#stop putting words in my mouth xD
fandom-madness69 · 1 year
Could someone who is good at art draw Azi discovering true southern American BBQ??? I'm talking from a state like Texas or Louisiana. Like sure medieval (I know it was waaaayyyyyy before then hush) ox is good and all. But real homemade Southern BBQ??? That's like tasting Heaven Itself and I feel Azi would deeply agree. Especially with some damn good slow cooked ribs 🤤
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jimingyue · 9 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
7,192 notes
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
154,688 notes
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
32,456 notes
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
48,971 notes
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
34 notes
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
545,460 notes
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
7 notes
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
988,653 notes
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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cerisefait · 3 months
Hello my dear!! As i promised here's my request. Can you write a Shanks x reader fic where they have been together for a really long time and beacsue of this Luffy looks at the reader like his mother figure? Like just imagen the Strawhats meet the reader and Luffys first reaction is to shout "Mother!" and the Strawhats are like "Wait.. That your mom???" i could imagine all of the being like really surprised XD and also obviously Shanks is there as well and tgat also cause another set of confusion like?? Shanks a big pirate?? Here?? I can just imagine the chaos and happiness that it would bring to Luffy
The Confession
[1,9k words]
a/n: I'm baack and motivated than ever! so sorry for the long wait @smolracoon25 but I hope I did you justice with this one and I hope all of you readers enjoy it <3 I've put a little spin on the request and wrote an angsty romance with a happy ending x
(warning! description of drowning)
‘Look out!’
The sound of swords clashing filled your ears: Metal on metal clanking in a deathly duel against Red Haired Pirates and the Intruders.
‘I can handle myself Shanks!’ You exclaimed as you made your way to the butt of the deck in an attempt to escape the guy who was chasing you with a sword in his hands.
You were successful for a moment. Taking a quick look at your crewmates, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter at the scene which unfolded before you. Most of the barrels were scattered on the floor, some of them were on fire: One of your crewmates was trapped in a corner and the others were fighting for their lives.
Your view was suddenly cut off by a larger and thus, threatening frame.
'Don't you dare come closer.’ You stated sternly but the quaver in your voice gave your fear away.
'What are you gonna do about that, princess?’ said the unwelcome pirate, clearly enjoying the display of his actions.
Upon hearing the disgusting cockiness and the nickname that came out of his mouth, you furrowed your eyebrows. 'Don’t you fucking dare! …Stop!’ You yelled, taking small steps backwards.
'You'll make a very pretty hostage, it's been so long since we had a woman on our ship.’
‘I said stop!’
Now, you were on the edge looking for someone to come to your aid. Your eyes wandered around in hopes of finding Shanks but to your misfortune, he was too busy trying to save the trapped crewmate.
For a split second, he looked back at you; the fierce and confident look in his eyes turned into a fearful one.
Knowing what's to come, he knocked the guys he was dealing with within a blink of an eye and rushed towards you but he was far away.
Seeing your gaze fixated somewhere else, the foreigner tried to take advantage of your distraction and took a step closer to you.
And out of instinct, you took a step back.
Suddenly you were face to face with the sky: falling on your back, feeling the cold breeze on your skin.
As you were falling, you screamed Shanks' name at the top of your lungs with terror. The feeling of panic and adrenaline was coursing through you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you waited for the inevitable.
‘(Y/N)!’ he exclaimed rushing to you, knocking everyone and everything that got in his way.
…that was the last thing you heard before submerging deep into the depths of the ocean.
At first your back came in contact with the water's surface in which you felt a sharp stinging pain that spread all across your body. Feeling that pain, your eyes opened widely.
You tried holding your breath for as long as possible but after a few seconds, you inhaled some water which made you splutter, cough and inhale more.
There was a burning sensation in your chest, making you instinctively panic... Until you surrendered.
When you stopped fighting you felt calm, tranquil even. You knew what it meant: the loss of consciousness was showing its symptoms because of the oxygen deprivation.
In the meantime, Shanks was done with the intruders. The rage he had inside of him was enough to fight all of them. He was swinging his sword in such a delicate way that made his enemies fear and search for a place to hide. Your fall gave your crew a massive anger which they couldn't contain any longer and lashed out on the enemies with more power.
Seeing his mates handle the foreigners, Shanks immediately jumped off of the deck to save you. The water was dark, chilling and you were nowhere to be found: he had to swim deeper.
He didn't have the time to think about taking off his clothes before jumping, he had only removed his black coat. And the fact that he was wearing layers didn't make it easier for him to swim.
But luckily he found you quicker than expected and got a firm hold on you, manhandling you in order to waste no more time.
When both of you came up to the surface, he called out your name multiple times but you weren't responsive. Holding your fragile frame in his arms, with the help of his crewmates, he managed to get you back on the dock.
Looking at your face in desperation for a sign of life, he tried his really best to keep his composure. But the fear in his eyes was evident. Getting on his knees he laid you on your back, tears welling in his eyes while maintaining a stern, angry look on his face.
He gave you cpr, tried everything in his power but nothing seemed to bring you back to life… to him. After the last mouth to mouth, he was exhausted. He looked at his crewmates for hope, but all he saw was faces close to crying.
He then turned his gaze back to you, drained and hopeless. He put his hand on one of yours and held it gently. Your skin felt strange, it wasn't like what he was used to. With his thumb, he circled swift emotions on the back of your hand and gave it a little squeeze.
…with that, he gave up.
He lowered his head, letting a warm tear move across his cheek and drop onto the wooden floor. He didn't want anyone to see him so… defeated.
Just then you moved your fingers a bit, the warmth of Shanks' hand was a huge contrast compared to the coldness of your damp clothes clinging to your body.
You weakly mewled Shanks' name but he was in a complete trance; He didn't hear you the first time.
You tried calling his name one more time, trying to open your eyes ever so slightly to get a look of his face.
He quickly switched his gaze back to you. there you were breathing, alive. That was the most miraculous thing Shanks swore he had ever experienced.
He softly whispered your name, a look of relief and adoration in his eyes as he tried to help you to get in a sitting position. With the help of his left hand on your lower back and right one holding your hand, you sat up coughing.
‘I thought I lost you.’
'Me too...’ You winced in pain. The air in your lungs was filled with water and the burning feeling made it hard to breathe or speak. Shanks looked worried but he continued.
'I'm glad you're here, with me… I can't bear the thought of you not being right by my side.
I need you more than anything in my life (Y/n) and I'm done trying to hide the fact that I love you. ’
'Shanks… I-’
'Don't tire yourself out sweetheart.’
Not being able to say those three words frustrated you so you grabbed him by his collar and planted a weak kiss on his lips.
Everyone around you was happy.
Ever since that day, Shanks and you became inseparable. Luffy always saw Shanks as a father figure, so it was only normal for him to look up to you as a mother figure.
Even though it created some sort of confusion and the assigned family ties made it difficult being a pirate, all that mattered to the both of you was Luffy's happiness.
Present day
'Luffy! Looks like we have a visitor.’ yelled Nami.
'What? Where?’ He got hyper excited as he always did.
‘'Calm down cap. Visitors are mostly never welcome.’ Told Zoro in his usual grumpy tone.
'Would it hurt to be positive for once, Mosshead?’ asked Sanji.
'If it means that I'll be agreeing with you then yes… Cook.’
They started snarling at each other.
'Guys, quit it!’ Nami yelled once again.
The figure started to become more recognizable. It was a beautiful woman walking with a larger crew behind her but it was quite hard to observe the others: They were further away.
'Anybody know who she is?’ asked Usopp, confusion clear in his voice.
The strawhats stared at her, then turned to their captain in unison. Luffy was awfully quiet.
‘... Who is she Luffy?’ Nami questioned.
'That's my… mother.’ He stated very calmly.
The rest of the crew was shocked for many reasons. One, how could he stay so calm and two, she's his what now?
The woman and Luffy made eye contact. She looked so relieved to see him. Her eyebrows lifted upwards, her eyes teary. The same look was now on Luffy's face.
When they were few feets apart, the woman shouted
Upon hearing her calling his name and the sound of her voice, Luffy broke into tears of joy, lifting his arms high above his head, yelling ‘Mom!’ before running to her.
They hugged, everyone was confused. Then, the bigger picture started to unfold: The strangers' jolly ranger was the one no other than Red Haired Pirates’.
‘Are my eyes deceiving me or is that…’
‘Oh my god.’
Luffy was crying like a baby in his mother’s arms while she looked peaceful holding him. They were lost in the moment when Shanks came up and wrapped his arms around both of them.
‘We saw your wanted poster… I’m proud of you kiddo.’ said Shanks pulling away from the hug to look Luffy in his eyes: They were already swollen.
‘We’re all proud of you sweet boy.’ added the woman.
Luffy was enamored, his happiness was all over his face. His hands then went over to his head, moreso to Shanks’ hat.
‘I think this is yours..’ he said, offering it back to Shanks, looking grateful. But Shanks could see through his defeated smile that he loved his hat and didn’t want to let go.
‘Don’t think so, kid. It belongs to you.’ he said, smiling warmly.
‘Plus.. your mother here thinks it suits you more.’ he whispered, rolling his eyes at her, laughing.
‘You think so?’ asked Luffy with a golden retriever energy, smiling ear to ear.
‘I know so.’ she replied, giving him a wink and shoving Shanks’ shoulder playfully.
‘Uh.. sorry to interrupt but… Luffy?’ It was Nami.
‘Yeah?’ Luffy answered, expectant huge eyes directed in her way. He looked completely oblivious.
‘...Care to introduce us?’
‘Oh right!’
He introduced his crew one by one: They were all thrilled to meet Shanks and the others. After all, he was one of the biggest pirates.
But what mattered the most was, Luffy was over the moon: He was with the ones he loved the most. Shanks, his mother and his own crew all in one place. How could he not be?
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moodymisty · 24 days
I would like to throw Sanguinius into the “wants to hunt down his beloved to satiate his latent predatory instincts” arena (especially since he doesn’t indulge them nearly as often as Leman & Lion do, he needs to cut loose 🥴)
But ALSO… Horus wants to be so sugar daddy coded. He wants to actually have kids so not like your typical sugar daddy but he wants to provide for his beloved he wants to drown you in luxury and gifts. It gets him harder than tungsten carbide when he sees you looking dolled up to accompany him somewhere and he knows he bought every single thing you’re wearing (probably down to the underwear cuz we been knew he nasty like that lol). He didn’t just want to raise kids he wanted to occupy that perfect paternal figure archetype as a provider (because he has daddy issues that he “copes” with by trying to one-up Emps XD) and part of the perfect image of his future would probably include a spouse he would spoil and treasure like nobody’s business. This man lives for the constant adoration he gets so of course he wants to hear it from you. The thank yous and bashful looks as he hands you ANOTHER priceless piece of jewelry, mewling and moaning as he’s balls deep in you that you don’t NEED another fur shawl and how people will gossip. Let them talk, let every ear on Terra know the warmaster can and will provide only the finest of the fine things in this whole galaxy for you. Cuz that gets him off too XD
"Oh thank you! Warmaster Horus gifted it to me."
You've found yourself saying those words a lot lately, tumbling out of your mouth even before you realize you're saying them.
The dress you wore with sleeves billowing over your wrists, with a train that dusts across the floor is a gift from him, along with the jewelry you wore; The heels you have on are from Horus, custom made from the hide of an animal sourced from a recently annexed planet.
