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I have been waiting for SO LONG for the Nesting Box and it finally arrived 🎉
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AAA I'm officially a technically published illustrator now :D
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4-player Wingspan at a board game tavern
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Friday Night Shots - Thematically Weird Rules
Friday Night Shots - Thematically Weird Rules @gmtgames @Capstone_Games @days_of_wonder @StrongholdGames @stonemaiergames
Welcome back to the bar! Apologies for being closed for so long, but we’ve had renovations going on. We were trying to fix that jukebox that kept playing nothing but crappy music. Along with maybe making this a more inviting place for people other than yourself to come, so maybe I might make a little money? So come and have a seat at the bar and let me get you the beverage of your choice. It…
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#Ark Nova#Capstone Games#Days of Wonder#GMT Games#Great Western Trail#Stonemaier Games#Ticket to Ride#Ticket to Ride Old West#Twilight Struggle#Viticulture
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All time favourite board game and current favourite?
Wingspan by Stonemaier Games aaaaaand Wingspan by Stonemaier Games!
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A magnifica Bethinha ⚡🌈 #Artemgame
FINALMENTE saiu! Haha demorou mais saiu. Da forma que eu planejei inicialmente? NOP! Mais saiu hahaha 😂
Confesso que tinha já pré-gravado o vídeo e ele empacou na edição e nos detalhes finos (aviso que corremos o risco dele ir ao ar qualquer dia desses, quem sabe haha) mas, como tinha dito no post anterior, a Nutty mudou sua plataforma principal de postagem, podendo agora ser atualizada a qualquer momento (sem seguir padrão de feed ou "melhor horário" de engajamento.. - EU OUVI UM ALELUIA?!), sem a necessidade de ter uma super foto, ou um vídeo mega produzido, que eu precise mostrar e explicar TUDO em apenas 1min haha (desculpa INSTAGRAM eu juro que tentei, BUT você já deu pra mim haha). Meu psicológico sobrecarregado agradece.
Bom, vamos direto ao ponto, a ideia sobre o quadro #Artemgame é detalhar e exaltar pessoas por trás dos jogos, focando na parte artística da coisa. Tanto de jogos de tabuleiro como também jogos digitais, num mundo cheio de abertura, possibilidades e com cada dia mais acessos, conseguimos alcançar e abrir ainda mais o leque das áreas, capitando mais artistas e repaginando ideias, e assim, conhecendo mais pessoas incríveis e inovadoras pelo mundo.
A GATA escolhida, pra dar o pontapé inicial dessa jornada
É ELA... A RAINHA... A QUEEN... Beth Sobel🦋
- Antes de iniciar, preciso comentar que Bethinha é uma pessoa bem discreta, com sua vida pessoal bem reservada. Tive muita dificuldade em saber da sua biografia de uma forma detalhada. Mas os fragmentos que fui encontrando vou descrever aqui (E caso no futuro encontre novas informações vou atualizado a publicação). Caso você encontre alguma inconsistência ou saiba de informações extras sobre ela, me avise que atualizo o post. SE FOR USAR ESSE TEXTO PARA UMA PUBLICAÇÃO, ME AVISE E DÊ OS DEVIDOS CRÉDITOS, escrever blog dá trabalho. 🌈
Beth Sobel Lapis é uma ilustradora americana que trabalha na indústria de jogos desde 2013. Embora não seja muito tempo, ela já causou um impacto muito forte no aspecto visual de muitos jogos. Mora em Bellingham, Washington com o marido Daniel Sobel e dois gatos 😻 (isso explica os gatos lindos em Cálico). 😺😺😺
Nasceu e cresceu nos Estados Unidos em Bristol, Virgínia e desenvolveu uma paixão pela arte desde muito jovem. Beth estudou Belas Artes na faculdade e aprimorou suas habilidades em vários meios, incluindo aquarela, acrílico e arte digital. ✒🖋
Sua paixão pela arte começou desde muito jovem, e ela desenvolveu uma apreciação pela natureza, refletida em suas ilustrações que frequentemente apresentam elementos naturais como plantas, animais e paisagens. 🍃🌳 Beth ilustrou livros infantis e criou ilustrações para várias publicações. Suas ilustrações foram apresentadas em revistas e exibidas em galerias, mostrando sua versatilidade como artista.🎨 Começou a trabalha na indústria de jogos em 2013 com o boardgame "Viticulture" que foi a primeira ilustração de jogo de Sobel. É um jogo de 2013 com o design feito por Jamey Stegmaier e Alan Stone, e foi o primeiro título da Stonemaier Games. É um jogo de colocação de trabalhadores onde os jogadores estão construindo vinhedos, enviando trabalhadores para cuidar de várias coisas ao longo do ano.🍷🍇
Como ilustradora de jogos de tabuleiro, Beth colaborou com editoras renomadas, como Stonemaier Games, Renegade Game Studios e Leder Games. Ela emprestou seu talento para projetos notáveis, incluindo a ilustração de jogos populares como "Wingspan" (ilustrando as vegetações e alimentos), "Verdant", "Calico", "Cascádia" e "Herbaceous" (vamos falar em posts futuros sobre cada jogo individualmente). Veja a lista completa de jogos ilustrados por ela no site do BGG.
