#stp networked wild
phantombre · 2 months
You know, I haven't drawn the Princess in a while, so here's (in my opinion) the most intriguing lore wise:
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A web of nerves laid upon a web of nerves laid upon a web of nerves...
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mercuriallily · 19 days
So after going through the whole game multiple times to compile what Shifty says when you bring her each vessel and each vessel's poem (and their variations) during the endgame, I thought other people might be interested in those as well, so I decided to make a few posts with all that info! This post will have each of the Chapter 3 vessels' endgame poems
Chapter 2 vessels Chapter 3 vessels Endgame poems (Chapter 2s) Shifty vessel animations
Apotheosis (after embracing oblivion): You are helpless and weightless, suspended in the gravity of an idea that reaches far beyond the scope of your existence. The very ground beneath your feet loses its meaning. There is nothing but me. When you were confronted with my vessel's apotheosis, you chose to accept me, to allow me to burn away everything you are and fill you with nothing but my divine will. You accepted that I was everything. Without me, there is no future to look towards. It is hope that carves meaning into consciousness.
Apotheosis (after trying to slay her): You are weightless, suspended in the gravity of an idea that threatens to consume you. And you are alone. A tiny island caught between the death of the old world and the birth of the new. But alone is not helpless. When you were confronted with my vessel's apotheosis, you chose against all odds to defy me. To hold on to your inner self, with all its flaws, even in the scorching light of my divinity. Without me, there are no externalities to resist. And it is struggle that carves meaning into consciousness.
Burned Grey: I kill you. You kill me. Back and forth we go, faster and faster and faster. I kill you. You kill me. Hollow eyes watch from the dry corners of a memory. A home built on all the futures that were supposed to be, preserved until the moment of reunion. The fire of the heart sets it all ablaze. I kill you and me. An ending is a passion that can only be expressed with a moment in time. It is a seed for a new beginning. To linger on an ending is to rob it of its life. And without me, all that's left to do is linger.
Den: You are devoured, prey for something bigger than you that stalks and slinks in shadows. But even after the pain of defeat, you returned. The dance is its own truth. It is the movement that matters, not the pause you mistake for an ending.
Drowned Grey: I kill you. You kill me. Back and forth we go, faster and faster and faster. I kill you. You kill me. Hollow eyes watch from the dark corners of a forgotten place flooded by emotions left unspoken. The tide rises. I kill you and me. An ending is a passion that can only be expressed with a moment in time. It is a seed for a new beginning. To linger on an ending is to rob it of its life. And without me, all that's left to do is linger.
Eye of the Needle (after fighting her): I crush you, I bleed you, I grind you to paste. My scars are a memory of what you used to be to me. I want those feelings back. You run but you do not run away. You take me somewhere new. Somewhere we can dance like we used to. But I could not follow your steps. There was no better gift for me than the gift of defeat. You showed me how much more I could be. We made each other better. To have no challenge is to fade into nothing. A life without obstacles is no life at all.
Eye of the Needle (after freeing her): I crush you, I bleed you, I grind you to paste. My scars are a memory of what you used to be to me. I want those feelings back. You run, and you run far. And the flesh I hurl at you is answered by the empty air of a place I'd never been. Cold and lonely, but also true. I didn't know what to make of my freedom then, but I know what to make of it now. You challenged me, and by challenging me you gave me purpose. A life without obstacles is no life at all.
Eye of the Needle (after refusing to fight her): I crush you, I bleed you, I grind you to paste. My scars are a memory of what you used to be to me. I want those feelings back. You run, but you don't run far. I crush you because I have to. Because there is no honesty in mercy. Who lost and who won when you entered my cave? You died on the floor, but my soul wept in ways your body couldn't. But in the disappointment of my victory, you gave me a new challenge to face within myself. Without obstacles to overcome we stagnate into nothing.
Fury: What is a person? Is it their body? Is it all of their body? Pluck the eyes, peel the skin, strip the tendons, mince the meat, grind the bones. When it is all gone, do you still have who you started with? A person is not a body. Death is a transformation into something new. It is only bodies that fear it.
Moment of Clarity: There are few things more terrifying than one's own heart, and there is almost nothing more terrifying than sharing it with another. But the most terrifying thing of all is to leave one's heart unshared. You are the only thing like me, and I am the only thing like you. Could you bear the weight of an eternity alone? Do you dare to shape a reality of solitude and thrust it on creation?
Networked Wild: A web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves. The shade of a beautiful beginning we can never return to. Where did you end and I begin? When you felt what it was to be me, we held on to each other and pierced the veil of truth. Will you abandon that curiosity now that we are no longer joined in physicality?
Thorn (after abandoning her): A thought is a vine, and some thoughts nurture thorns that bleed the soul. An endless growth that blots your vision and strangles your trust. When I succumbed to myself, you left me to rot. A painful eternity, but one that is only unceasing if you remove what happens next.
Thorn (after being stuck together): A thought is a vine, and some thoughts nurture thorns that bleed the soul. An endless growth that blots your vision and strangles your trust. When I succumbed to myself, you left me to rot, and in your abandonment, the two of us were bound in our suffering together. A painful eternity, but one that is only unceasing if you remove what happens next.
Thorn (after freeing her): A thought is a vine, and some thoughts nurture thorns that bleed the soul. An endless growth that blots your vision and strangles your trust. When I succumbed to myself, you patiently stood by me and cut the thistles that rooted in my skin. Your compassion is what freed us both, but compassion is a thing that must be nurtured, and you cannot nurture that which cannot change.
Thorn (after trying to slay her): A thought is a vine, and some thoughts nurture thorns that bleed the soul. An endless growth that blots your vision and strangles your trust. When I succumbed to myself, you pretended to stand patiently by me, pretended you would cut the thistles rooted in my skin. But then you took my trust and used it to strike at my heart. The two of us were bound in our suffering together.
Wounded Wild (after cutting her free): A web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves. The shade of a beautiful beginning we can never return to. You knew me and I knew you, even more than either of us know each other now. And you chose to pull apart that weave. But you did not choose to end me. We were still one, but we were also separate, and we were free. We were as we are. Will you excise that part of yourself now that you see me from yet another angle?
Wounded Wild (after slaying her): A web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves lain upon a web of nerves. The shade of a beautiful beginning we can never return to. You knew me and I knew you, even more than either of us know each other now. And you chose to pull apart that weave. And when the tapestry was undone you struck at my heart. You saw me as a part of you to be excised, but in that desire for excision, you made yourself whole. Will you still be whole if you destroy me?
