#stormboyz 40K
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jim-the-trash-king · 3 months ago
Gonna just start randomly posting lore regarding my ork models
Bomstikka (and Poppa)
Bomstikka is the second oldest of the Stormboyz mob, which is surprising because he refuses to fight people with actual weapons, only ever using grenades, with this strategy he has served loyally with Da Drifta’s hoard. Poppa is Bomstikka’s right hand grot, being treated well for his service to Bomstikka, anyone who wants to mess with Poppa needs to face the mad bomber himself.
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deffdread · 2 months ago
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Even moar Stormboyz
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squirmydads-creations · 4 months ago
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My new storm boys, on the left, finally arrived! Unfortunately, they are in the old style, like my original in the middle, but in the new scale like my new one on the right. The old metal ones look like Gorkamorka yoofs next to the new more beefy scale of resin and plastic miniatures.
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 11 days ago
Played a little 40k game against a buddy. Me Orks, he rolling Custodes.
I had the worst, worst rolling. Like, fuck.
Despite that, still didn't lose that badly - was something like 64 to 53 in the end. Mostly this was down to me getting very lucky and my (still-unfinished) Morkanaut killing his Telemon (which was also his warlord) and getting two secondaries in one turn.
The Morkanaut survived the game on one wound, and about six of those it had inflicted on itself. It was kept company by a Mega Armoured Warboss and one Meganob. Literally everything else I brought was dead. That's, like, forty-plus dudes.
Still! Fun times.
Taktikal Brigade would probably work better if I'd brought, you know, some units that were actually intended to be used with it, but I ain't made my Stormboyz yet, so...
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thehugwizard · 3 months ago
Follow-up on the ork vs orc question. If you were forced to choose 40k, which type of ork would you rather fight?
Oh boy, hmmmmmm, Stormboyz!
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crippledgiraff · 4 years ago
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Aviation April's Stormboyz are gonna teach this puny Arvus Lighter to be the only completely unarmed Warhammer 40k model!
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adeptus-illustratum · 5 years ago
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"Target confirmed. Executing attack protocol №721"  by Gray-Skull --- My DeviantArt My Twitter My Patreon
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captainblacklobster2 · 5 years ago
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praetorianxxiv · 5 years ago
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Decided to put some troops down when coming up with an idea for Orktober's campaign month for 'The Revenge of the Masica at Big Tooth River'. This is a work in progress for retake the Chapel! I'm planning on doing to big games in this world wide campaign month.
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warsmith-wolf · 7 years ago
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Jazdag’s Boosta Boyz
There are two kinds of ork: those who believe going fast is the cornerstone of existence, and those who aren't propa orks. This clearly makes Evil Sunz the orkiest of all orks, and one way this lust for break-neck speed manifests is in Stormboy squads. Though mobs such as Jazdag's Boosta Boyz may be ridiculed for their insistence on formation flying and their un-orky lack of lack of discipline, their worryingly sensible behaviour is largely forgiven by their fellow Speed Kult maniacs due to the ferocity of their rokkit-powered air assaults. 
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a-goth-pancake · 3 years ago
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Couple of things; first and foremost, I got a trukk. I love these things and I'm so glad I found one. They just have that classic orky look I love so much. It's already primed and I've started blocking in the colors - obviously it'll be purple 'n sneaky like da rest of me boyz.
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Secondly, I found a bunch of these retro 2nd edition boyz on ebay, enough for a whole squad. I really strongly considered painting them up in a classic 90s style, but ultimately I decided I want them to match the rest of my armies' aesthetic - so bright, Warcraft 3 skin and sneaky purple clothes. I've loved these crazy little guys all my life, I mean just look at his handsome little face; he's perfect in every way. I'll finish him in the morning and prime the rest of his gits... Right after I scrub the old paint jobs off.
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Update: He fits in well with the skwad, I'm so proud of him.
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I had a plan... I had a plan to do raver Orks with neon teef... I've had this plan for so long, but I was waiting to get an airbrush to do it... But then I woke up and I wanted to paint. And I love Warcraft 3 and the orcs in that game, so I wanted to emulate that vibrant bright green skin tone, and three hours later... Here we are.
And I love him. And now I'm going to do my entire army in this style. And they're going to be sneaky purple gitz. And... I don't know, man, waaagh.
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deffdread · 2 months ago
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Newest batch of Stormboyz
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betabites · 3 years ago
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[Image ID: a photo of a painted Warhammer 40K Ork army against a parched earth backdrop. They are primarily painted in blue, with splashes of yellow and red. There are 20 goblins, about 30 orks, and about 20 larger orks. There are three mechs, a helicopter, and a flat-bed truck. Behind the army are three icons in a crude approximation of a fleur-de-lis. There is a large icon of an angel, in similar crude construction. End Image ID.]
The current state of Nika’s Boyz. The only unbuilt orks I have at the moment is more of a in-potentia battlewaggon. I’ve got some bits to make a couple of angel-wings for stormboyz, and I could do with some more scatter terrain. I could also add a small shoota boyz unit, and a trukk for them. Maybe fill out the ‘ard boyz unit. And add a dok. But otherwise, I’m comfortable calling this a full army. Now it’s just a matter of painting some of their opposition.
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sgt-nerd-plays · 5 years ago
Week 2: Xenos
It's Saturday, so I've once more gotten to play some small games of 40K in the local builder's league. I got more pictures this time, so hopefully this will be a better batrep.
Game Setup:
Same as last week, it's 200 points, and as basic as possible to get people used to the game. No one counts as battleforged, so no ork kulturs, space marine chapter tactics or doctrines, etc. No real missions, just fights to the death.
My units:
Gravis Captain and five intercessors, all from the Dark Imperium box.
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The intercessor sergeant is run as having a power sword, as the league is officially easygoing on WYSIWYG.
