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Alastor's Childhood Friend New Year Special🎇🎊🎆Yandere Alastor X Childhood Friend Listener (Hazbin)
#youtube#yandere#yandere alastor#yandere hazbin hotel#yandere au#yandere storytelling#yandere new years Special#new years Special#new years 2025#2025#new year#happy New year#stoytelling#hazbin hotel au#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel Alastor#alastor#alastor x listener#listener#childhood friend#childhood friend listener#female listener
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Chapter_39 : "The Gray Area"
CW: fighting (physical) previous chapter | beginning | masterlist
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Harlow was more than just concerned.
If it was Liam, he would’ve shown himself by now with some loud dramatic entrance. If it was his mother, it meant that she’d finally figured out she’d been making absent payments for several years and was going to sell Harlow’s one hiding spot off to someone else. And he’d probably get fucked over by being inside.
If it happened to be anyone else, they were trying to break in and steal something.
Harlow took out the pocket knife from one of the shadily installed drawers courtesy of Raiden. It was better to avoid fire here. Just to be safe, he made sure the lighter was accessible from most positions.
The rest of the garage door’s code was finally entered and the shabby metal sheet was lifted just enough for the person to get inside. Then it dropped back down to the concrete. Something slid along the floor. Harlow sat crouched behind the counter.
Confident enough to lock themselves inside with someone completely random.
Then they turned off the light.
Harlow shifts uncomfortably before quickly rolling out of the way of the body very obviously vaulting over the counter above his head. A crash into the cabinet doors, one of the wooden panels falling off its hinge.
He could vaguely see with the light from the crack under the garage door. The outline of someone who at least vaguely knew their shit.
The knife ended up being held in warning.
Fire pumped out from the person’s fist, forcing Harlow to dodge and move into the open space that was the rest of the generally spacious garage. Harlow cast the knife aside to some corner to instead wrench the fire from this random, careless, pyrokinetic stranger.
He threw it back at the figure, much to their bemusement.
Some angry mumbling and the person ran at Harlow, forcing him to block one of the punches spewing out fire and grab for their arm to yank them past.
The angry bumble of a person made sure to gain their footing back and instantly throw themselves into close-quarters again, where Harlow got a chance to click open his lighter and start heating it up. Which left him with one hand to weave just out of this person’s reach and behind them, kicking their back into the island counter.
A grunt escaped them with Harlow stepping back carefully over the cord connecting his controller resting on the couch to the game station.
He let out a huff when the figure whipped around, barely fazed, and went to run at him again before Harlow strung up a white spread of fire to block the way to normally walk over the cord.
They saw the white smear and moved to duck under it, effectively tripping on the cord with the controller clattering along the floor. Harlow rushed to find the handle on the garage door, failed, and ran the long way around the couch when he heard the person get up behind him.
The person ended up grabbing onto his wrist with the lighter and wrestling it out of his hand onto the floor halfway across the couch.
Harlow managed to kick them back again. It was really the only move Harlow had ever managed to find useful when sparring with Raiden. It was proving itself right again.
Some scarily familiar laughter erupted out of the person with yet another press forward at Harlow trying to gain any sort of distance.
He froze.
Harlow felt himself getting shoved against the island counter, lost in a trainwreck of thought. He probably would’ve crumpled to the floor if not being held up by the person grabbing hold of him to flatten him on top of the counter.
It hurt. The hand holding him down hurt.
The name wasn’t coming out.
“What, you’re just done now? It was finally getting…” the person went quiet when the flame sparked to life again in their still free hand.
“Rai,” Harlow weakly said.
He was quickly pulled off the counter into a standing hug, slumping into the arms that wrapped around him instead.
Harlow had been tired.
So, so tired.
“Fuck, Urb, that’s my bad. Sorry.” Raiden relaxed out of the hug and walked back to the lightswitch, flicking it on.
Harlow slowly let out a chuckle. “You’re good.”
Raiden crouched down and picked up a box from the floor, inspecting it awkwardly before turning back to Harlow with a sheepish grin. “Uh, happy twenty-three, I guess. I was planning on replacing the game station with this, use a sharpie or something…”
“Two months?” He let out some sick form of laughter. When Raiden shook their head and walked back over, laughing along with, Harlow quickly devolved back into recognizing the stupidity of what had just happened.
