#still waiting for the rest of the pieces for my pc
mdmszee · 1 year
hi! sorry if you’ve answered this somewhere, i couldn’t find it, but what reshape do you use? your screenshots always look so nice <3
hi there! so with the screenshots that I post here, they are created with the help of other simblrs! with the mona gameplay, i believe @d4isy-nukes uses nesurii’s sunset vinyl v2 reshade preset! and with my simself series, @weindenburg uses a custom preset with a few tweaks! feel free to ask them personally - like i always say, i pretty much do just the storytelling lol :,)
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mrmistakemakeroy · 2 months
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how i see "The helper" episode . (i have diagnosed adhd and autism fyi: everyone is different so take what i say with that context <3 not all autistic people are like me so please understand this is more based on my experience personally)
Really weird post i know but hear me out. When i watch "The helper " i immediatly think about having meltdowns as a little kid or just any age in general wether online or irl.
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^ Like if you`re looking at it like i am, you can understand why id say it feels like hes having a meltdown / breakdown because something that makes sense to him most of the time, now makes no sense at all to him / freaks him out |
| (Being unable to help people because they do not need his help which he is not used to , thus making him react way worse then most people would sense it is something very special to him Like how people will have specific special intrests or hyperfixations etc) personally i freak out and get meltdowns when my pc is broken or needs fixed and i cannot draw whatsoever for long peroids of time. )
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and how you / i would immediatly feel ashamed , nervous and guilty afterwards , or just generally exhausted or depending on the person feel like a burden on the people around you.
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(also for this next part yes i know this is implied to be sylvia`s idea but it still makes me wanna tear up because it hits home way too hard) and other people will immediatly treat you as a "trouble maker" that has to be dealt with , punished or pushed aside even tho its something you cant help and sometimes cant even understand .
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the dialogue espeically is a gut punch for me.
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"ohh.. So this is the guy you want out of town "
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" i get it " he`s hurt , and ashamed of himself. and its probably a stretch but i feel like this has happened before because of how he says " i get it . " then he tries to turn it into a positive as per usual to his character writing , thats how much he loves helping people.
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its his special intrest / hyperfixation <3333 so of course he can try to turn it into something fun . and the rest of the episode goes on as he Does what they asked him to. and they immediately reward him for throwing himself out of their way .
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(this genuinely makes me so mad i`m sorry fuck those towns people man you could`ve just talked to him instead GRAHHHH) and how he gets super happy after FINALLY pleasing them.
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hes so silly :33
also this last bit makes me angry a little
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"thanks" ( im going to eat your soul stfu /halfjoke )
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"happy i could help!! "
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"that makes two of us " (BONUS) ALSO I WANT TO MENTION the scene where he tries to " stop " lord hater. I feel like this is him being pushed to his absolute limit to a point he tried to do something very out of character just for the comfort and relief of "doing something good" like hes reverting to the basics of "being a good guy " just to get that comfort of helping someone again.
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it reminds me of that Version of himself in "the wanders" where the piece of himself that holds his trauma / what made him want to help everyone is still not inside of him yet, and he goes on a rant about how he is going to stop lord hater
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"wander are you okay ?? " "im MORE then okay "
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"Now come trusty steed , its time to stop that HEARTLESS evil doer LORD HATER ONCE AND FOR ALL !! "
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"wait what-" "stop ?"
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"YES! i am a good guy , and he is a bad guy. " "AND I STOP HIM ! "
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------------------- HELPPPPP.... seriously tho sorry for the long rant about this episode but it genuinely hit home so hard that i have cried multipule times unironicly because of it. Reminder that im veiwing this through my own experience of growing up on the spectrum (adhd + autism specifically) not everyone on the spectrum will be the same as me when it comes to this episode. I had to get this out of my system because it was eating at my brain sorry yall 💔💔💔
if i made any typos or worded anything weird its becuase its harder for me to write long posts plus as of writing its 01:17 on my computor clock.
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thelemoncoffee · 12 days
regardless of if you guys agree with my hc that Kokichi has a good blood related family or not, we can all agree that Kokichi doesn't have the best access to technology right?
like he has tech at home like TVs and computers and phones, but it ain't up to date or all that powerful
some of it is cause of money issues, like his TV- which is one of those chunky static monsters cause they can't afford a flat screen and hey- this fucking box still works so why bother? but other stuff is more out of paranoia, like his phone- he's got a touchscreen phone but it's a model that's been out of circulation for a while and he refuses to get a new one cause all the new ones listen to you
regardless of reason tho, his tech is old and running on a dream. this shit has outdated graphics cards, bad storage space, his minecraft crashes every time he looks at simple redstone, and like hell he as any new game consoles- bro has to wait for pc releases if he wants to play games and said PC hates him for it
he only has one really good piece of tech and that's his laptop that he uses exclusively for DICE work and trying to learn how to code. the rest? tin cans he forces to stay alive out of spite
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grifff17 · 1 month
Audio Drama Sunday 8/18/2024
There was so much new stuff this week. Midnight Burger, Worlds Beyond Number, World Gone Wrong, and Wanderer's Journal all release an episode every other Tuesday, and this Tuesday was that day. Then on Wednesday 3 actual play released new episodes. I didn't actually get through everything new this week, the rest will come next week.
NEW SHOW ALERT Starwhal: Odyssey, a spelljammer-inspired actual play from the cast of Skyjacks Couriers Call, is no longer Patreon exclusive! I really liked the first 2 episodes of this show, I love the way these people do collaborative storytelling. The little things like the rent collections robot and the streaming rat were so good. At the end of the episode, the mental vision of Saach teleporting into the gamer chair was so vivid. Also, I've never heard more revulsion in a credits sequence than them crediting Wizards of the Coast for the Spelljammer setting. I'm curious about the system they're going to move to for the later episodes.
In @midnightburgr I love the new set of characters, I bet the next spinoff series going to be the Paradise. However, they can’t keep ending episodes like this. I’ve never been happier to hear the sound of the diner jumping, but Ava and the Mucklewains are gone. At least this time Ava isn't totally alone in a jerry rigged space suit. And David is joining the main cast, at least for the rest of the season!
So much happens in every @worldsbeyondpod episode, and this one had even more than most. The audio design for the opening scene goes so hard, Taylor does such an incredible job. When listening to other APs, I can't help but compare them to WBN. The King of Night loredrop was insane, Orima is apparently sworn to him? I like how the core conflict - Witches and Spirits vs Wizards - is designed to create tension and strife between the PCs. I love the intrigue of this arc so much, but Ame lying to the coven was such a massive misstep. I still think my favorite part of the show might be whenever Suvi uses identify on something plot relevant. The smell of soap from Ursulon was so mean by Brennan, callbacks to the Children's Adventure like that always break me.
I didn’t realize the new season of @storiesfromylelmore was starting already, when I saw it pop up in my feed I went to bed early to go listen to it. Despite what Keryth says, her moms are super cool. Can't wait to learn more about them. Keryth’s parents giving her a magic item to make her quiet reminds me of a lot of my childhood. What my mom wouldn't have given for a silence bubble spell. There was so much worldbuilding in this episode, the quote “I don’t know what they do with them, but I think it’s better if they don’t have pieces of you” was terrifying. The final scene of the episode created such a vivid mental image, I could see the three of them in the backseat.
I also listened to ItMe's other show besides Ylelmore and InCo, Of Gods and Lanterns. It was short but sweet, with a total runtime of less than 30 minutes runtime. I really like the world, I would listen to 100 more episodes of this show.
I listened to parts 3 and 4 of the Spout Lore Critshow crossover. The Spout Lore cast on earth is so funny. The two shows really mesh so well together, this has to be the most "natural" crossover I've ever listened to.
The new season of Second Fiddles also started this week and woah the ending. I'm guessing that everyone forgot about Tammie, but Linus’s mom was unaffected because she was in the book. IIRC we've only met one character who can erase people memories, and she could only do it to one person at a time, not everyone, so I suspect 4th Wall/Macguffin shenanigans.
I also started The Cryptonaturalist this week. The tone of this show is so unique. I love the narrator. I also very quickly found that this is a perfect podcast to fall asleep to.
