinforces the idea that Pan Yue is unpredictable and even dangerous.
In cinematography, low-angle shots tend to make the subject look more powerful and menacing, and the show uses this technique to great effect.
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Even in the intimacy of close-up shots, we can sense the threat emanating from Pan Yue. He’s always shot just a smidgeon too close for comfort.
For example, look at how much Liu Xueyi's face fills the frame in an early "romantic" scene. The shot feels almost claustrophobic as if he's so single-minded about his goals that he has no choice but to dominate the frame (and Yang Caiwei). It's an unnerving moment despite the soft words coming out of his mouth.
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Side Note: I live for Pan Yue's (vampiric) long shots. The production design team was smart for dressing the character in dark clothes with such a sleek cut and drape--he looks like a sexy bat.
The Nosferatu references in Yang Caiwei's tomb are also perfect.
Composition and Framing
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And finally, like any good gothic romance, In Blossom illustrates how love can drive one to despair and even madness.
Because of this, my FAVORITE scene of the show has to be the introduction of Shangguan Zhi. Her obsessive pursuit of beauty in hopes of seducing Pan Yue has left her a shell of a human being, and the scene's composition perfectly encapsulates this with how it focuses on the elegant lines of her body--not her face or personhood.
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Shangguan Zhi is trapped by her delusional fantasy of a life with Pan Yue--see how she's boxed in by the vertical lines of the screen panel she admires--and the show regularly uses architectural lines to show how her desperation has trapped Yang Caiwei as well.
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boimann · 10 months
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A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED!! This was so much fun :D You guys made it so hard to choose there were so many amazing entries!! Kudos all around :] (still can't believe I got a bunch of artists to write the word "poopy" on their art hehe)
Alright so under the cut are my top 3 picks (first place can dm me to claim the prize) + some honorable mentions
third place
@deadsadmilk starting off so strong, the perspective and the way you rendered the blood and red medic's little evil grin are so good, ngl sometimes i pull this up on my phone just to stare at it
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second place
@ozianthus-arts i am not normal about the way you drew them and their facial expressions!!! as always your art looks edible as hell :]
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first place
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honorable mentions
@gofishgo hehe funny
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@causticcrowz i am looking (●v●)
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@a-scary-lack-of-common-sense your art style is so incredibly crisp 10/10
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gigivas · 3 months
1K GIGI Prompts Collections 'Retro-Futuristic Robot: Vibrant, Detailed Digital Art' 6013 Free 10 pages out of 1000 pages
Get Free 10 pages MTMEVE00573G_271_0001 – 1K GIGI Prompts Collections – Retro-Futuristic Robot, Vibrant, Detailed Digital Art 6013 10PagesDownload 1K GIGI Prompts Collections ‘Retro-Futuristic Robot: Vibrant, Detailed Digital Art’ 6013 series provides two documents, one document is 10 pages of prompts in 1000 pages, available for free download. One document is the complete 1000 pages of…
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
Hawkins University : The Munson Edition
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AN: Welcome to Hawkins University! These chapters aren't mega long but I still hope you enjoy! This AU has a special place in my heart and I can't wait to flesh it out more!
→ cliches: friends to lovers, heavy use of nicknames instead of Y/N, we're all just struggling college kids, Music Tutor! Eddie, Resident Assistant! Reader, good girl x bad boy, instant connections, 'I don't trust most people but I trust you', 'are we friends or more?', and 'I can't believe you're such a slut that you have a special dtf drawer...'
→ warnings: mature topics, drinking and drug usage, strong language, bullying, mental health, eventual smut, minors dni
→ pairing: modern!college!eddie x college!fem!reader
Masterlist Next>
Chapter 1
Eddie’s POV
Eddie sat at the library table, hunched over the dinky rental laptop, old headset over one ear, the other pushed back. His brows were scrunched and mouth in a pout, chewing on the end of his pencil as he tried to figure out what was wrong with the audio he’d been listening to for the past 30 minutes. Steve gently tapped his hand, pulling the pencil out of his mouth and mumbling to Eddie. 
“You’ll ruin your teeth.” 
Eddie grumbled, pouting still. He hated mixing and sound design. Sure, he wrote songs for Corroded Coffin but… that was a whole other ballgame. Production classes were all business and tech and he could barely wrap his brain around all the pieces that went into it. He was sure to get gray hairs by the end of the semester, and he was only a sophomore. 
He groaned, taking off the dated headphones and closing his laptop. He laid his head down on the table, hiding his face within his arms. 
“I’m dropping out. Becoming a hermit,” He grumbled, his voice muffled against his elbow. 
“You’re not dropping out. I can’t find another roommate in time,” Steve deadpanned, still focusing on his paperwork in front of him and his laptop. 
Eddie continued grumbling, none of it very coherent due to the lack of sleep and his face being pressed into the library table. 