“Yeah,” Raiden held out the box to Harlow. “Sorry. I probably should’ve called or something. I’m a fuckin’ idiot, aren’t I?”
“Where…” Harlow decided against an instantaneous interrogation upon seeing Raiden’s stupid fucking smirk. He could do that later. “Nevermind. What the hell is that?”
Raiden’s smirk transformed into a grin. “Daffodils. Well—ones that don’t die.”
Harlow hesitantly took the box and looked at the image on it, little plastic daffodils with a piece count in the top left.
“I do have to go back to my hospital room before anyone finds out. I came down here to trade that for the game station and Flash Fire, didn’t expect you to be here. Write a little note and everything. This sounds weird, but if you’re willing to drive me, the motorcycle I took down here, and that game back I will explain everything.”
“Okay,” Harlow breathed. “But, hospital? Wouldn’t I have heard if someone found you by now? I mean⸺”
Raiden visibly winced. “No one found me. It’s why I turned the lights off, nobody is supposed to know that I’m walking about now unless they’re in the loop and everything, I didn’t really want to risk⸺”
“You said you’d explain on the road. We can talk about something else while we go get the truck?”
They waited a second before rolling their eyes.
“I ended up with a lot of time to think in my cell, thing,” Raiden relented in the driver’s seat, tapping the steering wheel. “Storm ended up making a lot of sense. Apparently the cell block division I was in was just a test for Storm ops, but apparently Nacht hurts a fuck ton, so now they’re refusing to let me do anything until I’m cleared.”
“But you can’t tell anyone that you’re… not imprisoned anymore?” Harlow was trying to focus on everything he was being told. It wasn’t working the greatest.
Raiden let out a playful huff. “Nope. It’d get kinda weird, anyway. I know Cinder’s gonna find out eventually and everything, but if you could not tell anyone for at least a while, it’d do me a big favor. Along with not sharing the whole Storm hospital thing.”
The rest of the ride was kept in silence, stars out in the sky by the time they’d parked in front of what was, in fact, a legitimate-looking hospital.
When the truck stopped, Raiden didn’t immediately hop out. Instead, they looked at Harlow sitting anxiously in the passenger. “Hey I’m, sorry I couldn’t make your birthday any, better. And also that I have to go, and that I threw all of this on you.”
“You’re good, Rai,” Harlow said. “One of my best yet, all be as it may.”
Another few seconds of unspoken words.
“Urb, I think you should join Storm.”
next chapter | masterlist
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i'm not entirely sure how i'm feeling about this fight scene. this is the last chapter i have backlogged, so i should probably get on writing some more.
also i know the header lost a lot of its details but it feels like a little much in its complete version (which you can find on the masterlist).
any feedback on the fight, positive or negative, is welcome on this post.
taglist: @lychhiker-writes, @madeoforgansandtissues, @fins0up
#flash/burn#writeblr#angst#original story#original characters#fiction#fantasy#sci fi#magic#dystopian#story#stories#stoytelling#creative writing#creative inspiration#writing#writing on tumblr#writers#writerscommunity#writing community#writers on tumblr#reading#science fiction
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Borromini e Bernini: la sfida alla perfezione visibile online
Il docu film “Borromini e Bernini” che è stato proposto nelle sale a maggio 2023, finalmente è disponibile online. Il lavoro cinematografico racconta la rivoluzione architettonica e il genio solitario del Borromini che cambiò per sempre l’aspetto di Roma attraverso una sfida personale alle convenzioni e ai pregiudizi, con l’umiltà di apprendere dal passato per inventare il futuro, con il…

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ooc :: Sorry I've been gone for so long! I'm sill battling writer's block. But since some pretty big stuff happened in the RPC here I'm going to make a post regarding it.
I no longer associate my muse (on this account or any others I play) with the-blackened-dove or any of their attached muses. Any canon involving them has been retconned or modified to match new canon.
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EAH questionnaire to get to know each EAH fan better
Fav character from both genders and side, mine is Briar, Dexter, Cerise and Hunter
Character that you look most like, mine is a cross between Briar and Cerise (coincidence?)
