#strength in diversity
liminalpebble · 4 days
Okay, this might sound a little silly, but as a POC, I sometimes really love that I have special hair and skincare knowledge that I could impart to my fictional white guys. In my imagination, it would utterly blow their minds, and they would adore me for it.
Like come here Loki, Eddie, and Hux, let me introduce you to a leave in conditioner instead of hair spray and gel over dry as fuck hair. Plus you sweet gorgeous weirdos need a better lotion.
I imagine washing and treating their hair the right way for the first time in their life (especially Eddie's big curls) and them just moaning in satisfaction when I massage their scalps.
Can you imagine Eddie and Loki getting a proper curl treatment?? Come on! They would worship the ground you walk on.
Do my POC and Black mutuals feel me on this, or am I a lone weirdo?
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antifainternational · 2 months
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bookshelf-in-progress · 3 months
I love how a well-written romance is so often structured as a mystery. A person starts with a certain idea about another person, and over the course of the story, they uncover more evidence that gives them a fuller picture of who the other person truly is. They learn about layers to the personality and backstory that give the other person more depth. They learn how the other person's personality meshes with theirs. Even the third-act misunderstanding fits the mystery structure--it looks like they've uncovered the final secret to the other person's identity, which is that they're not the worthy person they seemed to be, but then discover that they misinterpreted that evidence, or the other person takes steps to apologize and repair the level of trust. When the mystery is resolved, they've reached a full understanding of each other and know they've found a partner they can trust their whole future to.
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ms-boogie-man · 23 days
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comparativetarot · 8 months
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Strength. Art by Laylie Frazier, from the Tarotober Major Arcana Deck.
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Girl help, I blinked and now I have 22 urban fantasy novels checked out of the online library
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king-of-men · 6 months
Betting on HBD
So if taking DIE seriously kills companies, or at least acts as a major drag on their productivity, then it should be possible to translate that into a market thesis, right? Look up the executive team of some companies, assign them Woke Points by some reasonable metric, and short the ones that score highest. As a refinement, short them relative to the lowest scorers in the same sector, to take market swings out of it; I admit I'm not sure how to construct that trade, though.
Anyone trying this? Comments, improvements?
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starwarsanthropology · 3 months
I love that we get canon mandalorian cultural background that says mando'ade come from a huge range of different species but there's just not that much speculation about how that impacts mandalorian culture
Mando families 'scent marking' to show affection even though the last person with functional scent glads was three generations back!
Mando'ade who have different kinds of prey drives being organized into different units that let them lean into those instincts in a way that is productive to the whole group!
Communities of mando'ade who still practice the culture from their home worlds alongside being or becoming mandalorian!
Mando'a with broadly recognized adaptations and dialects tailored to specific kinds of vocal apparatuses! hell, give me mando'a where the human-friendly version is technically "incorrect" because humans can't make a vital sound in the "official" language!
Specialists who focus on interspecies adoptions and hybrid health and mixed species genomics, because if you're prioritizing the wellbeing of children you need to make sure they're cared for and considered appropriately!
Just, mando'ad culture not as something welcoming of people without regards to species and background, but mando'ad culture that embraces the vibrant diversity within the manda and not only permits outsiders to join, but changes itself for the inclusion of new and different elements into its cultures and communities
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compacflt · 1 year
Okay, so I was re-reading your Slider one-shot for like the twentieth time, and what really struck me (beyond the brilliance of your writing, and the way you’ve presented the disillusionment of growing up, expecting the world to be a certain way, only to realize that life doesn’t quite work out the way you think it will, when you’re seventeen), is the casual sexism just tossed ‘round by our main characters!! :o We have canonical evidence of both Ice and Mav being pretty sexist (what with “the plaque for the alternates is in the ladies’ room” and the downright stalker-ish behavior exhibited by Mav at the O-club…), but it still surprised me a lil’ when twenty-y/o Ice was just like: “The Soviet Union did the impossible and taught women to drive” —and I realized that ah, he truly was born in 1959, or something. There’s little scenes throughout your story where I find myself wondering, which one of them is better, in this sense: When Ice tells Mav that Sarah isn’t talking to him ‘cause of his combat kills, justifies it by saying: “You know how women are”, and Mav tells him all women aren’t the same… I thought that maybe, it was Mav; but then later, Ice shows a distinctive amount of empathy for Juno, sees and respects her for the skilled pilot that she is… and I thought that maybe, it’s Ice after all—he does seem to be more progressive and accepting than Mav, in general? It also made me wonder, that if either of them had been a woman, would they even have respected the other person enough to consider them to be a rival??—or would it have a been a mildly-amusing circus side show for them, to have a female pilot at TOPGUN?