The lingerie you wear under your dress is from him as well- a bra, garter belt, panties and stockings all matching and delicate with lace and silk.
Horus had loved that gift of his in particular, shown in how gentle he was in assisting you while putting it on. And taking it off, now a moments later.
"It sounds like the primarch has quite the warchest, if he's lavishing you with so many gifts." You smile nervously, trying to laugh it off.
You know that despite the relatively simple nature of the comment, that it's implications are less so. There has been gossip going around, talking about Lupercal's spoiled little princess, his brat, and he's been on a manhunt to find the sources of all this talk.
He hasn't told you what he's going to do when he finds out who is nattering insults, which worries you more than a little.
"I keep telling him to stop, that he has thousands of men to feed, but he doesn't really listen."
They smile at you while you try and shrug off their comment, polite and insincere, but amicable enough. At least your response got them away from Horus' gifts.
It's a bit difficult to fend of prying questions about the Warmaster when he isn't around, as many lords and ladies are eager to know anything any everything that could give them a head up. They are all quite interested in the primarchs and their legions goings on, but Horus in particular is of much interest.
Only when you return to Horus' private Terran chambers can you breath, feeling the ache in your feet after so long in heels.
You're taking pins out of your hair when Horus returns, watching you put the pins in a little container before turning to him. He's in his casual war, a massive pelt draped over his shoulder ending right where the start of his baggy brown trousers begin.
"I apologize for missing you, I wish I could've gone but the Mournival had some urgent questions they needed answered." He glances over you, see how you've begun to get ready to settle down. "I hope it went well in my absence, at least." You nod.
"It did, don't worry."
He lets out a soft 'good' in response, but he's already getting down on his knee and pulling something from his trousers.
"I do have something for you. I was going to give it to you before we left, but I suppose I can gift it to you now as an apology for leaving you alone."
You watch as he opens a small box for you, and the shine instantly catches you attention.
They're earrings; Small, delicate and feature a beautiful teal gem as the centerpiece. Horus chuckles.
"You should put them on. I would help but, my hands are not suited for such tiny details."
You can't resist the urge to smile back as you take your current pair out, swapping them for Horus' new ones. He watches with interest the entire time, even as you glance in the large vanity mirror to see them.
"They're perfect Horus, thank you."
You lean forward to wrap your arms around his neck and give him a kiss to the cheek, your lipstick leaving a mark on his tanned skin.
"You always get me so much though, are you sure it's ok?" Horus laughs, a deep chesty laugh as he puts a hand on the small of your back and pulls you closer.
"Ok? Whatever do you mean?" You purse your lips.
"I just don't want you lavish me in all these things when you might be able to use that income for more important things." Horus lets out a softer, quieter laugh, kissing your forehead.
"My love, don't you worry about those things. I have them all handled." His other hand comes up to rest on your jawline, cradling it in his massive palm.
"I only wish to make sure you don't want for a single, solitary thing. If you want something, it is yours. I will make sure of it."
You smile at him, gentle and sweet. You love Horus so much, the feeling is palpable. You wish he wouldn't give you so much however, the gossip is becoming unmanageable. Each time you mention it however
Horus always shrugs it off, saying that they can gossip all they want- It only shows off just how well he takes care of you.
"Do you mind helping me with the buttons on the back of my dress? The handmaid helped me earlier but I think they're off cleaning."
Horus nods and gestures for you to turn around, unfastening the buttons at the nape of your neck. While they're small they aren't as small as the earrings, so he's able to manage the delicate task somewhat easily.
Farther down the trail of buttons eventually the shoulders slide off of you, and the dress pools at your feet.
"You wore it again today,"
Horus says while he looks over your back, and there's an unmistakable look in his eyes at the sight of his gifted lingerie. You turn around, unable to help the way you cross your arms across your stomach.
"It matched the dress, so I thought i would."
His hand drifts over your right thigh, up over the lace top of your stocking, before drifting up and over your hip. He leans inward to press his lips to your collarbone, before lowering to your sternum.
"I should get you another."
You stutter and try to decline his suddenly exclamation as his hands drift upwards, threatening to push your bra up over your breasts.
"Horus, I don't need another, please-"
He hums, and you can feel the vibration go through your chest.
"If you're going to wear it under your dresses then you need multiple, of course."
He's not going to budge on this, and his distractions of kissing your skin are working masterfully. A whimper leaves your throat as one of his hands slides to gently cradle your bottom, and his lips push up your skin to nip at the sensitive skin just below your ear.
"Then... Could you do it in silver? ...I miss the silver of your Luna Wolves regalia."
Horus chuckles, but unlike the one earlier that was so sweet, this one has far more rumble, deeper in his throat.
"Consider it done, my love."
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Summary: You had a dream but unfortunately there was a misunderstanding.
Characters: Valtor x Reader (she/her) / Bloom
Words: 1091
Warnings: Implied smut/Nsfw, some spice but nothing detailed. Cuddling with a friend. Secret relationship. Enemy to lovers. Kind of betrayal. (Please let me know if I should add anything)
A/n: Hey Ho. Well, this is only the second fandom for which I post fanfiction and I haven’t written for a while. And my native language is not English, so please forgive me for any mistakes and it was more of a spontaneous idea I had. Please just don’t expect a Jane Austen novel. (I'm not nervous, you are xD) Okay, I’ll stop talking now and just hope that at least one person will kind of enjoy this here. Have a great day/evening/night.
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"Y/N! Hey, Y/N, wake up. You’re having a nightmare." The voice of bloom breaks through the wonderful dream you just had.
"Y/N, come on, please, you have to wake up, it’s all right, I’m here, it’s just a bad dream."
Confused, you slowely open your eyes but the second after you closed them again, blinded by the bright light of the lid lamp.
"Ugh," escapes your mouth while you press your face into the pillow.
"Y/N, finally! Everything is fine." Bloom’s deliberate calming words only add to your confusion. More carefully this time you turn your head to look at her.
The brightness lets small tears shimmer in your eyes, quickly you try to blink them away.
"What’s the matter?" you ask without really opening your mouth but Bloom understood you anyway.
She carefully puts a hand on your cheek, stroking a tear from your skin with her thumb. "Hey, don’t cry. Everything's okay, it was just a nightmare, don’t worry, Valtor’s not here."
Suddenly your eyes widen, "What? Valtor?" Your voice sounds nervous as you're pushing yourself up to sit, capturing her gaze with your own.
"Hey, I told you everything was okay. It was just a bad dream. You called Valtor’s name in your sleep, I can understand it, I often dream about him. But we’re with you, we protect each other, don’t worry."
The Guardian of the Dragon Flame moved closer to hug you. Still overwhelmed you let it happen, placing your head on her shoulder.
You can’t find the right words to get yourself out of this uncomfortable situation. And the only option you have is to play along and just agree.
You close your eyes, still not accustomed to the brightness and two more small tears roll over your cheeks, your chin and finally land on Bloom’s arm.
Your friend sighs, "Back a little, I can sleep next to you, maybe we’ll both dream better."
In your head you hear the laughing of the lord of evil. He's laughing at you for this situation. Gloatingly, teasingly.
You nod indecisively but at the same time shake your head to banish the magician from your thoughts, which rather ends in a strange circular movement.
The fairy lets you go and crawls behind you on the bed, patting on the mattress next to her and slowly you lie down.
With a snap, the light goes out. Bloom approaches you, wraps an arm around you before snuggling up to you.
You grab her hand to cross your fingers with hers.
"Try to sleep a bit more, I’m here now," she whispered.
Your heart is racing incessantly as you can do nothing but nod again, it has absolutely taken your breath away.
For the next few minutes it is quiet, you do not dare to move. Not until you are aware of the regular breath of the fairy. She fell asleep.
You sigh and are sure that your cheek must be red like a tomato from shame.
Your mind worked at full speed to realize and process the things that have just happened. You must summon all self-control to avoid giggling. At the same time, however, you feel your guilty conscience eating through your body, burying cell by cell.
Your friends were always there for you, they helped you every second without asking questions, they trusted you blindly, just like you trusted them. They made every effort to protect and support you.
You all had nightmares about all the things you had to go through and survive. But since Valtor came into your lives, everything has gotten worse. Hardly anyone can sleep for a whole night. Hardly anyone can dream of anything beautiful.
Hardly anyone can feel something like true joy.
But while all your friends were plagued with nightmares and are not allowed to have a careless second because of the dark wizard, he is the reason that you can sleep well. That you still feel something like satisfaction or happiness and can forget all that terrible things for a moment.
It was pure irony.
While they all suffered because of the wizard, every night you dream of his hands gliding over your entire body when you sneaked out of Alfea to meet him in the cloud tower again. How his lips invade every spot of your body, leading you into another dimension. How his rough voice sounds musically in your ears when he groans your name or tells you how perfect you are for him. How his hot breath flits over your skin when you lie in front of him on the desk. How he makes you feel as good as no other has done before.
What was your dream, was their nightmare.
What became your joy, became their sadness.
What deprived them of all their powers was what made you feel more alive than ever.
Valtor was their curse, but he was your blessing.
The more you thought about it, the more your mind became weary. And as soon as your eyes closed, you were back at the sport you were before Bloom woke you up.
In a storeroom in the cloud tower, without clothes, while the magician knelt in front of you, throwing your head back in pleasure.
In the cloud tower, Valtor laughed deeply as he turned his gaze away from the sphere through which he had observed you and your friend.
He could hardly wait to make you blush with the events of today and evoke your shy side the next time you would come to him, your enemy, to wind under him in passion.
He had taken off his coat and pulled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. Sitting in the big desk chair he turned in a semicircle. He looked through the large windows of Miss Griffin’s office into the dark night. Then he leaned back, closing his eyes as well before mentally diving into the same memories you are exploring.
This little fairy had fallen for him, just like he had fallen for her.
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Thanks for reading. 💚
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vasyandii · 3 months
I have no idea if I can ask that but I'm so curious... Any headcanons of AM and Vernon having sex? I made conclusion that they are doing that by your last nswf art... (Very good one, btw!) Or am I wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer on this ask or it's uncomfortable for you! Sorry if I made you feel bad... 👉👈
NSFW Headcanons
Warning: Sexual/suggestive topics.
⚠️ If you're under 16+, Please scroll pass. There are better places to be. (My Boundaries here.)
Howdy Anon, thank you for the ask. you're allowed to ask anything as long as it's in a normal/polite manner XD. I see sex more as a character study/ exploration than anything else.
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In the context of THIS art; they haven't yet, more just AM struggling to deal with new sensations and emotions of want because he has big feelings towards Vernon and nowhere to put it to.
1.) AM's bad at fucking.
Let's get this out of the way, when their relationship started to become sexual, AM was bad at it. Like way worse than most. Just because one has the knowledge of how to fuck doesn't mean they have the skill to fuck.
So during the initial stages, it was less than satisfactory for Vernon's end, even if she's been touch starved for 109 years. (not for AM though he enjoys it very much.)
2.) Ideas on sex.
I don't think Vernon sees sex as an act of intimacy, if she does, it's very rarely. To her it's an act of power, worship. She requires it from AM, he's a good follower and she'll be a good god.
AM, however sees it as an intimate experience, a moment of vulnerability that he's willing to give to her. He wants to please and see her pleased. It's a form of showing his affection towards her. AM has more complex emotions with his experience being "human". (I hope that makes sense)
3.) Vernon's experience
4.) Vernon is LOUD. AM is quiet.