Character whose personality you’re most like, mine is Lizzie
Favourite ship, mine is Daring X Cerise
Favourite Special Edition, mine is Dragon Games or Way Too Wonderland
Favourite Webisode, mine is Cerise’s Picnic Panic
Any EAH merch you have, I only have the diary
Whose dorm you want, I want Ramona’s or Maddie’s
What class you would take, I would take Creative Stoytelling
Whose pet you’d rather have, I would have Nevermore
Tag someone?🥺
@eahravenmh, @everafterwhat, @folksyfairy, @zvmz, @mirrornetsblog, @athena-xox, @everafterhighliveaction, @stealeroflemons
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I agree with every. single. one of these. (except I haven't read sarah j mass)
I never write stories about human beings JUST for the sake of not having to deal with romance and gender and school and such and such. And it would be so much fun to have more media that isn't centered around romance or romantic subplots, (especially since I'm on the aro/ace spectrum, and it's annoying sometimes to see characters treating romance as if it's the meaning of life, when I've never felt that way and never will.)
Book cover illustrations can be the reason I buy it. I want book covers that look like animated movie posters. (Because pictures and models can be a bit... less compelling, at least to me.)
I want book covers to be a whole thing, where artists are paid a lot to design them, and everyone can obsess over the book cover artist and the story, and the cover/art go hand in hand in a bunch of creative euphoria.
(I just want stories to feel like... events, movements, something building upon itself.)
I'm a minor but.... can we please have stories that fall between 'todler goes to preschool' and 'teenager goes to high school' and then 'here's an 18+ mature yada yada'. Can't we have... all stages of life and everything and anything?
Like, I don't want to acknowledge reality sometimes, sometimes I want to exist without having to think about... all of everything.
OOooOh... what if blurbs, instead of generalized sensationalism, were more accurate and honest. What if the authors themselves told people in the blurb - "here's what this story is about, here is who it is for," OR have a snippet of the story for free to read, to see what the book will be like.
Overall, I kind of want a story telling renaissance. And I like all the points you've made.
I miss stories that were metaphysical explorations of what it means to exist, intermixed with the silly heartwarming ones.
give us a hyper specific writing opinion U have (good or bad)
ough i have so many opinions. i think i might piss some people off with some of these lmao
enemies to lovers is a bad trope and i don't like it. a lot of the books marketed as enemies to lovers are actually just romanticized abuse, and sometimes other books that are marketed as enemies to lovers are just characters who insulted each other once and are now 'enemies.'
not every book needs a romantic subplot. why is it so hard to find books centered around family dynamics, or completely platonic dynamics? why must everything imply romantic interest? i actually don't mind romantic subplots, it's just that its so hard to find anything without a romance that it can be a bit frustrating sometimes.
i have several very specific book cover icks. i really hate those book covers that look like they were made on canva (especially if its from a bigger publisher and i KNOW they have the money to pay an illustrator to come up with something better). i also really hate a lot of contemporary romance-style covers. they are too similar and its hard to tell them apart. recently book covers have gotten more varied, which is actually great! i really love illustrative book covers, or book covers with scenes from the book on them. i know they say not to judge a book by it's cover, but i am an art kid. i really like pretty covers. sue me lmao
i actually don't like sarah j mass's writing style. i tried to read one of her books (i think it was that YA one? throne of glass iirc) and had to DNF it pretty early on because i couldn't get past the writing being so bland
i actually really like CWs for books. i don't know why some people are so against them. i wish that CWs were more common, actually. because sometimes i'm not in the mood to read something really dark, but its hard to tell from just the blurb is a book will make me bawl my eyes out. (also i adamantly believe that even in books marketed for adults, explicit/graphic content (like overtly violent themes or sexual content and such) should be labelled. they already do that for movies, including ratings and why it was rated that way. i wish there was a way to be more informed about what you were investing your time into in the literary world before you end up feeling ripped off because you ended up stumbling across something you weren't anticipating)
when will book stores/libraries create a new adult category. i wanna read about college/grad school aged people, but sifting through the adult section at book stores is confusing. because books about a 21 year old will be right next to books about a 35 year old divorced person. there's no rhyme or reason.
i have more opinions i'm just getting distracted now so i will leave it at that lmao
#Writing#storytelling renaissance#maybe a bunch of storytellers and artists can team up for something#special things#I miss special things#not that the storytellers right now aren't special#it's just... I wish more storytellers got to have the 'harry potter' esque impact#because stoytellers right now are so much better than JK rowling#and they should get .. not the fame nessecarliy#because that might not be right for all storytellers#but the vibe#the hype#the candles and the ambiance#and such and such
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The Horny Paladin and the Prissy Bard
This is a pair of atypical builds for the character class. Everyone thinks of Paladins as being uptight, right? And Bards are the sluttiest?
