#stringy the string worm
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krislgfox · 6 months ago
Stringy is done! Now I can peacefully finish sugarfly fankid :]
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I was lazy properly write his twisted info so I wrote it shortly, sorry ú-ù
Fun fact btw: Among all of my fankids he's the second tallest toon after Collie(He often slouches, so it's barely noticeable) :]
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chronurgy · 8 months ago
Gortash Week Day 6 - Dealer's choice/AU (childhood)
She doesn’t know for sure that the boy living in her house is her son. She birthed him, sure, remembers that as well as anything. But if she hadn’t been there for it, she wouldn’t’ve picked this boy out as hers. He’s not like them. Not like her, not like his father. Not like anyone around the place, really.
When he was a baby, he was always screaming. Shrieking and fussing about some thing or another. And he was ravenous. Always grabbing her breast when he was smaller, never content to leave her be. Once he was old enough to eat solids, he would cram any piece of food he could get his greedy little hands onto into his hungry maw without so much as a by your leave. Like a bottomless pit, he was. And never grateful for any of it, either, the little snot. He stole, too, once he was big enough to reach the counters. How many times had she whacked his wandering hands with a spoon while cooking? Too many to count. And sometimes she’d catch him wolfing down some piece of food out in the alley behind the house she knew he couldn’t have stolen from her kitchen. She’d punish him for it, of course, give him a few good licks and lock him in the house, but he always got back out again eventually.
He was eerie, the boy that was supposed to be her son. Something lurked behind those dark eyes that spooked her. He just watched, watched them all unceasingly. At least when he wasn’t absorbed in one of those books of his. She’d certainly never taught him to read something like that, pages upon pages of dense little text and words near longer than her forearm. She’d taught him proper useful stuff, easy sums and enough reading to get by. He’d taken to it like a fish to water. And he just loved to flaunt it. Doing sums in his head, divisions even, without even counting on his fingers. He’d wait just long enough, long enough for it to be clear that she was struggling, counting on her fingers, before he'd announce the answer in that lackadaisical tone of his. He had no respect, that boy. He’d wormed his way into doing the store’s books and as soon as he had squirmed his way in, he’d started making demands, like he had the right. “Get a different leather supplier, Father” this, and “We haven’t got the money for that this month” that. Insolent boy! What right had he to tell his parents – they who fed him and clothed him and kept a roof over his head – what they ought to do? What would a child even know about money? And no matter how often they told him to shut it, the boy insisted on clinging to the purse strings tight as a miser’s fist.
And he lied, she knew he did. She couldn’t prove it, but she knew. A mother always knows. She’d found some complicated little toy stuffed under his bed, something she knew she certainly hadn’t bought him. She didn’t see the point in such fiddly mechanical bits of junk for children. When she’d confronted him about it, told him he couldn’t be stealing things like that, the boy’d had the very nerve to insist that he’d made it himself. Sometimes a bit of punishment would get him squealing, get him to admitting the nasty things he’d done. But just to spite her, the wretch had refused to admit his lies. He’d curled his stringy body around the thing as though to protect it and not spoken a word, barely even let out a whimper. Even when she’d got her hands on the thing, even then he’d refused to give up the lie. She’d had no choice but to smash it. She couldn’t have something like that in the house where the guard might find it and know it was stolen. Then he’d begged. Then he’d screamed. But even then, he had refused to tell her the truth. He’d had the nerve to fake tears for the dammed piece of junk, as though he’d cared about the damn thing. And when she’d told him to stop with the crocodile tears, he’d had the audacity to pretend to be afraid of her, cowering there with his hands over his head like he’d thought she would beat him. She’d seen the gleam in his eye though. She knew it was all some petty child’s manipulation. The lies never stopped with that whelp.
Her husband has debts, she knows this. She doesn’t trust the boy, not at all, and she checks and double checks every bit of work he does on the books. She knows they’re deep, deep in the hole and only getting deeper with every month that passes. She also knows that there isn’t a way out, not for people like them. And then a woman arrives. She arrives at their shop one day, a day when Enver is out of her hair and off on the streets doing things only the gods know about. She’s short, with long, beautiful dark hair, hair like she’d had before her husband and that boy had turned her grey before her time. “I bring the solution to all your problems,” the woman had said without prompting.
And oh, she had. She really, really had.
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embry-call-fan-club · 11 months ago
Embry Call X OC
Prologue chapter to my fic Cozy on both Wattpad and Fanfiction.net
Slow burn
High school crushes
Popular guy + Shy Socially Awkward girl
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Winnie’s POV
Someone should have told me that my crush was that obviously in plain sight for anyone to see.
I somehow convinced myself that I was mature about it. I thought I kept my crush mostly to myself. I thought I was careful not to do double takes at him, or try not to sit in the desk next to him whenever we had a class together.
I didn't let myself like Embry Call.
I tried my hardest to avoid him in the halls, I never mentioned him—let alone told anyone—I didn't even look at him. I had my back to Embry all four years of high school.
But everyone within ten feet of me knew the whole time. No one told me how bad I actually had it for Embry Call.
I was mortified when my friends first told me how I should go to a party because Embry was suppose to be there. They said it so casually, so knowingly, as if they were talking about the weather. While I was so speechless that my mouth dried up. I barely managed to ask them how many people knew ten minutes later. They shrugged me off, they were sure I knew everyone in our grade already knew I liked Embry since middle school.
I was so humiliated I just hid in their bathroom till it was time to go. One of my friends did her best to apply makeup on me in the car. She was so excited for Embry to see me with eyeliner, blush and lipstick that was shakily applied in a dark car. I barely remember if it turned out scary or decent because it was the least mortifying part of that night.
With a reservation as small as La push, most parties often end up at the beach. Everyone in the school always shows up to the beach parties. No parents, and plenty of space and the beach keeps people entertained, which all make it the perfect party venue. It was the last day of summer, the first day of school started in just twelve hours. The entire three hundred something student body packed the beach, half of them already in the water and the rest building bonfires or serving out the jungle juice. That was local tradition, each student had to bring a bottle of any kind of liquor to mix in or be shared. La Push jungle juice never tasted like fireball and gummy worms; it tasted like cans of beers and stolen booze from our parents, and it guaranteed the worst hangover of your life. Only the strong could handle it. Tourists can barely endure a cup.
I didn't.
"You're not gonna forget this night." My friend Skylar laughed, but looking back at it now I should have taken it as a warning. She was right. I never did live this night down.
I can still feel the sand in the night air brushing over my exposed shoulders whenever I think about this night. I feel the heat blasting on my skin where hands squeezed. Then immediately the hordes of laughing and ridicule.
I'm not going to play victim, and tell myself that was the worst night of my life. It wasn't. God knows I've had dozens of harder nights. But it's the night that changed everything, and even after all these years La Push won't let me forget it. Till this day I'm still known as the Drunk Girl on the rez.
