#strangely i never read the hunger games after that year... until like last year and i feel cheated out of years of a good series
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ghostbustermelanieking · 2 months ago
my eleventh year (2012) was a wild one, reading wise. by my estimations, that year (for the first time) i read percy jackson, diary of a wimpy kid, the hunger games, twilight, divergent, the uglies series, beautiful creatures, the mortal instruments, thirteen reasons why, and i'm pretty sure i read h*rry p*tter that summer. of course, i've since realized i have a tendency to soooorta skim when i read things for the first time, especially when i was younger, so who knows how much of that i actually absorbed, but like -- what in the pop culture catastrophe assfghjkllghjkllll
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gerardwayissexah · 9 months ago
Fic writer asks
See below the cut for my answers! :) Also, I did away with the numbering because formatting numbered lists is a pain in the butt.
How old were you when you started writing fic?
I was 12-13 when I first started typing them out and posting them online. When I discovered the world of fanfiction, something just...clicked for me. I've liked imagining scenarios for my favorite characters and worlds since I can remember having conscious thoughts. So, I was like: wow, there's an actual word for that imagination thing I do! And I'm not the only one who does it!
Where did you first post your fics?
What was your first fandom?
The Hunger Games.
What fandoms have you written for?
A bunch that I can't immediately recall, but here's an abbreviated list: Naruto, Harry Potter, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Attack on Titan, Percy Jackson, Kung Fu Panda, Kane Chronicles, The Hunger Games
Romantic or gen?
I enjoy writing romance more, and that's what I tend to gravitate toward as a reader of fics. But I can still appreciate an emotional family drama or a worldbuilding-centric fic. I'd say around 1/3 of my fics are gen.
Fluff or angst?
Angst with a fluff chaser. Otherwise, the fluff feels unearned. Without any fluffiness, the angst gets too heavy.
A fic of yours you think is underrated?
I totally understand why the audience for this fic is limited, but I'd submit my Hiashi Hyuga x Kurenai fic for consideration here. If that makes you curious, here's a link: Wildflowers for Hinata
What's the best summary you've come up with?
Hm, I have trouble deciding on one. I do like the summary I ultimately settled on for Bird in a Gilded Cage, after I went through a few iterations. Naruto was full of lies. Yet Neji wanted to believe him. And for years, he did. Desperate to marry Ten-ten, Neji discovers one bar in his cage will never bend - Hyuga only marry their own. Forced into loveless marriage with a stranger, he fights to free himself from the clan's gilded cage. But Neji learns people remain caged for a reason - because the price of freedom is often too high to pay.
What's the best title you've come up with?
Neji needs glasses - it's concise, and direct. The fic is about...Neji needing glasses but being a stubborn asshole who won't admit it.
Do you read your own fics for fun?
For sure! I've gotten so attached to some of my characters that I can't help revisiting their stories again and again. I think one mark of my improvement as a writer is that I willingly reread my work again and again, rather than avoiding it out of fear that I'll cringe.
What's an idea for a fic you've had that you'll probably never write?
Sasuke Uchiha and Arya Stark helping one another on their quests for vengeance and power. The parallels between these characters is so interesting to me, and calls out for exploration. Not by me, though. I don't have enough confidence in my Song of Ice and Fire knowledge to flesh this one out.
Post a sentence from your current WIP
This one's from the final chapter of Freefall:
The edge in Neji’s voice didn’t appear to faze Tenten, who rolled her brown eyes sidelong. Brown eyes that were the color of chocolate and just as intoxicating, bittersweet and forbidden. Strange – he’d never noticed that similarity before.
Do you post WIPs or wait until you're finished writing to post?
I lean toward waiting until I'm almost finished - around 80% through a first draft if it's a longer multichapter fic. I value having completed stories for my personal satisfaction, and for the sake of any readers who might get invested in one of my fics.
One-shots or chaptered fic?
Both! I've written both, and think each one offers its own rewards. I do have more oneshots posted, though - just because they're faster to write and complete.
What are some of your favorite tropes to write?
Forbidden love, arranged marriage, dysfunctional family, love triangles, infidelity, accidental baby acquisition, secret lovechild
What are you favorite characters to write?
Neji, Tenten, Rock Lee, Chiyo, my OCs - Risa Hyuga (branch Hyuga) and Jiro Sato (Neji/Tenten's child)
Have you ever or would you ever write a fic in first person POV?
I think it's odd that first person gets a bad rap in fanfic circles when so much original fiction is in first person. I enjoy reading first person and third person about equally, and I've written first person in fics. Second person, too, because the source material was written in second person.
Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
More than I can write out here, that's for sure! A short list: Hyuga clan only marries the extended family in most cases, Tenten hates radish pickles, Tenten's parents own a grocery store, Suna has cisterns carved in the cliffs to store water, the average branch Hyuga is loyal not only out of fear - but out of sincere conviction or love of family
What's the longest fic you've written?
Bird in a Gilded Cage - A Neji x Branch Hyuga OC fanfic with a Neji x Tenten vs. Neji x OC love triangle. Clocked in at 167k words including the three epilogue chapters.
What's the shortest fic you've written?
Hm, probably my first one, about Foxface from the Hunger Games reflecting on her death. I thought it was a novel at the time, when the entire thing was less than 300 words.
Do you have an abandoned WIP?
I have a bunch of fics in the graveyard on my Fanfiction.net profile. Younger me was terrible about following through on all the awesome fics I wanted to write, and most of my old multichapter fics never made it past a few chapters if that.
Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
From Bird in a Gilded Cage:
A promise passed between them. Amaya would live with her head unbowed, free of the gilded bars that bound generations of Hyugas. So would her long-suffering mother and father.
What's the most personal fic you've ever written?
Tough question. I'd say Your Heart Beats On, because of the subject matter and emotional intensity.
What's the cringiest (affectionate) fic you've ever written?
My first fic, honestly. I was so proud of that thing, too.
What's your most popular fic?
Depends on how you define popularity. Bird in a Gilded Cage has the greatest number of kudos, views, comments and bookmarks. But it's also 50+ chapters, and is twice as long as my next longest fic. I think looking at raw numbers hardly offers a fair comparison to my other fics. My most viewed oneshot is Rising Waters - a Hunger Games smut fic written years after I'd last been active in the fandom as a teenager. Last I checked, my most kudosed oneshot was Walk You Home, a genin-era SasuSaku fic.
What fic are you proudest of?
Definitely Bird in a Gilded Cage. It was my first completed longfic, and the most challenging fic I've managed to finish.
Fic writer asks
How old were you when you started writing fic?
Where did you first post your fics?
What was your first fandom?
What fandoms have you written for?
Romantic or gen?
Fluff or angst?
A fic of yours you think is underrated?
What's the best summary you've come up with?
What's the best title you've come up with?
Do you read your own fics for fun?
What's an idea for a fic you've had that you'll probably never write?
Post a sentence from your current WIP
Do you post WIPs or wait until you're finished writing to post?
One-shots or chaptered fic?
What are some of your favorite tropes to write?
What are you favorite characters to write?
Have you ever or would you ever write a fic in first person POV?
Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
What's the longest fic you've written?
What's the shortest fic you've written?
Do you have an abandoned WIP?
Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
What's the most personal fic you've ever written?
What's the cringiest (affectionate) fic you've ever written?
What's your most popular fic?
What fic are you proudest of?
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halflingkima · 1 year ago
March TBR
I am not a TBR person but I do have books out from the library – that i've had out for the majority of february – that i need to get around to. And most of them I've been wanting to read for a while.
Never Whistle at Night ed. Shane Hawk & Theodore C. Van Alst: An Indigenous dark fiction anthology. [read ✓]
Let us begin with the one I've already started. storygraph says i'm 62% through it and it is due back tomorrow. I was very much looking forward to this one, but I always find anthologies challenging – it's so hard to simply go into a new story straight after one has ended. I've also not found any so far that really sparked anything in me yet. But I've got David Heski Wambley Widen, Darci Little Badger, and Tommy Orange stories left, so I'm holding out hope.
Physical Library Items
Crossbones by Kimberly Vale: The pirate king has died, and the Trials begin: a cuthroat life or death competition for the Bone Crown and island throne. [read ✓]
This one I nearly zipbooked (if you're in california, ask me about your library's zipbook program!!) until I actually went to do so and surprise! the library finally had it. Spooky. Anyway. I've been excited for this one for ages but I only got my hands on it when I was feeling slumpy. Luckily, it seems no one else has heard of it, so I've got another six weeks with it. I believe it's a trilogy. It sounds a little like pirate-flavored hunger games.
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows: Velasin of Ralia is set to marry a girl from Tithenia to unite the kingdoms, but is outed; instead, Tithenia offers the girl's brother to maintain the political union, and despite same sex relationships being unheard of in Ralia, they marry. [read ✓]
Another one I've been trying to read for a while; it was on my list of Big Boys for last year and my audiobook loan expired probably three times before I got around to it, so I got my hands on the physical. I think once I get familiar with the world & writing style, I can switch to the audiobook & it'll go fast, but fantasy is always challenging to wrap my head around in the beginning.
Libby Audiobooks
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness: Diana, a witch and a scholar, accidentally uncovers an ancient alchemical manuscript, waking demons, witches, and all manner of creatures. [read ✓]
Another one from my Big Boy hopefuls last year; a friend was starting the series and I'd heard some whispers about the tv show (?) so I thought I'd check it out. One of the ones where the premise wasn't inspiring enough to commit me for the vast length of the first installment of a series. But maybe now is the time?
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion: R is a zombie, whose daily life is a grey blur – until he meets a girl. [read ✓]
It's about an hour one-way to see my new lil niece, and I've been visiting roughly every other weekend, so I thumbed through some audiobooks and noticed this one. I didn't even know it was a book! I remembered liking the movie, but it was long enough ago that I don't remember the plot. The sample was engaging enough, so I thought why not. And then instead of listening to it on the drive, I spaced out and Thought About Life. So I've still got this one in my pocket.
Libby eBooks
The City & The City by China Mieville: A detective investigates a woman's murder, complicated by two cities existing in the same space. [read ✓]
My litfic-lover friend read this and found it really engaging. I tried out the audiobook, but given the heavy concept, I thought ebook would be best. I was also looking for an ebook, since I don't have one on the go and it's the format I use when i want to read in the dark. I had no clue it was a murder mystery, which has upped my interest.
Hoopla Audiobooks
In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead: A group of friends reunites for a ten year high school reunion, but someone wants to revisit – and solve? – the murder that split them apart back then. [read ✓]
I know nothing about this except it was rather a popular dark academia title last year? year prior? Basically, I've been in a reading slump and got the itch that a thriller (+audiobook) would fix me. It was also near the end of the month so this was a sorta panic-checkout (cuz you get a number of hoopla checkouts per month so i try to use them all if i haven't yet). I've not read an Ashley Winstead yet, but I had a great experience with If We Were Villains, so maybe this'll do the same.
Hoopla Ebooks
The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin: Peace is kept by dream priests, who harvest sleep magic to heal – and kill the corrupt; a dream priest discovers that someone is killing innocent dreamers [due ✗]
This ended up on my (eternal and endless) TBR last year when I was supposed to read a book set in the desert for the Magical Readathon. I didn't get to it, but I've been wanting to read Jemisin's lesser known novels for a while. Impulse checked this one out in an attempt to break my reading slump but have yet to start it.
Keeping Casey by Amy Aislin: When Ethan complains of his hockey coach's annoyances, his best friend Casey impulsively offers to be his fake boyfriend to put issues to rest. [read ✓]
After my "thrillers will fix me" moment, I got to a "I need a kissing book" phase, which coincidentally aligned with the end of the month – i may have pavlov'd myself. when it nears the end of the month & i've got hoopla loans left, i always go for gay romances, bc they're like. my hoopla candy. it's like the library version of KU. there's such good shit in there. (there is also Trash.) i've been on a hockey kick with these, not least bc ik hockey rpf writers know what it's ABOUT. This wasn't my first choice, but hoopla didn't have the first in the series and i'm very much a romance-series-in-order reader, for better or for worse. but this author feels promising and i rly wanna see if their writing in general is worth it, so i went for another series that hoopla did have the first volume of.
Fire Season by KD Casey: Professional ball player Charlie's life is shiny on the outside and falling apart below the surface; his pitcher Girodano is struggling with his sobriety and keeping his roster spot; the two find themselves as roommates for the season. [read ✓]
this is one i've checked out a couple of times, but when it's my end-of-the-month checkouts, i don't always get to them. this is the second in a baseball m/m romance series, and i quite liked the first. this one doesn't have any tropes i'm particularly interested in (e.g. bi leads, single parents, best friends) but i'm sure i'll enjoy it. basically a free checkout/gay romance if i run out of other things to read in three weeks.
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tennessoui · 4 years ago
would you ever do a hunger games au? like anakin and obi-wan in the arena and doing a katniss and peeta thing where they both survive? anakin maybe killing the competitors so obi-wan wouldn't have to? (just thinking that child killing is in character for him) anyway no pressure or anything I just haven't stopped thinking about a hunger games au of obikin and. I thought maybe you could do something with it!
i need you to know i shamefully snorted at the child murder thing i'm sorry and i'm also sorry this took so long and it's a bit all over the place and doesn't actually get into the Games at all (+ it's been years since I read the books so all inaccuracies should be tastefully ignored pls) this may not be what you asked for tbh but here you go!!
(content warnings: hunger games typical discussion of child murder, but nothing graphic)
Anakin’s first emotion after his name is called is a strange sense of relief.
Good, he thinks. I’ll get to go with Obi-Wan. He won’t be alone.
He dutifully steps forward out of the crowd towards the stage, where the announcer is waiting next to Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan who is looking at him with an expression of naked devastation.
Anakin tries to convey that it’ll be alright, that it’s fine, that they knew this was a possibility. Sure, it’s Anakin’s last year eligible to be in the Games. Sure his nineteenth birthday is in two weeks, at which point he would become too old to qualify as a child to the Capitol, but what’s done is done.
Obi-Wan will be his mentor, because Obi-Wan has been the mentor for District Four ever since he won his own Games seven years ago when he was sixteen and Anakin was twelve.
That year’s known unofficially as the most boring Games in Panem history, but the Capitol loves how handsome Obi-Wan’s grown to be. So what if he didn’t kill his competitors messily or with a bloodthirsty joy? He’s so polite in his interviews all these years later, and look at those dimples!
It makes Anakin sick, every time Obi-Wan has to leave District Four and travel to the Capitol to be fawned over and stroked and used. His nightmares are always worse the weeks after he gets back, and he never lets Anakin hold him during them.
And it’s even worse during the actual Games, when Obi-Wan is put in charge of two children’s lives only to see them brutally murdered on screen a week later. The cameras always show his reaction when the competitors from District Four die. They must think he cries pretty or something.
Anakin hates the Capitol. He hates them for what they’ve done to Obi-Wan. What they’ve made him into
As he gets close enough to the stage, he notices that Obi-Wan’s hands are shaking slightly.
He doesn’t even listen to the name of the girl being called. She’s not important. She’ll be dead in a few days time. What’s important is Obi-Wan. What’s important is comforting him, is reassuring him. Is coming back to him.
This is the moment when Anakin resolves that these Games will become known as the quickest in history.
The girl is understandably sullen and upset on the train. “I should get a different mentor!” she demands. “It’s obvious you’re going to play favorites with him.”
Anakin doesn’t snap back because she’ll be dead in a few days. Though she really shouldn’t use that tone with Obi-Wan.
“I’m not playing favorites,” Obi-Wan insists. “I don’t have favorites.”
“You literally just wiped sauce off his mouth with your finger,” the girl points out. “And then he licked it!”
Anakin smirks at her. Of course Obi-Wan has favorites. Of course Anakin is Obi-Wan’s favorite. It took him years to wear down Obi-Wan until he allowed him this close, and years after that until he finally got to kiss him for the first time, just a few months ago.
If she thinks he’s going to give up any of his Obi-Wan time so she can get her hopes up about not dying in a few days, she’s got another thing coming.
But Obi-Wan shifts away from him and he looks guilty.
If Anakin could get away with killing the other person from his district, he would. But it’d probably make Obi-Wan sad.
“Is whining part of your strategy?” he asks waspishly instead. “I don’t think it’ll make you many allies.”
She has the nerve to look offended.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan chides. Underneath the table, he squeezes his knee.
“Everyone in the district knows about you two,” she glares at him. “You haven’t exactly kept it a secret.”
Anakin hasn’t exactly tried to keep it a secret. The first night Obi-Wan had kissed him, he went straight home and told his mother, his neighbor, his schoolmates, his cat, and his ex-girlfriend.
(No one had been surprised, except maybe the cat.)
“It’s not fair,” she cries. “Who can I talk to to get a different mentor for me?”
“The ethics board,” Anakin smiles, all teeth, settling back into his seat and slinging an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan says again, this time more exasperatedly. “Robin, I promise I will be the best mentor you can ask for. It is my wish to see you survive as long as possible in the next few weeks.”
The girl jumps to her feet in outrage. “You can’t even say you want me to win!” she yells. There are tears at the corners of her eyes. If she were a little less annoying, Anakin would feel quite bad for her. Obviously Obi-Wan doesn’t want her to win. Anakin’s right here.
She storms out of the train compartment, her face in her hands. Anakin barely waits for the door to close before he’s slipping into Obi-Wan’s lap and throwing his arms around his neck with a groan. “God, I thought she’d never leave.”
He isn’t pushed away. Obi-Wan must realize they only have a handful of days left to be together before he goes into the arena.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan says wearily, even as his arms encircle his waist.
Anakin presses a kiss to his nose and then another to his cheek. “It’s alright to have favorites, Obi-Wan,” he murmurs. “And she should know there’s no way she’s winning anything. Don’t waste your time.”
“I will do everything I can to make sure she survives as long as possible,” Obi-Wan repeats. “I don’t think I can survive anything else.”
Obi-Wan’s voice sounds shaky, so Anakin presses their lips together. Best not to talk for awhile.
“We should discuss strategy,” Obi-Wan says later that night through frantic kisses. “Sponsors, story, training--”
“I have a strategy,” Anakin murmurs back as he moves further down the bed, rucking up his partner’s shirt. “Win.”
“You look absolutely radiant,” Anakin tells the girl in an undertone while they’re in line for their interviews. She turns around to glare at him. The designer for their district has gone for the typical fish designs that people always associate with District Four, and they’ve dressed her up in a shimmering iridescent gown that flares at the ends like a fish’s tail.
Anakin’s own outfit is mostly a fishing net draped over one shoulder and a pair of tight pants. The designer, much to Obi-Wan’s embarrassment and Anakin’s satisfaction, had taken one look at his shirtless chest and decided to dress him in as little clothes as possible.
“Weird braid,” is all she says.
Obi-Wan had done it late last night when both of them had tired each other out and Anakin had curled up on his chest. After his Games, Obi-Wan’s hands like to do something. The repetitive motion of braiding and unbraiding Anakin’s hair soothes his demons.
It’s one of the reasons Anakin’s grown it out to his shoulders, much longer than is practical for his district.
Obi-Wan had gone to unbraid it, and Anakin had stopped him. He wanted to keep it. To wear it into the Games.
“Thank you,” he says generously. “I saw your score. 7’s not too bad.”
She sneers at him. “Did you celebrate your 11 with your boyfriend?”
“Oh sorry,” he winces. “Did you hear us? I’m just so bad at biting my tongue when he does this thing with his.”
She scoffs in disgust and turns back around. “I hope he has to watch you die.”
Anakin glares at her back. He knows he can’t kill her himself. But there has to be a way to hurt her and her chances and still have plausible deniability.
When it’s her turn for an interview, she’s vapid and pretty. She laughs and touches the interviewer’s arm.
“I’ve never spent much time in District Four,” the interviewer says jovially. “But tell me, really. Is everyone there as beautiful as the people you keep sending us? I mean. Obi-Wan Kenobi, ladies and gentlemen, am I right?” The audience laughs and hollers. Anakin hates them all. “And now you, Robin, and Anakin Skywalker. Damn!”
Robin--Anakin needs to stop forgetting her name--giggles high in her throat. “It was a very, very enjoyable train ride up,” she says with a stupid wiggle of her eyebrows. “Just this side of too long.”
The audience loses it.
Anakin loses it.
He can’t believe she’s sitting there publicly suggesting that Anakin shares Obi-Wan with anyone. With her. The nerve.
The camera pans to Obi-Wan in the crowd, who looks shocked, embarrassed, and deeply troubled.
Anakin won’t let this stand. He just hopes Obi-Wan forgives him.
The interviewer greets him excitedly when he walks out, and Anakin gives him a sheepish sort of smile.
“Lady killer Skywalker!” the interviewer says. Anakin laughs along with him. “All the girls back home must have been heartbroken to see you leave.”
“But I’ve heard they love watching me go,” he jokes with a charming smile. If that girl--Robin--can do it, he can do it much better. “There’s really only one person for me though,” he murmurs, letting his smile die.
“Oh?” The interviewer asks, leaning forward with interest.
“But sometimes I wonder if they’re only using me for my body,” he says, casting his eyes down. “I love them. Heart and soul, everything I am. But when I told them, they just laughed.”
This is technically true. The first time Anakin had told Obi-Wan that he was in love with him, the older boy had laughed his confession off, saying he was too young to know what he wanted.
“Oh, to be young and in love,” the interviewer sighs theatrically. “So your plan is to win the Games and then win her heart when you get back home?”
Anakin makes himself look sad. Tragically sad. Like he can’t bear to go on.
“They came with me,” he says.
If the audience’s reaction to Robin’s fake confession was huge, its reaction to Anakin’s words is even bigger. Of course they think he’s talking about the girl. That’s exactly what Anakin had wanted. Now he’s the broken-hearted boy and she’s the vapid, self-absorbed bitch. She'll have a hard time finding sponsors now.
It’s very, very hard to hide his smile, a task made exponentially more hard when he sees Obi-Wan bury his face in his hands.
“It’s alright,” Anakin tells the interviewer, without taking his eyes off of Obi-Wan. “I’ll survive.”
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yandearest · 4 years ago
May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favor (Hoseok x Reader Hunger Games AU) Chapter 7: Natural Born Killers
Summary - Living in District 4 you never thought you would  have to worry about being selected for the Hunger Games. With a training  centre right near the dock of the houseboat you lived and fished from,  your district was known for volunteers who trained their whole lives for  a shot at glory and riches. But at age 18, your name is called and no  girls volunteer to take your place. Your devastation is answered when  Kim Namjoon volunteers for the males shortly after. Tall, muscular,  highly intelligent and charming, the years of diligent preparation have  bestowed Namjoon with the expectation of being the next District 4  champion after Finnick Odair last won 3 years ago.
Fishing for a  living has granted you skills with a knife but, as your mentor Finnick  is quick to describe, your beautiful face may well be your best asset.
Upon arrival in the Capitol you are quickly faced with the reality that  Namjoon may not even be the biggest danger inside the Arena. Especially  when you capture the obsessive attention of District 2′s own volunteer,  and killing machine, Jung Hoseok. Hope soon fades from ‘survival’ to  ‘the mercy of a painless death’ but Hoseok certainly has other plans.
Pairing - Hoseok x (fem)Reader
Genre - thriller, angst, yandere
Word Count 9.5K
Warning: This chapter is very heavy with multiple deaths described in detail.
The following is a dark fic featuring a yandere character, violence, obsession, and coercion. By no means does  writing about this in a fictional setting condone any of those  behaviours, much like Stephen King writing horror doesn’t mean he  approves of psychotic killers in reality. Please avoid reading if any of  these warnings makes you uncomfortable.
Previous Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6
Cross posted on A03 so people can subscribe for updates/notifications
You had remained with the girl’s body after her canon sounded. The momentary adrenaline rush from killing her attacker had faded and you were filled with despair at the sight of her lifeless eyes. It was strange how little guilt you were feeling, you had just killed someone – something you never thought you could actually do. Even though what he was about to do to the girl was disgusting, you were expecting to feel some sense of remorse over taking another life, but yet there was none. You remembered Hoseok’s vicious attack on seven from yesterday and shuddered, did you have more in common with him than you wanted to admit?
‘No.’ You shook your head, arguing with yourself. ‘He’s a monster, he took pleasure in his kill. I killed to protect someone else… But didn’t Hoseok kill to protect you?’
Disturbed by your conflicting emotions you hit your head against trunk of the tree, begging for the thoughts to leave your head. It was too much to try and process right now, especially with the girl’s body lying on the ground next to you. The impact on your skull and the rough bark grazing against your forehead provided a welcome distraction from your inner monologue.
For a moment, you thought that a whirring noise was coming from the ringing in your head, until you felt a blustering wind, along with surrounding leaves and twigs beginning to lift from the ground. Confused, you scrambled away from the girl and over to your bag. Shouldering the straps, you whipped your head around trying to see what the cause could possibly be, as the wind and whirring sound only grew stronger.
With nothing abnormal around you, you turned your gaze upwards to see an airship hovering just above the trees. A door along the bottom opened, and a large metal claw slowly began to lower through the leaves, knocking several branches out of the way. You stumbled backwards, not wanting to get in its way, and watched with sick fascination as the claw reached the boy. It hovered for a few seconds, getting its bearings, before the metallic arms began to retract. The gears whirred as they clasped around the body, some digging into the dirt below him, before they formed a tight grip with a sealed clunk. And then the claw was moving upwards, the thick cord retracting until it disappeared into the ship above.
It was such an odd sight, such an inhumane way to treat a dead child (‘the dead child you had just killed’). You just stood there staring, until the claw reappeared at the door, once again empty. You looked over to the girl’s body, regretfully knowing she would be taken next. But there was nothing you could do for her. You didn’t know if the airship could be giving away your location, or whether the other tributes would think to run in the opposite direction, but you didn’t want to stay and find out. Securing your bag, you turned your back and ran.
 Two hours later it was difficult to see the sun through the leaves above, which made it hard to try and navigate. You were starting to run low on water and you had an idea to try and get to the edge of the pool behind the cornucopia, closer to the waterfall. Your idea was basically that people who wanted supplies would go to the cornucopia itself and those trying to run away would have gone in the opposite direction. If you could sneak along the edge of the forest, maybe you could reach the fall and stay hidden. Your plan had worked well, after finding where the edge of the forest neared the river, you had stayed hidden in the trees and made your way in the direction of the waterfall. When the cornucopia came into sight, you took a longer detour back inland through the trees, not wanting to risk coming into contact with any tributes who might be hiding so close to supplies.
You knew you were getting close when the sound of crashing water began to get louder, and more rocks started appearing in your path. A canon sounding very close by caused you to jump and momentarily forget your plan. Looking around you had to be at the cliff that would take you up towards the top of the fall. Remembering the careers from yesterday, you knew you definitely didn’t want to keep going in that direction. The noise of the canon seemed to have come from further inside the forest, close to where you had been walking through only moments ago. Climbing up the cliff wasn’t an option, and neither was staying in this part of the woods, so the waterfall remained your target. You let the noise of the water guide you and continued to made your way over – the surface becoming increasingly rockier the closer that you got.
The cornucopia came into view, in all of its temptation. It was across the other side of the rocks that you were traversing. It was less filled than yesterday; however, you could still spot an array of supplies scattered around. For the first time you felt your stomach rumble and you longed to run across and raid it for some of the fruit that you could see. But it was far too out in the open to be worth the risk. So, you continued towards the fall.