Ty for the ask anon!! ice is more socially progressive than mav yes.
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But—maybe this is my experience growing up in one of the bluest counties in Commiefornia and then going to one of the most leftist-coded colleges in one of the most leftist-coded cities in The World; uhh, even if a white man votes D all the time & has professional respect for women/minorities to their faces etc, get him in a room with a bunch of other white men, especially in a masculine and competitive environment like the gym or the navy, and uh. progressive or not, what you get is a lot of “The Soviet Union did the impossible & taught women to drive.”
And it was the 1980s. (As a reminder, in top gun’s 1986, less than 45% of Americans even approved of interracial marriage.) It sucks to say it, but if Ice was making fun of Cougar for quitting the navy cause of his psych issues such as they may be, and openly calling bullshit on Maverick’s MiG story in front of everyone, I am quite confident in saying he Would Not respect a female pilot to her face—if they were the same rank. At the same rank, it’s a competition. All weaknesses, even perceived biological ones, are to be exploited and called to attention. —But, once he’s advanced in rank, proven his own superiority, he’s more inclined to favor a meritocratic “sex doesn’t matter just fly good” attitude, ergo his relationship w/ “Juno” (she’s just a literary symbol to show that Ice may have respect for other minorities in the Navy “your career speaks for itself” but NOT FOR HIMSELF as a closeted man). This “who cares about gender/race just fly good” attitude is probably where 50s+ Maverick lands too, which is why no issues with Phoenix.
but jesus GOD maverick is a sexist in the original Top Gun. That’s why I wrote the prologue to WWGATTAI—a part of me definitely believes both he and Ice are definitively queer, but a part of me also wonders, are they just also conditioned to dismiss women as intellectual/societal equals because of their time in the 1980s male-dominated Navy? CAN they really only have a truly equal relationship with another man? I have no idea what my Ice’s sexual orientation is for exactly this reason. Yes, he’s functionally gay by the end of it, and that’s what I keep calling him—but sexuality is fluid & complicated. It’s definitely more-than possible he’s mostly straight and it’s just the circumstances of his wildly intense trauma-bond relationship with Maverick that led to their relationship as I wrote it. If you don’t LIKE/understand/respect women, and only feel at home/excited by committing acts of male-typified violence with the few men you respect, how does that bend your definition of the word straight? ...its still straight, but only straight-ish!
not to take it a step further, but WHY ELSE is canon maverick single in TGM? he canonically can’t make it work with women until he retires from the navy!!! he doesnt know how!!! His military environment is not conducive to normal long-term relationships with civilian women!!!
#and it’s well well documented that career military service does this to you!#Jesus look at cops. 40% etc.#yeah mil/LEO relationships with women are historically quite bad.#if you only respect men & then a man comes onto you—might be easier to sustain that relationship than with a woman you do not respect#I forget where i read it but this is the element of the homosocial vs the homosexual. i want to say Foucault but I think thats incorrect#EVE KOSOFSKY SEDGWICK. from her 'between men: English literature & male homosocial desire.' I think she's the preeminent homosocial scholar#if ur interested in 'further reading' not to sound like a geek#fellas is it gay to like women#after all…women kiss men…so if u kiss a woman ur kissing something that’s kissed another man…gay#ice (mid-makeout): well mavericks kissed women before so really this is the most heterosexual thing i could do#anyway#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#top gun#top gun maverick#icemav#asks#edts notes#mav is a social libertarian live & let live & keep the govt out of my bedroom (except for my marriage license uwu)#ice is a social moderate liberal. donates to actblue firmly believes diversity is the militarys greatest strength etc.#(i hope this isn’t too provocative to say but) look at ices outfit in tgm. libcoded. those gay little round glasses? solid lib.#the interracial marriage stat is from Gallup btw; 94% in 2021. weve come a long way. a lot has changed since 1986.#but our fav characters are FROM 1986 too so... we still cant forget that
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ophernelia · 3 months
I want more body diversity in Lykaia but it’s the way 90% of animations don’t work right on any sim with an ounce of weight on them. Every time I film with Leslie her arms always clip through her sides. And she shouldn’t have to just have close up angles. :/ We needed weights for animations. Would’ve solved a lot of issues.
