#stonewood clan
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ghostsessioned · 1 year ago
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my son daughter is home !
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
Colin Firth reveals at the audience that Ordon and All-Maudra Mayrin are the grandparents of Jen and Kira and because he play with Helena Bohan Carter in King's Speech and Mark Strong in Kingsman and because the Vapra and Stonewood clan are connected
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talkin-tdc · 5 months ago
Gelfling come to earth AU
AU where the gelfling are transported to earth and find humans who want to protect them.
-I see Rian and Ordon ending up with a young pompous lawyer (think edgeworth from ace attorney) who only lets them live with him since he knows he wouldn’t want to be left stranded in an alien planet without help but hates them at first. He thinks Rian is reckless and that Ordon adapted poorly to change, but after getting to know them he grew more fond of them and enjoyed the excitement he otherwise wouldn’t experience since he lived alone.
-Mayrin and Seladon were found by a hippie artist (think the van from cars kinda hippie) living off of her parents wealth. She actually loved dark crystal and were worried the government would do something bad to them, so took them in. She teaches Mayrin and Seladon to mellow out a bit and have a stronger bond as she can relate to having a bad bond with parents (her parents gave her things and pressure not affection). In turn, she’s inspired by Mayrin and Seladon to take control of her life and become independent of her parents money by opening up her own art shop.
-Tavra and Brea are found by a local farmer family (best comparison would be apple family from my little pony) and they start getting to work around the farm to earn their keep and after getting to know them, the farmers offer them a place to stay. They learn about farm life and the family learns about Thra as well as how to be more organized as the farm was doing bad for a few seasons due to poor management. Brea and Tavera learn about earth, and Brea in particular is intrigued with their political sphere and how different it is from Thra.
-Naia and Kylan are found by a struggling actor (any male actor you like will do but I prefer thinking of it like a young Daveed Diggs) . He works at a local coffee shop and lives upstairs barely being able to pay the rent and food (don’t ask about his student loans…). From them, he learns to be more persistent and still follow his passion. Naia learns to forgive herself from her past mistakes and that they don’t define her (she messed up a spell that was supposed to be her coronation into being Maudra so feels guilty like actor does for his loans and not being able to pay). Eventually, Kylan teaches the actor some gelfling songs and actor decides to put it online.
-Well the song gets massively popular because of its sound, it resonating with people, and no one being able to translate the lyrics. Actor guy gets super famous from it and goes on a few talk shows and does interviews etc.
-It’s playing in the background of the news one morning as lawyer and Ordon/Rian are getting ready and listen to the song and Rian’s like “Hey! That’s gelfling!! HE’S SINGING GELFLING!!!” Lawyer begins to look for other interviews of actor and realizes that his answers to “What gave you inspiration to write this warm, cozy song?” always change and he gets fidgety or looks away from the camera.
-Seladon and Mayrin hear it on the radio which was playing internet hits at the time, and tell hippie, thinking it could be Tavra or Brea. Hippie (though hating technology) agrees to take them to the local library to look it up.
-Farm family gets the local paper (which Brea reads every morning to improve her human reading comprehension!) and discovers the gelfling as well. The oldest daughter takes Brea and Tavra to the library to find out more since the farm is remote.
-Happens to be same library hippie girl is at with her gelfling and Brea, Tavra, Seladon, and Mayrin reunite. Hippie and farm girl help look up actor and see that in interviews he mentioned auditioning for a theater a few states away from them so they set off to find him in case he knows how to get the gelfling home.
-Lawyer sees the actor as suspicious and looks him up, finding the theater the girls did and taking Rian and Ordon there, all hoping to find a way to bring them home.
-The three get to the theater where actor is rehearsing and try to figure out why the other is there. Lawyer notices their strangely large tote bag and they notices his heavy/unzipped backpack he used to carry around Ordon/Rian if they wanted to go out. They realize pretty quickly they’re there for the same reason and decide to jump the actor. After actor gets out of rehearsal, they confront him and he admits to knowing Naia and Kylan. They ask to see the other gelfling first but actor is too nervous for that. So, actor takes them all to the coffee shop he works at and takes the gelfling upstairs to find naia and Kylan.