The closer you came, the more you were left in awe by the design of its structure. The rocks became harder to climb over, but you realized that they went behind the pounding curtain of water, into a cave. You were apprehensive. It was such a brilliant hiding spot, but being so close to the cornucopia you felt like another tribute had to have found it by now. However, someone could only have seen it if they had chosen to come closer to the fall, rather than the cornucopia, which wasn’t necessarily an expected move.
You didn’t want to take any chances, and pulled your knife out from your pocket, just to be extra careful. Doing your best to balance, and stay hidden between the large rocks, you slowly made your way closer to the water’s edge. Once there you crouched down, repeatedly checking behind your back to make sure no one was trying to sneak up on you, and filled up your container. Once full, you put the cap on and then began to try and scrub off the lingering traces of blood that were staining your hands.
It was as you were finishing up that you spotted a moving figure through a crack between the rocks, in the direction of the woods. You sprung to your feet and quickly hid behind the closest rock. Making sure to check behind your shoulder first (in case anyone was trying to sneak up on you whilst you were distracted), you peered out from behind the boulder to see your worst fear – Hoseok and Namjoon working together.
You spun back around, your back hitting the rock, as you pressed yourself against surface. They definitely hadn’t seen you yet as they were moving towards the cornucopia and neither of them had been looking over in your area. You recalled the canon from before and instantly knew it had to be their work. Your heart was racing and a tightness was beginning to seize across your chest making it harder to breathe. You wished you could somehow melt into the rock and hide inside until these games were over, but you knew it wasn’t a realistic option. Staying outside here would be far too risky with them so close by. The forest wasn’t safe as they would very likely see you if you tried to run back now. Your best option was the cave behind the fall, as it was surrounded with large rocks for cover, and neither of them seemed to know of its existence. The possibility of another tribute being inside no longer scared you when the two worst tributes in the arena were so close by.
Using the rocks as a shield, you scrambled the last remaining meters to the fall. Once safe behind the curtain of raging water you stood in awe of the size of the cave within. The boulders from outside seemed to morph into smoother steps that lead upwards and further inside the cliff structure. There was still no sign of any other life inside, but you kept a firm grip on your knife in case of any hidden attacks. The higher you climbed, the drier the rock below your boots became. With the waterfall keeping you hidden from the outside, you deliberately allowed your footsteps to echo throughout the cave in order to alert anyone inside. You weren’t here to fight.
When you reached the top of the rock steps you found a smooth plateau and the first sign of life. There was a makeshift camp of a few supplies – a sleeping bag, a pot, and flint – set up around the ashes of an extinguished fire. The coals still had a faint tinge of orange, so someone still had to be close by.
“Hello… Is anyone here?”
You called out, but were only met with the sound of your voice bouncing back off the walls.
The sleeping bag looked like it had some sort of shape underneath it, so you slowly walked over, wondering if anyone was still inside. You didn’t want to come off as threatening, but you also weren’t stupid enough to approach someone without a weapon, so you hid your knife behind your back.
“I’m [Y/N] from Four, I ran away from the careers. Two and Four are at the cornucopia now.”
The closer you moved towards the bag, the darker the cave became, but you could still faintly make out some sort of shape. You frowned, why wasn’t the person responding to you?
“Please, I’m just want to hide,” you lowered your voice as you reached the bag.
“I promise I don’t want to hurt you.”
You tapped at the bag with your foot but were met with a hard feeling beneath your toe.
 A trap
 Leaping away from the sleeping bag, you narrowly dodged the swing of a machete from a figure hiding in the shadows by less than an inch.
“But I want to hurt you”
The voice of your attacker was feminine, but you had no idea who the person is.
“Are you fucking crazy, I’m trying to offer you an alliance against the careers,” you swore as you shuffled backwards, trying to put some distance between yourself and your opponent.
“No thanks. I had one until your boyfriend killed him…” The girl continued to follow you, and as she steps further into the light, you recognize her from District 7
“…And I’d like to return the favor.”
She swung the machete again, and you narrowly ducked with a shriek, rolling towards the edge of the plateau. You just managed to catch yourself from rolling off the edge, but before you could get to your feet, Seven charged at you with another swing of her blade.
You brought your knife up to block it, which she clearly didn’t expect. She’s too stunned by the fact you stopped her attack to block your leg that kicked up and into her stomach. She hunched over and gasped, barely keeping her grip on her weapon after having the wind knocked out of her. You didn’t give her the opportunity to catch her breath. There was no time for guilt or doubt as you thrust your knife upwards. It sunk in between her ribs with a broken scream, causing her to finally release her grip on the machete. It clattered to the ground beside you as you pulled your knife out.
She was still alive, her hands pressing against the bleeding wound as she stood above you. The previous sight of your would-be-killer is gone, replaced by a scared girl who knows she’s going to die. You can’t exactly blame her for trying to kill you – after all your alliance tortured her district member – but there’s no point in feeling sorry for her now. The best you could do is give her a faster death than her partner. Getting to your feet, you stabbed her again, this time in the stomach. She made a strangled gurgle, coughing up blood as you ripped your knife back out. She moved to try and grab for the machete, but stumbled over her feet and instead slipped off the edge of the plateau.
You looked over the side with morbid curiosity, to see her body had landed amongst the rocky water at the bottom. The pool below is a violent mess of currents created from the waterfall and you watched as her body was quickly pulled under to the sound of a canon.
 “I’m almost disappointed by how easy this has been,” Namjoon commented as he picked up a small sack of rice and tossed it into the water. Since disposing of Krystal, the duo hadn’t so much as seen a trace from another tribute on their way to the cornucopia. They had arrived with ease and quickly finished stocking both their backpacks with food items. It was when they discovered there would still be plenty left for other tributes that Hoseok had come up with the idea of throwing whatever they couldn’t take with them into the river.
“If only [Y/N] was that easy to find,” Hoseok muttered in response. Between tossing away any food he came across, he was also searching for more arrows.
“Nothing good is ever easy, she can’t hide forever.”
The noise of a canon stopped them both in their place, it had sounded very close by. Namjoon looked around in a circle to see if there was any sign of an airship, whilst Hoseok suspiciously eyed the waterfall. The canon had definitely come from that direction. It was too high to see their camp up the top, but in his mind the noise had sounded closer. For a few minutes there was an uneasy silence, until he spotted something in the water.
“Over there”
Hoseok tapped Namjoon on the arm and pointed towards a figure that was emerging from the raging waters. Forgetting about throwing away food, the two moved towards the edge of the cornucopia’s rock to try and see the body. The water near the fall was a violent mess of waves, before it smoothed out into an eerily placid pool by the cornucopia rock’s edge. They watched as the body was tossed around, pulled underneath the currents, until it eventually drifted further way from the fall and resurfaced closer in their direction.
“It’s a girl,” Namjoon commented as they watched the body float closer.
It was difficult to see any details, but they could both tell the body was too big to be one of the younger tributes. There were no male tributes with hair long enough to tie into a ponytail, which gave away the fact it was a girl. With Athena having short hair, Krystal being killed earlier, and four known female tributes having died yesterday, they both mentally ran through which older females were still left in the games.
“You don’t think it could be…”
They were both thinking the same thing, but there was no way Hoseok would allow Namjoon to say your name out loud.
It wasn’t you; it couldn’t be you. There was no way that you could have been taken from Hoseok without him feeling it inside. You were tied together and the second you left this world he would be able to feel it like a tether had snapped, right? He had no idea what he would do if you died before he was able to reach you in these games. It was a given that he would kill whoever was responsible in the most excruciating manner possible, but afterwards? Probably a rage induced rampage until he was the only person left, before killing himself. If you weren’t together with him at the end, then no one could win.
Hoseok followed the body along the rock as it drifted, until it was close enough for him to be able to reach. He could hear the sound of an approaching airship, but he had to see who it was with his own eyes first. Leaning over, he grabbed the body by its jacket and pulled it close enough for him to flip over. His sigh of relief upon seeing some insignificant nobody was audible.
“Not her,” he called to Namjoon, who had followed behind him.
“Stab wounds…” Namjoon acknowledged, nodding at the two bleeding cuts in the body. A solid incision between the ribs and a deeper wound in the stomach.
“From someone who knows how to handle a knife…"
Hoseok’s words trailed off at the end as he recalled your training in the arena. Particularly, your skill with throwing knives. The boys looked at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking. You were very close by. Looking at the waterfall where the body had appeared, there was nothing to suggest that you were around. If it weren’t for the fact that you were trying to stay away from him, Hoseok would have been proud that his girl was so good at keeping herself hidden.
“Look over there”
Hoseok’s head snapped over to the direction Namjoon was pointing at, but couldn’t see anything.
“What am I looking for?”
“The rocks. I didn’t notice before, but look how they trail behind the waterfall. I think there’s something back there… more importantly, someone.”
In an instant Hoseok was at his feet, the body below him forgotten about entirely. His bow and quiver of arrows were already on his shoulder.
“Leave the supplies here, we can come back for them when we have YN,” Hoseok instructed as he walked over to pick up some rope from the cornucopia. He doesn’t want to have to restrain you, but given you ran away it’s not like you’ve left him much choice.
Eying the rope in Hoseok’s hands and the knife in his own, a dangerous smile flashed across Namjoon’s face.
“Let’s go get our girl.”
 The guilt you were wondering why you didn’t feel earlier, seemed to crash down upon you all at once. With a horrified gasp you, were hyperventilating over the reality you had now killed two people in one day. You didn’t want to, you didn’t mean to, you knew that you had to otherwise it would have been you that was dead. But it didn’t make the reality any less awful. You wondered what your father would be thinking if he was watching. He had been the one to train you with a knife in case that your name was ever called, but could he handle the reality of actually seeing you kill other kids? What about your mother? She was already dead, what if she was waiting for you to join her in peace, but you were sending other children to her instead?
You felt sick, but there wasn’t any food in your system to throw up. Instead, all you could do was dry reach and cough as you backed away from the ledge of the plateau. Maybe you should throw yourself over into the rocks to drown. You didn’t deserve to live as a killer. But then wouldn’t that make those deaths meaningless? And as selfish as it sounded, you didn’t want to die a painful death. You were scared. Scared to die, scared to suffer, scared to survive and have to live with yourself if you made it.
You crawled backwards until you felt your hand touch something soft. You flinched in surprise, looking down to see the sleeping bag from seven’s camp. It felt wrong to even consider, but you couldn’t help but think it would be a nice spot to hide out for a while. There was shelter and more importantly, warmth. You weren't exactly in the mood to return to the woods again and have to climb another tree. You shrugged your backpack off your shoulders and tried to distract your racing thoughts with the task of pulling the rocks out of the sleeping bag that seven had stuffed inside.
As you worked, you could hear the sound of rocks crunching. At first you thought it was just the sounds of the ones inside the bag as you moved them, but then you paused, and you could still hear the noise. It was hard to hear anything over the sound of the waterfall, but you had a bad feeling. You fumbled for your backpack and began to slide further backwards into the darkness of the cave.
You feel as if your blood has turned to ice at the sound of Hoseok calling your name. How the hell could he possibly know that you were here?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…
You shuffled backwards until you hit a rock. You couldn’t see anything in the darkness around you, and you could only pray that darkness would keep you hidden from him. You curled your knees into your chest and tried to shrink yourself as small as possible, clutching onto your knife, which would be your only hope of escape if he found you up here.
“Son of a bitch!”
You flinched at the sound of Namjoon’s cursing, and felt yourself panicking. Hoseok on his own was bad enough but Namjoon with him was too much. You doubted you could take one of them in a fight, but you knew that both of them would be impossible. You didn’t know what Hoseok’s plans with you were, but you swore you would rather die on your own than find out. You might not be able to fight them both, but you still had your knife, maybe you could take yourself out on your own terms.
“What?” Hoseok barked, his voice getting closer as he began to climb the rock steps.
“Some little shit is stealing our bag.”
That caused him to pause. Whilst the careers did have some basic supplies back at their camp, because they had thrown away a lot of the other food at the cornucopia, they needed those bags.
“Go stop the prick then, I’ll meet you out there with [Y/N].”
Namjoon nodded with a pissed off frown, turning around and heading back out of the fall the same way that he came. He hated when his plans were interrupted and he was going to make whatever moron thought they could steal from him pay.
You had no idea what bags they were talking about, but felt a sliver a of relief over Namjoon leaving. At least you had a fighting chance now if Hoseok found you. You could hear the sound of Hoseok’s footsteps coming closer, as he continued to climb.
“[Y/N]~” Hoseok’s voice echoed throughout the cave as he sung out your name in a sickeningly sweet call.
“Why are you hiding from me, angel? You should know that I would never hurt you.”
His steps continued to get closer and you clasped one hand over your nose and mouth to try and muffle the sound of your breathing. You tried to breathe as slowly and quietly as humanly possible.
“If it’s over how I tortured that boy from seven, I only did that because he tried to hurt you. But if you want, I’ll make all my other kills quick and painless. I’d do anything for you.”
The sound of his footsteps reaching the plateau kept you paralyzed in fear. He was here, there was no escape anymore. You clenched your eyes shut and prayed that the darkness could keep you covered.
Hoseok’s brows furrowed as he reached the top level and saw the abandoned camp. There were visible signs of a struggle from the earlier fight, but he couldn’t see anything else. The sleeping bag was barely visible in the darkness, but he could vaguely tell there were rocks nearby and some still inside of the bag. So that dead girl had tried to set a trap, but you were too clever. Again, he felt a combination of pride and frustration. If only you weren’t so afraid of him, you would be unstoppable together.
If his vision was to go by, you weren’t here. There weren’t any rocks to hide behind and it was possible you could have run in the opposite direction than where Namjoon and himself had approached from. But why did you feel so close? He narrowed his eyes and tried to squint further into the darkness, how deep did that cave go? Could you possibly be hiding in plain sight?
He pursed his lips, preparing to walk closer before the sound of a canon stopped him in his tracks.
 Yoongi was in a bad mood.
After his argument with Krystal, he had been left alone to fish up the stream, but he had a lingering sense of unease. Why didn’t she understand that he was only looking out for her best interest? He didn’t sign up for these games to protect her just to watch her get killed for some stranger. It’s not that he hated you, or wanted you to die. He felt sorry for you and the way that Hoseok had singled you out, but it was better you than Krystal.
His luck with fishing had been mediocre. He had been apprehensive to use their food supplies for bait in case there weren’t actually any fish in the river. On the plus side it turned out there were indeed fish, but on the negative, the ones he had managed to catch were tiny. He lost track of how long he had been fishing for, enjoying the feeling of the sun on his face after such a freezing night, when he was snapped out of his peace by the sound of a canon.
Something was wrong.
He couldn’t put his instincts into words, it didn’t make any logical sense, but he had a very, very bad feeling. It was like a part of him had collapsed inside of his chest.
‘Where’s Krystal?’
Surely, she would be back at camp, just like she was supposed to be?
He tried to shake off the feeling, canons were a normal part of the games, if Krystal was smart then she would still be with Athena. On her own Krystal was a formidable opponent, and Athena was a powerhouse. The only real threat that could take those two were the other careers, but they were all back down the cliff. She should be fine… so why didn’t it feel like she was?
With a huff, Yoongi wheeled in his wire and tossed the coil into the bucket. He would try fishing again later, using the smaller fish as bait. But first he had to go and find Krystal to put his mind at ease. He dipped the bucket into the river to fill it up with a little water, in order to keep the bait fresh in the meantime, then began his walk back to the campsite.
When he rounded the corner of the river that led to the waterfall, he felt his stomach drop upon seeing Athena alone at the campsite.
“Athena! Where’s Krystal” He yelled.
Her head jerked up from picking through a pile of different sticks, organizing them into different firewood. She seemed surprised, but Yoongi just thought that was from how loudly he had yelled at her.
“YOONGI, LOOK OUT!” Athena screamed back at him.
‘Look out for what? We need to look for Krystal?’
But his confused thought was interrupt by a searing pain running through his thigh. Gasping in agony, he was in so much pain he couldn’t even scream. Looking down he saw the long blade of a machete protruding out of his leg. Before Yoongi could even react, he was struck across the back of the head, whilst someone else landed a kick to his speared leg. Disorientated from the pain, the two attackers were easily able to manhandle him face down into the river.
Athena leapt up to help, but was met with a rope being wrapped around her neck from behind. The pressure instantly cut off her air, causing her to choke as she desperately clawed for the rope. But whoever had attacked her had miscalculated their strength. Once she was able to get a grip on the rope around her neck, Athena didn’t waste time trying to pull it away. Instead, she used her hold for leverage and rolled her body forward, causing the girl behind her to come flying over her shoulder.
Laying sprawled out on her back District 8 realized she had made a terrible mistake, but it was too late for her. Athena snatched a nearby spear from the weapons pile and drove it straight down into the girl’s stomach. After ripping the point out, Athena kicked her sharply in the side, sending her rolling into the rushing waters. Whether it was from the stab wound, drowning, or falling onto the rocks below, all Athena cared about was the sound of the canon that followed.
Spear in hand, she raced up the bank to save Yoongi.
One down, two to go.
 Hoseok was quick to dismiss the sound of the canon as Namjoon taking care of the boy trying to steal from them, but his head turning towards the direction he thought the sound came from caused him to see a falling silhouette through the waterfall.
“What the fuck?”
He didn’t care for his allies atop the waterfall, but the odds for his plans in the games were better if they could stay alive until the outlier tributes were taken care of. He cast a quick scan around the cave for any sign that you were there, but seeing nothing he huffed and started climbing back down.
You couldn’t believe your luck.
After everything that had gone wrong so far in the arena, the moment you were seconds away from being found by your worst nightmare, something managed to distract him.
You should have felt guilty that the distraction came in the form of another person dying, but you were to high strung to properly register that. Listening to the sound of Hoseok’s footsteps, you waited until he was at the bottom of the steps before slowly moving forwards. Not wanting to risk being seen or heard, you slowly crawled your way to the edge to see Hoseok disappearing back out the side of the waterfall that he had come in from.
There was no way you were going to remain in the same place and risk being caught if he came back. Making sure your backpack was still secure, you climbed your way back down the same steps. But when you reached the bottom, you hurried along the rocks under the fall in the opposite direction that Hoseok had left.
 Namjoon and the boy from 10 on the cornucopia had been trapped in a stalemate ever since Namjoon had returned from the waterfall. The boy had been distracted with filling up a bag as quickly as possible that he initially didn’t notice Namjoon sneaking up on him, but a movement in his peripheral version alerted him to the career’s presence. His head snapped up, as he saw him coming back to the cornucopia. Namjoon held the boy’s eyes with a dangerous stare that screamed one thing; ‘you’re dead, kid’.
There were barely any supplies left, the rock was sparse and the last remaining good items were now in the bag slung over his shoulder. Clearly Namjoon had to want what was in the bag if he was coming back for it.
“Don’t come any closer, or I’ll drop it!”
The break in his voice severely reduced the impact of his words, but the boy dangled the bag over the side of the water to show that he was serious.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, clearly not taking the threat seriously as he continued to walk, forwards, only to stop when the boy released the bag entirely. The boy caught the bag by the handle, but held it back up over the side of the edge once more.
‘So, he’s quick,’ Namjoon internally assessed as he held up his hands in a mock surrender.
“You have something of mine that I want back,” Namjoon nodded to the bag.
“If it was yours you would have taken it with you,” the kid snapped back.
“Everything in this arena is mine, including your life. Drop the bag on the rock and your death won’t be a painful one,” Namjoon threatened as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to showcase his muscular triceps that were probably three times the width of the scrawny teenage boy’s.
“Come any closer and your bag will be thrown to the bottom of your river”
Namjoon longed to rush the boy and slam his head against the rock to teach him some respect, but the bag of supplies kept him rooted to the spot. Meanwhile the boy was tossing up his options. The boy from 10 knew that he was fast, but the weight of the bag would slow him down, and it was possible Namjoon could catch him. But if he dropped the bag his odds of outrunning him into the forest were much higher. But the boy wanted the bag just as much as the careers did. He hadn’t eaten since the start of the games. He had scarfed down a protein bar whilst cramming supplies into the bag, but he didn’t think he was going to last long in the forest without anything.
And so, the two stood eyeing each other down, neither willing to cut the loss of the bag, not even a body flying over the edge of the waterfall to the sound of a canon could distract them. However, Namjoon could still see Hoseok resurfacing out the side of the fall.
Hoseok could be brash but he wasn’t an idiot. Seeing the boy holding the bag over the water and Namjoon with his hands up, he could tell that there was some sort of bargain happening. With the boy’s arm over the water, it wasn’t like he could just shoot him with an arrow, without the bag falling in. Being within Namjoon’s line of sight, and with the boy having his back to him, Hoseok sent Namjoon a signal to let him know he would approach quietly.
Keeping his hands raised, Namjoon began to walk around the boy. He maintained the same distance, moving clockwise around the rock with lazy steps.
“You’re not getting off this rock with that bag,” he taunted as he walked, deliberately keeping the boy’s attention away from Hoseok, who was moving closer towards their direction.
“As a matter of fact, you won’t be getting off this rock alive at all”
“Then there wouldn’t be much sense in me keeping a hold of this bag then,” ten sneered.
“The second you drop the bag, is the second you die and you know it,” Namjoon replied coolly as he continued to pace.
“Not unless I make a trade”
Namjoon barked out a laugh.
“For you to make a trade you would need to have something I want. The only thing I want is that bag.”
“Oh really?” Ten asked with a knowing grin starting to crawl across his face.
Namjoon rolled his eyes at the audacity of the kid to think he could possibly strike a bargain, but he had to admit it was somewhat amusing.
“And what else could you possibly have?”
“I saw you and two earlier, I know you’re looking for your district partner. I also saw where she went”
There was a hint of glee in ten’s voice, like he was aware of a hilarious inside joke and Namjoon didn’t like it one bit.
“Bullshit,” he called.
At this reaction, ten outright giggled.
“I know you were tracking her, and that you killed that other career. But I also saw where she was going, and you were both so close.”
“And what makes you think that I believe you?”
Whether Namjoon believed him or not, having the boy keep talking was an excellent way to stall for time as Hoseok continued to get closer. With Namjoon now on the other side of the rock, it was only a matter of time before they had the kid trapped between them.
“She’s a pretty thing, isn’t she?”
Namjoon let out an exasperated sigh.
“No shit, we’ve all seen her at training and the interviews. Hardly proves you saw her today.”
Ten fumbled the bag slightly, his arm starting to burn with lactic acid from holding it over the water for so long. Bringing it down to the ground, he placed a foot on top, easily able to kick it into the river if he wanted. It was in the process of doing this that he caught sight of Hoseok approaching from his peripheral vision.
“Tell him to stop right now, or I kick the bag,” he immediately threatened.
“Hoseok!” Namjoon yelled, before making a cutting gesture across his throat, to get him to pause.
Hoseok reluctantly listened, coming to a stop just slightly further away from the boy than where Namjoon was on the other side of the cornucopia.
“So now what? I drop the bag and I die, or I give you the bag and I die” Ten deadpanned as he looked between the careers on either side of him, not exactly liking his options.
“Sounds about right to me,” Hoseok grinned, sliding the bow off his shoulder and preparing to load an arrow from his quiver.
“If you shoot me now then I can’t tell you where your girl is.”
Hoseok paused his hand right as it touched upon an arrow.
“Where is she,” he demanded.
Namjoon mentally slammed his palm against his forehead, of course Hoseok would be too blinded by his obsession with you, and buy into this bargain.
“I’m not just going to tell you so you can kill me. Look I can see there’s no situation here where I leave alive with the bag, so I’ll drop it. Here,” Ten paused to toss the bag a few feet in front of himself.
“Walk towards me and let me walk past you” Ten gestured towards Hoseok “and I’ll tell you where she is.”
Hoseok nodded curtly whilst Namjoon just rolled his eyes. He thought Hoseok was a lovesick fool, but was satisfied with the fact they at least had the bag back again.
The walk across the rocks began, ten deliberately tried to walk in a path that would create a gap in width between his body and Hoseok’s when they met. Hoseok read this and navigated himself in a way to lessen that distance, in case Ten tried to run without giving him the information that he wanted.
Meanwhile Namjoon walked towards the direction of the bag to retrieve it, but spotted something from the corner of his eye. There was some sort of shape in the rocks near the waterfall. He knew he should probably be paying attention in case Ten thought it was a good idea to jump his teammate, but Hoseok was strong enough to take care of himself, and this weird shape was bothering him. It was hard to see over the mist that sprayed up from the crashing impact, and when he squinted his eyes to look, it was like it was never there at all. For a moment he dismissed it as a bird until it moved again. A blur ducking up and then disappearing behind the closest rock. And then suddenly it clicked – why Ten had been laughing when talking about how close they apparently were to you before. The boy had seen you…
“HOSEOK!” He bellowed right before the two boys were about to pass each other “SHE WAS INSIDE THE CAVE. SHE’S MAKING A BREAK OUT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FALL”
 Whatever luck you had acquired for Hoseok to leave inside the cave, seemed to have vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared. You couldn’t hear the words that Namjoon had yelled over the rumbling noise of water crashing nearby, but you could see him pointing in your direction.
For a split second you all froze. You were caught like a deer in headlights, Namjoon was pointing at you, Hoseok looked livid and the boy from ten was scared to death. There was barely any distance between Ten and Hoseok. They were less than six feet apart, with Hoseok blocking the way to the forest, and Ten had just lost his only bargaining chip seconds away from managing to escape. With no weapon on his body, and no way to get around the armed career in front of him, he made a split-second decision to turn back around. If he was going to die, then he wasn’t going to let those careers get that bag, He’d kick it into the river if it was the last thing he did.
Immediately, chaos erupted.
You took off into a sprint across the rocks. You no longer had to worry about remaining hidden and put all your focus on speed. There was no point in prioritizing your safety on the dangerous surface either – it was either get away, or die. You’d risk slipping and breaking your neck than winding up caught between Hoseok and Namjoon any day. Using every ounce of instinct built from years living on the coast, climbing your boat, and scaling rocks near the sea, you made a break for the forest.
Being the closest, Namjoon would have pursued you, if wasn’t for ten turning around. Reading his move for the bag Namjoon had to race him for it, which was in the opposite direction that you were running. Hoseok and ten were both the same speed, so it was down to him being closer to save their supplies.
“No! Get her! GET HER!” Hoseok yelled to Namjoon as he watched you slipping through his fingers, whilst you ran closer to the forest’s edge.
But Namjoon ignored the demand, leaping onto the bag just seconds before Ten’s foot could make contact with a kick. Instead, Namjoon took the hit to his side and rolled, causing ten to go flying over the top of him.
Ten landed with a sickening crunch. He had thrown his arms out to break the fall, only to break his wrist on impact with the rock. Despite the agony, he used the momentum to keep rolling and fell off the side, into the water below. Namjoon sat up with a grunt, with his water experience, swimming the boy down wouldn’t be a problem, except Hoseok was about to beat him to it.
With his bow loaded, Hoseok shot an arrow straight into the shoulder of ten. The boy let out a muffled scream as he fell underneath the surface, no longer able to swim. With ten no longer a threat, Hoseok looked up to try and find where you were, to see you were right at the border between the rocks and the forest edge.
