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Credit to from 📷@galen.neil @roamwith_bree (@get_regrann) - We make countless daily decisions that affect the health of our planet and oceans. We often make these decisions completely ignorant of the effect they have. Cruise ships for instance make up for 25% of marine waste coming from all ships, that’s just one small fact of several about their giant footprint. It can be daunting hearing all the negative news these days, but if you can take it one step at a time, informing yourself on ways you can improve your impact, it will get easier, and we can help inform each other. Changing lifelong habits isn’t easy, but we’re running out of options. . . . #saveourseas #stopsingleuseplastic #savesharks #recycle #earth #respectearth #oneearth #vitaminsea #mermaid #bikinigirls #ocean #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterpics #chasinglights #reef #savethereef #vice - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SsaYfFn7j/?igshid=geawgkpe5gjx
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sourcecatcher · 6 years ago
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Let’s be more sensible with how we use our plastics and educate ourselves on the way our current use/consumption is affecting the very world we live in! ♻️ #recycle #be_the_change #kuwait #uk #indonesia #plastics #stopsingleuseplastic #singleuseplastics #environment #reducecarbonfootprint https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzu1B9rhlSa/?igshid=1iq31xf4es79i
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athomeveg-blog · 6 years ago
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Just got my new reusable coffee cup and water bottle. Im so excited to use them 😍 #cheekicup #bbbyo #reuseablecup #veganfortheenvironment #helpmothernature #stopsingleuseplastic #environmentallyfriendly #excited #zerowaste #vegansim https://www.instagram.com/p/BuATTK7ASJz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5g630m11jw79
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kendraerpeton · 6 years ago
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I would like to introduce everyone to my new social media influencer: Odo the Komodo. Odo likes reusable travel mugs because they keep single use coffee cups out of the landfill and environment. Odo likes jellyfish too. #travelmug #komododragon #pottery #ceramicsofinstagram #pottersofinstagram #komododragonsofinstagram #ceramics #environmentalist #stopsingleuseplastic #handmadeceramics #handmadepottery #handmade #biologist #payingforgradschoolwithmyetsyshop https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx_b7mVAuD7/?igshid=1cra5qhxk3jej
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mbessence-blog · 6 years ago
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❤️🌊Fashionable Plastic Evening Gown🌊❤️ Not cool for marine life. @juansharks · · · We are what we eat! Studies are predicting that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050. Tag someone u think should know this! I know we can’t stop all plastic but single use plastic like water bottle, plastic utensils, straws, and plastic bags need to stop. If ur feeling inspired to do something Come help clean up the beach at Kahala Beach tomorrow from 9am to 12pm with @oneoceanconservation @kennaaloha @oneoceandiving and if u can’t make it do ur best to stop the use of single use plastic in ur community. #stopsingleuseplastic #beachcleanup #stopsucking #noplasticstraws #noplasticbottles #savetheocean #savethesharks this photo creation by @paolo_pnd found via @zerograss (at Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVgBkelGYW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7x27satgakcw
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rabiakhairat-blog1 · 6 years ago
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#stopsingleuseplastic #savetheplanet #savemarinelife #plasticislikekarma #stopoceanpollution https://www.instagram.com/p/BxAeaNVh63DLeefxqqEiNpI3H9voIHkcJDYpKo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gmz8p0larg04
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veganvibesonly · 6 years ago
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IG Fam! @myincredibowllife 🌿 SO excited that I’ll be selling Buddha Bowls! It’s exciting to love a product and support the cause behind it. Buddha bowls are an eco-friendly sustainable product that re-uses discarded coconut shells after being used for coconut oil, water, and flesh. Buddha bowls upcycles these shells and “saves” them from being burned and polluting the air 🌴🥥🌈🌸
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showtheplastic · 3 years ago
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Comment "💚🌎" if you care for our planet Earth. ▪︎ ■ ▪︎ 1COMMENT•1LIKE•1FOLLOW•1SHARE can help raise awareness of our plastic crisis that can save our planet Earth 🌏 ▪︎ ■ ▪︎ Start picking up trash and show it 🙏 use #showtheplastic and tag us 🤲 ▪︎ ■ ▪︎ Photo credit 📸 @justabitfarther Thank you for picking up trash and cleaning up our Earth. 🤲 #stopsingleuseplastic #trashpicker #climatechange #trash #plasticfree #gopro https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxSoJhrZqE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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soap2o · 3 years ago
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Did you know...
“A shocking 50% of the world's coral reefs have been killed in the past 30 years due to environmental changes and pollution.” 
Our sustainable soap solution tackles the single-use plastics that pollute our oceans and kill our coral reefs.
Washing your hands and body shouldn't damage the earth.
Together we can make waves in saving the planet.