-Naia is ashamed she got them into the mess but the gelfling assure her some good’s come out of it and they’ll return home. Mayrin helps naia redo the Maudra spell and they create a portal to go home. They don’t know if they’ll remember the human world, or what all happened, but they have a tearful good bye to their humans and leave.
-Back on Thra, they reunite with loved ones and don’t quite remember all that happened, but seem to be more stable after the disappearance. They return to their normal lives and all is well (of course until the canon AoR takes over 😉 ).
-Alternate part 2 would be after Gelfling leave humans get together one a year to commemorate their friends going home until one decides to look up what Gelfling and the dark crystal actually is. They see the draining, lose their minds, but luckily caught the Maudra spell via actor recording it on an old camera. They do the spell and go help their friends, but when they go to Thra, they forget about anything to do with the Gelfling being on earth and only recall their lives before meeting the Gelfling. Can they save their friends from the claws of the Skeksis or shall they become essence as well?
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emocatkeith · 7 months ago
day 598 of thinking that a bloodborne/dark souls-esque dark crystal game would go hard as fuck
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fenth-eiria · 2 years ago
You know what.. Why not post an Au of mine that is one of my best Aus.
The wonder twins that are referred are Rian and Brea.
Loti, and Jari are placeholder names for the librarian and Freckles the red head paladin.
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fiercenaia · 2 years ago
Mara and Rian don’t get along that much 😆😆😆😆
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pomgore · 2 months ago
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colored maudra seethi from this set of drawings, did you ever see a gelfling so beautiful you started crying
seethi headcanons under the cut :3
i imagine she inherited the maudra title young following her mother's death (she looks so young compared to the other maudras!) and, being a young gelfling surrounded by matriarchs, maybe struggled to integrate and get along with the other maudras for a while. she understood gelfling law in theory but in practice it doesn't come naturally to her, and the maudras being a sort of old ladies club didn't offer a lot of help at first.
probably she resolved this by withdrawing her personal feelings and emotions from her maudra "persona," she tries to be completely objective, plays by all the rules and waits for others to express their stances on a given matter before offering her own input. the other maudras opinions on this behavior range from annoyed to indulgent, most of them were there while she was struggling and they understand the need to separate their personal lives from the lives they lead as maudras.
gelfling autism
the shape of the dousan headdress is determined by how much hair it needs to hold--seethi has lots and lots and lots of hair, but she almost always wears it tied up or braided back to keep it off her neck in the desert heat.
the loss of her mother, which i imagine was unexpected and came at an already-fraught time in inter-clan relations/shifting skeksis policy/some other drama, had a profound effect on seethi that gelfling close to her recognized--the dousan perspective on death helped her rationalize and accept her mother's death, but she's never quite been able to move on.
the little hair charm at the end of her necklace is a lock of her mother's hair
whether in maudra-mode or not, seethi comes across like she's sort of floating through life, a bit detached from everything but still held down to thra by virtue of existing on it. she becomes more grounded in reality when a present situation or task demands her whole attention
related to above, she realizes she actually quite enjoys fighting during the outset of the garthim war, because unlike maudra work it's fast-paced, physical and decisive, and she doesn't have to worry about doing it "right" so much as just surviving to fight another way.
seethi lost a lot of her friends when she became maudra, unable to maintain relationships as the role demanded more and more of her time. :C
despite the kind of unwieldy shape seethi actually likes to wear the headdress because she thinks her ears are too big. when she wears it she has to trade big ears for a fivehead, but a big forehead is a feature of beauty among dousan (but not among stonewood, thats why they all have bangs)
since dousan aren't a part of the alliance of the crystal, seethi has only met the skeksis incidentally when some event necessitated both she and a skeksis ambassador attend. after maybe the third or fourth time this happens she decides to take a leaf out of maudra argots book and just sends a messenger with a no-show letter.