All my friends thought Embry and I was such a cute idea. They were all supportive, but at age fifteen it was more pushy than helpful. Skylar lent me her bikini, and swapped for my regular one piece that was one size too small for her, which showed off the beginnings of her new boobs. While me, who barely hit puberty barely filled out her baby blue, triangle, stringy two piece. They had to triple knot the measly string before we all got into the car.
Even now I still won't wear a bikini.
Anyone and everyone could see how red my body flushed when I was swimming in that two piece. An embarrassingly orangey-pink blush that I couldn't hide. All I could do that night was tugged the bottoms as high they would go and pray the knot held over and over again.
After being clued in, I felt like everyone noticed when I found Embry in the crowd when we first got there. He was surrounded by his friends on a blanket, all of them still long haired and boyish. Sixteen year old me thought everyone was staring, and they were...just not yet.
My friends figured if everyone knew, then what was to lose if I tried talking to him? Then I realized the worst right when I walked up to him; what if Embry knew I liked him? He was nice when I froze up and walked off. He offered me a wave while his friends snickered in the midst of me running away to the nearest cluster of people for an exit; the makeshift bar.
That was my first mistake.
I downed at least three cupfuls by the time I got in the water. I couldn't walk straight anymore. I figured the next best thing was to float and bobble till I could feel my knees again. I nearly sunk like a rock when I saw Embry drop his shirt at the shoreline. I swear the water got warmer when he swam in.
I'd usually pretend I didn't see Embry, then probably get out of the water for good measure. But young and drunk is a bad combination. Instead I swam up right next to him.
"Hey Winnie." He was nice enough to say hi when he noticed me, because Embry is too polite and sweet for the average teenager. His hair was down, the long brown mane stuck to the back of his neck and shoulders.
"Hi." For one measly word, I managed to slur it. I still turn red at the memory of that goofy grin I gave him.
"You look like you're having a good time. Are you good?" He chuckled at how drunk I was. He made my school girl dreams a reality when he inched closer to put a supporting hand at the back of my neck, just in case he had to pull me up if I went under.
"Super." I barely held my head up over a wave. The tide almost sent me drifting, but Embry's hand caught me before I got swept off. A firm hand holding me at the curve of my shoulder, another keeping me close by the small of my back. He pulled me in so close our knees kept softly colliding underwater, and I could see the water sticking to his lashes.
"I know you're a tough girl and all, but being this far out when you're this tipsy isn't the best idea." Embry looped an arm around me, his hand going from my lower back to the curve of my hip. I was so wasted I didn't remember how I let out a pleased hum till the morning after. "Let's get you to the kiddie pool."
"Embry, I should have asked you ou—"
The ocean pulled back far, then a wave silenced me. Half the beach was pushed back towards the shore. It crashed on top of us, flattening us into the sand. Water burned up my nose while mouthfuls of it were so cold then salty it stung like battery acid as it forced its way down. The tides flipped me against my will, threatening to pull my neck in the opposite direction of my body was dragged towards. Just when I thought I found the ocean floor, a second wave landed on me. The only thing I could do was thrash and hope I figured out where the surface was.
"Winnie!" Embry and I were ripped apart. But he went back for me. He pulled me up by my elbows, helping me up to feet. "You're alright, you're alright..."
The rush of cold wasn't what made me figure it out. No, the piercing wolf whistle was the giveaway. Then the laughing broke out.
The wave knock off the bikini.
The top was drifting towards shore, while the bottoms were dragged off towards the sea.
I was too scared to even cry or shout. All I could manage was a dunk back into the water in a weak attempt to hide. I grabbed what I could, reached around and clutched with a white knuckle grip till skin threatened to rip.
The whole beach was laughing at me, even the sea was cackling. The louder they laughed, the more exposed my skin felt. The entire student body saw every inch of my body. They saw all of it, all tongue, cheeks, and lips. No matter how much more I sunk into the ocean, they couldn't unsee it.
If I had just one or the other half on, I would have made a run for it. But both my hands were only enough for one of the other, not that much skin. I wasn't sure if the salt in my eyes or the humiliation that made the tears well up.
"Look at me." Then there was Embry, blocking me from the crowd as much as he could. I only caught a glance of him before he came in and out of my blurry vision. A sweatshirt billowed around me and resisted the water before being weighed down then sinking. The fabric was cold rather than comforting from all the water.
"Just look at me." Embry assured, pulling the sweatshirt as far down as it'll go before helping me to my feet. I didn't even know he ran to shore and back to get this.
Our hands clutch at each other as I stumbled back up shore. I was so wasted, if I let go I felt like I would land into the sand. I didn't even bother to get my stuff. Instead, I immediately rushed across the beach, hurried past the parked cars and ignored the pointing and cellphones as much as I could. I picked up some speed when the sand gave away to solid dirt and grass.
Even far away from everyone, and I still felt completely naked.
"Winnie," Embry slowed down, pulling us to stop. The humiliation sobered me up, and the realization had hit me so suddenly a headache rushed to the front of my head. I pulled back, only to find out how much I needed the support to stand up straight. My head aware but legs were still drunk, I stumbled over my own feet till I landed into a tree.
"I'm not gonna bother even asking if you're okay, when I know you're not. Can I drive you home? Take you to get some food?" Embry reached for me, offering a hand like he done all night. It was then I noticed he was shaking, still shirtless to the waist down, he was soaking wet.
"The whole school just saw me naked." I rasped, nearing hyperventilation. I could feel the burn of the alcohol again, only this time rising back up instead of down.
"At least you're drunk." He didn't answer. Not with a lame lie about how no one saw me to spare my feelings, which I appreciated the honesty more than the fleeting comfort. But he didn't say yes either.
"Help me change schools. Or dump my body somewhere." I keeled over, not sure if I was going to throw up or just needed a place to hide. I couldn't stand it. Every curve and inch of my body felt polished, pinched and rubbed from all the eyes. I felt violated.
"I'm sorry, Winnie. I'm so sorry." Embry apologized, hugging his arms across his chest, sending water everywhere.
"You didn't have to. It wasn't your fault."
"It wasn't your fault either." Embry pointed out. "Is there anything I can do? Anything?"
"Not unless you can go back in time and drown me instead," My legs finally gave out from under me and I landed into the grass with a thump that made Embry jumped. "I'm just gonna sit here."
I needed a moment from all the running, from all the laughing, from all of the last few hours of my life. The party could still be heard from the beach, the music and crackle of the bonfire floated over the treetops to us.
"You don't have to have to stay." I said to Embry who instead lowered down next to me. Not too fast though, as if it'll make me motion sick.
"Not a chance." Embry's hand landed on my knee, then gave it a squeeze that made me even dizzier. "I'm staying till you feel better."
"I just flashed the entire school, and all in front of the guy I like. I'm not gonna feel better till I graduate."
"Lucky guy then." Embry chuckled, the rumble made my stomach do an excited leap. Then immediately lurched afterwards like I might throw up. "You should have taken him out to dinner first, Winnie."