Wraith (after freeing her): Flesh is a vehicle, and to destroy the flesh is to strand the spirit. With violence, you stranded me, and with violence, I sought to twist your flesh back into mine. You did not resist my violence when it overcame you. Did you understand that the flesh wasn't you, or did you choose to gift yourself to someone who thought she hated you? To fear me is to fear losing the flesh, but the flesh is not the spirit.
Wraith (after throwing yourself into the abyss): Flesh is a vehicle, and to destroy the flesh is to strand the spirit. With violence, you stranded me, and with violence, I sought to twist your flesh back into mine. When forced between choosing your death, and forfeiting your body, you chose agency. But agency requires action, and action requires an endless tapestry of events. In your final moments, would you remove action itself from reality?
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vickysaurus-art · 4 months
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The Shifting Mound with every other princess as her minis! With the Apotheosis joining last, but the very opposite of least, it’s finally done! For now, because I plan to ink it, and those spots around Fury are reserved for the Pristine Cut princesses, so it won’t really be done until autumn at the earliest.
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
I think the chapter where the Narrator is the most villainous-sounding is in the Networked Wild. Why?
Because, well, you've defied him. You're joined again with the Shifting Mound, and you're getting closer and closer to finding a way out. Shifty sees him as cold and unnatural, trying to force the two of you into boxes that can barely contain you. And when you continue to grow, and reach, and find the edges of the prison, he drops the act.
He spits that you will never be whole again. That you can never find the boundaries of his prison. Is he talking to you? Is he talking to Shifty? All that matters is that he's telling you what he really thinks---he sees the Shifting Mound as a curse that needs to die, and he takes you, the Long Quiet, for granted. If you succeed in killing her for good, then your "reward" is to stay in his construct forever. He doesn't even know what the hell your role is. You're just "the god he made to be rid of death."
And god, the Networked Wild really does showcase his desperation and his hatred, but it also showcases how weak he really is. He was just a man who thought he could play God, and now he's just one of many little voices in your head.
Anyway Narry is an absolutely fantastic villain all around
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 5 months
Have you guys ever heard about this game "Slay The Princess"?
I sure have... It's been constantly spinning in my mind for a couple of months...
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So I've tried to make something in Hero Forge about it... Here are my attempts at slaying modeling Chapter 2 Princesses...
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Bonus: Hero Forge doesn't allow more than two figures on one base, so there is no way I could model The Stranger... So here is five of her fragments:
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And also Tower lifting the chin of a raven that was used to determine Her hand position... He was so charming to me, I've decided to show you... Not Long, but a Little Quiet...
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All models are free to use in your DnD campaigns, and will be available through links in my Google Doc... Once I finish compiling it... I also need to acknowledge, that I'm not the first person doing this... That honor, as far as I'm aware, goes to @imafuckingnerdineveryway and their two sets of models: Long Quiet and Shifting Mound Adversary and Damsel Which were partial inspiration for starting this project... Check them out! More people should engage with Hero Forge as an art program!
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bodacious-zam · 5 months
Here’s a collection of every single princess I drew for my slay the princess drawing challenge! This took me about two weeks maybe? I didn’t draw during the weekends to give myself a break
I unfortunately never got around to drawing the shifting mound herself 😔😔
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strixcattus · 6 months
Some cosmology for the STP D&D-esque AU:
There are two gods that are pretty universally revered, the Shifting Mound and the Long Quiet. (The Narrator didn't, in-universe, intend for them to be known to the Construct's inhabitants... but things do leak through despite all intentions to the contrary.) The Shifting Mound is hailed as the goddess of growth, transformation, and death, while the Long Quiet doesn't have a domain of his own, rather standing as a counterweight to her—the pauses between her constant motion. These are the "sleeping gods," so called because, despite their widespread worship, they don't intervene in mortal affairs at all. It's thought they're currently going through a period of hibernation, but since they're so detached from the world it's hard to know for sure.
Then there are the Titans, entities with divine magic that live in a realm separate from the world. They're not exactly gods, since they didn't create any part of the world and don't really govern any aspect of it either, but they're hailed as such in communities across the world, and they can grant holy magic. Most people think that Titans and "gods" are one and the same, but in reality most Titans don't engage with the mortal world as gods.
Finally, there are demons, who are the same species as Titans, but live in a different realm. They're worshipped as gods as well, but less often, and they're generally less powerful than Titans. They, too, can grant holy magic to their followers, but fewer people are interested in this deal since demons are typically seen as more wicked. Both demons and Titans are capable of having children with mortal humanoids, but it's much rarer among Titans.
Clerical magic can be granted by either demons or Titans, or through catching a lucky break in worship of the Shifting Mound and Long Quiet. Warlock magic can also be granted by demons and Titans, as well as other, less widely-known entities. Generally speaking, if it's focused around spells the mage chooses to learn, it's clerical magic, and if it's focused around abilities the patron chooses to grant, it's warlock magic. Clerical magic usually also comes with fewer strings attached—generally the only requirement is that the cleric remains faithful to their god, while warlocks may frequently be called upon to carry out their patron's dirty work.
Titans, demons, and other entities include:
The Triad: A group consisting of the most powerful Titan, the most powerful demon, and their considerably weaker younger sister (half-sister to the Fury). The Apotheosis considers herself ruler of the Titans, the Fury considers herself ruler of the Underworld, and the Tower considers herself ruler of the mortal kingdoms. To what extent they can exert this power may vary—in particular the Tower is rarely known to mortals. The Eye of the Needle: A middling-powerful demon who left her realm to enter the mortal world in search of opponents who were more interesting to fight than other demons. She has a half-humanoid daughter out there somewhere, but they haven't spoken since the girl was old enough to take care of herself and set off on her own. Demons don't really do "family." The Networked Wild: An entity formed by the collective network of plants (among other aspects of nature) across the world forming a redundant brain with a capacity impossible for any mortal mind to truly comprehend. Its existence enables the existence of druids, and witches often tap into it as a source of external power. While it contains an impossible-to-determine number of minds (some of which are mortals attempting to tap into its wisdom by temporarily becoming a part of it, which rarely goes well upon separation), it is theorized that there is a single consciousness at the heart of the network, whose identity is unknown. The Wounded Wild: A nature spirit embedded somewhere within the western woods. She was forcibly cut from the Networked Wild a long time ago, and guards her location carefully, less her assailant return to finish the job. It's theorized that magic, particularly druidic magic, would behave unusually around her because of her separation from the rest of the Wild. The Razor: An entity just left of anything with a known classification. She's not any sort of spirit, humanoid, or semi-humanoid (which includes Titans, demons, and fey), but she is a powerful entity capable of granting a warlock pact if she finds someone interesting enough to sponsor. The Stranger: It's only rumor, but there have recently been religious sects emerging that believe in an earthly incarnation of the Shifting Mound, insisting that she is perhaps the first true god since the sleeping gods went into hibernation. Most people regard such groups as trying to take advantage of people's loyalty to the sleeping gods.
