#straight up sob
it's gonna be so over for me once i finally get to see wicked life
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tanblaque · 2 years
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
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oh. definitely the best man.
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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seraphicghost · 1 year
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as promised, Midnight x Inko B)  happy pride
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nikscribbles · 2 years
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Just over here.. chopping onions about the Best Business Friends Forever
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birdy-babe · 4 months
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“All you Royals do is try to talk over us”
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“You Royal fucks think you can do this every time”
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I adore that Nintendo went, "hey, this song from Wind Waker? The Molgera theme? What if we took that and made it serve more cunt than it already did."
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stump-not-found · 22 days
bro i legit can't work anymore . i'm too busy giggling & kicking my legs that not only is bill cipher angst possible, it's textual
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lovesickeros · 8 months
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☆ decadence divine [ act I ]
{☆} characters arlecchino, neuvillette, furina {☆} notes yandere, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings yandere content, stalking (implied), kidnapping (implied) {☆} word count 2.3k
Arlecchino was wont to leave social gatherings to her subordinates– the private meetings were where she thrived. It was so much easier to lure your prey into a trap when you didn't have prying eyes and ears waiting for the barest hint of blackmail.
She clicked her tongue in distaste, her eyes narrowing beneath the mask of the fox as she set down her cup sharply. It was difficult as it was to draw them from the safety of their bubble– at the slightest hint of danger, her quarry would run. A chase would be fun, but she couldn't risk getting caught here. The political nightmare it would cause..it already gave her a headache. She had to be discreet.
They weren't making it easy, however.
Which is why she never liked crowds. But this chance didn't come by every day. She wasn't going to simply let it pass by because of a little danger. She'd have them eventually, it was just a matter of how. There were already numerous of her own lingering in the crowds, hidden beneath the masks that every patron bore. It was difficult to stand out amongst the flurry of masked patrons constantly shifting around the room, moving from one conversation to another, gliding from one dance partner to another.
Her heeled boots clicked sharply against the tile as she stalked through the crowds, keeping a wide berth yet always lingering nearby– she was sure they could feel the vague sense of being watched, but with the huge crowds..her lips quirked into a grin with the barest flash of teeth. There were a great many ways to break them in– she'd spent a great amount of time and mora to get anything she could for blackmail, if she so wished. She had the backing of the Fatui as well if she played her cards right– it wouldn't be difficult to convince them that they were a valuable target, and none of them would dare to question just what she did with them afterwards.
Perhaps a bit of play, first. Test the waters. She was familiar with playing the polite gentleman, despite her status as a Fatui Harbinger. Stage something for her to intervene, perhaps, to look the hero. The look of shock when she revealed the wolf beneath the wool..she could see it already. That wide, doe-eyed look as they realized the monster they've followed blindly like a lost lamb..she was beginning to see the appeal.
All it took was a few hushed words and subtle signals before the tiles started to fall in place, her hand gliding along their lower back as she leaned over their shoulder with a thin, predatory smile. She'd have to organize for the agent to be released later, her eyes following as the Gardes dragged him out of the room in a flurry of curses, but for now..she tilted her head to peer down at them, polite and almost apologetic.
"You aren't too startled, are you? Now now, there's no need to look so..scared, poor thing. I won't let another lay a hand on you," She cooed in a sickly sweet tone, the husky rasp of her voice whispered in their ear like dripping honey. "You have my word. Now, why don't we get you some fresh air? Come. Allow me to escort you."
Her lips pulled into a jagged grin at the relief in their eyes– the blind lamb following the shepherd as it led them into it's maw. Just a little longer, and she could finally have her own caged bird– a pretty thing to admire, to protect, to possess.
Something no one else would ever touch again. Something hers.
Neuvillette was not one for parties. The intricacies and delicate handling of public relations he oft left in the capable hands of Furina, rather then himself. It was only at her behest he even attended at all, but he still felt rather..out of place amongst the bodies constantly shifting through the ballroom like a constant rush of water from one end to the other, no rhyme nor reason to the flow. The only thing that kept him afloat among the tides was the mask of the deer obscuring his face– even if it was exceedingly difficult to truly hide himself among the crowds, most passed over him without second thought.
Though he had to be honest with himself, even if he couldn't bring himself to admit it to Furina despite her insistence that his attendance was mandatory. He had his own reasons for coming– selfishness that left a sour taste in his mouth. It was purely by chance he'd seen the briefest glimpse of them prior, and he..was intrigued, that was all.
He refused to let his thoughts linger on the sleepless nights he spent prying every piece of information he could from loose tongues and obscure documents, every moment he managed to squeeze in between trials spent lingering in their most favored locations– cafes, stores, restaurants, the like.
Now a masquerade.
He tried not to let the guilt gnaw at his conscious, but it lingered like an age old scar that still ached.
So he relegated himself to simply residing in the further corner, nursing a goblet of water like a fine wine, trying not to let his eyes stray to the brief glimpses of them through the ever moving bodies filling the center of the room, dancing like puppets in music boxes.
Still, his hand twitched in an instinctual desire– a need to clasp his hand in their own, to touch his lips upon their knuckles, to indulge in a moment of reprieve and unshackle himself from the mantle that bears heavy upon his shoulders. He seeks reverence, worship, but not of himself– but towards the one who had drawn the eye of the dragon amongst the waves of humans he'd seen come and go for a great many years.