This post ended up really long this week. No judgement if people don't want to read the whole thing. Next week will be a lot shorter I think.
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necros-writing-stuff · 7 months
So I just read your reply to the "Bailey hurting PC and Eden doesn't stop him ask" and it 100% broke my heart into tiny little pieces. (No worries Eden, I still love you, but I don't think PC will take it as easily.)
Now I'm wondering how Eden would react if PC - after getting hurt by Bailey - snaps and just leaves. Screaming how much of a liar Eden was for saying that he would protect them. What if he wakes up to an empty bed with PC nowhere in sight and at first he assumes he went to town and waited for them to come back but a week passed, months even and they still haven't returned. And when he goes into town - to buy supplies - he still couldn't see them at their usual spot?
He'll look for them as long as possible, but eventually even Eden would give up. Likely he'd live the rest of his time in isolation, too.
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trickstarbrave · 6 months
thinking on my "joining the sixth house" hypothetical morrowind mod i wanna make (but have no idea how to yet. still working on that but i got the creation kit thing)
azura refuses to acknowledge the pc as the nerevarine. when you enter the cave of the incarnate she knows what you've done with joining the sixth house. she says you are not nerevar reborn and a traitor. she tells you to leave immediately and if you put on the ring you will certainly die. you take the ring anyways and can in fact wear it. what this means and if it means you are actually nerevar is left up to interpretation
dagoth ur tasks you with being named hortator and nerevarine as part of the prophecy. it works best for his plans after all. and also it would help prove if you are nerevar or not
after that dagoth ur has a question. which is if you believe you are nerevar reborn after accomplishing that. you have multiple answers to choose from. you can say an enthusiastic 'yes' or deny it and act like a bootlicker. both of those are the wrong answers. nerevar was (based on what my beloved taught me anyways) someone who didnt put all his cards on the table. the correct answer is 'perhaps' which he will have you elaborate upon. basically you want to say 'there is a good chance i am with all i have accomplished as well as the fact that i can wear the moon and star ring. you wouldn't ask me this unless you were at least somewhat convinced yourself either, and you knew nerevar personally, so something about me must be convincing enough to warrant the question. but it is impossible for me to determine it without there being the possibility it is all mere coincidence'
( i will break up that answer's dialogue as most answers you can give arent that fucking long)
dagoth ur will then think this over and task you with something else in the meantime (like when caius would tell you to go adventuring. you know). when you return he then says he has reason to believe you are in fact nerevar, based on your answer. then he directs you to the pool of forgetfulness and asks you to forget all that you were prior to your arrival in morrowind. he'll allow you to remember what comes after as forgetting that would be inconvenient.
"it is impossible to regain memories of your past life to know for certain if your mind is too full of memories of this one. go to the pool and drink to forget all you were prior to coming to morrowind. from there we will see what plays out."
you can of course refuse. maybe you're attached to the backstory you made for your character. if you do refuse though for any reason dagoth ur replies "then as far as i am concerned you are not nerevar. perhaps you do possess his soul in some sense, but you have become someone else and cling to a past that is unimportant. you will remain in the sixth house, but nerevar reborn you are not"
after you drink from the pool you need to rest. i think i might give a debuff? are there debuffs that go away only after u sleep. i dont know. if there is i will use that. but afterwards you get a message that 'your life prior to your arrival in morrowind has become as fuzzy and distant as an only barely remembered dream.' from there you have to wait via resting for bits and pieces of nerevar's memories in the form of dreams you'd get, at which point you go to dagoth ur with them and ask what they mean
dagoth ur will say you are nerevar reborn as those were bits and pieces of nerevar's memories
if you at any point are determined to NOT be nerevar by dagoth ur you're basically just a pawn he will dispose of when you're no longer useful to have around. but having nerevar reborn will be good for retaking morrowind
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talesfromthebacklog · 9 months
Adding to The Backlog: Christmas Sale Pickups.
This is the time of year I pick up the most titles (which I then work on for the rest of the year.). And why not? Everything is on sale! I actually budget for this time of year.
It’s “Tales From The Backlog” not “We buy nothing until I finish the backlog”. The backlog will never be finished.
So let’s go over what I got! Links for everything will provided. As I find people are more likely to engage if the work was already done for them. Me included. This is not necessarily a suggestion list. If you want to see if any of these games are actually any good follow my blog. But I do think it’s interesting to show people what kind of gamer you are, the games you’re attracted to, their difficulty level.
A gamer’s library says a lot about a gamer, in my opinion.
For Playstation 5:
Goodbye Volcano High:
TLDR: I put this one first because if you don’t see any of the other games on my pickup list, I AT LEAST want you to consider this one. This was the only Playstation title I picked up on sale (It is also on Steam). This is pre(historic)-apocalyptic coming of age visual novel with killer animation and music. I’m surprised I don’t see folks talk about this one more. It’s maybe the most stunning looking visual novel to come out this year. (At least at a glance)
Which is a hefty claim considering titles like Jack Jeanne and Virche Evermore: Error Salvation dropped this year. I can’t WAIT to play this one.
For Nintendo Switch:
Roots of Pacha:
I came back around to this one. It looks like Stardew Valley but with cavemen. You don’t see cavemen touched on a lot anymore so it seems different and interesting.
Wylde Flowers:
This is one see that keeps popping up in conversations and videos as a great cozy game. It’s supposed to be really good. I’m honest enough to admit that it being on the Apple app store as well as Switch makes me REALLY skeptical. But I’ve seen enough gameplay where I’m willing to take a chance.
I enjoy Pokemon-like titles. I don’t think we get enough of them. I love Pokemon. And you’ll be seeing my update on how I feel about Scarlet/Violet’s last piece of DLC the Indigo Disc here pretty soon.
However Pokemon is so domineering on the market that a lot of these smaller collector games get unnoticed. This seems to be a very unapologetic Pokemon-clone much like Monster Crown. Which is fine by me.
Nexomon + Nexomon: Extinction bundle:
Another very obvious Pokemon clone. But it’s obviously prettier than its Coromon counterpart. (Kinda wish the names were more unique.) I have nothing new to say here.
Monster Sanctuary:
Pokemon… but it’s a Metroidvania. $3.99. I swear the theme wasn’t intentional they just all popped up on sale at decent prices.
2021 Moon Escape:
This is from the same people who did Traumatarium. I did a review on that one a few months back. It’s on sale for $2.49. And this ISN’T my cheapest pickup for this year. The gameplay reminds me of Zelda or Star Tropics. But I don’t know much about it other than what the trailer already shows us. But also it was $2.49. It’s okay with me if it’s just okay. Not all games have to be 10/10.
Mythic Ocean:
I have a soft spot for ocean games. Even the more spooky ones like Subnautica or Dredge still have this serene element to them. Mythic Ocean is no different. You apparently help a pantheon of gods find themselves. Which in turn those choices shape the world around you. Sounds simple, short, and cute. It looked a bit explorable too? We’ll see. I’m unsure about that part. It’s on sale for $1.99. And this was my cheapest pickup this season.
For Steam:
Sonic Forces: Overclocked (Steam version REQUIRED for this)
I have, in no uncertain terms. Have played this game. I 100%ed it even. I like the game. Played better but I still like it.
HOWEVER. I haven’t played Sonic Forces Overclocked. Which requires the PC version of Sonic Forces!
This is a FAN MADE incredible mod that blows the original game out of the water apparently. This is, perhaps, my most high priority game purchase of the YEAR. And it’s only $10 to buy Forces right now. This is literally a no brainer.
Slay The Princess:
I felt like videos on this one sprung up seemingly overnight on Youtube. I watched someone play the demo and it was an awesome looking game. A horror visual novel about saving a princess is a neat little premise. This one was barely on sale, but I see myself playing this one soon because of the hype. The full voice acting is great.
Magical Diary: Wolf Hall
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The original visual novel Magical Diary: Horse Hall was a game a friend showed me back in high school. Pretty innocent and cute. When this dropped in 2020 I was surprised the game got a sequel at all. The thing I remember most about Horse Hall was that there was a route where you could date Professor Snape. That wasn’t his name but… it might as well have been.