Well, I present to you Tiffany and Tilly.
Theophania was stricken ill as a small child. The illness left her crippled, so her parents brought her to the temples of many gods and goddesses to be healed. At the temple of the Goddess of bounty and fertility, the priestesses were able to nurse her back to strength, but warned her that they were unable to restore her fertility, which was destroyed by the sickness. She decided to devote her life to the service of the goddess.
The local temple found her to be an apt pupil and taught her well, but she wasn't interested in becoming a cleric.
The Goddess appeared to Theophania in a dream in the form of a golden rabbit and implored her to go forth and share her bountiful love with the world. The Goddess promised her that if Theophania served her well, she would be rewarded with many children.
Due to the turmoil in the world she thought it best to learn how to defend herself and be a strong arm to those weaker than her. She studied the Arts Martial and became extremely proficient with her Crossbow.
Her Sister Matilda loved music, and stoytelling through song. She sought out the Harpers, bards, storytellers and musicians and learned how to play many instruments. She collected songs, and wrote new songs from the stories she encountered. She was supportive to her sister's training and agreed to become a sparring partner for her. Thusly, she learned about combat and defense.
Theophania, in turn, was her sister's first and best audience. Matilda had sat by her side during her illness and sang comfort to her. As they grew up, she would beg for more stories and songs. Despite being puzzled by the convoluted storylines of the great chivalric romances ("Love triangle? Why didn't they just all go to bed together?") she loved to hear Matilda's voice.
Now, they travel together and bring light to the world wherever they can.
Tilly can capture your attention with a masterful song, but is not interested in sneaking out to the hayloft thank you very much. She dreams about courtly love and elaborate courtships and is genuinely flustered by anyone's advances. Do not grapple with her. She knows joint locks.
Tiffany is adept at swordplay, and genuinely terrifying with her ranged weapon. She'd still rather negotiate. After all, the best way to "defeat" an enemy is to make a new friend, right? She is highly likely to fuck her way out of trouble. Or into. Or into and then out of trouble. "I only do hand-to-hand in bed."

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So... I don't know if I'll come back to blogging about Kulo Sena. I'm back to playing TS2, but it's the solo-RPG spinoff hood that I won't be sharing pics or gameplay from, where I'm testing out some of my new ideas. And since that's just for me, it's making me rethink whether I want to share my KS gameplay on simblr.
My reasons for stepping away include: less pressure on my worldbuilding, stoytelling and landscaping skills; reconnecting with what I actually want to do with the Senaverse rather than what I think will get me likes; not having to pause and take screenshots every five seconds, then spend ages sorting and editing them; not feeling obliged to protect particular sims from bad ROS because I downloaded them from a simblr friend.
Maybe one day I will come back to blogging. Maybe not. But for now, I'm hanging up my screenshot program and just playing for me. I'll still be around to like and comment, but don't expect any gameplay updates. There may, however, be a few zany worldbuilding posts now and again - I keep thirteen scrapbooks and counting, some dating back to 2011, full of inspirational screenshots and gameplay ideas I've collected, and who knows, maybe my ideas on how to use game mechanics in a different way will be useful for someone.
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I just think I'm some silly little guy who makes posts about stuff because I think that stuff is cool and good!
I was just really lucky to find a fellow rlly good storyteller who loves reading my funky lil thoughts
@koreposion oh my god if that reblog chain gets any longer we'll literally end up making an entire novel's worth of this content XD
#WHENEVER U MAKE ANYTHING IM LIKE#:0 thats so cool!!!#because i think that you're a wonderful stoyteller and the way you think about characters is so refreshing#Like your ideas about Nightmare are just such a big inspo to me and I love the way you think about the rest of his team#i literally drop everything so i can read your posts and im just so HAPPY#RAHHHH RAHHHHHHHH#This is what the fandom experience is all about!
