#stolen Indigenous land
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bikerpoliticalreport · 2 years ago
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Ben & Jerry’s July 4 Memo: ‘US on Stolen Land’
 In a brash July 4 message, Ben & Jerry’s is calling on America to return its “stolen Indigenous land,” tweeting the message and emblazoning it on its website.
   July 4 celebrations “distract from an essential truth about this nation’s birth,” the ice cream maker asserts. “The United States was founded on stolen Indigenous land. This Fourth of July, let’s commit to returning it.”
   “Start with Mount Rushmore,” the company, headquartered in Burlington, Vt., says. “That is the meaning of Independence Day for those whose land this country stole, those who were murdered and forced with brutal violence onto reservations, those who were pushed from their holy places and denied their freedom.
   “The faces on Mount Rushmore are the faces of men who actively worked to destroy Indigenous cultures and ways of life, to deny Indigenous people their basic rights,” the invective concludes.
   Ben & Jerry’s July 4 proclamation provoked immediate response and boycott demands on social media, the New York Post reports, with country singer John Rich—who has been outspokenly opposed to Bud Light’s transgender tie-up—tweeting back: “Make @benandjerrys Bud Light again.”
   Another challenger wrote, “Just when you think @benandjerrys couldn’t go any lower—they pull this stunt. Boycott Ben and Jerry’s.”
   One Twitter user called Ben & Jerry’s founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield out for their hypocrisy, writing to the “the Bud Light of ice cream”:
   “Seriously now, close shop—or better yet, donate your business and everything you own in these lands that rightfully belong to the Indigenous people—apologize to them, and return to the continent your ancestors came from. Now.”
   Ben & Jerry’s says on its website that its social mission is to “eliminate injustices in our communities by integrating these concerns into our day-to-day business activities.”
   Ben & Jerry’s has previously supported the Black Lives Matter movement and LGBTQ+ actions, and its founders Cohen and Greenfield have demonstrated in Washington, D.C., alongside actor and social activist Jane Fonda, against fossil fuels.
   In 1985, the company founded the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation to fund community-oriented projects, funding it with 7.5% of Ben & Jerry’s annual pre-tax profits.
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vortexanomaly · 1 month ago
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circumpolarvampire · 2 months ago
Trying to tell white leftists that their train utopia as they currently are imagining it is still colonialism just under a different coat of paint. Indigenous people need to be at the forefront of your leftist action or your just rebranding colonization
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fixing-bad-posts · 1 year ago
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at my core i love to see mlm relationships and victims of stolen land making a mockery out of the police
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comrade-onion · 10 months ago
The Liberation of Palestine and the Rights of Indigenous Americans: The Same Struggle
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532 years ago, America was "discovered" by Europeans for the first time. What resulted from this fateful day was nothing short of a genocide. Millions systemically displaced and killed, cultures destroyed, and ecosystems irreparably altered to accommodate the European colonizers at the expense of the people who lived there. In both the United States and Canada, remaining indigenous populations face massive societal discrimination and are victim to underfunding and exploitation from the governments of their respective states. Many are forced into poverty, underfunded reservations, and horrid living conditions. Sound similar?
The genocide in Gaza and the expansion of the Israeli settler state is almost completely congruent to the history of violence experienced by indigenous Americans. Both the Palestinian liberation struggle and the Land Back movement in the US are inherently interwined in their ideals and histories, and any anti-imperialist should recognize the victory of these struggles as fundamental to the development of equality and liberty for the oppressed.
Solidarity with Palestine and Solidarity with the First Nation's People forever. No freedom, no peace, on stolen land.
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ometochtli2rabbit · 4 months ago
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months ago
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triumph-of-adaptation · 1 month ago
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grandboute · 9 months ago
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halpwhatdoiputhere · 1 year ago
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Just gonna slide this on here and say this is at the Field Museum and as far as I know it’s here to stay along with a new addition to the Native Americas that elaborates even further about the colonization and the impact and how you are on stolen land and that indigenous peoples are still here
So yea
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vivvy-of-the-lake · 2 months ago
Not going to add on to it directly because it's long enough as is and largely tangential to the main points being made, but regarding this post:
Nearly all space launch facilities *and* astronomical observatories (of significance) *and* astronaut analog research sites are on settler-occupied territory. [...] The reasoning for each and every one of these facilities being reinscribed with emptiness that settler colonialism had already inbued it with - terra nullius.