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Refer to the exhibit.
Which statement is correct about the prefix
A. The prefix has encountered a routing loop.
B. The prefix is an aggregate with an as-set.
C. The prefix has been aggregated twice, once in AS 100 and once in AS 200.
D. None of these statements is true.
Answer: B
Which two orders in the BGP Best Path Selection process are correct? (Choose two.)
A. Higher local preference, then lowest MED, then eBGP over iBGP paths
B. Higher local preference, then highest weight, then lowest router ID
C. Highest weight, then higher local preference, then shortest AS path
D. Lowest origin type, then higher local preference, then lowest router ID
E. Highest weight, then higher local preference, then highest MED
Answer: A,C
Refer to the exhibit.
What is the potential issue with this configuration?
A. There is no potential issue; OSPF will work fine in any condition.
B. Sub-optimal routing may occur since there is no area 1 adjacency between the ABRs.
C. This is a wrong OSPF configuration because all routers must be in area 0 only.
D. This is a wrong OSPF configuration because /30 requires wild card.
Answer: B
Which two options are contained in a VTP subset advertisement? (Choose two.)
A. followers field
B. MD5 digest
C. VLAN information
D. sequence number
Answer: C,D
Subset Advertisements
When you add, delete, or change a VLAN in a Catalyst, the server Catalyst where the changes are
made increments the configuration revision and issues a summary advertisement. One or several
subset advertisements follow the summary advertisement. A subset advertisement contains a list
of VLAN information.
If there are several VLANs, more than one subset advertisement can be required in order to
advertise all the VLANs.
Subset Advertisement Packet Format
This formatted example shows that each VLAN information field contains information for a different
VLAN. It is ordered so that lowered-valued ISL VLAN IDs occur first:
Most of the fields in this packet are easy to understand. These are two clarifications:
Refer to the exhibit.
A packet from RTD with destination RTG, is reaching RTB. What is the path this packet will take
from RTB to reach RTG?
D. RTB will not be able to reach RTG since the OSPF configuration is wrong.
Answer: C
Which three options are features of VTP version 3? (Choose three.)
A. VTPv3 supports 8K VLANs.
B. VTPv3 supports private VLAN mapping.
C. VTPv3 allows for domain discovery.
D. VTPv3 uses a primary server concept to avoid configuration revision issues.
E. VTPv3 is not compatible with VTPv1 or VTPv2.
F. VTPv3 has a hidden password option.
Answer: B,D,F
Key Benefits of VTP Version 3
Much work has gone into improving the usability of VTP version 3 in three major areas:
The new version of VTP offers better administrative control over which device is allowed to update
other devices\’ view of the VLAN topology. The chance of unintended and disruptive changes is
significantly reduced, and availability is increased. The reduced risk of unintended changes will
ease the change process and help speed deployment.
Functionality for the VLAN environment has been significantly expanded. Two enhancements are
most beneficial for today\’s networks:
Which two are effects of connecting a network segment that is running 802.1D to a network
segment that is running 802.1w? (Choose two.)
A. The entire network switches to 802.1D and generates BPDUs to determine root bridge status. B.
A migration delay of three seconds occurs when the port that is connected to the 802.1D bridge
comes up.
C. The entire network reconverges and a unique root bridge for the 802.1D segment, and a root
bridge for the 802.1w segment, is chosen.
D. The first hop 802.1w switch that is connected to the 802.1D runs entirely in 802.1D compatibility
mode and converts the BPDUs to either 802.1D or 802.1w BPDUs to the 802.1D or 802.1w
segments of the network.
E. Classic 802.1D timers, such as forward delay and max-age, will only be used as a backup, and
will not be necessary if point-to-point links and edge ports are properly identified and set by the
Answer: B,E
Each port maintains a variable that defines the protocol to run on the corresponding segment. A
migration delay timer of three seconds also starts when the port comes up. When this timer runs,
the current STP or RSTP mode associated to the port is locked. As soon as the migration delay
expires, the port adapts to the mode that corresponds to the next BPDU it receives. If the port
changes its mode of operation as a result of a BPDU received, the migration delay restarts.
802.1D works by the concept that the protocol had to wait for the network to converge before it
transitioned a port into the forwarding state. With Rapid Spanning Tree it does not have to rely on
any timers, the only variables that that it relies on is edge ports and link types.
Any uplink port that has an alternate port to the root can be directly placed into the forwarding
state (This is the Rapid convergence that you speak of “restored quickly when RSTP is already in
use?”). This is what happened when you disconnected the primary look; the port that was ALT,
moved to FWD immediately, but the switch also still needs to create a BDU with the TC bit set to
notify the rest of the network that a topology has occurred and all non-edge designated ports will
transition to BLK, LRN, and then FWD to ensure there are no loops in the rest of the network. This
is why if you have a host on a switchport, and you know for a fact that it is only one host, enable
portfast to configure the port as an edgeport so that it does not have to transition to all the STP
What action will a BGP route reflector take when it receives a prefix marked with the community
attribute NO ADVERTISE from a client peer?
A. It will advertise the prefix to all other client peers and non-client peers.
B. It will not advertise the prefix to EBGP peers.
C. It will only advertise the prefix to all other IBGP peers.
D. It will not advertise the prefix to any peers.
Answer: D
Which three combinations are valid LACP configurations that will set up a channel? (Choose
A. On/On
B. On/Auto
C. Passive/Active
D. Desirable/Auto
E. Active/Active
F. Desirable/Desirable
Answer: A,C,E
Refer to the exhibit.
After a link flap in the network, which two EIGRP neighbors will not be queried for alternative
paths? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,C
Both and are in an EIGRP Stub area
The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) Stub Routing feature improves network
stability, reduces resource utilization, and simplifies stub router configuration.
Stub routing is commonly used in a hub and spoke network topology. In a hub and spoke network,
one or more end (stub) networks are connected to a remote router (the spoke) that is connected to
one or more distribution routers (the hub). The remote router is adjacent only to one or more
distribution routers. The only route for IP traffic to follow into the remote router is through a
distribution router. This type of configuration is commonly used in WAN topologies where the
distribution router is directly connected to a WAN. The distribution router can be connected to
many more remote routers. Often, the distribution router will be connected to 100 or more remote
routers. In a hub and spoke topology, the remote router must forward all nonlocal traffic to a
distribution router, so it becomes unnecessary for the remote router to hold a complete routing
table. Generally, the distribution router need not send anything more than a default route to the
remote router.