My Narrative:
Once more, we find ourselves on the battlefields of Herosand V!
Attracted by strange signals, the presence of enemies, or the possibility of a good meal/scrap, forces of the Imperium, Chaos, and Xenos have come to this frontier world, leaving destruction in their wake.
When last we left off, Captain Incusator and his band of intercessors had fought for first pickings of the battlegrounds. This week, they encounter their first xenos foes!
Match 1:
Their Forces:
One autarch with a squad of Black Guardians and Shuriken Cannon.
Captain Incusator nodded as Sergeant Caminus approached. "What news, old bean?" "One of the men spotted some Xenos scum. Eldar." He spat out the word. "Ahh, the weakest flesh of all," the captain said, nodding. He hefted his power sword. "Let's see what they have to say, then." "Monkeigh scum!" an imperious voice shouted from across the Herosandian valley. "Surrender at once, or you shall be destroyed!" "'Fraid not, feller-me-lad!" the captain replied. "We don't know the meaning of the word. Why don't you give us a demonstration?" And with that, the Medusans charged.
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Deployment. The Autarch is just off-screen beside his men elves.
I set up the terrain on the board, giving us each a line-of-sight blocker and putting some ruins in the middle, off to the side.
He finished deployment first, but I was able to seize initiative from him and got to go first. Since he was generally a shootier army, I focused on getting forward to him. I moved the intercessors forward and advanced with the captain. I managed to take out a couple of eldar with some shooting, but couldn't do much more.
He stayed where he was. I feel that if he'd moved back and made me chase him, he would have had a better chance in this fight. Soon, I was in charge range. My grav captain was down a couple of wounds and they'd taken out one of my intercessors, but I'd whittled his guardians down even further.
My captain charged in and took out his remaining guardians. On his turn, he charged in with his autarch.
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The Clash of the Very Tiny Titans
Unfortunately, my captain was down to three wounds by that point, and the autarch soon had him down, without taking any damage himself.
Happily, by that point he was well within range of my intercessors. Their shooting didn't go terribly well, but he completely whiffed overwatch, and I now had all of my boys taking him into a group huddle.
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'Sup, nerd.
The basic intercessors took off three wounds and the sergeant took off his other two with his power sword. Medusa Triumphant!
Match 2:
Their Forces:
One squad of slugga/choppa boyz with a boss nob, one squad of shoota boyz with heavy weapons boy with big shoota, and five stormboyz.
Captain Incusator was a bit worse the wear for the fight against the eldar, but a little bandaging and a nice cup of tea soon had him back on his feet. And well it was, too, for a tide of green appeared on the horizon! He shaded his eyes and looked closely. "I say, old boy, those appear to be orks." "How can you tell, sir?" Sergeant Caminus asked. "From the way they keep yelling 'waaagh' and 'orks is never beaten,'" he said. "Ah, right you are, sir." "Don't fret, young lad. After all, the fungus is weak."
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Ork Deployment.
We used the same table section as the previous game, with no changes to the terrain. I set up pretty much identically. He set up his two blobs of boyz behind the LOS blocker, and put the stormboyz into the sky for deepstrike.
This is his first experience with models and wargaming, so he hadn't quite finished assembling his models, and hasn't gotten anything painted just yet. But that's part of the point of a builder's league, and I'm not going to shame him for still learning. Especially not with orks. I have six models; he has twenty-five.
I moved up quickly to get into cover, setting up my intercessors and captain into the ruins for cover.
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Fortifying the Redoubt
Some shooting soon saw his boyz take some minor losses, and a couple of wounds headed my way.
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Suddenly, death from the skies!
He brought his stormboyz out behind me. He charged my grav captain from two sides. The stormboyz failed their initial charge, but his choppa boyz piled in. Between overwatch, fighting back, and morale, they were routed. However, they did manage to get my captain down to three wounds. While my intercessors focused on his shootas across the map, my grav captain moved towards the stormboyz. He took one out with shooting, but failed his charge.
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I'm not locked into melee with you! You're locked into melee with me!!
On his turn, he charged his stormboyz into my grav captain. He took out another wound, but one particularly good fighting roll later, and I had his entire stormboy squad taken out. Note to self: Remember to specify which melee weapon I'm using before rolling. I kept forgetting, and to be as fair as possible, I just defaulted to the power sword each time.
Finally, my intercessors moved down the board from the ruins, fired on his orks, and then charged in.
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"Waaagh to you, sir!
At this point, he had three orks left, and I was making 16 attacks (3 from each intercessor, plus 4 from the sergeant). One Fighting phase later, and I was the victor.
As they stood over the bodies of the orks, Captain Incusator nodded in satisfaction. "Well done, lads! But now we face our greatest challenge yet." "What's that, sir?" ”Getting ork stains out of our armor. Remember, clean iron is happy iron!” “Fear not, sir. After all, the fungus is weak.”
This was the last round of 200 points. It's been a lot of fun, but I can't wait to start using stratagems, warlord traits, and chapter tactics as we head into the 400 point round. My grav captain is going to be even more of a beast next week, and I'll have some more firepower in my pocket as well. Of course, that goes for my enemies too. I think things will get a lot more interesting.
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colourtheft · 6 years ago
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Inktober day 11 #inktober #art #artwork #artist #myart #draw #drawing #drawings #sketch #sketchbook #sketching #sketches #quicksketch #illustration #penandink #blackandwhite #warhammer40k #40k #gamesworkshop #orks #waagghh #xenos #orkboyz #orkboss #ink #stormboyz #dakkadakka https://www.instagram.com/p/BozVh5She3Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ie8hb1s38lat
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adeptus-illustratum · 5 years ago
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Battle Servitors Cohort by Gray-Skull --- My DeviantArt My Twitter My Patreon
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