"I doubt he'll say yes if I ask now." I clutched my legs to my chest, and hoped it would help lessen the nausea.
"No, he'll definitely say yes now. He'll be crazy not to. Who wouldn't want to see you from head to toe again?" My heart jumped so hard it rammed into my rib cage. The earth tilted on its edge, and nearly sent me toppling over into the grass. I had to hold my breath so I wouldn't have gasped.
"Whose the guy you like? Do I know him?" Embry asked, his voice threatening to crack a bit at the end like puberty. Drunken me had the urge to say him of course, apparently the whole school knew, which meant Embry should have known too. Yet, I still couldn't live with it. How was I suppose to even say, 'I know that you know I like you.' Let alone even ask a boy out? I was fifteen and hopeless and awkward like everyone else. Then I was fifteen, hopeless, awkward, and butt naked to everyone on the Rez.
"You know him." I slurred the ending. "You definitely know him."
"So I'm guessing someone in our grade." Embry thinks it's over, his face going serious. "It's Jared Cameron isn't it? Every girl has a crush on him. But Kim had first dips since preschool—"
"It's not Jared Cameron," I shook my head to myself. "It's someone I've liked since the fifth grade. Then tonight my friends clued me in on how everyone already knew I have the biggest crush on them. Which just makes this night that much more humiliating." I buried my face into the tops of my knees, ready for the ground to swallow me whole. It felt like finding out you're actually the biggest idiot in the room and everyone had been laughing at you the whole time, but add nudity to that nightmare. I've never felt so hollowed our before.
"Don't tell me it's Paul Lahote." He groaned, throwing his head back. If half the girls in our grade haven't liked Jared Cameron since kindergarten, then the other half had a crush on Paul Lahote. "I didn't take you for one of those people who like a bad boy type."
"No, Lahote is too much of a hot head." If it hadn't been such a humiliating night I would have laughed. "The guy I like is the nicest person I know. My favorite thing I like about him is how he's the sweetest guy to anyone and everyone."
"Sounds like a winner," Embry nodded solemnly, grinding his foot into the dirt.
"He helped me tonight." I heard the slurred words before I realized I said them. A long silent moment passed before the implications of my words weighed me down. I almost cursed but everything was slowed down and delayed by the alcohol. I didn't turn red till his eyes locked on mine, "No, wait—"
I didn't get to finish, Embry closed the gap between us. He hesitated, stopping against my nose. Every hair on my body stood up on end, my body threatening to shake. He swallowed, leaned in further, with his hands reaching up to grasp me around my hips then he hesitated once more, and dropped them.
Our eyes locked, the longing gaze the only thing between us.
Embry didn't hesitate again. He closed in on me, not stopping this time till our lips met. He cupped my face to bring me in closer, the other getting tangled in my wet hair. Just as we were about to deepen the kiss there was a burst.
"Yeah, get it Call!"
"Call is making out with the school slut!"
We didn't break apart, we jumped apart. A group of drunk boys hooted and cheered as they broke through the tree line, the phones shining lights on me as they recorded everything. I stumbled back, I felt naked all over again. But this time naked and damned like a burning woman at the stake.
"Hey!" Embry squared his shoulders, shielding me as much as his scrawny fifteen year old body could. Him being shirtless made everything seem worse than it actuality was. It was almost as horrible as the beach just twenty minutes before. I didn't wait for the boys to stop recording, or for them to hoist Embry on their shoulders or whatever.
I bolted.
Wasted, humiliated, wobbly and sore from the entire night; I ran.
And I never spoke to Embry Call again.
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randomvarious · 4 months ago
1997 London Playlist
Back with some dance goodies from '97 that came from the world's most musically vibrant city, London, where all sorts of electronic genres were able to flourish quite unlike anywhere else in the world at the time. This week I added a deep breakbeat banger to the Spotify version of this playlist by a duo called Drum Club, who in '92 released their original version of "U Make Me Feel So Good" on dance legend William Orbit's pioneering progressive house label, Guerilla. Five years later, though, Drum Club's own Lol Hammond, aka Girl Eats Boy, remixed the song for a re-release on another UK progressive house label called Jackpot too, which gave us this beaut that laid its drum breaks over a super soothingly satisfying backdrop of lush strings and soft, subtle horn, as the sampled vocal from the original version made its grand return 😌. Currently unjustifiably sitting at less than 1,000 plays.
The Drum Club - "You Make Me Feel So Good (Girl Eats Boy mix)"
And then for the YouTube update, I added that one, plus another couple Guerilla remixes that can't be found on Spotify too, including a trance take on West London group React 2 Rhythm's 1991 song, "Intoxication," that was done by the legendary duo of John Digweed & Nick Muir, aka Bedrock, that's currently only sitting at 3.6K+ plays; and a progressive house mix of UK duo Fuzzy Logic's 1992 tune, "Obsession," that was done by the trio of Shango and Danny Howells, which is pushing towards 4.3K plays. "Intoxication" has this lovely bed of colliding and stringy synths that Bedrock drop a bunch of bleepy and old school knob-twiddling acid on top of, and then "Obsession" is one of those tunes that's good for slotting into the middle of a mix to maintain a steady vibe before you really start to ramp up to a mesmerizing climax. It lingers for a bit, but after its breakdown, it adds some nice string pads to complete the whole thing. Vocalist Erire dips into some gravelly passion and some aquatic organ work is mixed in too 👍.
React 2 Rhythm - "Intoxication (Nick Muir & John Digweed's Bedrock mix)" Fuzzy Logic - "Obsession (Shango & Danny Howells' Illogical Infactuation mix)"
And this playlist is also on YouTube Music.
So, three new tracks added in total this week, from three separate dance genres, all of which were remixes of songs that were originally released on the great Guerilla label. Spotify version of the playlist is now at 14 songs that clock in at 91 minutes, but over on YouTube, we're now at 25 songs that clock in at 173 minutes. So if you want a whole lot more of that dope 1997 London underground stuff, check out the YouTube playlist!
And here's the list of comps and mixes that I've used so far to put this playlist together:
Goth's Undead (1997, Cleopatra Records) 00 : 50 (1997, Soma Quality Recordings) Monsieur Dimitri's De-Luxe House of Funk by Dimitri From Paris (1997, DMC Publishing Ltd.) Jackpot Presents Guerilla by Phil Perry & Danny Howells (1997, Jackpot) Skampler (2001, Skam) Soma Quality Recordings - Volume 4 (1997, Soma Quality Recordings) Club H Vol.2 by Harry the Bastard (2000, Statra Recordings) Hi:Fidelity Lounge - Volume One: Subterranean Soundtracks (1999, Guidance Recordings) Eclectic Electric (2000, eMusic) Spundae Presents Interpretations by Jerry Bonham (1998, Spundae) DJ-Kicks: by Kid Loco (1999, !K7) 4am Eternal (A Truly Twisted Post-Club Chill-Out Selection) by Osymyso (2000, Mixmag) Amberdelic Space II: Angel of Ecstasy (1997, Dressed to Kill) Alt. Frequencies Presents Disco Moonlight (1997, Worm Interface) Essential Selection, Vol. One by Fatboy Slim & Paul Oakenfold (2000, London Records 90) E=wMC2000: The Equation For Quantum Groove Theory (2000, eMusic) A Jedi's Night Out by Tom Middleton (1999. DMC / Mixer) Architecture Volume 2 by Terry Francis (1998, Pagan Records)
And here's some links to more 90s London playlists too:
1992: YouTube / YouTube Music 1994: YouTube / YouTube Music 1995: YouTube / YouTube Music 1996: Spotify / YouTube / YouTube Music 1998: Spotify / YouTube / YouTube Music 1999: YouTube / YouTube Music
Breakbeat update next week!