She just generally had more experience in sex than him. ( Mostly one night stands during University and her Archeological excavations overseas.) but because of this, the initial stages felt transactional.
Intercourse did get better as time went on but she had to basically talk him through most of it since AM had no sense of pace, rhythm, control, and it usually didn't last long.
Vernon gets a kick out of embarrassing AM in the bedroom. She will moan, scream, laugh. AM knows there's no one to hear them but he ushers her to stay quiet because he gets shy.
AM is fairly quiet because his brain can only process so many overwhelming sensations at once, he short circuits. His words often come out garbled, even in its omnipresence. His face is often buried in her neck to not make any noise.
5.) idk what caption to put here lmao
Vernon's just really degrading when it comes to teasing AM idk how to put it. She'll whisper praises in AM's ear, kisses on his neck, while giving him a handjob or kisses along his thighs and dick before she sucks him off. But then she goes along to choking, scratching, or biting him.
Not much to say for AM since he's a bumbling mess during, alot of sniffled "Thank you's" from him. He's good with his mouth though.
6.) Aftercare
Vernon doesn't do aftercare. It's a waste of time to her, or at least that's what she says, since usually in her past experience she would just leave and never see the other person again.
She's a bit repulsed by the idea that there's something that she has to do that'll make her get attached to someone which shows in her being slightly irritable after sex. An irritated fondness for AM, basically.
AM requires aftercare from Vernon. He's pretty annoying about it. He'll whine and stop her from leaving bed with his weight.
He needs her to give him kisses and tell him that he's good in some way. Vernon will give the reassurance he needs (kisses, petting his hair, holding him) as long as he shuts the hell up and lets her sleep it off.
That's really it for my headcanons for them, I'm not very good at writing sexual things so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me.
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writeslikeanaria · 8 months
Can you please write an omi fic of him losing his v card with mc (But make it realistic like an adorable bumbling doof? Mistakes, miscommunications, giggling, bashfulness) XD
These HL boys are becoming far too suave for my liking lately lmfao!
Xxxx love your writing btw
virgins do a standup special
ominis gaunt x reader
summary: two sassy kids have private fun time for the first time ever. or, author has way to much fun writing dumb shit. (i spiraled. i'm sorry. but thank you for requesting!!! and thank you for enjoying my writing!!! i'll do more of it i promise.)
word count: 1.9k+
warnings: SMUT, author went wild, first time woohoo, oral!m recieving, reader needs to self pleasure badly, bad attempts at comedy, p in v,
requests open! request here :) (i normally write better than this is swear)
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Celibacy didn't look the best on you.
Staring at your reflection, you followed you tired eyes back and forth, drained from the restless night you had just slept. Hours spent, holed up in your hot bed, sleeping next to your quiet boyfriend, as you tried desperately to not shove your finger down your panties.
This night was no different. It was just past two in the morning and your mind had yet to drift into slumber. The crackling of the gentile fireplace and the hum of the sea breeze outside had not worked their magic to soothe you to sleep. Ominis, on the other hand, bless his heart, was out like light, sleeping like the Inferi. Sometimes, you had to place the pads of your fingers to his pulse point to even check if he was still breathing. Yet, he was, his breath puffing from his soft lips in small doses, his clothed chest rising and falling with his rhythmic heart song. You longed for that type of peace.
Instead, a fire roared inside of you. Sweat drowned your forehead as you glanced at yourself in the mirror beside his bed. It was full length, allowing you to see both yourself and you sleeping boyfriend behind you. Except, every time you would stare at you boyfriend, the fire would ablaze. Everything Ominis would do was like tinder. You pouted at yourself, ignoring the waterfall between your legs.
You were being courteous, is what you told yourself. Six months of dating and nothing more than your tongue deep inside his mouth. You were fine with it – really, you were – but you wished you could just progress past Ominis' gentleman hands, and onto the more animalistic side of him.
Too busy staring at yourself, you hadn't even noticed the stirring figure behind you, waking from his sleeping beauty rest. Humming deeply, Ominis rolled over, wrapping his arm around your sitting hips. He coughed softly to break in his sleepy timbre. "What are you doing?"
Not even fazed nor startled at Ominis' tough or voice, you sighed in response, shrugging your shoulders defeatedly. "Just thinking. Go back to sleep. You need your beauty sleep, Prince Charming."
Ominis snorted at your joke, but scooted closer to you, until his head was resting in your lap, breath fanning over your bare thigh, barely anything keeping his face from your most exclusive area. He rubbed his cheek against your soft skin lovingly, before pressing his lips gently to the tops of your thighs.
"Talk to me. Maybe it'll put me back to sleep." Ominis spoke, voice still not fully warmed up. After a pause in the conversation where you couldn't reply, Ominis piped up again. "I want to hear your thoughts."
You lifted your hand to his hair, and stroked the blond locks in an attempt to slow your racing mind. Biting your lip, you felt the guilt rush up your body. Lowering your head, ashamed, your voice came out in a mere whisper.
"I want you."
Ominis lifted his head slightly, life rattling under his skin. His lips turned into a confused frown, eyebrows knitted together into a stout line. "I'm right here? Do you think I'm leavi–"
"No." You stopped his words, before letting out another sigh. "I want you. In a sexual context." You weren't sure if your words were clear enough, so you spoke again. "I'm horny."
Still having not replied, Ominis stayed still, tongue slightly poking out of his mouth as he remained deep in thought. The wait was killing you as your boyfriend stayed quiet, the only time where his silence wasn't endearing, but exceedingly frustrating, considering the rainforest coming into season on the flesh side of your panties.
"Please say someth–"
"I'm a virgin."
"I know. I'm your girlfriend. We share these things." You snapped, not in a harsh way, but in a way where Ominis knew that you weren't truly upset with him. Biting your tongue, you restarted your speech. "I'm sorry. What I meant to say was, I know, but, sometimes I have needs. And I recognise that you may not want to sleep with me, and I fully respect that. I love consent, big fan. Some might even call me a consent groupie, but on top of that, I just need to let some inhibitions go occasionally."
"Wait a second–"
You did not, in fact, wait a second. "You know, when you woke up, I was actually staring into this mirror, trying to decide what the etiquette around masturbating next to your boyfriend was. I was a couple minutes around from taking myself to pleasure-smeade and praying that you'd stay asleep. Or maybe I should've gone to the bathroom."
"Hold on–"
You didn't hold on. "It's just that I don't like masturbating in bathrooms. It's way too cold, and I have this fear of the tap just turning on and a ghost walking in, or even just someone rattling the door nob–"
Ominis bit into your thigh to shut you up. You yelped in response, smacking your hand over your mouth to stop any more surprise noises from escaping your throat. You grind your teeth together. "What the hell was that for?"
"I'm trying to tell you that you don't have to pleasure yourself next to me." Ominis hissed back at you. "I would be very happy to," his voice dropped low, to almost a whisper, "make love to you."
You stared at your boyfriend, your polite, bashful boyfriend, whose face was now a lovely scarlet, long eyelashes downturned as his words come out like the crudest word someone could think of. You smirk.
Leaning down, you sink yourself off the bed, and onto your knees in front of Ominis, kneecaps hitting the hard, cold floors beneath you. You knew he couldn't see you, but you stared into his eyes anyway. "I'll give you a blowjob if you can say the word 'sex'."
The scarlet crossfaded into burgundy. Ominis let out a small gasp, before placing his hands over his ears and whispering out into the world, "sex."
You laughed, leaning up to place your lips against his, pressing as much love as you could muster through the emotion in your kiss, but you were unable to stop the giggles from coming out. As you both laughed your way through your pash, your nimble fingers made their way to Ominis' pant's waistband, flicking at the fabric, until your impatience wore down to the thinnest layer of the earth. Tapping your fingers at his waist, you encouraged Ominis to stand up slightly, so you could shimmy the rest of his pant down his leg, revealing his briefs, with a very strained cock protruding from it. A very large cock aswell.
"How the hell am I supposed to fit that into my mouth?"
Ominis furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I know? It's your mouth, isn't it?"
You pinched his thigh. "But have you seen the size of it?"
"No. There's many things I haven't seen."
Ignoring his cheek, you slowly roll down his briefs to reveal the mammoth you were so afraid of. It was longy, veiny, with moles covering it's ivory length. You squeezed it experimentally and relished as Ominis let out a long hiss of approval.
Meekly, you let your hands wander the length of his cock, mesmerised by it's very being. "I've never actually seen one of these upclose before, only in those muggle education books we have in the library. It's actually different from what I imagined." You licked from base to tip and hum and the texture. Ominis' thighs tensed. "I thought it would be more, rock like, but it's reminding me of... soft rubber."
Ominis let out a throaty gasp as you alternated from stroking, licking, and just straight up babbling about his cock. "You know, darling, it is just skin and muscle, I thought you would know th–"
He was speaking too much. Deepthroating your boyfriend, you watched as his entire face contorted, hands reaching into your hair, and lacing his fingers into your locks. You didn't mind the pressure, slowly lifting yourself off the cock, and then back down again, catching a rhythm.
You stopped running your mouth and focused on giving Ominis the pleasure he deserved. Through sloppy and wet noises, your lips suctioned around his member, tongue gliding over the ridges of his cock. Humming occasionally at the salty taste oozing from the tip, you watched out for all the signs that Ominis was enjoying this as much as you.
His head was thrown back, eyes closed, as sweat enclosed his neck and collarbone. His teeth had pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and refused to let go, blood cracking from the skin. The fingers in your hair had not relenting, staying firmly in place as you worked your magic, which is how Ominis so easily lifted your head off of his cock after a short while.
You fake pouted. "I was actually enjoying myself."
Ominis snorted. "You sounded so lewd that I thought that you might've been replaced with a whore."
You slapped Ominis' dick in response. "You know, if I wasn't so horny right now, I would've taken offence to that comment."
Pulling you upwards, you met Ominis' lips once more, adjusting yourself so you could sit in his lap. Grinding down on his exposed crotch, you let out a moan, right in Ominis' ear, just so he wouldn't miss it, or mistake you for someone who wasn't so ridiculously turned on right now.
"I want to put my penis inside you now." Well, that was direct. You let your head fall into the crook of his shoulder, trying to stop your laughter from deterring him. "I would like that very much."
Satisfied with your answer, Ominis hoisted you up my the butt, and laid you down on the bed, spreading your legs seductively, and sitting between them. His warm hands rubbed soothing circles on your thighs as his brain tried to figure out what to do next.
You cocked your head. "Would you like me to remove my panties?"
"Oh," Ominis' eyebrows raised. "Only if you don't mind."
Rolling your eyes, you pulled your panties down your legs, throwing them off to the side and resettling yourself on the bed. You should've felt more exposed, completely bare and presenting your pussy like a modern piece of art, but Ominis made you feel so unbelievably safe. You smiled at him, knowing that he wouldn't be able to see, but not caring anyway.
"Gotta find the hole..." Ominis brought his fingers up to your unmentionables and starting rubbing around until he found a hole. Unsure, he bit his lip out of confusion. "Its... tighter than what I was expecting." Beat. "And drier."
"Ominis, that's my anus."
"I was just kidding..." He wasn't.
Fixing his hand placement, Ominis tried again, fingering your cunt with the dexterity and delicacy of a moose being told that he has to cook, and not really knowing how to, because it's a moose.
