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Stormbolter Sister of Battle by hou_jae04
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shingodzilla98 · 8 months
Both my MCs!
Insidious Gaunt and Sherry Stormbolt
In the same pic!!! 💚🐍🐍💚
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They look so good together!
Huge shoutout to @deathlysallows for the tutorial post! Thanks so much, you’re the best for sharing that info!
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mountainashfae · 1 year
I should give Aurien the Death Clutch spell when I do their WotR run. It’d be really funny.
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:D The girls being cuties! I hope you guys like it!(please ignore the background I was tired af and wanted to finish😭🧍‍♀️)
Based on this scene obviously:
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mikal0ver · 1 month
i redesigned my oc
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i also changed her name to stormbolt, i may change it again??
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to celebrate my new lights coming in, i decided to finish up Brother Maxim, wisest amongst the White Talons chapter. As one of the original surviving founders of the chapter, many head his words as if they were said by the Emperor himself. Many times has his frame been modified, both in the field and off, to the point where several techpriests have listed Maxim as one of the main infractions, alongside a land raider modification, when they accused the chapter of tech heresy, though the charges were dropped shortly after said techpriests disappeared under suspicious circumstances. Armed with a pod each of krak missiles and frag missiles, a multimetla, stormbolter, and a pair of heavy stubbers, there is little that Brother Maxim cannot kill.
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sketch-shepherd · 3 months
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🌈 rainbow horses 🐴
Even though the Rainbow Festival doesn't have anything going for it this year and I'm still huffing copium over the Cloud Kingdom being removed. 💀 Hopefully it'll return next year
Left to right, top to bottom is Rainbowquartz, Lunaflash, Stormbolt, Clouddancer, Rainbowdash, and Moondancer
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navadev · 3 months
Irredeamable rating
Disclaimer: all of the below are my subjective opinion and it may not match yours
Hi there!
Day before yesterday i completed Irredeamable and i want to rate this game according to 5 criteria: plot, gameplay, control, graphics, audio. So make yourself comfortable, and i'll start.
Unfortunately i've missed a lot of the plot due to an issue i'll get to later. But based on what i've not missed, i can say the game has the deep plot and dialogue.
Rating: 10/10
Gameplay: fight enemies (including bosses). And everything seems to be fine: there are a lot of weapons and enemies.
But there are 2 issues:
Why must i fight enemies? After all i can just run past them
Bosses of too different difficulty levels:
Some are very hard. It isn't bad but still.
Some i can defeat by cunning: just climb higher and shoot them with stormbolt (machine gun)
Rating: 8/10
Classic control type:
Move: arrows
Jump: Z
Attack: X
Weapon swap: C
Heal: V
Interact: Up
Move: WASD
Jump: Space
Attack: Left button
Weapon swap: Right button
Heal: Wheel
Interact: E
And also:
Open almanac/skip dialogue: Enter
Open sub-menu (in the almanac)/continue dialogue: Z
But there are also some issues:
Where does it say i can continue dialogue by pressing Z? And this is the main reason why i've missed a lot of the plot (because of it i just skipped most of dialogues)
Where does it say i can open sub-menu in the almanac by pressing Z? This is the 2nd reason of that i've written above
Due to the inconvenient button placement (weapon swap button is located between attack and heal) often i swap weapon by accident (this reeeeeally bothers me)
Rating: 7/10
Nice high-pixel graphics
Rating: 10/10
Good sounds and well chosen background music
Note: audio are mostly not owner by the developer
Rating: 10/10
Irredeamable is a nice game but there are issues with controls and gameplay (but the latter is on the player's conscience)
Final rating: 9/10
Developer: @blackblooms
My favorite boss is Robber King because he isn't too hard but not too easy either: You must shoot him with stormbolt but at the same time dodge his bullets. You can defeat him the first time (if you has a strategy). And his track is my favorite track from this game.
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inquisitorius-sin-bin · 9 months
Headcanuary Challenge - One Headcanon per Day
Day 2: Weather
Wind is the defining force shaping Utapau's topside landscape. While most of the planet's surface is covered with grassland-type ecosystems differentiated by temperature, altitude, and soil type, there are some areas where rock and sand predominates the landscape.
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From these areas, massive hyperwind storms form. The fine sand and ancient seabed silts are blown up into a static-charged front that sweeps across the planet. Hot air fronts rise underneath denser, cooler fronts from the poles, causing instability in the vertical air current.
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Cyclones, sometimes kilometers wide, spin off. They are known to be so violent and frequent, that permanent settlement of the surface has been deemed impossible. That said, the natives of Utapau have adapted to the weather conditions of their planet.
Most of the population lives in sinkhole cities, powered by wind turbines and kept sheltered from the violent storms above.
Some live outside the cities, in areas not carved by the receding Great Ocean, but by the wind itself. In the canyon regions, shear winds are common, but they rarely form into the more destructive storms that plague the flatter landscapes. Similarly, the Dactillion clan makes their winter home atop a massive plateau, kept safe above the areas where storms sweep through.