“What’re we complaining about?,” Robin asked, throwing her backpack onto the floor by Eddie’s boots, settling down in the chair next to Steve. Eddie could tell by the strong smell radiating off of her that she had just finished her shift at the campus coffeeshop. She always smelled like roasted coffee beans and tea for hours after, almost like she bathed in grounds. “Because I could definitely use some complaining,” She joked, taking a sip on whatever free beverage she had brought from work.
“Eddie wants to drop out. The yoozh,” Steve replied, still focusing on his notes. He was taking an anatomy course for his sports medicine degree and trying to label a diagram on paper. Eddie could tell he was trying to complete all his easier work so that his energy could go into his Literature class. He was on the edge of flunking, and didn’t want to risk being benched from Basketball this season. 
Robin began rummaging through her bag, looking for her Language and Society textbook. She pulled out the book, placing it on the table with a light thud before rubbing Eddie’s back briefly. 
“Cheer up, Eds. At least you’re not failing,” She offered weakly. Robin was not the best at comforting others, but always tried. She pulled her hand away and opened her textbook, another light thud sounding against the table.
Eddie appreciated the effort but kept his head down while staying silent. Sure, he was passing…But at what cost? His professors constantly undermined his work and scolded him for not paying better attention. He didn’t fit in with most of the Music Production majors, who all seemed to only want to talk about how jazz was the sole genre worth listening to. His other classes like Composition and Performance had professors who gave him permanently pitying looks, as if they could sense his burnout and lack of enthusiasm. He didn’t even really practice on Sweetheart anymore, his beloved electric guitar. He still played shows with the band, and still enjoyed writing occasionally, but the spark was slowly fizzing out. 
Eddie tuned out the sounds of the library, thinking about his slow crumbling career, trying to stop the spiral. He focused on the idea of how his private tutoring lessons for guitar were going really well… Well, as good as they could go for working with awkward preteens. Or how he definitely felt like the girl who stared at him and recently flirted with him in his American Government course was going to try to hook up with him at the Sigma Nu party he was dealing at this weekend. Eddie could feel his breathing slow, and his eyes got heavier with each sigh, his blinking getting slower. He could feel himself drifting off, wanting to stop himself, but eventually gave in, drifting off into sleep. 
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Eddie was slowly awakened by someone gently shaking his shoulder, frantic whispers in his ear, and the scent of vanilla and coconut softly coming over his senses. 
“Eddie…Eddie! You have class in 20 minutes!,” Nancy whispered frantically, her voice full of concern. 
Eddie sat up quickly, jolted by the fear of entering class late. He didn’t need to take Beginners Guitar, but it was an easy A that made his GPA happy, which was good for his scholarship. Plus, it was the one class that didn’t drive him to pull out his hair. He scrambled to grab his backpack and acoustic guitar case, hugging Nancy and waving as he spoke so quickly his words jumbled together. 
“Oh god, I gotta go, I’m late, also Nance, do you mind returning the laptop and headphones when you clock in, I owe you, bye guys!” 
Eddie raced out the doors of the library, glad he chose to wear his hair in a messy bun today because otherwise he’d be running towards the music building blind. He allowed his long legs to take him, the route to the building built into his muscle memory.  When he finally reached the building and bound up the stairs towards the spacious classroom, he was cursing himself for not getting there earlier. It was only about two weeks into the semester, but Eddie had a particular spot he liked to sit in, and knew someone would be quick to snatch it. 
Eddie entered through the door, quickly walking toward the semicircle of chairs, most people already in their seats and chatting, the lone spot left was next to an unfamiliar face. Eddie sighed, settling in the spot, unhappy with being so close to the front. He busied himself with taking out his acoustic guitar, Guthrie (named after Woody Guthrie, the anti-fascist folk singer who inspired Eddie’s sloppy written parody of his famous “This Machine Kills Fascists” on his guitar). Eddie ran his fingertips over the writing, letting his mind wander to the fond memory of its inception. 
Eddie, ever the nerd, had painted on “This Machine Slays Dragons” when he was just a gangly and pimple-faced middle schooler. The paint chipped and worn out, but added to the overall loving and worn look of the instrument. 
It felt like just yesterday when he had just been introduced to the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons by his American History teacher, Mr. Medina, who invited Eddie to a Tabletop Roleplaying Club after seeing how hard it was for the boy to fit in. Eddie had just moved in with Uncle Wayne, and was the current talk of the town. He still remembered the whisperings of his dad’s addictions and sentencing of armed manslaughter. The giggles over rumors of his mother being an out of town prostitute. (She wasn’t, she had actually taken care of Eddie up until he was seven. But then she got severely ill and Eddie had been sent to his dad.) DnD had become Eddie’s safe haven. He threw himself into fantasy and music, ignoring the whispers.
He had had the guitar given to him that Christmas by Wayne, who noted the boy's interest in music. Eddie’s eyes must’ve been threatening to bubble over with tears, because he remembered Wayne’s gruff voice and his strong pat on his shoulder. 
