#stone trek?
departmentq 7 months
Fans celebrate the casting of Nichelle Nichols as Uhura as a moment for actors of color, which they should be.
But I also wanted to spotlight the casting of these iconic guest starring characters, seen in episodes of TOS.
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Percy Rodriguez was cast as flag officer Commodore Stone, who was Kirk's superior in the chain of command. Stone is one of the officers that presides over Kirk's court martial.
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Booker Bradshaw was the original Dr. M'Benga, seen in two episodes of TOS. at the time, M'Benga was Starfleet's first and only medical specialist in Vulcan Physiology, having spent a year's residency on Vulcan.
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One of the finest minds in computer technology in the 23rd century, and creator of the duotronic computer, Dr. Richard Daystrom, was played by William Marshall, whose work in Shakespeare, and his roles as Paul Robeson and Frederick Douglass, added to the gravitas of his portrayal.
A flag officer, a specialist in Vulcan medicine, and one of the finest minds in a field of technology, played by actors of color, during the turbulent 1960s.
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liquidatorbruntfca 28 days
please does someone have Spuh, can someone please send me Spuh, i have looked and cannot find it anywhere please im begging
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trillscienceofficer 3 months
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Star Trek: Voyager Flesh and Blood // Natural Law
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comradetoad 13 days
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what if star trek fan fics had covers like modern airport romance and pop-sci novels??
Celestial Bodies (TOS Kirk/Spock/McCoy)
Pick A Star, Any Star (AOS Kirk/Spock/McCoy)
Never Again (Just one more time) (AOS Spock/McCoy)
Fling Myself Into the Void (with you) (SNW Kirk/Spock/McCoy)
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abstract-hellbender 4 months
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what if hey were cowboys,,, all im saying...
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facts-i-just-made-up 6 months
You should give the kidney stone a name. And write call out posts about it
The stones are named "Keith Richshard" and "Mick Jagged." Had it been only one I'd have called it "The Penile Asteroid of Rura Penthe."
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rainbowresurrection 11 months
Data is a hoot because he's constantly trying out new shit. One day everyone wakes up and he's in his stoner phase and Picard yells at him for danking out the bridge
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trek-tracks 2 years
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When I say I was shouting at the screen when nobody got this...
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obsessive-daydreamer 2 months
Lore might have been evil and homicidal, but can we just talk about what an icon he was? It was very obvious that he was constantly put down by the colonists, yet he took all of their insults like "weird", "freak", "unnatural" etc and went no鉂わ笍.
And then proceeded to declare himself a superior species that's above all life forms and develop a god complex? Absolute girlboss behaviour.
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favvn 2 months
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The duality of Jim Kirk
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bumblingbabooshka 3 months
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Neelix/T'Pel! An alternate idea is that T'Pel is a person who's difficult to like and one by one every member of the crew encounters her and has a poor experience but Neelix can't help but like her and even feel he understands her intimately because of his experience seeing her through Tuvok's eyes as 'Tuvix'. He finds her in the mess hall alone one night and hears her complain about how the replicated tea tastes and how Kathryn is as usual hopeless at such domestic tasks and Tuvok is off somewhere. [Oh, he's probably doing something very important Mrs. Vulcan!] Yes, no doubt. There's a long pause then Neelix gets up and tells her to stay right there! And he makes her a cup of tea and she takes a sip after careful inspection and finds that it's just how she likes it - exactly how she likes it, and it's the first compliment she gives anyone on the crew in the time we've seen her - including Janeway. Neelix smiles, watching her drink it, as if remembering something. "My pleasure!" he says. Zoom out as soft music plays.
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fate-motif 2 months
i understand why chakotay needed to be stranded ten years on ysida for the story to work (because the beat of the kids helping him regain his spirit is beautiful and works on so many levels) but also in-universe it鈥檚 hard not to begrudge wesley like. what, you couldn鈥檛 yeet the kids a little closer to the crash date? did adreek have to die for the timeline to be corrected? was that it? or did he screw up his calculations and overshot by a few years than was necessary, give or take?
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thegeminisage 6 months
what's more funny than chocolate getting vulcans smashed is that if vulcans DIDN'T KNOW chocolate would get them smashed until they went to earth and ate some. like, because nobody post-reform had ever bothered to make anything with the intent of being intoxicating because that's, you know, illogical. maybe they didn't even know they could GET smashed. then like 6 months after first contact some uptight vulcan ambassador gets wine drunk at a policy meeting. this absolutely improves human/vulcan relations by the way
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itsthegreenstuff 2 years
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tournamentpollsinc 5 months
Round Two
Slutty Man Showdown
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cleoselene 7 months
was watching DS9 with the roommates earlier (first watch-through of the series for one of them) and today we got to "Far Beyond the Stars," unquestionably one of the greatest sci-fi episodes of television ever made, and since we're fresh off all things Twin Peaks, we were delighted when the episode answered Monica Bellucci's question:
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turns out it was Captain Sisko all along
seriously tho, the Lynchian-like stuff in this episode is really fun if you pick at it. Sisko is having something of a psychogenic fugue, which is something that is all over the place in Lynch's work. You're left wondering and questioning: who is the real man? Is it Sisko, is it Benny Russell? The metatextuality of it all! Lynch loves to be metatextual, and you literally have Sisko discussing at the end his own questioning of what is the true reality, that last shot of Benny looking back at Sisko in the reflection is haunting, plus there's the very real truth that DS9 actually *is* a dream of the future. Not Benny Russell's, but Gene Roddenberry's, Ira Stephen Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Ron Moore, et. al
There's been reams written on the excellent social commentary in this episode but the exploration of identity and the self and the reflexivity of the metatextual bits is a little underexplored, I think? The cast being transformed into sci-fi writers to make commentary on sci-writing, as written by actual sci-fi writers.
Benny is the dreamer, Sisko is the dream. We are all dreaming with him. Sometimes you cherish a dream so much you will risk everything to see it through, at great personal cost
anyway, I could ramble on about this show forever. It's so wonderfully textured. What a ride season 6 especially is: today we went from "Waltz" to "Who Mourns For Morn?" to "Far Beyond the Stars" to "One Little Ship." If that sequence doesn't perfectly encapsulate what makes DS9 so multifaceted, I don't know what does! It's such a joy to binge watch a show that changes its tone up week to week while still maintaining a strong serialized story.
David Lynch's work seeks to point out the importance of balance: I can't think of a show that is much better balanced than DS9? It covers every genre, it's comedic, it's intense, it's philosophical, it's artistic, it's spiritual, it's tragic, it's familiar, and it's heartwarming.
Modern tv, especially of the serialized variety, is such a drag.
also as an aside: the sets on this episode are stunning? Benny's apartment is especially wonderful: it's the lived in, chaotic apartment of a bachelor writer. Nothing is arranged but you can feel that Benny knows in his head exactly where everything is.
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