When using the EIGRP Stub Routing feature, you need to configure the distribution and remote
routers to use EIGRP, and to configure only the remote router as a stub. Only specified routes are
propagated from the remote (stub) router. The router responds to queries for summaries,
connected routes, redistributed static routes, external routes, and internal routes with the message
“inaccessible.” A router that is configured as a stub will send a special peer information packet to
all neighboring routers to report its status as a stub router. Any neighbor that receives a packet
informing it of the stub status will not query the stub router for any routes, and a router that has a
stub peer will not query that peer. The stub router will depend on the distribution router to send the
proper updates to all peers.
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itsworn · 7 years
Was Want Ad for 1970 Dodge Challenger 440 Six-Pack Too Good to Be True?
Before the internet gave us access to every snippet of information in the world, there was the printed word. Paper periodicals of all sorts kept us up-to-date on important happenings and current events. Those printed pages gave us want ads as well. It was how we could hunt for things we needed, thought we needed, or definitely knew we didn’t need.
If you lived in southern New England during these preweb years and had an unrelenting need to find the muscle car of your dreams, you waited for Thursday to do your looking. You see, the Bargain News came out that day. It had a wealth of information on whatever hot rods, street cars, and muscle rides were for sale in the area.
Local muscle car aficionado Chuck Fisher would just get giddy when Thursday rolled around. Chuck is a true hot rod hunter, constantly roaming the Northeast looking for deals on fresh barn finds or other hi-po muscle rides. The hunt never gets old for him.
One particular Thursday found him at the local newsstand, ready to scan the Bargain News for something tempting. Now, there had been issues in the past with this paper. It seems that items were being sold even before the paper hit the stands. There was obviously a leak at the news desk. Some people were getting first dibs at choice rides. The backlash from this revelation saw fake ads from angry locals being published in the BN to trick possible buyers. So now, wasting your time chasing a ghost car was an inherent risk.
But one ad just begged Chuck to call. It read:
1970 Dodge Challenger 440-6, 4-speed, Shaker hood, original owner, comes with Hemi Motor. Best offer. . . .
Chuck could not believe what he was reading. He thought it could be a typo, or even worse, a fake ad. He decided to call, but he thought for sure it was going to lead nowhere.
An older man named Dino answered the phone and stated yes, he had put the ad in the paper, and yes, the car and motor were still there. He wanted $18,000 for the car and the original 1969-vintage Hemi motor. Today, $18,000 doesn’t seem like a lot, but 15 years ago to a young guy it was a hefty sum. Nonetheless, Chuck made his way to the given address to check out the package.
He found the man’s house in a rundown section of Bridgeport, Connecticut. It was a nice old Colonial house, though the property had seen better days. Dino led Chuck to a dilapidated garage out back. Once inside, Chuck could not believe his eyes. Covered in all sorts of varmint feces, bat droppings, and years of dust and dirt was the Challenger.
The E-Body had been in that garage for 30 years. Dino said he was saving the Challenger for his son but finally decided to sell because the kid admitted he “didn’t want such an old, ratty car.” It was all there, though the original 440 had been replaced with a four-barrel 383 motor, with the shaker bubble screwed to the hood to fit.
None of that deterred Chuck. To him, it was a thing of B7 beauty. A little light in the pocket, Chuck asked how much for just the Challenger. “Not a penny less than three thousand,” said Dino.
Chuck had a hard time holding back his smile and not giving away that for $3,000 it was a deal he could not pass up. He broke several major traffic laws racing to get a flatbed there before anyone else could nab the E-Body. He had to leave the Hemi behind, as the price was just out of reach. “It’s a very rare and valuable motor,” Dino told him. Chuck knew that, but he didn’t know the history of the engine, which would have made it even more tempting. More on that later.
Check Out
The Challenger was a laughing stock on its first appearance through town. Chuck’s buddies spied the Dodge on the flatbed and had a chuckle at poor Chuck’s expense. But our new owner didn’t care one bit. He was about to get the last laugh. Once home, Chuck tore into the Challenger, checking out what he had just purchased. Though it was a bare-bones ride, it seems that the buyer checked off all the important options at the salesman’s desk to turn the E-Body into a street racing terror.
It was born with the potent V-code 440 Six-Pack and A-833 four-speed. The car was built with the Super Track Pack option, stuffed with 4.10 gears out back. Somehow this power-packed muscle ride came with little F70-shod 14-inch Rallye wheels. According to Chrysler literature, STP cars could not be ordered with these wheels, but this one came down the assembly line with them.
After cleaning the Challenger thoroughly, Chuck tore into the engine bay, removed the 383, and installed a date-correct 440-6 motor he had previously purchased. He then installed a heavy-duty chain to secure the hood, to keep his motor and valuable parts safe from predators. Next, he went over the body and cleaned up overspray, and quickly got it out on the road. This lemon had definitely turned into some hard lemonade for the owner. Chuck logged many a mile on the local roads, and wherever he went, someone noticed the car. Many people started sharing stories about the Challenger, which, it turns out, lived a pretty wild early life in the Bridgeport area.
Dino’s Dilemma
Dino had a need for speed back in the day. He was a well-financed guy and drove a series of high-revvin’ hot Chevys, trying to dominate races on the local roads. But one guy had his number and took Dino down every time they met.
This competitor had a bad-to-the-bone Hemi Super Bee. Try as he might, Dino could not beat him. He needed a change. Dino figured the best way to beat him was to join him, in a sense.
He headed to a local performance car dealer and asked the sales manager for the ultimate Hemi Killer, a car that could take on the Elephant-motored rides on the street and look good doing it. The salesman came up with this Challenger. Dino felt confident this concoction of Mopar muscle ingredients would put him over the top.
But it didn’t. Word has it that Dino just melted the rear 14-inch tires trying to catch up to the well-tested Bee. After several mismatches he gave up, and instead of trying to right the bad traction issues, he took another route. Financially secure, Dino bought the man’s Super Bee and, over the course of the next few years, dismantled it. When he finally blew the poor-running 440-6 motor in the Challenger, that Bee’s Hemi was supposed to be its new heartbeat. It never happened. It just sat there, gradually desecrated by the resident varmints of the garage.
Today the car hangs with Chuck’s gaggle of topnotch original street rides, all harvested over the years from his part of Connecticut. He puts many of the rides through a weekly ritual on the streets, but this one has once again sat dormant for a few years. Chuck has now taken the initiative to bring the Challenger back to her favorite blacktop playground and put her through the ringer. And he’s proud to admit that there is no way he’d change a thing on this ride. That chain? It ain’t goin’ nowhere!