No one could compare, he is certain. None have left him as breathless, as hopelessly infatuated, as the one who made him wish only to kneel at their feet in senseless reverence until he could no longer speak. A hopeless man, indeed, if he has never even truly met them.
Instead he's spent his time prying into their life from the shadows. Caution, or simple cowardice?
He dares not ponder.
Yet in his ceaseless pondering he'd blocked out the world without, failing to notice the figure stepping up beside him until their hand brushed against his elbow– just the briefest touch, but it had his pupils narrowing and his entire body tensing like a coiled spring. That touch..bliss. It left him breathless and lightheaded as he tilted his head to regard them, his lips parting in a shaky sigh. They are as beautiful as he remembers– even with their face obscured beneath the mask, he would never forget them.
"Greetings, Monsieur– I hope I didn't frighten you too much." Their laugh made him feel rather faint, just the sound of their voice making his hand tighten around his cane. "..Not at all. I was simply lost in thought." He admitted apologetically, trying to reign in the urge to cup their face between his palms. A dangerous thought. He didn't want to scare them off when they'd provided him a priceless opportunity.
"My apologies, you must have needed something. It was rude of me to have been so absorbed in my thoughts to have ignored you." He continued, gently turning to set his goblet down– offer them his full attention, be a gentleman. The words rang in his skull like a ceaseless alarm, blaring and rattling his thoughts as he gently took their hand in his own. It was a split second decision– an indulgence, but he could simply not help himself. Even with his gloves between them, he felt like he was going to lose his composure just from such a brief touch..
He truly was a hopeless man before an altar, praying for a salvation he intends to bury deep beneath the waves– to keep it hidden in the darkness of the depths that only he can reach. A selfish man, he must be, to even think of it, but it is an itch that he cannot scratch. A need that must be satisfied. He cannot allow any hands but his own to tend to them, to know what it feels to touch them, to hear their voice and see their eyes as he prays– prays like a man starved, devotion born of desperation.
"I hope I did not make you wait too long." He smiles, soft and affectionate, like the bloom of spring beneath the winters chill– yet just as deadly, only masked by the sweet fragrance of flowers.
He had waited too long.
No longer.
Furina was right at home amongst the crowds– where the masks obscured the identities of most, it was impossible to not recognize the charming banter of the Hydro Archon beneath the mask of the lamb as she graced the masquerade with her presence, speaking with a silver tongue to any who would listen. A truly enthralled audience fitting for the grandest of performers in Fontaine.
But her eyes lingered not on the people who's praise dripped from their lips like honey– yet so very bitter upon her tongue. Even the mask obscuring her expression did little to hide the longing that had her visibly deflating like a popped balloon. She hated all the eyes on her, really– it was suffocating. She was only putting on a show in the foolish hope that they'd finally pay attention to her. Just her luck, she supposes, that instead she's had to throw herself straight into the role of Archon without a pay off..
They hadn't even spared her a glance! It would be infuriating if not for the fact she couldn't even keep her composure just seeing them across the room. They didn't even have to look at her and she could feel the heat rush to her ears as she forced another smile at the crowd gathered around her. It was unfair how easily they could fluster her without even knowing it– her heart was thumping so hard against her ribcage she felt like it might burst.
Her only solace was the fact none of the patrons seemed to realize she'd clocked out of the conversation, her thoughts and eyes lingering on the distant figure– what a lovestruck fool she makes..it was a chance encounter she'd seen them during one of her outings. That was all it took to enthrall her, evidentially, try as she might to have ignore it for months.
They never left her mind for longer then a day, in the end, and she had to face the fact they had managed to enrapture her so deeply she felt like a newborn lamb learning to walk whenever she so much as thought of them. What an embarrassment! She..she was the Archon, she had a reputation to maintain, she couldn't be seen fawning over a human.
But oh, she still longed for it, beneath the veneer of a God. She'd watched them more times then she'd admit even to herself, wishing to find herself in place of those who'd hands were cradled so casually in their own– to hear their voice, their laughter, as often as she pleased..like a fine delicacy she so badly wished to taste, yet so far from her reach.
Would they think her pathetic for her infatuation? She pursed her lips at the thought, trying to bury the sour mood beneath her faux image of the Archon. Yet it lingered, and with only the quietest of excuses, she slipped into the crowd like a ghost– she needed to leave before she did something..stupid. Neuvillette would surely have a few choice words with her if she did, and she was inclined to avoid such a fate.
She..she just needed a moment to collect herself was all. That was it. She could go back to playing Archon for a little longer, she just needed a moment to herself. At the very least, the balcony had been regarded as off limits so late into the party– which gave her an opportunity to slip out of the public view for the briefest of moments. A welcome reprieve– she was starting to feel suffocated amongst the crowds.
Perhaps on instinct, she reached for the mask, lifting ever so slightly away..only to let out a startled yelp at the touch of a hand on her shoulder, the mask slipping back into place far too easily. It made her lightheaded, even now, but she dared not to dwell on it.
But when she turned sharply on her heel to chew out the person who'd followed her and had the gall to scare her..oh, she was done for, her ears flush with heat. The brief glimpse of their eyes beneath the mask, the curl of their lips as they smiled– her heart stuttered in her chest, and she was certain it had stopped all together when they clasped her hand.
