#storm hawks OC
retshirou · 2 months
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retooled the design of my storm hawks oc and made her an official looking bio!!!
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jazzyrazzy157 · 2 months
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ashe-alter · 2 months
Random storm hawks post cause the art is slow.
What are yalls rare pairs? I've seen a few floating around and want to see what yall have. I don't normally go into shipping, but my curiosity has been piqued.
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Here's mine, and they're actually on screen together!
The unnamed talon that hands the Aurora stone to Dark Ace and Dark Ace.
Just look at that smile.
I've adopted that talon, named him, and given him all the backstory (and trauma, shhhhh)
I enjoy them a little too much.
Reblog with y'alls rare pairs!
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stormseclipse · 2 months
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I’ve been holding onto this doodle for maybe a year now, thought I’d finally post it.
I think I posted about him before but just as a refresher, meet Ryder! Eclipse and Aerrow’s youngest kid.
Here he is as a teen/young adult.
I’ll reveal more when I finish his ref but for now I’ll tell you that he becomes a popular skimmer racer :b
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happypanda101 · 2 months
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“You can’t escape the sight of an owl, dear….”
My character for July’s bird month! @far-side-skies
Meet Pitta Gurney, Cyclonia’s odd gothic medic. A retired archer with damaged eyesight. Though, just because her sight wasn’t what it was, doesn’t making her any less dangerous. She now takes her terror to the medical wing, scaring unruly patients into submission.
I wanted to try and play into the bird lineage idea, and once I picked an owl, I really wanted to bring ito out into the design. Hence the creepy big eyes and beak like makeup. Thanks to @ashe-alter for the inspo!
She’s the type of person that would tell you that she watches you in your sleep, and you don’t really know if you should believe her or not cause she’s creepy enough to do it lmao.
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Mirrors Lie, Mirror Truth
Mermay with Claude part 2, Past
tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Author’s Notes: Let me know if there needs to be more tags. Borrowing some ideas from @sleepy-fanblog.
Warning: Panic, a bit of self-loathing, not realizing one’s true nature? Shape shifting, ish. Self-denial.
Summary: Claude is. Well. Chimeric. As all Primaris are. Some have more than two gene-seeds within them. Claude… learns he does as well. And doesn’t handle it well.
All of the different loyalist, renegade, and Chaos Astartes have their own form of sea creature that they take. The feared and hated Alpha legion were a known and unknown quantity. There are whispered rumors that the poisonous octopi of silver rings and teal were able to shape shift and mimic the forms of whom and whatever they wanted to, for their own, mysterious and nefarious goals. The Primaris marines, all of them, or most of them, are chimeric in their gene-seed, due to the tinkering of the Mechanicus. To strengthen them, and to help over come some of the… genetic instabilities that the first born have, due to only having one form of Gene-seed.
Not that having more than one kind of gene seed didn’t come with it’s own… eccentricities and pit falls. There are rumors that one of the Very First of the Primaris was given gene-seed of all of the Primarchs. That some of the oldest of the Primaris have nearly as many, but the Mechanicus had decided that paring doing the mixing to two or three was best and most viable for the wider population of Primaris marines. Not that many of the Primaris Astarrtes know for certainty which of the gene-seeds they are mixed with, not unless they are informed of such by their handlers, and even then, who’s to say if that is the truth or not.
Certainly Claude knows he has gene-seed of the Raven Guard, for his hair and eyes are (mostly) as dark as the stalwart, clever, and stealthy sons of the Raven Lord. Although… his teeth are far sharper than a pure Raven Guard Gene-seed is. He frowns as he looks at himself in the mirror. His eyes aren’t quite the right color as well. A bit of a teal-ish color to the dark black. He focuses on his teeth. They are sharp, far sharper than his pod-mates and First Born Brothers, and he focuses on them and thinks of how much more rounded and smaller their teeth are. He’s heard of Night Lords, those hateful, dreaded, Chaos? Renegade? Bastards are. Their teeth are… sharper and more needle-like.