Ao longo de sua carreira, Beth ficou conhecida por suas belas e complexas ilustrações, e seu estilo único combina elementos de realismo com toques caprichosos e fantásticos, criando obras de arte cativantes e encantadoras. ✨🎆
Bom, agora vamos falar um pouco sobre o estilo e técnica artística de ilustração que a Bethinha utiliza:
🎨Aquarela: as ilustrações de Beth Sobel costumam ter uma qualidade suave e delicada, o que sugere o uso de aquarela. Um meio versátil que permite lavagens sutis de cores e camadas transparentes.
✒🖋Tinta e caneta: Muitas das ilustrações de Beth Sobel têm linhas intrincadas e detalhes finos, que podem ser obtidos usando tinta e caneta. Esta técnica permite linhas precisas e controladas.
🖥🖼Ilustração digital: na era moderna, muitos ilustradores usam ferramentas digitais para criar suas obras de arte. Beth Sobel também pode usar técnicas digitais para aprimorar e refinar suas ilustrações, como adicionar texturas ou ajustar cores. Recentemente ela fez uma conta no TIKTOK para mostrar seu processo de ilustração digital, confira AQUI
🌈⚡Mídia mista: é visível, que Beth Sobel combine diferentes técnicas e materiais em suas ilustrações. Isso pode incluir uma combinação de mídias tradicionais, como aquarela ou tinta, com edição e aprimoramentos digitais.
E para finalizar essa parte analítica vamos falar sobre as possíveis influencias e inspirações de sua arte e ilustrações:
🌳🍃Natureza: Muitas das ilustrações de Beth Sobel apresentam elementos naturais, como plantas, animais e paisagens. Seu uso de cores suaves e linhas delicadas sugere uma conexão com o mundo natural e a beleza encontrada nele.
🎨🖌Arte Tradicional: As ilustrações geralmente têm uma qualidade artesanal, o que sugere uma apreciação por técnicas e estilos de arte tradicionais. Isso pode incluir influências de movimentos artísticos como Art Nouveau ou o movimento Arts and Crafts.
🎮🎲Game Design: Como ilustradora de jogos de tabuleiro e cardgames, o trabalho de Beth Sobel é fortemente influenciado pelo próprio design do jogo. Suas ilustrações visam aprimorar e complementar a experiência de jogo, então ela provavelmente se inspira nos temas, na mecânica e na sensação geral do jogo.
💕⭐Experiência pessoal: Beth Sobel compartilha suas experiências com a diabetes tipo 1 em sua página do Instagram e Facebook frequentemente, inclusive incluindo em obras já realizadas.
⚡Considerações finais:⚡
Sabendo que a Beth é uma artista mista em suas técnicas, que domina com perfeição várias áreas artísticas, entendendo isso, visualmente posso dizer que em todos os jogos que ilustrou até agora, o processo tenha sido todo feito digitalmente (-partindo da minha opinião visual apenas, já que não encontrei nenhum registro do processo manual, somente dos trabalhos digitais que ela desenvolve-), mesmo assim, o conhecimento técnico é o mesmo, como eu sempre digo, pra se fazer um bom desenho digital, com brushes e texturas, você PRECISA entender o processo no papel, na tela e na tinta e a Beth nos mostra isso claramente. Amo a forma que aplica suas cores, seu traço e a riqueza dos detalhes minuciosos. 💕 Obrigada Beth, por dividir conosco sua forma linda de imergir dentro de um jogo e nos deixar vivenciar o mundo com seus olhos.
