oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
remus had spent the better part of the last three hundred years avoiding any vampire he might come across. ever since his ex-girlfriend was killed due to volturi laws, remus had no empathy or care for vampires. “i never thought you would come here. i thought you were glued to your throne or something.” the original werewolf said.
@incpia (aro)
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
alethea had done her best to ignore all and any volturi members over time. she never believed any of the volturi should lead. she didn’t trust aro, marcus, and caius to rule fairly. luckily she didn’t have to get involved with the wars since she was a pacifist. the golden-eyed vampire put on a kind smile when she saw aro. “hello aro.”
@incpia (aro)
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
ophelia had been spending the last few months in forks. getting her revenge plan ready for when she would release each part of it. the revengeful vampire never lost her hatred for the volturi over the last twenty-five years she has been free. everyday she worked on her revenge plan, making sure that she would make the volturi suffer. the original witch smirked when she saw the familiar volturi leader. “wow, if it isn’t the all mighty aro, finally gracing forks with your presence.”
@incpia (aro)
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
“i don’t know anything,” eli promised, crossing his heart. he couldn’t help but burst out laughing then. “man, i needed a good laugh today.”
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“then i have done my goal for that day. i always try to make a person smile or laugh at least once a day.” the gifted vampire replied.
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
“ it’s not bad. ” fred answered after a moment , “ it couldn’t have taken that long anyway . so even if it is was pointless , it’s not THAT much time wasted . ”
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“and i’m also a vampire, so there isn’t such thing as wasted time. i mean i have all the time in the world.” she laughed softly. 
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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“it can be hurtful. but it’s super effective.” he laughed. “if you have stage fright, the best way to get over it is going on stage. afraid of heights? climb up a ladder.”
“while that does work for some, not for all. for some people it will just make them more terrified of the situation than before.” she said honestly.
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
damien turned his head , his leg having been bouncing up and down up til this point . “ can’t just stay still . & it’s a free country , so … ” his shoulders lifted unapologetically , “ headphones could work for you . ”
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“yes, but don’t you think if i had headphones i would be using them right now?” she asked him. hazel really needed to do well on her project. and didn’t want to do bad because some guy distracted her.
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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Roman’s head tilted to the side, eyes somewhat squinting ready to offer a response that would have clearly caused a not so pleasant interaction. Something he wanted to avoid, actually he would have preferred to avoid any kind of talk. “My bad, continue on you won’t here a peep out of me.” 
“i’m sorry. this assignment is just really important for my grade. so, i’m a little on edge.” hazel apologized. she felt bad for how she treated roman. she didn’t mean to come off as rude to him. that had never been the blonde’s intention with how she reacted.
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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bree joining the coven would need to be a family matter, but it didn’t need to be a family matter for esme to offer her support, to stand up for her if the volturi proved to be a harm. “i’ll stand up for you, no matter what. the volturi can come, but they will have to go through me.” esme offered her a small smile. 
“esme i couldn’t ask you to. it’s not fair for you to risk the safety of your family for a vampire you barely know.” the vampire said looking down at the ground. she could never ask any of the cullens to put their necks on the line for her. she cared about their family since it was always the family she wanted. and they were the only people to show her kindness.
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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“that must be lovely. it has been quite a long time since i have felt such a love.” idalia smiled softly. it had been quite awhile since idalia felt an overwhelmingly amount of love. her mate had been brutally murdered by the volturi at least a thousand years ago. she had honestly lose count of the years – they seemed to drag on endlessly. of course, she had her coven mates. but those were not the same. 
“i know. i’m one of the most luckiest kids in the world.” she told idalia with a smile. “i forever have a family that will love and protect me.” renesmee knew that there wasn’t any family she could want more than her family. to them she was something that was never suppose to happen. so she was a miracle to her family. that is why she could never do anything to disappoint them. they have put their lives on the line just to protect her.
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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“where do you want to start our adventuring?” rowyn asked, a bright smile lighting up her features. walking through the town would offer some insight. maybe they would find a hidden spot that usually only locals knew about – there was a garden that roywn had found in hartford that was hidden a wrought iron fence covered in vines at the end of an alley. the woods in forks were endless, there had to be some hidden treasure like a waterfall, a lake, or a save.