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zenoiredottore · 2 months
Hoyofam at home – brainrot headcannons
a baby
is currently being potty trained
Likes to help with the more pleasant chores
Starting to grow silver/gray hair like wise
Hogs the big screen tv and forces everyone to watch starlight knight with them.
T O Y  G U N S
NOT an ipad kid,, more of a tv kid since they like watching movies sm
The coolest kid's room you will ever see. there are a lot of toys and plushies
Diaper only type kid at home
Has a robot nanny that’s just kinda there cuz SR thought it’d be cool
an entire crew dedicated to clean up after him
Spends a lot of time with their siblings, often getting to play with new products
Makes a huge mess when eating
Has its own art studio, fridge-worthy pieces of art  
DO NOT let into your room if you have action figures/plushies.
Very fascinated by computer stuff.
When they grow up they’re going to be the designated tech guy of the fam.
Prettiest room
The largest closet and bathroom
Has both a work desk and a vanity.
Has those curtain thingys on her bed [princess bed]
Very colorful but it’s mostly pink and white
Has a couple of shrubs
Make up and skincare galore
Likes baking and the kitchen always smells good
Softest bed ever
Has a seating area by her window, like sofia the first’s
Likes to go shopping with Hi3
Reuses luxury packaging like reusable plastic bags.
Often uses said packaging as trash bags
Sleeps like aurora [perfect hair, perfume, back flat on the bed]
Likes to put food and cleaning products into their own cute containers [she’s just that girl]
Room’s a bit messy
Wears glasses at home [like the thick framed red ones]
Grandma fit [Bestidas with the fuzzy slippers]
The gym is her sanctuary  
Can lift the most weights out of everyone
Zero percent brain cells when at home
She works out in her bestidas lolol
“Don’t talk to me before I have my coffee:p” Ahhss…
I like to think that she’s supposed to be retired but she keeps getting called to the office
Spends her days relaxing [cuz god knows kiana needs rest and so does hi3]
Has motivational quotes framed and hung in the hallways, themis always takes them down.
Second biggest closet
Spends a lot of time at her workshop designing mech suits as she pleases without the company filling down her creativity
Takes zzz to go visit the others at work
Long list of things she wants to do during retirement
Def doing a lot of “childish” activities [like lazer tag, bouncy castle, go karts, ball pits] because she felt like she lost a huge chunk of her childhood working. And when she got a bit of free time to have more fun she had to take care of genshin and themis.
Hangs out at the pool almost every day.
At home spa
Has this soap opera that she watches at 3 pm every day and ZZZ joins her.
GAMER room
Has all the games you can think of [arcade, pc, playstation, mobile, you get it]
Mixes gamer food together…
Regularly makes battery acid
Doritos every where
His bed is levitated and under his bed is like a treasure trove of game stuff [merch,tapes,disks]
Doesn’t let housekeeping in, scared that something might break or get deleted.
his closet includes multiple copies of the same thing, aside from meme shirts that he occasionally buys online somewhere.
Spends a lot of the money he earns on online games
Wears graphic themed video game underwear
Has a claw machine in his room that he can’t get prizes off of.
Games all night and complains about how he’s too tired to go to work
His shower is DRY
I like to think that even if he doesn’t shower often, he’ll still brush his teeth
Naps immediately when he gets home and repeats the entire thing, learning absolutely nothing.
Actually enjoys his job but there’s only so much energy drinks in the world for him
Likes designing new characters and kits
Absolutely loves his fanbase
Often gets to work earlier than everyone else
But if he feels like going with his siblings he’ll impatiently wait for them and yell n stuff
Doesn’t drink coffee believe it or not [only monsters can go to work at 5 am without having any caffeine and I think this fits him very much
Sometimes goes out for dinner alone when he’s planning on working extra time at the office
The best cook out of all the siblings. [things that genshin just does the best]
Doesn’t cook often but if someone asks him to make something he’ll get it right on his first try 80% of the time
Has a pet horse
Almost never at home
Business trips abroad often
Seeing him in regular casual clothes is like seeing a unicorn.
Probably has a skin condition where if he’s touching cheap fabric he’ll have skin rashes
Handles and prepares live sea creatures for dinner way too casually.
Once killed a live chicken that was running around the house by throwing a skewer through its head
Doesn’t like cleaning and will have the help pick up after him… he’s just snobby like that
No social life outside of work and business related matters
ZERO friends
Ig PJR is kind of a friend but they’re more so rivals
Every day is bring ZZZ to work day.
Sends ZZZ back home whenever they start getting sleepy
Works at the hoyoverse building, same with Themis and SR and whenever he finishes early he’d go hangout with them a bit
Doesn’t work out but does a lot of outdoor activities
Wishes he has more of an outdoorsy job
Regular movie nights and family vacations together
Always spend time with each other on weekends, all of them. Hi3 says that there will be zero working on weekends. But even when he’s working he’s still wearing suits. [Genshin breaks this rule a lot]
Closet filled with suits!!!
Owns way too many watches that he never uses to tell the time
Fancy tie clip collection
The shoes are DAPPER
His perfume collection makes me jealous
God I hate this jerk sm
Never uses his phone to look at social media [he never listens to his fan’s opinions…]
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k-writer1998 · 2 months
Through Your Eyes (3/3)
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w.c: 2.6k
a/n: Sorry for the delay but here it is cause I finally got back to my pc! Did I also go back and change the title after so long? Yes... I did... it just fit better with everything okay? ;-;
Although a bit shaky and oddly centered it was an endearing photo nonetheless with a natural feel and a genuine energy radiating from our smiles. What surprised me though was my expression, I didn't know I could make a face like that. Softened features, relaxed expression and a certain sweetness captured in my eyes. Feeling a familiar twisting in my stomach, I bit back the words that wanted to spill out. I knew what this was but I was scared. Instead my eyes tore away from my face and moved to his. His eyes were as clear and captivating as usual with their flecks of bold purple among the milk chocolate of his irises. Wait a moment… Instinctively, my hand moved to run through the ends of my hair, spilling ash brown and purple strands into my view. Setting the camera down, I look back at the ocean as my thoughts slowly fall down a rabbit hole. Am I overthinking it? Does Seungmin know? If he did, why didn’t he tell me? Maybe-  I felt his body rest on me before his head found its way to my shoulder. For a moment I swear my heart stopped at the momentary thought that entered my mind, but I could still feel the steady rhythm of his breathing.
“Tired?” I ask, now focusing on the boy beside me.
“Yeah… will you keep talking to me?”
It was coming… that was the only thing my brain could scream at me. The words danced on the tip of my tongue but I couldn’t do it, to give him a false sense of hope when I wasn’t even sure. What if I tried and it didn’t work? Our mark is too common to jump to conclusions so I’ll take the burden of hope onto myself and quietly go along with his last wishes.
“Of course. Hmmm… any more interesting stories about your soulmate mark?”
“I thought you didn’t care for those things?”
“Just because I’m not actively scouring the world for mine doesn’t mean I’m not interested. I’m still hopeful.”
“Well I’m sure whoever it is will be lucky. You’re pretty okay after all.”
“I’m honored to receive such high praise,” I joke.
“You know what I mean. Oh. Before I forget,” he placed his hand on mine before guiding it to the small box he brought along with him. “Could you do me a favor and deliver this to someone when you go back to the city? I left their business card inside.”
“Simple enough. Is it your elusive friend you kept this a secret from? I’ll have to figure out how to break the news if it is.” I explained, earning me a quiet chuckle from the boy.
“Nothing crazy like that. He’s just my senior at the hospital.”
“I don’t think that’s the condition he wanted you in for your next visit.”
“If you don’t like a psychiatrist as a fall back career maybe you should do stand up comedy.”
“Wow, are my photos really that bad that my dear friend has to try to find me a new career?”
“Enough,” he says, although I could hear the smile in his voice. “You wanted to go on about soulmates right? Well, do you have any fun stories?”
“My eyes have always been straight black my entire life. Like I said, my soulmate is a bit boring,” I chuckle. “What other colors have your eyes changed to?”
“Aside from red there was lime green, silver, pink, orange but not the natural kind, more like the highlighter shade. With all the bright colors I had a lot of talent scouts trying to recruit me.”