Escolhi começar a série #Artemgame com as ilustrações magnificas da Beth, pela importância que elas tiveram pra mim no nicho. Defendo a todo custo que a arte é sim uma parte FUNDAMENTAL na imersão, na qualidade e na grandeza de um bom jogo. A delicadeza que ela passa em cada ilustração, me dá a sensação de estar "dentro" das obras de arte, vivendo ali, de uma forma que nem sei explicar, fico encantada com a riqueza de detalhes e a sutileza, chego a sentir a brisa fresca das plantas e da natureza, algo que realmente faz a diferença pra mim. 🌳🍃❤
⭐Pra quem gosta do trabalho da Bethinha, ela está com uma campanha aberta no Kickstarter. Um card game todinho ilustrado por ela chamado "River and Stone" Clica AQUI e acesse pra conhecer e ajudar essa ilustradora I N C R Í V E L!⭐
Bom, como disse anteriormente, pretendo falar sobre CADA jogo detalhadamente, com fotos, vídeos, detalhes, numa longa série sobre jogos maravilhosos que tenho a honra de ter na minha coleção pessoal (vou falar dos que eu não tenho também, porque sou dessas haha). Espero que gostem! Até a próxima!
Um beijo da Nutty 💋
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Board Game 30-Day Challenge Day 26
Day 26: Is there a specific designer and/or publisher you particularly like or dislike? Will you ever buy or stay away from a game based solely on the designer and/or publisher?
I don’t think any particular designer or publisher will make a game an instant yes or no; that said, I’m generally positively inclined toward Stonemaier, AEG, and Gamewright, while I’m less likely to pick up something from Steve Jackson.
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Brett Sobol and Seth Van Orden at Nauvoo Games wrote an article about Component Studio on the Stonemaier Games Blog. They explain key features, how it streamlines the design process, and why it is a timesaver. They used Component Studio to create hundreds of cards for their game, Raising Robots, which is on Kickstarter now. Brett and Seth have been longtime supporters of The Game Crafter community and we've enjoyed watching them find success in the industry over the years. Keep up the good work!
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Finspan is Now Shipping for Stonemaier Games - https://thegaminggang.com/game-news/finspan-is-now-shipping-for-stonemaier-games/...
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It Is Done
May the universe hear, and feel every single wordMay these lines forever last, and be written in stoneMay the sun continue shining, surrounding her soulThe great One is very protective, of his precious little girlCalling on Father Ra, to energize these charged wordsThe supreme now stays rising, together with the sunShe is to always remain safe, and free from them allAny curses and any bindings,…
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Box Art
What do you think of these games and the artwork? Which catches your eye first and why? Does it make for the best board game cover?
Top 5 game companies & individual style
Asmodée Editions
Asmodée Editions publishes Role Playing games and card games such as Jungle Speed. It has developed some of the best selling board games making them one of the top publishing and manufacturing companies out there. They have worked with The Pokemon Company, Stonemaier Games (Wingspan) and more to publish some of the most well known board games. They publish quite a wide variety of games including family, party and hobby games targeted ay a range of age groups.
Most of the games they have are quite detailed with cinematic artwork.
Goliath B.V.
Grand Prix International
Who are the top 5 board game companies? What defines them? I.e. what style of game do they promote? Or not? And which would you aim for if pitching? I.e. HASBRO
Hasbro pitch
How would you go about pitching an idea to Hasbro? What would you have to do? What legal requirements would you need to consider: https://spark.hasbro.com/submit/steps
How have the graphics changed in a game? Look into OPERATION and highlight the change in design, the type/font used and placement and the way in which this impacts who might buy it.
Minions operation
Look into best card games and discuss why? Discuss the audience, the art work and add in your own related to your layout and
theme. https://www.gamesradar.com/best-card-games-compared/
Table top games
And look into table top card games and add to blog with discussion on gameplay and style
Pokemon TCG
The Pokemon Trading Card Game is a tabletop card game I have personally been playing for a long time. It originated in 1996 and has been developed further ever since. As of 2024, it has it's own mobile app which rapidly gained popularity for it's accessibility. Physical Pokemon cards have to be bought to be played with and they are relatively expensive. But in the mobile game packs can be obtained for free. Compared to the physical game, it is also more simplified so games can be shortened.