When he was sure he had found the right hole, he gripped onto his cock, and lined it up to your entrance. "Are you ready?"
You nodded.
"By the sound of the rustling pillow, I'm going to assume you nodded." Ominis slowly started entering you, both of you letting out harmonious moans over each other. The pleasure was almost too good as Ominis thrusted in again and hit that perfect spot and–
Came with six seconds.
i'm so sorry for whatever the hell this is i'm actually so tired and out of it but i hope you enjoy this. i love writing i love words i love metaphors i am a god.
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newtabfics · 1 year
wait holup, i wanna read a tentacle fic. Can I partake in your writing please? owo (i saw that and died XD)
Oh prepare yeself. Here these waters are dangerous. Alright got that outta my system.
Triggers for...imprisonment? Mentioned deaths. Uhhh...oh! Egg. There's eggs. Yeah so under the cut--
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
The night of wood crunching underfoot and the men screaming still rang loudly in Y/N's ears as she blinked up at the darkened ceiling. She could barely make out the outlines of the stalactites as water dripped down.
She was stuck fast to a wall as she squinted, trying to see better as she tugged and writhed. She was once the first mate of an infamous ship that ravaged the seas. Now? She was stuck and trapped.
Y/N could barely hear movement in the dark and stilled, listening carefully. It was like something soaked was moving across the floor...towards her!
Her heart hammered so loudly she had wondered if it could hear her. She damned herself for always loving the thrill as she felt her trousers begin to dampen with more than just the sea water drenching her clothing.
A gasp couldn't stop when a tendril slid up her thigh. It didn't stop when she flinched. Only gripped at her clothing and ripped it away. She tried to jerk away but could only do so much with her arms and legs pinned to the wall.
As the tendril began to tease at her core, her body locked up, barely seeing the outline of the creature. She'd sailed the seas enough to know just what she was facing.
"Kraken," was the last word she ever uttered before it slid a thick tendril into her, pumping rapidly as several other tendrils slid up and around her body, tearing away at her remaining clothing as it began to pleasure her.
She couldn't cry out an "Oh gods!" of pleasure because it'd suddenly slid a tendril into her mouth. She choked and grunted as it slid carefully down her throat, pumping some fluid into her. Her stomach felt full, as though she'd just had a hearty meal as it kept pumping inside her.
Y/N's eyes rolled back blissfully when a second tendril slid into her core, poking and prodding at her womb entrance before spraying something warm against it. She couldn't stop the orgasm as it violently took over her, her body warming.
She wondered for a moment if it had to do with whatever it was feeding her. She wondered if this thing was doing everything it could to make sure she enjoyed herself.
She wondered what soft things it was put inside her, pumping straight into her womb before a larger, maybe the size of her fist, soft thing fell into her, stretching her as it passed through the tendril.
Y/N moaned happily, rocking her hips now. This seemed to please the Kraken as it continued to pump its tendril in her, sliding another into the third hole it found; her ass.
There Y/N stayed until the eggs hatched, where she would be used by many more offspring until their sire took her for itself into the deep, deep waters.
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medusapelagia · 28 days
23 Meet me at Skull Rock
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Skull Rock) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt:Musician ), @aug-kissed (prompt: Using Tongue) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: no one Words: 1403
(Did Tumblr eat my fic... AGAIN?! Yes! It did! But now I'm smarter and I have copies! Lol XD)
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The car is parked down the road, hidden behind a thick bush and a big tree, the same place Steve used every time he hung out at Skull Rock. Nobody could see it from the street and that gave him all the privacy he needed.
Steve has been to Skull Rock so many times by now, but every time was different from the time before.
There was a time when he was still King Steve and he used to come here with the girl of the week. There was a time when he was just Steve, and he drove Nancy here just to look at the stars and intertwine their fingers. There was a time when he was a warrior, ready to fight, and he came to save a friend.
But this time...
This time is different from all the other times.
This time is a goodbye.
Eddie hasn’t really told him, but when he asked him to meet at Skull Rock Steve immediately got it. The road is close enough to the highway. They can share a joint, drink a beer or two, and then Eddie will drive his car far away from Hawkins. From the place that was never home to him. And Steve will remain. Because his roots are deep and strong and he can’t move. Not when the boys are still there. Not when Robin has promised to take a year off to help him figure out what he wants to do with his life. Not when his parents finally came back to take care of him even if he doesn’t need it anymore.
“My liege! Come! Sit down! I already started a fire and brought some s’mores.”
Steve sits on the ratty blanket Eddie has laid down on the ground to protect his royal ass from the bumpy rocks, grabbing a marshmallow and stabbing it with a stick, roasting it on the flame.
Crackers and chocolate are waiting for him at Eddie’s side when he puts the hot candy out of the fire.
“So, you’re going to try?” Steve asks, squishing the marshmallow between the crackers and the chocolate.
“I have nothing to lose,” Eddie mumbles, his mouth full of crackers and some chocolate dripping down his fingers.
“Musician. That’s a cool career.”
“That’s the dream: playing my songs in an arena full of people who sing along with me. And there are other benefits. Like groupies, free stuff, and money. So much money.” Eddie adds in a dreamy tone.
“Yeah. It sounds, nice.”
“I know I’m dreaming big, but you should try it sometime. It really changes your day.  And even if I won’t make it, I will be far from this stupid town anyway, so that’s a plus. In a big town like Los Angeles, I could get lost in no time. No more angry parents threatening me or Wayne, no more slashed tires. No more spray paint on the trailer. Yeah. It sounds like Paradise.”
“The boys?”
“Jeff is coming with me, he is going to attend college in California anyway, And next year Gareth and Frank will graduate too so we’ll be reunited. And maybe we’ll finally make it big. If not, there are so many bars where we could play. I'm not worried at all.”
Steve nods quietly while inside him his feelings are bubbling like a hot soup. He reaches out to grab another marshmallow, and his hand bumps into Eddie’s. The metal head smiles brightly, “Didn’t know you had a sweet tooth,” he says, offering him the bag to grab another candy, but that seems to be Steve’s breaking point. He drops the bag of candies, not caring about ants or other insects, and pushes Eddie with his shoulders to the ground.
“Tell me to stop,” he whispers on Eddie’s lips, “tell me you don’t want this and I’ll leave.”
Eddie’s eyes have always been big, but right now they are huge pools of chocolate brown staring at him in astonishment.
He doesn’t ask Steve to stop, he doesn’t push him away or scream against him, he grabs the back of Steve’s head with one hand and drags him toward himself. Eddie tastes like chocolate and candies with a hint of cheap beer, that’s what Steve will remember about his first kiss with a man. His hands are strong and his long slim fingers are curling on Steve’s back, urging him closer, and closer. They’re chest to chest, Steve practically crushing Eddie with his body, and then Steve’s tongue pushes a little bit harder and Eddie grants him permission to kiss him deeply. Their tongue meets halfway, as if they couldn’t wait to finally touch each other. Steve’s tongue twirls and moves faster into Eddie’s mouth and Eddie follows his lead, obediently. It’s not so different from kissing a girl, the only difference is Eddie’s chapped lips and a hint of beard growth brushing against Steve’s chin, but Steve doesn’t startle at the realization that he’s kissing a man. He just makes himself softer and kinder, not wanting to leave Eddie with a bad memory of their first kiss.
Steve doesn’t know how long they keep kissing, he hasn’t made out for so long in months and he’s somehow surprised when he finds Eddie straddling him, their hard dicks brushing one against the other behind their jeans.
But then Eddie retreats, crawling backward on the blanket.
“What was that?” he asks, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand, and Steve knows he fucked up, he really did.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Is that so? I don’t know what I was thinking?! You fucking kissed me, man!” Eddie yells, “You… you stole it from me!”
“I didn’t steal anything.” Steve replies tiredly, “I kissed you, I made a big mistake, and I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, you should have not!” Eddie insists, and now he’s standing, touching with his fingertips his plum lips, “Why did you do that?”
“I don’t know Eds. I wanted to, okay? You’re leaving anyway, why does it matter? It’s not like you have never been kissed before!” Steve sighs, brushing a hand through his hair, and then the realization hits him. “It wasn’t… it wasn’t your first kiss, right? You… you have all those dirty magazines you bought in Indy, you always talk about that stupid hanky code. You… you have never been kissed before.” Steve whispers, pinching his nose, “Listen, man, I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t mean it.”
“You didn’t mean it? Thank you, Steve! That makes things so much better!” Eddie complains, his arms crossed in front of him, “Hey Eddie, I stole your first kiss because I was drunk and sad. I don’t even like boys but you were here so I just did it. Sorry. But we’re fine right?” Eddie yells, mocking Steve’s voice.
“That’s not… It’s not like that, ok? It wasn’t…”
“It wasn’t what? An experiment? A test?”
“I do like you, moron!” Steve finally yells and his voice reverberates in the quiet of the woods, then he lowers his tone, “I do like you. I have liked you for quite a bit but I never gather the courage to say anything. And now you’re leaving and I won’t see you again, and maybe you’re right, I’m sad and drunk. But I did mean it, Eddie. It wasn’t an experiment. I swear.” Steve almost whispers, avoiding staring at Eddie in the eyes. 
The metalhead is still standing in front of the fire, his silhouette dark and ominous.
“You did? You really meant it?” Eddie asks, and this time it looks like his crossed arms are pulling him together instead of shielding him.
“I did. I do.”
Very slowly, Eddie sits back on the blanket, “I’m going to leave anyway,” Eddie reminds him.
“I know. It’s the right thing to do.” Steve agrees.
“But maybe… you and Buckley could think about joining me next year. Or the year after.”
Steve reaches out with one hand, caressing Eddie’s arm.
“I’d love to.”
“So… maybe we can try again? Practice makes perfect, you know?”
Steve chuckles, “Yes. Yes, we can. Come here, babe.”
They kiss until the sun rises and when they get back to their cars Eddie’s last promise is that he’ll call him as soon as he’ll find a place to stay. And if Steve is already waiting for Eddie's call, sitting next to the phone, is none‘s business.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
First Date - Heartslabyul
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SUMMARY: What would your first date with him be like? I know first dates might not go so well, but let's pretend these are different. ;)
CHARACTERS: Riddle Rosehearts; Ace Trappola; Deuce Spade; Cater Diamond & Trey Clover
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader; Flirting; Kissing
WARNING: Spoilers from Ace SSR Suitor Suit (Vignette); Book 5; end of book 4; Cater SSR Birthday Boy (Vignette)
WORD COUNT: An average of 570 words per character.
Heartslabyul / Savanaclaw / Octavinelle / Scarabia / Pomefiore / Ignihyde / Diasomnia
COMMENTS: Damn, making this for 5 characters is hard. And I still want to make it for all characters! What am I doing to myself? XD Tho, this is fun to write. I hope you have fun reading too. ;)
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Riddle is an extremely Lawful person (Like in Lawful Neutral Character it's what I mean). And in this context, to be extremely lawful would mean to be extremely cliché. Then a Candlelit Dinner will be!
He asked Trey to cook. First: because Riddle knows he's not a good cook and your date had to be perfect, and for that the food should be too. Second: Trey's food and especially sweets are incredible! Perfect for a date! Riddle probably blushed asking Trey that favor, because Trey would tease him a bit too. But just a little bit.
He decided to use a smaller room for your date. Still, it had a large window overlooking the beautiful maze. If anyone even dared to think of interrupting your date it would immediately be OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Trey was the one who made the food, but who would serve you would be Riddle himself. He didn't want anyone else in that room with you. Mainly because he was still a little embarrassed and nervous.