“Look at you rockstar. You're already handsome so I’m not surprised. Any idol skills up your sleeve?”
Even though my lips continued to move and converse with him my mind was elsewhere placing all the pieces together. Seungmin is my soulmate… I am Seungmin’s soulmate. As the conversation winded down I felt the weight on my shoulder lighten as I turned to look at him, a camera lens greeting me instead. Instinctively my lips pulled into a smile as I furrowed my brow.
“What are you doing?” 
“You said you like the world through my eyes right? My final gift for you is to see yourself in that view.”
His words struck a chord in my heart, the finality of that statement leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had to turn away to blink back tears that threatened to fall.
“Stop it. At this rate you’ll get the waterworks you’re trying to avoid in the first place.”
“Fine, fine. I'll keep it short. Thank you for accompanying me till the end.”
Somewhere between his sincere words, the camera shutter blinked before I felt the gentle thud of his head once again followed by the sound of crunching sand and a silence that stretched as the minutes passed. One can imagine the shock on my manager’s face when he saw my tear-stained face sitting there with a listless Seungmin. He was forced to make do with the short explanation while we collected our things and brought Seungmin to the car. Once the loose ends were tied up with Granny Jeong, we headed back to the city as I told the whole story.
“Okay so let me get this right. I let you run off to the ocean to clear your head and you somehow met your terminally ill potential soulmate?
“That's the extremely abridged version of it, yes. If you want to blame someone, blame fate.”
Once we arrived at the hospital the person I contacted from the card came out to greet us. He had dark curly hair with glasses who looked no more than a few years older than myself. After situating Seungmin in a room, he sat me in his office and from the title on the card he was a love disease specialist. It was obvious he didn’t agree with Seungmin’s plans as I explained everything. At the end of the story he sighed in resignation before reaching out to take the box. Instinctively I pulled it back, having yet to explain potentially the most important factor of the story.
“I know it’s gonna sound crazy but I fell in love with Seungmin… and I think I’m his soulmate.” He pondered carefully before speaking.
“What makes you believe you guys are soulmates?” 
“Our mark is a common one so it’s hard to give a definitive answer. The only real “proof” I have at this time is this. Everything else is circumstantial.” 
With that I handed the man my camera, the image zoomed into Seungmin’s eyes showing the noticeable flecks of purple that streak through his iris just like the streaks of violet that highlight my hair.
“And your feelings are… genuine?”
“I’m not sure how I can prove it, but yes they are. I honestly surprise myself with how easily I can say that. Am I making sense?”
“Yes I think I understand.” The doctor’s gaze softened as he spoke. Was I making that face again? “I think I can guess why you’re hesitating with handing over the fragments.”
“I may not have gone looking for him but I won’t let him get away that easily. I don't know if these fresh feelings or the fact we are soulmates is enough but I have to try.”
“Love diseases are finicky when it comes to what is defined as “true love”. Some people get away with just being soulmates while others need raw genuine feelings in full force. Everything is a gamble left to fate. I'm not trying to speak against this idea or anything, I’m just surprised that both my juniors are just as reckless as I was.”
After that, Dr. Bang walked me through the whole procedure of attempting to treat the shattered heart disease. Although there was a surgical piece to it, piecing Seungmin’s heart together had to be done myself and were it not for the doctor I would have pieced it together without rest. Frustratingly after a few mandated breaks, the heart was completed after the thirty-second hour. With that done it was now time for the anxiety inducing part. Before Dr. Bang could finish the procedure, the heart has to sit within the body for twenty-four hours to see if the body accepts or rejects the transplant. Because of this, I was sent home and they would call me with the results. To not be left alone with my thoughts, I went to my friend’s salon to ramble my worries away. As it was within business hours I had to practically pay for her time as she sat me in the salon chair, my lips spilling all my anxieties and worries about the procedure. Her soothing words alongside the relaxing stroke of her hands through my hair chased away the tension built up for a bit. Half my day was spent going in circles with her and by the end of it I had calmed down enough I wasn’t bouncing off the walls and new colors were added to my hair. 
That didn’t stop my anxious pacing once I got home though. Sleep escaped me as the twenty-four hour mark ticked closer and closer until it passed and yet there was still no call. One hour later, then two, to four… I had to turn to my manager and work on the exhibit before I really lost my mind although he banned me from actually coming to the gallery in fear I would tear down the photos for the second time when the exhibit is only a few days away. By the fifth hour I was about to make my way to the gallery regardless when my phone rang and I jumped to answer it. Good news. I was at the hospital within the hour and without much thought I barged into the room to hear a monitor beeping in a familiar steady rhythm. My unannounced entrance startled the doctor patient duo. Giving us a knowing smile Dr. Bang closed their conversation quickly before giving us some space. I made my way to his bedside as silence filled the room. The boy who always broke the silence first was now at a loss for words so I took the initiative this time.
“You weren’t expecting this development were you?”
“Honestly? No, but is it weird to say I’m glad?”
“I would hope you’d be glad, all things considered.”
He gave me a soft smile as a reply but my mind was too preoccupied taking in every little detail as if his life would slip away from him once again if I even so much as blinked. The jagged cracks have now faded to the faintest scars and his eyes were still as clear as ever with the fluorescent lights catching the faint flecks of violet, the newest shades of blue and pink now present as well. So engrossed with tracing over every little feature of the boy in front of me, I was startled by the sudden warmth that fell onto my hand.
“Hey, I’m fine now. I’m okay and it’s because of you.”
The sound of his voice seemed to quell my racing mind only for a blush to burn across my face as I realized the meaning of his words and the hand now holding mine.
“So, I guess Dr. Bang already told you everything…”
“To a certain degree, although I’d much prefer to hear it from you.”
“Well wouldn’t I sound a bit crazy to say that I fell in love with you in less than a week?”
“Crazy is just part of your vocabulary Miss-I-trashed-an-entire-exhibit-before-its-opening. Plus it wouldn’t sound as crazy if I said that you earned my trust in the span of one day and became one of the most important people in my life shortly after, right?”
If I didn’t already understand what Seungmin was trying to convey, the small squeeze to my hand was confirmation. After everything that was all he could give and that was enough because that was his way of saying it which made it all the more endearing. 
A few days passed and it was my exhibit’s soft opening. With the permission of Dr. Bang, Seungmin was able to attend. Upon my playful request he reluctantly covered his eyes as I slowly guided him into the gallery before allowing him to open his eyes. My eyes traced over his expressions as he examined the photos that adorned the walls as realization hit him.
“Wait, aren’t those-”
“Your photos? Yeah… I know I didn’t have your permission but I wanted to tell a story of finding my spark again which ultimately includes you. You are referenced as an anonymous photographer I collaborated with and we can work out the business details later or I can remove them if you aren’t comfortable. I just couldn’t help it-”
“You’re fine,” he chuckles as he grabs my hand to reassure me. “I’m glad you think so highly of my photography skills as a professional. Walk me through it?”
Although he was there for every one of these photos, I still went and explained each one to him as he intently listened to my endless rambling until we reached the final wall and main attraction. There were three photos lined up next to each other. The first being the very first photo I took of Seungmin’s silhouette, followed by the crooked selfie of us together, and ending with the final photo Seungmin took of me.
“You know it was this very photo that made me realize you were my soulmate?” I said, pointing at the center photo.
“I stopped looking in the mirror because of the disease so I never noticed the hints of violet.”
“Well in retrospect, I do apologize for calling you boring because you are far from that.”
“So what’s the explanation for all the crazy colors I had to suffer through?”
“My university roommate needed a victim because she was trying to be a hairdresser.”
“And here I thought it’s because you’re an artist and don’t fit in a box.”
“Don’t quote me to bully me.”
I playfully slapped his shoulder as we shared a laugh. Since it was the soft opening there were far fewer guests in attendance, mainly friends and close work connections. I made my rounds greeting everyone with Seungmin by my side but at the sight of this person I squealed happily before glomping them in a hug, noticing the person beside them shortly after.
“Dr. Bang I didn’t expect to see you here. So you are my sunbae’s beloved 'Chanie' I hear about often.”