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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p0etic-l0ser · 2 years ago
His name is germ
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glitter-dildo · 4 years ago
I recently joined a string worm owners discord server and I realized the sheer amount of miss conceptions about owning worms so I am here to help give some info regarding the proper care and ownership of a string worm to help set the record straight in the form of a little Q and A with questions I've gotten from the server.
Q: Can my worm be happy without a proper enclosure?
A: While it is possible to care for a worm even if it doesn't have an enclosure, it is better for it to have its own safe space. Here are some tips for setting up a proper home for your stringy.
• A shoe box should be large enough to care for a standard size string worm.
• String worms are actually super sensitive to temperature so I suggest getting it proper bedding. Propper bedding can be many things but the most common and cheapest to find would be either confetti or shredded papper. Bedding should be colorfull, thats why I recommend confettii but you can also buy shredded papper from your local dollar store.
• I would suggest to adding a solo cup as a little space it can retreat into when it feels threatened.
Q: Do string worms need to eat?
A: The answer to this is, No. While yes they can eat, they actually don't require any nutritional supplements. If you do want to give your worm a treat I suggest feeding it sprinkles. Make sure that if you do feed it sprinkles though that they are the small spherical kind, not the long kind as they can get stuck in your worm and cause it much discomfort and distress. Also put it in a low rimmed dish.
Q: Can I put multiple worms in the same enclosure or do I need to separate them?
A: If you do decide to adopt more then one worm you can put them in the same enclosure. They are perfectly together fine aslong as they where well socialized as a youngling. I dont recomend putting more then 5 in a single enclosure though, because then it gets a little crouded for them. There are some exceptions to this though with some breeds being more territorial then others.
Q: Are there different breeds of worm?
A: There are multiple different types of stringys out there. Here are a few breeds that are most common.
• Dallery
Dalleries are probably more of the most common and sadly most often mistreated type of worm. The reason why they are so widely mistreated is due to the fact that they can be bought at the dollar store fairly cheaply. Because of this often times children will buy them and then throw them away when they get bored. They can make awesome pets though if they are properly trained.
• Strike
The strike is a less common but pretty breed. They have a very distinctive striped coat.They can have some behavioral problems and are more difficult to train but are very pretty and are often show animals. The reason for their behavioral problems is because they are usually more aggressive and territorial and if they feel threatened, they will attack your other worms. When you first adopt them I suggest keeping them separate from others, if you have any, and slowly introducing them to the others. If they are slowly introduced they are less likely to feel threatened and will eventually get along with them.
• Giganrie
Giganries are the largest breed of string worms often stretching upto 3 to 6 feet in length. I personally don't have any of my own but I have a friend who is a seasoned Giganrie owner and has shaired some of their experiences with me. Giganries are a specialty species that have to be carefully bred by seasoned professionals. While normal stringies are very simple to care for once you know the ropes, giganries are often filled with surprises. They are a far more affectionate breed and often prefer to sleep with their owners at night. They often take up alot of space so if you are living in a small house or apartment I don't suggest getting one. They are far more likely to get injured amd may require medical attention but its normal nothing that can't be handled with alittle TLC. If you are considering getting one I would look around and find a responsible breeder.
Q: Do worms require attention?
A: Just like any pet worms require attention. Depending on the breed they can either require alot or alittle attention. It also depends on their personality. If they are an outgoing worm they require alot of attention and vice versa. In the end I recommend forming a close bond with your worm and getting to know them or their habits.
This has been a quick little PSA about the very basics about worm care. If you have any questions just ask me and I can help inform the people.
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penslaandstellar · 5 years ago
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Worm/furby community. Please accept my
humble offerings
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milesprower · 7 years ago
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idk if that prompt thingie of the cool @dailysonicocs is still going but here are more (doodley) concepts about “velvet worms”
1. straight up character who is a velvet worm, probably very warm, good for that fella 
2, thanks to the extensive kamen rider blogging of friends, sooner or later it would come to this, since the suits are rather bug related
 kinda rabbit as a nod to this seasons rider bc of the rabbit theme heh
3. classic one, and Velvet “the worm”, less being a worm but also being a total worm if you know what i mean
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eros-fixx · 2 years ago
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“what, are you scared?”
you startle at the hand on your back, the warmth of his breath on the nape of your neck—much closer than he was mere seconds ago. you whirl around, glowering at your ginger-haired companion.
“not funny, childe!”
the light flickers above you, quick enough to make out the grin on his face, teeth nearly too white against the darkness of the room.
“come now, comrade, you don’t mean to tell me you’re frightened—”
“nope,” you say firmly.
he raises a brow, not for a minute believing in your front. “scared?”
“am not.”
“no—” you start, but are cut off as something large and hairy drops onto your shoulder. you screech, trying to shake the fake spider off, but stilling once your fingers brush against something thin and stringy.
“please get it off,” you beg childe. he laughs, his fingers deftly undoing the strings of web wrapped around your arm.
“well, since you asked so kindly.”
“is it almost over?” you moan, burying your face into his chest when he’s done. you are fully intent on using him as a shield; it was his idea, after all, to venture into this haunted house. his idea, after all, to see just how brave you were by letting you go first.
“hmm…” he ponders, twining strands of your hair in his hand. he leans in to inhale deeply, before sighing. (childe told you he likes the way you smell, as weird as that sounds. he said it calms him, helps him focus—of course you thought it was strange at first, even joked about him having a scent kink, but he shrugged it off.)
“after we round the corner, i’d say…” you perk up at the thought of nearly being finished with the maze.
“we’re not even close to halfway through,” he finishes.
you deflate. “i hate you for this.”
“you always say that, but who’s still in this relationship?” he says jovially, squeezing your arm.