“Now don’t go making a big deal about it, boy. Found it in a yard sale. Figured it’d go to waste,” Wayne grumbled. Eddie had sniffled, knowing deep down it was a lie. Eddie had stared at the same guitar in the Pawn Shop window on the walk home from school for the past couple months. Eddie thanked Wayne, wiping away at misty eyes. 
A few weeks later, while reading The Hobbit and sitting on the couch, Eddie heard Wayne humming along to an old record, recognizing the song as ‘Do-Re-Mi’, a Guthrie hit. That’s when the idea struck him. Eddie sat up quickly, running off to his room, bewildering Wayne and minutes later running in with the sloppy writing on the guitar, the paint still glossy and wet. 
“Now, boy, what’d you-” Wayne began but cut himself off, noting the brunette's toothy grin and twinkling eyes. He let his eyes travel to the writing, and felt a smile tug at his lips. “Well I’ll be damned. Didn’t know I had my very own Young Guthrie living under my roof. It looks good, son,” Wayne said, ruffling Eddie’s short buzz cut. 
“A Guthrie fan, huh?,” chimed in a feminine sounding voice next to him. 
Eddie shook off the memory, turning over to look at the source. 
You were a new face to him, never having seen you in class before. He wondered if you had missed two weeks of classes on purpose, or why you’d be here, seeing as he didn’t recognize you from the fairly tight knit group of students in the music department. 
He opened his mouth to speak when the professor moved up to the front of the class. He turned away from you, towards the front. Guess he’d just ask you later. 
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Good God, Eddie thought. I can’t believe my luck. The one day when I'm almost late to class, I sit next to the only person with an untuned guitar who’s tone deaf and doesn’t know the chords. 
Everything you strummed made Eddie wince. And sure, it was a Beginner's Guitar course. But Jesus Christ, Eddie was sure he had heard better tunes from a trailer park stray dog. 
You seemed very focused. Your eyebrows were furrowed, your tongue peeking out from between your lips as you struggled to keep up with the fingering on the fret. Eddie would’ve found it cute if his eardrums weren’t bleeding. 
By the end of the class, you seemed thoroughly frustrated and annoyed. You were packing away your guitar and flexing and unflexing your fingers, clearly unused to the feeling of holding your hand in the same position for so long. 
Eddie packed up slowly, thankful that his next class had been canceled so he had time to relax before his private lesson at the local music store with a little redhead preteen named Maddie. She was sweet, but also at times a bit impatient, so Eddie liked to have a bit of a break before dealing with her. 
He noticed you were over by the professor, your things packed up but left in the seat next to him. You were speaking in hushed tones, your back to Eddie and your hand movements telling him that clearly, you were unhappy. He turned away to pretend to be rummaging through his mess of a backpack when he noticed the professor point over to him and you turn your head to look. 
Damn it, Eddie thought. He knew that the professor knew he wasn’t actually a beginner and allowed him to stay in the course because he enjoyed Eddie’s willingness to assist those who were struggling in the class. But he didn’t exactly have the time or energy to fully teach someone unpaid. 
By the time Eddie had decided to book it out the door with Guthrie all tucked away, you were quickly walking after him. 
“Hey! Wait!,” You shouted, the noise echoing in the hallways of the building. 
He cringed, but stopped in his tracks, slowly turning around. 
“Look, I know I play like shit and my guitar is a very shitty rental, but I need to take this class in order to graduate early, because it’s my last non-major course, and all the other art electives are filled up. Professor Howard said you’re like the most talented student in the class and that his niece has you private tutor her at the music store, and I really really need an A in this class. So…Can you help me? Please?,” You breathlessly spilled out, huffing from having to chase after him. 
Eddie’s lips turned down in a frown as he felt his impending headache come on and annoyance grow. He stared at his worn out boots, glaring at the floor. He had no clue little 10 year old Maddie Howard was linked to the same family tree as his professor, but should’ve figured given their resemblance and shared last name. He looked up to meet your eyes, opening his mouth to reject you, but was stopped when he saw your expression. Your eyes were cloudy with tears, your brows furrowed in worry and your expression pleading. 
You were a pretty thing, and Eddie could see that now looking at you more closely. He bit his lip, weighing the idea in his head. He could help you and not be subjected to any more bleeding ears. Plus, he couldn’t stand the idea of those beautiful eyes overflowing with tears with him at fault. 
He sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
“Alright. I’ll help you.”
Taglist: @josephquinnsfreckles
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ms-scarletwings · 1 year
A Speculative Analysis About Irkens No One Asked For: Part I
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Dem green fellas. Them lil guys, they’re an interesting pack of critters, aren’t they?
I used to really fixate on them back in middle and high school, stronger than everyone else seemed to be on the spazz in the dog costume. Jhonen Vasquez’s worldbuilding has always towed a very fine line between nonsensically ridiculous and surprisingly logistical, and this balance is typified in everything we know, and can infer, about these bug-eyed imperialists at the center of everything Invader Zim. So, let’s infer, and take a crack at it since no one’s stopping us anyway- More specifically, some thoughts and ponderings I had about how they “tick” as a fully realized society, not just a sci-fi monster..