I wanted to talk about this in the context of Australian space efforts, of which the "uninhabited expanse" of the inner parts of the country have been cordoned off for rocket and weapon testing. Specifically, I'll be focusing on the Woomera Prohibited Area.
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The Woomera Prohibited Area is the site of the RAAF Woomera Range Complex, and has been in use since 1946 for rocket and missile launches. Its current area is 122,188 km² (47,177 sq mi) and at its height it encompassed over 270,000 km² of land, all of which has ties to indigenous Australians.
To put it into perspective, this is larger than the land area of 100 of the 195 recognised territories and countries by the UN (purely for the sake of statistical convenience). Countries of a similar size include Greece (slightly larger at ~129,000 km²), Nicaragua, and North Korea (both ~120,000 km²), as well as England (~133,000 km², not to be confused with the United Kingdom or the British Isles).
This entire area is, as the name suggests, prohibited.
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The whole continent is an obscene amount of land to be claimed by settlers and to have peoples displaced and destroyed, but there is something rather crass about the Woomera Prohibited Area to me. Australia is perhaps the most famous example of Terra Nullius in use—there wasn't even an attempt to recognise the indigenous peoples already here as there was in some other colonised countries, and it was declared "uninhabited" by European settlers upon arrival—and nothing speaks more to Western views and ideals on what counts as being "inhabited" than the decision to mark off this much land for falling rockets and missiles, and forbid its inhabitants from using it outside of specific arrangements.
The gratuitous amount of land cordoned off for space research makes the Woomera Prohibited Area, as stated by the Australian Defence Force, "the largest land-based test range in the Western world." This is land that is assumed to be especially "uninhabited" in the already "uninhabited" regions of central Australia.
These lands are far from "uninhabited", and the conception that they are is a myth in service of colonial ideals. The whole concept of "inhabited land" and that land can be declared to be "uninhabited" is only ever in the service of colonialism.
I'm only so knowledgeable on the topic, and this is meant to be a brief overview of the Woomera Prohibited Area as it stands today. If I were to talk about the history of the site, including its more prominent role in military testing—including nuclear warhead detonations—this post would become FAR bigger than it already is. These articles from SBS are a good jumping-off point if you wish to find out more:
But perhaps the biggest irony of the Woomera Prohibited Area is that, in being declared "uninhabited" and suitable for isolated weapons testing, it's been spared the fate of other indigenous landmarks in populous areas—paved over in the name of "progress".
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captainpirateface · 3 months ago
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I stand by and with them.
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thehealingsystem · 7 days ago
got my down with the system book yesterday and I'm nearly at chapter five. I find a lot of things he says here insightful, a lot of it I didn't know because I personally haven't researched the armenian genocide a whole lot and only have lived in america. I picked up a book from the library on it that I'm gonna read after I finish my current readings. I've always found it interesting looking into the personal details of someone's life that's so different from mine, a completely different uprising yet here I am reading his stories and listening to his/their music and connecting with it. his political philosophy I mostly agree with, though the ways we differ are kinda significant imo. he leans more democratic-socialist with some more lib views where I'm more hardline communist. his respect for the us raises my brow, while he has shown support and shared ideas that advocates for indigenous rights, his level of solidarity with us is a bit questionable for me but I'm just gonna have to read more on it. it's a good read so far
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nando161mando · 1 year ago
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months ago
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scamallach-1 · 4 months ago
I am deeply ashamed of Chase Strangio. Deeply. He really said “Yeah so I’m still voting for Kamala even tho she doesn’t care about trans people, even tho she’s genocidal, and because I’m like soooo uncomfortable with the idea of leaving this genocidal system of which I’ve always worked within and yea you could say I’ve abandoned the road to liberation but whatevs thanks for reading all these slides about it, coulda kept it to myself but” — THE DAY AFTER AL AQSA HOSPITAL MASSACRE where “US/Israel” occupation forces burned people alive while attached to IVs!
Chase could be dedicating himself with his platform to decolonial land back movements for REAL, meaningful liberation, but nah. He clearly sold his ‘soul’ to our liberal Zionist government long ago and now we see him thinkin he can “change it from the inside”.
Deeply deeply deeply ashamed. We need to accept the cold hard fact that queers in the west took “queer liberation” and turned it right into another arm of western imperialism. We were unwilling to part ways with white supremacy, and now look. Shame.
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