You had made it to the trees and stopped to look behind to see if you were being chased, when you witnessed Hoseok shoot the boy from ten. You thought that would be it, that he would be left to drown now that he could no longer swim, or that Hoseok would fire a second arrow to be certain. Instead, you found yourself rooted to the spot as Namjoon reached into the water and pulled ten back up to the surface by the arrow stuck inside of his body. As Namjoon continued to drag a screaming ten out of the water, and back up onto the cornucopia rock, Hoseok stood at his side, pointedly staring at you.
Your eyes were locked onto his, trying to read what he was going to do next. You leaned against the closest tree as you tried to suck in deep breaths. Your lungs burned from sprinting over the rocks, but you had to be ready to run again into the forest at any moment. In return Hoseok was eerily still. He watched the rise and fall of your chest with every breath you took, studied the flush of red across your cheeks and beads of sweat trickling from your forehead, and thought of the ways in which he would love to elicit such a response from your body. He ached to run and take you into his arms so he could feel the warmth of your body pressed against his, but knew that you would disappear into the forest the second he tried to. So, instead he chose to drag those seconds out as long as possible, just watching you breathe from a distance to find comfort in knowing you were still alive.
 The sound of the canon had distracted the two boys that were holding Yoongi under the water. Turning their heads over towards the sound they were hoping to see Athena dead and the other girl from eight returning to help them take care of the last person at camp, but were met with the sight of an enraged Athena running in their direction.
“Shit! What the fuck do we do?” The boy from district 8 hissed, as he maintained his pressure on Yoongi’s neck to keep him face down under the water.
“How the fuck should I know?” the boy from district 9 snapped back, “You’re the genius who said your partner could take care of her”
“I thought she could! How hard is it to sneak up and kill someone from behind?”
“Too hard apparently”
The two boys’ bickering was cut short by eight shoving nine to the side and narrowly avoiding the spear that Athena had thrown.
“That was clos-”
Eight’s sigh of relief was cut short by a second spear landing in his throat.
Nine released a horrified scream at the gruesome vision. The canon hadn’t sounded yet as eight was barely clinging to life, choking out gargled breaths as blood spilled profusely down his neck and into the water below. Nine was so preoccupied by the sight that he didn’t even notice that Yoongi had surfaced from the water. With an agonized grunt, Yoongi pulled the blade of the machete out of his leg and swung it straight into the kid’s head.
Two canons sounded one after the other as the boys died simultaneously.
With the surge of adrenaline fading as quickly as it had appeared, Yoongi collapsed on the shore, vomiting up the water he had been forced to swallow whilst being held under. His injured leg was throbbing, he had a splitting headache and his chest felt like someone had been sitting on it. He was barely conscious when Athena caught up to him and dragged him further out of the water, to make sure he didn’t get caught in the stream and sent over the waterfall.
Pulling her button up shirt from her body (leaving just a tank top underneath), Athena set to work on creating a makeshift tourniquet by tying the sleeves tightly above the wound.
“You know, I could easily just kill you now,” Athena mused.
Yoongi’s response was a laugh in the form of a sharp huff. It was true, he was defenseless. The machete had been lodged into nine’s skull and taken away with his body. He now had no weapon and a major injury in his leg, whilst Athena was a skilled hand to hand combat fighter. She could also easily run back to the weapons at their camp before he could even struggle to his feet.
“So why don’t you?” he grunted, closing his eyes and letting his head fall onto the ground below.
Yoongi knew his shot at the games was practically over with such a severe injury. His bad feeling over Krystal was only made worse by the surprise attack from the three tributes. What if they had killed her when she went off to have a bathroom break earlier? She hadn’t been seen in hours and there were far too many canons that had sounded today. If Krystal was dead then there was no purpose for him to be here anymore, though he hoped to at least wait to see the tribute display in the evening and confirm Krystal was gone before entirely giving up.
“Hoseok and Namjoon,” Athena sighed in response.
Though his eyes were closed, Yoongi raised an eyebrow, indicating for her to elaborate.
“What do you think those two would think if they came back and saw you dead in camp and your sister missing too? They’d probably act like I did it and kill me on the spot for betraying the alliance.”
“That sucks,” Yoongi grumbled.
“Yeah, it does,” Athena laughed. Nothing about the situation was actually funny, but it was such a surreal experience it was all she could do.
“But you know what else sucks?” She continued, earning a questioning grunt from Yoongi.
“That this wouldn’t have even happened if Hoseok and Namjoon didn’t go off on their stupid search for YN. The weird obsession with her, it’s literally insane.”
“I don’t get it either,” Yoongi sighed.
“I’m sick of it. They left us here to die, maybe Krystal already has…”
Yoongi flinched.
“Sorry. But for what? A stupid crush they’re going to have to kill in the end anyway. I didn’t get my name pulled out of that bowl just so I could die as a side character in some weird love story.”
“So, what are you going to do about it? Jump them when they come back to camp?”
Athena scoffed at the suggestion.
“Tempting but I think we both know they’re stronger than I am. I might take down one of them with me but I couldn’t get both. And it’s not like you’d be much help there either.”
“I offer you my complete moral support” Yoongi deadpanned.
Athena barked out another laugh.
“I’ve got nothing,” she sighed. “Maybe we have that in common, and maybe we should at least watch each other’s backs.”
Yoongi opened his eyes and looked up to see Athena staring down at him.
The pain of potentially losing Krystal was still too raw for him to properly process, especially without any closure of knowing that it had really happened (though every instinct in his gut told him she was gone). But he had been so focused on his goal of protecting his sister he hadn’t given much thought to any of his other teammates.
Athena looked tough and intimidating, she scored high in trials and interviewed well. By all standards she was just another typical career, but the reality was she was also human. Yet another sacrifice to the capitol, just like his sister and just like himself. With Krystal, he had someone he loved with him, but Athena had no one. Her closest thing to a partner, in her district mate, had abandoned her for a prettier girl like a child distracted by a shinier new toy. If they were both doomed to die here, then the least he could do was make sure she wasn’t entirely alone.
“Yeah, I think we should”.
 The sound of two back-to-back canons cut short whatever moment you were having with Hoseok. It was a slap across the face reminder that this was a game to kill until the last person standing, and the man standing across the rocks from you would ultimately have to try and kill you, no matter what sweet promises he made.
“YN wait, please!” you heard him beg as you broke eye contact, but you didn’t look back again as you turned and vanished into the forest.
“FUCK!” Hoseok screamed in frustration, launching a kick into the ten’s shoulder, the same one he had shot the arrow into. If he couldn’t have you now then he was going to make the little shit who ruined his plans pay.
Namjoon took a step back, and picked up the bag of supplies. He then walked over to a nearby rock and set the bag down in front of him, perfectly secured between his legs. Unzipping the top, he reached inside and dug out an apple, biting in as Hoseok ripped the arrow completely out of ten’s shoulder. Namjoon watched nonchalantly as Hoseok reloaded the arrow and shot it into ten’s other shoulder, the younger boy writhing in agony below.
The torture continued as Namjoon ate his snack. Hoseok would pull the arrow out of ten’s body by twisting it painfully, before reloading and shooting it again into another non-lethal area. His arms and legs were more like a bloody human pin cushion by the time Namjoon had finished a second apple and decided he was bored.
“We should get back to camp,” he declared, shouldering the bag.
Hoseok turned his attention to Namjoon with a raised brow.
“Those two canons earlier, and the one before that, we should check on Athena and Yoongi.”
Hoseok opened his mouth to argue before Namjoon cut him off.
“I don’t care about them either, however it would benefit us to know if they are still alive and who attacked them if they’re not. If there are other tributes working together, we need to take care of them before they go after YN next.”
Hoseok rolled his neck to stare up at the sky with an exhausted sigh. He knew Namjoon was right, and self-indulgent torture sessions weren’t going to get you back.
“Good,” Namjoon confirmed with a smile, before leaning down and snapping ten’s neck with his bare hands.
 Another canon.
 It took slightly longer than an hour for Namjoon and Hoseok to climb the cliff and return to the campsite, where they were met with the sight of Athena wrapping a bandage around Yoongi’s thigh. The duo was informed the first aid kit was a gift from a sponsor and that the Yoongi and Athena were ambushed by three tributes, all now dead. When Yoongi asked if they had seen Krystal, Namjoon denied anything and asked if they heard any canons before they were attacked. Athena confirmed there had been, and Yoongi had broken down crying.
Hoseok left the other boy to grieve, knowing his sister was dead long before the nightly display confirmed it. Laying down in the tent, he longed to run into the forest and find you right at this second. However, he knew he needed to rest, and that tomorrow when he left camp, there was no way he would return without you. For now, he settled on mentally calculating how many people had to be left in the games. Krystal was gone leaving only himself, Namjoon, Athena and an injured Yoongi in the careers, and of course, there was still you. Eight tributes had died on opening day, two had died over the night, there were two earlier canons that morning, and with the short-lived alliance of three, the person you had killed, and the boy from ten, then that only left one other tribute who was still alive…
 You sat high up in a tree, tied to a branch, as you heard the Panem music blast throughout the arena. Shivering under your blanket, you listened as the game maker praised the blood bath of the day, and commented that you were on track for the fastest games in history. When Krystal’s face appeared in the sky as the first tribute, you lost it. You bundled the top of the blanket into a ball and openly sobbed into the fabric, mourning the loss of the only person in the arena who you would have called a friend. You cried far longer than it took for the capitol to display all of the people who had died, and so you honestly had no idea who was left, or exactly how many people there even were now.
You knew Hoseok and Namjoon were still alive as only one more canon had sounded after you ran into the forest, and there was no doubt in your mind it was for the boy that had been shot with the arrow. You felt physically sick from crying; your sinuses were clogged and you had a nasty headache. You were also dizzy from not eating anything in hours and downright drained from how physically and emotionally taxing everything was. You had zero plan for survival in the arena, and no idea what you were going to do the next time Hoseok came close to finding you. In your exhausted state, you decided that would have to be a problem for tomorrow. Letting your head fall back against the trunk, you closed your eyes and quickly succumbed to your body’s need for rest.
Little did you know that someone very close by had been tracking you since earlier that afternoon, and was waiting for this exact moment.
  Note: Ten’s idea was to grab the bag and run, he didn’t stop to search what was inside, and obviously regretted the fact he didn’t check for a weapon when he had the chance
So close to 10K but I didn’t want to fill it with garbage for the sake of trying to boost the word count, so 9.5 it is.
584 notes · View notes
chocosvt · 5 years ago
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⚬ pairing: junhui x reader ⚬ word count: 8125 ⚬ warnings: none! ⚬ genres: secret relationship, some slice of life uni moments, FLUFF, very light angst, spice, roommates!wonhui.
✧✎ synopsis: you’re friends with junhui - but also, not really. it’s friends and a little bit more than that. it’s difficult keeping your relationship a secret, especially when you’ve never loved someone the way you love him.
✧✎ a/n: NOBODY MOVE! I WROTE A JUN BDAY FIC ;_; this is really just me projecting all my years of love onto a word doc. enjoy!!
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It was midnight, and the apartment was dark, unmoving. No one had bothered to clean the blue cereal bowl left in the sink and there remained bread crumbs on the countertop from lunch. As you flicked through the strange glimpses of late-night television, yawning in an outrageous width, there was a hunger pang, accompanied by an immediate craving for some sort of sweet candy.
So, you did what seemed best: fit into your sneakers and a windbreaker and push open the door to Jun’s bedroom while he was curled up on his side watching his drama. Wonwoo would usually be occupying the adjacent bed, though he had stayed over at Joshua’s dorm to study for his next history summative. Yet he’d left his beat-up, decaying textbook on his pillow.
“Put on your slippers or something, we’re going to the convenience store.”
Jun didn’t say anything, rather he continued holding out his phone, the bedsheets pulled taunt to his nose. Looking at Jun’s desk that sat next to the door, you picked up the rubber band ball he’d been adding to since his twelfth-grade year and threw it at his shoulder.
“Ow!” He squeaked dramatically. His head then poked over his shoulder as he attempted to see where the ball rolled off to.
“Put on your slippers,” you reiterated, “I want strawberry tangs.”
Without much effort, Jun quickly gave up looking for the elastic ball and returned to watching his drama, establishing his comfort while somehow still persisting to ignore you. He was very much so a homebody, and if it weren’t for you guiding him out the apartment like a grandchild taking their elderly for an afternoon walk, then he might’ve never left his bedroom apart from his class schedule. Yet, you knew exactly how to persuade him, weaken his heart that was already soft and golden.
An immediate whine rumbled in his throat when you jumped on the bed, pulling at him until he finally rolled onto his back, at last pressing pause on his phone. You tossed a thigh over each side of his silhouette and gripped the boy’s wide shoulders, gazing unflinchingly past his black fringe and into those big, glistening eyes.
“Come with me to the store,” you weren’t sure if you were offering or demanding, “please?”
“I-Isn’t it a little late for that?” Jun stumbled through his laughter. “Why do you need me?”
It was a surface-level question really, but nonetheless, your heart still skipped a beat. In only a second or more the silence was bearing down too heavily and it felt like your heart was a book with all its pages out. Jun’s eyes were twinkling as he blinked up at you.
“Walking around alone at night? Hello? Do you have no concern for me?” Came your joking counter.
He tossed his head back, the black fringe bouncing from his lashes. His capitulating yelp of, “fine, fine, I’ll come” was satisfactory enough for you to remove yourself from the boy’s tiny waist, where you stepped on the floor and nearly sprained your ankle due to that dumb, elastic ball. At least you found it. While you returned the toy to his desk, Jun quickly threw a worn jean jacket over his black long sleeve and didn’t bother bending down to fix his sneakers, his heels jutting out the back.
At the convenience store, the only shoppers were you, Junhui, and this lady wearing a huge pair of sunglasses, though you figured she was far from the strangest of the midnight stragglers.
It was rather quiet, even with the fluorescent lights buzzing and the battery-powered fan keeping the cashier cool at the register. You grabbed the first package of strawberry tangs while Jun sorted through the other flavours very meticulously.
“What about blue raspberry?” He said. “You don’t want that?”
“I don’t know, I just really have a craving for strawberry.”
Jun detached a bright green package from the rack. “Sour apple? What about that?”
“Not tasty at all. Pass.”
He grabbed another package and quirked his eyebrow. “Sweet cherry? Come on. That sounds good.”
You lightly hit his arm with the strawberry candy, your laughter echoing over the shelves, “I just want strawberry! If you think the sweet cherry sounds good then you buy it!”
But Jun just shook the black fringe from his playful gaze, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Tangy zangys are the bottom tier of gummy candy. No way.”
“So shut up then.” The words were harsh, yet your smile was no more menacing than a butterfly.
Since it would be impossible for Jun to leave the store without stocking his snack collection, you shopped for longer than expected, filling a basket with spicy chips and hard candies and a few chocolate bars. Heading home down the nighttime street, beneath the moonlight, the infinite expanse of a blackness that felt like a cocoon, you had already ripped open your strawberry tangs while Jun tore the corner off a tiny pouch of bubblegum poprocks.
They crackled loudly on his tongue, in which he made sure to hover in close proximity to your ear, ensuring you could detect every small fizzle. Each time it warranted you to shove him away, muttering a cheap laugh about how it wasn’t required that he lean in so generously, though you couldn’t evade that one nervous thought ticking at the back of your head: you wanted to kiss him, wrap your palm around Jun’s neck and taste the electric bubblegum from his heart-shaped mouth.
“Aren’t you glad you came with me?” You asked, suckling the sugar off a red candy strip.
Jun swallowed his poprocks. “I guess you can word it like that.”
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Standing at the living room fish tank, you opened the tab to the flake box and shook the food into the water, your pink guppy who you had so fittingly named, Princess Pebble, swimming toward the surface in order to nip at the flakes. Wonwoo observed you from his seat at the kitchen table, dragging his spoon through the remainder of his cereal, scooping out the last soggy pieces.
“I feel good about it,” Wonwoo hummed, referring to the history test he wrote yesterday, “I think I might’ve left out some information on the essay question.”
You closed the fish flakes and returned to the table, where you left your cup of tea.
“Eh, who cares,” you mumbled behind the rim, “you’re gonna get like a ninety-five anyways.”
The boy shrugged, pressing a fingertip to his glasses, moving them higher up his nose. He had always been diligent with his studying, though he often left the apartment to write notes at the library or a classmate’s dorm. It was difficult to accomplish much when Junhui would distract him, and rather than reading his textbook, Wonwoo would always end up playing computer games with the latter.
“Did you hear Jun come home last night?” You asked, gulping the rest of your tea.
Wonwoo set his bowl into the sink and filled it with water, smiling. It irked you somehow. You were only curious about whether or not he heard Jun return from his dance practice.
Joining him at the sink to clean your mug, you bumped his elbow. “What’s so cute over here?”
“Nothing,” he hummed dismissively, “I heard him crawl into bed, that’s pretty much it.”
“And that’s funny or something?”
“You ask about him quite frequently.” Wonwoo turned to you with a suspecting glance, one that made you subtly desire to dump a cup of water over his head. “You know that, right?”
The morning air was cool, yet your face felt immensely heated, almost prickling.
“I ask because we’re fri—”
“Friends. Yeah, yeah.” Wonwoo huffed, the omniscient smile creeping back toward his mouth, to which you could do nothing apart from gawk at your roommate despite his reiteration of a musing that wasn’t at all unfamiliar. “I’ve always loved you for your innate sense of comedy. It’s priceless.”
It’s what everyone assumed anyways. You and Jun fought tooth and nail to articulate your friendship, to paint with the colours that would lead everyone to believe it was true. Most often your explanations worked, yet there remained some who were particularly stubborn. Wonwoo was an evident case. But he was too close, too eagle-eyed, and he saw that you and Jun behaved in a manner completely beyond friendship. Despite the likewise feelings, something unbeknownst kept you apart.
“I know exactly what that means, idiot!” Echoed your shout as Wonwoo disappeared down the corridor, hoping to take refuge in his bedroom.
“I’m glad!” The depth of his voice reverberated into the kitchen, and you heard his door quickly shut.
No less than a few seconds later did Junhui reveal himself from around the corner, clean and freshened up after a steamy shower, one he desperately needed upon immediately passing out, sweat-soaked and exhausted in his bed the night before. Soonyoung definitely hadn’t taught their lesson with any degree of ease. Pretending you weren’t just quipping at Wonwoo, you smiled.
“Were you two fighting?” Jun asked, pulling out a frying pan from the cupboard. He usually whipped together an omelette for breakfast.
“No, not at all. We never fight, remember?”
Jun scoffed while opening the fridge, removing an egg carton and a plastic wrapping filled with vegetables. Still hungry, you started peeling open a tangerine from the fruit basket and stood next to him as he organized the produce onto a cutting board. Ever so faintly, you could smell the crisp scent to his aftershave. It was peculiar how a bit of foam could render your chest that cottony.
“In fact, when’s the last time you even remember an argument Wonwoo and I had?” You prodded.
“Two days ago,” Jun laughed, “when Wonwoo wanted to watch that exploration documentary on King Tut, but you changed the channel so you could finish the last season of Home Makeover.”
Pressing his rose lips together, Junhui casted you an innocent glance. “So there’s that.”
Separating a small slice of tangerine, you gently pushed the clove into the boy’s mouth. He smiled softly as he began to chew. With the gentle tang of citrus in the air, you set a hand on Jun’s shoulder and buried your face against his warm neck, whispering, “yeah, and it was definitely worth it.”
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Quite frankly, neither you, Jun, Wonwoo, or Joshua were fairing optimally at the library. While Wonwoo sat on the opposite side of the table helping Joshua organize his economics presentation, you were neglecting your biology packet, instead choosing to sketch a tiny Princess Pebble in the paper’s upper corner. Jun had been tasked with reviewing his latest theatre script, yet he hadn’t even flicked through it. He was intrigued by one of the numerous mangas he’d saved to his phone.
“Take the last point off here,” Wonwoo said, peering over Joshua’s shoulder at his laptop, “there’s too much text, and this isn’t a major branch of your topic anyways.”
Joshua sighed as he made a few clicks on his keyboard. “Dude, I don’t think I can edit another word. This class is so boring.”
“Mr. Canning is just a boring professor,” Wonwoo sympathized, “it would be best if it were someone who weren’t so… dry. I guess is the right word.”
Slumping back in his chair, Joshua huffed, “he’s like a human chalk stick.”
Desperate to discuss something that wasn’t related to his lacklustre econ class, Joshua spared a glance at Jun’s unopened script. “Shouldn’t you be learning that?” He asked.
Jun didn’t look away from the phone in his lap. “I can’t do it here.”
“That means he’s going to open it for the first time at one in the morning, the day of his performance.” You chuckled, outlining the sketch of your guppy using Wonwoo’s pink gel pen.
Harshly, Jun’s hand smacked your knee under the table and you couldn’t help but laugh, garnering an over-the-shoulder glare from a student in the corner who’d been trying to focus on their colossal textbook. Wonwoo smiled at them apologetically while Joshua feigned as though he were typing something on his laptop. However, Jun’s hand didn’t leave your knee, and your laughter became an immediate drought, to which the sole thing you could feel was his palm creeping higher up your leg.
Attempting to be subtle, you turned your head slightly and looked at the boy with a bit of a warning expression, though Jun simply continued to scroll through his manga.
“I’m going to check the world history section,” Wonwoo announced, rising from the table, “anyone want to come with?”
Joshua pushed out his chair. “I’ll come just so I don’t have to stare at this shitty powerpoint.”
As soon as the boys walked beyond earshot, you pinched the edge of Jun’s ear. He finally tossed his phone onto the table, though he didn’t exactly appear compassionate, rather he was smirking, for he knew if you truly didn’t want his hand touching your leg then you would have bumped it away.
“You can’t do that.” Nonetheless, there surmounted a need to establish some insignificant boundary, one that neither of you were going to follow through. “Not when they’re so close.”
“But they didn’t see.” Jun replied, squeezing your inner thigh. “It shouldn’t matter.”
“It does. What if Joshua saw?” At that point, Wonwoo was fairly conditioned to your lingering fingertips, grazes and stares. He usually pretended not to notice them. However, Joshua was a risk.
Jun shrugged. “I don’t know. Don’t you worry too much? I always touch your leg.”
That was the problem. People trying to convince other people that their relationship was wholly platonic didn’t linger in such an intimate way. They didn’t creep fingertips up the other’s inner thigh beneath a tablecloth, or possess a gaze that traced the other’s lips like a delectable piece of candy when they spoke. There shouldn’t be any whispers pressed quickly against the other’s ear when no one else was looking, or the dire urge to climb into the other’s lap when their legs were wide open.
Both of you were afraid. Neither of you wanted to break the question that would thrust your relationship into the light. You kept waiting for the right time, but it always seemed one step ahead.
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The movie theatre was nearly empty as the longwinded credit screen continued rolling, the last few congregations throwing their soda cups and empty packages into the garbage on their way out. Still, the floor of practically every row had been scattered with butter popcorn or melted m&m’s, shiny chocolate wrappers left crinkled in the recliners like the employees were supposed to take them home as gifts. Wonwoo put his hands on the back of his head, examining the disastrous rows.
You sensed he was feeling rather lucky about not being scheduled that night. Jun forced himself from the recliner and picked up his cup of fruit punch, jammed with way too many ice cubes.
If no one else was going to comment, you might as well. “That wasn’t the worst.”
“Agreed.” Wonwoo said, pushing up his glasses. “The murderer’s ploy was difficult to follow at times. I started getting confused when he left his car in the woods.”
“What?” Jun gawked. “That’s when you got confused? I didn’t even know what was happening after the first half hour.” His eyes gleamed in astonishment.
“Same.” You admitted. “I guess you’ll have to explain in the car.”
Reaching into the cupholder, you pulled out the package of strawberry tangs with nothing but a tiny amount of the powder-like sugar left inside.
“Thank you for picking up your trash,” Wonwoo sighed, taking the lead down the stairway while the credit music still played, “I’d hate to be working tonight.”
The wide corridor was completely vacant by the time you exited the theatre. Ever so slightly you could hear the galactic sound effects from the arcade machines. That buttery scent of popcorn seemed to waft no matter where you stood in the cinema. Wonwoo announced that he was going to check the concession counter to see who was on cash, but assured he would meet you and Jun at the back exit. Jun hurriedly downed his fruit punch in a large gulp before you emerged into the night.
You were confined to the small overhang by the doorway, for a hard rain was pelting against the concrete and turned the night air considerably cooler. Not one of you had checked the forecast beforehand, and you would undoubtedly get drenched straight through to the flesh in your thin long-sleeve.
“How are we going to make it to the car?” You groaned.
Pulling up his hood, Jun only laughed. “Now is a good time to be able to teleport.” He then stuck out his hand for a moment, the raindrops hitting his palm.
“Does it feel like bullets?”
“No. It feels kind of nice actually.” He remarked.
Curious, you rolled up your sleeve and extended your arm into the downpour. Jun was right, it felt satisfactory as each of the brisk droplets splashed your skin. However, you prematurely discovered the rain wasn’t so appealing when Jun suddenly shoved you from beneath the overhang.
“Hey— what the hell?!” You squealed upon the immediate repercussions, the cold water already leaking through your top while Junhui slapped his thigh, cackling.
Wanting to erase that luminous grin of his, you attempted wrestling the lanky boy into the weather, but no more than a few harmless drops skimmed his shoulder. Yet, with another brute shove, Jun stumbled, feeling the silver needles of rain pour down from the night sky and swirl at his dampening sneakers. He was laughing as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you hard against his chest before you were even cognisant that an immense wetness was soaking through your every article.
You wished it had been indignance drumming in your heart rather than affection, because it was taking every single fibre of your being not to kiss him. As the droplets beaded down his skin, he was like a springtime flower caught in the morning dew, and when he carded back the wet, black hairs plastered to his forehead, you thought it was possible to fall into him and never feel that concrete scrape your knees. Gently, his hand touched the small of your wet back, his breaths deepening.
He urged you in tighter as his tongue ran along his bottom lip, tasting the rain.
You were shivering, frigid, though your blood was far too warm to let yourself take note. Instead, you moved your head closer, closer, Jun’s cold palm cupping your cheek and your eyes fluttering shut and your soft mouths just brushing together— until Wonwoo appeared from inside.
Instantly, you two pushed away from each other. With his eyes widening, Wonwoo stuttered.
“I-I’m… I’m going to pretend as best I can that something weird didn’t almost happen.” He stated, swallowing thickly. “Just… Why did you two have to get soaked? You’re sitting in my car, y’know!”
At last, you felt that icy shiver trickle down your spine.
“S-Sorry.” You hummed, teeth chattering.
“I guess it’s fine,” Wonwoo sighed, “I have some towels under the passenger’s seat.”
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Not long after returning to the apartment, Wonwoo gathered his laptop and slipped into his pyjamas. He proceeded to flop onto the couch to edit his research paper, though it didn’t take much for his eyelids to start weighing down, his dense paragraphs blurring together on the screen. More often than not you would take advantage of Wonwoo’s midnight crashes in the living room.
After exchanging your damp, terribly cold clothes for a warm t-shirt and sweatpants, you found yourself cozied beneath Jun’s comforter for the umpteenth night. The boy’s head rested against the crook of your neck, where his slow breaths were cool to your skin, though they occasionally became heavier when your fingertips stroked at his smooth hair. He was much like a kitten who loved a thorough scratch behind the ears. You swore that he purred whenever you rubbed the right spot.