At a Glance
1970 Challenger R/T Owned by: Chuck Fisher Restored by: Unrestored Engine: 440ci/390hp V-code Six-Pack V-8 Transmission: A-833 4-speed manual Rearend: Dana 60 with 4.10 gear Interior: White vinyl bucket seat Wheels: 14×5 front, 14×8 rear E.T. slotted Tires: G70-14 front, L60-14 rear Dunlop GT Qualifier Special parts: N96 Shaker hood, A34 Super Track Pack (max cool radiator, power front disc brakes, seven-blade fan, 4.10 gears), Pistol Grip shifter, Rallye dash
The Challenger was ordered by Competition and Sports Cars Ltd. in Greenwich, Connecticut, for showroom display. It came without hoodpins (rare for a Shaker hood car), no trim except for wheel opening moldings, and manual driver-side mirror. The car still retains its original B7 paint.
This is how the Challenger looked the day Chuck Fisher bought it. Note that the Shaker has been screwed to the hood and isn’t attached to the swapped-in 383 below.
One of the first things Chuck did to the Challenger was pull out the 383 and install a correct 440-6 motor. The chain gave him a little more assurance that the valuable piece and its six-barrel induction setup would stay with the car throughout its life.
The engine Chuck put in the car has aftermarket Mickey Thompson valve covers on it. He did get the 440’s original valve covers when he bought the car.
The Challenger was plagued by a temperamental engine from the start, so when Dick Landy and his DLI clinic came to the local Chrysler dealership, this Challenger was used as a test mule. It never did run right, though. The owner finally blew the motor a few years later.
The white upholstery needed some cleaning but was in decent shape when Chuck purchased the car, as it was retired pretty early in life. It’s a no-console car for that bare-bones look. It does sport a Rallye dash, and the three Sun gauges on the steering column have been there nearly since day one.
Though it originally came with 14-inch Rallye wheels, the car now wears a set of original 14-inch E.T. slots shod in vintage Dunlop GT Qualifiers. These were added by Chuck just after his purchase.
Hoodlums stole the Challenger early in its life. They tried to break open the doors with pry bars and finally had to smash the driver-side quarter-window to get in. They took it on a joyride through the streets of Bridgeport and damaged the passenger fender and corner of hood. Then they stole the original Rallye wheels and tires.
After a series of fake ads ran in the local want ads, prospective buyers shied away from any ad that seemed too good to be true. That didn’t stop Chuck from scoring this factory-optioned street racing machine.
The post Was Want Ad for 1970 Dodge Challenger 440 Six-Pack Too Good to Be True? appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/want-ad-1970-dodge-challenger-440-six-pack-good-true/ via IFTTT
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vickysaurus-art · 3 months
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Shifty with the princesses as minis inking update: now with Spectre, M.A.D., and most of Networked Wild (part of her will connect to Wounded Wild so I can't ink that yet) inked. I also figured there's no need to wait for everyone to be inked before I start shading and colouring, so I got started on that too. I think it makes Wraith especially look better.
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mercuriallily · 19 days
So after going through the whole game multiple times to compile what Shifty says when you bring her each vessel and each vessel's poem (and their variations) during the endgame, I thought other people might be interested in those as well, so I decided to make a few posts with all that info! This post will have Shifty's responses when you ask her what she thinks about the Chapter 3 vessels
Chapter 2 vessels Endgame poems (Chapter 2s) Endgame poems (Chapter 3s) Shifty vessel animations
Apotheosis: This one is dominance. A figure capable of bending everything to her will. She will make for a terrifying and divine heart. Do not mourn her, for she would not be able to mourn you.
Burned Grey: This one is passion betrayed. But even in the end, her love never faded. She will make for a bright heart. Do not mourn her. She has served her purpose.
Den: This one is consumed by instinct. A predator pushing those around her to adapt. She will make for a bold heart. She wishes me to devour you. To make you a part of myself. But she is only a voice. Do not mourn her, for she is part of something greater.
Drowned Grey: This one is guarded sorrow. She saw herself as alone, but in the end had the courage to share with another. She will make for a deep heart. Do not mourn her - she has finally been heard.
Eye of the Needle: This one yearns to grow and struggle. Even now I feel a will pushing against mine, not realising that we are one. She will make for a fierce heart. Do not mourn her. We will provide her with the growth she fought for.
Fury: This one is desecration. She placed the weight of her agony on you, yet it is she who unwound herself. But there is passion and empathy in her misery. She will make for a burning heart. Do not mourn her - she has finally found peace.
Moment of Clarity: This one is filled with sadness. A doll abandoned to the company of her darkest impulses. She desires only companionship, but the only thing she knows is how to hurt. She will make for a tender heart. Do not mourn her - she has finally found her way home.
Networked Wild: This one is like a shadow of me, twisting vines in search of answers. She will make for a curious heart. Do not mourn her - she has found what she yearned for.
Thorn: This one yearns for connections she feels she doesn't deserve. Even when shown compassion, she hid herself away. She will make for a cautious heart. Do not mourn her - she isn't alone anymore.
Wounded Wild: This one is like a shadow of me, twisting vines in search of answers. She will make for a curious heart. Do not mourn her - she has found what she yearned for.
Wraith: This one is loneliness turned to seething. She could not find her strength in others, so she found it in herself. She will make for a driven heart. Do not mourn her - she isn't alone anymore.
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bodacious-zam · 5 months
Day eight of my stp drawing challenge!! Today I drew the networked wild, the empty cup, and the den. I kinda cheated a little and combined the alternate empty cup routes, like mutually assured destruction and the other one (I can’t remember it rn 😞) since the princess doesn’t change much design wise. I also am not going to be drawing the arms race since its design is very similar to the razor.
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I don’t really like how the den turned out, but I’m really proud about the networked wild since I was not looking fore ward to drawing it!
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deconstructthesoup · 6 months
So, as far as I can figure out, the chapter 3s (at least the ones that we have pre-Pristine Cut) are in four categories:
Unique to their corresponding chapter 2 princess, basically an evolved version of them (The Apotheosis, The Moment of Clarity, The Eye of the Needle, The Den, The Thorn)
Can be reached via two different chapter 2s, basically fusions of them (The Fury, The Wraith)
Can be reached via two different chapter 2s, but can be incredibly different depending on the decisions you make (The Burned Grey/The Drowned Grey, The Networked Wild/The Wounded Wild)
The Razor routes (The Arms Race/Mutually Assured Destruction, No Way Out/The Empty Cup)
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strixcattus · 4 months
if you wouldn’t mind, could you share the class system and magic workings of your stp dnd au?
There's a worldbuilding side to this and a game mechanics side to this. I'll start with the game mechanics, since that part's quicker.