He awkwardly laughed at the mention of his soulmate’s name of endearment for him as the tips of his ears turned red. We chatted a bit more before I continued to make my way through the guestlist, introducing close friends to Seungmin along the way. Upon spotting the pair I was looking for, I called out to the boy on crutches.
“Hyunjin! I’m so glad you can make it! I see you’ve been promoted to crutches.”
“Y/n, your photos are stunning as usual.”
“He’s been hard at work during physical therapy so he’s ahead of schedule,” his soulmate responded excitedly.
“That’s amazing,” I congratulated before dramatically clearing my throat which earned me an eye roll from both Seungmin and Hyunjin. “As my closest friend I’d like to introduce you guys to my collaborator in this exhibit and my soulmate, Kim Seungmin. This is my stubborn best friend Hwang Hyunjin. You can thank him for being the practice dummy to learn how to handle love diseases.”
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Chapter 1: The Beginning.
I know this took me forever. I was dealing with some personal family issues and I found myself in a writing rut. I also re-wrote this whole thing a bunch of times. It’s a long one. It takes place in 2008, before she finished Fearless. Note: I am NOT saying any of this is true or that I believe it is. It IS a fanfiction after all. There is some belief that they did meet on MySpace… do I think it happened like I wrote? No. But let me have my writing.
I don’t own anyone in this little world I write in. I would never want to own anyone. Please excuse if the writing is off - PCS sucks. I was listening to Robbers & Long Live a lot when i got inspired to go this direction. There’s a lot of references in here…. Kudos if you can find them. I WILL be putting this on Archive once I figure out how….
Taylor's heart raced in her chest; a mixture of panic and longing engulfed her. She wished for Matty to enclose her in his arms and tell her the things she had been too terrified to voice. But as time passed, she became more scared that he didn't care about her at all—all the emotions she'd believed they shared were just a silly online romance with an emerging country star that he could brag to his mates back home about.
Taylor and Matty had met on MySpace a few months earlier. At first, she could hardly believe that he had responded to her message but as they talked more and exchanged messages on AOL messenger, Taylor slowly grew closer to him. Despite the thousand of miles separating them, it felt as if they were meant to be together. But when Taylor suggested meeting up in person, she was filled with a strange mix of apprehension and excitement. She knew it was a daring move to ask him to fly all the way from England, but without hesitation, he agreed. Could their relationship survive the distance once he went back home? What if he made it as a musician too? These questions, and more raced through Taylor’s mind as she nervously awaited his arrival.
He psyched himself up by running through every detail of her in his mind. Every single lock of hair, the crinkles around her eyes when she laughed, and the upturned corners of her lips when she saw him. Even though their webcams weren't top-of-the-line, he could tell that she was exquisite. Her voice sounded like a sweet melody, but looked like an angel descended from above. He thought about meeting her in person for days on end, until her image was branded onto his brain. Once he finally looked upon her with his own eyes, he knew there would be no going back; he'd either make it work with her or die trying.
Taylor was dressed in black denim shorts and a black, ribbed tank top. She pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail and her sunglasses shielding her eyes from the bright June sun. The shorts had tears at the knees that exposed light skin, while the straps of the top rested on her shoulders, leaving most of her back bare.
Matty stepped off the plane, taking in the new environment with wide eyes. The heat of the sun felt like a soothing blanket on his skin and he smiled as he walked forward, towards the woman who had been in his thoughts for days. Taylor was just as beautiful as he remembered; her face lit up as she saw him approach the waiting area, her blue eyes sparkling in the sun.
He smiled back at her. His clothes were casual but still stylish—a black My Chemical Romance t-shirt and torn up black skinny jeans that made him look like a rock star. He wore dark sunglasses that concealed his gaze but did not hide the emotion behind it.
Taylor took in every inch of him as they stood there in their moment of silent understanding. She could feel what he felt without having to hear it; they both knew that something extraordinary was happening between them.
And then, the moment arrived. Through the sliding glass doors, Matty emerged. Their eyes met across the sea of faces and a profound recognition washed over Taylor. It was as if she had found a piece of her soul she hadn't known was missing until that moment.Like two magnets, they were drawn to each other. The familiarity of Matty's face, so well-known from their digital interactions, yet so fresh in person, was a mirror reflecting her own emotions. As he got closer, she could see her own joy, anxiety, and anticipation mirrored in his eyes.
"Hi, Taylor," he greeted her, his thick English accent carrying the warmth of their countless online exchanges. Her lips stretched into a genuine smile.
“Hello, Matty,” she responded with a quiver in her voice
Their conversation flowed naturally, as if they were merely picking up from a previous encounter rather than meeting for the first time. It was as if they were two halves of the same soul finally coming together. However, the euphoria of meeting Matty was more than just an intense wave of happiness for Taylor. It was a trigger to a journey of self-discovery. She saw in Matty aspects of herself she had never realized before. The realization was overwhelming, slightly daunting, but also liberating. This moment wasn't just about meeting Matty, it was about finding a part of herself too. As they walked together away from the gate towards her awaiting father, Taylor knew that their shared journey was only just beginning.
They spent the next few weeks exploring the country together as she travelled for her music. He was in absolute awe over everything she was as a performer. As they wandered the cities and towns of the United States, Matty could not help but feel as if he was seeing his old life for the first time through new eyes. As though he had been to these places before--in another lifetime.
Yet, there was something almost magical about the southern town of Nashville. The sun shone hotter on his face here; despite being July, it felt like early summer daybreak on a field of fresh grass, with dew clinging to blades bearing beginnings. Everything around him was still coming into its own.
Their relationship was like a match head, igniting the air around them from the smallest touch or word. They were young and wild, always going out for adventure together. The attraction between them was magnetic; they told each other their secrets and hung on every word, drawing inspiration from one another to live life to the fullest.
Few Weeks After Airport
After her interview, Taylor arrived home, her spirit brimming with excitement. As she approached her house, she spotted Matty sitting under a tree, a notepad in his lap, his hair tussled by the wind.
He looked up, momentarily startled as she bent down and kissed his cheek. "Hey, stranger," she murmured against his skin.
A slow smile spread across his face, "Hey yourself, superstar," he replied before pulling her into a deeper kiss.
The world seemed to pause as they enjoyed their tender moment.
"Let's go for a walk, Matty," Taylor suggested when they broke apart, but he shook his head, his hand already reaching for his forgotten notepad.
"No, let's stay here," he murmured.
Taylor couldn't resist his smile. "My parents are out, and Austin’s with his girlfriend," she revealed. "We've got the house all to ourselves."
Taking the hint, they made their to the living room, unable to contain their eagerness. The glow of the television illuminated their faces in a wild fire of desire, barely pausing for a glance at the movie playing before being drawn back to each other. Their kisses ignited something in Taylor; a craving that could only be filled by Matty deepening with every passing second.
"Matty," Taylor whispered breathlessly between passionate kisses, her heart pounding like thunder in her chest. "Let's... let's go upstairs."
He hesitated for only a moment before nodding, his eyes blazing with unspoken promises and longing. Hand in hand, they leapt up the stairs as if their lives depended on it. In the quiet of the house, their feverish footfalls echoed like drums across the walls. Nothing else mattered. It was just Taylor and Matty, two pieces of one destiny on an path towards eternity – each step bringing them closer than ever before.
As they reached the top of the stairs, Matty's face broke into a playful grin. With a soft laugh, he swooped down and lifted Taylor off her feet as though she were a bride crossing a threshold. She let out a surprised laugh, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.
Matty looked into her eyes, his own filled with joy. "You know," he said, his voice low, "when we're older, and we get married, I promise to do that for real."
Taylor's heart fluttered at his words. "Promise?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Matty nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "Promise," he affirmed, sealing his vow with a soft kiss on her forehead.
Her room was a sanctuary that reflected Taylor's personality perfectly. The room was a blend of coziness and style, colored in soft pastels and punctuated with bursts of vibrant hues. Vintage posters adorned the walls, paying tribute to her musical influences, while a turntable sat on a side table, a testament to her love for vinyl records. Her guitar rested in one corner, its wooden finish gleaming under the soft glow of the fairy lights strung across the room.