Holding out his phone, he’d been finishing an episode of his drama before bed. You tucked some of the black locks behind his ear, noting how much it’d grown over the months. Then your gaze wandered over every detail that shaped his face, as though he were a textured oil painting.
His eyes were always glimmering, seemingly innocent and curious, yet you knew just how much that earthly shade could darken when he fell into his professions. When Jun acted on stage, his gaze lost its untainted nature. It moulded into the role of the sinister characters he preferred playing. When he danced in blazing lights, those eyes were sharp enough to consume, to cut, almost like a razorblade.
But then you studied his lips, his heart-shaped cupid’s bow, the small constellation of moles that dotted his skin like kisses from past soulmates. You thought back to the mist and the rain, his hand resting against the small of your back, how close you were to tasting the flavourful, fruity mix of his drink. In fact, you wondered why you didn’t just kiss Junhui whenever you wanted. What was stopping you, in that moment, from turning his head toward you so that your lips could press to his?
Suddenly, the boy laughed at his phone screen, to which you felt the brassy reverberation erupt in his chest, his eyes glinting and his mouth stretched into a box-like smile. You pulled a few strands of hair from his forehead as he seemed to be glowing, his cheeks rosy.
Jun mewled in surprise when your fingers threaded rather tight through his black locks, feeling you tilt his head up until his gaze was burning into yours.
You didn’t hesitate. Leaning forward, you kissed him sweet and slow.
Jun’s eyes fluttered as the pressure warmed his mouth, a small whine getting caught in his throat upon the gentle sting of your hand tugging at his tresses, his scalp tingling. His phone sunk into the bedsheets, and instead he was gripping your t-shirt, moving his head with yours as the kiss deepened. He tasted like mint, and his small whines were silky.
How on earth could you have ever shied from kissing him when it felt so relieving? Nothing else held any significance to you apart from making his pretty lips shine.
However, you needed to catch your breath. Releasing the firm grasp on his hair, you detached your mouth from his, your chest rising and falling in great lengths. The boy’s eyes couldn’t be more glazed, his lips shimmering, flushed garnet and slightly swollen. Neither of you uttered a word. The blankets fell from Jun’s shoulders as he straddled your waist eagerly. Again, his mouth slotted with yours, and your hands slid up his caramel thighs, imprinting his flesh with the curve of your fingernails.
If you kept quiet enough, then perhaps Wonwoo would remain asleep until morning.
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Standing amongst the crowd in the cramped performance hall, it was inevitable that you would get bumped around like a tiny, flying pinball. After rutting into Wonwoo’s shoulder for the third time, he seemed dauntingly close to losing his indolence and snapping, though he realized it wasn’t your fault that others were pushing toward the front of the stage and bit his tongue.  
It became tradition for Soonyoung and his students to rent the downtown performance hall and host a fundraiser. The event typically lasted a few hours, with a few short interludes where the dancers would retreat backstage to catch their breath. Being Jun’s roommate, you and Wonwoo were always granted access into the small dressing room, and though you never admitted it, you loved experiencing that small flash of pride whenever the moonstruck audience watched you slip away.
The next interlude was closing in. Despite the different dancers on stage, you really, truthfully, only watched Jun. Each time he captured the centre position, you couldn’t help but cup your hands around your mouth, being one of the first to cheer overtop the deafening music as he moved so fluidly, with poise. He was a completely different person when he performed. Somehow, his tender-hearted nature would peel back and he’d emerge a domineering beacon.
As soon as the stage ended, an uproar rippled from the audience and resonated deep in your ears, to which you couldn’t help but slightly bury your head against Wonwoo’s shoulder to muffle the cacophony. Nonetheless, you were clapping, smiling, staring fondly as Jun grabbed his collar and fluffed it out, welcoming a slight gust of humid air. His skin was dewy with sweat, and yet he glowed beautifully, even when he was breathing so heavily through his nose.
Soonyoung was speaking into his microphone, but you missed half his speech, and before you knew it you were being dragged by Wonwoo through the crowd toward the backstage entrance. The room was at least big enough to accommodate the dancers. Jun was in the corner, gulping down his water.
“Only three more songs,” Wonwoo smiled, “you guys really stepped the level up this year.”
It took a moment before Jun replied, the column of his neck glittering as he completely crushed the plastic bottle in his hands.
“Yeah,” he burst out, “I’m freaking dying.”
“It’s for a good cause at least.” Wonwoo reasoned, ignoring how you stepped on his foot.
After Jun rolled his eyes, he was staring at you.
The air grew much too thick, and you had to clear your throat. “S-Seriously, you’ve improved so much. I can’t believe it.”
“Thanks,” Jun replied, scratching his nape, “it’s nothing special, really.”
“Uh? Nothing special?” Wonwoo quirked an eyebrow. “Didn’t Soonyoung say you’re one of the best in the class?”
When Jun innocently flitted his gaze toward a distant spot and pressed his lips together, Wonwoo merely huffed, announcing he was going to the lobby for a drink of water. You watched him wind between the busy dancers, either wiping down their sweat or fanning themselves, until he disappeared out the door. When you faced Jun again, you looped your fingers through the satin collar of his stage outfit and kissed him quickly, knowing everyone was too occupied to take note.
He squeaked, “what happened to being careful?”
“This is your fault.” You eagerly pinned it on him. “Try being less hot.”
“That’s horrible advice. And also not possible. Which makes it worse than horrible.”
You weren’t sure whether or not you wanted to feel his mouth again or whack the side of his head with his deflated water bottle. Opting for latter, you stole another kiss, though you tensed in surprise when Jun wrapped his arm around your waist to secure your body firm against his. Hastily, you pushed at his toned stomach, your heart drilling manically as you looked over your shoulder toward the dancers. It didn’t appear as though anyone had seen and you breathed out in relief.
Suddenly, Soonyoung poked his head through the doorway.
“Ten minutes!” He shouted before disappearing.
Jun was staring at you with the most ingenious twinkle.
“That was your fault.” He purred, tapping your thigh with his water bottle. “Try being less hot.”
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You did feel a small sliver of guilt. After all, Wonwoo had been waiting back at the apartment for approximately an hour, twiddling his thumbs, wondering why you and Jun required so much goddamn time just to buy some hot fudge sundaes. The molten taste of the chocolate, the vanilla ice cream, cold and sweet, was completely stolen from your lips by the boy whose lap you were occupying. Wonwoo’s sundae sat on the dashboard, dripping slowly beneath the evening sunlight.
And yet, that infinitesimal sliver was plucked straight out when Jun latched onto a sensitive patch of your neck, softly digging in his teeth and swirling his tongue. Your fingers sheathed through the black hair and pulled up at the roots, knowing how much pleasure he took from the dull sting. Button by button, Jun started to simultaneously open your shirt, to which you questioned if this was really happening, if you were really going to sort of out the complications of intercourse in his car.
The device abandoned in the passenger’s seat buzzed. You already knew the name to the text. As Jun kissed his way down to your collarbone, licking and suckling, you reached for your phone, feeling it buzz again with another impatient text. The guilt from earlier began to resurface.
[ wonwoo | 7:49pm ] This is suspicious now. WHERE ARE YOU? >:(
[ wonwoo | 7:49pm ] Actually screw that. WHERE IS MY HOT FUDGE SUNDAE?
The screen blipped with yet another message.
[ wonwoo | 7:49pm ] I know you’re reading these… Answer me or I won’t feed Princess Pebble!!
“J-Jun,” you piped up, hearing his low, husky mumble while he continued to mark your collarbone, “I think we need to go home now.”
The boy splayed a few more open-mouthed kisses against the skin before peeking up at you, his eyes wide and glimmering, lips flushed a deep magenta. With half the buttons of your shirt hanging open and your heart blazing, you had to snip the venereal longing in its bud.
“What’s wrong?” Jun hummed, pushing his fingers through the loops on your jeans. “Who’s texting?”
“Wonwoo. He’s been waiting for almost an hour, and his sundae is gonna be a puddle at this rate.”
He blinked a bit cluelessly, though still in musing. “There’s no way to be quick about this, is there?”
Rebuttoning your shirt, you shook your head and laughed. “Let’s wait before we ruin the car. I’m sure there’ll be a better time in the future.”
Jun nodded in agreement and relaxed back into the seat, a ray of sunshine that bled golden slanting through the windshield. Somehow, Wonwoo’s sundae wasn’t a complete pool sitting in the plastic cup, but that didn’t negate the fact he was still going to start his theory on responsibility and trust the moment you stepped onto the welcome mat. As you finished clasping the last buttons, something had caught Jun’s eye out the window, for he immediately panicked and tightly gripped your waist.
“Oh my god, g-get off my lap,” he grunted, to which your head bumped against the ceiling during the hurried shuffle and your knee whacked the gearstick.
“Ow! Okay, I’m going! Jeez, could you not give me a warning?”
“No,” Jun remarked, looking quickly to the rear-view mirror to straighten out his hair, “it’s Jeonghan and Soonyoung. They just came out of the store.”
When you glanced out Jun’s window, you noted the duo making their way across the parking lot, some plastic bags filled with groceries hanging from Jeonghan’s hand while Soonyoung appeared to be texting someone. To both your dismay, Soonyoung immediately recognized Jun’s car. You watched as the blonde bumped Jeonghan’s shoulder, how they took a slight detour on their way over.
“We have to talk to them?” You whined. “Are you kidding? Lock your window.”
Jun’s brow pinched together. “How is that going to help? They already saw us so just relax.”
“You’re telling me to relax? You practically threw me off your la—”
“Shht,” Jun snapped as the two boys drew nearer, “just shhhhht okay?” And with an incredibly large gulp, he plastered a happy-go-lucky smile to his mouth and let the window slide open.
“Jun?” Soonyoung called, leaning down slightly to peer inside the vehicle. “What’re you doing out here, huh? Back from shoplifting?”
Jeonghan bent down too, grinning snidely. “You looked a little frazzled or something.”
“Me?” Jun pointed at himself. “No, I’m fine. Just – we have to leave. Wonwoo is waiting.”
“Wonwoo?” Jeonghan seemed excited. “I haven’t seen him in a while. Hey, tell him I’m still appreciative for writing my World History paper on the Persian Empire.”
You knew it was best to stay quiet, but you couldn’t help your slight choke. Wonwoo had come home one day saying that one of his classmates offered him seventy-five bucks if he’d write their history paper. He wasn’t going to oblige originally, but cracked after listening to his classmate type out their introduction in the library, that it was just so bad Wonwoo felt piteous and decided to pitch in.
Gaping at Jeonghan, you exclaimed, “that was you?”
“Yeah. I mean, I still dropped that class. And Wonwoo definitely thinks I’m a dumbass. But I didn’t have to do a spot of work, and now I’m getting smooth nineties in English. You just have to make up some shit and do a couple fancy indents and you’re set.”
Jeonghan paused, then leaned in a little further to look you up and down. “Y’know, I’ve never seen you before. How easily do you give out your numbe—”
“We really have to go,” Jun interrupted, already clicking the button to roll up the window, “see you at practice, Soonyoung. Bye Jeonghan!”
The two boys didn’t really have any other option apart from stepping back, allowing Jun to exit the parking space and turn onto the road. Not that it would help much, you turned on the air conditioning until it felt like the wind was pure ice, hoping that you’d be able to preserve Wonwoo’s melting fudge sundae. You made sure to text him on your whereabouts, that you were heading home, and churned up a white lie about how you ran into Jun’s friends who held a persistent conversation.
It wasn’t entirely false. And yet, Wonwoo still managed to see through it.
[ wonwoo | 7:54 pm ]: Just say you were making out.
[ wonwoo | 7:54 pm ]: Btw, I fed Princess Pebble.
[ wonwoo | 7:54 pm ]: I’m not a sinner. Unlike you guys.
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Later that evening, after delivering Wonwoo his melted cup of chocolate ice cream, after Jun quickly threw some extra clothes into his backpack and ran to his late-night dance practice, you were standing at the fish tank with some new plants you bought for your guppy. As the bright lights of the tank reflected across your face, there was a strange feeling inside you. It seemed like turbulence, confusion, your heart experiencing one sentiment but your brain thinking another.
You hadn’t realized you were absently standing there until Wonwoo came into the dark living room, holding a crumpled tube of toothpaste and his toothbrush. Watching the pink fish swim in between her new seaweed arrangement, he asked you if there was an extra tube stored in your bedroom.
“Don’t think so. Text Jun and ask him to stop at the store when his practice ends.”
“I’ll do that…” Wonwoo sighed. “Hey, you know I already fed Princess Pebble?”
He accompanied you at the tank. For some reason, you refused to look at Wonwoo. You felt unusually vulnerable, like a fragile shell that could be cracked open even by the gentlest hands, and the more you thought into your emotions, the harder your heart started pounding.
“I-I know,” you smiled weakly, “but I got her some new plants today. I just put them in.”
Wonwoo could always tell when something was off-kilter. You almost hated how sharp his senses were, that he was able to detect with such accuracy how you were being eaten up inside. Softly, he touched your shoulder, urged you to turn toward him so he could see the honest colour in your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He frowned, pushing up the bridge of his glasses.
You felt terrified, but there was no sense in pretending.
“How do I tell Jun that I’m in love with him? That I don’t want us to be a secret anymore?”
It was a weighted question, and you knew that. But it was also the truth. As much as it could be invigorating to maintain a secret relationship, you were beginning to feel the brittle side effects that came with keeping such love behind closed doors. You didn’t want Jun to push you from his lap just because his friends might’ve seen you, nor did you want to keep an eye out for whether or not you should knock his hand off your thigh in public. The secrecy had been fun, but it wasn’t enough.
Scratching the blue collar of his shirt, Wonwoo appeared uncertain.
“I’m not sure, honestly. I just think you shouldn’t repress this. You need to be upfront.”
“How?” It sounded like a desperate plead. “I don’t know how, Wonwoo.”
“Stop overthinking it,” the boy advised, grabbing onto your shoulders and giving your frame a small, grounding shake, “you know Jun. You know he isn’t a rash person. You know if you tell him he’ll hear every word of it. It doesn’t take a genius to see you’re all he thinks about.”
Wonwoo  brushed at the side of your cheek with his thumb. “Don’t hurt yourself like this, okay? The next time you’re alone, just say how you feel. I promise it won’t be as bad as you’re hypothesizing.”
You inhaled a deep breath and nodded. Overthinking was a poison to you. It shouldn’t be that difficult to be honest, especially when you knew how attentive Jun was, the manner in which he always adapted himself to be of a comforting presence.
“Okay,” you attempted to draw together some confidence, “I’ll do that.”
“Good.” The boy grinned, still fiddling with his empty tube of toothpaste. “It really doesn’t bother me that you guys run around together. Just… please… never do anything weird in my bed.”
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The next time you were alone with Jun, it was all but a desirable circumstance. Once you came home from work and heated up some leftover dinner in the microwave, you decided to feed Princess Pebble, though your jaw unhinged as you noticed something a little unorthodox about her tank: a pink blotch floating against the surface of the water. Immediately, the tears welted hot and stinging against your eyes. You had to use the small net to scoop your guppy out from the water.
Remarkably, Princess Pebble had lived a long life for a fish. You remembered walking with Jun to the pet store one summer afternoon, after you two finished your last day of eleventh grade and had just escaped a brutal chemistry exam. Rather than studying beforehand, you spent ample time researching different types of fish, and would often send Jun pictures asking him to choose which one he thought was cutest. Yet, at the end of it all, you chose a guppy with the prettiest pink scales.
“Don’t most people want a puppy? A kitten? And you choose a boring fish.”
Jun had teased, sounding awkward and a bit lisped through his braces.
Somehow, Princess Pebble had managed to live a five-year lifespan. Wonwoo told you most guppies live for two years, three years if the owner takes good care. Sitting at the kitchen table, you placed her body onto a piece of paper towel, the thick tears dripping down your cheeks while your sinuses grew wet and congested. You didn’t know if it was petulant to be your age, crying over a pet fish. In fact, you didn’t even possess the heart to rise from the table and discard her body.
It wasn’t much longer until Jun returned home after his theatre class, to which you heard his key rattling in the lock. Wonwoo was scheduled for a shift at the cinema, most likely handing out overpriced popcorn and chocolate and having to reject every person who asked for his number.
“Hey,” he called, shouldering off his backpack, “Wonwoo texted me. That weird thriller we were looking at is playing next week. We should—,”
Jun paused the moment he heard your runny sniffling. He didn’t realize that your fish was sitting on the paper towel until he took a few steps closer. You felt embarrassed Jun had to see you like this. If you were crying, it had always been over something with a little more gravity, like the time you were distraught about flunking your laboratory practical, and Wonwoo couldn’t persuade you to open your bedroom door no matter how frequently he stood outside, pleading.
Plucking at the collar of your shirt, you used the fabric to clear away the tears. Without a word, Jun grabbed another chair from the dining table and pulled it next to you, scooting in close. As soon as you felt his arm drape around your shoulders, it was like someone had pulled the plug on a bathtub filled with water, to which you pressed your face against his neck and sobbed harder.
“I’m so sorry.” Jun whispered, hugging you tight to his comfortable chest. “It’s okay to be upset. I know how much she meant to you.”
He drew soothing strokes down the back of your head, and he sat with you until those wet pearls ran dry with salt. You knew it wasn’t wise to keep her body out in the air, that you would have to discard her somehow, yet the thought of having to flush her away seemed too cruel. Jun wiped the soft glisten from your cheeks with his sleeve, his fingers then tracing up and down the side of your face.
“I-I don’t want to flush her.” You blubbered.
The boy shook his head. “We won’t do that. We’ll find a good way to handle it.” His thumb brushed tenderly below the fragile skin of your eye for a moment, and he seemed to be in musing.
“Wait here.” He announced, suddenly running into his bedroom.
You could hear Jun shuffling through his closet, moving around clothing hangers and pushing aside boxes still filled with some of his old belongings from homelife in Shenzhen. When he remerged into the living room, he was holding a particular tissue box, one that you hadn’t seen since twelfth grade biology. You, Jun, and Wonwoo had painted and decorated the box as part of an optional project, to see if you could grow any plants from the packets of radish and tomato seeds your teacher had.
Nothing ever grew. Wonwoo claimed there had been some green sprouts when it was his turn to look after the makeshift garden, but that his cat snuck into his room and ate them all. Jun always kept a multitude of random things that dated back to your adolescence. As awkward and bumpy as those times were, seeing the tissue box reminded you that there had been precious moments too.
“Why do you still have that?” You laughed, even if your chest was aching.
“Because that was the first time us three did something together.” Jun said, returning to his seat beside you. “It was one of the first memories I made after moving away from home.”
You fondly looked at Jun while pulling the tissue box toward you, slathered in old, chipping acrylic paint and obnoxious, starry glitter.
Licking the dry salt off your lips, you smiled. “Princess Pebble would love this.”
“It can be her shrine. When Wonwoo comes home, we can find a good place to bury it.” Jun explained. “I know I called her boring five years ago, but I didn’t mean it. I loved her too.”
In the pensive silence, you thought back to your conversation with Wonwoo, recalling his firm grip on your shoulders as he reiterated the importance of freeing your heart, of not bogging yourself down with too many untold truths. Then, you glanced at Jun. You thought about that fluttering feeling when you kissed him, when you ran your fingers through his hair, listening to his deep-chested laughter whenever he gleefully buckled over into your lap after telling one of his hit-or-miss jokes.
The boy tensed slightly as you pulled him into a hug, though he quickly came to ease and warmth. You thanked him, because it just felt like the right thing to do for his compassion.
And then you told him something else.
“I love you.”
Without missing a heartbeat, he murmured against your hair, “I love you too.”
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It was late, unreasonably late, the past-midnight late where the entire world falls still like an unperturbed pond. Downtown was completely hushed. Every so often the wind picked up, though it inevitably withered away in between the buildings and emerged a pitiful whistle onto the street. And yet, despite the fact you should be tucked in bed while the moon protected the silence in her silver hands, you were pushing outside the convenience shop with Jun close behind.
He took the end of a straw into his mouth and slurped at the sweet, cherry-flavoured slushie that was beginning to empty. Immediately, he crinkled his forehead and his face contorted.
“How many times have I said not to do that?” You laughed as he passed you the slippery cup.
“I don’t know. Three?” Jun replied with a grimace. “I can really feel it. Wait, I need a moment.”
You stopped next to the traffic post at the end of the street. Jun grabbed at his hair and squeezed like it was some miraculous remedy for curing a brain freeze. Directing the straw into your mouth, you sucked up the cherry syrup and crushed ice until you felt the distant ache thrum inside your head.
“Okay…” Jun concluded, brushing the long, black fringe from his eyes, “I’m good now.”
Thrusting the drink back into his hands, you couldn’t help but huff: “you’re such a baby.”
As though to prove your point, Jun started whining. “My head is so, so cold. It’s freezing.”
“So put this up or something.” You teased, reaching around the back of his neck to pull the boy’s hood over his head. Giggling slightly, you grinned at him as he shot you a questionable glance.
The streets remained quiet, and the sky was remarkably clear, no more than a few ragged and thin clouds drifting over the stars. The last time you had been on this corner, you were licking the strawberry sugar off your fingertips while Jun crumpled his last packet of popping candy. You remembered tracing the rose tint that warmed his lips, each fibre in your muscle twitching because you just wanted to wrap a hand through his locks and kiss him like he was your last breath.
You didn’t understand how you could love one person so much. Why love often fused itself into your bloodstream more than functionality. Your heart knew how to beat, yet it stumbled whenever you gazed at him. Your lungs knew how to filter the air, yet they closed up whenever you caught his eye. Your tongue knew how to articulate, yet it tied itself in a knot the moment he’d touch you.
“Hey,” you mumbled, patting his arm, “can I ask you something?”
Jun looked away from the stars, sipping at his drink again. He nodded.
The moon probably wanted to crush your heart in her hands for how loudly it was thumping.
“What if I told you that I want people to know we’re together? What would you say?”
Despite your anxiousness, you weren’t as afraid as you anticipated. Maybe it was because Jun didn’t immediately sour or attempt to disparage your sentiments. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking as he blinked at you, but it didn’t matter. When it was most important, Jun picked his words carefully.
“I’d tell you that I want the same thing,” he admitted, his tone deepening and the amber in his cheeks sparked with pink, “that I want people to know how I feel about you… That I’ve always been in love with you.”
You smiled wide, like a kid who just got their braces off. Unable to contain such a rapturous energy, you stepped in close to Jun and held onto his shoulders, dotting the corners of his mouth with small kisses before you pressed your lips against his. You felt him smirk, though it seemed too devious. Jun had suddenly wrapped his arms around your lower back, pushing you in chest-to-chest. You melted as he kissed you, your fingertips ghosting along the soft hairs at his nape, the moonlight on your skin.
When you arrived back at the apartment, you could hear a few of Wonwoo’s gentle snores echo from behind the bedroom door. Just before you slipped away into your own room, Jun left a goodnight kiss to the top of your head, his hand thoughtfully squeezing your hip.
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“I-Isn’t it a little late for that?” Jun stumbled through his laughter. “Why do you need me?”
It was a surface-level question really, but nonetheless, your heart still skipped a beat. In only a second or more the silence was bearing down too heavily and it felt like your heart was a book with all its pages out. Jun’s eyes were twinkling as he blinked up at you.
You finally knew what you should have said.
“Because I love you.”
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✧✎ a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET PRINCE!! never would i have imagined that someone who’s on the opposite side of the globe could mean so much to me ;_; mr. moon has been such a healing presence, and it’s bc of him that i have found so much happiness these past five years! whenever i see him smiling and laughing and have good ol times just being himself, all my worrisome thoughts somehow fade away and i feel only joy!! 
anyways, i don’t want to ramble for too long (i could really fill a page with my cloying sentiments r.i.p) but i hope this was a wholesome fic!! the stars aligned and for once i was able to write a fic for a member’s birthday :_) 
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asweetprologue · 4 years ago
so hard to say (so easy to do)
This is a follow-up to this fic I did for my halftober series, but can be read as a standalone! This is a whump fic, but all torture mentioned is fairly mild and there is a happy ending. A few people wanted a sequel so I’m finally able to oblige!  ao3
tw: hand trauma including broken fingers and mention of cutting near and around the forearms. 
He can’t remember how long he’s been here. 
Days? A week, maybe? It could have been months, and Jaskier’s not entirely sure he would notice the difference. Time began blending together so quickly after the first few sessions. The cell they are keeping him in is makeshift, once some kind of storage room in the dilapidated keep that the Nilfgaardians have occupied. It’s temporary, and so is his capture. One way or another. He will be disposed of the second they no longer find him useful. 
It’s a bit of a cat and mouse game. If he weren’t so thoroughly bruised, deep down in his core, he might be a little proud of how he’s led them along. They come every day, a few times, he’s not sure; there are no windows in his hasty prison. They never remove him from the chair he’s strapped to, and he’s been given only water, twice. He’s beyond hunger, his empty stomach just another point of pain alongside his other injuries. There are two men who work on him, one in what he assumes is the morning and one in the evening. They come in shifts. During the first few days - hours? weeks? - they would leave after he passed out, and he would be allowed to rest for a little while. Now they usually stay for a while, teasing him in and out of consciousness with wicked little hooks and blades. He faints too often for it to bring him any lasting peace. 
It’s a difficult thing to want to draw out, but draw it out he does. They ask him where the witcher has gone, and he tells them he won’t say, won’t give up his secrets (as if he has any). When they move to breaking his fingers, he tells them that he knows a few places, some towns that Geralt might be hiding out in, which he knows are safe to speak of. He tells them about witcher caches that he knows are long looted, old ruins where experiments past took place, unspoken but harmless truths. 
He never tells them the biggest truth: he has no idea where Geralt is. That way lies death, he’s certain. 
When he’s not entertaining Nilfgaard’s finest, he focuses on making plans of escape. None of them are particularly grand, or seem likely to work. Jaskier has gotten himself out of plenty of trouble in years past, but there’s not much one man can do against a full legion of soldiers. If he could get out of his bindings, he might be able to make it through the halls of the keep and sneak past the guards, but it’s a big if. It was a stronger contender in the early hours of his captivity, but now he doubts if he could even stand up for long. Weariness and pain have made his bones brittle, liable to crack at the slightest provocation. He fears if he tried to run he would do more damage than the Nilfgaards already have. 
He’s not sure if he’s thinking clearly. 
He doesn’t think about Geralt at all. He tries not to think about Geralt. 
He dreams of him, though. When he faints from the pain or exhaustion or thirst, he doesn’t dream, but a few times he’s managed to fall into a fitful sleep. In the dark of the cell he dreams of calloused hands and smiling, golden eyes. The worst is when he dreams that he’s woken up by Geralt’s side in their small camp, warm and content, only to wake again to the cold, damp dungeon. The smell of it chokes him, iron and piss and mold, and he gags on bile when he has nothing in his stomach to throw up. He sits in the dark, alone, his broken fingers throbbing along with his pulse as it rushes through his ears, every cut and bruise aching in the chill air. For a long while he just breathes, wishing so desperately to be held that he feels like nothing more than a child. 
They come for him again the next morning. Or night, he doesn’t know, can’t tell. The torch burns his eyes, and he closes them tightly to avoid one pain he doesn't have to endure. It’s better if he doesn’t look, anyways. 