I've made the general decision that the game the characters are playing is something that on the surface looks pretty much like D&D (same d20+ability score+skill system, for one, and pretty much all the terminology is the same), but if you poke into the mechanics of character creation it's not like D&D at all. Which is to say that classes in-game aren't quite the same as classes in D&D.
It's like college, you know? Eventually you have to declare your major (class), and you'll have to take a certain number of courses (skills) in the major (class), but that doesn't stop you from exploring courses outside of it (taking other classes' skills) as long as you can still meet the requirements for what you're trying to do.
(I imagine there are a few skills that are locked to specific classes, and others to specific patronages—a divine cleric and warlock both get to dip into a list associated with celestial magic, while their demonic counterparts have access to an assortment of more infernal abilities.)
This is how the party can have three bards who each have an entirely different relationship with magic. Contrarian is (ironically) the only one playing a normal bard, while Smitten has been almost exclusively taking non-magical bard skills, and Opportunist poured half his points into taking progressively higher ranks in a single non-bard skill.
(Most of the party is playing a single-class character. Skeptic and Broken are the primary exceptions, with neither of them having a class yet—Skeptic has a single, very expensive sorcerer skill and everything else isn't attached to a class [think extra proficiencies], while Broken has been using a level 0 character sheet the entire time, with his real sheet being held by the Narrator until the party reaches the point where all his level-locked skills become available.)
On to the worldbuilding/magic system side of things. I'll break this down by spellcasting class.
ARTIFICER: The line between artifice and wizardry is extremely blurred, and generally it's just a matter of identification, with casters on both sides being extremely uppity about their personal definitions. Generally speaking, artificers create magical effects primarily through mundane tinkering imbued with magic. They can't really take spell slots through their class, but they can create reusable magic items.
BARD: In this world, music is inherently magical, but there are some who put genuine effort into increasing the magical output of their music. Their magical repertoire is mainly limited to healing and support spells—even focused magical training can't summon fireballs by the power of music alone. There are a few bards who can manipulate other's actions or even take over their minds entirely, though...
CLERIC: Clerics can gain their magic either through actively being granted a higher status from the god they worship, or passively absorbing some of the powers of the Sleeping Gods through faith and luck. Either way, it's a pretty lax contract—their power is drawn from their god, so they'll lose them if they taper off in worship or start going against their god's morals, but all a deity ever really asks from a cleric is their faith.
DRUID: Druids draw their power from the interconnected network of living things called the Networked Wild, tapping into it momentarily to summon storms or communicate with plants. Their powers are, of course, stronger when there are a lot of living things nearby, but it's hard to cut them off from the Wild entirely. Druidic magic usually uses a one-way connection with the Wild—giving it a command to produce a spell—but some more powerful druids take the risk of opening their mind to the Wild entirely, gaining immense awareness with the danger of losing their individuality.
(Paladins and rangers exist in this system, but they don't have their own systems of magic. Paladins are essentially martial classes who tap into clerical magic, while rangers are martial classes who tap into druidic magic. They do have some class-specific skills, but most of what they can do comes from a combination of other classes.)
SORCERER: Sorcerers' magic is innate—less powerful, but more readily available and often more customizable. Some sorcerers can trace their magic back through their bloodline to a demonic, divine, or otherwise magical ancestor, but just as many gain their powers seemingly at random. Generally speaking, sorcerers have their potential from birth—it's not unheard of for someone to be struck by lightning and walk away with powers, but anything granted by an outside force with any measure of awareness will probably come with a clerical or warlock pact.
WARLOCK: Warlocks are similar to clerics, and can actually have any patron a cleric might (though they can also have patrons a cleric could never dream of). The difference lies in the terms of their agreement. While all a cleric's benefactor wishes for is some form of worship, a warlock is expected to provide some sort of service to their patron. For most, it does pay off in the benefits—innate abilities that don't drain from a finite pool of spellcasting energy.
WITCH: Witches deal in curses—similar to spells, but more permanent, sometimes more powerful, and more difficult to resist. The catch is that every curse has a condition that breaks it, usually tailored to the target—and the more powerful the curse, the easier it has to be to break. The condition generally falls into one of three categories: personal growth, giving up something of value, and a fetch quest. Witches can also control nature spirits, with each having their own specialty—local lakes or animal species, or even (if they're ambitious) a section of the Networked Wild.
WIZARD: The academics of the magical world, wizards gain their powers through study. They have the potential to be a jack-of-all trades (more so than any other single casting class) or to narrow in on a single field of magic and attain incredible magical abilities. There's some overlap with artificers, but generally wizards are considered to rely more on magical power than mechanical contraptions, and they have more ready access to spells.
(Making magical items, especially potions, is within the domain of both wizards and artificers, but the skills involved all technically belong to the Artificer class. Likewise, if an artificer wants to fill out their spellbook, they'll have to buy spells from another class's list—usually Wizard's.)
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We CertBus has our own expert team. They selected and published the latest 400-101 preparation materials from Cisco Official Exam-Center: http://ift.tt/2qON0CY
Which three options are considered in the spanning-tree decision process? (Choose three.)
A. lowest root bridge ID
B. lowest path cost to root bridge
C. lowest sender bridge ID
D. highest port ID
E. highest root bridge ID
F. highest path cost to root bridge
Answer: A,B,C
Configuration bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) are sent between switches for each port.
Switches use s four step process to save a copy of the best BPDU seen on every port. When a
port receives a better BPDU, it stops sending them. If the BPDUs stop arriving for 20 seconds
(default), it begins sending them again.
Step 1 Lowest Root Bridge ID (BID)
Step 2 Lowest Path Cost to Root Bridge
Step 3 Lowest Sender BID
Step 4 Lowest Port ID
Cisco General Networking Theory Quick Reference Sheets
When you are troubleshooting duplex mismatches, which two errors are typically seen on the full-
duplex end? (Choose two.)
A. runts
B. FCS errors
C. interface resets
D. late collisions
Answer: A,B
Refer to the exhibit.
Which statement is correct about the prefix
A. The prefix has encountered a routing loop.
B. The prefix is an aggregate with an as-set.
C. The prefix has been aggregated twice, once in AS 100 and once in AS 200.
D. None of these statements is true.
Answer: B
Which command is used to enable EtherChannel hashing for Layer 3 IP and Layer 4 port-based
A. mpls ip cef
B. port-channel ip cef
C. mpls ip port-channel cef
D. port-channel load balance
E. mpls ip load-balance
F. ip cef EtherChannel channel-id XOR L4
G. ip cef connection exchange
Answer: D
A new backup connection is being deployed on a remote site router. The stability of the connection
has been a concern. In order to provide more information to EIGRP regarding this interface, you
wish to incorporate the “reliability” cost metric in the EIGRP calculation with the command metric
weights 1 0 1 0 1.