"Y–you.." She wanted to be angry, to brush them off and leave with her rationality in tact, but the warmth of their hands on her skin rendered her speechless. She was no better then a fish on land, struggling to fill her lungs with air as she drew in a shaky breath. "Ahem, you caught me off guard. That's all. Surely you do not make it a habit to sneak up on people?" She huffed in indignation, trying to mask the fluster that threatened to break through her carefully crafted facade.
Ah, what a cruel twist of fate..she'd slipped away to escape their allure, but here they were, dragging her back into their orbit without even knowing how deep her infatuation ran. They were alone, too..it was a chance she wasn't sure she'd ever get again.
Maybe, just this once, she could do something for herself rather then everyone else.
She buried her guilt, the fear– buried it beneath the need to be seen.
"But if you want to make it up to me.."
#genshin impact#genshin impact yandere#genshin yandere#neuvillette x reader#yandere neuvillette#yandere neuvillette x reader#arlecchino x reader#yandere arlecchino#yandere arlecchino x reader#furina x reader#yandere furina#yandere furina x reader#fic tag#pats neuvillette this noodle dragon can be so pathetic#aiming for pathetic desperate and slightly guilty. it gnaws at him knowing he's keeping you like a bird in a cage#esp if you react extremely negatively hes like a kicked puppy#not outwardly but internally hes a MESS. sobbing crying wailing#furina and neuvi sopping wet kittens u found in a cardboard box in an alley#vs arle thinking abt all the crimes shes going 2 commit in the process w/o an ounce of guilt. blackmail? check. kidnapping? check.#a little murder for flavor. as u can see im coping horribly w being practically snowed in rn i need 2 be put down#its like 4 degrees out rn (fahrenheit) and getting colder ueueueue i am dying..........#only thing keeping me going is my furinameow plushie coming. eventually. staying strong just for her.................#also needs 2 be mentioned all the stories r separate ksjfkhdsf#no not everyone in fontaine is yan and trying 2 kidnap sorry for getting ur hopes up..#yet#anyway u cant convince me arle isn't bribing (or just straight up forcing) her agents into doing stupid shit so she can “save” you#and make you owe her#two silly goofy little creatures vs the personification of gaslight gatekeep girlboss (heavy on the gaslight)#also split this up in 3 parts bc. lol. lmao. im not writing 9 characters at once goodbye#also all the masks do actually have significance i have an entire essay on why i gave each animal to specific characters okay
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hellishfig · 7 months
just finished www #23: on your way, and i have many thoughts. all of them make me want to cry.
ame knowing as soon as she got back to the cottage that her actions had burned a bridge, not just with the citadel but with one of her best friends, and yet still needing to complete her tasks as the witch of the world's heart. the spirits she awakens so as not to leave the cottage untended or unprotected, and the way she asks and does not take. the note she leaves, should her friends make it there.
eursulon in the fire, followed by the man in black, who is a brother in the way all spirits are brethren, but not the sibling eursulon seeks. leaving through the burrow, fighting monstrosities, and seeing the citadel raze cities to ruin beside a jungle of rot. finding the tree. his tree. the tree that is emblazoned on his shield, his coat of arms, what he fights to protect. and inside... his sister. a family she made for herself.
and suvi. hurt but still afraid that ame will die if she stays. determined to not let that happen. conversations with steel where she says that another wizard said that the wizard sly lied, or did not tell the full truth. commiseration, but suvi holds back the full truth, and suspects steel of doing the same. an airship to fly north. to protect ame, yes. but the mage armor mean that no creature or spirit or witch will ever be able to touch her again. broken trust, if not broken love.
and through it all, the thread that the citadel represents a threat to the world's heart itself, and to all spirits beyond. the council of elders wishes to neutralize that threat. grandmother wren did not.
questions moving forward: what is the true purpose of the war on gaothmai being waged by the empire? why does kalaya's family look like suvi? is suvi going to have a villain arc? i have my theories, but i'll get into those in other posts.
thank you to the worlds beyond number cast and crew for giving us this incredible story. i'm so excited to see where you take us next.
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laxmiree · 7 days
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien - Fragment Date - English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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[Warning]: The content of this date is pretty explicit and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
He traces a trail of delicate nibbles along my neck, kissing the path where life itself flows.
I feel those affectionate yet slightly demanding marks being etched again and again. For some reason, I find myself speaking without thinking.
"Bite me, Lucien."
Translation under the cut!
[T/N: This date references some dates in the past; like his Prison Date, Monochrome Scenery Exclusive Past and its Event Story,  “Lab Koi” call, his Last year’s Birthday Story, and The Sea No Longer Distant MQ. Since this date has a lot of callback, I think it’d be better if you read those dates, events, and phone calls first if you haven’t :>; or at least the MQ and birthday story one because this date is also some kind of extension to those]
[Subbed Video]
[Transcript Ver]
=[Part 1]=
I wake up to the faint whirring of the fan and the subtle scent of a fruity fragrance lingering in the air. I turn over in bed, slowly blinking my eyes open.
The brilliant sunlight filters through the lace curtains, casting iridescent patches of light that dance playfully across Lucien's body.
He sits in a rattan chair by the window, flipping through a book in his hand. An exquisite purple clay tea set rests on a side table nearby.
For a fleeting, dreamlike moment, I feel like I've traveled back to the 1970s.
