dramioneasks · 10 months
Guys, maye you can help me out? Im looking for a fic, dont remember which platform was it. Multichap, Hermione is a werewolf, draco is human. They work together in a Lab, and i think she got infectesld there. There is a second part, where there is another werewold seeking revenge on hermione/draco. Can you help? 🥲
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keichanz · 4 years
OH MY GOD. OHMYGOD OHMIGOMIGJI. seriosuly. it was way more than i could ever imagine. The plot. The tattoos. THE TATTOOS. he is a nurse, he is a fucking nurse, and he sounds so hot, maojjdnisjdiojd. I seriously have 0 words, because i can't compute. Everything was absolutely perfect, I LVOED THE REVEAL. THE RUNNING KAGOME THING, i mean, runaway bride, anyone? I got that vibe Also, the elevator scene? I MEAN. HOLY SHIT. Really freaking hot.
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these absolutely made my day thank you so much @strgintohelheim!! ❤️❤️❤️  i’m so glad you enjoyed it! :D i’ll admit, it’s definitely some of the best smut i’ve ever written lol i’m very happy with how it turned out especially since it’s so long. it took forever, but damn was it worth it! haha.  
thank you so much for reading, lovely! ^_^ it’s all of you guys that continue to motivate me to write and you’re a huge part of my inspiration! i would be nothing without you guys and the support you’re always giving me! I’m so blessed and grateful i love you all so much! 
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ladyalice101 · 5 years
James McAvoy or Kit Harington?
Ok see aforementioned ask about how much of a panty dropper kit is. Oh, you want more evidence?
How bout these:
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But I’m rather partial to older gentlemen (though I suppose considering Kit is 10 years older than me I should probably consider him an older gentleman) (but I mean even older) (let’s not psychoanalyse that one folks) and James mcavoy is QUITE the fine bloke:
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However I think I’ll have to go with my great love, Mr Harington (even if it breaks my heart).
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cat-stark · 5 years
Hey !! If youre still doing the ship thing, jon x amy??
hey there! i’m happy to still do the ship thing, but i’m not sure which ship this is?
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thunderpot · 6 years
SUA ARTE É LINDA, OMFG estou apaixonada.
OHEEEIII brigada darling! São seus olhos
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
Oh I know the fic that anon was asking, about the doc appointment and everything It's called Heavenly Maiden by firevixen73
Thanks! I think anon found it already with the other answers if I’m not mistaken but thank you anyway :)
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jonsa-creatives · 4 years
hello lovelies! i am in dire need of a fic that I SWEAR i read on AO3 but can't find it for the life of me. Basically, Jon wakes up in a possible future after he dies, where he is married to Sansa and they are the queen and king, and they have a son, and he spends the whole day there and after he wakes from the "dream" he is back at castle back but now he is going to the vale to get sansa and the future he saw. I NEED IT, thanks for the help and all the good service you do <3
Hiiii @strgintohelheim !
Ok, I had to ask in the GC because I knew I knew this one but I couldnt place it in terms of author/title etc... after some help from @sunbeamsandmoonrays we're sure the fic you're after is this chapter from @snowsinthenorth 's epic collection of fics! Theres a part 2 too!
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Tag Game💚
I was tagged by @sonderlust45. Thanks so much for the tag and the fairly recent follow!
Last song: Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - The Lion The Beast The Beat (This is my usual go-to when I need to get up and do stuff)
Last Movie: Roald Dahl’s The Witches (I thought it was okay. I always loved the 1990s version, but I think this one stayed closer to the ending of the book.)
Currently watching: Over the Moon (The babies love it, but I think it’s super sad.)
Currently reading: I was reading the Acacia series, but I put that down to re-read An Ember in the Ashes books before the fourth book comes out in December. (I’m not really getting much reading done, though, because every spare second has been devoted to trying to finish the last chapter of ITSOD and it’s not really coming around the way that I want.)
Currently craving: sleep, chocolate, and motivation to write
I’m gonna tag (but don’t feel pressured to do it):@kitkatelyn, @bugaboo-valerie, @strgintohelheim, @castalya, and @jonsatrashcan
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eruriku · 9 years
oh hey, i know that fic about jogger Inu and babysitter Kags: it's "as fast as you can" by Witchygirl99
YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT, this is exactly the fic i was talking about thank you so much!!
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nothingeverlost · 9 years
1 - Hello Miss Lost! I have a question: i saw that post about Stockholm Syndrome in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Tangled. I do agree that there's no Syndrome in Beauty and the Beast and that it is present in HND, but is it really in Tangled? The abuse is real, but is not Stockholm Syndrome, Rapunzel doesn't know she was abducted, she believes that Mother Gothel is her mother.
2- And when she realizes that she was abducted she confronts Mother Gothel and turns on her. So she has no good feelings for her kidnapper. I mean, that's what I understand from the Syndrome, but I don't really know everything about it, so maybe I'm wrong? Thank you!