He will enjoy talking to you. Know more about yourself and your world. Tell you more about the Queendom of Roses. The two of you praising Trey's cooking. And since you're being cliché, why not do the same with dessert?
Strawberry Tart was the dessert. You insist that you cut the tart yourself. You cut a slice, put it on the plate, take the fork and take a piece of the slice. And before Riddle can ask why you only took your slice, you hold your fork out to him. He is slightly confused.
You just say "Aaaah" and he finally realizes what you're doing. And blushes. He sighs, more to calm himself a bit. and opens his mouth without being able to look you in the eye. His cheeks were starting to match his hair.
“Next time, I'd like to be the one cooking you a strawberry tart.” you say, after seeing the delight in Riddle's smile after eating from your fork.
He blushes a little more, but answers in a soft and sweet voice: “That would be wonderful.” And he quickly pulled the rest of the tart close to him, to cut a slice and feed it to you as you did to him. Who was blushing now?
“Rule 53.” He says with his little smirk. “You must replace anything you steal. You made me steal a piece of your tart. In other circumstances, it would be off with your head for making me break a rule you know?” He was smiling nonetheless, so you smiled back and ate the tart he offered you.
Before leaving for Ramshackle Dorm, you remembered that rule. And you dared to be cheeky. Riddle was accompanying you out and you took advantage of his low guard to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He stopped, astonished.
“Oh no!” you say with fake concern “Did I just steal a kiss from you? And according to the rules I must replace anything I steal correct?”
He should be mad at you, but he couldn't. He was trying so hard not to smile, he just gave up. And that smirk of yours, took its place. “In fact. What you just did was a tremendous infraction.” He gets closer to you. “Because it wasn't just a kiss you stole from me. A long time ago, you stole my heart as well.”
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Since his Personal Story from SSR Suitor Suit, I can only think of one thing: Amusement Park Date! Ace will not treat this like a date date. It's better for him if you just have fun together without worrying about being on a date.
You'll go with him on thrill rides. Mainly because you would challenge each other. And then you would try to convince each other that the other was the most scared.
When you're already tired of so much adrenaline, it will be time to eat something. You'd going to eat hot dogs and laugh at each other for dropping the straw potato through the other end of the hot dog. If you get sauce on the tip of your nose, he might kiss it to lick the sauce off. And he will be pleased to make you blush. If you guys eat dessert, like ice cream, be careful. Because he'll try to nibble on your dessert just to mess with you.
Even though you're having so much fun with Ace, you still wanted to do some date stuff. Like, for example... Oh! That baby flamingo plush is so cute! I remember you from the ones of Heartslabyul. And what a coincidence (or maybe not), it’s one of the prizes of a basketball game stall. But when you mention it to Ace...
“So why don't you try to win one? Your throws are pretty decent.” He smiles with fake innocence. You look at him sullenly. “Ha ha ha. I know, I know. I haven't completely forgotten that we're on a date. But if I get you the plush, what do I get from that?”
You give him two options: bragging about how good he was on the game and how cool he looked like when he got you that plush. Or a kiss.
“Are you telling me I can only choose one of those? Not fair! That game could be really hard, you know~” You laugh and end up saying that if he really got that plush for you, he could have both.
Are you surprised that he failed on the first tries? Probably from overconfidence? Being fair, the hoops are also different from real basketball hoops. Eventually hitting those hoops becomes a matter of pride. But before he keeps trying, he starts talking to the stall guy. It looks like a normal small talk, but Ace is actually trying to take the trick to win out of the guy. When he gets the information he wanted, he tries again. And wins!
The stall guy give him the baby flamingo. Ace extends his arm to give you the stuffed animal, but, oops, too high. He raised the plush high above his head. You’ll not jump, you’ll play dirty, like he would too. You start poking him around the belly making him tickle. And get your baby flamingo!
The day was already ending and it started to get dark. You heard that the view from the top of the Ferris wheel at night is very beautiful, and it seemed like a nice, and chill way to end an amusement park date. He agrees, he was tired too.
“I thought you were tired.” You comment as he starts trying to swing the Ferris wheel carriage. Then he stops, really tired, he can't even do that. But he’s smiling a lot. The Ferris wheel was very tall, and only one lap took some time. You already had your prize in your hands, but you still hadn't given Ace his.
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I got this idea after book 5: a Magical Wheel ride somewhere. “It's a surprise” he tells you, when you ask where you two are going. One of his lines from his PE card is "Are you free? Then why don't we go for a ride on my blastcycle? No, wait, I almost forgot—we need permission to leave the school grounds."
Either he got that permission or just went YOLO like he did with Epel. And since this is you first date, he would be very capable to do that if he didn't get the permission.
He would already be extremely excited to drive a Magical Wheel freely. But with you behind him, that enthusiasm multiplies. If you like speed as much as he does, he'll be over the moon. So happy that he can make that for you. Feel the same excitement he feels.
If you don't like speed and maybe even fear him going so fast in such an unprotected vehicle, you'll probably hug him even tighter and maybe squeeze his coat. And he'll be able to take that as a sign to slow down. He won't be sad that you don't like speed as much as he does. He’ll be disappointed in himself for forgetting your limits and scaring you. He'll apologize to you for that later.
For this, let's assume he used the Dark Mirror to get you somewhere. Because I imagine him taking you on a ride through green plains or mountain range.
And using this last example, where does it take you anyway? How about a river beach, perhaps near a waterfall, to have a somewhat improvised picnic? This because he didn't have the picnic stuff like a picnic blanket or food, so you would need to buy it in the little nearby stores. He was more excited about riding a Magical Wheel with you, so he ended up forgetting about the rest. Sorry.
It was such a beautiful sight. And the sun began to set. “Deuce” you say “Do you remember when you got on a Magical Wheel and took Epel to Sage's Island beach?” he nods “I got a kind of jealous, you know.”
He spits out the soda he was drinking. “Of what? *cough* *cough*” you are both sitting by the water.
“I mean, you take a Magical Wheel that isn't even yours, break the rules about whether or not you can leave the school grounds, and still take someone to the beach at sunset? Epel rode with you on a Magical Wheel before me.” you take your drink to your mouth “And sunset on the beach?” you murmur “That's romantic stuff.”
“Whoa, what? Wait! First of all my intentions were never romantic! I have no interest in him, just to be clear! I just wanted to help him. I would have done exactly the same for you. Maybe even more.” and speaking of which, he remembers: “Hey, wait a second, I've already done even more for you! Do you remember when you got stuck in Scarabia on winter break? Ace and I made it all the way from the Queendom of Roses to Sage's Island without using the mirror. just because you sent that message and we couldn't talk to you afterwords. I'm pretty sure that’s more than taking someone to the beach.”
You smile. “You’re right. And I never thanked you enough for all that work. Or for everything you've done for me since I arrived in Twisted Wonderland.” You put down your drink and hug him. Will your first kiss be enough thanks for now?
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Cute Cafe Date! Why? Cater SSR Birthday Boy - Vignette: “I love visiting cafes, but we all know the most photogenic thing on the menu is dessert. Well, I can't take a picture of something without ordering it, and how am I supposed to order something I can't eat? It's a real pickle! ...Wait, I've got it! (MC), what if YOU ordered something and I posted it to Magicam? That settles it. We GOTTA hit up a cafe sometime soon. I know all the hottest spots for 'cammable desserts! And don't worry--food's on me. Deal? Deal!”
He dressed for the occasion, just like you. Everyone could see that you were a couple. And you would be the cutest couple in that cafe. If you're already shy, you'll probably be even more shy. Because someone like you and the handsome young man with you will catch some eyes.
And to make it worse if you're already a little embarrassed by your shyness, Cater will find you so cute that he will put his arm around you and pull you closer. Maybe even give you a few kisses on the cheek.
He will take so many pictures that it will look more like a photo shoot. Photos of the food, of him, of you, of the two together, of the place, everything! You two will talk A LOT. About NRC, about your colleagues, about Magicam gossip, etc.
He already talks cute to most people. So with someone as special as you, not only does he talk in that cute and affectionate way, but also becomes very touchy with you. He'll want to hug you and kiss you on the cheek a lot. If you like PDA, that's perfect. If not, he'll respect that, but still try to at least hold your hand.
You will be there for so long that only when you start to see the space becoming empty, with fewer and fewer customers, will you realize that closing time is approaching. As he promised, he paid for everything.
When you left, the sun was already setting. “Hey, (Y/N)-chan.” He tells you, in a whisper “Before we go back, There's one last place that I would like to go with you~.” And his fingers touch yours, like an invitation you could refuse. But you accept and he intertwine your fingers.
You walk a little until you reach a park. You walk along the dirt path, through the trees and the lawn with flowers. its a pleasant walk. And as night came you could hear the crickets. He stops by the lake, the two of you sit on a bench and he takes another selfie with you. To next giving more attention to his Magicam than to you for a long moment.
You sulk a bit and you decide to go to your own Magicam to see what is taking his attention away from you. You see that he didn't tag you in the photos and that the comments on the photos with you were disabled. “I wanted to show you off but...” Cater says, looking at you with his phone's screen off. “I wanted to make sure no one spoiled this day. You... know...?” He tries to keep his smile.
You put your hands on his face “You don't need to show me off. The best things in life are offline, you know? I don't need to be part of your feed to be part of your life.”
He smiles at you, his most genuine smile, as if to say: this is why I love you. And he can't stand not having you in his arms and kissing your lips.
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A Picnic with the best food: his. He’ll carry the basket and picnic blanket in one hand and your hand in the other. He’s the one who usually plans the Unbirthday Parties. Planning your picnic date is a nice change of pace. Plus, he loves seeing your delightful face when you try and like his food and pastries. He would take you to a quiet and peaceful place to enjoy yourselves and each other.
This is his opportunity to rest from his Vice-Houseworden duties. And you can take a rest from Ace, Deuce and especially from Grim's shenanigans.
He would definitely feed you his cooking, mainly to see your smile better after you taste it. He's more of a giver than a taker. So if you did something for him and you were able to sneak that in the basket until he takes it of the basket surprised and feed it to him, he will hesitate at first, flattered. But happily eat it.
He chose a place where hardly anyone would casually find you, so he’ll feel comfortable lying on the blanket and inviting you to lie down with him. You two will probably keep snacking while chatting. He’ll let you rest your head on his chest and play with your hair.
Deep down he can be cheeky. But he doesn't show that side to everyone. You are one of the lucky few.
Your picnic was being peaceful. Maybe so much that that's why he decided to play a little prank on you. You were feeding each other cherries. He puts one in your mouth, but when you bite into it and taste it, it tastes like banana. “TREY!” You complain with the cherry in your mouth without knowing whether to spit it out or not. You even raised to sit down.
He bursts out laughing. You were caught so off guard. “Hey, look on the bright side, I could have been a little meaner. I could have done it with a sour taste.” he smirks.
You couldn't use magic like him, but that didn't mean you couldn't get your revenge. You look into the basket and see the cake you ate a few slices earlier. Cake that was decorated with whipped cream on top. You get some whipped cream on your finger and attack Trey while he's still lying there laughing at you.
But he is faster and manages to grab your wrist and deflect his nose from your finger. You lose your balance and end up on top of him. And to make you blush even more, he licks the whipped cream off your finger. And instead of you getting your revenge, you gave him another reason to laugh: your pinkish face.