No! He’s a good and loyal space marine! He’s… surely the Mechanicus wouldn’t have cursed him with traitor stock in his blood? No- no, surely not. Ignoring the fact that Night Lords have future vision. But so do Blood Angels and their successor chapters. He has no hints of red and gold. He thinks about his pod mates and pulls up a picture of one of them, and projects it on the mirror as he focuses on them and how their teeth are and freezes when he hears a crack and feels the bones in his mouth shifting. Warping. Changing. His hearts are pounding in his chest like the drums of war as he sees his teeth shift and change to his podmates.
How- what- why? No. No this isn’t happening. This is a nightmare. He’s… he must be asleep and this is a nightmare. The teal, that hateful, dreaded, dreadful teal in his eyes blooms and covers his Scalera, briefly a flash of and strange not his, not him. No. NO. Form of teal and silver and tendrils of octopus flash in the mirror. Ever so briefly before the teal in his eyes fully fade into dark, comforting, dark and his hair and eyes and form are as they should be… Just... His teeth are more normal and not Weirdly Sharp any more.
Claude had decided that he really, really doesn’t like mirrors. Strange things, he’s heard rumors about how the warp can play tricks on the unwary and unwitting with mirrors distorting a person and making them look... Different or strange. He flips the mirror around and bolts from it, as if it had burned him. He’s. He’s normal. He’s a Primaris Astartes. He’s of the gene-seed of Raven guard and… some other Primarch. He’s loyal. He’s dutiful. He’s good. The whispers of green giggle and babble at him that’s not all you are. He ignores the voices, he’s always had them, and they are far more likely to lie to him or try and get him into trouble than to be of actual use. The madness of the Eighth is something that the Mechanicus has chittered about and had talked about how they could take it out, or stabilize it with a more stable stock. Or something more… malleable.
He looks at his limbs, the grey and black tipped stripes of his shark form are that of the Raven Guard gene-seed. No tendrils of hated teal and silver. No, he’s normal. Well, as normal as a Primaris Space Marine can be. Thankfully no one else saw that. Getting sent to a strange ocean, away from his brothers had been, hard. He’d nearly died, before he’d been brought to this strange world, full of sea and land, with base line humans living on the surface. The mirror, a small silvery thing, had been one that he’d brought with him. Hes’ going to see if he can trade it for something else. He… mirrors, well. Mirrors are Bad and Not Good. And he hopes to wake up from this strange dream-nightmare soon.
He continues to swim through the water, he’d put the wretched mirror, that might be cursed back into one of his pockets. There are quite a few different pods and schools of space marines in these waters, loyalist, renegade. All of First Born, and he’s only sensed the rare Primaries Space Marine. One of the primaris marines that he’s sensed that are nearby is a good friend of his Cedric- who he’s not seen a long time, since their assignments came down and they were to be sent to different chapters. He’s… he’s fine. Just… it’s the stress from everything and getting shifted into these strange waters after being nearly killed in battle that has him all out of sorts and… seeing Lies in the Mirror.
If he was… if he was a dreadful, hated shape shifter, surely he would know? The Mechanicus would have said something? Or not. But his pod, they don’t shift, or, at least they hadn’t. The Primaris Space Marines who exhibited Odnness or Powers far faster or more strongly were taken away by the Mechanicus… never to be seen or heard of again. That’s why he never said anything about the whispers, the green, the giggles. For it would have him die while in training and his body parts used to further the goals of their handlers. Dying is something that happens, to all, but he’d rather die in glorious service, rather than found wanting and Not Being What He Should Be.
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rin-henricov · 3 months
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Ho-ho, wha? Sudden Storm Hawks OC!
Hector Olathe — the leader of a group of convicted merbs previously sentenced to life community service in the Cyclonian Empire's penal labor colonies before declaring rebellion. Currently actively fighting war criminals, rescuing the remaining members of his species from the hands of the Cyclonians. Decisive about many things, he always stays true to his words. Treats temporary «coworkers» as true soul mates, being willing to fight desperately for their well-being. Although his overconfident and sometimes childish mindset greatly overshadows his combat intelligence, so many people mistakenly believe that he is strong only in words. In fact, in the art of giving strong blows merb is absolutely unrivaled. He has an exceptionally mutually beneficial interest in Stork, often trying to suggest that he join his squadron, but to no avail. Believes he got his name in honor of the Trojan heir to the throne Hector, who slew 31.000 Greek warriors, and therefore is always proud of it, thus not missing any opportunity to mention it somewhere. The catchphrase — «Cyclonians have no honor, no respect, no beer».