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Gerdie the Super Sim
I've found myself not keeping with my storylines and getting stressed out over taking screenshots the past few months - also my computer has been in use for other things so I couldn't play. But I decided to do a chill Super Sim challenge and I've brought back Gerdie to do it. And it worked - I had fun playing this so I'm going to continue. I'm using James Turner's Super Sim tracker (yes, I link to his site a lot, but I really like the tools he has set up).
I thought about using a totally new Sim for it - getting all the infant, toddler, child & teen milestones - but honestly, that didn't sound much fun so...it's Gerdie, since she had a lot of things out the way all ready. With that thought process, I probably could have gone with one of my Globetrotter Sims since they completed a lot already. But honestly? I missed her. I moved her to a completely new save so I don't have to worry about her past story and her skills/traits would carry over. My plan is also to move her to different worlds and build her a new house, since I really like building and I'll get bored if she has to live in the same place all the time.
No idea how much I'll be screenshotting/posting, but since I finished a season, I thought I'd start keeping track here of all of her accomplishments.
Gerdie Visser-Pancakes
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Socially Awkward Outgoing, Clumsy, Lactose Intolerant (Had 2 popups if she wanted to change her trait from Socially Awkward to Outgoing so I decided to go with it. I decided that's my rule)
Current Residence: Mt Komerabi
Likes: Idealist Sims, Homebody Sims, Gardening, Black, Purple, Handiness, Cooking, Dancing, Knitting, Skiing, Rock Climbing, Fitness, Photography
Dislikes: Yellow
(I say yes to any new like - except music genres, because they annoy me with the wants. I don't remember why she dislikes yellow and I haven't received any other dislike requests)
Progress under the cut.
End of Summer, year 1
Current Completed Aspirations: Nerd Brain, Mt Komerabi Sightseer. (plus Whiz Kid as a child).
Aspirations In progress: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Lady of the Knits, Curator, Fabulously Wealthy (passive), Renaissance Sim (passive)
Current Career: Scientist (level 8)
Completed Careers: Scout, Chess Team Member.
Current Completed Skills: Handiness, Logic, Skiing (plus all toddler and several child ones, but I can't find that info)
Very Close to complete: Rock Climbing (level 9), Cooking (level 9), Fitness (level 9)
Reward Traits: Always Welcome, Gym Rat, Observant, Speed Cleaner, Great Stoyteller, Heat Acclimation, Cold Acclimation, Waterproof, Morning Sim, Night Owl, Speed Reader, Strom Chaser, Free Services, Entrepreneurial, Frugal, Independent, Steel Bladder, Carefree, Savant, Brave.
On to fall - need to work on snowboarding before we move - and get that last animal attack to finish the Extreme Sports.
#GerdieTheSuperSim#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 SuperSim#the sims 4#GerdieTheGenius#thesims4#super sim challenge
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Chapter_38 : "Long Drive"
CW: previous chapter | beginning | masterlist
Maybe it was their overconfidence talking.
Alph idly ran their hand along the unfamiliar motorcycle that they’d been given to avoid drawing suspicion with the cars actually under their name. Which, sucked. Alph sort of wanted to just lie back in their truckbed for a while out near some park and think.
The option, as a missing persons, was definitely not available.
So here they were, staring at a traffic light to turn green. Wishing they had more than a smartwatch to talk to.
That was a lie. Nobody knew Alph was even out here right now. If they used the smartwatch, their location would get pinged, they’d be questioned, and they would end up bored in their hospital room again. Throwing a ball at the wall or something.
Something like that.
Alph started up again when the light finally switched. They had one goal, and one goal alone, which was to nab the copy of Flash Fire and their game system from the garage and take it back to their room.
They’d tell Urban later.
Speaking of…
Alph pulled to the side of the road before taking out their phone and waiting the minute or so for it to power on completely to check the date. All they remembered was that someone mentioned it was November. Which meant Alph kept really bad time in their cell.
Really bad time, Alph cringed. Motherfucker.
Alph had missed turkey. Skated four days past it, big exclamation points all over their phone calendar. They could still see the post-it notes probably covering their bedroom wall.
NOVEMBER 27 (!!!!!!!)
Someone honked at Alph as they whizzed by, snapping Alph out of their trance to pocket the phone and start rolling again.