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As if sensing my gaze, Lucien turns his head, and a hint of a smile appears in his eyes as he looks at me.
Lucien: It seems a certain lady hasn't adjusted to the time difference yet.
Lucien: It is now noon in U.S. time.
My foggy brain finally starts to turn sluggishly. I leave the bed, drag a chair over to sit beside him and yawn again.
MC: It can't be helped. It's already the wee hours in Loveland City.
Lucien: [teasingly] Oh? But as I recall, a certain night owl sometimes doesn't go to bed obediently even at those hours.
MC: [pouts] ....Hmph, you're one to talk, Mr. I-Don't-Need-Sleep!*
[T/N: MC actually calls him 进化了睡眠的人 here, which literally means “evolved sleep people”, it might be referring to him seemingly have evolved beyond the need of sleep😂]
Lucien: I've been quite well-behaved lately, haven't I? And when it comes to sleep duration, well, let's just say you're the ‘expert’.
Lucien blinks at me innocently, and I quickly take a sip of the tea he offers, hoping he won’t delve deeper into this topic.
A sweet and sour sensation blooms in my mouth. Perhaps there are other unknown herbs added, as I also detect a hint of honeyed sweetness.
=Flashback start=
Ten hours ago, in the dim and quiet cabin, the only sound was the occasional soft tapping of a keyboard from the seat next to me.
I lifted a corner of my eye mask and leaned closer.
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MC: It's time for sleep, Professor Lucien. Didn't you say the seminar doesn't start until next week? We arrived three days early.
Lucien: That's true, but I don't plan to use this time for conference preparations.
Lucien: After all, a certain classmate expressed a desire to take this opportunity to visit my lab from my master's and Ph.D. days. I want to dedicate my time fully to you without any interruptions from other matters.
Beyond his words, I sensed other emotions in his earnest tone.
MC: [curiously] Is our Professor Lucien nervous because I'm going to visit the places where you once studied and lived?
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Lucien: Yes.
He admitted it frankly, his eyes lit up as he looked at me.
Lucien: That place is very important to me.
Lucien: This feeling is like... inviting you to step into a chapter of my past.
Lucien: It should be a proper occasion, something worth your anticipation.
=Flashback end=
As I step out the door, a wave of heat washes over me. Thankfully, the house is nestled among the trees, providing some relief from the sweltering heat.
Lucien leads me down the stone steps, deeper into the verdant greenery. The lively apple trees grow abundantly, and even the breeze seems to carry a sweet fragrance.
The bed-and-breakfast he booked is located within Carver Estate Farm, not far from the lab. Since it's still early, we decided to take a stroll in the farm's orchard first.
MC: Now I finally feel like I'm truly on an American farm—
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Lucien: The furniture and decor in that room can indeed be a bit misleading.
Lucien: That said, the radio and clock in the living room are just decorative pieces, and the stainless steel kettle in the kitchen is also fixed to the table.
Lucien: As for the fan and the TV, including the sewing machine, they actually work and can somewhat be considered "antiques.”
MC: When did you…
Lucien: [chuckles] The wait while you're asleep feels endless*, so I have to keep myself busy.
[T/N: Lucien uses the word "难熬" (literally means hard to bear) to describe his feelings while waiting for MC to wake up. Rather than feeling annoyed, the original sentence conveys a sense of longing and impatience, emphasizing how much he misses her so the wait feels unbearable]
Seeing him speak so seriously, I can't help but give his palm a gentle pinch.
Lucien: To be honest, I was a bit curious. I didn't expect the owner to maintain this style, or rather, deliberately preserve it.
MC: Have you been here before?
Lucien: Mm, Dr. Lawson brought the entire lab here before.
[T/N: Dr. Lawson was Lucien's mentor during his Master's and PhD years, in those years Lucien also had some seniors like Colt, Caroline, and Elliot. You can read more in Monochrome Scenery Exclusive Past. It can be said that the time during his Master’s and PhD years was the 'happiest' for him, after he abandoned his name and before he met MC. This young boy discovers that he’s not the only genius in this world. Surprisingly, this isn’t a bad thing; because being considered a genius had previously isolated him from his peers, but being surrounded by other geniuses provides him with a taste of mundane life… although he can’t fully taste it due to Black Swan’s pressure :"]
=[Part 2]=
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Lucien: I remember it was autumn. We had just finished a phase of our experiment.
Lucien: The process of this experiment was very prolonged, and almost everyone expended a lot of effort. Fortunately, the results exceeded expectations.
Lucien: As a celebration, or perhaps simply out of a need for a break, Dr. Lawson suggested an outing after the experiment concluded.
MC: Sounds like a team-building activity?
Lucien: [chuckles] You could say that.
Lucien smiles lightly.
Lucien: At first, we all thought it would just be a matter of finding a nice restaurant, having a meal and chatting, or going to the theater to watch a performance.
Lucien: It wasn't until everyone received an email from Dr. Lawson that we realized we had been granted a mandatory five-day vacation. And the destination was this very farm estate.
MC: Pfft, Dr. Lawson is quite ceremonious about giving everyone a day off~ So, did everyone just obediently accept the arrangement?
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I notice Lucien pausing, lost in thought, which is unusual for him. Then, a smile spreads on his lips.
Lucien: [chuckles] Not exactly.
Lucien: Eventually, everyone practically treated this place as a lab annex, almost bringing in equipment. Fortunately, the farm owner was an old friend of Dr. Lawson's, so we weren't kicked out.