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far-side-skies · 2 months
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WIP of this month's bird OC! Colours just need refining a bit.
Spitfire is a member of the 3rd Degree Burners; their best pilot and secondary Sky Knight. When he first joined as a teenager, he had no interest in being a Sky Knight and preferred to compete in races with other squadron members. He grew particularly close to a young Suzy-Lu and Lightning Strike's co-pilot in that time, right up until the betrayal happened.
In my lore, the Sky Knight Council covered up the fact that Lightning's co-pilot was responsible for the fall of the old Storm Hawks, and branded the Dark Ace as a random rogue operative who'd come out of nowhere to win his place in Cyclonia's ranks by killing the team. Spitfire was one of the only people brave enough to contest this decision, and proceeded to spend the next few years believing that some semblance of his old friend still remained in Cyclonia's Champion.
This conviction literally came back to bite him in an incident that cost him an eye. By the time the show events come about, Spitfire has completely abandoned all hope in his old friend.
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zr-art-world · 1 year
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animelovermurillo · 3 months
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“… You know Aerrow, you and your squad are already becoming true Sky Knights…”
As the Leader of the Zodiacs, Scorpio has a duty to lead his squadron with Aquarius by his side as his Co-Pilot.
Scorpio [Male] - Leader
Weapon: Crystal Energy Sword
Oberon - Father
Celenia - Mother
Marietta - Aunt
Deimos - Uncle
Moonlight - Grandmother
Hilal - Grandfather
Luna - Cousin
Aquarius - Adopted Cousin/Co-Pilot
Crush: Ravess
Bio: Scorpio was young at the time when he was training under Marietta’s wing in becoming a sky knight, at the time he was placed in charge of keeping sure that the civilian were okay and had everything they needed, including the Sky Knights that travel to Terra Celestial to gather some info in the archive or supplies. At the time he trained day and night until he finally gathered some allies and friends to forge a squadron and take Marietta’s place as the Sky Knight Leader of the Zodiacs when Marietta stepped down in order to take care of her daughter. He still trained with Marietta at the time and watched after his cousin when the adults have meetings or attend at a trial, and even after Marietta’s death he would train around the tree where Marietta was buried feeling her watchful eyes observing him as he trains.
Voice Actor: Ray Chase
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austrydieder · 2 months
Do you know any Nightcrawlers? Like, are they all independent little guys or is there some Hive mind stuff at work there?
I've met a few Nightcrawlers. There's a half Nightcrawler half merb I hang out with sometimes. He works with explosives, which is great.
They live in a have, but I know nothing of a hive mind?
They're all pretty independent but communal. I've never been in the hive myself, but Naius, the half merb I meantioned, he's told me some things. It sounds like a horror movie, but he's happy.
There's also Sidian who's a commander in their ranks.
He's definitely intimidating, but he and his brother also adopted a human baby they found years ago, so he's good in my book.
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We have more of the crew! I did the beefy girl, wallop and Merb on stream today, all fun stuff!
Beefy girl is muscle, she more or less deals with the heavy shit
Mr. Wallop is the desk/ face of the salvage crew and takes salvage calls
The Merb is the risk guy! which sounds funny, but there has to be at least one guy who is the voice of reason!
Okay that's it
I mean I still need names, but they'll come to me
have a nice day
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jazzyrazzy157 · 23 days
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(To be honest, I wanted to post this but I was kinda got insecure but now here it is)
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ashe-alter · 4 months
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Full body of my oc Ashe
It's been a while since I've done one, been more focused elsewhere.
Actually put her goggles on her for once, their a pain to draw but she is usually wearing them so I should include them more often
Dark Ace's little trouble causing sister.
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stormseclipse · 3 months
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Happy Pride Month! uwu
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happypanda101 · 28 days
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Cute feral babies cause I told @stormseclipse that I would draw baby Rook and my version of baby Cyclonis together. Excuse the blood.
TW! For dead bunny and some gore(?) under the cut.
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