A large bay window overlooked the yard, the tree under which Matty had been writing just a while ago visible in the moonlight. The room held an intimate warmth, the subtle scent of vanilla and old books emanating from various corners, making it a comforting cocoon away from the world.
With the utmost care, Matty laid her down on the large, plush bed covered in a quilt of mismatched patches. The moment her back hit the mattress, she reached up, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him down to her. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a promise of the deep connection they shared. There, in the sanctity of her room, under the soft glow of the fairy lights, they lost themselves in each other, the world outside forgotten in the intensity of their shared moment.
As Matty stroked his fingers down her cheek, Taylor leaned in to kiss him. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, as if he was savoring the taste of strawberries on her lips, or the scent of fresh flowers that had gathered in her hair from one of their many walks in the woods.
Matty pulled back a little, his eyes scanning hers. "I don't want to rush you," he said.
She smiled at him and pulled off her tank top. His hesitation faded away as he read the confidence in her eyes. The touch of cool air against her skin stirred the embers that had grown between them over the past few days. It wasn't just about physical desire, it was about the emotional bond they shared, the spiritual connection that had drawn them together from different parts of the world. They were on this journey together, a journey of deepening their bond and exploring their shared connection. As moonlight bathed the room, they continued to explore this new chapter of their relationship, guided by their mutual respect, love, and a deep understanding.
Many hours later, Taylor and Matty lay in a tight embrace beneath the sheets. Her head rested on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat until she drifted off to sleep. The two of them held each other tightly, an outward representation of their unspoken connection.
Taylor jolted awake as Matty's breathing changed. His eyes were fixed on her with a strange and mysterious look. The movement had pulled her out of her sleep, and she found herself trying to decipher the expression in his gaze.
The room was silent, only filled with the gentle rustle of the bedsheets and a faint background noise from outside. Suddenly, he spoke up, his voice ringing out with stark emotion that made her heart flutter. "You're my best friend," he declared, his words reverberating in the hushed atmosphere.
In that moment, something clicked inside Taylor. The look in his eyes, the tenderness of his voice, and the depth of his words revealed a truth she had sensed but never fully comprehended. Matty was in love with her, deeply and irrevocably. The realization filled her with a warmth that spread through her entire being, echoing the rhythm of their shared heartbeat under the moonlit sky.
At his confession, her eyes welled up with tears, a mix of joy and profound affection. Without a word, she reached up to him, pressing her lips to his in a passionate kiss, a silent declaration of her own feelings. Matty responded instantly, his arms tightening around her as he kissed her back.
Eventually, he broke the kiss, pulling back to gaze into her eyes. His expression was conflicted, a struggle visible in his eyes as if he wanted to say something but was holding back.
Taylor, noticing his hesitation, found the courage within her to vocalize her own feelings. "I love you, Matty," she said, her voice trembling with the magnitude of her admission. Each word was a leap, a declaration that laid her heart bare to him, echoing the truth she had realized moments ago. And with it, the room filled with a new intensity, a shared confession of love that transcended their previous understanding.
Matty looked at her, stunned at her admission. His eyes searched hers, as if making sure he'd heard her right. Then, his expression softened, a tender smile spreading across his face. The conflict in his eyes melted away, replaced by a depth of love that mirrored hers.
"Oh, Taylor," he breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "I... I love you too." His words, simple yet packed with sincerity, hung in the air between them, binding them even closer.
He cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away the few tears that had trickled down her cheeks. "I've loved you for a while now," he admitted, his gaze steady on hers. "I've just been scared."
His admission, genuine and heartfelt, resonated with her own feelings. In that intimate space of their shared confessions, they found a deeper understanding of their relationship. Their love, declared and reciprocated, had elevated their bond to a whole new level, further strengthening the powerful connection they already shared.
Taylor absorbed his words, her heart thudding in her chest. She watched him, her eyes bright with unshed tears. It felt as though the air between them was charged, their admissions of love transforming their relationship into something even more profound.
"Matty," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. She reached up to gently touch his face, her fingers tracing the contours of his cheek. Matty pulled her closer, his lips finding hers in a passionate, affirming kiss. As their bodies melded together, their shared love creating a palpable heat between them, they lost themselves in the moment, the world outside forgotten.
The sound of a door crashing open violently sliced through the air like a blade, breaking Matty and Taylor's moment together. Adrenaline coursed through their veins as they broke apart and whirled towards the source of the sound. There in the doorway was Scott, her father, his face contorted with fury and his eyes searing holes into them. The oppressive silence stretched on for eternity, hanging heavy between Matty and Taylor like a noose.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with my daughter?" Scott's voice was low and dangerous. Matty stumbled, trying to push Scott away, but he was no match for the older man's strength.
Matty's heart raced as Scott glared at him, his fists balled up and trembling. He could feel the rage radiating off of Scott in waves.
"Please, Mr Swift," he pleaded, "I lov--"
"Don't you dare say that word!" Scott growled, pushing Matty towards the door. His face was twisted with an unmeasurable anger. "I forbid you from ever seeing her again. I mean it Matthew," he snarled, getting closer to Matty's face. "Stay the hell away from my daughter.”
Scott's words were like a knife, cutting deeply and painfully into Matty's heart. He stumbled out of the door, eyes full of tears, and glanced at Taylor's door with an ache in his chest. Part of him wanted desperately to stay, but his pride kept him away from her door. He couldn't bear the thought of her seeing him so broken.
The silence in Taylor's room is a stifling tension, her and Scott's breathing the only sounds to slice the stillness. Suddenly, Scott's voice breaks through the quiet, low but filled with a mixture of an anger and disbelief.
"What the fuck just happened in here?"
Taylor remains frozen on the bed, her mind racing at breakneck speed as she struggles to comprehend what unfolded before her eyes. She can feel the weight of Scott's gaze pressing down on her, waiting for an answer that she cannot give.
"Taylor, answer me!" Scott's voice escalates into a shout.
In a sudden fit of rage, Taylor dresses quickly and storms out of the house without looking back, deaf to her father's pleas for her to stay. Tears stream down her face as she runs full tilt down the street, thoughts consumed by Matty and how unfair it all is.
Taylor drew closer to the park, relishing in its small sense of comfort and solitude. She had been running for what felt like hours, her mind a maelstrom of tears and emotions. Finally, as she made her way deeper into the park, she noticed someone sitting on a bench staring off into the distance.
As she got closer, Taylor realized who it was: Matty. His eyes were distant and had an unreadable expression that Taylor couldn't place. Her heart started racing with a mixture of joy and fear - joy at seeing him again and fear at being so close yet feeling so far away from him.
Matty must have sensed her presence as he slowly turned his head in her direction. He seemed surprised but pleased to see her standing there, but something in his gaze told Taylor that he had been expecting this moment all along.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice barely audible over the sound of the wind rustling through the trees nearby.
"Hi," Taylor replied, taking a step closer towards him before stopping unsurely in front of him.
He nodded towards the empty space next to him on the bench and she hesitantly sat down, still unsure of what to say or do next. The silence stretched out between them until finally Matty spoke up again breaking the tension that hung over them like a heavy fog.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly, not making eye contact with her as he spoke. "I'm sorry for everything."
Taylor's heart ached at hearing those words come from Matty's lips; it was clear to see from his face how much pain and regret he felt about their situation despite how hard he tried to mask it with a stoic expression.
Taylor looked up into Matty's eyes, feeling a sudden surge of emotions racing through her veins.
Without a word, Taylor leaned forward and brought her lips to his, their kiss intensifying with every passing second. His hands moved around her waist, drawing her closer as they locked in a passionate embrace. But as his grip tightened and he showed no signs of stopping, she felt a wave of anticipation wash over her.
She hesitantly broke from the kiss and kissed the tip of his nose before giving him a small smile. "There's a hotel there," she motioned in the direction away from her house in the opposite direction. "We passed it the other day on our walk, remember? Meet me at Midnight."
Matty nodded in understanding and with one last lingering look he turned and walked away from her.
Taylor watched him go until he was out of sight before finally turning and walking back to her house. Thoughts of what their future might hold swirled in her mind but all she knew was that tonight, nothing would be the same again.