MC: Hahaha, I knew it!
As we walk deeper into the apple orchard, the intertwined branches and leaves block out the sunlight, creating a vast expanse of shade. Vibrant red apples dot the lush greenery, looking especially tempting.
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Lucien: The farm owner is an elderly Chinese gentleman. It's said that he and his wife came here to live when they were young, and this apple orchard was also planted by them with their own hands.
MC: No wonder. I think I suddenly understand why the house's decor feels so nostalgic.
Lucien: Perhaps it's precisely because they've been away for so long that they need tangible things to solidify those memories.
The swaying shadows of the trees dance in his deep eyes, and even though he's talking about someone else, I feel like I'm hearing unspoken words meant for himself.
So I rise on my tiptoes and cup his face, turning it towards me.
MC: So today, little Lucien is revisiting his old stomping grounds~ And as such an accomplished young professor, no less!
MC: This memory is very precious, and it's important to solidify it well.
Lucien: Is that so?
His voice is soft as he lowers his eyelashes and gazes into my eyes.
I feel like my entire being is almost seen through by him. He doesn't say a word, just keeps looking at me.
MC: Why are you staring at me?
Lucien: [chuckles] I'm solidifying this memory.
MC: Um?
Lucien: Because I'm not just here by myself.
Lucien: Today, I'm revisiting this place with my girlfriend. I want to look closely, carefully, and remember your appearance clearly.
I can't help but laugh, my fingertips brushing against his earlobe.
MC: Then how about remembering a bit more~ What else did little Lucien do here?
Lucien: I ate the apples.
MC: ....That doesn't count!
Lucien: Of course it counts. To be precise, it was an apple feast, with apple pie, apple muffins, apple salad, apple stew…
MC: Stop...! You're making me dizzy just looking at these apple trees now.
MC: I feel like they're saying to me, "I'm apple pie, I'm apple muffin…”
I dramatically shake my head and point to the huge fruits hanging above us.
Lucien seems amused by my actions. Seizing the moment, he smoothly takes my hand and plucks the apple hanging closest to us.
Lucien: [chuckles] Then let's eat them all, one by one.
He finishes speaking and even "conjures" a thin blanket from his bag, spreading it on the ground. He pulls me, who is still processing the moment, to sit under the tree.
His seamless actions leave me completely unable to keep up with him, and my questions come out in a jumble.
MC: C- Can we just pick the apples here? And sit down like this? And this blanket…
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Lucien: I told you waiting for you to wake up feels endless, and I wasn't lying.
He looks as if he knows I can't do anything about him, and his tone, though seemingly aggrieved, is full of triumph.
We sit side-by-side under the tree, falling into a brief silence. The wind gently blows, as if not wanting to disturb this tranquility.
Lucien & MC: What are you thinking about?
Suddenly, we speak at the same time, and the unexpected coincidence makes us look at each other and laugh.
MC: You go first~
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Lucien: I was wondering if an apple might fall on my head.
He says it so seriously that I find it rather cute. On a whim, I get up, pluck an apple, and then gently tap him on the head.
MC: Knock knock…
Lucien seems surprised by my action, the light in his pupils flickers.
Lucien: [gently] What about you?
MC: Me…
I smile sheepishly.
MC: I thought of a fairy tale, Prince... Snow White.
Lucien: But that's not how I remember the story?
MC: Because… this is a story I imagined!
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Lucien nods thoughtfully, not minding my nonsense at all, but instead curving his eyes in a good mood.
Lucien: Then in your story, who are you?
This question stumps me for a moment, and I pause to think seriously before answering.
MC: I'm the magic mirror.
Lucien: Because the magic mirror knows everything?
MC: [smiles softly] Not really, it's because the magic mirror only looks at...the prince.
MC: And if I were the magic mirror, I wouldn't need you to ask, I'd tell you that—
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MC: Lucien is the most handsome, the most intelligent, the most amazing, and the person I love the most in this entire world.
My voice is not loud, yet it feels like the entire orchard of apples has heard it. Their already gorgeous red blushing even deeper, making their vibrancy impossible to conceal.
My clamorous heart seems to be thoroughly exposed by the sun, allowing me to distinctly feel its beating and clearly see the smile filling Lucien's eyes.
He lowers his head, takes a bite of the apple in his hand, and lies down without hesitation.
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Our hands, which have been holding each other all along, pull me slightly forward because of his sudden movement.
MC: …!
Lucien lies lazily on the plush blanket, each strand of hair scattering softly, as if quietly outlining his innermost feeling at this moment.
His already loose shirt falls open completely, revealing a patch of skin.
He gently blinks and the corners of his lips slightly curl up.
Under the scorching heat, the apples hanging from the branches exude an even more enticing fragrance.
The wind gathers from afar, wave after wave, sweeping through the villa, the woods, and each apple tree, carrying an increasingly rich scent toward us.
His fingertip traces mine, gently caressing the sensitive skin between my thumb and index finger.
It's like some kind of seduction.
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Lucien: [whispers hoarsely] Miss Magic Mirror, I've been poisoned.
His voice is soft as if melting into the sunlight, yet it possesses a bewitching power that makes one willingly lean closer to him.
Lucien: You can kiss me now.