Others have their own ways of dealing with the storms. Utai shepherds, tending to their animal charges, will never stray far from a sinkhole or cave system. Most surface clans of Pau'an Plainsmen use their sensitive hearing and word of mouth to track the storms, constantly moving their homes to stay abreast of the weather. The Stormbolt clan makes their livelihood sticking close to the margins of the fronts, serving as a last warning system for other Plainsmen while reaping the benefits of the percipitation coming off the edge of the storms.
After all, while these hyperwind storms are destructive, they are essential to the planet's ecology. As mentioned in yesterday's entry, there is no standing surface freshwater, so the storms keep the dense inland prairies hydrated as they pass. Lightning-enduced fires and wind keep the sparse blba trees from taking over the landscape. Minerals locked in stone made from ancient seabed are blown over the fields, introduced back into the soil to nourish rich plant biodiversity (and subsequently, animal biodiversity). Reptavians flourish, riding the air currents to the farthest reaches of the planet, often drawing Pau'an and Utai close behind.
End of Entry.
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@oh-three @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Modron, Quarton
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Image © @tredlocity​
[In the original Monster Manual 2, quartons have absolutely no unique abilities whatsoever. Which allowed them to be a blank slate for me. So I gave them powers of crafting and construction, and also a bunch of references to the spells and magic items of original AD&D that assumed that high level characters would settle down and build their own dungeons. On a related note, is the lyre of building a joke about Nero? Or is there some myth or story about construction sped up by playing a lyre that I don’t know?]
Modron, Quarton CR 18 LN Outsider (extraplanar) This humanoid giant has four arms, two enormous and two small. It has fan-like wings growing from its back, and a head like a helmet. A symbol of a diamond sits on the center of its forehead.
Quartons are the modron hierarchs that represent Primus’ mastery over artifice. They are engineers and builders of incredible skill, mixing magical and mundane techniques to create buildings and tools that are unparalleled throughout the planes. They often act as architects and supervisors, coordinating the efforts of lesser modrons to perform the bulk of the labor, and then adding the finishing touches to optimize efficiency. As such, a single quarton may oversee construction projects throughout Regulus, delegating to a team of decatons for most of the day-to-day affairs.
Although quartons have four arms, they are decidedly uneven in size. The smaller pair is used for spellcasting, while the larger pair is used for combat and manual labor. A quarton typically carries a massive two-handed hammer as a badge of office, and blows with this hammer can shatter inanimate objects and clear earth and stone with ease. A quarton often focuses its strikes in combat on enemy gear rather than on their flesh, hoping to demoralize foes and persuade them of the wisdom of surrender. If this fails, or if fighting chaotic enemies, the quarton instead fights with maximum lethal efficiency.
As quartons rarely leave the bustle of Regulus, they provide tools in order for other modrons to fulfill the will of Primus on other planes or planets. Their workshops build the vast majority of the weapons wielded by modrons, and they also provide hierarchs on the Great Modron March with tools for securing and defending territory. Instant fortresses, lyres of building, and simple scrolls of stone shape and move earth are provided to expeditionary forces. On the rare occasions where a quarton leaves Regulus, it is usually to inspect a site captured by modrons to determine if it is suitable for long-term occupation, and to design fortifications to spec if it is.
Quarton                 CR 18 XP 153,600 LN Large outsider (extraplanar, law, modron) Init 27 (fixed); Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +32 Aura shield of law (DC 25) Defense AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 26 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +4 deflection, +13 natural) hp 300 (20d10+160 plus 30); regeneration 5 (chaotic, force) Fort +18, Ref +23, Will +25 DR 15/chaotic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 28 Defensive Abilities constructed, freedom of movement Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee +3 adamantine earth breaker +31/+26/+21/+16 (2d8+16/19-20x3) or 2 slams +29 (2d8+9) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks infuse arms and armor (7/day), titanic strikes Spell-like Abilities CL 19th, concentration +26 (+30 casting defensively) Constant—detect chaos, freedom of movement, shield of law (DC 25, self only) At will—clairaudience/clairvoyance, crafter’s fortune,  greater command (DC 22), greater teleport, order’s wrath (DC 21), protection from chaos (DC 18) 3/day—dispel chaos (DC 22), fabricate, greater dispel magic, move earth, wall of force, ward the faithful 1/day—dictum (DC 24), guards and wards, sequester Spells CL 18th, concentration +28 (+32 casting defensively) 9th—etherealness, mass heal (DC 28), prismatic sphere, quickened righteous might 8th—dimensional lock, quickened divine power, earthquake, statue, stormbolts (DC 27) 7th—mass cure serious wounds (DC 26), quickened prayer, quickened protection from energy, symbol of stunning (DC 26), wall of iron 6th—blade barrier (DC 25), forbiddance, greater dispel magic, heal (DC 25), major creation, true seeing 5th—breath of life (DC 24), dispel chaos (DC 24), quickened divine favor, fabricate, pillar of life, plane shift (DC 23), scrying (DC 24) 4th—blessing of fervor, dimensional anchor, discern lies (DC 23), dismissal (DC 23), minor creation, spiritual ally, tongues 3rd—cure serious wounds (x2, DC 22), locate object, magic vestment, stone shape (x2), wrathful mantle 2nd—find traps, grace, sound burst (x2, DC 21), spiritual weapon (x2), wood shape 1st—animate rope, ant haul, bless, cure light wounds (x3, DC 20), entropic shield, shield of faith 0th—detect magic, guidance, read magic, virtue Domain—Artifice Statistics Str 28, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 25, Wis 29, Cha 25 Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+34 sunder); CMD 51 (53 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor (B), Craft Rod (B), Craft Wondrous Item (B), Critical Focus, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (earth breaker) Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll (B), Shield of Swings, Stand Still, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Craft (armorsmithing, masonry, weaponsmithing) +36, Diplomacy +15, Disable Device +28, Fly +26, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, religion) +25, Knowledge (engineering, planes) +28, Perception +32, Perform (strings) +28, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +28; Racial Modifiers +8 Craft, +2 Perception Languages Celestial, Infernal, Modron, telepathy 100 ft (49 miles with modrons) SQ coordinated ally, fixed initiative, ultimate craftsman Ecology Environment any land or underground (Regulus) Organization solitary or pair Treasure double standard (+3 Large adamantine earth breaker, other treasure) Special Abilities Infuse Arms and Armor (Su) As a standard action, a quarton can touch a set of armor, a weapon or fifty pieces of ammunition and make them magical. This ability can confer a +4 enhancement bonus, or weapon or armor special qualities equivalent to a +4 enhancement bonus, or a mixture. The abilities granted must be appropriate for the type of weapon or armor, and the quarton cannot confer any ability with an alignment other than lawful. A quarton cannot use this ability on the same piece of equipment multiple times at once, but can use it to increase the enhancement of already magical weapons or armor. A bonus conferred in this way lasts for 20 minutes. A quarton can use this ability a number of times per day equal to its Charisma modifier. Spells A quarton casts spells as an 18th level cleric with access to the Artifice domain. Titanic Strikes (Su) A quarton deals double damage to inanimate objects with its weapon attacks, and can use any tool to clear earth or stone as per a mattock of the titans. Ultimate Craftsman (Ex) A quarton gains a +8 racial bonus to all Craft skills, and gains four item creation feats as bonus feats. A quarton can create non-magical items in ¼ the time as normal. By meditating for eight hours, a quarton can change one or more of the Craft skills it is trained in to another Craft skill.
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sketchanimations · 2 months
Storm - Art Fight Attack
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Artfight attack. Original OC belongs to stormbolts 
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terrydactyl14 · 9 months
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StormBolts (Design Trade)
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shingodzilla98 · 10 months
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Insidious Gaunt and Sherry Stormbolt
With some editing, thanks to the Ominis Fig replacer mod, I was able to make it look like both my MCs are fighting Ranrok! My MCs look great together!
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I really wanted to draw Max(who belongs to StormBolts on toyhouse)again because I was rushing a lot to get my last drawing done before artfight ended. Plus, I really wanted to take more time to practice without a deadline XD I fr have had to re-teach myself how to draw. And I really like her design and had fun drawing her again(I get better after drawing a design before) I hope you guys like it!
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mikal0ver · 26 days
stormbolt redesign
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redesign era go crazyyyyyy
she used to look like this with a name i changed>>
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foodandfolklore · 6 months
With an Irish Shamrock (1827)
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From the region of zephyrs, the Emerald isle,      The land of thy birth, in my freshness I come, To waken this long-cherished morn with a smile,      And breathe o’er thy spirit the whispers of home. O welcome the stranger from Erin’s green sod;   I sprang where the bones of thy fathers repose, I grew where thy free step in infancy trod,   Ere the world threw around thee its wiles and its woes.          But sprightlier themes          Enliven the dreams, My dew-dropping leaflets unfold to impart:          To loftiest emotion          Of patriot devotion, I wake the full chord of an Irishman’s heart. The rose is expanding her petals of pride,      And points to the laurels o’erarching her tree; And the hardy Bur-thistle stands rooted beside,      And sternly demands;—Who dare meddle wi’ me? And bright are the garlands they jointly display,      In death-fields of victory gallantly got; But let the fair sisters their trophies array,      And show us the wreath where the shamrock is not!              By sea and by land,              With bullet and brand, My sons have directed the stormbolt of war;              The banners ye boast,              Ne’er waved o’er our host, Unfanned by the accents of Erin-go-bragh! Erin mavourneen! dark is thy night;      Deep thy forebodings and gloomy thy fears; And O, there are bosoms with savage delight      Who laugh at thy plainings and scoff at thy tears! But, Erin mavourneen, bright are the names      Who twine with the heart-vein thy fate in their breast; And scorned be the lot of the dastard, who shames      To plant, as a trophy, this leaf on his crest!              Thrice trebled disgrace              His honours deface, Who shrinks from proclaiming the isle of his birth!              Though lowly its stem,              This emerald gem Mates with the proudest that shadow the earth!
-Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna (1790–1846)
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