In his brief glimpse of his tormentor, Jaskier could tell that the torturer this time is the thin man. His counterpart is huge, with shockingly broad shoulders and big, meaty, uncoordinated hands. Most of the bruises are from the big one, who prefers to slam his fist into Jaskier’s ribs when he doesn’t hear what he wants to. In his brief and endless time here, Jaskier has learned that he prefers the meat man. The thin man who stands before him now is a surgeon, precise and accurate in all his movements. His fingers are long and thin, and they reach so easily inside to pluck at Jaskier’s delicate veins and nerves. In a strange way, Jaskier can almost appreciate it, one artist to another. The human body is an instrument to the thin man, and the music he makes is pain. 
He can hear the sound of a cloth, rubbing across a smooth surface. It reminds him of Geralt, wiping down his blades with old silk, who he will not think of in this moment. Jaskier squeezes his eyes shut even tighter, trying to will his mind into stillness. He’s not any good at this, not really. He can talk around the issue, sure, draw it out as much as he likes, keep them guessing. Jaskier would never let a single unintentional detail slip, this he knows in the depths of his being, past the music and charm and frivolousness. Nothing could make him betray Geralt and Ciri. He could run the Nilfgaardians round in circles for years if he wanted to. 
But he isn’t good with pain. 
This time the first knife to pierce his skin isn’t even preceded by a question. It comes with little fanfare, slicing into the pad of one of his twisted fingers in what Jaskier knows is a painfully intentional line. Exactly as big and deep as it needs to be to hurt him how the thin man wants it to. It burns against the swollen skin, already too sensitive. Jaskier lets out a slow breath, trying to brace himself for the rest. 
“I will no longer ask,” the thin man says. His voice is soft, with the almost musical lit of someone from near Toussaint. He always sounds breathy, like he’s been walking too quickly up a flight of stairs. “You know the question.”
Jaskier nods jerkily. He won’t speak for a while. He needs to draw it out, perhaps find a way to barter for some water or food. Information in exchange for things that might make his existence more bearable. Who knows how long it will be before - 
No. Don’t think it. 
The thin man hums and begins his work. 
Jaskier fades, coming back to himself only when the pain becomes the worst. He passes out a few times, but he finds no reprieve. The thin man waits for him when he wakes, and begins again. Jaskier doesn’t even know what he’s doing anymore. All he knows is that his skin has been replaced with fire. 
They haven’t even started working on his face yet, but the thin man had made some chilling comments about his eyes. Jaskier hopes they have time yet before that. 
He’s gritting his teeth through a particularly deep incision on the inside of his forearm - just shallow enough not to be dangerous, but wide enough to sting - when the door to the room shatters inwards. 
The chair that he’s in was bolted to the floor, which he expects is the only reason he doesn’t go flying backwards. As it is, his head rocks back from the blast and knocks into the wood, and he’s too dizzy from blood loss and dehydration and maybe a slight concussion to register what happens next. There’s some shouting, and a spray of something warm and salty across his face. A brilliant light, and then darkness. 
He keeps his eyes closed until he feels hands on his cheeks. When he opens them, he is met with gold, gold, gold. 
Geralt is here. 
“Melitele, that took you long enough,” he says, and then he passes out. 
When he wakes, there’s no pain. 
He sits up and winces, amending that thought. There is, most definitely, some pain. It crackles along his ribs and his joints, aching, but it’s dulled. He’s lying in a small room, warm wooden logs forming the wall next to his small cot. A fire crackles merrily away on the far side of the little cottage, basic cooking implements hanging above it. A table sits underneath a window to his left, where he can just barely make out a thin line of blue sky above a dense treeline. His bed is covered in rough, simple cotton sheets; the room is warm enough that it needs no quilt. When he lifts them warily to assess the damage, his torso is wrapped in fine linens, the kind Geralt likes to keep in their packs for when jobs go south. Three of his fingers are heavily wrapped as well, bound together to keep them stiff and straight. He fumbles as he picks up the still mug of water he finds on the little shelf beside the cot, and he drinks so quickly he nearly drops it on the floor. 
He’s so focused on the critical task of getting water from the mug into his mouth without spilling it all on the sheets that he almost doesn’t notice the front door opening. When he does, he jumps - can’t help it, suddenly filled with a bright spot of panic. It fades into sheer relief when he sees the slight silhouette and the faint, nearly white hair backlit by the late afternoon sun. Ciri stares at him, holding a wide, flat bowl against her hip while propping the door open with one hand. Suddenly the bowl goes clattering to the floor, dandelion greens falling in a floral carpet as she launches herself across the room at him.
“We were so fucking worried about you!” she says, throwing her arms around his shoulders. Jaskier laughs, the sound of it coming out rough but no less joyful for it. He lifts his sore arms to hug her back, ignoring the way it pulls at his healing injuries. 
“Now what would your father say if he heard you using such language?” he asks. One hand lifts up to card gently through her hair. Ciri pulls back a bit, and he tucks a stray piece of it behind her ear as she glares at him. Her green eyes are covered in a film of tears, but he won’t mention it. His eyes are burning a bit as well. 
“You know I only learned it from him,” she says, “and you. I’m angry with you. And him. You made us leave you behind.” She’s so young, he thinks, even with everything she’s been through. It makes something in his chest compress and expand at once. It’s a strange feeling, but not a bad one. 
“I know. I’m sorry,” he says, and he means it, mostly. “I didn’t want to. But I would do it again, to protect you. Both of you.”
A stray tear slips down her cheek. “You were so hurt,” she croaks. She takes a few breaths through her nose, biting the inside of her lip. “When they brought you back, Geralt was so quiet. Not like normal quiet, but like, like people get when they don’t want to talk about how bad it is. I’m sorry. It’s my fault.” She looks bereaved, guilt twisting her young features, and Jaskier can’t stand it. 
“No,” he says, firmly, as much authority in his voice as he can muster with it still raw from hours of screaming. “It was my choice, Ciri. The fact that people want to hurt you doesn’t make it your fault. I will always choose to protect you. Always.” He reaches out his free hand to take hers, squeezing it tightly. “You would do the same for me, Lioness.”
She nods shakily, and squeezes his hand back. He knows this isn’t the last time he’ll have to say it, but that’s alright. He’ll say it again. 
Ciri wipes her eyes quickly and pulls away. “I need to get Geralt. He’s been… not good. He needs to know you’re awake.” She stands up, rushing over to the door and righting her upended bowl, saving what she can of the greens. Jaskier takes a moment to arrange himself on the bed a bit, shuffling around until he’s more comfortable.
“Not good how?” he asks. Ciri shoots him a look. 
“Not good as in worried, of course. We all have. Even Yennefer. She stayed with you the entire first day you were back. It’s been -”
The door slams open again, this time revealing a panting Geralt. His hair is down around his face, looking slightly damp. He has on only a loose gray shirt over an old pair of trousers, the ones with a rip in the knee that Jaskier had told him to throw out but he’d insisted were good for at least one more season. Jaskier had been meaning to patch it up for a few weeks now. He’s so fucking beautiful Jaskier could cry.
“I was fishing,” Geralt says. He’s staring at Jaskier with wide eyes, one hand still on the door handle. 
Ciri says, “Um. I’m going to find Yennefer,” and slips out the door under Geralt’s arm. Geralt doesn’t even seem to see her. 
The door falls shut behind her, but Geralt seems rooted in place, staring at Jaskier with an expression that’s wide open and raw. It lands on Jaskier’s skin like a balm, tracing over every visible wound with desperate attention. 
“Well,” Jaskier says finally, “I’m not going to bite you.”
Geralt makes a hurt noise, and suddenly he’s across the room, crowding into Jaskier’s space. He hovers beside the bed, curved over Jaskier’s propped up form with his hands inches away from bandaged shoulders. He hesitates. Jaskier can’t stand it. 
“I didn’t get tortured for however long for you not to hug me once I’m rescued,” he snaps. “I’m not going to break.”
Geralt laughs, but it’s so strangled Jaskier isn’t actually sure it isn’t a sob, and then Geralt finally leans into him. His fingers come up to cradle Jaskier’s skull, holding onto the back of his neck like he really might fragment apart at too harsh a touch. His other arm circles around Jaskier’s chest until he can feel a warm palm spread along the base of his spine, anchoring him. Jaskier sighs, feeling the last of the tension leave him as he collapses against Geralt’s sturdy form. One wet strand of white hair tickles his cheek where he’s pressed against Geralt’s neck. 
“Four days,” Geralt says, so soft Jaskier might not have heard it if he didn’t half feel it through the rumble of Geralt’s ribcage. 
“Four days?” Jaskier repeats, turning it into a question. 
“How long they had you.” A hot breath leaves him in a long sigh, tickling Jaskier’s eartip. “Didn’t know if we’d find you in time.”
“I should have let Yennefer put that tracking spell on me all those years ago,” Jaskier says, aiming for light. Geralt just squeezes him a bit tighter, enough that it stings a little, before he eases off a bit. He doesn't let go. 
“She’ll do one as soon as she’s able,” Geralt says. “Used a lot of energy, healing you.”
“Exceptional job she did,” Jaskier says, soothing his nose along the line of Geralt’s throat. “My, ah. Well. Does she know if my - Any prognosis on, ah -”
“Your fingers will be fine,” Geralt says, bringing the hand on Jaskier’s neck down to cradle his bandaged fingers. “Yennefer said they’re mostly healed already, but she’s keeping them wrapped so you don’t aggravate them.”
Jaskier sighs in relief. “Well thank small mercies and powerful mages for that. How long am I bedridden for? I’m taking two days at least off of whatever orders Yennefer has given, knowing her she’s added an extra week just to keep me ‘out of trouble’ as she would describe it. I’ll not sit around a moment more than -”
“Jaskier,” Geralt interrupts. He pulls back, looking serious, almost grave. But his eyes are full of something else, something that makes Jaskier’s words catch and halt in his throat. 
“Yes, dear heart?” he prompts. Geralt closes his eyes. 
“I love you,” he says, soft and breathless. He opens his eyes suddenly, pupils blown wide as he meets Jaskier’s gaze. An expression that Jaskier has seen so, so many times steals across his features - scared, but determined. His witcher is a very brave man. “I’m in love with you. I didn’t know if I’d get to - if you would be -”
Jaskier reaches up to catch Geralt’s cheek in his wrapped palm, and Geralt’s eyelids flutter like he wants to close them, but he doesn’t. He stays looking at Jaskier, drinking him in as Jaskier is doing in return. His eyes are two spots of honey in the warm light of the fire and the afternoon sun spilling into the room. Jaskier leans forward and presses their lips together. His are too dry, and Geralt’s are a bit chapped. He bites them when he’s nervous, or worried. It’s also the most brilliant kiss Jaskier’s ever had - it feels like the relief of coming to a familiar place after a long time on the road, where you know the people and the food is good and everyone knows your songs. It’s cheerful fires in silver blue campsites, blankets shared on cold nights on the journey north, buttercups and dandelions braided into snow white hair. It’s coming home, the only way Jaskier has ever really known how. 
He pulls away, letting their foreheads fall together, just breathing in the space between them. Geralt smells like Roach, and fresh spring water, and lilac. “I know, sweetheart. I love you too.”
Geralt smiles at him, really smiles, beautiful and relieved. Ciri’s voice comes to them through the window, excited and drawing nearer, interwoven with a smoother tone that Jaskier remembers from hazy half wakeful moments. Yennefer will want to check on his wounds, will lecture them on getting distracted and ruining her hard work, but she will also smile and it will touch her eyes like it didn’t used to. But for the next few seconds, it’s just the two of them, and once again the moment feels unhurried and infinite. So he leans back in to kiss him again and steals Geralt’s quiet huff of a laugh to keep within his own mouth, and for a moment that’s everything there is. 
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queen0fm0nsterz · 4 years ago
It seems the "legacy" that Six and Mono has do needs each other so they can bonded together just so they'll get the right mindset for them to grow into monstrous adults given Mono becomes the Thin Man after he's betrayed by Six and Six gradually becomes worst with her hunger to where she eats up the Lady after she gets hurt by Mono destroying her trust
Yes, and it saddens me to literally no end.
We get to witness how their friendship grows only to see it ripped apart. Both parties suffering the consequences of their actions.
For some reason this ask got me to think, so... Here's a bunch of mini theories I have about The Square (Thin Man, Lady, Mono and Six) that I wanted to share with you guys but never had the chance to. Be sad with me or else.
1) Pacific Thin Man.
The Thin Man wasn't actively trying to kill either Mono nor Six. He only wanted to separate them, which is why he chased Mono away. I think this is almost universally agreed on.
2) The Thin Man wasn't trying to get to Mono at all and only used him to leave. He wanted Six from the beginning.
I actually think the Thin Man was doing what he's always done, even back when he was still Mono: taking his friend back at all costs and keeping her by his side so that he could protect her. Would explain why he only starts running after Mono when he tries to free her from the TV.
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I mean, he had plenty of other occasions to get a hold of Mono. My boy literally travels through the TVs a bunch of times before getting here, but the Thin Man only shows up when Mono is actively trying to take Six away.
All three times we see him in person are related to Six.
First time: he takes her.
Second time: Mono tries to take her back so he steps in to stop him.
Third and last time: The Thin Man is the only thing standing between Mono and the Signal Tower, in which Six is trapped.
This would also explain the Thin Man's official description. Let's give it a read:
"As the ever-present hum of The Transmission chokes the airwaves, The Thin Man continues his endless journey through this desolate place, haunting the shadows, searching for something. "
The something would of course be his old friend. Although, he may be mistaken without even realizing it, which brings me to my next theories ...
3) Mono is the only one stuck in a loop.
This is mostly based to the meaning behind his name, especially compared to Six's.
We all know that his name means single, one, only, alone. Many people made the connection with the word "monophobia", a.k.a the fear of being alone, and that's an incredibly valid and fitting connection, but I think it may have an addictional hidden meaning just below the surface.
Because, let's be honest. If they wanted to keep the number theme, why not name him "One" instead?
Mono is a... very unique child. He's the only one capable of controlling the transmission, which is why the Eye keeps him around: to use that power as it pleases. I wouldn't be surprised if it messed with the timeline so that Mono was reborn again and again and again.
The number 6 written on the door could symbolize the fact that this Mono we're seeing is the sixth one.
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I tried to check for a 7 on Mono's door at the end of the game, but couldn't see anything.
OOOOR, it could be referring to the Ladies of the Maw, which leads me to...
4) Six and the current Lady are NOT the same person...
The main reasons why I believe this is something that everyone seems to forget.
"And what does that mean?" EVERYTHING MY GUY. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. In a series where characters don't speak, it's up to the visuals and music to tell us the story - which means their role is extremely important.
It seems strange to me that they would use two songs that are so drastically different in melody and pacing if the characters are supposed to be one and the same - especially considering just how personal the songs are to both. For example, when Mono becomes the Thin Man, the latter's theme is prominent in End of The Hall, but when Six eats the Lady it's her own theme song that prevails.
Fortunately, we get a clear listen to both music boxes in the games, so we can hopefully make a comparison.
Here's Six's music box and The Lady's.
5) ... But Six does grow up to become the next Lady.
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This. Just, this entire thing.
You see, for the Maw to keep running, it needs a Lady to lure people in and turn children into Nomes. We can assume that it works in a similar fashion to the Signal Tower.
Which basically means that the two structures only function if there's an Host they can feed off from, otherwise they fall apart, just like the Tower did at the end of LN 2.
Let's put it this way: Six absorbing the Lady's powers is the same as Mono sitting on the chair. They sealed an invisible contract with the Eye from which they can't break free, destined to be it's slave until the next Mono and... a possible Seven take their place.
6) The Lady can't leave the Maw...
I already mentioned this in the previous one, but basically what I mean is: The Lady is the only Host of the Maw. If she leaves, the entire thing crashes down.
7) ... But she's been in the Pale City.
We've got proof of this because a lot of paintings and pictures on the Maw depict various sections of the Pale City and some of their citizens. Both the Hospital and the School get their time to shine in these, especially ones the Bullies (I think it's finally time for me to push my "Teacher & her students on the Maw" agenda) who can be seen around the Residence.
Admittedly, most of these paintings aren't placed in the Lady's quarters, so maybe they just belong to her employees who hang them around to decorate the place a bit like Roger did, BUUUT! There's a very particular set of paintings that can be found in her quarters.
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Well well well, if it isn't our blob bestie 🙃
Based on what we know, the only location we find the Eye blob is the Signal Tower, so... I think it's pretty safe to assume that's where she saw it. Then again, when did she see it? Probably when she was a child, before the got on the Maw for the first time. Talking about the Maw...
8) How much time has Six been on the Maw?
This may be kind of an odd question, but I wanted to answer it because it has always bugged me. Me, the fool, trying to form a cohesive timeline in this extremely vague franchise... Sigh.
Anyway. First of all, let's give the Maw's official description a read:
" The Maw arrives every year. Always at the same time, but never in the same place, it creeps and crawls and buries its claws deep beneath the glistening water. And there it sits in vast silence. Waiting.
Soon after, they start to arrive. The guests. The monstrous, sweating, hungry guests. All seams bursting, bodies bulging, eyes dead with boredom. They shuffle up the gangway and into the mouth of The Maw. And then they are no more.
For none of those that enter have ever returned to tell the tale. At least, not yet... "
So the Maw comes up once a year, stays there for a while and then goes underwater once again. When the Ferryman takes an unwilling Six to the Maw by boat, implying that Maw has risen.
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And the next time we see the outside world in in LN, when Six climbs her way up in that wonderful scene. We can see the guests coming in again, so we can assume it's been at least a year.
The thing about the comics that is really funny to me is that it implies that Six has been wandering around since when she first got on, meaning both Roger and the Chefs are already aware of her presence and are familiar with her. The thought of them being like "Oh no this kid again" when they meet her in the game is so funny I can't.
Also, Mono has been trapped in the tower for at least a year by now :)
9) Mono glitching?
I got to think about this while playing LN 2. You know when Mono starts absorbing the glitching remains? If you don't get too close that he "eats" them but manage to stay close enough, you'll see that Mono himself starts to glitch a bit.
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Huh. Leaves room for thought.
Anyway, this is all I have for now.
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roseybulb · 4 years ago
Jealousy at its Best
In which the brothers are jealous of an angel stealing your time and reveal how they steal it back.
I haven't written an xReader fic before so I hope you like it! I was originally going to use this prompt for my oc Lenna but decided to give this a try! This will also take place in a time after the events of lesson six!
Demons were naturally very jealous creatures, the desire to own something or someone and keep it for themselves was a constant need. Sometimes their specific natures made it worse. Prideful demons took great pleasure in knowing the object of their affection wanted them and only them. Demons of greed needed as much (and always more) of their object of desire as possible. Beware if you caught the eyes of a demon of envy or wrath. Both would rage at the idea of someone stealing your attention away from them. A demon of gluttony would keep you around because, without you, food would never be the same. It would be dull and almost flavorless. They would be hungry for something sweet, something like that sweet smile of yours. It goes without saying why one should be careful in capturing the attention of a demon of lust. The burning desire would consume you. 
Somehow you had drawn the attention of all six. All six of them eager to steal you away and monopolize all of your time. 
If only that damn angel would go away. 
Since the day you protected him from Lucifer, Luke had clung to your side any chance he had. He sat with you in the classes you shared, delighting you with tales from Heaven and about his precious Micheal. You had lunch with him on school grounds, studied with him in the library. You were his taste-tester for new sweets recipes. He followed you like a lost puppy, yapping at your heels and growling at any demons that tried to approach you. 
Luke was especially weary towards Lucifer, for obvious enough reasons but it still annoyed the eldest brother to no end. You had forgiven him so what was the big deal? Lucifer had been gracious enough to allow Luke to live, the least he could do was stay away from you when Lucifer wanted your attention. Not that he would ever admit he wanted such a thing from a human of course. The brother Luke was least weary towards was Beelzebub, perhaps it was because you had also been protecting the Avatar of Gluttony that day or maybe it was because he had let Luke stay in his room. It certainly helped that Beelzebub was calm as long as he was eating which is why you carried sweets in your pockets just for Beelzebub.
It would be so simple for any of the brothers to separate you from the angel, he was awfully jumpy for a guard-dog. Despite that, none of them made any moves to scare Luke away from you. You looked so happy when you were with the angel. Your eyes the softest they had ever seen. It was like watching an older sibling spend time with their precious little brother. Your kindness and warmth moved them. The brothers wanted so desperately to have those eyes regard them as softly as they did Luke. They just wanted it to mean something a little more than familial love. 
Since most of your attention was on Luke at school, the brothers competed with one another at home. 
Lucifer would pull you into his office and have you do your homework there. When you had asked why he told you he wanted to make sure you were passing. He claimed that he didn't want you failing and making Diavolo look bad. You only agreed because you could see a hint of something else in his eyes. The two of you spent hours in comfortable silence, the sound of rustling papers filling the space. Lucifer would sometimes look over and watch you as you worked. The way you rested your hand against your head, the way your lips moved silently as you worked out a problem. His favorite part was when you smiled to yourself, giddy to have solved a problem that had been troubling you. You always stayed until your eyes were drooping from exhaustion, Lucifer would excuse you and watch as you left his study. He eagerly awaited your presence in here tomorrow. 
Mammon took you shopping with him. Well, it wasn't so much shopping as it was wandering the plaza and looking into windows. You usually ended up pulling him away from shop entrances, knowing that he didn't have money for expensive jewelry, clothes, or whatever it was that had caught his eye. While Mammon did find that part annoying, he also enjoyed the way you would laugh at him when he said something funny (some of it Mammon had said seriously but he wasn't going to correct you). He was greedy for the way you smiled at him, the sound of your laugh. Parting from you at the end of the day was pure torture. He always wanted more. Sometimes you let him into your room and he was able to spend even more time with you. Time with you was precious to him, even if he wouldn't admit it to your face. 
Leviathan was constantly inviting you into his room to try out a new game or binge an entire anime with him. You would bring his favorite snacks and settled in for a long night. He liked how you reacted to things. Your brows would furrow when you were frustrated with a level or when your least favorite character in an anime appeared. You laughed when something funny happened and you didn't get too upset when he beat you in a game. You listened to him ramble about theories he had about what was going to happen next. He would steal much more of your time if he could. He was so envious of the way his brothers casually stole you away from him. You were his Henry. His closest friend. He was certain he wanted you more than the others did too. Every time you left he thought of pulling you back into his room for just one more episode or one more round. But he didn't, too caught up in his insecurities. He worried that you pitied him as the shut-in-brother. Leviathan often reminded himself that it was better to let you go. No matter how badly his envious nature was telling him to pull you back to him. He just counted the seconds until he was able to pull you back into his little world. 
Satan loved reading with you. The two of you often sat on his bed, thighs pressed together with the only sound filling the room was pages turning. He loved these silent moments. If he was being honest, time with you was even sweeter when he had successfully stolen you away from Lucifer. The eldest was quick to hide his annoyance in your eyes but Satan saw it. It was so easy to wound a demon of prides pride. There was only one thing that Satan enjoyed more than reading with you or annoying Lucifer. It was when you fell asleep on his shoulder. Your breaths soft as the book in your lap slowly shut as your hands relaxed. In a place where you were at the bottom of the food chain and living in a houseful of demons that could kill you, the mere fact that you can fall asleep on him is shocking. You trusted him that much. Somehow you believed that Satan wouldn't hurt you or that he wasn't a threat. There was a part of him that thought you naive for such thinking but for now, he couldn't be bothered to care. He much preferred feeling your warm body so relaxed against his so for now he wouldn't do anything to disrupt that. 
Asmodeus was the one that was most likely to interrupt your time with any of the other brothers. He wouldn't pull you away from them or try to chase any of his brother away. He would enter the room and immediately head over to you. His arms would circle your waist and he would rest his chin on your shoulder if possible. It was even more enticing when you were in another brother's room. That was when he would tease you by kissing your exposed skin or stroking your arms and legs. He did that until he was forced out of the room. Sometimes he brought you into his room where he would convince you to try on outfit after outfit, each one more revealing than the last. He loved seeing your cheeks grow pink in embarrassment. He tried to convince you to stay overnight in his room countless times but it was like his idiotic older brother had a sixth sense for it because Mammon always ended up barging in right when it was about to get good. Next time he'd get you, he was sure. 
Beelzebub was rather simple, feed him and he'd be happy. As the brother Luke trusted the most (but not by much, the angel was worried Beelzebub would grow hungry enough to eat you) Beelzebub got away with being around you more. He liked how sweet you were, how kind. You always had a little something to feed him and you cooked a little extra just for him when it was your turn to make dinner. After the day you protected him, Beelzebub made it his personal mission to protect you on and off school grounds. He was happy to listen to you talk as he walked with you through town or on your way back home. Seeing you happy made Beelzebub temporarily forget about his hunger. He spent time with you in the kitchen and visited your room often. He didn't mind giving you up to any of his brothers as long as he was sure you were safe-it had taken him a while to stop feeling uneasy when you went to visit Lucifer but he didn't mind as much now. More than anything else, Beelzebub just wanted you to be happy here with him and his brothers. He just hoped that one day you could meet Belphie. 
They were strange, your demons, but you adored them for it. And they adored you too, even if some of them refused to admit it to you. You had made their lives brighter and they knew it was going to be impossible to let you go once the year was up. You would be taking a piece of each of them with you and they would never be the same again.  
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javistg · 4 years ago
A Second Chance CH 4.
Chapter 4 is ready!
I want to thank you all for your messages and support. I can't believe you've stuck with me and my story for this long and I'm incredibly grateful.
Also, I have added one more chapter to the story.
The next chapter is almost ready, but it won't be very long. It's just a short epilogue. Still, I hope it will be enough to answer all those questions I haven't answered so far.
In the meantime, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy. ❤️
Based on prompt 110: A time travel AU: Katniss from Mockingjay, (any part of the book, it's up to you), winds up back the day before her sister's first reaping. What does she do now that she knows what's coming? Now that she knows how Peeta feels about her, and she knows how desperately she needs him, and what they could share? What on earth could she, or should she, even do/change? And what is she should lose it all again? [submitted by @wingletblackbird For EFE 2019]
Want to read from the start? Go to AO3 or FF.net
Claudius Templesmith’s voice booms all around the arena. “Ladies and gentlemen, let the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin!”
As soon as the clock runs out, Katniss jumps from her platform and makes a beeline for the nearest backpack.
She’s almost at the tree line when she feels the impact of Clove’s knife sticking into her bag.
Right on cue, Katniss thinks as she slips into the woods.
Relying on her memory, she runs through the narrow paths and slopes until she reaches the lake. Getting on her knees, she shrugs the backpack off her shoulders and makes a quick inventory of its contents.
One thin black sleeping bag that reflects body heat. A pack of crackers. A pack of dried beef strips. A bottle of iodine. A box of wooden matches. A small coil of wire. A pair of night-vision glasses. And a half-gallon plastic bottle with a cap.
After filling her water bottle to the brim, Katniss starts walking again. She doesn’t want to go too far from the water —she refuses to deal with dehydration once more. Still, she tries to keep to the route she followed the first time she was there.
As she retraces her steps, she eventually comes across a familiar tree. A willow that’s not terribly tall but set in a clump of other willows, offering concealment in its long, flowing tresses.
She climbs up, sets her sleeping bag, straps herself to the branch, and waits.