[T/N: Prince Snow White and Miss Magic Mirror… it’s a reference to his second Halloween date; Prison Date! Also, I love the way it seamlessly fits in the theme of ‘lover is like a mirror’ from last year's kiss SP; Blooming Amidst Turbulent Desires MQ... perhaps by seeing your lover's eyes you can see the real and complete you :”. And unique to Lucien, it could be that only through seeing his reflection in her eyes can he perceive the colorful version of himself]
=[Part 3]= 
After buying some apple cookies at the farm store and making a reservation for apple cider making tomorrow, we drive to Dr. Lawson's lab.
The asphalt road under the shade of the trees glistens in the summer light. In the distance, sailboats glide on the river and people cycle along the riverbank.
Perhaps it's due to the fluttering anticipation in my heart, but the half-hour drive feels like it's over in the blink of an eye.
Lucien: Dr. Lawson is giving a lecture in London this week, and the current head of the lab is my senior, Colt. After graduation, he stayed on to continue the research.
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Lucien: But he happens to be leading a group of students in an academic exchange with another lab today…
Lucien pauses for a moment, moves the gift bag he just placed on the desk to the side, and takes a sticky note off the computer screen.
Lucien: [quietly reading the sticky note] …..
He waves the sticky note at me, and I can clearly see the lively handwriting on it: "Enjoy: )".
Lucien: It seems like no one will be back today. In that case, let's graciously accept this invitation to enjoy ourselves.*
[T/N: "恭敬不如从命" means “it's more respectful to follow a request than to decline it out of politeness.” In this case, rather than refusing Colt's invitation, they graciously accept and agree to enjoy the day as requested]
The white walls make the spacious corridor even brighter. Along the way, the walls of classrooms and laboratories are adorned with various awards and patent certificates.
It seems that just by passing through, one can feel countless figures with unceasing footsteps, moving forward persistently and rationally, knocking on one unknown door after another.
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Lucien: The desk by the window was the place I most often sat in the lab. Because I always sat there, it eventually became my ‘workstation’.
Lucien: Even if I arrived late, everyone would save this seat for me;
Lucien: [chuckles] But I don't really have a fixed seat in the library. I've never known if those people who are already looking up information early in the morning are actually early risers or if they just never went to bed;
Lucien: Occasionally, when the weather was nice, professors would take us out to the lawn for class;
Lucien: This vending machine used to swallow coins. I wonder if it's been fixed…
Lucien leads me through the corridor, past the small garden, into classrooms, laboratories, and the library…
Perhaps even he himself hasn't realized it, but returning here has made him happy.
It's in the little things he doesn't even realize he's doing: the way his steps quicken without him noticing, the instinctive caress of his fingertips against my palm, the soft murmurs he makes when he notices something different from his memories.
And even the hint of joy as he reveals those past memories with me.
He leads me by the hand through every nook and cranny of this place, making me feel as if I'm walking through his youth.
Finally, we arrive at the dormitory building. 
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Lucien: Generally, everyone lives here. They're mostly single rooms, so you have a lot of privacy.
MC: I remember you mentioned it before, so is this the common lounge area?
In this not-so-large space in front of us, several sofas and coffee tables are neatly arranged, and the bar counter displays simple everyday items.
Lucien: Mm, usually everyone relaxes here while waiting for experiment results. Occasionally, we also play a round of NOU.
MC: Pfft, I didn't expect this kind of leisure activity.
Lucien: [chuckles] To be precise, it's a traditional activity.
Sensing an interesting topic, I quickly shake his hand and press for more details.
MC: What else? What other things do you do?
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Lucien thinks for a moment, then suddenly smiles.
Lucien: There's actually one interesting thing.
Lucien: In the past, before important experimental results were concluded, everyone would tacitly let a certain colleague touch the experiment machine a few more times, and then pray to it.
Lucien: And often, the results wouldn't be too bad, and there was a high probability of exceeding expectations.
MC: Hahaha, so he's the ‘lab koi’ you were talking about!
[T/N: It’s a reference to the  “Lab Koi” call from last year!]
Lucien nods, the warm white light tracing the contours of his face, making his features appear even softer.
I can hear the nostalgia in his voice that he unintentionally revealed, and I know that he might be thinking about a lot of things at this moment.
I'm reluctant to break this brief silence*, my gaze subconsciously drifting towards this lounge, as if I could catch a glimpse of the genius boy who had once been here.
[T/N: The phrase "不舍得" (bù shě de) expresses a reluctance or unwillingness to part with something precious or cherished. While the English translation "reluctant" conveys the general idea, it might not fully capture the way MC cherishes this rare moment of Lucien being so nostalgic that she's reluctant to break🤧]
Suddenly, my attention is drawn to the wall next to the bar counter.
It's a small display wall. Besides showcasing some achievement certificates of past researchers, there's also a handwritten message board and some photos.
It turns out there will always be someone who earnestly preserves and longs for the past, with all its time and traces.
I quickly find a familiar figure among them.
It's a slightly blurry photo, almost as if it were a frame grabbed from a video.
The boy surrounded by the crowds slightly widened his eyes, a bouquet of flowers was thrust into his arms as he let the others boisterously tease and laugh around him.
Lucien: [chuckles, his voice exclaims a little in surprise] ...So, I really was quite surprised back then.
Lucien quietly walks up behind me at some point, his gaze intently fixed on this photo.