That, sucked. A lot. If not for the no-text no-call stuff, Alph would be all for calling him up. Talking about anything for three hours while the sky turned dark. Falling asleep in the middle of fuck nowhere, going back to normal…
No. Alph shook off the urge to shake their head. Going back to normal isn’t worth it. There are things that need to be done.
Alph had too many things to think about.
Missing Urban’s birthday. Being stuck doing nothing until they were told to do something. Getting to know someone who wasn’t just their uncle. Convincing Urban this was the right thing to do. Getting a game to play during their downtime. Becoming someone actually worthy of A-class pyrokinetics. Missing Urban’s⸺ Oh, fuck it.
Alph would take one detour. One. Something to leave at the garage in place of Flash Fire.
They had money, right?
Yeah. Yeah, the, card. Not their Alph debit card. The R.W. one that they were given a few days ago with the rest of their stuff. Nobody should care too much. It’d probably be more understandable.
It would definitely ping Alph outside of their room, but that was a small price to pay.
Alph had ended up getting a box of those buildable plastic flowers.
They went straight to the garage after, only realizing as they were carrying the box while driving how difficult it would be to bring the game station and the copy of Flash Fire back.
A truck would’ve made this so much easier.
Alph turned the motorcycle off after pulling up next to the garage, hearing the sound effects of a game as they hit one of the electronic lock buttons to put in the code.
The sound effects stopped after Alph pressed the button. They heard the fight music that still played on the pause screen. Raiden fight.
Alph put down the box of plastic flowers yet to be built.
The music turned off.
Who the hell was in their garage?
next chapter | masterlist
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well well well, be it the return of alph in the present day? ask to be added/removed from the tag list at any time.
almost freaked out because i wasn't able to copy/paste my tags anymore--just separated each phrase with a comma on my doc and pasted it into the tags and worked like a charm.
taglist: @lychhiker-writes, @madeoforgansandtissues, @fins0up
#flash/burn#writeblr#angst#original story#original characters#fiction#fantasy#sci fi#magic#dystopian#story#stories#stoytelling#creative writing#creative inspiration#writing#writing on tumblr#writers#writerscommunity#writing community#writers on tumblr#reading#science fiction
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reinterpreting Vaermina
as I have written in my previous post on interpreting the daedra, if we want to engage with the daedric princes and worship them without doing a bunch of messed up stuff that daedra worshippers are said to do in Tamriel, we need to find an alternate way to approach the princes.
Vaermina is no different, and is associated with a lot of bad stuff and her worshippers are said to also engage in many harmful acts and that's not something we should be trying to replicate. however, as i have proposed previously, we could engage with the lore and the games as myths and therefore we do not need to literally believe that a deity did certain things or that their worshipper did blood sacrifices (in my interpretation, in the world of Tamriel stories like these are intentionally spread to paint the daedric princes as evil and thus discourage people from worshipping them, but that's just a theory... A GAME THEO- *gunshot*).

Vaermina is associated with dreams and nightmares, as well as evil omens and corruption. She is often believed to be the cause of bad dreams, using them as a torture device or punishment. But if we put all of the bad press aside, we could instead see Vaermina as a deity of sleep, dreams and nightmares, who sometimes communicates through them. From my understanding of the lore, she also seems to be seen as interacting with memories and divination. Thus dreams could be one of the ways that she communicates with the mortal plain and maybe she could also have a relation to prophetic dreams, and for example astral travel and lucid dreaming (all of this is UPG territory btw).
to delve even deeper into my personal UPG, i see Vaermina as being related to many mental themes, and thus we can extend that to for example creativity, concentration or inspiration. More closely tied to her original spheres, she could also be related to naps and regaining energy, or stoytelling, as dreams often have some sort of story, and the subconscious.
that is not to say that Vaermina has to be 100% positive, just as dreams and nightmares can be scary, memory can be fickle and creativity elusive. but we do not need to see the daedric princes as only evil and can find ways to incorporate them into our practice and worship if that is something we wish to do, without feeling some sort of guilt or shame for engaging with deities deemed "evil" in their source material.