“i don’t really know. i thought i’ve seen everything this town has to offer. maybe we can start in the forests that are near the edge of the town.” she suggested to rowyn. olivia never really feared anything, being raised by vampires kind of took away of her fears of everything. she also knew that she could use her ability to get her out of bad situations. 
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
having been on the run since he’d become who he was , he’d gotten used to making a home bed out of anything . he hadn’t been paying attention to the other , only hoping to not be noticed . “ i’m on a walk . is that illegal now ? ”
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“no it isn’t. just people don’t come out here often, and i’ve never seen you before. you can’t expect me not to be a little bit worried.” the gifted human said softly. 
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
“ there’s no sin in milk & cream ! ” eileen said , throwing a hand up . “ honestly ? being grateful for the little things in life is kind of my jam . & ice cream has DEFINITELY been one of those things . so i can’t imagine NOT being able to have a soft serve swirl with rainbow sprinkles . my life wouldn’t be the same ! ” she claimed dramatically before laughing . “ i’m pretty sure you can’t hide out ANYWHERE in forks without bumping into someone else . i mean , i took a hike this morning & saw like , five people ! ”
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“i know, like there is so much pain and suffering in the world. so we need to respect and appreciate the little sweetie goodnesses in the world.” mackenzie replied with a bright smile. “i can’t either. i think if i could never have ice cream again my world would be sad and lonely.” the blonde added. “i know, i have no idea how and why forks got so populated. when my family moved here there were like half as many new people as there are now.”
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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“it’s nice to meet you, opehlia.” she smiled politely. harlow didn’t go out of the way to meet new people. it was easier to stick to oneself, avoid personal attachments. they only led to weaknesses and eventually death. call it instincts, but something told harlow that she would want ophelia as an ally in this mess. she had come across some humans who knew about the supernatural in this town. it was like one day, they all woke up with knowledge. before, it had been an inkling in the back of their mind, then suddenly they knew. perhaps this human was one who knew? “have you been in forks for long?”
ophelia tried to not interact with people who weren’t her family, but she knew it would be nice to interact with someone who wasn’t a vampire. and also had never heard her name. while she knew there was nothing out there that could truly defeat her, at least not yet. she knew that she could safely walk around forks doing whatever she wanted. “a few months.” she explained to harlow. “but i feel like this town will be the longest place i’ve lived in for a while.” forks gave ophelia the exact setting she wanted. the volturi, cotm, vampires, gifted humans, shape-shifters, and hunters all played into her hand. she was able to get everyone in a condense location to keep track of them. “how about you?”
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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“anyone would be crazy to deny that. but heidi aside, if it were you against me, i would win.” he pretended to think about her suggestion.”nah, i think i’d rather slowly get you to fall in love with me. yo could leave afton and you and i could run away together. or afton could come along. the three of us would make a great team.”
“you see, the thing is, i think that if we ran away together i would murder you within a year. while i can deal with you sometimes, dealing with you all the time.. might drive me insane.” she chuckled. “also, two people with our looks should never be together. it would be unfair to the world to deny them a chance at beauties like us.”
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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“i can give you anything you want. being with insane leaders is beneficial. we have all the resources that we could ever need. i can give you a life that is extraordinary. do you really want a mundane life? would you risk the life of a human? he would need to learn about vampires – something that is against our rules – to know who you truly are.” felix pointed out, knowing that she was just joking. he just wanted the words to solidify why he would be the better choice for her than any human.
“there isn’t much i want felix. i’m not the most high maintenance girl out there.” she replied with a smile. “and i’ve had an extraordinary life my whole life. i haven’t heard about many humans out there raised by the original vampire family since their parents were killed by a newborn army. there is nothing about my life that is normal.” she laughed. “i might want a mundane life, and he doesn’t need to learn about vampires. it’s not like i will ever be one.” brianna never had any desire to be turned into a vampire. “and who am i truly? i’m just a human girl raised by vampires. i don’t think your insane leader would like that very much.”
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oldimpcvid-blog · 7 years
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