during aor seethi is the second oldest maudra, a little younger than mera (spriton maudra) and youngest of all being ethri (sifan maudra). mera became maudra not long after seethi, although at an older age, and adjusted pretty well to the position, so she and seethi get along well being closer in age than the other maudras. ethri became maudra under similar circumstances to seethi (sudden loss of a mother) so seethi and mera advise her where they can and do their best to make themselves welcoming presences for her. mera is better at this than seethi lol
related to above, this is why they all kind of cluster and make the same choice to support seladon when fara issues her challenge for the crown.
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randominktm · 1 year ago
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I have always head-cannoned that each of the different clans would have different wing types but I never really sketched them out too much until now!
I will now go into why I made them the way they are, read if you dare •_•
Spriton: felt like the speedy and strong combo fit them pretty well so of course we had to go with the dragonfly-like wings.
Drenchen: pretty standard from the books here, more fin than wing as they’re meant to be used in the water more than air
Stonewood: these guys always reminded me of your stereotypical moth for some reason, maybe it’s because they hang out in the forest flocking around this one really big light but hey that’s just me.
Grottan: speedy and good at turning since they’ve gotta navigate all those tight spaces in the caves. Which, speaking of caves, there aren’t really a whole lot of flying cave bugs to go off of for this so we’re just gonna say that since the Grottans are sister clans to the Vapra they’ve evolved from there.
Vapra: since their mascot is the unamoth I wanted to use similar wing shapes and combined it with a comet moth. They’ve very pretty wings what can I say. They are easily the biggest wings out of the other 7 clans, with Grottan or Sifa in a close second.
Dousan: the smallest wings out of the bunch since the Dousan might not fly on their own as much considering the hot hot sun and the use of crystal skimmers for transport. They’ve got the little wing-tassel bits cause I feel like it would fit their vibe.
Sifa: since the Sifa are kind of the melting pot of all the clans I wanted their wings to be a bit of everything, the top wing shape and size from the Grottan, Vapra, and spriton, with the wing tassel things from the Dousan, the bottom wing shape from the Stonewood, and some webbing(?) connecting the wings together from the Drenchen (they’re out on the water a lot, who says they aren’t water comparable?). Essentially they are a mess. Wings can change depending on if they are related more to one clan than another, and they are by far the most varied wings out of all 7 clans.
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scientistservant · 8 months ago
I have never heard of the Dark Crystal until I saw your posts. What is it about, and what do you like about it?
Oh ho?
Sit down, anon, and let me tell you the tale of... The Dark Crystal.
*theme music plays*
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In a world called Thra, there exists a powerful gem called the Crystal of Truth. It is in tune to all of Thra, including the planet's most civilized race, the Gelfling.
A thousand years ago, new beings came to Thra: the Skeksis. The Skeksis, wise, hedonistic and benevolent, were tasked with protecting the Crystal of Truth by Thra's avatar/mother-nature of sorts, Mother Aughra. Because of their wisdom the Skeksis also ruled over the Gelfling and their seven Clans, while Aughra journeyed the stars and space.
But one day, the Crystal cracked, causing the Crystal to become corrupted, and a miasma, the Darkening, to spread throughout Thra. In an attempt to fix the Crystal, the Skeksis discovered Essence - the soul or life-force of every creature on Thra. Instead of taking life from the Crystal, they decided to take life from something else - the Gelfling. Because the Gelfling are the closest creatures to Thra, their Essence is pure, more potent.
The Skeksis became obsessed with Essence, and obsessed with draining Gelfling, killing them and drinking their Essence to obtain eternal life and youthfulness. All Skeksis, but the Emperor especially, were terrified of death. For when Skeksis die they do not return to Thra.
And so, a genocide occurred, and all Gelfling perished.