#daedra worship#vaermina#tes paganism#tes polytheism#skyrim paganism#skyrim polytheism#mint in the moonlight#daedra#vaermina worship#upg#pop culture paganism#pcp#pc paganism
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Giovanni Stradano: la prima retrospettiva a Palazzo Vecchio in occasione dei 500 anni dalla nascita
Giovanni Stradano, al secolo Jan van der Straet, nacque a Bruges nel 1523, 500 anni fa. Per celebrare l’importante cinquecentenario, Palazzo Vecchio per la prima volta gli dedica una retrospettiva: un omaggio dovuto all’artista fiammingo che molto operò per la città nella quale scelse di vivere fino alla fine dei suoi ottantadue anni. “Giovanni Stradano a Firenze 1523-2023. Le più strane e belle…

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#antonietta bandelloni#art#artblogger#arte#artinfluencer#bellezza#english#Firenze#masterpiece#mostre e musei#Palazzo Vecchio#rinascimento#scultura#stoytelling
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Avatar Live Action Opinions (ep.1-4)
Yes to all the casting, the Sokka casting still irks me, but the rest: perfection.
Showing the destruction of the air temples wasn't necessary. I'm not mad about it, but it didn't make the genocide clearer than Aang's reaction would have.
I'm okay with Gran Gran doing the speech
Iroh and Zuko are great. Love them and the Zuko actor actually has comedic timing which I was afraid they would take away from the character.
The whole Azula and Ozai introduction...I don't know. Stoytelling wise okay, you probably had to do that and Daniel Dae Kim is an actor you shouldn't hide. I still think it's too early and they could have made the Firelord work as a shadowy figure instead.
Also not sure about "fire nation resistance". The fire nation wants war. They see themselves as superior and so far the live action hasn't shown that. Yes they are victims of propaganda and of this war machine that's in every aspect of their lives, but they are also complicit. Now it seems like they are against their regime but just not powerful or brave enough for the resistance. Did/Do real oppressive regimes have resistances? Sure, but the narrative choice to show these first instead of, idk, normal citizens celebrating Ozai makes the narrative clear that they want to show the fire nation as victims instead of a people complicit in their leaders crimes. It fits what is coming up more and more, like "Germans were victims of Hitler". No, not really. And making Germans seem like that takes away the responsibilty to do better (And yes I know, it's more styled after Imperial Japan). I'm also afraid of what that may change around the narrative. Why doesn't Aang try to find a fire nation resistance group to lear fire bending. Why is Jeong Jeong a bitter recluse instead of a high ranking resistance fighter? We'll see how they work with that.
There is A LOT happening in Omashu. I get why, but be warned.
Jet and the rest? Perfect again!
Danny Pudi <3
Oh Bumi. I forgot he's played by Utkarsh. Love him.
Do I remember the "love is brightest in the dark" wrong or did they just change it?
Leaves from the Vine made me cry again. Zuko and Iroh make me cry. I know, I'm repeating myself but they're perfect.
Yay Teamwork
#avatar: the last airbender#atla#atla live action#atla netflix#avatar: the last airbender live action#atla live action spoilers
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Oooh the 8 -1 story. It's a classic! One of my favourite "fucking with school computers" stories.
(I mean, it's not that nuts of a story, but Matt's stoytelling/delivery really adds to the actual facts and elevates the story.)
But then, I do tend to think of screwing with operating systems as one of the funniest things a child can do to a computer to infuriate adults in power, so.
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Happy Stoyteller Sunday! (This is the day when belated Storyteller Saturday asks join in the fun with apologies for the delay.) Do you have any OCs that you feel are very similar to you? Or, do you have any who see the world so differently from you that they can be difficult to write?
Happy belated STS! Thank you for the question (it's never too late for a STS ask imo)
A lot of my MCs are quite decisive and driven, which can be difficult for me to write sometimes because I am absolutely the complete opposite. Ida and Belin, for example, are very single-minded and focused on the job at hand. They often wish to achieve their goals regardless of other people's priorities, so I have to take a step back sometimes and ask if I'm writing them as being too considerate of other people.
That being said, Wynwallow is fun to write because he is quite self-interested, a little pathetic, and prefers the route of least resistance (which is very like me) so I just have to think what I would do in that scenario and then turn it up to eleven. Would I be scared? Wynwallow is terrified. Would I be upset? Wynwallow is hysterical. Would I be charmed? Wynwallow is falling over himself. He has more confidence and is far more suave, of course, but he's good fun to write.
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