A Homeworld Obscured 
Now, to really understand the history and “deal” of any civilization, or any animal, usually you would turn to their environment first to give you some handy clues and context.
Small problem, though: We actually don’t get much in the way of direct, explicit showing or explanations about Irk itself when it comes to the show. This makes some sense, given that the whole of what they do worth showing (and the most notable members of their kind) exists almost entirely off-world. So instead, we mostly find out more about Irk from what Invader Zim does tell us about its natives. As far as confirmed canon goes, we know that Irk’s atmosphere appears red, its surface is entirely and densely urbanized, and it’s long been depicted in starmaps with a set of Saturn-like rings. 
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  This last fact is probably the most interesting, because planetary rings are usually something we, in our own little solar system, would only associate with massive, gaseous worlds, not terrestrial ones.  What These rings are made of is really anyone’s guess- could be ancient debris from natural satellites, Water-ice particles, maybe even some form of artificial defense network put into orbit by the Irkens themselves. If they aren’t artificially created, this would suggest that Irk has quite a strong gravitational field- greater than that of any of our neighborhood’s rocky planets. This is the common theory I personally like to subscribe to, because it would also go hand and hand with explaining why the average height of the irken race is so much shorter compared to that of an adult human. It fits neatly into the “why” question for the sort of athletic skill and agility we’ve seen invaders able to demonstrate on Earth, too, for otherwise being of meek physical prowess. It even adds some credible context for why the very achievement of growing to a more substaintial height is both uncommon and associated with extreme survival fitness to them.
A Fun fact that’s about to be relevant: “Rayleigh scattering” is the term given to when light wavelengths become shifted and scattered through an atmosphere medium. Long story short, it’s the reason our sky has color to it during the day. Stay with me on this.
I’ve also seen some people take a go at the red-looking surface, guessing a different gas makeup than the elements on earth responsible for our blue skies. I’m gonna go against the grain here, and actually contest that. I think that Irk’s atmosphere is coincidentally extremely similar to Earth’s. We know well enough that they both have a similar composition of gases breathable to both societies, given that Zim, Skoodge, and Tak all seemed pretty comfortable without some form of assistance on the same dirtball as humanity. Instead, I propose that Irk’s magenta skies are actually the symptom of heavy pollution. Sunsets and sunrises in the real world are known to make the sky appear more reddish-orange, even pink, as is. Usually, Rayleigh scattering has the light From the sun appear bluish in full midday, but during low sun, the rays are coming at an angle making them have to travel farther before reaching us, so you have already stretched light waves getting the same treatment from the air and, well, a higher frequency blue turns down to the lower end of the spectrum, red and yellows.
And wouldn’t you know, air pollution can actually do the same thing. THIS is why there's a scary ass orange haze known to accompany the presence of massive forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Earth’s most polluted cities even experience longer and redder sunsets for the same reason. 
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Left: Image of a lilac sky over a Chinese city experiencing heavy smog levels Right: Intense red haze spotted over towns in Indonesia in the wake of rampant rainforest fires
On Earth, Zim stared directly into the midday sun without hesitation, nor concern that it would literally blind him. I think the planet hue and this is plenty enough to guess the likely case that Irk’s surface probably doesn’t get a lot of direct sun on an average day as is, and the sheer amount of unbroken cityscape that covers the homeworld would be the more obvious suspect than just having a more distant star from them. If they overcrowded to the point of their expansion, why build their civilization deeper into the ground, instead of up? Maybe there's actually a good reason or two they don’t raise their young topside.
A Psychology Molded for Domination
As well, I want to chirp about real world space again for a second. So, anyone up to the buzz in geek circles and aware of the math on the matter probably got the memo: humanity is almost matter-of-fact certainly not alone in this sandbox of a universe (or at the very least, we won’t always be alone). Like, about as certainly as we were about Black holes’ existence before we up and observed the real thing. And while it’s probably not going to happen in any of our lifetimes, sci-fi and media generally have been trying to take a crack for years at what the theoretical first contact with an alien civilization is going to look like. 
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And I’m gonna go ahead and say it, 
As “cliche” and Hollywood as the conquering little green/grey dudes trope might have become… it’s actually not a wild take after all. The little and green thing, that’s creative liberty, but the part about them being hostile and something we may not actually even WANT to be aware of our existence? That’s an idea that even the smarty pants experts have been fearing the realistic odds of, even including the late Stephen Hawking .
The Evolution of intelligent life is a hard thing to really pin down and predict, given that we literally only have the one example to study. Under the right conditions, what reason would another advanced species NOT have to be equally as expanding, as exploitative of its resources, self-destructively short-sighted, and as supremacist as humans have already demonstrated themselves to be capable of? There is a lot of very interesting literature that suggests BOTH empathy/altruism and or aggression/tribalism to be (at least in the short term) very rewarding characteristics for an intelligent social species to develop.