The sky has already gone dark when she sees a small fire begin to bloom.
Katniss curses under her breath. Even now, she can’t bring herself to feel any sympathy for the tribute who’s decided to advertise their location in a place full of predators.
A few hours later, the Careers come traipsing through the forest. They’re about ten yards from her tree when an argument breaks.
Katniss grabs onto her branch and holds her breath in expectation.
Peeta’s words cut the bickering. “We’re wasting time! I’ll go finish her and let’s move on!”
Up on her tree, Katniss presses her lips together to contain her smile. The cameras are on her, watching her every move, and she stubbornly refuses to let the Capitol see her relief.
As Peeta walks away, she tries to conjure up all the anger and hurt she felt during her first Games so she can glare at him as he disappears from view.
Katniss runs through the woods, crushing branches and trampling down leaves and flowers in her rush to escape her nightmares, but it’s no use.
As the tracker-jacker poison courses through her veins —turning the world into a big shimmering bubble— Katniss berates herself for her carelessness.
She can’t believe her bow and arrows ended up stuck in Glimmer’s hands again; or that she needed Peeta’s warning to start moving.
Now, as she rushes through the forest trying to fight the ever-growing hallucinations, she knows that, once more, her clumsiness has placed Peeta’s fate in Cato’s hands.
Katniss turns a bend on the road. The earth shakes beneath her feet with the force of an explosion. She knows it’s not real, but she can’t fight it anymore. She sinks to her knees, exhausted, doomed.
Her nightmares have found her, and all she can do is give in.
Katniss wakes up a few days later to find her bow and arrows placed neatly by her side and Rue hiding behind a tree.  
Together, the girls hunt and forage and --just like the first time-- their fast, easy friendship blossoms.
When the time comes for Katniss to leave to blow the Careers’ supplies up, she hesitates. Maybe I should take Rue down to the river, she thinks. We could dig Peeta from the mud and start treating him. The three of us could hide in the cave and…
With a shake of her head and a heavy heart, Katniss gives up. Thanks to Peeta’s intensive training for the Quarter Quell, she knows how that story ends. Alliances in the arena never last.
She would only be postponing Rue’s death. And for what? So that she can end up holding her mutilated body after a strange mutt kills her? The thought makes her shudder.
I need to weaken the Careers, she reminds herself as she walks towards the Cornucopia. Otherwise, Peeta and I won’t stand a chance.
Katniss is perched up on a tree, waiting.
A part of her mind is still consumed with Rue. Images of her, bloody and speared, play on a loop behind her eyes. She tries to block them out, to distract herself with something else, but she doesn’t have the strength; she’s too disgusted with herself.
Overcome by despair, Katniss hates the choices she’s made.
She hates that, despite having a second chance, she’s still helpless to do better, that she still thinks she has to put her life first.
As the sun sinks behind the trees, her mind flies back to Peeta. He’s somewhere out there, hurt, slowly bleeding to death by the stream.
She wants to drop this stupid pretense and rush to him, but she can’t.
There is one way out of this arena, and she needs to stick to her past actions to find it. So, Katniss wraps her arms around herself and waits.
She’s almost reached the end of her rope when the sky finally lights up. No deaths.
Her heart nearly jumps out of her chest when she hears the trumpets. Eager, she perks up in anticipation.
Claudius Templesmith’s voice blares down from overhead, congratulating the six tributes who remain. “There’s been a rule change in the Games. Under the new rule, both tributes from the same district will be declared winners if they are the last two alive.”
Claudius pauses, giving his audience time to digest the news. He repeats the change again, “Two tributes can win this year. If they’re from the same district.”
He’s barely finished speaking when Katniss reaches for her belt and begins unbuckling herself. The last time she was there, she waited for day to break, but she can’t do that this time. Not when she knows Peeta needs her.
With quick fingers, Katniss packs everything in her bag and slips the night-vision glasses on.
“Hold on, Peeta,” she says as she shimmies down the tree. “I’m on my way.”
As soon as she reaches the edge of the water, she realizes her mistake.
It’s a cold night. A bright round moon bathes the arena in pale light but, even with her glasses, that's not enough to make her way through the slippery mud.
Muttering obscenities under her breath, she backtracks until she finds a tree to spend the rest of the night.
With the first light of day, Katniss heads downstream.
After a while, the stream begins to curve to the left into a part of the woods where the muddy banks, covered in tangled water plants, lead to large rocks that increase in size.
Keeping her eyes to the ground, she spots a bloody streak going down the curve of a boulder.
Her heart picks up speed. Hugging the rocks, she moves, as quickly as she can, in the direction of the blood.
The blood trail stops. There’s no sign of Peeta.
She knows he’s close, though.
Crouching down, she whispers, “Peeta?”
The voice that answers back is hoarse and weak, but she would recognize it anywhere. “You here to finish me off, sweetheart?”
Katniss whips around.
“Peeta?” she whispers, biting back a smile. “Where are you?”
There’s no answer. So, Katniss creeps along the bank. “Peeta?”
“Well, don’t step on me.”
Katniss jumps back.
His voice is right under her feet. Still, there’s nothing.
Then his eyes open, unmistakably blue in the brown mud and green leaves.
Katniss’s gasp is rewarded with a hint of white teeth as he laughs.
“Close your eyes again,” she orders.
He does, and his mouth too, and completely disappears.
Katniss kneels beside him. “I guess all those hours decorating cakes paid off.”
Peeta smiles. “Yes, frosting. The final defense of the dying.”
“You’re not going to die,” she tells him firmly.
“Says who?” His voice is so ragged it makes her chest hurt.
“Says me. We’re on the same team now, you know,” she tells him.
Peeta’s eyes open. “So I heard. Nice of you to find what’s left of me.”
Katniss pulls out her water bottle and gives him a drink. “Did Cato cut you?”
“Left leg. Up high.”
Her heart drops, she had hoped Peeta would fare better this time around, but it seems that they’re exactly in the same situation as before.
At least I didn’t leave him lingering here while I had breakfast, she thinks as she helps him take a few more sips. “Let’s wash you off so I can see what kind of wounds you’ve got.”
“Lean down a minute first,” Peeta says. “Need to tell you something.”
She leans over and puts her good ear to his lips, which tickle as he whispers. “Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.”
Katniss bursts out laughing. “Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.”
Remembering how hard it was to move him, she decides to skip that part and strip and clean him right where he is.
“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up,” she says as she begins digging into the mud and plants which seem to have imprisoned him.
To her surprise, Peeta shakily pushes his upper body away from the ground. A little push from her, and he’s sitting up.
His new position doesn’t last long, though. With a pained grunt, Peeta slumps against a nearby rock.
“How do you feel?” she asks, brushing the matted hair from his face.
Using her two water bottles and Rue’s water skin, she begins cleaning him up. It’s slow going. The water is cold, and he’s so caked with mud and matted leaves that she can’t even see his clothes.
When she’s done, she gently unzips his jacket, unbuttons his shirt, and eases them off him.
His undershirt comes next. It’s stained, but at least it’s not stuck to his skin.
“Can you lift your arms?” she asks.
Peeta complies, lifting one arm at a time and dropping them limply by his side as soon as he’s done.
With one last tug, Katniss pulls the undershirt over his head.
Tears well up in her eyes when she takes him in.  
He’s badly bruised. There’s a long burn across his chest and a superficial cut on his arm. There’s also a bit of good news, though.
Only one of his tracker jacker stings looks bad. The skin around it is swollen and angry. The other three have been treated, Peeta's covered them with wads of chewed-up leaves.
“Did I do OK?” Peeta asks.
“You did great,” she tells him as she gently peels the dried leaves from his skin. “You only missed one.”
Peeta closes his eyes. His head lols back. “Where is it?”
“Right under your ear.” Carefully, she pours some cold water on the spot to clean it. Just looking at it makes her chest hurt. “Hold still,” she says as she digs the stinger out of the lump.
Peeta winces, but the minute she applies a fresh batch of chewed-up leaves, he sighs in relief.
Cleaning his clothes seems pointless right now that the sun isn’t hot enough to dry them. So, she uses the cleaner side of his undershirt to pat him dry and applies some burn cream to his chest.
His skin is warm but not excessively hot. This feels like good news but, Katniss isn’t sure. They’re out by the stream, and the nighttime chill hasn’t dissipated yet. The cold weather could be masking Peeta’s fever.
Since they can’t afford to waste any time, Katniss keeps going. Standing up, she shrugs off her jacket and gently drapes it over Peeta’s shoulders to protect him from the cold. Then, she digs through the first-aid kit she got from Marvel until she finds the pills that reduce temperature.
“Swallow these,” she tells him. Peeta obediently takes the medicine. “You must be hungry.”
“Not really,” says Peeta.
“We need to get some food in you,” she insists. Remembering what happened last time, she forgoes the groosling and gives him the dried apple instead.
“Can I sleep now, Katniss?” he asks after he’s had a few bits.
“I need to look at your leg first.”
Gently, she removes his boots and socks and then very slowly inches his pants off of him.
Her heart plummets when she sees the tear Cato’s sword made in the fabric over his thigh. Gritting her teeth, she keeps going.
As Peeta’s leg comes into view, Katniss gasps.
The wound isn’t exposed. Just like the tracker jacker stings, it’s been covered with leaves.  
With trembling fingers, she carefully removes the green plaster.
The wound is terrible, a deep inflamed gash, but Peeta’s done a better job of taking care of it. It’s not oozing as much blood or pus as it did the last time.
“Pretty awful, huh?” says Peeta. He’s watching her closely.
Katniss shrugs. “I’ve seen worse,” she tells him honestly. “I just need to clean it well.”
Scooting her square of plastic under him, Katniss begins washing down his lower half.
Except for Cato’s cut, Peeta’s legs have fared pretty well. There’s one more tracker jacker sting, which he’s also cured, and a few minor burns that she treats quickly.
After pouring a few water bottles over it, the wound doesn’t look any better but, at least, it doesn’t look any worse.  
Katniss applies a handful of chewed-up tracker jacker leaves to the wound. Within minutes, pus begins running down the side of Peeta’s leg. She repeats the process. This time, very little pus comes out.
“What next, Dr. Everdeen?” Peeta asks.
“I have a bandage I can use, but there’s something I need to do first.” Reaching behind her, Katniss pulls out Rue’s backpack. “Here, cover yourself with this, and I’ll wash your shorts.”
“Oh, I don’t care if you see me,” says Peeta.
Katniss sets her jaw. Anger and humiliation rush through her veins as an image of Johanna --stripping in front of Peeta-- comes to her mind.
Fixing him with a blistering glare, she growls, “I care, all right?”
With an aggravated huff, Katniss stands up and turns to look at the stream.
As she waits for Peeta to shimmy out of his undershorts, his words come back to her. “For the Capitol, you’re pure,” he had said, clearly trying to mollify her. “For me, you’re perfect.”
Placated by the memory, Katniss sighs.
As soon as Peeta’s undershorts splash into the current, she turns to look at him.
There he is, her boy with the bread, so strong and fierce and brave. He looks small right now, pale and weak and vulnerable, but she’s not worried. Peeta's done better this time, and he’s going to push through. Just as he always does.
Katniss walks over to him and puts a few dried pear halves in his hand. “I'm going to wash your clothes. In the meantime, you eat these,” she says before heading down to the stream.
Katniss holds the small vial of sleep syrup in the palm of her hand. She doesn’t like what she’s about to do, but she knows she has no choice.
Peeta’s condition is not as critical as the last time. She’s managed to keep his fever from spiking, but the wound on his leg isn’t getting any better.
Besides, if she doesn’t go to the feast, Thresh won’t kill Clove.
With grim resolve, she gets to work. She mashes up a handful of berries and adds some mint leaves for good measure. Then she heads back up to the cave.
“I’ve brought you a treat,” she tells Peeta, “I found a new patch of berries a little farther downstream.”
“You better run now, Fire Girl,” Thresh tells her.
Katniss doesn’t need to be told twice. She flips over, digging her feet into the hard-packed earth, and runs away from Thresh and Clove and the sound of Cato’s voice.
She reaches the woods and keeps going. Blood pours into her eye, but she just swipes it away.
After a few minutes, she hears the cannon. Clove has died.
When she finally reaches the water, she slows down. She’s fairly certain Cato headed out after Thresh. Still, she doesn’t want to waste any time.
Katniss pulls off Rue’s socks, which she’d been using for gloves. Setting them aside, she splashes water over her forehead to clean the cut.
Moving quickly, she presses the socks to her forehead to staunch the flow of blood.
She knows the socks will be soaked in minutes. So, she reaches for the bandage in her small backpack and wraps it, as tightly as she can, around her forehead.
That should do the trick, she thinks, standing up to continue her trek downstream.
She makes it back to the cave in record time.
After squeezing through the rocks, she pulls the little orange backpack from her arm, cuts open the clasp, and dumps the contents on the ground—one slim box containing one hypodermic needle.
Without hesitating, she jams the needle into Peeta’s arm and slowly presses down on the plunger.
Exhausted, Katniss sighs. Her head is throbbing.
Her hands go to her forehead. When they drop back on her lap, she sees they’re clean.
After taking one of the fever pills, Katniss snuggles next to Peeta and drifts off.
Cato rushes through the woods, making a beeline for the Cornucopia.
Without question, Katniss follows him.
Her hands have just landed on the metal at the pointed tail of the Cornucopia when she turns back to look at Peeta. He’s not that far behind, but the mutts are closing in on him fast.
She sends an arrow into the pack, and one goes down, but there are plenty to take its place.
Peeta waves her up the horn, “Go, Katniss! Go!”
Katniss starts climbing, scaling the Cornucopia on her hands and feet. The pure gold surface has been designed to resemble a woven horn, so there are little ridges and seams to get a decent hold on. But after a day in the arena sun, the metal feels hot enough to blister her hands.
Cato lies on his side at the very top of the horn, twenty feet above the ground, gasping to catch his breath as he gags over the edge.
Katniss stops midway up the horn, loads another arrow, and points it at him, but just as she’s about to let it fly, she hears Peeta cry out. She twists around.
Peeta’s just reached the tail, and the mutts are right on his heels.
“Climb!” she yells.
Peeta starts up while Katniss keeps her eyes on the mutts. When one of them places its paws on the metal, she shoots her arrow down its throat.
Peeta reaches her feet. She grabs his arm and pulls him along.
Remembering Cato is waiting at the top, she whips around. He’s still doubled over with cramps and apparently more preoccupied with the mutts than with his fellow tributes.
This is my chance, Katniss thinks. She’s replayed this moment hundreds of times in her mind. She’s ready.
At the bottom of the Cornucopia, the mutts are beginning to assemble. Katniss can hear their calls for blood. She knows they won’t stop until they get it.  
She tugs Peeta’s arm to get his attention. “Think you could push him over?”
Peeta glances at Cato. He still hasn’t regained his feet, but his breathing is slowing. Soon he’ll be recovered enough to come for them and hurl them over the side to their deaths.
“Shoot straight,” Peeta says before taking a step in Cato’s direction and crouching.
Katniss aims her arrow at Cato’s head.
In. Out. Katniss breathes as she tries to block out the sounds of the mutts sniffing and tasting the metal, scraping paws over the surface, and making high-pitched yipping noises to one another.
Smirking, Cato pushes himself up and ducks his head under his arm to deflect the attack.
Katniss’s arrow flies and reaches its mark, piercing right through Cato’s unprotected hand.
Cato cries out and doubles over in pain just as Peeta slams against him.
Knocked off balance, Cato plummets to the ground.
“Greetings to the final contestants of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games. The earlier revision has been revoked. Closer examination of the rule book has disclosed that only one winner may be allowed,” Claudius Templesmith says. “Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.”
Katniss looks at Peeta in dismay. She’s exhausted. She just wants the whole thing to be over.
“If you think about it, it’s not that surprising,” Peeta says softly as he pulls the knife from his belt and throws it into the lake.
Katniss doesn’t falter. She immediately drops her weapons.
“No,” Peeta says, reaching for her bow and pressing it back into her hand. “You need to use this now.”
“I can’t,” Katniss says, shaking her head. “I won’t.”
“Do it.” Peeta tightens his hold on her wrist in a silent plea. “Before they send those mutts back or something. I don’t want to die like Cato.”
“Then you shoot me,” she says furiously, shoving the weapons back at him. “You shoot me and go home and live with it!”
“You know I can’t,” Peeta says, discarding the weapons.
He turns to look at the lake. Frustration drips from his voice as he says, “This is why I didn’t want you to go to the feast, why I didn’t want you to risk your life for me. I knew it was pointless, that in the end, they were going to make us choose.”
Peeta drops on one knee and begins untying his shoelaces.
Katniss scowls; this is something new. “What are you doing?”
“I think I’m going to go out for a swim.”
Panic rises within her. The lake isn’t too deep, but Peeta doesn’t know how to swim. What if the Gamemakers decide to create waves or a strong current?
She needs to think. Fast.
Katniss kneels next to him. “Peeta, please don’t!”
“Katniss,” Peeta reaches for the end of her braid and gives it a little tug. “This is my choice. It’s what I want.”
“You’re not leaving me here alone,” she says, reaching out to grab a fistful of his jacket.
“Listen,” he says, pulling her to her feet. “We both know they have to have a victor. It can only be one of us. Please, take it. For me.”
Katniss swallows thickly. This is the opening she was waiting for.
Her fingers fumble with the pouch on her belt, freeing it.
Peeta’s eyes widen. His hand clamps on her wrist. “No, I won’t let you.”
“Trust me,” she whispers.
He holds her gaze for a long moment, then lets go.
Katniss loosens the top of the pouch and pours a few spoonfuls of berries into his palm.
She fills hers. Her heart races in fear and anticipation as she asks, “On the count of three?”
Peeta leans down and kisses her once, very gently. “The count of three,” he says.
They stand, their backs pressed together, their empty hands locked tight.
“Hold them out. I want everyone to see,” Peeta says.
Katniss spreads out her fingers, and the dark berries glisten in the sun.
She’s not afraid this time. If the Gamemakers call their bluff, she and Peeta will have a quick death. Protected by their anonymity, Prim, Gale, and the rest of District 12 will be safe.
Still, as she gives Peeta’s hand one last squeeze as a signal, she hopes it’s not a goodbye.
They begin counting.
“One.” Did she get it right?
“Two.” Maybe this do-over is not for her but for Snow, who’s wanted her dead from the start.
“Three!” She’s about to find out.
Katniss lifts her hand to her mouth.
The berries have just passed her lips when the trumpets begin to blare.
The frantic voice of Claudius Templesmith shouts above them. “Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victors of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark! I give you — the tributes of District Twelve!”
The tribute train speeds back to District 12.
Alone in her compartment, Katniss washes the makeup from her face and puts her hair in its braid.
As she stares in the mirror, she tries to remember who she is and who she isn't.
My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games. I escaped. The Capitol hates me, but I came back. Peeta is safe. Our families and our district are waiting for us.
With a steady hand, she pins the mockingjay back on her shirt and adds, Snow’s days in power are numbered.
The train makes a brief stop for fuel, and they’re allowed to go outside for some fresh air.
There’s no longer any need to guard them, so Peeta and Katniss walk down along the track, hand in hand.  
As soon as they’re out of earshot, Katniss leans into Peeta’s side and asks, “Have you talked to Haymitch?”
Peeta shakes his head. “About what?”
Remembering how poorly this conversation went the last time, Katniss grabs his arm to keep him close. “He told me the Capitol didn’t like our stunt with the berries.”
Peeta’s body tenses under her touch. “What?”
“He says it seemed too rebellious.”
“Seemed?” Peeta deadpans.
Katniss’s jaw drops open. This is not the reaction she was expecting.
“Come on, Katniss, you can’t be that surprised. We basically forced their hand into doing what we wanted. It’s no wonder they’re upset.” Anger and suspicion quickly flash through his eyes. “Why didn’t he tell me anything?”
Afraid that he’s going to storm away, Katniss tightens her grip on his arm. “Because he didn’t want me to mess up in front of the cameras. He was afraid I’d be all prickly and aloof. So, he told me I needed to act like I was so madly in love that I wasn’t responsible for my actions.”
She knows she’s messed up the second Peeta takes a step away from her. “Act?”
“For the interview,” she quickly clarifies. “Only for the interview.”
The explanation seems to placate him, but he still asks, “So, what you did in the Games, was that—,”
“That was not an act,” she tells him. This time it’s the truth. Her only hidden motive was to bring him out with her.
Peeta nods but, before he can say anything, Haymitch appears by his side.
Even in the middle of nowhere, the old mentor keeps his voice down. “Great job, you two. Just keep it up in the district until the cameras are gone. We should be OK.”
“Thanks for the update,” Peeta growls under his breath.
A deep frown settles on Haymitch’s face. “What’s up with you?”
“I just told him what you said about President Snow,” Katniss whispers.
“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” Peeta asks.
Haymitch lets out an exasperated sigh. “Since when do you need coaching on how to act in front of the cameras, kid? You’re smooth and personable, and you always know exactly what to say.” Hunching closer to the two victors, he adds, “Besides, the walls have ears, even here. I didn’t have that many openings, you know?”
Mollified, Peeta nods. Katniss knows it's just a reprieve, though. Peeta's never liked being kept in the dark, and he'll probably go after Haymitch once they're back home.
“Alright,” Haymitch says, “fun’s over. Time to hop back on board.”
The three victors head back.  
Katniss is already on board when she notices Peeta has fallen behind.
Alarmed, she whips around to look out of a window. Peeta’s just a few steps away. A smile splits her face when she notices the bunch of wildflowers in his hand.
As soon as he climbs up the stairs, he presents the pink-and-white flowers to her.  
Katniss bursts out laughing. Her eager hands reach for the offering. “You brought me lunch, how thoughtful!”
Peeta tilts his head in question. “Lunch?”
Katniss nods. With soft fingers, she traces the edge of a pink petal. “They’re wild onions. Gale and I gather them sometimes.”
Peeta’s face turns serious. “Katniss, I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to snap—,”
“No,” she cuts in, “I get it. We’re a team. We’re in this together.”
Peeta reaches for her hand, interlacing their fingers to bring their palms even closer. Hope lights up his face when he asks, “Together?”
Katniss nods. Standing on the tips of her toes, she presses a soft kiss to his lips and whispers, “Together.”
The Tribute train pulls into District 12.
Katniss and Peeta stand side by side, watching their grimy little station rise up around them.
Through the window, Katniss sees the platform’s thick with cameras. Everyone will be eagerly watching their homecoming.
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Peeta extend his hand. His eyes are warm and soft, her safe place in the storm that’s about to be unleashed.
Smiling back at him, Katniss takes his hand and holds on tightly as she prepares for the cameras. Her heart feels full, grateful for the fact that she won’t ever have to let go.  
On the first Sunday after the Capitol cameras leave, Katniss sneaks out of Victors’ Village.
Partially hidden by the dim light of dusk, she quietly walks to the Seam.
A part of her wishes she could sneak under the fence and go to her and Gale’s meeting place like she did before. She mises the sounds and the smells of her woods and longs to hold her father’s bow, but she knows the rock ledge isn’t safe. Not today.
President Snow has eyes and ears everywhere, and she can’t afford to repeat her past mistakes. Not when what she has to say is this important.
Two blocks away from Gale’s house, she finds the perfect spot; a narrow corridor that stretches between two shacks. Despite being open on both ends, it’s dark and much too small for foot traffic or lampposts —which makes it a perfect hiding place— and it faces the street Gale uses to go to the woods.
She’s only been there for a few minutes when a silent silhouette walks past.
“Gale!” Katniss hisses as loud as se dares.
Gale stops on his tracks and turns towards the sound, leaning slightly into the small dark corridor.
Smiling fondly at her friend, Katniss lifts her hand and wiggles her fingers in greeting.
The glimmer in his eyes tells her he’s surprised to see her there, but he doesn’t hesitate. In two long strides, he’s by her side with open arms.
Just like she did the last time, Katniss jumps into his embrace.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she remembers crying —sobbing in Gale’s arms until she began to hiccup and tremble— but she doesn’t cry now. She doesn’t have time for that. Instead, she buries her face in his jacket and breathes him in, letting his fresh, clean scent comfort her and give her the strength she needs to carry on.
Pulling away from her friend, Katniss smiles. “Hi!”
“Hey!” Gale points his thumb back towards the woods. “I was on my way out to meet you.” Dropping his hand, he turns around and inspects their tight hiding place. “What are you doing here?”
“I knew you’d pass by.” Her smile drops. “We need to talk.”
A dark cloud passes through Gale’s eyes. “What’s wrong, Catnip?”
Grabbing a fistful of his jacket to keep him from storming away, Katniss begins to talk. As quickly as she can, she tells him about President Snow’s anger.
“He’s mad at us for showing the Capitol up in the arena and turning it into the joke of Panem,” she says. “It’s something that wouldn’t have mattered much before, but Snow’s control over the country is slipping. His enemies are gaining strength, and he can’t afford to look weak in front of them.”
Anticipation lights Gale’s eyes. “His enemies?”
“Rebel forces are organizing all over the country,” Katniss says, “even the Capitol has a few dissenters, but Snow’s biggest problem is District 13.”
Gale takes a step back. “Thirteen? There’s no Thirteen. It got blown off the map.”
“No, it didn’t,” Amused with the look of shock on Gale's face, Katniss smiles. “District 13 is still there. That footage we’ve seen, with the rubble and the ruins, is always the same shot. The Capitol just uses it as a backdrop for its TV presenters.
“The people of Thirteen have spent the last 74 years living underground, and they're done waiting. They’re eager to get rid of Snow.”
Gale shakes his head, still too disconcerted to fully grasp what’s happening. “How do you know all this?”
“I heard about it while I was in the Capitol,” she lies, convinced that this is the only possible explanation she can give him that will make some kind of sense. “I overheard some conversations during my training, and then, while I was recovering, I was... approached.”
Katniss nods, hoping Gale won’t press any further. She’s ready to tell him what she knows about Eight and a few other districts, but she doesn’t want to go into any specifics in case someone decides to check up on her info later on.
Luckily, Gale is a man of action, and his hatred for the Capitol runs deep. He has all the information he needs. “So, what are you going to do?”
“Well... All eyes are on me right now, so there’s not much I can do —not if I want to keep my family safe— but I was thinking...”
Katniss looks up, silver eyes bright with trust and hope. “Nobody knows who you are, Gale. No one is following you. You could go. You could just sneak under the fence and march down all the way to Thirteen and tell them everything I know."
"Wait a second," Gale says, raising his hands as if to shield himself from her plan. "If what you're saying is true, District 13 must have agents in every district. So, why would they need me to relay your information?"
Katniss shakes her head. "Thirteen is in contact with a few people, but they don't have access to every district. My information is not very detailed, but it comes from every corner of Panem. The leaders of Thirteen might be able to use it to band the rebels together before Snow sends his Peacekeepers to start cracking down on us."
Pulling his shoulders back, Gale backtracks until his arm touches the cold cement wall. Looking past Katniss, he stares at the empty street at the end of the corridor.
Enveloped by silence, she sees his mind working, turning, and churning ideas as he tries to come to terms with what he’s heard.
“What about my family?” he finally asks.
“I’ll take care of them,” Katniss promises, “just like you took care of mine.”
When Gale looks back at her —full of fire and determination— she knows, clear as day, that she’s made the right choice.