The night was unusually quiet, the only sound being the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind. Taylor looked back at her room one last time before hoisting herself up and slipping out of her bedroom window. It was her first time sneaking out, the thrill of adventure mixing with the fear of getting caught.
Navigating her way through her mom's meticulously maintained garden was a challenge. She tiptoed through the flowerbeds, trying her best to avoid stepping on any of the precious blooms. Each rustle, each crunch under her foot made her heart race a little faster, the danger of her clandestine escape adding to the excitement.
As she reached the garden gate, a figure emerged from the shadows. Matty was there, waiting for her, a mischievous grin on his face. He was dressed similarly to her, both of them donning black hoodies and torn black jeans, a perfect camouflage for their midnight escapade.
He let out a soft laugh as he saw her, a teasing glint in his eyes. "My, my, my, we make quite a pair, don't we?" he joked, gesturing to their matching outfits. "With our attire, we could make a good band of thieves."
Despite the nervous fluttering in her stomach, Taylor couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. It was a ridiculous scenario, yet it felt exhilarating. Sneaking out, meeting Matty, their matching outfits - it was a scene straight out of a youthful adventure, a memory they were creating together, a memory that would become a cornerstone of the love story they were just beginning to write.
Her heart began racing as she saw the same excited gleam in Matty's eyes that she felt. She felt a thrill rush through her body as the realization of what they were doing hit her.
The warm night air was filled with the sounds of crickets chirping and the soft shuffling of their feet against the ground. They walked hand in hand along a path winding between tall trees and wildflowers, the only light coming from a bright full moon overhead giving their surroundings an ethereal air.
Matty's hand found Taylor's, their fingers interlocking naturally. His grip was reassuring, a silent promise of the adventure that awaited them. He led her down the moonlit streets, their footsteps echoing in the silent night.
They soon arrived at a modest building, its facade bathed in the soft glow of a single porch light. It was a small inn, an unexpected gem tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the town.
As they approached the entrance, Matty gave her hand a gentle squeeze, a shared thrill passing between them. "Are you ready for our little adventure?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Taylor nodded, the mix of nervousness and excitement making her heart race. This was a new experience, a reckless escapade, and she was living it with Matty - the one person she wanted to share all her firsts with.
Together, they stepped into the inn, the door creaking open to reveal a warm, welcoming interior. Matty handled the check-in swiftly, procuring a room key for their stay.
Once inside, they were surprised to find the room was far more run-down than they had expected. Matty leaned against one of the walls, his gaze intense as he watched Taylor take in her surroundings. He stepped forward and slowly began to pull off his hoodie, but before he could finish, Taylor grabbed him by the wrist and led him into the bedroom.
The large bed took centre stage in the dimly lit room. Nervousness coated their every move as they undressed each other with shaking hands until there was no barrier left between them. The musky scent of pheromones hung in the air, an invisible cloak that enveloped them both in its embrace. And then came that first kiss - passionate and unyielding, like two powerful fires merging together, tongues entwining hungrily as they explored each other's mouths with fierce abandon. The heat between them sizzled like electricity, sparking a wildfire deep within their souls.
The sweet chorus of chirping birds permeated the air, yet neither could bear to move away from each other's embrace. Fervently they clung to each other, trying to savor this treasured moment for as long as possible. But eventually, reality crept in and with a heavy heart, she knew it was time for her to leave their safe haven and head back home again.
Taylor stood below her bedroom window, her heart pounding in her chest. She'd never attempted something like this before, sneaking back in unnoticed. She gazed up at her second-floor bedroom window, biting her lower lip. The climb wouldn't be easy, but she had a rough plan. She'd often watched a family of squirrels navigate the trellis next to her window. If they could do it, so could she. Matty had left her at the corner of her street, both agreeing it was best he not be seen near her house. Now she was on her own. She took a deep breath, gripped the edges of the trellis, and started her climb. Each movement was a calculated balance between speed and silence. She winced at the occasional rustling leaves but pushed onward. As she neared the window, a flicker of relief washed over her. She had left it slightly ajar in preparation for her return. She gingerly lifted the window with one hand, while her other clung to the trellis. Her heart raced as the window creaked open. She hesitated for a moment, then swung her leg over the sill and slipped into her room. Her feet hit the carpet with a soft thud. She quickly closed the window and leaned against the wall, her breath coming in shaky pants. The adrenaline of the night was finally fading, replaced by a deep exhaustion.
She was back in her room, undetected. Her night out with Matty, full of laughter and stolen moments, was a secret safely kept. The thrill of the escape was new, exhilarating, a taste of freedom she'd never experienced before.
Taylor slowly sank to the ground, a wide smile tugging at her lips. She hugged her knees close to her chest, relishing in the feeling of success. She had done it - she'd successfully sneaked back into her bedroom without anyone noticing. The night out with Matty had been magical and Taylor couldn't help but feel a sense of pure elation as she thought about their time together. From the passionate kiss to the countless jokes they shared, it was easily one of the best nights of her life. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to bask in these special memories for a few moments before reality set back in. With a heavy sigh, she forced herself to stand up and change into more comfortable clothes. But before getting ready for bed, she grabbed a pad of paper and pen off her desk and began to write down every detail from the night - every laugh, every moment of joy - so that even when reality made it difficult for them to be together, these memories could still bring them both joy. Taylor eventually settled into bed, exhausted but contented from the evening that was undoubtedly one of the craziest nights she'd ever experienced. As sleep gradually crept up on her, all she could think about were Matty's soft lips against hers...and how badly she wanted their story to continue forever.
The next morning.
Matty made his way to Taylor's house the following morning, taking advantage of the fact that her parents were away. The usually vibrant house now felt eerily empty, the only sound piercing the silence was the booming music that echoed from upstairs. Following the source of the music, he found Taylor in her room, her suitcase splayed open on the bed while she swayed to the rhythm of a Fall Out Boy song. An involuntary knock fell from Matty's knuckles as he watched her, lost in her own world. Taylor looked up, startled by the unexpected visit. She turned down the music, allowing the tension to seep into the room, replacing the lively beats.
"I need to talk to you," Matty started, his words laced with an underlying sadness. He broke the news to her about her father's actions - how he'd taken all of Matty's belongings out of the guest room, relocated them to a nearby hotel, and had insisted he return to England immediately.
"I... I wasn't supposed to come see you," Matty confessed, avoiding her gaze. "Your father made it clear that he didn't want me around. But I couldn't leave without saying goodbye."
Taylor's heart sank at his words, her eyes reflecting the hurt. She'd been under the impression that they still had a few more weeks together. The sudden change of plans left her in a whirlwind of emotions. Matty's sudden departure wasn't just a farewell to a guest, but a painful separation from someone who had become a significant part of her life. The silence that hung in the room was deafening as Taylor processed Matty's words. She felt a sharp sting of betrayal - not from Matty, but from her father who'd orchestrated this sudden departure. Her eyes met Matty's, now glossy with unshed tears.
"But... you still had time here," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. The joy she'd felt while packing for her tour had now evaporated, replaced by a cold dread that gnawed at her. She moved closer to Matty, her fingers lightly brushing against his. She swallowed hard, battling the lump in her throat. "Why...why would he do this?" she asked, her voice strained with a futile attempt to hold back tears. Her mind raced, she knew her father had not taken to walking in on them on her bed well, but she never imagined he would stand by his word to exile him. "Why... why would he turn this into some sort of a modern day Romeo and Juliet?" Taylor's voice hitched as she spoke, her chest tight with frustration. "We love each other. That's not a crime, is it?" The passion in her words was palpable, even though her voice was barely more than a whisper.
Her fingers tightened around Matty's. Their relationship wasn't about defiance or rebellion. It was about genuine feelings, about a connection they both cherished. The fact that her father chose to see it as some forbidden romance was both hurtful and infuriating.
"Why... why would he turn this into some sort of a modern day Romeo and Juliet?" Taylor's voice hitched as she spoke, her chest tight with frustration. "We love each other. That's not a crime, is it?" The passion in her words was palpable, even though her voice was barely more than a whisper. Her fingers tightened around Matty's. Their relationship wasn't about defiance or rebellion. It was about genuine feelings, about a connection they both cherished. The fact that her father chose to see it as some forbidden romance was both hurtful and infuriating.