The game consists of character cards derived from the Pokemon games that can attack and use abilities to take out the opposing player's deck. Each card has its own type and can only attack if it has energy attached of its respective type. Some cards require more than one type of energy but have very powerful attacks in exchange. The game creates a balance with strong moves and fair sacrifices such as losing energy or HP. Many parts of the game are based on RNG and luck making no two rounds the same. Strategy and deck building are utilised, however there is always an element of surprise through luck of the draw, as there is no guarantee that you will have the correct cards you want when you need them.
The Pokemon TCG is still popular with live tournaments happening regularly and being big events in certain countries.
I grew up on the console games more than the TCG, but I still played it very frequently with my siblings and friends as a child and it was a big part of my childhood. Pokemon cards were eventually banned at my middle school because we kept trading and playing with them. Even if I didn't know the real rules when I was younger, I still played with them rather than just collecting them.
Even now, I still play the TCG myself. I have the mobile app and I still play it with my friends and siblings like I did when I was younger. Despite how old the cards are, I believe the TCG will still remain popular as long as the Pokemon Company are around.
Yu-Gi-Oh is another card game I really enjoyed growing up. I didn't play it as frequently because I was more interested in Pokemon cards. I watched the anime A LOT growing up which is how I learnt the rules, but I was more interested in the show more than I was the game. Which is the opposite experience I had with Pokemon, I didn't watch the show as much because I was invested in the games. I still have all of my old cards and it's nostalgic to look back on.
I really enjoy when card games have their own TV shows based on them. Especially for younger audiences, it creates a wider demographic as older players will be more likely to play the game whilst younger viewers are more likely to watch the show. It creates a nice base of people to cater to.
My experiences with board games
Coming from a big family, it's harder to play board games since many of them only have a 4 player limit. However there were games such as Monopoly that can be played with a bigger group which was definitely a big part of my childhood. I played different versions rather than the official growing up, such as The Simpsons and The Minions. These weren't any less difficult than the official one but I have more memories attached to the different characterised releases since I enjoyed having games related to things I liked and seeing references from them. Even now, we have a lot of board games in my house. Another game I mainly played with friends was The Game of Life, one of my friends had it. I wasn’t as interested in this one since it was a lot more complicated.
In particular, I have a lot of memories attached to Angry Birds Space, which is a four player game which is the same concept as Frustration and Ludo, but with Angry Birds. I played this as a child, and we got rid of it after a while. But we bought it again, and my parents play it regularly. I believe this shows the demographic these games appeal to, even though Angry Birds is a children's media, it still appeals to adults. I'm not sure why this could be. This was my favourite board game as a kid because I enjoyed the competitive aspect and how unpredictable each round was, since It's completely up to chance. I was mostly a bigger fan of shorter, simple strategy games that can be played in quick rounds, rather than longer and more complex games such as Cluedo.
Jon Turner
Jon Turner is an artist and illustrator who creates work based on 'strange stories, meandering adventures, retro gaming, literature, mental health, and broken hearts.' He has been commissioned by many notable companies such as BBC Books, No Sleep Records, Threadless and Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
I think his work is very cute. The use of only black and white with a hint of an accent colour is really charming. Its very well done and this doesn't always look good but his simplistic style allows a lot of room for detail with the shading. He uses a technique called cross hatching to create his shading, and this effect creates a nice texture to more simple drawings.
He sells items with his work on them, a variety including clothing, stickers, blankets and prints. His shop has a good amount of items and has relatively cheap prices for the quality of work.
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If you like area control games all about friendship and pies, then My Little Scythe, a spinoff of modern classic Scythe, is the game for you!
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April 2024 Gaming
April 2024 Gaming @_dailymagic_ @Capstone_Games @OspreyGames @stonemaiergames
After a really full March, where it seemed like I played one game a day (ok, that’s only if you average it out, but still), April was a wasteland for gaming, sadly. Missing two Sundays, not as many games during lunch at work (if we hadn’t played some work games, though, it would have been even worse!), it just kind of sucked. However, even though there were very few games played in total, the…
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#Capstone Games#Card-Driven Game#Combat Commander#Daily Magic Games#London#Lookout Games#Lunch Time Games#Oh My Goods#Osprey Games#Stonemaier Games#Tableau-building#Villages of Valeria#Viticulture#Viticulture: Tuscany#Watergate#Worker Placement Games
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