And that’s the thing about the behavior of the Irken Armada I think has always been fascinating. Their drive to be the biggest definitionally invasive species across the cosmos is framed exactly as irrational, bumbling, and pointless as it deserves to be; however, is it not just the extended conclusion of every empire that has existed here on Earth, if only it had survived long enough to achieve the technology of Irk? And yet, it’s reminiscent, like the rest of their design, to the far from sapient, yet very real world creatures they appear to be most inspired by: hive and colony building arthropods. Whether the next point I'm about to touch on should be seen as a rejection of that resemblance, or further elaboration of it is anyone's to answer.
Transhumanism, or.. Transirkenism, in this case?
Like the specifics of what Irk really looks like and how it realistically works, a bunch about the aliens’ physical biology is left to scattered tidbits to ponder and piece together into a bigger picture. A few of those tidbits are as follows, drip-fed to us over the course of aired and scripted but never released episodes:
+ From the mouth of Vasquez himself, it has been confirmed that Irkens lack any form of reproductive organs. Instead, they rely on industrialized facilities to grow and produce them in a factory sense.
+ Yet curiously, they still demonstrate something akin to sexual dimorphism, or at least the cultural existence of masculine/feminine genders, where females are aesthetically set apart by the presence of curled antennae, eyelashes, and higher voices.
+ Irken lifespans are able to stretch far past that of an average human’s (Zim himself is cited to be around 2 centuries old in earth years).
+ Invader class soldiers have been implanted with surgical upgrades to their eyes.
+ Every Irken is fitted with a PAK that serves a wide array of utility and life-sustaining functions for its owner. These units are physically and neurologically connected into an Irken’s spine from “birth” and contain a cybernetic backup of an individual’s personality, assigned occupational programming, and memories. 
That’s not close to a complete list by any means, but it’s got the gist of what I want to dwell on most, starting with the last bit; because the PAK isn’t done true justice in one statement. It is not an extra addition the way a prosthetic enhancement is, and it is not a tool the way armor and weapons are. It is literally analogous to a vital organ to these aliens, and they are shown to die within 10 minutes of being forcefully detached from their own.
The degree to which Irken bodies and minds rely on this technology, and how seamlessly they are integrated into it, ALONG with their completely artificial life cycle all directly points to the fact that their civilization has advanced into a cyborg-like stage of evolution. It may even be on track to reach a post-organical peak in due time, phasing out more and more of their “vestigial” and feeble meatsuits until they’ve become a true drone army. And that actually begs some huge questions now that we realize we will never know how much of the Irken anatomy was ever originally a natural feature. An Irken’s own brain practically comes secondary to the superior efficiency of the supercomputer on their back, capable of literally holding their own essence and being in the form of code. A code that can preserve the “self” even in the event of meatbody failure, being uploaded post-mortem into the Control Brains’ collective data and repurposed for a future generation of workers. It absolutely would stand to reason that the species has continued this biological self-tampering to other heights- extending their lifespans, incorporating untold amount of mechanical upgrades into their bodies, and maybe even genetically engineering their smeets to be so compatible with this technology.  The control brains themselves are a mesmerizing reflection of this change over time- the result of an evident shift long ago from technology serving them, to them serving the directives of computers. When you really pay attention to the control brains’ role in the series, it comes clear to you who (or what) is really in charge of their society. The Tallest still maintain their symbolic/cultural importance to the Irkens, but outside of their part in spearheading the active intergalactic invasion, they ultimately are figureheads when it comes to actually running the homeworld and ruling the lives of Irk’s inhabitants. If I had to bet money, I would say the Brains may even have the ability to choose and predetermine the next Tallest when a replacement is needed. But what does that make the Tallest? A meaningless title and transformation, chosen arbitrarily by the AI overlords? Well, I don’t think so, actually… but maybe that, and more on the “meaty” morphology of their race is all a tangent fit for another day and post ;)
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deadrobinthoughts · 2 months
Bat Kids & Their College Degrees.
Dick Grayson - Criminology and Law. - Dick has always been involved in crime fighting. A major in crime and law would easily fit in and deepen his understanding, which only aids in combatting criminal behavior.
+ definitely a performing arts major. he would love being able to explore and express himself through dance and theatre.
Jason Todd - Criminal Justice and Psychology. - during his time as the Red Hood would instill an understanding of crime from a pov that could easily be etched in a psychological perspective. This would be able to aid in his navigation of the darker corners of his vigilante methods. ( Ignore him when he says it's to get answers, with a smirk. )
+ literature and philosophy. it's never been a secret that jason loves to read and study things. he would also get to explore complex composition and moral questions.
Barbara Gordon - Library Sciences & Information Technology - Barbara's initial career in the librarian field would be a dead give away for library science. Her expertise lies within collecting, organizing and checking information, along with hacking, which would be helped by a strong IT background.