He wanted to be cheeky? Well, two can play that game. Why not give him a taste of his own prank? You were close enough and you kissed his lips. You feel his lips twitch into a smile.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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Six of Six
Summary: You probably won't forget again
A/N: The inspo for this one came when I was looking for ideas for my next latest tattoo (possibly Six related xD)
Sierra Six x afab reader <3 Word Count: 3.1k
As per usual, it's NSFW 18+ @ken-dom as always my darling, I thank you for your support and inspiration and late night chats. You are the best worst chosen sister for all things smut related <3
Enjoy my loves <3
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Keep reading
“How many?” 
You dropped your gaze with a small smile, cheeks burning under his scrutiny. He stood so close his body radiated heat, only making you warmer. 
You laughed lightly to yourself, biting your lips together as his fingers teased the hem of your t-shirt. “I forgot, okay?” you shrugged. 
“You forgot?” He raised an eyebrow, tucking his finger under your chin; forcing you to meet his gaze. 
You swallowed hard but held his eye contact. 
“Count them” 
You blinked slightly taken aback. “W-what?”
He took your chin in his hand, squeezing firmly. His eyes fixed on you. 
“You heard me,” he said sternly “Count them”
His hand moved from your jaw, closing around your wrist, guiding it to the left side of his bare chest. 
Your fingers grazed over his inked flesh. 
“One”  you whispered 
Your heart pounded in your chest as he moved your hand to his forearm. 
“Two” you continued 
You braced yourself against his bare chest, leaning your forehead against his before he dipped his head to claim your lips in a bruising possessive kiss. 
You melted against him with a soft whimper, letting his tongue tangle with yours. 
He pulled back just enough to let you speak as you felt his hand guide yours to his other arm 
“Three” your voice barely audible as your lips moved against his. 
Your head swam with the linger of his kiss; he always had this way of making you weak in the knees. You pouted as he put a bit more space between you, holding up his right hand. 
“Four” you smiled, pressing your lips to the faded ink. 
Six held up his left hand and you repeated the process, pressing your lips to his warm skin before you answered “Five”
Turning his wrist around, your lips brushed against the last one as your eyes fluttered closed; his large hand cupping your cheek as you leaned into his touch. 
“Six…” you whispered and you weren’t entirely sure whether you meant the number or the man standing in front of you; but you didn’t particularly care.
“So you do remember” he teased, his other hand holding your waist as he pulled you flush against him once more. 
Thankful for the strong arm sliding around your back, your hands held his broad shoulders as the hand he had cupping your cheek disappeared under your hair, bringing your mouth to his as you laughed breathlessly “Yes, Sir” you smiled against his lips before he pulled gently on your bottom lip with his teeth. 
He took two giant steps forward, pinning you against the wall, kissing you deeper before his lips moved from your mouth to your neck. You leaned your head back against the wall, his beard scratching against your throat as he tipped his head to suck under your jaw. You unintentionally moaned, your arms draping around his neck as you heard him chuckle against your skin. 
He kissed a trail back up the length of your neck, his breath against the shell of your ear calm and even, unlike your own.
“You want it?” His lips dragged over the contours of your ear as he spoke, making you squeeze your eyes shut and bite your lips together taking in a deep breath through your nose. 
All you could do was nod; and as if he’d known it he laughed lightly against your ear. “Use your words” 
Your breath caught in your throat with a small giggle as he deliberately dragged the hand not tangled in your hair, over your hip and came to rest on your thigh; close, but not close enough as his fingers came to a stop.
Brushing them gently on the inside of your thigh, he waited. 
“This is cruel” you whined attempting to thrust your hips into his touch; only for him to pin you more tightly against the wall with seemingly zero effort. 
You scoffed with protest as your breath grew heavier, struggling against his weight. “God!” you gave up with a huff, slumping against the wall as best you could “You’re evil, this is evil” 
He had hardly moved, barely made a sound before he pulled back to look at you; you could feel the hot flush of your skin and knew he could see it just as well. With eyes fixed on yours, his fingers crept slowly up the inside of your thigh.you attempted to squeeze your legs together, to stop him from moving any further and he simply pushed them apart with ease. 
For someone who ate, slept, and breathed sarcasm, there was no hint of it anywhere in his rugged features. His eyes intense, somehow more than usual, made your core clench; you almost jumped when he spoke again. 
“Three. Little. Words.” His voice hauntingly calm, making your heart pound harder in your chest, thump louder in your ears. 
Your lips parted as you took in a shaky breath but you didn’t speak; your eyes never leaving his. 
You squeaked with surprise as he grabbed a handful of your ass, squeezing hard; you hugged him tighter as he pulled you from the wall, your feet leaving the floor just enough for him to spin you around toward the bed. 
The backs of your knees bumped the edge of the mattress, but Six kept you stationary. You looked at him with a pout and he looked back expectantly, one eyebrow arched slightly. 
You scoffed dropping your shoulders “Oh come on” you threw your head back dramatically dragging your fingernails down his bare shoulders. 
He shook his head “Wrong words” 
You let out a heavy sigh glaring at him “I hate you” 
That made him snort with a laugh “No you don’t” he smirked; as if to emphasize his point he squeezed your ass harder, making you gasp. 
You growled low in the back of your throat and he cocked his head to the side “Are you mocking me?” 
You hadn’t meant to, but… “Maybe” you pursed your lips “What are you going to do about it?” you challenged
Before you could blink, all the air rushed out of your lungs as you landed heavily on the mattress; Six’s weight near suffocating on top of you. Your arms were pinned over your head against the pillow, gathered in one of his hands. His nose dragged over the bridge of yours as he leaned in close, too close; your entire body suddenly feeling like you’d been set on fire. You caught your breath as you got your bearings. 
“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do about it” he whispered; his free hand sliding back between your bare thighs. “I’m going to make sure you remember”
You scoffed a nervous laugh, trying to squeeze your thighs together; again to no avail. “H-how?” 
He shifted; his weight heavy on your middle as he let go of your wrists; taking your hand in his and bringing it to his chest. He folded your fingers so you were simply pointing with your index finger, guiding the tip of your nail dragging over the faded lines of his tattoo. 
“Trace it” His eye met yours briefly before dropping again, watching your nail, guided by his hand trace over lines. 
The heat of his body still radiated against your hand; his hand was warm closed over yours; the heat was still there even after he’d pulled away and you continued as instructed. 
“What happens if I stop?” you asked, eyes focused on his smooth skin 
“Then I stop” he answered, pulling your tank top up to expose your body underneath. 
You frowned slightly before you gasped, arching off the bed, the fingers you had been tracing his tattoo with immediately clawing against his chest as his warm, wet mouth closed around your nipple; his teeth scraping gently over the nub. 
“Fuck” you breathed and he raised his head with a smirk you wanted nothing more than to slap off his face. 
“Only if you finish all six” 
You purposefully dug your fingernails into his meaty flesh making him growl low and deep as he dropped his head again; one hand still pinning your arm over your head, his fingers threading together with yours as his other hand teased along the inside of your thigh. 
You leaned your head back into the mattress, taking in a deep breath with a small laugh “Fuck” 
You dropped your head back down to focus; watching intently as he dropped is head to kiss down your cleavage. 
You shuddered, feeling his tongue glide over your skin. 
“Hnh” you grit your teeth together trying like hell to keep your focus. 
You finished the first, dropping your hand to fist the sheets underneath you as Six’s mouth continued its assault. 
He let go of your hand, not even lifting his head as he nipped and sucked across the expanse of your entire body. 
You held his hand in front of you, palm out with his fingers spread apart slightly as your slender fingers in comparison traced over the lines of his second tattoo. 
You whimpered as his teeth dragged over your hip as you turned his hand over in yours. 
You got halfway through the next small one before feeling his warm breath so close to your core against your belly button and then all at once it was gone.  
“Six…. please” you weren't begging, but you weren't above it. 
“Start over” 
Your mouth dropped open “What?! Why?!” 
“You stopped,” he said simply “Start. Over.” his voice amplified against your stomach. 
The hint of his military training seeping through his command. If you fucked it up, started from the beginning until you got it right.
You did as you were told, tracing the lines of the sunburst where you'd left off. 
Six carried on exploring you with his mouth like a treasure map, leaving a trail of bright red hickeys like breadcrumbs as you circled back to retrace his wrist before moving to his forearm. 
He crawled over you, the hand he had between your legs braced on the mattress as he bent to suck and lick your neck. 
You bit down hard on your bottom lip tracing over the horse on his other side. 
He leaned next to your ear, making you shiver as he breathed. 
“Focus…” he whispered, dragging his teeth over your earlobe. 
You let out a needy moan, but by some miracle, kept your finger tracing steadily. 
You could feel him smile against your jaw before he kissed along the length. 
“How many?” He whispered in between kisses. 
You froze for a beat, genuinely unsure of just what answer it was he wanted. “Four” you guessed, and you were immediately rewarded, his teeth sinking into the divet of your collarbone making you cry out. 
“Fuck, Six…p-please”
“Keep going…”
You took his hand, tracing over the five small dots. 
Letting it drop, he braced himself on the mattress, trapping you between his arms as you retraced the portrait on his chest. His head dropped, watching your fingers move. 
As soon as you connected your invisible line he dropped on his forearms, lifting both of your legs over his shoulders. 
Before you had a chance to process, your body lurched forward, your back arching off the mattress as his fingers disappeared into the flesh of your hips, keeping you still as he buried his nose in your core, his tongue licking a hot stripe between your folds as he sucked your clit into his mouth. 
You cried out, shuddering in his hands as your heels dug into his shoulder blades in lieu of a mattress, making him groan into your core. 
You twisted against his onslaught, one of your hands twisting tightly in his thick blond hair, pulling hard; your other hand pushing through your own hair as you rolled your hips forward. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, letting out a long drawn out moan toward the ceiling.   
That only made Six more forceful. He groaned from between your thighs, sending the most delicious electricity through your entire body. 
You could hear yourself whimper pathetically but you couldn't do anything to stop it. You shuddered under his hands, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. 
Then all at once he was gone, his mouth had disappeared. You practically screamed in protest, lifting your head to complain, your forehead nearly collided with the bridge of his nose as he pulled you closer, burying himself inside you with one swift movement, his mouth closing over yours, swallowing your moans as his tongue filled your mouth. 
Your moans mingled together as your ankles locked around his back and you wrapped your arms around his massive shoulders.
His hips snapped hard, making the mattress groan with the effort. 
You tore your mouth from his, taking such a deep breath your lungs burned as you clung to him, his face buried in your neck as you turned to putty in his hands; fingers twisted in his hair as he moaned deep and guttural against your neck, his cheek pressed against yours. His breath heavy and laboured next to your ear. 
He relaxed, his weight heavier on your chest as he turned his head, his lips searching for yours. 
You kissed him gently as he settled against your chest. Your fingers playing with his hair. 
“How many?” He muttered between lazy kisses. 
You shrugged with a smirk “I forget”
Suddenly his full weight came crushing down on top of you and you groaned underneath him 
“Jesus…Six” you rasped and he made no effort to move. 
Instead he reached to brush your hair away from your face before resting his chin on his arm across your chest “Still forget?” 
You shook your head 
“How many?” 