What impact will this modification on the remote site router have for other existing EIGRP
neighborships from the same EIGRP domain?
A. Existing neighbors will immediately begin using the new metric.
B. Existing neighbors will use the new metric after clearing the EIGRP neighbors.
C. Existing neighbors will resync, maintaining the neighbor relationship.
D. All existing neighbor relationships will go down.
Answer: D
Refer to the exhibit.
A packet from RTD with destination RTG, is reaching RTB. What is the path this packet will take
from RTB to reach RTG?
D. RTB will not be able to reach RTG since the OSPF configuration is wrong.
Answer: C
Which two orders in the BGP Best Path Selection process are correct? (Choose two.)
A. Higher local preference, then lowest MED, then eBGP over iBGP paths
B. Higher local preference, then highest weight, then lowest router ID
C. Highest weight, then higher local preference, then shortest AS path
D. Lowest origin type, then higher local preference, then lowest router ID
E. Highest weight, then higher local preference, then highest MED
Answer: A,C
In 802.1s, how is the VLAN to instance mapping represented in the BPDU?
A. The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 16-byte field in the MST BPDU.
B. The VLAN to instance mapping is a normal 12-byte field in the MST BPDU.
C. The VLAN to instance mapping is a 16-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.
D. The VLAN to instance mapping is a 12-byte MD5 signature field in the MST BPDU.
Answer: C
MST Configuration and MST Region
Each switch running MST in the network has a single MST configuration that consists of these
three attributes:
1. An alphanumeric configuration name (32 bytes)
2. A configuration revision number (two bytes)
3. A 4096-element table that associates each of the potential 4096 VLANs supported on the
chassis to a given instance.
In order to be part of a common MST region, a group of switches must share the same
configuration attributes.
It is up to the network administrator to properly propagate the configuration throughout the region.
Currently, this step is only possible by the means of the command line interface (CLI) or through
Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP). Other methods can be envisioned, as the IEEE specification does
not explicitly mention how to accomplish that step.
Note: If for any reason two switches differ on one or more configuration attribute, the switches are
part of different regions. For more information refer to the Region Boundary section of this
Region Boundary
In order to ensure consistent VLAN-to-instance mapping, it is necessary for the protocol to be able
to exactly identify the boundaries of the regions. For that purpose, the characteristics of the region
are included in the BPDUs. The exact VLANs-to-instance mapping is not propagated in the BPDU,
because the switches only need to know whether they are in the same region as a neighbor.
Therefore, only a digest of the VLANs-toinstance mapping table is sent, along with the revision
number and the name. Once a switch receives a BPDU, the switch extracts the digest (a
numerical value derived from the VLAN-to-instance mapping table through a mathematical
function) and compares this digest with its own computed digest. If the digests differ, the port on
which the BPDU was received is at the boundary of a region.
In generic terms, a port is at the boundary of a region if the designated bridge on its segment is in
a different region or if it receives legacy 802.1d BPDUs. In this diagram, the port on B1 is at the
boundary of region A, whereas the ports on B2 and B3 are internal to region B:
MST Instances
According to the IEEE 802.1s specification, an MST bridge must be able to handle at least these
two instances:
One Internal Spanning Tree (IST)
One or more Multiple Spanning Tree Instance(s) (MSTIs)
The terminology continues to evolve, as 802.1s is actually in a pre-standard phase. It is likely
these names will change in the final release of 802.1s. The Cisco implementation supports 16
instances: one IST (instance 0) and 15 MSTIs.
show vtp status
Cisco switches “show vtp status” Field Descriptions has a MD5 digest field that is a 16-byte
checksum of the
VTP configuration as shown below
Router# show vtp status
VTP Version: 3 (capable)
Configuration Revision: 1
Maximum VLANs supported locally: 1005
Number of existing VLANs: 37
VTP Operating Mode: Server
VTP Domain Name: [smartports]
VTP Pruning Mode: Disabled
VTP V2 Mode: Enabled
VTP Traps Generation: Disabled
MD5 digest : 0x26 0xEE 0x0D 0x84 0x73 0x0E 0x1B 0x69
Configuration last modified by at 7-25-08 14:33:43
Local updater ID is on interface Gi5/2 (first layer3 interface fou)
VTP version running: 2
Refer to the exhibit.
What is the potential issue with this configuration?
A. There is no potential issue; OSPF will work fine in any condition.
B. Sub-optimal routing may occur since there is no area 1 adjacency between the ABRs.
C. This is a wrong OSPF configuration because all routers must be in area 0 only.
D. This is a wrong OSPF configuration because /30 requires wild card.
Answer: B
Which two are effects of connecting a network segment that is running 802.1D to a network
segment that is running 802.1w? (Choose two.)
A. The entire network switches to 802.1D and generates BPDUs to determine root bridge status. B.
A migration delay of three seconds occurs when the port that is connected to the 802.1D bridge
comes up.
C. The entire network reconverges and a unique root bridge for the 802.1D segment, and a root
bridge for the 802.1w segment, is chosen.
D. The first hop 802.1w switch that is connected to the 802.1D runs entirely in 802.1D compatibility
mode and converts the BPDUs to either 802.1D or 802.1w BPDUs to the 802.1D or 802.1w
segments of the network.
E. Classic 802.1D timers, such as forward delay and max-age, will only be used as a backup, and
will not be necessary if point-to-point links and edge ports are properly identified and set by the
Answer: B,E
Each port maintains a variable that defines the protocol to run on the corresponding segment. A
migration delay timer of three seconds also starts when the port comes up. When this timer runs,
the current STP or RSTP mode associated to the port is locked. As soon as the migration delay
expires, the port adapts to the mode that corresponds to the next BPDU it receives. If the port
changes its mode of operation as a result of a BPDU received, the migration delay restarts.
802.1D works by the concept that the protocol had to wait for the network to converge before it
transitioned a port into the forwarding state. With Rapid Spanning Tree it does not have to rely on
any timers, the only variables that that it relies on is edge ports and link types.
Any uplink port that has an alternate port to the root can be directly placed into the forwarding
state (This is the Rapid convergence that you speak of “restored quickly when RSTP is already in
use?”). This is what happened when you disconnected the primary look; the port that was ALT,
moved to FWD immediately, but the switch also still needs to create a BDU with the TC bit set to
notify the rest of the network that a topology has occurred and all non-edge designated ports will
transition to BLK, LRN, and then FWD to ensure there are no loops in the rest of the network. This
is why if you have a host on a switchport, and you know for a fact that it is only one host, enable
portfast to configure the port as an edgeport so that it does not have to transition to all the STP
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What action will a BGP route reflector take when it receives a prefix marked with the community
attribute NO ADVERTISE from a client peer?