+ creative writing. i'm not sure why, i just feel like her level of knowledge and intellect would lead her to enjoy writing and creating new worlds.
Tim Drake - Computer Science & Detective Minor. - Tim is very much known for his computer and detective skills already, majors and minors in these areas would definitely pair with where his interests already align.
+ i feel like regardless of the universe, he's got something to do with computers. even if it's graphic design. i feel like he'd enjoy creating things, too. or, he could go the way of being an agent of some sort but i'm not sure, outside of everything, if he'd be okay knowing the things that agents do. because that's beyond even what the batfam sees.
Stephanie Brown - Forensic Science & Journalism. - considering the time she's spent uncovering the truth and mystery solving, it would be easy to stick her with forensic science. plus, her determination to bring justice to light could easily be an end with journalism.
+ sociology. she'd probably enjoy studying the structure of society and understanding issues better. ( i don't like steph, i'm sorry otl so this isn't great. )
Cassandra Cain - Martial Arts & Linguistics. - her background is already deeply rooted in martial arts, so a major focusing on that area would make sense and be a breeze for her. her communication barriers are what would lead her to want to learn to read, speak and write on an effective level.
+ going the same route as dick, i feel like she'd major somewhere in dance and performing. it would be something expressive.
Damian Wayne - International Relations & Strategics. - damian would be very interested in global affairs and strategic combat. his upbringing would aid in his international relations, while other studies would align with his intellect and training. ( let's not pass up the fact he would have a minor relation to animals, medicine or plants. )
+ fine arts ( still with a double major or minor with something involving animals or plants. ) but, damian does have talent with art and i think he would enjoy the silence and time to delve into that outlet.
Duke Thomas - Electrical Engineering & Urban Studies. - duke's abilities would make it easy to work with concepts of engineering. his focus on protecting and improving, during daylight, aligns well with urban studies.
+ environmental science and, hear me out, music theory. i think duke deserves the ability to explore his creative side, as well.
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pearlprincess02 · 7 months
olivia rodrigo and joshua bassett composite chart
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aquarius sun: aquarius sun in the composite is all about acceptance. this relationship exists to express individuality and fully accept each other. there is a lot of zesty energy and the two may love to innovate/create together. there is rarely harsh judgement but rather encouragement to pursue grand visions.
sun in 2nd house: composite sun in the second house deals with security. there is a lot of power for one person to influence the other persons self-worth. the energy is steady and everlasting, as both people feel comfortable early on in the connection. the people involved can really raise (or hurt) each other’s self-esteem/confidence!
scorpio moon: “You are the subject of my deepest desires, the love I will always long for.” things are never light in the relationship as everything is taken into its deeper level. it is an emotional bond that can keep ties strongly connected and felt. there is emotional intensity always present and that may give you the assurance that the relationship is going to last or at least will overcome whatever challenge is to come. emotional boundaries may not be felt or made as both of you are interested in knowing each other at one’s core. since emotions are always felt at the extremes, this may cause emotional distress when the couple experiences challenges and will make you over prioritize the relationship. avoid being overprotective and controlling of each other and the relationship.
moon in 11th house: very fun and friendly relationship. the two people relate to each other as friends, they're very accepting of the other person's weirdness. we get to be who we are. we invite the other person's unfettered natural expression. we get to fart in front of each other, eat too much in front of each other. we get to do whatever just happens and the other person very much enjoys it. so, the spontaneity is similar. very few expectations and demands made on each other. a great deal of forgiveness and tolerance. a free-flowing, exciting place. cut down on resentments, score keeping "I accept whatever it comes with you."
rising/ 1st house:
sagittarius rising: open-mindedness and adventures are right up your alley. you two are more optimistic together and can become quite restless. you are both more free in this relationship than you might be with others, and like to discuss philosophy and perhaps travel together. 
pluto in 1st house: you are both conduits for dramatic transformation in each other’s lives. you both are magnetically drawn to each other as you inspire each other’s power, confidence and attraction energy. yet you can also easily inspire each other to make significant changes especially to your outward ambition and even physical appearance. through this relationship you are both likely to help usher in dramatic changes that alter the way others see you both as individuals. you can influence each other to become more focused and determined to succeed in your ambitions. you may also help each other release fears and insecurities so you can better embrace your true purpose and shared mission together.
vesta in 1st house: with vesta in your 1st house, you possess a strong sense of individuality and a deep desire for personal growth. you are driven to express your true self and to embody your most authentic self. your dedication and commitment to your own inner flame are remarkable, as you continuously seek to ignite the divine spark within you. as the goddess of hearth and home, vesta's presence in your 1st house radiates warmth and security. you have a natural ability to create a sense of sanctuary within yourself, where you can retreat and rejuvenate. this inner sanctuary not only offers solace for you but also acts as a beacon of light for others, inspiring them to find their own inner sanctuaries. with vesta in your 1st House, you are reminded to honor and nurture your own inner flame. take the time to reflect on what truly ignites your passion and brings you joy. how can you integrate these aspects of yourself into your daily life? what practices or rituals can you establish to honor your own sacred space within ? remember, vesta's presence in your 1st house serves as a reminder that your own inner fire is a precious resource. by tending to this flame and allowing it to burn brightly, you not only enhance your own well-being but also become a guiding light for others, inspiring them to connect with their own inner sources of strength and vitality.