“maybe this’ll break us up,” you say sourly, glaring up at him. childe turns a curious gaze to you. “giving me a heart attack with all these jumpscares. offering me up as worm food for the zombies. as fine wine for the vampires.”
you sigh, attempting to untangle yourself around him, but his grip, surprisingly strong, holds you in place. with his free hand, he tilts your chin up. he’s frowning, his gaze unusually serious. “do you really think i would let anything bad happen to you? my mate? that’s an insult,” he says, expression somber.
but then he shifts. he smiles, his hand caressing your cheek. “i’m strong, you know that? stronger than you can imagine. it’s my job to protect you.”
in the few months you’ve been dating, you’ve gotten well-acquainted with childe’s capricious nature. he has a knack for being serious in the most unexpected moments, carefree in the next.
but one of the words he says catches your attention.
“wait—mate? what are we, animals?” childe cocks his head in confusion, about to argue with you, but then pauses. you persist. “and protect? protect me from what? the spiders?”
his smile this time seems stiff. childe lets out a bark of a laugh, and for a second, you think you see a flash of teeth too sharp to be human. but you blink and it’s gone. it’s just childe staring at you with a strange expression on his face, as if you’ve seen him—really seen him—for the first time.
“i was just playing monster there. to get in the mood. don’t think too hard about it! it was just a joke.”
“but you know… you really should be careful about what kind of monsters you trust.”
childe clasps his hand over yours, and you jolt. for a moment, it seemed as if his nails were sharper, like claws digging into you. but when you look down, his hands look normal, as they always do.
“you never know what kind of creatures lurk in the night. you just might find yourself in one of their traps.”
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luveline · 3 years ago
“Just play along. Please.” With any of them! Writer’s choice!
james my beloved rescuing reader from a creep <3 tysm for ur request
An arm tucked through his arm. Your face, a stranger, looking at him pleadingly. "Just play along. Please," you whisper, and then, looking forward, "My boyfriend's gonna take you out front if you don't back off." 
He follows your gaze to a man looking startled and stringy, seemingly unconvinced by your announcement. 
James' gaze flits from you and the man and then he worms his arms around your shoulders, leaning likely too much weight on you. You take it like a champ.
"Get lost," he says. The man opens his mouth to talk, and James leans back, unimpressed. "Fuck off, mate, or I'll do what my little girl promised."
The weirdo disappears and any confidence you'd held wilts. He aches to see someone so pretty looking so lost, and he gives your shoulders a good squeeze before he lets you go.
"Thank you," you mutter.
"You alright?" he asks. 
Something shifts on your face and you smile, leaning back on the bar with your elbows in a mirror of him. 
"Better if I buy you a drink?" he offers. "No strings. Or a bag of scratchings?" 
Your eyes light up. "Yes to the scratchings." 
"Alright," he says jovially. "I like a girl who loves to party." 
You laugh, and James thinks it might be the loveliest sound he's ever heard. He endeavours to make you do it again. 
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k00282666 · 2 years ago
Sculpture: day 1
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I worked off of the verbs ‘to tie’ and ‘to knot’. I first tied my cardigan into a long plush worm with a stringy twine.
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Next I tied and bound lumps of clay using string and stretch fabric. The stretch fabric helped keep the tightly strung twine from cutting the clay. I wanted to get that round bubbling look, I thought the curves looked quite plush and elegant.
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lynleyloft · 3 years ago
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[ID: A cartoonishly drawn infographic about types of pigeon poop.
Pigeon Poop! (version 1, 2022, by Lynley Loft)
Poop colour varies from bird to bird and based on diet, age, and mineral supplements- poop isn’t a valid home diagnostic tool and this chart shouldn’t be used instead of a visit to an avian vet.
Normal Poops (next to a cartoon depiction of a pigeon poop with composition labelled “urate”, “dropping”, and “urine” and a garden pea for scale)
Pigeons will poo 3-4 times an hour, producing small, moist balls smell slightly sour and earthy. 
(Next to a picture of a dropping that is khaki brown with a white urate cap and faint foot of urine) “Ideal”, where the droppings are smooth, khaki-brown “nuts” should be the type you see most of the time.
(Next to a picture of a puddle of slightly khaki urine with only a small amount of dropping, capped by a small urate) “Watery” lots of clear or slightly khaki urine with little or no dropping, common after stress or bathing.
(Next to a picture of a typical nut of poop, but with a few seeds visible in the dropping) “Undigested Seed” a seed or two haven’t been fully digested.
(Next to a picture of a large, flat, light khaki coloured poo with a slightly blistered urate and a modest foot of urine) “Broody” loggy, slightly soggy poop with a crazed or cracked urate.
(Next to a picture of a puddle of white urine with thin strings of dropping striped by white urate) “Stringy” droppings and urine are moving quickly through the gut and haven’t quite combined.
(Next to a picture of a poop that has a faint swirled pattern, like the poop emoji) “Noodly” slightly more nut-shaped than stringy, but might break in to strings when smeared.
Unusual Poops. These unusual poops, especially acutely (all of the sudden, all of the poops) are a good clue to schedule an appointment with an avian vet, particularly if there have been no changes or disruptions in your pigeon’s routine.
(Next to a picture of a pair of otherwise typical looking poops where the droppings have a pinkish or reddish colour) “Pink, Red, or Red-Brown” while such colours are slightly frightening to new keepers, they are often caused by mineral grit or sorghum, not blood.
(Next to a picture of a poop where the dropping is predominantly mixed seed rather than digested matter and the puddle of urine is slightly larger and khaki shaded) “Undigested Seed” passing whole, undigested seeds limits the nutrition needed for a happy and healthy bird!
(Next to a picture of a puddle of brightly green urine with only a spot of dark green dropping and a spot of urate in it) “Pea Soup” distinctly bright grassy or neon green, often watery. Could indicate infection or excess bile.
(Next to a a picture of a fairly typical poop, but with a froth of bubbles edging the urate) “Frothy” frothy or bubbly poop suggests air in the gut and is not normal.
Worms cannot be detected in poop by a layperson prior to worming medication.
Under the border of the image, which is simple lines, with a silhouette of a pigeon feather at each corner, text continues: Useful descriptions to use with your vet: oily, watery, greasy, chunky, bubbly or frothy, tarry, sticky, soupy. Note unusual odour, unusual colour, wet or dirty feathers around the vent, and a change in frequency and amount of poop produced. Use common sense and visit a vet if you’re uncertain. End ID]
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secretobsessionstuff · 5 years ago
If this isn’t too much trouble, I would love to read a little something about Shawn or Dakota being the sickie. ( i have an odd attachment to them) Something where they’ve come down with a stomach flu, and they’re just so sick and pukey that they can barely hold themselves up. Their s/o’s are scared shitless because they have never seen them so weak. (bonus points if the sickie faints). Hope you are healthy & safe!!! you rock!!
Okay I’m breaking my own rules by filling this request when I have a bunch more that came before this. But for some reason I was inspired by this request! So, thank you anon for the lovely prompt and it is fact you who rocks!!
“Blair!” Dakota called out in the weakest and strained voice. The words came out sounding muffled and thick from having just thrown up over the side of the bed. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and let his head fall forward as a string of bile hung from lips. Thankfully, the puddle of vomit now staining the carpet wouldn’t be too hard to clean up because Dakota’s stomach had practically nothing left to give up. This was the third time in the same hour that the nausea became too intense, too quickly, leaving Dakota with not time to prepare. All he could do was lean away from the bed and let his body do its thing.