“Six” you answered taking a shallow breath before his weight disappeared off your chest 
You took a deep breath as he climbed off the bed, offering you a hand “I can think of better ways to suffocate me to death” you muttered taking his outstretched hand.
He lead you down to the bathroom before drawing a bath; the steam billowed from the tub, you tipped your head curiously, watching as he added a couple things to the hot water, swishing it gently with his hand before he stood straight and turned to face you. 
He held your hand as you climbed into the tub, stepping in after you. He moved to put himself behind you before you grabbed his wrist gently. 
“It’s my turn” 
He settled between your legs after turning off the tap, the water threatening to spill over the edge. 
You kissed across his shoulder blades before he leaned back against your chest, you slid your arms over his shoulders and down the expanse of his scarred chest. 
Leaning forward slightly, you pressed gentle kisses along his neck. 
Feeling him start to relax, you took the cloth off the edge of the tub, lathering it with soap, running it slowly over his contours. 
Your hand dipped into the warm water, dragging slowly over his stomach and you felt him go rigid almost instantly. 
“Relax” you whispered softly, nuzzling into his neck. 
He let out a heavy breath through his nose and you could feel his stomach unclench under your fingertips. 
Lifting the cloth from the water, you washed his arms next, water dripping down the length of his forearms.
Six reached to take the cloth from you and you let him, moving your hands to his shoulders, your thumbs moving over the seemingly permanent knots there. 
“Let me in,” you breathed softly next to his ear; the tip of your nose dragged along his hairline at his neck, your warm breath making his body prickle with goosebumps and he let out a low moan. 
Your fingers worked slowly and careful as his head dropped forward against his chest before he leaned back against your shoulder; his eyes closed. It was a rare occurrence when he would let his guard down completely; between his military training and childhood trauma he didn’t talk about, he was always on the defensive. 
Six let out another sigh, this one was content; your slender fingers hitting spots he never could reach on his own. It had taken him a long time to trust you, sometimes he wondered if it had taken too long, if you had given up trying or caring. He knew sometimes you still wondered if he had trusted you completely. 
He had; even though sometimes his instincts screamed at him not to; don’t trust you, don’t let you in, don’t protect you…
Your soft voice pulled him from his thoughts as he felt your fingernail drag over his pec. 
He hummed questioningly; his eyelids heavy from exhaustion 
“Just counting…” you whispered against his neck, kissing the hollow behind his ear before you pat him gently, the water from your fingertips beading on his chest before rolling down into the tub. “Come on, before you fall asleep; I can’t carry you to bed” 
He reluctantly pulled himself to his feet; his limbs felt heavy as he wrapped a towel around his middle before wrapping you in the bigger, softer one; lifting you off your feet, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, legs draped over his bulging bicep. 
“But I can carry you” he spoke softly, kissing your temple as he made his way down the hall. 
Setting you on your feet next to the bed you both shed towels before climbing under the covers and you tucked yourself into the crook of his arm.
You both laid quietly; one of your hands absently tracing over the portrait on his chest; the other twisting soft strands of his hair gently around your fingers. He kissed your forehead before settling more deeply into the covers, his arm wrapped protectively around your bare back as he laid on his side, facing you, but also facing the door. 
You chuckled softly kissing his broad chest 
“Nothing is going to get us in the dark” you whispered in between kisses “Will you relax?”
“Not if I have anything to say about it”
You leaned back enough to look up at him; his blue eyes meeting yours, intense and brooding. 
“I love you, you overprotective freak”  you craned your neck to kiss under his chin 
You grunted as he crushed you against his chest, growling next to your ear, making you giggle. 
He eased his hold but didn't let you go; just pressed a kiss into your hair. 
“How many?’ he whispered 
You smiled against his chest with a sigh. “My favourite number”
“Which is?” His chest vibrating with the question. 
“Six” you whispered, letting your eyelids heavy with sleep slip closed; safely wrapped in the cocoon of Six's broad arms. His steady breathing and thump of his heart lulling you off to sleep. 

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askyuuandco · 4 months
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quotes 20
Yuu & Malleus: walking together
Bully: points at Yuu You look unattractive >:D
Bully: Drives off in bike HAHAHAHA!
Yuu: D':>
Malleus: >:0 …
Bully: still driving away on bike Nothing better than bullying without consequences >:3
Malleus: Teleports in front of his bike
Bully: HUH!?-
Malleus: grabs the bully by the face and let's the guys bike crash
Bully: scared shitless OAO'////
Malleus: calm angry … I'm gonna need you to apologize… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mrs. Shroud: Your Grounded Young man D:<
Mrs. Shroud: No going out for a month >:(
Idia: Really?! OwO
Mrs. Shroud: Yeah and no leaving your room either >:(
Idia: SWEET!
Mrs. Shroud: And no electronics UvU
Idia: reading manga Your the boss :D *closes the door
Mrs. Shroud: >A> !? ---------------------------------------------------------------
General Lilia: HEY! Wake up! >:D
Human! Y/N: Jerjogsejgwe! >A>'///
General Lilia: I just murdered your entire family! >:D
Human! Y/N: B-But I live alone OmO'///
General Lilia: Wah?! Then who are these people in your house?! >m>
Human! Y/N: There's People in my house?! OAO'////
General Lilia: Well not ANYMORE! D:<
General Lilia: DUMB BITCH! D:<
General Lilia: YOU COULD HAVE DIED! D:<
General Lilia: gives middle finger Your Welcome >:( leaves
Human! Y/N:… WTF?! OAO -------------------------------------------------------
Yuu: Dad can I turn up the heat up? :D
Crewel: Don't touch the thermastat Yuu your father gets upset U_U
Yuu: Come on this thing goes up to 90 =v= turns dial
Crewel: told you =n= ----------------------------------------------------------------
Yuu: how the hell did you get over here? :0
Malleus-Tsum: panic squeaks OMO'////
Yuu: you ran all the way here ._.
Malleus-Tsum: squeaks yes >m<'///
Yuu: That's a good 2 or 3 blocks OnO
Malleus-Tsum: squeaks he knows
Yuu: please tell me you weren't followed >.>'///
Malleus-Tsum: squeaks he was ;n;
Yuu: You were? =n='///
Malleus-Tsum: squeaks yeah ;m;
Dragon! Malleus: angry knocks with claws on Yuu's front door
Malleus-Tsum: EEEEEEKKKKK!!! hides ------------------------------------------------------------------
Floyd: Coffee boys?
Ace: I'm good
Jamil: I have tea so it's fine =v=
Floyd: more for me! UvU
Floyd: I hate this part put coffee beans in mouth >m<
Floyd: puts the hot water in his mouth and is screaming in pain
Ace & Jamil: FLOYD NO!!! OmO'//// ----------------------------------------------------------------
Gn! Yuu: Finally my very own money X>
Gn! Yuu: The world is my oyster! >:3
Gn! Yuu: I can finally really start living >X>
GN! Yuu: spends it all on anime stuff I'm living the big life XD --------------------------------------------------------
Malleus: turns on his computer and it breaks OMG! H-Hello!? OAO
Idia: Dude here's what I recommend you do…cause clearly you've been having trouble with the double computer set up for like- =-=
Malleus: No the dual PC is great I haven't had like a single problem with it yet >v>'/// Lilia: what do you mean you've never had a problem with it!? Explain all the reasons why you need Idia to be your F*cking Tech Support!?! D:< Idia: and I'm not even good at it =n= Lilia: Idia your the only one he needs but like you gotta use smaller words for him. Don't use the words RAM or CPU he'll get confused =v= Malleus; Ram is memory and CPU is how computer run right? :D Lilia, Idia, and Yuu; >.>' .... Idia: *pinching the bridge of his nose* do you use google chrome? Malleus: I use the basic built in internet- Idia: What....Stop... >:( Lilia: What does that mean? >n> Idia: You use internet edge? >n> Malleus: Edge yeah :D Yuu: NOOOOOOOOO!! Lilia: YOU USE MICROSOFT EDGE?! D:< Malleus: *akward laughing* Yuu: Idia. Can you go to Malleus's house and open up his computer and make sure he didn't put beans or something in there please? =m=
Idia: *Dead pan stare* So...Before Edge Did you just use the internet explorer Malleus: :0 .... Idia: Brooooooo....nooooo=m=
Malleus: *awkward laugh* <XD
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
Sorry for not specifying what I wanted in the genya/kaigaku x chubby reader request, I wanted the nsfw part with aged up genya, sorry for the misunderstanding
Oh that's okay! XD
I'll just give this a quick write as it would just be a short drabble/continuation of 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒍.
Thank you for re-asking!
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒍 - 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐝-𝐔𝐩 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚, & 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐲!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: Curse Words/NSFW/18+
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❥ But eventually, Genya would wake you up at night by kissing your neck. He will usually do that by rubbing his manhood against you. And with that, you will usually give him sleepy kisses while caressing his body.
❥ His quick hands would often slide you out of your clothes as he ravaged your curvy body with his hands. He delights in making you moan as he lecherously touches you slowly. But of course, it wouldn't end with that.
❥ Genya would often make you lie on your stomach as he put his hard cock inside of you. Yes, he would moan in your ear as his cock hardened further in time with the rhythm of your hips.
❥ As much as Genya loves you, he still stops himself from cumming inside of you. He wants to see you swallow it all. He loves seeing your body and your facial expression as he looks inside your mouth.
❥ By kissing your body, he will give you the greatest orgasm of your life. Love bites, trailing down as he eats you out. You would often pull his hair, and he loves that. So, not just once, but he often makes you cough three times with just his mouth.
❥ After you make love, Genya will wipe your body and cuddle with you while both of you are still naked. He would tell you how much he loves you and how beautiful you are to him. And with that, like before, he'll be the one who sleeps first, with you looking at him and realising how lucky you are to have him.
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!
Your first request was long overdue on my inbox so I prio-ed this to make it up to you~ UwU
More stories will come!
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 3 Stains of red
Astarion x omega!reader
Warnings: Vampire things, blood, light gore, witch things, fantasy things, swearing, age gap, heats, smut, shameless flirting, virgin reader, indulging in pleasure xD, pining, jealousy, possessiveness, angst, masturbation
Previous part <-
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You awoke to Pax, greeting him groggily before getting up to make tea. You made some toasted bread with jam as well before sitting on your seat outside, placing your items on the small table. You watched the duck family go about the pond, quaking to each-other, it brought a smile to your face. Pax sat on the table cawing softly trying to steal some toast making you huff and give him his own bit. You half expected Astarion to show up, but then again you prayed he didn’t not after what happened. You’re not sure how the whole vampire feeding worked, suppose to make it enjoyable one would partake in such activity’s. you shook your head sipping your tea as you took your attention back to the ducks. You perked up though hearing footsteps, not Astarions though, someone different. You saw the butchers father and stood, shooing Pax off as he approached closed.
“Morning” he greeted a little gruffly and you gave him a soft smile.
“Good morning” you said.
“How can I help?” You asked.
“Do you have something to, to help ease pain?” He asked and you frowned slightly.
“Physical or mental?” You asked and he looked to the ground ashamed.
“It’s only been a day and I can’t stand it, not after his mother died” the man said voice breaking and your heart clenched.
“Come inside for some tea” you said inviting him inside. You made him some herbal tea, one to sooth the mood and sat down with him.
“What’s happened is horrible I can’t imagine it, but I don’t have anything to ease that sort of pain, it’s something you must work through” you said a little sadly as you saw his shoulders sag.
“Guardian said he was drained of his blood” he whispered softly and you froze.