chiron in 1st house: there is a shared wound or sensitivity related to self-expression, identity, or physical appearance. there’s a deep sense of insecurity or feeling different from others that both partners share. however, this placement can also indicate a strong desire to heal and overcome these issues together. in some cases, this can also mean that the relationship itself is a source of healing and growth for both partners, and that they have a strong sense of purpose or destiny together. the first house is associated with the self, the physical body, and the individual identity, so having chiron here can indicate a need to work on these issues both individually and together in the relationship.
pallas in 1st house: when pallas, the asteroid of wisdom and strategy, resides in your 1st house, it infuses you with the ability to perceive patterns and analyze situations with great insight. your mind is naturally attuned to problem-solving, and you possess a keen sense of strategy and diplomacy. this placement grants you the capacity to see the bigger picture and find creative solutions to challenges that arise in your life. as pallas influences your self-expression and personal identity, you possess a natural talent for leadership and guidance. your ability to think critically and make informed decisions sets you apart from others. you are skilled at finding common ground and mediating conflicts, making you an effective communicator and problem solver. your wisdom and analytical skills enable you to see beyond the surface and understand the intricate dynamics of any situation. with pallas in the 1st House, you are encouraged to trust your intuition and use your strategic thinking to navigate through life's complexities. embrace your intellectual curiosity and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills. reflect on how you can apply your analytical abilities to enhance your personal growth and contribute positively to the world around you. consider how your strategic mindset and wisdom can be utilized in various aspects of your life. how can you harness these qualities to create a positive impact on your relationships, career, and personal development? remember, your ability to think critically and find innovative solutions is a valuable asset. trust yourself and let your wisdom guide you towards fulfilling your potential.
juno in 1st house: juno in composite 1st house i would make both parties feel a need to commit to one another early on in relationship. for confirmation of that look to other aspects to the actual juno or other 1st house placements. other themes would be loyalty and devotion to one another. probably some kind of weird attraction to one another may to present but it’s not necessarily sexual in nature. however there would be a spiritual feeling i’d imagine. like in your face, which can not be ignored. they would feel like they were meant to come together for some kind of purpose. there is an emphasis of unity together. 
capricorn mercury: this couple has constant communication, they may dislike chit chat and prefer to have long talks with the other, because they find it extremely fascinating how their partner thinks. they are capable of solving any problem with maturity, because they respect each other a lot and listen carefully. very tactful, but they maintain their honesty, as they will hate lying to the other. both can guide and help each other on topics in which the other is not an expert and will always show their support. they may enjoy working together, doing indoor activities, going shopping, giving gifts to each other and complimenting the other. 
mercury in 2nd house: it’s very likely that at the beginning of the relationship the conversation didn’t flow as much, but over time it became stronger. this couple speaks clearly with each other, they calmly express their wishes or requirements to have a more fruitful relationship, in the same way, they listen carefully to each other. these people always try to keep the promises they make. they both give the same importance to maintaining a stable communication, they hate ghosting and it’s unlikely that they will do it. they may have similar values and goals alike. they’ll seek to keep the relationship stable regardless of the distance, but they will always prefer to communicate face to face.
aquarius venus: aquarius venus in the composite is all about embracing individuality. the amount of friendships i’ve seen this placement in! very on brand for aquarius venus. this is also common in long-distance relationships. learning how to love on another level. the energy is very accepting, and the individuals will feel free to express their authentic selves. likewise to leo venus, the pair will want each other to shine. they find beauty in every crevice of each other and want to share it to the world. 
venus in the 2nd house: agreements in regards to money, where the money goes, how they will decorate their home, what type of house they will live in, what kind of arts they will buy or make together. it's a very natural place for venus. they agree on investments. they can share fashion sense and like the same beauty concepts. it's wonderful for people that work together and couple will feel that senses in common between them. it's a wonderful place for those who make art in general, because the other person supports their art and inspire them. works so well in work and business relationships too.
scorpio mars: you may feel strangely fascinated by each other, there will be something that will make you look at each other more than once the first time you meet. the attraction is undeniable, as is the sexual compatibility, which is quite high. being with each other sexually will make you feel lost in them and found by them at the same time, you will feel seen, desired but at the same time you will feel so vulnerable only that this time you will feel good after having been. this couple seeks to connect deeply with the other and know each other's core. they motivate the other on a subconscious level, they can feel more powerful and capable after having entered this relationship. the relationship has a very strong emotional charge and can transform them quite a bit. in the event that discussions arise, the ideal is for them to be transparent and not hide anything from the other, as they will know how to identify lies or omitted information.