The world is truly a wondrous place. It appears to operate according to established principles, yet it often defies logic.
Those emotions that he never understood in the past are now brought before him in some fateful way, regaining their meaning and significance.
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Lucien gazes at the girl beside him, observing her happiness and surprise, witnessing all the beautiful emotions that have blossomed because of him.
But she has no idea that her existence has allowed him to see how beautiful the world is.
Lucien's gaze slowly returned to the photo.
Countless colorful ribbons flutter in the air, shimmering and sparkling. The colors, engraved with blessings and well-wishes, seem to transcend time, flowing into his eyes in this very moment.
He speaks softly.
Lucien: It turns out that day was actually so lively.
The last scene is about his Last year’s Birthday Story! He graduated with his PhD on his birthday. This graduation was celebrated by his seniors and professor. At that time, everything was monochrome in his eyes. However, visiting the place with MC and seeing his graduation photo with her brings color to a memory that was once only in black and white. He now realizes how lively and vibrant that day truly was.
=[Part 4]=
MC: Are you saying that Senior Brother Colt and Senior Sister Caroline being together was something specifically emailed to you?
Lucien gives a helpless smile.
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Lucien: Their reasoning was that I'd receive the information faster by email, and it turns out they were absolutely right.
MC: Hahaha!
We walk back, laughing and chatting. Along the way, I listen to Lucien share stories from his past that he seldom opens up about, about the later developments of his companions, and their current situations.
Some things he tells me without much recollection, while others he needs to think about for a moment. But it seems that the process of remembering makes him a bit happier.
One intersection away from the farm, we pass by a market and stop to buy some food.
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Lucien: I'll take the things to the car first, wait for me here.
MC: Okay~ I'll be right here at the market.
While waiting for Lucien to get the car, I notice a stall at the market.
A silver-haired grandma is engrossed in weaving bracelets, her stall filled with dazzling beaded ornaments that shimmer under the soft glow of the glass lamps.
Suddenly, an idea strikes me, and I walk towards the stall.
MC: Ah, it's so hot.
As soon as I enter the house, I hurriedly turn on the air conditioner and fan.
Although the temperature here is still quite pleasant compared to the summer in Loveland City, I’m probably still jet-lagged that I feel a little dizzy.
Struggling to fight the rising drowsiness, I sort and organize the purchased items with Lucien.
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Lucien: How about having dinner at the farm's eco-restaurant tonight? That way you can sleep earlier and won't be too tired.
Lucien: Or should we go somewhere farther to try some local specialties?
MC: Either is fine with me~ But before we eat, I need to do something important first.
I arrange the washed apples in a fruit bowl and pull Lucien to sit down with me.
I fish the woven bracelet I bought earlier from the stall out of my pocket. I pull his arm towards me and carefully, with a sense of cherishing, fasten the bracelet around his wrist.
Lucien clasps my wrist in return, his gaze shifting from the bracelet to me, as if waiting for an explanation.
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MC: It's just... I suddenly wanted to give you something.
MC: Maybe it's because I saw your photos in the lounge earlier, or maybe it's because I heard so much about your past today.
MC: Even though I knew what those days truly meant to you, it wasn't until I actually went there that I realized…
MC: Everything about Lucien has been well treasured.
He's looking at me, hanging on to my every word.
MC: I'm so lucky to have picked them up again and to have pieced them together with you.
MC: To let them become you, the complete person standing before me.
Gazing into his eyes and seeing the one and only figure reflected there, I feel surprisingly calm and settled inside.
I gently caress his wrist twice.
MC: You see, I tied this knot myself! And I picked out this little agate bead super carefully. Don't you think it's pretty?
MC: It can be like the apple that falls on your head and sparks inspiration or the one that tempts you to be curious about everything.
MC: But now, it is also the "apple" I am giving to you.
MC: [smiles softly] Lucien, I hope the present me can also become a special fragment, forever remaining in your memories.
Pinkish-purple hues gently paint the horizon, and a beam of light happens to fall in, illuminating the agate bead.
The smooth texture is brightly highlighted, making the color seem to dance, leaping into those beautiful dark eyes.
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Lucien: [softly] Indeed… very vibrant.
Lucien: Like an apple.
As he says this, he looks at me, his brows and eyes curving into a beautiful arc, leaving me momentarily unsure of what exactly he's referring to.
MC: Then let’s go eat…!
My cheeks start to feel warm as I belatedly realize what he means, and as I try to rise from his embrace, an irresistible force pulls me back onto his lap.
The arm wrapped around my waist tightens slightly, deepening the embrace.
Lucien: [whispers seductively] Before that, I also have something important to do.
He lowers his head, kissing the little agate bead cherishingly, then gently moves his kisses to my fingertips resting on his wrist, his lips slowly trailing upward, inch by inch.
Each kiss is feather light and slow, as if he’s carefully tracing every detail, until every part of my skin is stained with his warmth.
Lucien: MC.
He gives my earlobe another gentle peck before pulling back slightly, creating a small distance between us.
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Lucien: [softly] Today, I've felt the significance of those seemingly meaningless moments from the past.
Lucien: It turns out there are many other people in my dreams.