Gale Hawthorne wants the revolution more than he wants anything else.
“I’m going to need a few supplies,” he says, his mind already thinking ahead.
“That’s not a problem. I’ll help you get whatever you need.”
Crossing his arms, Gale tilts his head to study her closely. Uprisings and rebellions are far from his mind when he asks, “So…you and the baker’s son. How long has that been going on?”
Katniss shrugs. What should she say? A year and a half? A month? A week? She doesn’t really know when to start counting. So, she sticks with the vaguest thing she can think of. “A while.”
A mirthless chuckle escapes his lips. “I can’t believe I never noticed.”
“Well," Katniss slips her hands into her pockets. Discussing Peeta with Gale --or Gale with Peeta-- has always made her uncomfortable. Luckily, her friend's tone is a lot more subdued than it used to be.  "We weren’t exactly shouting it over the rooftops, you know?”
Raising a questioning eyebrow, he locks his gray eyes with hers. “I thought you didn’t want to get married.”
“I changed my mind.”
As soon as the words pass her lips, she knows they’re true.
She still doesn’t want to have children. If her trips to the Games have taught her anything, it's that Panem is not a safe place to live. But she doesn’t want to be alone anymore, not when she can be with Peeta.
Hoping to put the conversation to rest, she lifts her chin and adds, “Peeta changed my mind.”
Gale nods, slowly taking her in as if he's seeing her for the very first time.  
In the small space, Gale offers his hand. "OK, Catnip, I'll do as you ask."
Smiling, Katniss reaches out to shake it and seal their deal.
Katniss heads back to Victors' Village feeling lighter than she has in weeks. Her plan is in motion. Gale is going to District 13.  
As she reaches the steps of her new home, a thrilling thought crosses her mind.
She's back on uncharted waters. The future is about to become uncertain once more.
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 05 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (04)
Next part (06)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Would You Believe Me?
“When are you planning to tell me about this Billy?” Diane stands by the kitchen door frame, an eyebrow raised at you.
Taking another bite of your apple, you roll your eyes. “He's just a friend. I have nothing to say.”
“I know you, (Y/N). And I know you've been hanging out with him.” She comes to sit across from you at the table, and you feel like a child under her stare. Diane has always been your best adviser, the one you tell everything since you can remember. But you couldn't bring yourself to tell her about Billy yet. With Monica, you don't have a choice since you work with her, and she has been around when some stuff happened. But with Diane... You feel like it'll make things real.
You're just about to deny everything again when you remember how confused you are, how there's always a fight inside of you, between two different lines of thought, and suddenly you need Diane's opinion on it. “Billy is a friend.” It's different now, you're admitting it. “He... He offered me a ride home when my car wouldn't start and we stopped to eat tacos. A couple of days after he stopped by this snack bar I was with Monica's friends and... Well, he punched David in the face because he called me dumb.” The memory brings a smile to your lips.
“What?” My aunt smiles too. “I heard some kids talking about David being beat up but I'd never guess that. What else?”
“Uhm... He said he likes me that day.”
“Oh...” She mumbles, furrowing her eyebrows. “So Billy is interested in you.”
Shaking your head slightly, you look down. “He's as interested as he would be in any other girl, right?” Your voice is lower now. “Aunt, Billy is the perfect bad boy. He has the looks, the attitudes, the pretty face, the breathtaking body, and the long list of heartbroken girls.”
“Honey, haven't you heard?” Diane keeps her voice light, taking your hand over the table. “They say the perfect bad boy is bad with everyone except to his girl.”
“Well, I'm not his girl,” you mutter, not sure why saying this makes you feel sad. You shouldn't be so sad about something that's true, something that you made up your mind about. “We're bound to break apart.”
“(Y/N), you're a smart woman. You can read the signs and I trust you to choose what's best for you, as you always have. Even when it meant to leave New York behind and come to such a strange place.” Her eyes are like beacons, reassuring you. You wish she was your mother instead of Kate. “You'll know if you're meant to be with Billy or not. I trust you enough for that, as should you.”
“I love you, aunt.” You breathe out, standing up and hugging her. “Thank you... And not only for this, but for everything. For taking me in and for moving here with me.”
“It was a pleasure, honey. Both to come back to my hometown and to be with you.” Diane never had kids, and her husband died eight years ago. She's still young though, and you hope she finds someone. But until then, you're ok with being somehow her kid. “Now I gotta go. Have a nice day at work.”
“You too.”
Half an hour later you're at the pool, on your chair, eyes scanning the sea of people. The sun is shining bright, and the kids seem especially electrified today. Despite having a lot of people to watch over, you're getting bored by the second, finally understanding why Monica sometimes complains so much about this job.
Billy, as usual, keeps shooting you glances every now and then, winking and smiling when you look his way. After rolling your eyes at him for the hundredth time this morning, you turn your gaze at Monica, who has a meaningful smile on her lips. You get the feeling she'll never stop teasing you about it. Well, she will have to one day. 'We're bound to break', the sentence comes to your mind again, and you decide to let the hot wind blow it away. Mon has a weird expression on her face, which makes you furrow my eyebrows at her.
She then gestures at her eyes. 'Look', you read the word on her lips, just before she gestures at Billy.
That again. You don't want to stare at him. You know he's hot, you don't need to be constantly reminded of that. Running a hand through your hair, you force yourself to focus on the activity that gives you some money at the end of the month. You're not bored anymore, you're thankful you have something to keep your mind off things you certainly shouldn't be thinking about.
When your lunch break finally comes, you jump from your chair to the ground, making the way over Monica, touching her leg. “Hey, you. Lunch, c'mon. I'm starving.”
“I'm a good friend.” She simply says, not even bothering to look at you. Monica can be a freaking interrogation sign sometimes, and you're about to ask her what she means when you notice Billy, standing a few feet away. “I switched my lunch breaks with him.” She looks down, taking her sunglasses off. “You're welcome.”
“I hate you, Mon,” you mumble, sighing at the laugh that leaves her lips.
You have no choice but to walk towards Billy, trying to keep your eyes on his face. But you use the distance to take a quick look, just so you can tell Mon you did it and she'll stop bugging you about it. He's tall, obviously, way taller than you. So you have to look up not to have your eyes glued on his chest. The guy works out. A damn lot, you're sure, and his tan is perfect. It makes you wonder if he even tries because it doesn't seem like he does. Billy doesn't have to act, he just is who he is. No doubt why he had no trouble carrying that heavy backpack during the trail, his muscles look like stone, iron. Even though the small distance you can see how his chest moves when he breathes, and the well-defined muscles of his bare arms. But you're getting close now, so you avert your eyes.
“Was it your idea or hers?” You inquire as soon as you're walking side by side to the cafeteria.
“Mine. I asked her this morning and she accepted.” As you walk, you notice all the heads turning.
The boys look with either anger or envy, and the girls keep checking him out shamelessly. Even the married ladies don't seem to hide the lust in their eyes. You feel a little weird, suddenly so small and out of place. But you can't blame them. Billy is a hell of a view. “You ok?” He suddenly asks. “You tuned out for a moment.”
“Just thinking.” You reach the cafeteria and you get your lunch from the fridge, moving to the microwave.
“About what?”
“The stares you were getting while we walked over here.” It comes out abruptly, and you realize you're angry. Why are you angry? You can't be mad because people are staring, he's not yours.
“People always stare.” He says, coming to seat with you on the table next to the microwave. “But today is for a different reason.”
“Oh, of course.” You avoid his eyes, letting your hair down from the ponytail and detangling it with your fingers, just so you have something to do.
“You only notice half of what's going on around you.” You mumble as a response, not sure if there's anything else you can say. “I never spent this much time without going on dates, and I never spent this much time hanging out with the same girl.” Billy's lower voice slowly makes you raise your eyes, meeting his. “People are impressed. I am impressed.”
“Yeah. It's been a while and I still want to be around you, to get to know you.” As he speaks, you look at the door, because you don't want anyone listening. It's bad enough that you'll end up telling Monica, which only makes you even more confused. You don't need someone else adding up to the mix.
'We're bound to break'. It comes to your head again. “How long do you think it'll last? You know you'll get tired of this little game you're playing, Billy.”
“From the bottom of my heart... I don't think I could ever get tired of you.”
The sudden beeps of the microwave make you jump up, thankful for it breaking through the atmosphere. You get your food and hand Billy his since he shoved it into the microwave with yours.
“Every time I see you it's like the first damn time. It took me by surprise too, believe me.��
“Just eat, Billy. Or it'll get cold.” A stupid thing to say since there's smoke coming from both your meals.
“If I find a way to prove you I'm not joking, that I mean every word I say when I say you're nothing like the other girls, that I'm being serious this time... Would you believe me?”
Holy shit, you need to get the hell out of this cafeteria. You don't want to listen, you want to be left alone until whatever is driving you towards Billy disappears. But can you do that? Stand up and walk away when you're right here with him, nobody else around... You don't think so. “I'd like to see what you would come up with.”
He takes a deep breath, resting his back against the chair. You can only watch as he takes one of his earrings off, doing the same with his necklace. “The hell are you doing, Hargrove?” You mumble, crossing your arms.
He gives a quick glance before focusing on whatever he's doing. He removes the pendant of the necklace, throwing it on the trash next to the fridge. You raise an eyebrow, your hunger momentarily put aside. Billy passes the silver chain through the tiny hoop of his earring, making a whole new necklace. The earring is kinda nice, and it looks badass on him. It has four black little stones and a metal piece at the end, which reminds you a claw.
Your eyes follow him as he stands up, walking around the table to stand behind you. You were just about to ask what he's doing when he puts the necklace around your neck. “Move your hair up, please.”
With wide eyes fixed on the light green wall across the cafeteria, you do as he says, feeling the cold metal against your skin. You're even more confused now. “Wear this every day, and I'll wear mine every day too.”
“Is it... Is it supposed to make people think I belong to you or something?” You burst out, still a little shocked, a little perplexed, trying to control the butterflies on your stomach.
“Then they'll think I belong to you too.”
“Just-just eat, Billy. Please.” You stutter, looking down at your food as your heart drums on your ears.
“And I making you nervous?”
Biting back a smile, you don't answer. You quickly search through your mind for anything else, just so you can change the subject. “I heard you study at Indianapolis University. The same I happen to have transferred to. Which course do you take?” That's good. You got your mind to function.
“Mechanical engineering.” He shrugs his shoulders when you raise your eyebrows. “I always liked cars, so it wasn't a difficult choice. What about you?”
“Biomedicine. I'm planning on specializing in Hematology and get a job on Hawkins National Hematology Lab.”
“So you plan on staying here?”
“Yes. I came to stay.”
There's a change in his expression, as it softens like he just realized something new about himself. A small, genuine smile breaks into his lips, beautiful lips. You were just about to ask what's on his mind when James, another lifeguard comes into the cafeteria and you decide to keep your mouth shut.
When you walk out of the bathroom, still drying your hair with a towel, your eyes fall on the necklace lying on the nightstand, near your telephone. Sitting on the bed, you touch the earring, wondering if Billy is wearing his now. “What's happening to me?” You breathe out, throwing yourself down on the bed.
Your phone starts ringing, but you don't pick up. You know Diane will answer it downstairs. You hear her low voice coming from the living room, your eyes on the ceiling, and your thoughts revolving around him again.
You don't even need a name, he's the only guy you think about.
“Honey! It's Monica!” Your aunt yells.
“I'll pick up!” You shout back, moving up just to pick up the phone before lying down again. “Hi, Mom.” You hear the sound of the downstairs phone being put down as you speak.
“So. How was it?”
“Uhm... It was a lunch break. We had our breaks together and we had lunch.”
“Seriously? That was it? Don't you think I noticed something very unusual around your neck when you came out?”
Sighing, you let out a humorless laugh. Monica is very perceptive, the reason why she's coursing psychology. She's always paying attention to everything. “Mon...” It's almost like a cry.
“Talk to me, (Y/N).”
“I can't keep doing this.” You cover your eyes with one hand, and the image that immediately comes to my mind is him. “I'm... Scared.”
“What happened in the lunch break?”
“Billy said stuff, you know... That he won't get tired of me, that still wants to be around me...” Tossing around, you hug a pillow. “He took one of his earrings and made it into a necklace... He gave me and told me to wear it every day because he will wear it too.”
“(Y/N), I think Billy is falling in love with you.”
“No, Mon, I–”
“I've seen how he treats girls, (Y/N). He never acted like that. All day long I see them walking around the pool in the tiniest bikinis they have, but he never looks. He used to devour them with his eyes, but since that Monday, when you started working... His eyes are on you, on such a... Kind way. It's like he's someone else entirely.”
“I want to believe you,” you whisper, eyes focusing on the necklace. “What if we're bound to break?”
“Give yourself time, then. And give you both a chance. (Y/N), you need to stop overthinking and enjoy your summer. If you're bound to break, you'll know. But for now, enjoy the attention he's giving you. And if it doesn't work, at least you would have enjoyed it... I mean, you like being around him, don't you?”
“Way more than I should.”
“Then try living in the moment for a while. When it's time to think and make big decisions, you will make them.”
Nodding to yourself, you know she's right. If you keep overthinking, maybe you'll be the one to ruin everything. “You're right...”
“Now, you can either stay there or come with me, Chris and Jason to the mall. What will it be?”
Smiling, you stand up, already moving to chose what to wear.
An hour later you're at Starcourt Mall, completely reformed about a year ago, Monica tells you, after it was destroyed by an explosion. The place is very modern, but it's still very different from those in New York. But you like it, how lit up it is, and crowded. Families, teenagers, and kids, who pass by, running. You take in the lights, the laughers. Monica laughs at something Christopher says, his arms around her shoulders. Jason had to bring his two toddler siblings, so he's walking a few feets away, carrying the two years old Michael on his arms and holding Melanie's hand, who's the five years old.
“Hey. Have you crossed paths with David? After he had his ass kicked?” Chris asks.
“No. And I hope it remains that way.”
“It's a small town, you'll bump into him eventually. But I think he won't bother you anymore.” He says and Monica nods.
“You and Billy dating yet?” Jason asks, making it clear he was paying attention.
“Not yet,” Monica answers before you can say anything. Rolling your eyes, you decide not to say argue.
Blushing a little, you touch Billy's earring around your neck. A smile comes to your lips, and you hope he'll be wearing his tomorrow... It's stupid, but it kinda makes you feel closer to him, even though he's not here.
You decide to follow Monica's advice, but you'll still be careful. You can do both.
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens
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sleepylixie · 4 years ago
The Twilight Renegade- Spellcaster! Lee Know
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre: As fantasy as it can get!
Beware of violence(a mild dose of it), mentions of an unhealthy household. Minho is a tricky lil shit and I loved writing him-
A/N: THIS FIC DOES NOT REFLECT THE CHARACTER OR LIKENESS OF THE REAL LEE KNOW IN ANY FORM OR MANNER. ONTO THE FIC!! I enjoyed writing this wayyy too much 💀😂😂 The idea of having Minho be a dark wizard was so appealing for reasons i am yet to comprehend. ANYWAYS. ENJOY!!
Requests are open for SKZ and BTS! || Masterlist
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The Twilight Renegade.His name is passed from ear-to-ear in hushed whispers, his story told at children’s bedsides, the bard’s bonfires and old wives’ kitchens.
There’s so much known about the legendary dark wizard and yet, his existence remained shrouded in a cloak of mystery.
Where did he come from? Was he mortal? Did he sell his soul to the Devil? 
It was said that the Twilight Renegade travelled the world cloaked and under disguise, sometimes not as a human, providing justice and retribution to those who couldn’t find it for themselves.
Where the Renegade came a- knockin’, treachery went a-runnin’, chorused the old song that every travelling musician worth his salt knew the words from memory.
Some said he was a poor orphan who died and was reincarnated by a magician hunting for a protegee.
Some claim to have known him as a child, a strange little boy who grew up with blood on his hands and bones in his pocket, he was always a strange one until he ran away from his family to never be seen again.
Some swear up and down to have seen his true face, singing praises of beautiful eyes and seductive lips like a maiden but a dead smile that betrayed his true nature. 
If only they knew his true nature.
Said Twilight Renegade went by the name Lee Minho when he was off the job and was nothing more than a cat parent with a penchant for goodwill trickery.
In the spring days, a smiling young man wandered the marketplace with fresh game, bartering pleasantly with the baker and the butcher, greeting the maidens with a wink as they cooed at the 3 cats frolicking at his feet.
Of course, it was all a pretense-
the maidens only ever had eyes for Minho’s angular jawline and his sharp nose, his strong shoulders and lean yet built frame
He was an oddity, the sweetheart of the village. 
Lee Minho lived in the corner of the village by himself for around 1/3rd of the year, then leaving on work trips the very day autumn begins to set in
He only reappeared again the morning summer awakens in their village, after almost 10 months away.
He’d bring back exotic spices for the old wives, pretty gemstones for the little girls and daggers for the little boys- 
he was generous, the sweetheart of the village.
He’d always laugh away the questions thrown at him about his work trips, surrounded by hot-blooded young men in the crowded bar.
“Nothing interesting, I promise you,” He’d smile his mystery smile, tipping back his beer. “A lot of trading and a lot of travelling. You meet a lot of new people. That’s pretty much it.”
He was mysterious, the sweetheart of the village.
Little did those hot-blooded young men know how truthful, yet false his words were.
Lee Minho was a 400 year old dark magician, born into a small home of supernatural oddities.
His father was the last dark magician of a lost cult, his mother a necromancer from a family of elementalists.
He grew up with a rocky childhood, a shattered home where fights between a power-drunk father and alcoholic mother raged more often than not. 
They had nowhere to go but home, they told Minho every night, for they had no family left but each other, and of course, him.
This young boy with lilac eyes and a penchant for spell-casting grew up more in the wilderness than in his own home, finding the crickets and owls safer than breaking glass and raging screams.
He found himself a love for animals-particularly of the feline type, cooing at the kittens in the ditch and unabashedly playing tag with the panthers over no-moon nights. 
Minho’s parents were united in one front, however; they knew they had to leave their son with all the magical knowledge they’d ever gained over their years.
So Minho became his parents’ apprentice-He learnt to harness dark energy, to reanimate cat skulls and then cat skeletons, to bind the shadows to his bidding, to build incantations that would suck out his enemy’s power,to read minds, break minds
The more Minho’s power grew, the darker his eyes got- by the time he was 20, his eyes were bordering a deep royal purple.
He was his father’s pride and his mother’s joy, the apple of their eyes despite the hate they harbored for each other. He could almost believe that they were a normal family if he spent as long as he could out of the house with his feline (dead and alive) friends. 
It was on one such night that he made his way back home just before sunrise, only to scramble back into the bushes and watch in terror as a battalion of humans tore his house apart with pitchforks and fire,
Drag his mother out by the hair, chanting WITCH. WITCH. WITCH. WITCH. 
Watch his father be overwhelmed by the sheer brutality of mortal weaponry, succumb to age and fall, broken and very, very dead, from the way his head hung off his shoulders 
Watch his mother burnt alive in front of his house’s doorstep, left to die with her husband.
And felt something crack inside him.
There were limits even a necromancer couldn’t cross, even after the loss of their loved ones. 
Minho was distraught, understandably so. Having to watch his only family be butchered by a senseless mob had him bristling in a mix of emotions he couldn't differentiate.
He stayed in the woods with the owls, crickets and assorted felines, hunting game and satiating his human hungers.
He wished he wasn't human anymore. He wished he didn't have to be associated to a race of people that killed and let kill without a second thought, under the name of humanity.
Weren't his parents human too?
It was that exact thought that had him pulling together all of the magic running in his veins and perform his possibly last, potentially dangerous spell-
Nobody knows what happened in the Twilight Woods that night, but nobody would forget the raucous screaming that emanated from there for hours, like a young boy's screams of pain
And nobody would forget the piles upon piles of bones that laid at the edge of the woods
Human bones.
Every pitchfork wielder who had turned up at the witch family's house to burn the inhabitants were reported missing that very day.
Turns out Lee Minho had a skill other than feline whispering and spell-casting: he had an uncanny knack for staying alive
That final spell he cast in Twilight Woods was an incredibly dangerous spell that involved sucking out surrounding life forces- enough to make the caster virtually immortal
And of course he chose the people in the mob, not the sweet animals in the woods.
His new immortal status gave Minho a purpose in life.
He decided he was going to rid the world of all the lowlife scumbags that felt privileged and entitled to things and people who didn't belong to them.
Word travelled fast, even in thise times, of a dark wave that swept out from Twilight woods into the surrounding towns in a matter of months
Woman abusers and rapists found without genitalia, slave traders dead of uncurable disease
Cheating nobility hung by their coattails in town squares for their victims' amusement, their rightful money returned to them
The dark wave had a sense of humor.
When one of the stragglers of the dark wave swore that the dark wave was a person, a man, dressed in twilight purple and a dangerous smile
Townsfolk took to calling him the The Twilight Renegade
Minho took the name to heart, for what was he if not a newly immortal spell caster with a sense for the dramatic
He wore purple all the time, a mockery of the colour scheming nobility claimed for themselves
What a nice twist of irony would it be, to have your fate decided by a lowborn magical spellcaster who wore the colour of luxury better than they?
Everybody knows the story of the magical Robin Hood who came from questionable origins, but lived life with a love for trickery, feline companions and an unflinching sense of good.
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consumedkings-archive · 4 years ago
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i. devour ✤ helmi x jestiny
full cult au + “i’ve dreamt about this” requested by @adelaidedrubman
word count: 1.9k
warnings: canon-typical drug use, cults run amok, dubious consent because of the drug use (but it is safe i promise), lots of allusions to cannibalistic imagery, excessive use of the word "want" and "hungry" (sorry), hints of helmi/jestiny/kajsa if you squint, canon-typical descriptions of gore and violence : ^ ) obviously this is elaborating on some themes of emotional manipulation (as cults do) so please do not read if you are uncomfy!
Helmi has always been a completionist.
It’s not that she’s a particularly competitive woman; she’s just efficient. There’s no task set out ahead of her that she cannot get done, large or small. A problem is presented, and Helmi solves it. Sometimes it’s an easy solution. Sometimes it requires brute force. This part, she always plays by ear.
Jestiny is no different.
She would almost be frustrated by the existence of the other woman were she not so interested. There’s weeks of back and forth. She can’t afford to lose track of what the true task is: wrench, slice, gut. Empty them out onto the snow. Paint it red, red, red. But if there’s something that drives her away from her duty—heart, heart, that’s what you are, pumping blood out of our last dying breath, spill it onto the earth for our Mother to feel—it’s the incessant, obnoxious chattering in the radios from the deputy. She cannot stand to have her work undone, and yet: there is an undoing, in human shape, burning in the back of her mind until her molars are grinding together.
It is frustrating to have her attention so raptly caught, so fiercely entrenched in a net of thorns she cannot possibly pull it away without causing irreparable damage, and especially for Kajsa to notice.
She can still remember the first time she had come back to the others, radiating irritation because as much as she likes the cat and mouse, she wants contact. Fingers and teeth to meet in the flesh. And she hadn’t been sure how to reconcile this feeling with the knowledge that one day, the Father of Many Faces may ask her—through Kajsa—to rip her ribs open and clean her out.
And as though she can read her mind (perhaps she can, you know, she always seems to See Us), Kajsa had looked at her and said, “Do you want her?”
Helmi knows her expression had crumpled. Twisted up, mouth downturned viciously, quickly directing her eyes elsewhere so that Kajsa cannot see the ache in her.
“It’s not my job to want,” had been her reply.
“Do not be foolish.” Kajsa had cut a piece of her apple, pushing the piece departed from the apple’s body into Helmi’s hand. “Get her.”
Her heart had felt sticky. Hot, jumping up in her throat. It had been a long time since she had wanted. “Kajsa—”
“Now it is your job, no?” And Kajsa waved her knife, wet with apple, dismissively. “And maybe I want her. Get her.” And then, planting the flat edge of the blade against Helmi’s lower lip to quiet the oncoming protest: “For me.”
Of course, she could not have refused, even if she wanted to. Even if the cool metal of the blade had not reminded her of who it was she answered to, even if the sticky-wet of Kajsa’s voice did not tell her there was no arguing to be had.
So she does: get her.
It takes a long time. Longer than, normally, Helmi would like. It’s impossible not to rush where the redhead is considered, anyway; Jestiny pushes all of her buttons, goads her, coaxes and shoves and bites and kicks her way through every interaction (sometimes, literally). But each time Helmi leaves their coincidental run-in with a bite-bloodied lip, she’s hungrier.
She spends their time apart wondering how sweet she will be when she finally acquiesces. There’s no lack of Jestiny spitting out fuck yous and get the hell outs, but one day—Helmi knows this—it won’t be so much vitriol. She doesn’t want it gone, just...redirected. Used more intentionally. And she thinks about what it will be like to grab a fistful of that red hair and tilt her head back and have all that skin just for herself.
Well, herself and Kajsa.
It’s so frequent that the moments in time permeate her sleeping hours, too. She dreams about it; dreams of the submission, acquiescence, of the redhead tilting her chin to give her more skin to kiss, digging her nails in and saying more, Hel, give me more, I’ll take more, of kissing her. Gods, does Helmi just want to kiss her.
But when it takes a little too long, when the days are dragging by with no deputy swaddled up in their family, Kajsa says, “Enough playing, Helmi.”
She’s halfway to the truck when the woman speaks, stopping with her hand on the handle and the keys dangling from her fingers. Helmi looks back at her black-haired paramour.
“I’m not,” she says.
“I know you,” Kajsa replies. “You play with your food.”
Yes, Helmi thinks, willing her expression still. I do.
“Make a meal of her if you are going to,” Kajsa continues, “but I am tired of waiting, Helmi.” Her head tilts, slate-gray eyes dark sharp. “Tonight.”
And that is how Helmi finds herself in a room filled with the overwhelming scent of lavender and smoke, rich, wet earth pummeling her senses. She had wanted to bring Jessie around without it, but what Kajsa wants, Kajsa gets—so here she is, standing in the doorway of a room filling with smoke, vents stuffed with wet herbs and radiating the fetid smell throughout the house.
It’s clear that Jestiny has had very little exposure to it, despite their frequent run-ins. Her eyes are a little glassy, hands curling into fists at her sides. She looks pissed.
“What—” Just that one word is already slurring. “What the fuck did you—are you doing to me?”
Helmi takes in a slow, measured breath. It’s potent, even to her, even when she’s been dosed on it in exponentially larger amounts to build up her tolerance. “Opening you,” she replies after a moment.
“Fuck you,” the redhead spits. “No-fuckin’-vacancy. We’re closed. Closed the-fuck-up, compadre—”
She’s rambling already, too. Helmi rolls her eyes. “To the influence,” she clarifies, as though she doesn't also want to open up Jestiny for her, taking a few steps forward. The sound of her feet hitting the floor bounce in light waves around her, even as her heart rate stays slow against the drug. She can taste it coating the inside of her mouth, it’s so wet; and when she gets within touching range, Jestiny blinks, flinching and recoiling, like she hadn’t seen her coming even though their eyes had not once left each other.
She rasps, “Get out.”
Helmi’s eyes narrow. Normally, she would have obliged. For the game. “No.”