mars in the 12th house: you may feel nervous around the other, even a little shy, but once you get to know each other better, you can see that the other is much more similar to you than you initially thought. sex can be a very emotionally intense experience and you may feel a connection that is difficult to explain. there will be something that attracts you to each other, a feeling of wanting to be close from the beginning is likely. when differences arise, it is crucial that this couple be open with what they feel to avoid misunderstandings.
celeb's masterlist / 1H - 6H
composite sun
composite moon + house
composite rising + composite pluto + composite vesta + composite chiron + composite pallas + composite juno
composite mercury
composite venus + house
composite mars
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dats-hq · 8 months
Kaito, Aoi, and the Importance of Digimon Survive's Intertexuality Across Routes
Digimon Survive is such a powerful narrative because its core theme is reinforced through its very structure as a visual novel. The game's radical belief in the ability for anyone to blossom into the best versions of themselves given the right circumstances is a powerful concept, but it could easily come off as naive. To avoid coming off as naive, there must be an acknowledgement of the darkest parts of our hearts.
It's like this:
In the Truthful Ending, Kaito has some issues with anger and overprotectiveness, but ultimately develops a slightly healthier relationship with his sister. A fine snapshot of a young boy's life over the course of a few weeks, but is it a snapshot of the young boy's soul? I think not. That snapshot comes in more parts. To see how his relationship with Miu would develop in more dire circumstances, you must see Moral Route. To see how he would cultivate a more strenuous relationship with Miu in light of a heightened sense of danger in the world, you must see Wrathful Route. To see who Kaito would become without Miu's grounding presence, you must see Harmony Route.
By seeing Kaito across four dimensions, you are able to form a picture of the actual Kaito. In composite, Kaito is obviously a good person. He is motivated by a desire to protect. He is brave. He cares for people. Even his friends who he betrayed in Harmony Route could see that deep down, Kaito had the potential to be a good person. This is seen when they all wish to extend an offer of forgiveness to Kaito, even after he resolved to destroy the world. By seeing Kaito at his absolute worst, we actually see a glimmer of his potential.
(I would like to clarify that I do not believe that Kaito "redeemed himself by dying," nor is it my reading of the text that Kaito was made to die as punishment for his misdeeds. I understand how one may come to those readings of the text, but I believe it was an unfortunate and unintended implication at worst.)
Aoi is an overachiever. She's a bright young girl, and that comes with certain expectations. If one were to look at her on a very surface level, you would think that she understands the importance of the responsibilities she's been given, and she doesn't mind the extra work. That is obviously bullshit, but to some extent, this is the image she puts out into the world. Aoi is not forthcoming about her emotions, so prior to meeting Labramon, she allows herself to stoically accept an unfair burden. Her fellow students take advantage of her, and her opinion is rarely respected among the other chosen children when discussing next steps. Without the ability to assert herself, she has all of the responsibility with none of the actual power. She must work hard, but she cannot do good.
This is a shame. Aoi is motivated by a strong sense of justice. The best version of herself is one who has the confidence to set boundaries and stand firm on issues she cares about, but much like Kaito, watching her grow into her best self is merely a snapshot of a few weeks in the life of a child. To truly plunder the depths of Aoi's soul, we must look into Wrathful Route.
In Wrathful Route, we see the most explosive expression of Aoi's convictions. She learns that a sense of justice is worth nothing if you don't have power, and power is worthless if it is not used. While nobody younger than Aoi dies in Moral Route, and Miu's safety in Harmony Route is Kaito's responsibility first and foremost, Saki's safety was squarely Aoi's responsibility.
Aoi's grief over her own failure to uphold her values causes an overcorrection. She is overcome with a desire to wield the maximum possible power and realize a twisted vision of maximum possible justice.
I love the gusto, Aoi, but human instrumentality is not a healthy response to traumatic invalidation.
It's important to stress that while I love Saki and think Saki/Aoi is an adorable ship, Saki's death is not the sole cause of Aoi's mental anguish. Saki's death was the catalyst for Aoi to close herself off from the community who could have helped her. The anguish began developing years prior.
In other routes, Aoi's relationship to her sense of justice, her responsibility, and her assertiveness develop in different ways, but by examining Aoi across four dimensions, we can understand Aoi's actual self. In composite, Aoi is a good person. She has strong convictions. She is protective. She is capable. There are a lot of ways these values can shape a young girl, and Aoi deserves a life where she has a supportive community to allow her to grow into the best version of herself. Don't we all?
At the core of both Kaito and Aoi, we find good people. I like to think you'd find the same at the core of everyone in real life, too. And yet, in real life, we obviously find people who do work to make the world a worse place. In Digimon Survive, we can see the paths not taken, for better and for worse. In doing so, we see the Truth of each character.
(This is not wholly unrelated to the appeal of "the Digimon as a reflection of the human partner's true self." In Dracmon, we see Kaito's protectiveness in a more trusting and easygoing package. In Labramon, we see Aoi's supportiveness in a more assertive package.)
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