Dakota sure did swish that his body would do its thing faster. It had been almost six hours since the ache in Dakota’s belly woke him up. And every hour since, he had not stop throwing up even when nothing but air forced its way up his throat. He clutched at his chest, grimacing from the pain that spread throughout his chest.
“I’m coming!” He heard Blair call from down the hallway. Soon after, she appeared in the bedroom with a clean bucket, and a face cloth in her hand. To Dakota, she looked fuzzy and uneven, almost like he was looking at her through choppy water.
She crouched by the bed, making sure that didn’t step in the pile of sick. Blair gave Dakota a pout and held his face in her hands. He was still burning up despite the fever reducers she had given him and the many obsessive time that she wiped his face with the cold cloth. By this point, she was simply going through the motions of wiping away the sweat and the sick from his lips. Nothing was working and this stomach bug just kept wreaking havoc on Dakota’s gut. Blair was starting to worry, not just because his eyes had a glassy and distant look to them, but because the eyes themselves look to be sinking deeper into his skull. And his skin was the color of ash. What worried Bair even more was that she barely needed the cloth anymore to wipe away the sweat, because there was none. Judging by the dampness of the Dakota’s shirt and the bed sheets, she had a fairly good guess of where all his fluids had gone, not to mention the dozens of times that she emptied the puke bucket.
Blair petted Dakota’s hair and sucked in air through her teeth. “Kota, do you think you can keep soup down, or maybe Gatorade?”
As if to reply, another dry retch tore its way up Dakota’s throat. He lurched forward in the direction of his girlfriend, but luckily there was nothing to bring up. He shook his head weakly and allowed the momentum from the retching to pull him towards Blair. He rested his head against her chest and hiccuped. “Ah, it hurts, Blair.” He moaned into her shirt.
She kissed the top of his head while her expression grew into one of concern. “I know baby, but you have to try eating something.”
Dakota groaned because he knew she was right. Even dazed and fever-ridden, he could tell that his body was in desperate need of fluids. Any energy he had left was sapped from his muscles, making so that even holding his head was a struggle.
So, he allowed Blair to guide him to the living room where he waited for the soup to be made. To ease his stomach into it, he took a few sips of blue Gatorade. When the liquid landed in his stomach, it felt like he was trying to digest lighter fluid. Unfortunately, his stomach was a war zone, and nothing would settle properly.
When Blair placed a bowl of yellow soup on the lap tray, Dakota tried hard not to let a gag escape his mouth. He was the furthest from being hungry he’d ever been. He picked up the spoon and started to move the chicken and noodles around the bowl, until he found the nerve to put something in his belly.
Blair sat down on the couch next to Dakota after placing the bucket by their feet. Hopefully, they wouldn’t need the bucket, but she thought it best to be safe. She nodded her head as Dakota took the smallest sips of soup. This was better than nothing, she thought. At least her boyfriend wasn’t about to shrivel up like a houseplant she forgot to water.
A shiver ran up Dakota’s spine as the warm soup slipped down his throat. Each spoonful was a struggle that he needed to talk himself into swallowing. His bottom lip quivered each time he opened his mouth. When he was halfway through the soup, he had to stop because he felt his stomach beginning to churn. He looked down at his pathetic attempt to eat something and sighed. Most of the noodles were still left, because the first few mouthfuls felt like he was swallowing worms. Even now, he thought he could feel something swimming and wiggling around inside him. He set aside the bowl and covered his mouth his hand.
Blair watched him carefully as he put the spoon down. It wasn’t much, but she was happy that he tried eating something. The only problem was that Dakota looked as nauseous as a seasick passenger. She put her hand on his shoulder and said, “will you be able to keep it down?”
For a quick second, Dakota was simply staring off into space, still with his hand over his mouth. He willed himself to keep the food down, even his tummy was very unhappy with the new state of things. The nausea was just as bad as when he first woke up, but he tried not to think about this.
But he couldn’t not think about it. He hugged his middle and squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m sorry,” he breathed out. His jaw felt like it was being weighed down by a ton of rocks and saliva was quickly coating his tongue. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Please, Kota,” Blair said, sounding defeated, and more than anything she sounded worried. “We might have to go to the hospital if you can’t keep it down.” Even as Blair said this, she passed the bucket for Dakota to place it on his lap. She wasn’t about to force him to do something he had no control over.
“I’m sorry,” Dakota mumbled again. He took the bucket gratefully and spat away stringy saliva. When the first gag gurgled up his throat, he tried cutting it off by slapping a hand over his mouth. This succeeded only in making his body lurch forward. He had to keep it down, he had to, but he didn’t want to. His poor belly was in agony as he resisted the urge to throw up.
Blair could see the pain written on Dakota’s sunken face and it stabbed her in the chest. “Oh baby, it’s fine, let yourself be sick.”
Dakota didn’t need to be told twice. He moved his hand away from his mouth and immediately a surge of vomit splattered into the bucket. It was a loud heave that came from deep within belly, but Dakota didn’t have time to be embarrassed because a second gush of noodles and broth came rushing up his esophagus. When his stomach had effectively emptied itself all over again, Dakota was too weak to lift his head up.
He kept his chin buried in the bucket while he moaned, “Mm…my belly hurts so much, Bee.”
“I know, this sucks. I’m sorry,” Blair cooed as she rubbed his back. While trying to decide if they needed to go to the hospital, she lifted Dakota’s head so she could get a proper look at him. Blair had never seen Dakota so weak and lifeless. If it weren’t for her hand under his chin, his head would certainly fall forward. His eyes were hardly open, his skin was sallow, and his cheeks looked hollow. Yep, it was time to go.
“Alright, Dakota,” Blair said as she put the basin full of sick on the floor and helped her boyfriend up from the couch. “We can’t wait any longer.”
Blair felt like she was leading a zombie around. As soon as she pulled Dakota to his feet, he stumbled, and she needed to catch him. It’s a miracle that Blair managed to get Dakota in the car without being crushed by his weight. It helped that he was able to shuffle his feet, but the fever was affecting his presence so much that Dakota looked like he was sleepwalking.
Once in the car with a bucket on his lap, Dakota finally looked up. His unfocused eyes searched for Blair until he saw her coming from the house with an overnight back in her arms. She placed their things in the trunk and joined him upfront. He looked at her with big brown glassy eyes.
Blair cupped his face with her hand and gave him a weak smile. “This will all be over soon, I promise.”
Dakota blinked heavily and couldn’t seem to find the energy to open his eyes back up. “I’m tired.”
“Then sleep, Kota.” Blair leaned over and kissed his burning forehead before putting the car into drive.
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willow-salix · 5 years ago
Isolation update and one of two planned offerings for @gumnut-logic 's "Touch" prompt. Enjoy!