[T/N: This part is what I mean by the date being the extension of last month's MQ (The Sea No Longer Distant MQ). It can be said that on this date, Lucien finally understands what MC means in that MQ. It's like... growing a 'heart' and feeling emotions that he doesn't comprehend before. He's lucky to have many people willing to ‘dream’ together with him🥺]
His abrupt change of topic leaves me momentarily confused as if he’s speaking in riddles. It takes me a moment to catch up and understand what he’s talking about.
Memories of the beach from a month ago flood back. I look into those eyes that are still fixed on me, and I seem to see emotions in them that weren't there before.
Lucien: You're right. People are complex, and they're also greedy.
Lucien: Because of you, I've accepted many things, and as a result, I desire even more.
Lucien: I'm curious about what other changes I'll experience because of you, and what surprises you'll bring me.
Lucien: And besides curiosity, there's also expectation.
I tilt my head up and kiss the corner of his lips.
MC: Then keep being curious about me.
MC: I like that you're curious about me.
I reach out to touch Lucien's face, wanting to look more clearly into his eyes.
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Lucien: [whispers softly] Miss Magic Mirror, can you tell me…
Lucien: In your eyes, what am I like at this very moment?
I can't help but laugh.
MC: Right now, your eyes are the color of the entire sky. They're so beautiful.
MC: Your hair is bestowed with the warm glow of the setting sun, looking soft and fluffy. Your lips…
As I talk, I give him another kiss.
MC: It makes me want to do this.
Lucien also starts laughing.
MC: Lucien, right now, everything about you is complete in my eyes, and I can see you clearly.
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He leans down again, his warm and moist breath brushing against my neck as he kisses me, causing subtle tingling sensations on my skin.
I instinctively try to pull away, but as I reach out to hold onto the back of his neck, he firmly holds me in place.
My legs dangle, unable to find a foothold, forcing me to use all my strength to hook onto his lap, while my other hand blindly grabs onto the curtain.
The crimson sunset spills over us unrestrainedly. As if dazzled by the spots of light, Lucien lifts me towards him, shifting a little as he holds me.
Amid the rocking motion, his leg accidentally touches the nearby coffee table, making a noise.
The sudden weightlessness makes me instinctively tighten my arms, causing him to gently bite my collarbone.
His scorching breath brushes against my neck like a feather, his scent overwhelming and filling every corner. It mingles with the fruity fragrance in the air, creating an even more alluring aroma.
Out of the corner of my eye, the goldfish in the fish bowl seem startled as well, swaying and swinging, leaving behind two tangled and intertwined trails*.
The skin grazed by my fingertips starts to burn, and I'm getting hot too.
Lucien: [whispers hoarsely] MC, you make me feel a gentle gaze.
Right now, we probably can't see each other's expressions, but it's as if we can see everything.
His low, hoarse voice resonates against my neck, and his moving lips make my throat vibrate, as though his words and voice have become my own.
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Lucien: [x2] Make me feel truly seen by you, deeply loved by you**.
Lucien: [x3] Make me… feel happy and satisfied.
He traces a trail of delicate nibbles along my neck, kissing the path where life itself flows.
I feel those affectionate yet slightly demanding marks being etched again and again. For some reason, I find myself speaking without thinking.
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MC: Bite me, Lucien.
The rustling of clothes suddenly stops, and his breathing also ceases, as if he is holding his breath.
I know my face is burning bright red, but I only shyly embrace him, moving myself even closer to him.
MC: I've also been seen by you and possessed by you.
In the sweaty air, I hear his long, drawn-out breath.
But in the next moment, they are all swept into my lips and tongue, obtaining all my oxygen in a different way.
Lucien: [kisses and pants] It is because you possess me that I am complete.
Lucien: [x2] Please keep possessing me forever… MC.
Lucien: [x3] In this world, only you will possess this kind of me.
*: The fish in the bowl description might seem out of place, but it's not! It alludes to '鱼水之欢' (lit. 'the joy of fish and water'), which is a Chinese idiom that describes the joy and intimacy of sexual intercourse or the metaphor for the act itself. It's also an idiom that is a metaphor for the intimate and harmonious emotional or sexual life of men and women.
**: This is my favorite line in this because of the way it emphasizes Lucien's feeling of being understood and cherished 🤧 “看见" (kàn jiàn, to see) has the connotation of being acknowledged and truly understood. I think, for Lucien, being ‘seen’ and understood is significant; understanding the world is his thing as a scientist, so when someone makes an effort to understand him, it means a lot to him. Then the use of directly spoken “爱” (ài) which is a very, very sentimental word to say compared to how the west uses ‘love’ regularly… and the way it also encompasses a sense of enduring love, a sense of care, cherishing, and protectiveness🥺
Those last lines!!!!! Under her gaze, he feels utterly seen, completely known, and thus, entirely himself. It's because she possesses him fully that he feels complete. While others in his life may hold only fragments of him, she alone possesses his entirety. As the fox says in "The Little Prince," “But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.” It is through her 'taming' that his completeness becomes something uniquely hers and hers alone.
And as Lucien mentioned in the Radio Broadcast Date, his form of possessiveness goes beyond one-sided control or dominance. Rather than just possessing her, he longs even more for her to possess him. To let her influence and 'change' him. Their possessiveness is a two-way thing: just as he is insatiable and wants all of her, he also craves to belong to the one he loves and to surrender himself entirely. After all, possessiveness is also a form of exceptional cherishing of the other party (his words in radio broadcast date, not mine), and he enjoys the feeling of being cherished and loved in this way.
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