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 1 year
i do think its funny when people are like "you could not waterboard this out of me" "i would never admit this" etc etc about someone mentioning a fetish they have or weird sex they do on the internet. im telling it to some strangers in the computer who don't know who i am not my boss lol
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Joe Lonsdale: So I enjoy the part of the book where you highlight some platitudes about race, that permeate our society, and one of them is like, "diversity is our strength." Like, why is that a dumb thing to say, and how should we be talking about it instead?
Coleman Hughes: Yeah, I think this is something a lot of people say, a lot of people want to believe, though I'm not sure if they deeply believe it in every sense.
So, for example, I've never heard anyone say that Earth, Wind & Fire was great, but they really needed a white guy to round out their sound, or that, like The Beatles were an excellent band, they would have been perfect if they had a Mexican guy.
And so I don't think that at the end of the day, I don't think diversity always makes everything stronger necessarily, and I don't think other people believe that either.
My view is that diversity inherently is neutral in most cases, it's neither good nor bad. I know certainly, you know, for my podcast, if I'm looking to hire someone to do a task, I don't care what they look like. I want to see how good at the task they are and how much they charge.
And so I would make an exception, however, for certain professions where racial diversity might contribute to your ability to do the job. So for example, if the NYPD for some reason were 99% white--
Lonsdale: Yeah, they would need more diversity to do the job.
Hughes: I mean, I think it would actually hurt their ability to effectively police black and Hispanic neighborhoods because they just wouldn't be trusted.
Lonsdale: They'd be seen more as outsiders.
Hughes: That's right, yeah. So that's an exception I think that proves the rule. Most jobs are not like that.
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elisabethbabarci · 2 months
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When we promote community, we are blessed with the presence of individuals whose origins stem from many different parts of the world, who are of a diverse nature, practice different cultural traditions and religions, that are foreign to our own. The freedom to practice one’s own religion is the hallmark of a free, inclusive and accepting society.
Elisabeth Babarci
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comparativetarot · 5 days
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Strength. Art by Adrienne Elise Tarver, from the Manifesting Paradise Tarot Deck.
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4qu3er1us-punk · 2 months
EXCLUSIONIST; anti-agere (but tw for ageres this blog may be mature or cuss), anti-alterhuman, queerphobic (that means transphobic, aphobic, homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, terfs, if you hate on neopronouns and xenogenders, or any other hate towards 2LGBTQIAP+ people), sexist, racist, ableist, or if you hate on people because of their religion or their identity at all.
CREEP; Pedo, zoo, age play kink, rape kink, incest, endo, proship. Also if you’d ever blame a victim of rape for what happened to them, that applies.
PRO-ED; I don’t even need to explain here, unless you don’t know what ED means. No eating disorder-positive people here. I’m not shaming eating disorders, but don’t encourage them, they’re not healthy.
PRO-RUSSIA/PRO-ISRAEL; If you’re on the side of Russia or Israel and think Gaza/Palestine and/or Ukraine deserve whats happened and is happening to them fuck off right now
this is a bullshit free zone where hate isn’t tolerated
about me
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fuck politics btw <3
#why is the most horrible political party expected to get so many votes???#like they want to take away people's rights#they are racist#they actively and publically hate on everyone who isnt a straight white christian conservative cis man#they hate our neighbouring country and would love to start an actual war#they claim that “the homogeneity of our nation is our biggest strength”#just say youre a racist nationalist and shut up#yes we have been having more immigrants#yes we are becoming waaaay more racially diverse#nobody cared about the immigrants until they werent white#racial diversity is a GOOD THING#sharing out culture is a GOOD THING#people from around the world moving here is a GOOD THING!!!!!#and yes women and lgbtqa+ people DESERVE FUCKING EQUAL RIGHTS#its 2024 and gay people still cant have families here!!! thats outrageous#how are thes people getting SO MANY VOTES???#wtf is up with my country and why is everyone so extremely conservative#the election is in 2. days.#im so terrified#gotta start learning german and just fucking run#like im genuinely terrified of loosing my basic human rights#we have the highest rent/household prices in the EU#78% of people are MIDDLE AGED when they can finally afford to move out of their parents house#we have huge inflation#our food prices are higher than germany and belgium but our min wage is around €600 a MONTH#the amount of violence on women has gotten up#we have the worst corruption and worst justice system in the EU#our education system is starting to fail#the medical system is horrible and we have the 2nd highest mortality rates in the EU#theres men protesting for the “submission of women” EVERY WEEK. AND THEY'RE PLANNING TO SPREAD THE PROTESTS TO MORE CITIES
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