“Get—” Jestiny sucks in a sharp breath. “Get the f-fuck—”
“Aren’t you tired of playing this game?” Helmi demands, channeling what of Kajsa still roots itself in her mind. “You don’t belong with them. The Resistance, the Seeds—they don’t want you. You can see it now, can’t you? Now that all of that garbage is pushed out of the way, all of those pesky walls pushed down, you can see that they’re using you. You’re nothing more than a checker piece in their fucking backgammon game.”
“Shut up—”
“They don’t want you,” she repeats, and the room is so hot, so fucking hot it’s sweltering and she wishes she’d shucked at least some of her layers before coming, if only for temperature control. Oh, well. Too late. “Not in the way you deserve.”
She reaches up, hand landing on the juncture between Jessie’s shoulder and neck. She had foregone the gloves, at least, but that had been for selfish reasons; because she wanted to feel. All that skin.
The skin-to-skin contact had a strange, wild little sound crawling up Jestiny’s throat. She sounds upset. Distressed.
“They don’t want you,” Helmi says again, pitching her voice lower, so close so close so mine, “the way that I do.”
She imagines it must be scary. The first time being opened always is. But vulnerability is scary; openness, seeing, is scary. The drugs allow for true sight, but it’s not always what the person wants to see, just what they need to see. And Helmi can tell that Jestiny is panicking, does not like seeing the truth in Helmi’s words, because she makes a sound like choking.
Helmi kisses her.
The woman stills, freezing ramrod-straight. She doesn’t return the gesture, not right away; instead, she stands there and just lets Helmi kiss her. It’s not until she starts to pull back that the redhead finally reacts, reaching up and grabbing the wrist closest to her neck, digging her nails in again. Helmi only pulls back far enough to leave breath between their mouths, but Jestiny is gripping her like she’s going away forever. For good.
“Again,” Jessie manages out, hoarsely. “S-Say—Say it—”
“I want you,” Helmi says when she realizes what it is Jestiny is asking for. And she is asking, which she has never done before; it’s always only demanding, ordering, commanding. So Helmi glides her hand up the woman’s neck and threads her fingers through her hair and says, against her mouth, “I want you, little snake.”
That strange little sound comes out of the redhead again—but it’s clearer this time; a moan, agonized and distressed, like she wants and wishes she didn't.
The air is thick between them, wet and humid and riddled with the overwhelming darkness of the earth. She watches the woman’s bubblegum-pink tongue dart out, wetting her lips, and Helmi feels that emotion gnawing at her insides again:
She has spent years stifling her appetite; she’s tired of it. She wants to hunger, to be caught wanting, and she doesn’t mind—Kajsa had said she could. Had ordered her. It was her job to want, and to be hungry, and she feels it now more than ever. Absently, Helmi twists a lock of copper hair around her finger, watching it coil tight and then slip loose again, falling from her fingers; embers embers embers, in the dying light, and she can’t look away. She’s always had a thing for fire, anyway.
“You won’t believe me,” she murmurs, lifting her eyes to meet amber ones, the corners of her mouth ticking upwards, “but I’ll say it anyway.”
Hel dips her head down, guides her mouth across warm skin; hungry, wanting, but she doesn’t care to be seen like this—prefers it, actually—so she says, “I’ve dreamt about this.”
“Shut up,” Jestiny manages out, her voice breaking a little. “Sound so f-fucking stupid.”
Hel tightens her grip on the copper hair again and tugs. “Brat.”
A most unbecoming squeak comes out of Jessie, her brows furrowing in irritation and face flushing a gorgeous high-colour. “Feel like shit,” Jestiny slurs. “You made me feel like shit.”
“I know,” Helmi whispers back, the closest she will get to apologizing for making her see the truth. “But you belong with me.”
She knows the way the Resistance and the Seeds talk about Jestiny. It’s always belong to, not belong with, but she’ll show Jestiny that it’s different now. They’re different.
She’s different.
And there’s nothing quite like kissing her, Helmi decides, as sweet as she imagined that it would be in her dreams, because now Jestiny is kissing her back—parting her lips and fisting the dark fabric of Helmi’s sweater, rambling something against her mouth that Helmi can’t quite make out over the sound of her blood rushing through her head.
Later, she will dream about it. Later, she will roll over in her makeshift bed, and pull the then-sleeping redhead against her, to assure herself that she’s there, and every bone in her body will sing at last, at last, we’ve got you at last. Later, she will bury her face into the crook of the redhead's neck and indulge herself in warm skin, hers for the taking. Later, she will trace every single dip and curve with her fingers. It will be as sweet as kissing.
But nothing will be quite so sweet as the way it feels when Kasja turns to see them coming from the truck, hand-in-hand, a smile curving her mouth as she watches them and says:
“Welcome home.”
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lizzieraindrops · 4 years ago
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Destiny (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eris Morn/Ikora Rey Characters: Eris Morn, Ikora Rey Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Hello destiny sapphics; allow me to introduce myself, Femslash, if nobody is going to write the content i want to see then i will create it myself, listen. it's about perceiving the weak and wounded places in someone you love, and lavishing love and care upon them even when they won't admit they need it, it's about the Mutual Support, it's about being kind to them even when you don't know how to be kind to yourself, Light Angst, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, oh and ikora has the most Distinguished Bisexual energy i've ever seen so jot that down, it doesn't come up but you needed to know, this is all just a bunch of softness and tenderness don't @ me okay
Five storms Eris and Ikora weathered and one they didn't need to.
The Shadowkeep weblore lives in my head rent free. Set post-Taken King and mostly during Shadowkeep.
“As I told Asher, there is a storm coming...” “Oryx is dead. We’ve weathered the storm.” Ikora is upset. She has yet to understand the bigger picture. “Yet his sisters would see his will done. There will always be another storm.” “Then let’s weather it together.” -Shadowkeep Narrative Preview #1
Many thanks to @hencegoodfortune for the beta read and of course for the memes.
Chapter: |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  +1  |
Set just after The Taken King.
Eris knows she is not in the Hellmouth. Although the Tower has never felt the same since her ordeal on Luna, she recognizes it easily nonetheless. At every moment, the freshness of the open air reminds her that she is here, she is on Earth. She has been for some time now.
However, she has never forgotten how to move like a ribbon through the darkness, arcing undetected round predator and prey alike. She doubts that she ever will. Sometimes the habit returns of its own accord, and she’ll find her feet and hands floating weightless as she moves. Joints and muscle and sinew flex in careful concert to absorb every sound before it is made. The lines of lightly tensed limbs spiral seamlessly into the coiled core of her, tethering her in perfect silence. At the same time, she remains ever ready to fight, ready to flee. How often has Eris’ last, Lightless life lay along the knife’s edge of a split-second choice, the divergence between action and stillness, vengeance or survival?
Somehow, the smooth stone of the Tower’s level floors is harder to walk quietly on than the rough winding warrens through Luna’s porous rock. There are no edges to test with the edge of her boot, no uneven surface to ease her soles onto by swift and silent increments. There is only the unsubtle strike of heels on a flat, unforgiving surface. She makes the most of it, as every Hunter here does. Still, it leaves her uneasy. Her feet cannot quite keep to the ground.
Consequently, she often finds herself pacing, wandering from her post in the heart of the Tower whenever she grows restless. Every step falls lighter than the last, chasing silence in a meditation on weightlessness. It does not make her feel any better.
After so long underground, she is unaccustomed to the plenitude of open space here. While she has traced much of the Tower’s perimeters, the negative spaces in the centers of broad rooms and vaulted halls she leaves less frequented. She is too exposed there.
Yet maybe she is less affected by the empty space than the sheer number of souls that so often fill it. After so long so alone, they are simply so many, pressing at her survival-sharpened awareness from every angle. Not to mention she attracts too many of their stares in the crowded plazas. Although detection here is not followed by shrieking howls or the lightning strike of boomers, distrustful eyes still make her hunger for shelter. The choice to endure or to withdraw still needs to be be made. And whether well-meaning or ill-intentioned, a close approach still makes her instinctively recoil.
Eris has scraped out a place for herself here, lingering close enough to share with those who will listen the knowledge she has gained at a terrible price. But it has been made clear enough that she does not belong here anymore, not as she once did. If the condemnation of the Speaker and the only begrudging trust of the Vanguard’s Commander were not enough to tell her that, then the wary regard of most of the Tower’s populace would. So she holds herself back, toward the edges of things. It is difficult to do so at her station so near the Hall of Guardians, the greatest locus of Guardian activity on the planet. She draws herself to her full height and stands there proud, but never takes the ground she stands on for granted. When it becomes too much, like now, she paces.
This time, her pacing has led her to the edge of the Tower where her ship was once tethered. With how wary she has grown of exposed spaces, the open sky above that lays bare every courtyard and balcony should send her seeking cover - and yet, it does not. If anything, its incomprehensibly vast expanse calls to her. Strange.
Eris has traversed the spaces between planets with her own fragile body, with only a ship’s hull to keep the cold from swallowing what remains of her. Yet from Earth’s surface, a few mere miles of atmosphere transforms that emptiness, and its beauty holds her spellbound. It scatters sun into prismatic slices of light. The stars’ unblinking gaze softens into a flutter of eyelashes. No longer can she see the narrow spectrum of colors that humans evolved to discern; it has all faded into endless shades of the same hue. But the contrast of such brightnesses against the dark have become sharper than ever. Indeed, daylight has become a blaze to truly blind her. These stolen eyes of hers were made instead for depths and shadows.
Even so, she often finds herself staring out into the searing sky until her head aches. The sensations make her remember. She is no longer buried beneath stone, lost to this cosmos. She is free now, in some ways.
Eventually, her wanderings bring her back to the shaded refuge beneath the stairs just outside the Hall of Guardians. She is glad for this, too. Her station provides some small respite for her sensitive, ever-weeping eyes. And there she stays, until exhaustion drives her to rest, or else grief or fear or restlessness or her ever-smoldering rage drive her to pacing once again.
It’s true that many other eyes pass by that shadowed alcove of hers. Guardians constantly sweep in and out on either side of her, running and jumping and gliding up and down the stairs with urgent reports and important orders and burning questions for the Vanguard. They are so bright. Few of them spare a glance for her, these days, save for startled new Lights.
There are a few, though, who look upon her not with distrust or fear or begrudging tolerance, but with recognition. Once in a great while, cousin Asher will grace her with his inimitable company. It gladdens her heart, even when he merely stops to exchange research notes or brief insults. He cleaves to his research with a passionate vengeance, as does she. Unlike most, he pays more attention to her knowledge and her current work than her past. With the way he helped care for her in the months after her escape from Luna, she has come to hold him in close confidence.
On occasion, her friend the Guardian, who avenged her fireteam upon the very souls of Crota and Oryx, stops to greet her. Sometimes they bring her news from Luna or Mars. Words are few with that one lately, though. These days, their outgoing ghost is the one who relays whatever tidings they carry. The change leaves a cold shadow over Eris’ heart. Therefore, she values their quiet presence all the more. She fears for them.
Of course, Ikora’s is the kind regard she is subject to most often. Eris has never forgotten that Ikora believed her since the beginning. Most met her genuine warnings of inbound danger from the Hive with distrust, dismissal, or fear. Ikora not only listened, but met her with endless kindness. Even now, as the Warlock Vanguard steps into nearer chamber of the Hall for a brief consultation with Lord Shaxx, she spares a moment and a smile for Eris.
Ikora’s smile has always been warm and real and reassuring, a balm on the fibers of frayed nerves. Among the very few who welcomed Eris back to Earth, that smile was a signal of genuine care and safety that she homed in on immediately. The one directed at Eris now is subtle, a mere quirk of the lips. Yet it hints at the vast depths of passion and compassion below the surface, like a ripple that disappears swiftly on the surface of a deep, deep pool.
Ikora’s outward cool composure that obscures that intensity is not a façade. It is more an ingenius piece of architecture, a mighty aqueduct capable of holding and channelling the endless font of her inner immensities. It is an elegant and functional work of art well-kept and expanded over centuries.
The warmth that must be behind such a small yet genuine smile is palpable; it falls on Eris like the creeping warmth of sunlight, sinking in deep even though it scarcely touches her skin. Even the lower half of her face, where her many layers do not shield her from long-lost Sol, is still sallow and nearly as grayed as the dust of Luna. She hadn’t known at first, with the changes to her vision, not until Asher had told her. He never does shy away from the speaking of truth. In those endless years of darkness, the lack of light and loss of Light took something from Eris, sapped something vital, and left something strange in its place.
Yet Eris can feel the sun again, now. She can walk out into the courtyard at any time of day, find a south-facing wall to lean on, and bask in the radiating warmth like an ectothermic reptile.
Even without leaving the cool shadows of her post, another warmth still reaches her. Ikora offers her one more smile as she goes to return to her own station. Eris stands a little taller under the aegis of her regard, her spine the stem of a sunflower lifting her toward its steady kindness.
Eris takes not a single one of these boons for granted. Each one is a precious gift far beyond what she ever expected to experience again, after her descent into the Hellmouth. Yet none of it can quell her restlessness, for it springs from the same source as her gratefulness. It always comes back to what happened to her on Luna.
Each time she returns to her pacing, the Tower feels a little smaller. The scope of the sky distracts her for a shorter time. Now, even after her sworn vengeance upon the Hive has been fulfilled twice over in double deicide, the path of her vow still pulls her feet forward. She does not know where its shrouded course leads, only that there is still a threat yet to be met along it. More and more, she is certain that she cannot wait here to meet it, or it will be too late.
However, she never expected to leave behind wounds when she leaves. After she departs to sight the next storm on the horizon, she is haunted as often by the surprised hurt that she left in Ikora’s eyes as by the memory of her smile.
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cywscross · 5 years ago
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From @lightveils on Twitter (free to use wherever!). I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. I definitely have enough fics to fill it lol~
A Fic You Love Without Knowing The Source Material:
I was born for this by esama (Assassin’s Creed | Altair x Desmond | M)
Juno did her best to lead him to her preferred fate, but the end is coming and Desmond has doubts.
A Fic With A Premise That Shouldn’t Work But Does:
Proposing To Strangers by moonstalker24 (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | G)
At the end of a strained relationship, crime novelist Stiles chooses to hide from the world inside a bar with far too many motorcycles outside it for comfort. Here he'll meet the man of his dreams, eat food and propose marriage, all within the first five minutes.
Peter doesn't know who this kid is, but he's cute and looks like he could use a break. So he feeds him. He's not expecting a marriage proposal, but with what comes after, he doesn't really mind.
A Fic You’ve Reread Several Times:
Hooverville by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | E)
Town to town, train to train, tent to tent.
By 1932, the dust had begun to blow and the jobs were gone.
Anonymity was a byproduct of looking for work, which made it both necessary and convenient.
Stiles had enough secrets of his own to know to look the other way when he saw something that shouldn’t be possible.
The ghost of a tail giving enough balance to disembark a moving train.
Near silent Latin whispered on the edge of a tent encampment.
A flash of burning eyes.
He had more than enough to worry about without adding the oddities of others, and besides- having unusually sharp teeth certainly didn’t make a man worse than the ones running from the wife and kids they couldn’t feed.
So Stiles kept his observations to himself. He kept his everything to himself.
Until he met a man. One with eyes so blue they seemed to glow- and then they did.
Stiles tried to look away, but for the first time he was stopped.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart. Aren’t you curious?”
A Fic You Still Remember Many Years Later:
All True-Hearted Souls by mardia (Temeraire | Laurence x Granby | G)
“For God's sake, if someone doesn't talk Laurence out of these constant heroics, I wouldn't bet a farthing on his chances; no, and not ours either.” Four times that John Granby helped save William Laurence's life. Laurence/Granby. Spoilers up to Empire of Ivory.
A Comfort Fic:
Nothing Improper by Bunnywest (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | G)
“How long since someone touched you, sweet boy?” Peter asks, his voice barely a breath in Stiles’ ear. “Days? Weeks? Months?” Stiles nods imperceptibly at that last one.
“After…after everything, after Allison,” is all Stiles manages to get out.
A Cathartic Fic:
Swing by ShippersList (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
Stiles wants to fly.
A Fic You’d Print And Put On Your Bookshelf:
Nose to the Wind by Batsutousai (HP | Tom x Harry | M)
While Harry had been content with his second chance, that didn't keep him from thinking what he could have done different, how many people could have survived if he hadn't been set on the very specific path he'd walked. Third time is the charm, though, right?
A Fic You Associate With A Song (x2):
Strange Duet by BelleAmante, thiliart (thilia) (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | M)
The past three years have been a series of shocking, or not so shocking, successes for 2018 Tony award winner and two time Grammy nominee, Stiles Stilinski. You don’t typically find classically trained opera singers singing alternative folk rock to crowds at Coachella. Nor do you find indie singer/songwriters winning best actor awards at the Tony’s for their Broadway debuts. Stilinski has made it his lifetime habit to defy and exceed all expectations.
A Steter fic loosely based on Phantom of the Opera
Full Circle by Nike Femme (FMA | Roy x Ed | T)
Edward Elric returns with amnesia. He has lived the past four years as Auric, a Gatekeeper. But there are some battles that only he can fight. Will his friends be able to awaken Ed, and what happens to Auric if they do?
A Fic That Inspires You:
Off the Line by esama (FFVII | Cloud x Vincent | T)
In which Cloud gets a Virtual Reality Dream Console – ShinRa's latest in virtual reality technology. Aaand everything pretty much goes downhill from there.
A Fic That Brought You On Board A New Ship:
Me and Mine by linndechir (Fast and the Furious | Deckard x Owen | E)
The last time they'd spoken, Deckard had told Owen that he was tired of cleaning up his messes. But the first thing he did after breaking out of prison was to take Owen to the other end of the world so they could lick their wounds and start planning their revenge.
A Fic You Wish Could Be A Movie:
Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning) by westgirl (Hawaii Five-0 | Steve x Danny | T)
It felt wrong for Steve to sound unsure of his place in Danny’s life. His place in Danny’s life was at Danny’s side, driving him slowly insane. Steve should feel secure about that.
A Fic That Led To You Making Friends With The Author:
Begin and End by Rikkamaru (Log Horizon x HP | G)
This is how it begins: a boy rejected by his family, a boy reunited with his brother by his sister-in-law's intervention. A boy who found a family in an online game. But how will it end?
Reverti Ad Praeteritum by Batsutousai (Fullmetal Alchemist | Roy x Edward | M)
Unwillingly forced to serve as a human trial for a crazy alchemist experimenting with time travel, Edward Elric finds himself standing across from Truth in the moment it takes his leg from him. Armed with the knowledge of what's to come and burdened with guilt for the choices he'd made as an adult, Ed sets out to fix every mistake he ever made and save every life they ever lost, no matter what it takes.
A Fic You’ve Gushed About IRL:
Designation: Miracle by umisabaku (Kuroko no Basket | M)
It's been three years since seven human experiments, called "Miracles," escaped Teiko Industries, alerting the world to the presence of super-powered children. Now they're finally integrating into society-- going to normal high schools, playing basketball, falling in love-- and trying to find out if it's possible to truly escape their past.
A Fic You Associate With A Place (have to self-rec for this one):
Safe Harbour by cywscross (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles x Chris | T)
Peter didn't think he'd find a home here. He certainly didn't think he'd find a home with two other men.
Chris and Stiles prove him wrong.
A Fic That Made You Gasp Out Loud (kind of? it was suspenseful):
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | E)
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
A Fic You Found At The Right Time:
slow increments by Areiton (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles)
Peter is enigmatic, egotistical, sometimes barely sane. He's sharp and cutting and takes more time to care for the pack than anyone.And sometimes, John catches him watching Stiles.
A Fic That You Would Read Fic Of:
if you try to break me, you will bleed by Dialux (Game of Thrones | Jon x Sansa | T)
It had been a slash across her chest from a White Walker’s sword that finally ended her life. Sansa’d landed in a puddle of her own blood, and she’d died quickly, quietly.
And then she’d awoken with a gasp, trembling, in a bed that had burned under Theon’s betrayal.
A Fic That Made You Laugh Out Loud:
The Path towards Unwilling Godhood by Sky_King (Bleach | Kisuke x Ichigo | G)
Ichigo has never had the most normal life, and this latest chapter of it is no different.
"I'm not a god!"
A Fic With A Line (Or Two) That You’ve Memorized By Heart:
Atlas by distractedKat (Star Trek | Spock x Jim | T)
Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning.
A Fic That Gave You Butterflies:
The Rest of Our Lives by mia6363 (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
“I don’t know, as a kid I watched a lot of movies, you know? And at first I figured like… I’d be on some great adventure that would take me away from it all, you know? Like Indiana Jones comes around and is all, ‘Hey Stiles, buddy, come with me we’ve got to go save the world.’ Then… you and… everything happened… then I just… I figured I’d die before I was eighteen.”
A Fic That Embodies Something You Value In Life:
The Boy Sleuth by Shey (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
Stiles is eight when he discovers a box of his mom’s old Nancy Drew Mysteries in the back of the guest bedroom closet.
A Favourite AU:
Love What is Behind You by KouriArashi (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | M)
Basically what it says on the label. Hunger Games type fusion. Stiles doing way better than anyone anticipates. Peter finds him intriguing. Ruthless, devious assholes working together to ruin bad guys, as the Steter ship is meant to be.
A Fic You Stayed Up Too Late To Finish Reading:
Of Dwobbits, Dragons and Dwarves by ISeeFire (The Hobbit | Fem!Bilbo x Fili | T)
Bilba has been a slave her entire life. All she knows of the outside world is what she sees from time to time outside the gates of Moria and the stories her mother used to tell her. Stories of a place called the Shire where her mother once lived and a placed called Erebor where, as far as she knows, her father still lives. Stories of dragons a thousand times larger, and more intelligent, than the beasts the orcs rode and of a strange concept called freedom where one was allowed to live as they wished with no one to tell them what they could, or could not do.
The stories meant little to Bilba. The only future she had was to live, and die, as a slave as countless number had before her.
And then the orcs dragged an injured female firedrake through the gates, her rider screaming obscenities behind her as he fought to reach her side...and everything changed.
A Fic That Made You Feel Seen (another self-rec lol):
i am addicted to death (so remind me what it’s like to live) by cywscross (Teen Wolf | Peter x Stiles | T)
Stiles is sixteen years old. He has already died seventy-eight times.
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nyxedcreation · 4 years ago
It’s long but if you want, read my sappy, not completely edited unsent letter to mark and ethan i guess??
It all began with a black and white spiral interrupting three scary games. There was an echo of cult-like chanting and an hourglass with skulls. I was intrigued, pulled in. This strange aesthetic struck a note with me. I immediately dove in to see two videos. One was that same black and white spiral; the other was, well, it was cooking with sex toys. I was confused, and experienced my first Unus Annus induced whiplash, but more than ready to hop on what I knew would be a wild ride. Cliche and classic, but, little did I know how much those two idiots and their project would mean to me.
The year flew by faster than I would have liked. More happened this year than I expected. Through all the apocalyptic shock, there was one stable, consistent thing in my Thanos-snapped life that I found myself leaning on time and again. Their steady, every day chaos was something I think many needed, and soon realized they needed as more and more piled on our shoulders with each passing month. I am eternally grateful for this gift of a temporary thing they gave us. 
Now I cannot say I loyally watched the videos every day, but I did not miss one. I found I liked letting the videos pile up and save them for a rainy day, though I knew that was not a habit I could keep forever. I peacefully played Minecraft while they went on internet scavenger hunts and validated the beauty of every woman (specifically Zak Effron). I slouched or curled up in my bed after a long day at work, giggling at their antics during collaborations and pulling things I should definitely not try at home. They brought a small, immeasurable joy in my life, which I held like one would hold a handful of fresh stardust. The warmth and humor they gave nestled itself in my veins and helped me power through so many changes that have created a whole new person I can proudly call myself. 
I moved thousands of miles from my family and friends and began working my first real job. I am building myself up and working towards becoming a functional human being for once in my life. I feel myself changing and growing every day, and they have been there every step of the way-- guiding me in some, strange way.
I feel this project has inspired me in more ways than I could have possibly imagined. With each memeable, perfectly chaotic video, I learned time is precious, mortality is a gift from whatever one may believe in, and every opportunity should be taken with hungry hands and a hungrier heart.
I am excited for the future for once in my life, excited to see what I can accomplish with this new, taught mindset; excited to unleash this burning hunger and pour myself into everything precious to me. I have my own projects all lined up, waiting for me to give them color. I have a whole new internet personality to discover and support and watch grow; there is an endless hallway filled with doors of opportunity for me to open. These new things are all blooming and thriving from the decay of a digital channel. Such are cycles and life.
The day the livestream aired, I was met with jumbled nerves and a racing heartbeat. I trembled and worked faster than I ever had so I could leave earlier than everyone else (though I’m not sure if my boss was too happy). I was able to slide into bed with a light meal seconds before it started. I sat through all twelve hours, determined to see this through to the end and feel that sense of completion. I knew I would never feel complete if I missed a second. The rollercoaster of emotions were thrilling, I knew they would make for great inspiration in my writing. I laughed, cried, reflected, reminisced. I thought back to what I felt in the beginning and how my attachment grew so strong it hurt. 
As the clock sped down toward inevitable doom, I passed my parting words in silent, choked back sobs and clammy, trembling fingers holding my arms in a self-embrace. The clock passed into the final minute and I leaned forward, shaking my head, a silent no on my lips, betraying my composed nature. 10 seconds, and my mind flashed back into speeding film reels of Ethan and Mark doing goat yoga, shooting archery, shooting each other with paintball guns, using neti pots, creating disgusting food and drink combos, making holy and unholy water, playing nutball, attempting to paint, pasting the face of Benjamin Franklin on a ketchup bottle, hydro dipping a baby, bobbing for chunks of tuna, running from bears, hunting HeeHoo, holding one another and saying how much they loved each other. 5 seconds and my body dropped into ice, my stomach curled into itself, my eyes widened with tears and before I could whisper goodbye, the screen violently thrust me into darkness. 
I have never heard such deafening silence.
My goodbye still stuck in my throat, I slowly closed my laptop and pretended I was fine. I lapsed back into my usual coping of pretending I’m okay when I am very much not okay. The perfect cocktail of absolute elation and bone breaking sorrow has made my heartstrings refrain from playing their usual tune. All is still inside me, though the world rushes by. I know I am in mourning, and I know it will last a while.
Every time I will blink or let my mind drift, I will be met with wave after wave of memories, dripping in that golden chaos they created. I know out of habit I will look for their channel notifications, only to be met with nothing, only to remember their channel died. I know I will ask where they went when I forget that 12 is no longer marked by their uploads. It will be a journey, trying to forget Unus and Annus no longer exist in this material world. Their ghosts will haunt me for months, shadowing my every move. They will lurk in corners, watch me from afar, making sure I truly learned what they taught. They will whisper incessantly, reminding me death is inevitable and the clock is always ticking; they will chant and make mantras of nihilism until one day, their whispering will cease, and I will have lost them all over again.
Thank you, Mark and Ethan. You will never know my name, and you will never know how much your channel together changed me. The silly videos you made helped me more than I will admit out loud, and I can hardly wait for what the future holds for the two of you. I am now learning to hold hope and excitement in my own future. I am taking initiative in my life and seeing everything I take control of for myself pay off. I can only hope my future is as bright as yours. Thank you, again; the impact you have is so great and so positive. You will make history. I look forward to the end and what lies beyond. See you on the other side.
Memento Mori.
Unus Annus.
tl/dr: :( but also :)
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