Click here to find out more; https://soap2o.co.uk/
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karwaanmission · 4 years ago
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If the lakes sees the ocean, it will want big waves. If the ocean sees the lake, it will want calm days that lasts for years. #Climateheritage #Cultureheritage #Culturexclimate #Covid19 #KarwaanMission #NorthDMCSwachh #Karwaan #SwachhRevolution #SaveWater #SaveLife #SaveClimate #StopSingleUsePlastic #KarwaanMissionEducation #India #KarwaanMissionWarriors #WaterHarvesting #SaveRainWater #RainWaterHarvesting #bhalswalake #revivebhalswalake #WomenEmpowerment #WomenHealth #WomenPower #Saynotosingleuseplastic #Saveearth #savetheplanet #plastic #istandwithBhalswaLake http://karwaanmission.com/ (at Bhalswa Horseshoe Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2G93tAOlk/?igshid=8tosfqhahlp
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paddlehi · 7 years ago
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We love having the opportunity to take care of the sea as it’s a home for you and me. For some it’s a church! #homeiswheretheheartis We consider sunscreen ingredients, reduce our plastic consumption with every voting dollar spent and recycle the must have single use plastics. It’s important to us the choices we make for all living things. Hopefully you can see the good examples set forth and become inspired to do your part or any part to helping us push towards a sustainable future. For boards we love @starboardsup not only because they are one of the most ecologically responsible surfboard manufacturer hands down but also they are leading the way with #innovationquality 🙌🏽♻️🙌🏽 that’s what it’s all about right, finding the best way?! The information is out there you just need to ask the question. #livethetikilife #dnaplantstrongsurfers #plantstrong #fortheoceans #supcouple #deepbluelife #starboardsup #loyaltothefoil #honu #sustainablesurf #pocketofplasticchallenge #livelifepositive #foilsurfer #plasticswearjar #moreoceanlessplastic #bamboopaddle #mycanonstory #irideirecycle #eatmoreplants #konaboys #kaenon #livethetikilife #gofoil #stopsingleuseplastic #stopsucking #teambioastin #hawaiianspirulina #navitasorganics #getoutstayout
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thebamco · 4 years ago
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🎄🌟 Here're few steps to go PLASTIC-FREE this CHRISTMAS 🌟🎄 1. SHOP LOCAL 2. BOYCOTT METALLIC WRAPPING AND PLASTIC RIBBONS 3. DITCH ONE-USE PLASTIC STRAWS FOR REUSABLE BAMBOO STRAWS 4. CHOOSE A RENTED CHRISTMAS TREE 5. CHOOSE OBJECTS FROM THE NATURAL WORLD FOR THE REST OF YOUR DECORATIONS Are you ready for this Christmas ???? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #christmasideas #christ #christmasgifts #giftsforalloccasions #reusablegifts #sustainablegifts #giftingideas #zerowastegift #zerowastechristmas #nosingleuseplastic #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreeoceans #nowaste #stopsingleuseplastic #ecowarrior #bethechangeyouwanttosee #yayforearth #packagingideas #lovedones #reducereuserecycle #zerowastetravel #zerowastelife #saynotostraws #reusablestraw #bamboostraw #reusables (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIzxUR3FgHe/?igshid=1q01mibvm32ov
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stefaniaguizzo · 4 years ago
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•vita da studenti universitari plastic free . . . #24bottles #PlasticFreeUnipd #StopSingleUsePlastic #unipd #UniPadovaSostenibile https://www.instagram.com/p/CHK01Ldlog3/?igshid=vajmxzjdasn6
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miguelangelddl · 5 years ago
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"El plástico desechable también es un virus que asfixia el planeta". El plástico de un solo uso es sinónimo de mayor higiene en la situación actual, pero produce toneladas de residuos. Campaña italiana para incluir a los vasos de plástico en una directiva europea contra los productos desechables. 
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jannis-world-connection · 5 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @marevivoonlus #covid19, l’usa e getta è davvero più sicuro? 〰️ È stato dimostrato che il virus sopravvive sulla plastica per 72 ore. 〰️ L'aumento del consumo del monouso produce non solo più rifiuti ma aumenta anche la quantità di oggetti con cui entriamo in contatto. #RipartiamoDallAmbiente #StopSingleUsePlastic https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQEeKmhuvs/?igshid=2s8n2wougons
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brewingbasics · 5 years ago
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Stop single use plastics and switch over to reusable stainless straws. Were doing our part by giving a FREE 4 pack of stainless straws on any order over 50 cad. #enviroment #enviromental #straw #metalstraws #stopsingleuseplastic #savetheturtles #welovetheearth #environmentallyfriendly https://www.instagram.com/p/B97DjAmhKSs/?igshid=1qxooqwurkbxu
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