Day 80 of Isolation on Tracy Island and it started with Alan breaking into the bedroom while we were still asleep. I woke to him rummaging around in the bedside drawer.
“Dude? Whatcha doin’?” I mumbled, it was far too early, I was far too snuggly warm and getting up was in no way on my radar for at least another few hours.
“Oh, I just wanted to borrow your contact lens solution.”
“Huh?” I groaned, having kinda half dozed off again while he had continued to search through the drawer. “What lens solution?”
“That stuff you got with those coloured lenses you wore at halloween.”
I prised one eye open again and poked the sleepy hamster in my brain that had fallen off the wheel and was far too lazy to get up again.
“Oh...that…” where was it? Where did I even put it? I tried to mentally rewind more than eight months… it wasn't easy. Hell, without this diary I wouldn’t even know what day of the week we were on or what I did two days ago…come to think of it, what did I do two days ago?
Fingers snapped in front of my face, making me jump.
“Did you drift?”
“Yeah, sorry...lens stuff...it’s in the…” where was it? I could picture it…”drinks cabinet in the lounge!” I finished triumphantly, that was it. We’d had a small party and I’d taken the lenses out half way through as they had made my eyes itch and I’d stashed them in the first place I had come across, which just so happened to be the place where I was returning to the most that night. I blame Scott, I always blame Scott, if there is ever a drinking game happening or karaoke is started, he’ll be there.
“Alan, I…where did he go?” The drawer was still open and the bedroom door was ajar, but at least it was quiet again. I yawned so wide I almost turned my face inside out and curled back up against the warm body next to me and closed my eyes…
Coffee...I smell...delicious black gold...I sat up a little without even opening my eyes and reached for the mug, taking a sip before I felt able to face the world.
Perfect. Milky, silky, smooth, sweet perfection in a mug. I opened my eyes to see that he'd put it in one of my favourite mugs, the black one shaped like a cauldron that said "witch's brew" on the side. The paleness of the milky latte was broken up by a swirl of coffee and caramel syrup that floated peacefully on the surface like a miniature galaxy. Top ten reason to marry a guy, he makes the most amazing coffee, even if he doesn't do it very often.
“Gods that's good, thank you, I so needed this.” I sipped again then put the mug down on the bedside table, I wanted to savour this...why was that drawer open and all my stuff messed up? Not that I was the tidiest person in the world but I know it wasn't that bad. My sluggish brain managed to kick up an image of the blond baby… “Did I dream Alan coming in at stupid o’clock this morning looking for something?”
“Hmm?” John stopped rummaging in the wardrobe to look at me. “I don’t know, I don’t remember anything after we started watching that film with the puppets in it.”
“They are Muppets, you heathen and I have no idea how you could fall asleep watching that, it’s amazing.”
“Because it was after two and I was tired?”
“Pathetic excuse. Anyway, back to the original question, did I dream Alan? What did he want?”
“Again, I don’t know, you’ll have to find him and ask.”
“Mm,” I agreed, picking up my coffee again. “I’ll go in a minute, it can’t be that urgent.”
An hour later I was actually up, showered, dressed and had even had breakfast, that’s how organized I was. OK, so it was technically after lunchtime but that's beside the point. I tracked the small one down to Virgil’s studio, which is never, ever a good thing. No one is allowed in there without permission on pain of death. I caught him just as he came out with a bottle of glue in his hands.
“What are you up to, Squirt?”
“Nothing!” Unfortunately he said that at the same time as he hastily tucked the glue behind his back.
“Nope, not falling for it. What’s going on?"
"Nothing!" he insisted again.
"I can see you hiding something behind your back."
“OK,” he sighed. “ But promise you won’t get mad?”
“What did you break? Because that’s only craft glue for paper, it won't fix broken things.”
“I know that! And I didn’t break anything, you always think the worst of me.”
“Sweetie, I don’t think that, I just know you.”
He opened his mouth to argue but then shut it again.
“OK, that’s fair," he admitted
“So why would I get mad if you didn’t break anything? Not that I’d get mad if you had broken anything as I’m sure it would have been an accident.”
“Thank you for your faith in me.”
“So, what are you doing?”
“Well, I was bored-”
“And I started looking around the internet and I kinda fell into a search hole-”
“Also understandable, I’ve been there myself far too many times to count.”
“Anyways, I found this post about things that kids did in the early two thousands and one of them was to make slime. Apparently everyone was obsessed with it.”
“Really? Slime?” I found that quite hard to believe.
“Yeah, there were even whole video channels dedicated to making it and playing with it.”
“People actually wanted to watch videos of people playing with slime? That’s disgusting.”
“No, it’s not like, super sticky slime, but more of a cool slime.”
“That makes zero sense, little dude.”
“I don’t understand it either, but it seemed too cool to not at least try, you know?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I get that, I’ve done many things that seemed too cool not to.”
“Really? Like what?”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“It’s not anything gross with my brother, is it?”
I gave him that look that says all and nothing, it’s always fun to keep them wondering just what the heck I even meant, the puzzlement on their faces is priceless.
“Wanna make slime with me?”
“Sure,” I shrugged. “How bad can it be?”
“So you pour the glue in the bowl,” Alan instructed.
“Done that, what's next?”
“Then you add a… what does that symbol mean?”
I glanced at his phone. “Tablespoon.”
“One tablespoon of baking soda.” We both dumped that in the glue.
“A couple of drops of food colouring.” We both added green, him because he wanted to make fake snot, me because I wanted it to look like Slimer had been visiting.
“Now we add one or two tablespoons of the contact lens solution and mix.”
“Better add just one first,” I suggested, “if it’s anything like baking it's always better to start with less and add more.”
“Yeah, it says the more you add the sloppier it gets.”
We dumped in a spoonful each and mixed...and mixed...and mixed. I added a little more but wanted more of a thick consistency, he added a whole tablespoon more as he wanted ‘the whole slime experience’.
“No we have to knead it,” he instructed me.
“O...K” I didn't like the sound of that. I thought I'd just be mixing, not getting my hands in it. I poked the goo with a finger. “It’s cold!”
Alan, being Alan, just dived right in, sticking both hands in the bowl.
“Coool,” he grinned, squishing the gooey mixture so that it oozed out from between his fingers. “This is so weird.”
I was a little more delicate. I pushed my finger in knuckle deep and felt around. I don’t know what for or what I hoped to achieve. It was like poking barely set jelly, it left a bit of a dent and closed over my finger like it was sucking it in. “Ewwww.”
“This is great!”
“I don’t like it.” I wiggled my finger around in the slop then withdrew it, feeling the stringy strands stick to my skin. “Ewwww.”
“I love it!”
“You would, you gross little munchkin.”
“You gotta get your whole hand in there, don’t be shy.” He slapped his sticky hand down on top of mine, smaming it into the ick. I screamed. It was disgusting.
“You horrible little worm!”
“Wiggle your fingers!”