All but one. For there was a prophecy, told of a young Gelfling named Jen, who is destined to heal the Crystal and bring the Skeksis reign to an end!
What I love about The Dark Crystal is its world-building and characters. Its cast isn't just black and white in morality, it's more than that. The protagonists can make mistakes, and so can the antagonists. The Skeksis were good once upon a time, they once cared about the Gelfling, but their greed and fear of death overtook them. Thra is beautiful with many different settings and wildlife, even the Castle of the Crystal is gorgeous with it's fantastical and alien gothic architecture.
I'm mainly talking about the prequel series, Age of Resistance, here. It was made almost 40 years after the original 1982 film, but unlike many modern sequels and prequels it's not a cash grab at all; it was made with love and respect to the original, expanding on the world of Thra. Not saying the original film was bad, it's a wonderful piece of media! I just think it's lacking a bit in world-building and context, and Age of Resistance helps immensely.
As for characters, I'll be talking about the Skeksis, Gelfling, and Mother Aughra. There are other characters and creatures too, but I don't want to venture into spoiler territory!
The Skeksis
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As I said above, the Skeksis are not from Thra. They are reptile-like alien vultures with a very hedonistic lifestyle. They adore food, various forms of entertainment, the most lavish of robes, and being praised for their wisdom and status as Lords of the Crystal.
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Each Skeksis has a title and role they must uphold. For example, the Ornamentalist makes his fellow Lords' robes and decor for the Castle, while the Scroll-Keeper is in charge of the Castle library and keeps records of tomes and scrolls going back a thousand years of Skeksis rule.
All the Skeksis are important and unique, but the most popular and well-known by far is the Chamberlain. He has a "whimper" as a tic and speaks in slight broken English, yet is the craftiest, manipulative, and cunning of the Skeksis. A very Starscream/Littlefinger-type character, he's fantastic to watch. (He's one of my favourite characters, but not my top favourite, that honour goes to the Scroll-Keeper.)
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The Gelfling
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The Gelfling are small, elf-like humanoids that vary in looks, culture and skill between their seven different species/Clans. There is the Stonewood, Vapran, Drenchen, Spriton, Dousan, Sifan, and Grottan. Unfortunately, many Gelfling tend to be xenophobic and untrustworthy towards other Clans, though some do manage to become friends despite their differences. Most Gelfling are also illiterate, but there are a very small few that can read and write.
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Gelfling are the closest beings to Thra, and have the special ability to Dreamfast with one another - a rather intimate gesture that allows them to share their memories and thoughts by touching hands.
They also differ between genders; female Gelfling have wings, while male Gelfling do not.
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Because of their small noses and large eyes and ears, some of the fandom tend to call Gelfling "fairy mice", even giving them whiskers and tails!
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Mother Aughra
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Mother Aughra is Thra, and Thra is Mother Aughra. She is as old as the planet itself, and perhaps as old as the Crystal of Truth, too. She is connected to the Crystal, able to tell when it is healthy and when it is not.
She and the Skeksis used to be friends, admiring their wisdom and beauty, yet that all ended when she discovered what they had done to the Crystal of Truth.
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Aughra is sassy and somewhat grumpy, yet she loves and cares for all the creatures of Thra, especially the Gelfling, who see her as a mother-figure. She has the ability to remove her one eye and use it to spy on others or to see things up close, even from far away.
If you enjoy the fantasy genre, puppets, practical effects, and alien worlds, I highly, highly recommend The Dark Crystal and The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance! There are also graphic novels, and YA novels by J.M Lee.
The world of Thra must never die!