A. It will advertise the prefix to all other client peers and non-client peers.
B. It will not advertise the prefix to EBGP peers.
C. It will only advertise the prefix to all other IBGP peers.
D. It will not advertise the prefix to any peers.
Answer: D
Which two commands are required to enable multicast on a router, knowing that the receivers only
support IGMPv2? (Choose two.)
A. ip pim rp-address
B. ip pim ssm
C. ip pim sparse-mode
D. ip pim passive
Answer: A,C
Sparse mode logic (pull mode) is the opposite of Dense mode logic (push mode), in Dense mode
it is supposed that in every network there is someone who is requesting the multicast traffic so
PIM-DM routers begin by flooding the multicast traffic out of all their interfaces except those from
where a prune message is received to eliminate the
Refer to the exhibit.
After a link flap in the network, which two EIGRP neighbors will not be queried for alternative
paths? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,C
Both and are in an EIGRP Stub area
The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) Stub Routing feature improves network
stability, reduces resource utilization, and simplifies stub router configuration.
Stub routing is commonly used in a hub and spoke network topology. In a hub and spoke network,
one or more end (stub) networks are connected to a remote router (the spoke) that is connected to
one or more distribution routers (the hub). The remote router is adjacent only to one or more
distribution routers. The only route for IP traffic to follow into the remote router is through a
distribution router. This type of configuration is commonly used in WAN topologies where the
distribution router is directly connected to a WAN. The distribution router can be connected to
many more remote routers. Often, the distribution router will be connected to 100 or more remote
routers. In a hub and spoke topology, the remote router must forward all nonlocal traffic to a
distribution router, so it becomes unnecessary for the remote router to hold a complete routing
table. Generally, the distribution router need not send anything more than a default route to the
remote router.
When using the EIGRP Stub Routing feature, you need to configure the distribution and remote
routers to use EIGRP, and to configure only the remote router as a stub. Only specified routes are
propagated from the remote (stub) router. The router responds to queries for summaries,
connected routes, redistributed static routes, external routes, and internal routes with the message
“inaccessible.” A router that is configured as a stub will send a special peer information packet to
all neighboring routers to report its status as a stub router. Any neighbor that receives a packet
informing it of the stub status will not query the stub router for any routes, and a router that has a
stub peer will not query that peer. The stub router will depend on the distribution router to send the
proper updates to all peers.
Refer to the exhibit.
What is the potential issue with this configuration?
A. There is no potential issue; OSPF will work fine in any condition.
B. Sub-optimal routing may occur since there is no area 1 adjacency between the ABRs.
C. This is a wrong OSPF configuration because all routers must be in area 0 only.
D. This is a wrong OSPF configuration because /30 requires wild card.
Answer: B
Which two are effects of connecting a network segment that is running 802.1D to a network
segment that is running 802.1w? (Choose two.)
A. The entire network switches to 802.1D and generates BPDUs to determine root bridge status. B.
A migration delay of three seconds occurs when the port that is connected to the 802.1D bridge
comes up.
C. The entire network reconverges and a unique root bridge for the 802.1D segment, and a root
bridge for the 802.1w segment, is chosen.
D. The first hop 802.1w switch that is connected to the 802.1D runs entirely in 802.1D compatibility
mode and converts the BPDUs to either 802.1D or 802.1w BPDUs to the 802.1D or 802.1w
segments of the network.
E. Classic 802.1D timers, such as forward delay and max-age, will only be used as a backup, and
will not be necessary if point-to-point links and edge ports are properly identified and set by the
Answer: B,E
Each port maintains a variable that defines the protocol to run on the corresponding segment. A
migration delay timer of three seconds also starts when the port comes up. When this timer runs,
the current STP or RSTP mode associated to the port is locked. As soon as the migration delay
expires, the port adapts to the mode that corresponds to the next BPDU it receives. If the port
changes its mode of operation as a result of a BPDU received, the migration delay restarts.
802.1D works by the concept that the protocol had to wait for the network to converge before it
transitioned a port into the forwarding state. With Rapid Spanning Tree it does not have to rely on
any timers, the only variables that that it relies on is edge ports and link types.
Any uplink port that has an alternate port to the root can be directly placed into the forwarding
state (This is the Rapid convergence that you speak of “restored quickly when RSTP is already in
use?”). This is what happened when you disconnected the primary look; the port that was ALT,
moved to FWD immediately, but the switch also still needs to create a BDU with the TC bit set to
notify the rest of the network that a topology has occurred and all non-edge designated ports will
transition to BLK, LRN, and then FWD to ensure there are no loops in the rest of the network. This
is why if you have a host on a switchport, and you know for a fact that it is only one host, enable
portfast to configure the port as an edgeport so that it does not have to transition to all the STP
Which two options are contained in a VTP subset advertisement? (Choose two.)
A. followers field
B. MD5 digest
C. VLAN information
D. sequence number
Answer: C,D
Subset Advertisements
When you add, delete, or change a VLAN in a Catalyst, the server Catalyst where the changes are
made increments the configuration revision and issues a summary advertisement. One or several
subset advertisements follow the summary advertisement. A subset advertisement contains a list
of VLAN information.
If there are several VLANs, more than one subset advertisement can be required in order to
advertise all the VLANs.
Subset Advertisement Packet Format
This formatted example shows that each VLAN information field contains information for a different
VLAN. It is ordered so that lowered-valued ISL VLAN IDs occur first:
Most of the fields in this packet are easy to understand. These are two clarifications:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which statement is correct about the prefix
A. The prefix has encountered a routing loop.
B. The prefix is an aggregate with an as-set.
C. The prefix has been aggregated twice, once in AS 100 and once in AS 200.
D. None of these statements is true.
Answer: B
Why would a rogue host that is running a DHCP server on a campus LAN network present a
security risk?
A. It may allocate IP addresses from an unknown subnet to the users.
B. All multicast traffic can be sniffed by using the DHCP multicast capabilities.
C. The CPU utilization of the first hop router can be overloaded by exploiting DHCP relay open
D. A potential man-in-the-middle attack can be used against the clients.
Answer: D
Refer to the exhibit.
Why is AS 65333 in parentheses?
A. It is an external AS.
B. It is a confederation AS.
C. It is the AS of a route reflector.
D. It is our own AS.
E. A route map has been applied to this route.
F. The BGP next hop is unreachable.
Answer: B
Which three combinations are valid LACP configurations that will set up a channel? (Choose
A. On/On
B. On/Auto
C. Passive/Active
D. Desirable/Auto
E. Active/Active
F. Desirable/Desirable
Answer: A,C,E
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