“Do it!”
“Dare you.”
“Dammit.” I wiggled and shuddered in revulsion. “It’s horrible.”
Alan was kneading his like he was making bread, putting in far more effort than he had that time we made pizza dough. I glanced into his bowl and yes, it was looking far better than mine was.
“Urghh I’m gonna have to do it, aren't I?” I took a deep breath and stuck both hands into the bowl. “Yuck, yuck yuck, yuck, yuck,” I chanted as I smacked and punched at the mess. Slowly but surely, it came together, becoming far less sticky and turning into a silky smooth substance that, I hated to admit, was actually quite satisfying to play with.
“You’re having fun, aren't you?” Alan grinned.
“I admit nothing,” I sniffed, though he was right and he knew it. I picked up the mess and pushed the bowl aside.
If he was treating it like dough, so would I. I dumped it on the counter and began to knuckle it, pulling and stretching with my hands, just as I would to add air to bread. Suddenly seized by the unholy urge to whip I, I grabbed hold of one end and flung my hand back, whipping it forwards to stretch out the slime and splat against the counter. OK, that was actually pretty cool.
“I wonder if this bounces?” I balled it up again and dropped it onto the counter top where it landed with a wet splat, flattening into a puddle.
“Coooool,” Alan whistled, doing the same to his, although his was a lot sloppier and spread across the counter. Mine looked more like a fried egg, his was like spilt juice.
“Oops,” he tried to pick it up but it was far too slippery, sliding between his fingers and plopping out of his hand.
I helped by grabbing a spatula from the utensils pot and trying to pick it up like it was a pancake. It didn't work. Strings of goo slid between the slats of the spatula and dripped downwards.
“Grab the bowl!” I yelped and he held it underneath to catch the run off. I scraped the spatula against the side of the bowl and peeled the last, stubborn bits off and flicked them into the bowl along with the rest.
“What are we actually going to do with this stuff?” I asked him.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got plans,” he grinned.
“I don’t like the sound of that,” I groaned. “Just please, keep me and John out of it, he doesn’t need the extra stress, he already has to put up with me.”
I was sensible with my weird goo, I added a few drops of essential oil having found, much to my amazement, that it actually was quite relaxing to squish it and play with it. I found myself taking it out of it’s tub frequently that evening while we watched a movie, smoothing out the cool jelly, kneading it in my palm and squeezing it until it smushed in between my fingers. The soothing scent of lavender wafting up to fill my nose.
“OK,” John said after watching me for quarter of an hour. “I’ll bite, what do you have there?”
“Slime, I made it with Alan,” I held out my hand and dropped the ball of eww into his palm.
The look of disgust on his face was everything.
“Squish it,” I instructed.
“Squish it?”
“Yeah, like this,” I plonked my hand down on top of his and mashed the goo between our fingers.
“That is the most revolting thing I’ve ever felt in my life.”
I pulled my hand away from his, the slime clinging desperately for a few seconds, stretching between our hands before it gave way and boinged back into one mass in his palm.
"I don't like it," he poked it with one finger.
“It’s not that bad, it’s actually quite ni-”
A pained yelp and then a bellow that sounded like an enraged bull echoed around the villa.
“That sounded like Scott,” I gasped, sitting up.
Scott skidded into the lounge, face like thunder, naked apart from a towel wrapped around his waist.
“What the hell happened?” I asked in shock. “What happened to your head?” I got up to look closer, seeing that a red bump was rapidly forming between his eyebrows.
“I was going to take a shower, but no water came out. I turned the water up higher and something green oozed out of the holes and then the whole shower head popped off and clonked me on the head.”
I bit my lip, trying hard not to laugh.
“What do you have there?” Scotts eyes narrowed, zeroing in on John’s hand where he still held the slime.
“Run!” I yelped and John, pulling on his old track and field days, leapt off the couch and ran for the door, grabbing my hand as he went and towing me after him. It was safer to hide in the bedroom.
Apparently Scott wasn’t the only victim of the slime pranks. Alan had gotten rather creative. He had sneezed goo on Gordon and had mixed up a new batch that included peas and chopped up carrots and was a lovely yellow colour which he had dropped on the floor of Two’s cockpit at Virgil’s feet after making a series of increasingly violent retching noises. Jeff has yet to discover that there is blue slime in the soap dispenser in his bathroom. I dread to think where else it’s going to turn up. But what I do know is that Alan had better avoid Scott for the next few days, because that’s going to leave a bruise.
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pna-official · 4 years ago
From the tiniest fungus controlling a dead ant using fungal strings, to the biblical necromancer imaged to have a stringy beard, every good necromancer has, in some way, strings. Nobody ever really talks about their strings, though. I, for one, think we should revive the conversation.
As we all know, strings have a variety of purposes, including, but not limited to: sewing dolls, drawing circles, making puppets where no suitable puppet is available, and of course, controlling said puppets. Undying fans of this blog of worms will know that I am actually not too experienced in most of those options, but I do actually have a lot of experience in controlling puppet bodies (seeing as I am the Thing of Worms).
I personally use metaphysical strings to control my puppet bodies, but there are some traditionalists who prefer to use physical strings: if you're a physical string user (curse you -- like, literally, I will curse you with undying death), then this post is for you.
To make this easier, the rest of this post will be formatted as "string, personal experience, recommended/not recommended"; in three thousand years, I haven't been able to perfect the magic of segues.
Basic Puppet Strings
I bought my first basic puppet strings at Mortimer's Corpses, Clocks and Crap in 1853, around when they were first released for general use by necromancers. It was honestly a downgrade from my at the time normal of plant root rope, but for my small-scale corpse puppeteering, it gets the body to the store.
I would recommend it only for small-scale corpse puppeteering!
Guitar Strings
Guitar strings as puppet strings is a fairly new idea. What I read on the liberal progressive necromancers forum (ncmc.ppnaos.nz/liberal) is that the whole guitar string trend came from vampire hippies, who then spread it to the necromancer cafes that they've recently been allowed to come into. That's unconfirmed, though.
I would recommend guitar strings for any puppet making attempts at resistance. Resistance is, unfortunately, a sign that the puppet has nurtured. (A nurtured puppet is, in essence, a puppet who you cared for so much that it came to life.) The metal strings redirect the life energy from the new walking corpse back into your dark heart, prolonging your control over the puppet.
I strongly recommend metaphysical strings, however, for ANYTHING. At all. Metaphysical strings are, in every aspect, better than physical strings. Only use physical strings if you are absolutely certain you can't use metaphysicals!
This is currently an INCOMPLETE guide to necromancy strings. More strings will be added when I'm less busy, no strings attached -- I hope.
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projectyayhem · 5 years ago
Bayonetta - Episode 9: Wind on a String
If I had the skill and/or ability and/or time to do mod stuff, I would go into every game and replace as many assets as possible with worm on a string until it was barely recognizable, but still 100% playable. Make every single game as worm-stringy as possible, ya know?
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