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candythemew · 21 days ago
I wish Jen got more Deet traits
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He's got some blonde patches! When he was a baby his hair was mostly blonde and it darkened over time. This is a very common gene in people and some animals, But I know what you mean. It would be really sweet to see more of Jen's Grottan traits if he really is Rian and Deet's child/grandchild. It isn't 100% confirmed that Rian and Jen are related, but it is a really solid fan-theory that Rian is Jen's father, or his ancestor. Since AoR is a prequel with a nebulous time gap between itself and the original 1982 film, that time period could be anywhere from a decade, or a century between itself and the movie. (I personally like to believe it's a lot shorter than we think, because there's an added tragedy to having this massive empire of various clans wiped out in an instant due to the Garthim War. It's a horrifying implication that showcases the horror of war. It isn't pretty and it leaves no victors behind. Only destruction. I'm a StoneGrot truther 😔. So I personally like the parentage theory a lot! With him being either a son, or a descendant later down the family tree. Lots of fun to speculate with though! But I totally agree that it would be more fun if Jen had like- enhanced night vision and some more apparent streaks of blond to blend with his blue Stonewood hairs.
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
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Our actors before Dark Crystal Age of Resistance:
Taron Egerton in Kingsman
Anya Taylor-Joy in The Witch
Natalie Emmanuel in Game of Thrones
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talkin-tdc · 1 year ago
Ordon/Mayrin discussion
Small trigger warning for this discussion: talking ab parental abuse or the perception of it in the show/among the fanbase.
So in the show, do you guys see Ordon/Mayrin as abusive? I’ve spoken to some who do and honestly I just don’t see it out of the sliver of characterization we get for both (and I promise not just bc Ordon is my favorite). Like oh no he yelled at Rian when he was literally stealing and wasn’t overly affectionate what a tragedy /s. I guess you could say it’s about what he yelled, but though that wasn’t cool, it was also at work to be fair to him. If we saw him do it at home that’s a completely different story but we don’t. I’m also disregarding Rian’s “solider” line because unlike Mayrin and Seladon it sounds to be more of a feeling Rian had than it having any substantial proof such as Ordon saying so himself OUTSIDE OF WORK! Fr I see it a lot more for Mayrin since yeah she is super bad to Seladon, but she genuinely cares about her daughters a substantial amount just like Ordon. She regrets sending Tavra, properly punishes Brea, even tries to make Seladon a better ruler where she can and they hold each other accountable a lot.
Yeah, they have flaws (more than most gelfs we see), but Ordon personally leaves the guard in order to find Rian and hopefully heal him. When both learn the Skeksis are evil, they try to fight back. Idk calling them abusive to me seems a bit much, I’d classify more as misguided but if anyway has any opinions lmk what you guys think/see them as. For me atm they aren’t abusive even within a wide stretch of the imagination.
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snail-studios · 9 months ago
I'd love to hear about your loz x dark crystal au (if you want to)! Is it set in a particular game or a new iteration? What excites you the most about it?
!!!!!! Thank you for asking!!!
Have some doodles first
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Being the person that i am im obviously making it focussed on mipha and link >:) not sure if you like them but I hope you'll hear me out o.oU
- mipha is a grottan, meaning she's lived in the caves all of her life and when she goes to the surface she needs to wear a blindfold. Luckily she's befriended by a band of picori who guide her around
- link is from the stonewood clan, meaning he's strong and a good warrior, but taught to respect all living things and never fight if necessary, and he meets Mipha. They quickly become fast friends over their shared goal go defeat the skeksis (idk what their loz equivalent could be)
- being a grottan, miphas eyes are nearly pitch black and her wings are bioluminescent.
- since link is stonewood he's stockier than he is iirc, and has a darker complexion.
I think mipha would be somewhat of a leader amongst the grottans (maybe a princess or the daughter of a leader?) so when other gelflings come down to rally them against the skeksis she's the person who has to go. Turns out the person who was meant to go with her is a bit of a deadbeat tho, so she's left out in the world blind and alone. Until she meets some picori (pretty much the equivalent of hup lol).
I'm most excited about Mipha's wings. I love making her all fae-like and magical!!
Thank you for the ask!! Lmk if you have more questions!
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dkscribe88 · 2 months ago
The Twelve Days of Skekmas!