It’s ben a really long time since I’ve seen Tangled, and I’ve only seen it once, so this isn’t an easy thing to answer.  Also, Stockholm is not a defined psychological condition so it’s not like depression or abuse where I can make an exact list of bulletpoints.  It’s most useful for things like hostage negotiations, to try and predict how a hostage might act.  I’m going to do the best I can.
Once Rapunzel realizes that she was kidnapped and that Mother Gothel doesn’t care about anything but her magic she stands up for herself and there’s a break, but before that she is torn between a desire for freedom and doing what her ‘mother’ would want.  Think about the scene right after she gets out of the tree.  The back and forth.  I believe she even says she’s a horrible daughter.  She thinks that she owes her loyalty to her mother, and how she thinks is obviously influenced by Gothel.  There’s a point after Gothel finds her where there’s this interaction:
Rapunzel: You were right, mother. You were right about everything.MG: I know darling.  I know.
And Rapunzel is going to go back to the tower.  They’re going to have soup.  And she’s going to be isolated again because Mother knows best and she should just listen to mother.
And then she realizes what’s happened and there’s that moment where she stops her mother’s wrist, and everything changes.  But until that moment she loves Gothel and believes in the world that Gothel has created for her.
At least based off what I can remember this is how I feel.
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ebondeath · 10 years
Well, I also wouldn't mind some heavy porn, and I too understand your restriction. However, you already made a lot of warnings. And maybe if you post it in adult fanfiction, I guess it would be alright. You really did your part and you shouldn't repress what you want to write. Anyway, I already said you're awesome, right?
I occasionally visit AFF.org when I'm looking for something heavier, but I would never post there. Now granted, I haven't read much outside of the Naruto stuff, but 95% of the stuff there that I've seen is terribly written. Maybe it's snobby of me, but I don't want to associate my writing with that. I dunno, if people can basically post naked pictures and actual porn on tumblr, I don't see why I can't post my writing, especially since I post the heavier stuff under Read More.It's something I have to think about.
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dramioneasks · 6 years
Hello ladies! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I've been looking for a fic. H has a kid, don know if with Blaise or Theo (I think it was T) and Draco is the godfather, and he was away I think, and he comes back and wants to be part of the the kids life. H is a bit reluctant at first, but he was good with the kid. I say kid cause I dont remember if it was a boy or a girl xD. Thank you, girls!!
Hi, is this a dramione fic?
Edit: Thanks! More info!
strgintohelheim: YES! they fall in love! and he adopts the kid after
Is it this, its very similar to what you described:
Moving On By: NJ Coffee Queen - T, 21 chapters - Newly divorced, Hermione Granger returns home to start a new life with her daughters.
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keichanz · 4 years
NO LISTEN. I HAVEN'T BEEN READING INUKAG FIC IN FOREVER (dunno why, but wasn't in the mood?) AND THEN THEN THIS GODFORSAKEN LITTLE TEASERS JUST JUST TEASED ME. how dare you HOW DARE YOU. Don't want to be demanding or anything, but like, I HAVE BEEN TEASED MERCILESSLY ALL NIGHT SO PLEASE when is this wonderful fic coming out and i beg you to tell me that it's a one shot. I ADORE YOU
oh my god this ask has made my entire night and i legit almost choked on my doritos thank you so much for htis lkjasdfilajldf 😂😂😂
fear not, friend. it is indeed a oneshot, and i dont have a set time for when it’ll be posted, but it’s about...eh...halfway done. ish. i’m writing as fast as i can believe me lol.
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ladyalice101 · 4 years
ok ok I know I said I was going to do this like 5 weeks ago, but better late than never am I right??
What is this, you ask?
Why it’s my explanation as to why the sequel to the little mermaid is BETTER than the og. Yeah, I said what I said.
Full video here!
(Ps @sunbeamsandmoonrays @strgintohelheim 🤭🤭 yeah so this really is late haha, but I hope you both enjoy!!! I can’t wait to hear what you think!!)
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thejaridafamily · 10 years
GUYS GUYS, BEAR WITH ME. So imagine a fic where Merida's house is listed in an app that locates shelter for transgender, intersex people, and Jack is running from a raging gang and goes there to hide. They get to talking, and Jack falls for Merida but has no courage to tell her that the little girl named Mary that was her best friend while in middle school, is not actualy his sister, but him before the gender reassignment surgery.
I never thought of Jack as a transgender/intersex person, this is really interesting, and feels induced why you do this to me?
I can see Merida being very open and protective of those who suffer discrimination for having a different view on their sexuality and would certainly have her house open for refugees. Mer is an intelligent person, believe it or not, I'm sure when Jack explains his likes/dislikes, his family, something would click and she would make the connection on her own. At least that's what I believe.
Thank you for sharing!! This was interesting to look into!
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maariarogers · 10 years
I finally got a tumblr so i finally can say it face-to-face (?) Your tumblr is amazing, your fics are amazing, your drawings are amazing, YOU ARE AMAZING. That's it. Have a nice day ;)
but ugh seriously this was such a nice message dude you make me cryyy but thank you really. your words make my day :)
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