“Drained?” You repeated and he nodded putting the cup of tea down.
“Neck slit and drunk dry” he scoffed, brow frowning. Your stomach dropped, you didn’t know any vampires in the area part from Astarion, gods you hoped it wasn’t him.
“I’m so sorry” you whispered.
“What kind of monster does that!?” The man raised his voice, angry alpha filling your nose. You gulped a bit and he saddened.
“I’m sorry Lass” he said and you shook your head.
“It’s alright” you offered a smile and he sighed.
“I didn’t mean to come here and burden you with my issues, I know that’s not what you do” he sagged. He looked tired, long brown hair tied back and greying, wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, dark bags under his eyes. He looked ready to give up.
“I’m here to help the village, if that help means a simple talk, then I’ll do it” you said and he smiled sadly.
“My son, though he never said anything was sweet on you” he chuckled lightly and you tensed a bit.
“He’d always watch you when you’d get your ingredients and food, silly love sick pup look on his face” you smiled slightly at his words, you didn’t know you had an admirer.
“I’d tell him to man up and go talk to you, but he’d always shake his head and say something like he wasn’t worth it” you saddened at his words now, though you didn’t know him well, he seemed like a nice young man.
“He hasn’t always been that smart I think that’s why he held back” the older alpha sighed.
“If his heart is good then he needn’t worry, if I’d known-“ you stopped glancing to the woods outside your window, you heard light steps, Astarion, he wasn’t coming closer though, just pacing in the forest even though you couldn’t see him.
“Are you alright?” The older alpha asked.
“Yes sorry, my ears are very sensitive” you chuckled lightly.
“Aye, you’ve got a gift” he said and you nodded.
“Shame what happened to your parents, is that white haired elf still around?” He asked and you tensed. Yes well he’s pacing in the woods.
“Sometimes he brings me things or says hello, apart from that he’s distant” you shrugged.
“Seen him around town a few times is all” the alpha shrugged.
“I don’t know” you chuckled lightly shrugging.
“Odd elf” the alpha shrugged.
“Yes” you nodded glancing to the window again.
“I best leave you, the meats not gonna cut itself” he said standing up, you with him.
“Of course” you smiled as he opened the door.
“If you do need to talk though, I don’t mind if you pop in” you said and he gave a small smile and nod as he left. You cursed slightly at the constant pacing sound in your ears. You closed your door and followed the noise finding him pacing by the river.
“Would you stop!” You snapped and the vampire turned around.
“Another alpha visiting?” The man scoffed and you crossed your arms over your chest.
“He needed someone to talk too, he is in mourning!” You glared making Astarion cross his arms over his chest.
“Besides your busy pleasuring women and feeding” you blurted and flushed furiously as you realised what you said. He grinned then, fangs on display and you gulped.
“I saw you staring” he said voice low and you dropped your hands to your side.
“Must’ve been someone else” you brushed off.
“I’d never not know your face or scent, darling” he said tongue running over his fangs.
“Besides, I could smell your arousal from the alleyway” he kept his grin and you felt your heart skip a beat, gods you wished the earth would swallow you.
“Fuck you” you said simply and turned around to walk back to your cottage, listening to him laugh and follow you.
“It’s only natural!” He called and you growled annoyed as you saw your cottage. You headed inside slamming the door in his face making him laugh. He sat out on your porch eyes closed and relaxed, you huffed as he looked perfect in the sun rays.
“Staring impolite” he called and you quickly busied yourself with your alchemy. You let him in eventually annoyed by his overly relaxedness on your porch. He grinned, but didn’t say anything as he sauntered in. He said little as you went about your day till dinner.
You stood over your oven, stirring the soup gently before you felt a presence behind you.
“What are you doing?” You asked feeling his fingers push your hair away from your neck. Your body tensed feeling his breath fan over your neck.
“I can see your pulse” he muttered lowly.
“Hear your heart pounding in your chest” he added quietly. one hand going to your hip. Your mind wasn’t processing the situation as cool lips pressed against your neck. His other hand crept to your throat and held gently, making you tilt your head to the side. You had dropped your spoon in the soup, breath shuddering as you gripped the counter.
“I always want a taste” he said darkly before you felt sharp paint in your neck. You hissed eyes closing as the pain went to a numb throbbing. Your legs shook and you panted as he stopped and moaned in your ear.
“Sweeter than anything I’ve imagined” he said breathlessly making you flush.
“You were always mine” he whispered.
Next part ->
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"I didn't think [we] would get this far"
@summer-of-bad-batch prompt week 11 (sorry I tweaked the wording slightly to make it fit the story ^^;)
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters/Relationships: Tech/Phee Set during Tech and Phee's courtship which happened off-screen, obviously Word Count: ~555 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: Tech and Phee debate the merits of lab-grown versus natural.
With thanks to @fanfoolishness who is the one who suggested I try and fit my Specialist Subject into a fanfic XD
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“It’s just not the same, y’know?” said Phee, gesturing with her drink to emphasise her point. “It’s not!”
“On the contrary,” countered Tech, watching her animated speech from across the table. “It is exactly the same. A synthetic diamond is chemically, physically and optically identical to its natural counterpart. It is merely the origin which differs.”
“Where’s the romance?” Leaning forwards, Phee fixed him with a mischievous look. “Your lab-grown so-called ‘diamonds’ can’t compare to the mystery of a gemstone formed millions of years ago, deep underground…” She was gesturing expansively now, becoming impassioned. “Erupted to the surface in a boiling column of lava, and eventually weathered from its host rock over eons of exposure…”
“Are you suggesting,” said Tech carefully, giving her the side-eye, “that a ­laboratory-grown counterpart cannot compare to the natural specimen on which it was based?” He held up a finger, lips pursed in amusement. “Think carefully before you answer, my dear.”
Phee already had her mouth open to argue her point when she paused, considering her words. She swatted playfully at his finger, grinning widely. “Alright, Brown-Eyes, you win this round.”
Tech’s smug smirk didn’t last as she leaned across the table to plant a kiss on his lips, lingering just a little longer than she usually did.
“I still think ‘synthetic diamonds’ lack romance, though,” she added as she pulled away.
“Your views have been noted.” He tapped something into his datapad. “If any of your friends or relations should approach me for gift-giving advice, I shall inform them that the natural geological origin of any jewelled ornaments they purchase for you is of the utmost importance.”
“I mean,” said Phee, unable to contain her smirk, “it’s not any of them who are going to be buying me diamonds.”
“I don’t know why not… oh.”
The exact moment that realisation dawned on Tech was registered by the slight dilation of his pupils, and the pretty blush that came to his cheeks.
“Another nat-born tradition?” he asked, forcing a casual lilt to his voice. “Only romantic partners engage in the diamond-gifting process?”
Phee grinned widely, resting her chin on top of her laced fingers. “Got it in one.”
“Ah. Hmm. I see.” Tech adjusted his goggles, the way he did to buy himself time to think.
Taking pity on him, Phee nudged her foot against his under the table. “This didn’t come up during your research?” she teased lightly. Tech had told her during their last date that he had been researching courtship customs, “So I may best prepare to meet your expectations as we pursue this romantic endeavour.”
“I admit, I stopped reading before I reached the chapter on gift-exchange customs.” Tech was blushing fiercely now, but he met her eyes with a shy smile. “I didn’t think we would get this far quite so quickly.” And despite his embarrassment, now he took the initiative to lean across the table and capture Phee’s lips in a tentative kiss.
Phee smiled against his mouth, bringing one hand up to gently hold the back of his head, fingertips teasing along the strap of his goggles.
“Tell you what, Brown-Eyes,” she said, voice simultaneously sultry and full of amusement. “When we reach the gift-giving chapter, if you buy me a big enough diamond, I won’t even ask where it came from.”
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Yes I leaned into received wisdom about engagement ring gifting for the purpose of this story but lets be honest, we live in modern times, ladies you don't have to wait for a guy to put a ring on it... you can buy your own diamonds and love them just as much ;)
Sincerely, an industry professional who buys her own jewellery. I'm here all week for your jewellery and gemstone related questions ^_^ <3
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Omg so I have to ask this buttttt could you do an imagine with Rooster where he’s taking care of you while you’re sick? Tested positive for Covid today and I feel like absolute TRASH so this would make my whole day lol
Oh no!! That sucks so much, I hope you feel better soon!
P.S. You were probably expecting a fluffy piece but I may have a different idea of what "taking care of" entails lol oops, sorry if it wasn't what you were expecting XD
Summary: You're sick and your boyfriend knows just what to do to make you feel better.
CW: smut, swearing
WC: 500+
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“Stop kissing me!” you squeal as your boyfriend snuggles into your side and starts smooching you behind the ear. He’d just set a fresh mug of tea on your bedside table, the fifth one in two hours, and has hopped into the bed because he ‘misses you.’
“No,” he responds assertively, but you can feel his smile against your skin.
“Roos, you’re going to get sick!”
You feel his tongue glide along your neck.
“Bradley!” you cry, squirming to get away from him. “I’m contagious!”
His arm snakes around your stomach and pulls you back toward him. “I don’t care.”
You turn your face away as he kisses your cheek, trying your best not to breathe all over him. “Bradley, please,” you whimper as he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck.
“Relax, your arm isn’t contagious,” he says musingly, planting several drawn-out kisses along your shoulder. “Your back isn’t contagious,” he continues, his hot breath bathing the back of your neck. His grip on your waist tightens and you try to suppress a moan because you don’t want to encourage him.
“Bradley,” you breathe as he shifts downward, his head now hovering over your chest.
He pulls at the blanket slightly and you shiver. “Your tits aren’t contagious,” he says, running a hand over your breast as your nipple hardens distinctly underneath the white cotton of your t-shirt. He puts his lips around it over your shirt.
“No, Roos, I’m all sweaty and dirty,” you whine, trying to remember the last time you had a shower.
Bradley grins, looking up at you mischievously. “Say that again,” he says.
You grimace. “I’m dirty?”
“Yeah, you are,” he growls, sucking harder on your breast. “You're my dirty girl,” he mutters and you clamp your mouth shut because the rasp in his voice is so damn hot, you could scream. You drop your hand on his head, your fingers raking through his sandy hair. Okay, he can have your nipple. But that’s it.
Said no one, ever.
You sigh as Bradley’s mouth moves further down your ribs. “Bradley,” you moan as he starts to lift your shirt to kiss your stomach. “I’m cold!”
Without a word, Bradley pulls the blanket over his head, covering your body and even tucking you in before his lips land once again on your midriff. “Your ass isn’t contagious,” you hear him mutter under the comforter as he squeezes your butt cheeks, lifting your bottom up off the bed to tilt your pelvis upward. He kisses the inside of your thigh. “You know what else?”
“Oh, dear lord,” you whimper.
“Shh,” you hear from under the covers. “Drink your tea,” he says. “You need your fluids.”
The way his fingers are digging into the flesh of your ass is consuming you, however, and you’ll be having no fluids until he’s finished his. “Roos, can you breathe under there?” you ask feebly, peeking under the covers.
“I’m good, baby,” he says. “Let me take care of you.”
You exhale sharply. “Oh, fuck, Rooster, you are so going to get sick.”
You feel the vibrations of his chuckle on your inner thigh. “Well, then, you'll just have to take care of me.”
Tag List:
Only tagging my 18 plus Rooster list on this one. The rest of the tags are in the comments.
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