Hey all! Long time since I posted something. Apologies for missing last Christmas, but I believe I had COVID at the time, so you'll forgive me, I'm sure! Anyways, here is this year's classic Skekmas song, The Twelve Days of Skekmas!
On the first day of Skekmas my true love gave to me All of Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the second day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the third day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the fourth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the fifth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the sixth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the seventh day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Seven Clans uniting, Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the eighth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Eight Grottan crawling, Seven Clans uniting, Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the ninth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Nine Drenchen swimming, Eight Grottan crawling, Seven Clans uniting, Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the tenth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Ten Dousan praying, Nine Drenchen swimming, Eight Grottan crawling, Seven Clans uniting, Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the eleventh day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Eleven Spriton singing, Ten Dousan praying, Nine Drenchen swimming, Eight Grottan crawling, Seven Clans uniting, Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
On the twelfth day of Skekmas my true love gave to me Twelve Sifa sailing, Eleven Spriton singing, Ten Dousan praying, Nine Drenchen swimming, Eight Grottan crawling, Seven Clans uniting, Six Skeksis slaying, Five! Silverlings! Four Stonewood guards, Three fizzgigs, Two Podling bars, And all Thra sa-aved from the Darkening!
Happy Skekmas, everyone! And Happy Holidays in general to all those who celebrate, and anyone else too!
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fenth-eiria · 2 years ago
Ordon and Ethri - Meeting of a lifetime
The dock of the Sifan clan were as busy as ever for today the Stonewood Maudra, Vala, was coming to talk about an alliance. Ethri raced to the Omerya only to collide with her brothers, causing Cadia and herself to fall over on their faces. Cadia was the first to rise, brushing the dust off himself calmly before helping his sister get onto her feet.
“I get that toda’ is a bus’ da’, but watch where ye’re walkin’, got it?” He gently warned, before his attention was diverted to his twin children who wanted their mother to pick them up. Ethri rolled her eyes a bit before sighing in agreement.
“Fine… Only because you are my brother.” She replied as Cadia motioned for her to hurry, once she arrived her father noticed her and silently asked for her to brush the rest of the sand off of herself. She quickly obeyed as she walked to her spot, bumping into a guard in the process. When she looked to the man in order to apologize, she saw a handsome, square jawed Stonewood with raven black hair, and chestnut eyes, causing her to stare and drool a bit. The man looked concerned as she continued to stare and drool.
“Uh? Your highness? Are you alright?” He asked, a bit worried that he had done something to upset her. She then blushed as she realized what she was doing.
“I am so sorry!! I just find you handsome and attractive, Sir.” She admitted before hearing him chuckle.
“Is that so? Well in that case, you should at least know my name.” He said before adding. “My name is Ordon, the son of the high advisor, Advor and his husband Eurias. And may I ask for your name, Princess?” She blushed profoundly when she heard his name and decided to give him hers.
“My name is Ethri, the daughter of Cadistin and Maudra Asdria.” She replied with a warm smile, which made him want to smile back.
“Milady, It is an honor to meet you. I’ve heard a big deal of you from Toyln, but I didn’t realize his description of you was accurate and truthful.” He admitted which made Ethri giggle at him, before looking at her with some embarrassment in his posture and expression. The Sifan princess felt a bit sorry for him, and decided to cheer him up a bit.
“Soo… What else did my brother tell you about me?”
sneak peak of a story I'm writing with a rare pair of mine and how they met in my au.
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gay4carver · 2 months ago
I was over here thinking why on earth i would get strong euphoria and shifts upon listening to All-maudra's funeral music and no other gelfling song had the same effect upon me, and then it hit,
"ah yes, perhaps I might be from the Dousan clan, the gelfling who think death is one of the most important parts of one's life cycle. The sort of belief I hold nowadays. The same clan that lives in one of my hearthomes. The same clan that is related to lightining just like the fableing sharing my brain."
nah might be a coincidence. Im probably tge chamberlain cus i like to go HHhhmmmM just like him./j
I still think I could be Stonewood though. im pondering.
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