Her eyes searched his, a torrent of emotions swirling within them. There was love in them, yes, but also defiance and anger and confusion and an overwhelming sadness. Taylor struggled to accept the drastic change in their story. Her eyes were fighting it, desperately pleading with him for another outcome. Not when they were so deeply in love. Not without a fight.
"I understand, Taylor," Matty responded gently, his voice a soothing balm amidst the turmoil. "Your father..., he's just looking out for you. And your parents, they've given so much for your dreams, and I respect that. Truly, I do."
His hand enveloped hers, the warmth a comforting presence. He continued, "I share the same dreams as you, Taylor. The love for music, the passion to perform, the thrill of the applause... We've walked the same path. That's why I... I would never do anything that could potentially hinder your journey. I'd rather walk away than see you compromise on your dreams."
The truth in his words was evident in his eyes - bright, sincere, and achingly honest. His feelings for her were deep, yet he wouldn't let them be an obstacle in her path. He understood the complexity of their situation better than anyone else. "But," he added, a soft determination in his voice, "it doesn't mean I agree with what's happening. This... This isn't about rebellion or defiance, it's about love, something that should be celebrated, not penalized."
In that moment, Matty knew that whatever the outcome, he would respect it. Not just for Taylor, but for himself too. Because love wasn't about possession, but understanding and sacrifice. Matty cupped Taylor's face gently, his thumbs brushing away her tears. The sight of her crying made his heart clench, but he knew he needed to be strong for her. “Taylor, look at me," he said, his voice soft yet firm. As her eyes met his, he continued, "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. I would never leave you, never abandon you. No matter what. We might face obstacles, and yes, they might seem as formidable as dragons, but I'm willing to fight. To fight for us."
His gaze was unwavering, his words spoken with a conviction that left no room for doubt. Matty was a fighter, and his feelings for Taylor were worth battling any dragon for. “Distance, secrets, your father... none of these are going to change the way I feel about you, Taylor," Matty confessed, his words echoing in the silent room. "And no matter where I am, no matter where you are, I'll always be there for you. We can make it work, Taylor. I believe in us."
His words hung in the air, a pledge of enduring love and unyielding commitment. A promise of a battle fought together, against all odds.
Taylor was sobbing now, her tears falling freely. But amidst the torrent of emotions, she found a sliver of hope in Matty's words. "Promise me, Matty," she implored, her voice barely a whisper. "Promise me that we'll do this."
“I promise, Taylor," Matty reassured her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "We'll face this together. No matter what."
Their bodies swayed gently, a bittersweet dance to the rhythm of their heartbeats. It was a moment frozen in time, a moment of love and pain, promises and fears, farewells and hope. Suddenly, a honk from outside interrupted the poignant silence. The sound of the taxi waiting to take Matty to the airport was a stark reminder of the harsh reality they were about to face.
The pain of the looming goodbye was like a physical force, flattening Taylor and Matty against each other. With trembling hands they held on to one another, their chests heaving with the strain of the moment as they faced their impending separation. Tears spilled from their eyes until their faces were a blur, both agony and love radiating off them in palpable waves.
Matty pulled away slightly, looking into Taylor's tear-stained face one more time. "I have to go, Taylor," he said softly. But his eyes held a promise - a promise of return, of battles fought together, and a love that would endure, against all odds.
"I love you, Taylor," Matty confessed, his voice thick with emotion. His gaze locked onto hers, he waited for her response.
"I love you too, Matty," Taylor responded, her voice just a whisper, but her eyes shone with a resolute love.
In the next moment, they were in each other's arms, their lips meeting in a kiss that tasted of promises and bittersweet farewells. It was a lingering kiss, a moment that held the weight of their shared love, their shared fears, and the shared promise of a future together. Matty yanked at the chain around his neck, trying to loosen the clasp that held it in place. His hands shook as he pulled the hollowed-out rectangle necklace from his chest and carefully draped it over Taylor's head. With a reverent gesture he gently settled the chain around her neck, an unspoken promise between them.
"This... this is a symbol of my promise to you," Matty said, his voice barely audible. He traced the rectangle pendant lightly with his thumb. "A promise that no matter what, we'll make it work."
Taylor felt her heart stop when Matty presented the necklace to her. Overwhelmed with emotion, she clung to it like a life-line in the sea of tumultuous feelings within her. Gone was the simple piece of jewelry - it had transformed into a tangible testament of Matty's love, his assurances, and their agreement to stand by each other no matter what. This necklace was a beacon that illuminated the depths of their union, a bond that was unbreakable, even against the strongest forces of fate.
Taylor pulled Matty into another passionate kiss, their hearts pounding in unison. As the taxi honked again, a stark reminder of the time ticking away, she pulled away reluctantly, a determined look in her eyes. "Wait here, okay?" she requested, rushing off to her room.
When she returned, she held a brown cowboy hat in her hands. It was the hat she'd bought for him, a piece of her world that she wanted him to have. With a tender smile, she placed the hat on Matty's head, adjusting it until it sat just right.
"You can't forget this, Matty," she said, her fingers tracing the brim of the hat. "Every time you wear this, remember me. Remember us."
Matty looked at her, the cowboy hat giving him a charming yet somewhat goofy look. It was a piece of Taylor he would carry with him, a tangible reminder of their shared memories.
Their eyes locked once more, and they shared one final kiss - a promise of their enduring love sealed with a passionate goodbye. As they pulled away, their hands lingered, their fingers intertwining one last time before Matty had to walk away, the cowboy hat sitting snugly on his head, and a hollowed-out rectangle necklace hanging around Taylor's neck - tokens of a love that would endure against all odds. Matty looked at the cowboy hat Taylor had just placed on his head, a warm smile spreading across his face. He reached up to touch it, feeling the worn leather under his fingers. It was a perfect gift, a piece of Taylor's world that he could carry with him wherever he went.
"Taylor, this... this is perfect," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I promise you, every time I put it on, I'll think of you. I'll think of us." He looked at her, his eyes reflecting the genuine appreciation he felt. His fingers brushed against the brim of the hat, tracing the contours that held so many shared memories. The hat was not just a gift anymore, but a symbol of their bond, a bond that promised to stay strong despite the distance and circumstances.
"And thank you," he added, his voice barely more than a whisper. "For everything, Taylor. For the music, the laughs, the dreams... and this. I'll cherish it. I'll cherish us."
His words hung in the air, a heartfelt thank you, a bittersweet farewell, and a promise of a love that would continue to bloom, no matter where life took them. As Matty walked away, the cowboy hat a distinctive feature against the morning sun, Taylor watched him with a heavy heart. Each step he took seemed to pull at her heartstrings, echoing the pain of their parting. He looked back at her a few times, his eyes a mirror of the sadness that gripped her. Matty got into the taxi, one last look at the girl he was leaving behind imprinted in his memory. He raised his hand, waving a final goodbye. She stood there, her silhouette framed by the doorway, a picture of strength and vulnerability all at once. The car started to move, carrying Matty away. Taylor watched until the taxi was nothing more than a distant speck, until the reality of the farewell fully sunk in.
Then, the strength that had been holding her up shattered, and she collapsed onto her knees on the porch. Her body shook with the force of her sobs, the silent morning air punctuated by her cries. Her heart ached with a sharp pain, a mix of loss and longing, a testament to the love she had for the man who was now on his way back to England.
Her fingers clutched at the hollowed-out rectangle necklace around her neck, the physical reminder of their shared love, the promise that they would make it work. Despite the pain, she held onto that promise, finding in it the strength to endure the challenging journey that lay ahead.
As the taxi pulled away, Matty watched Taylor through the rear window, her figure slowly fading into the distance. His heart ached with a longing he'd never felt before, the image of her collapsing on her knees on the porch etched into his memory. Her house, her street, the town - everything was retreating into the background, yet the essence of her seemed to linger. He could still feel the softness of her lips against his, still smell the faint trace of her perfume, still hear the echo of her laughter. The tangible reminder of their shared moments was amplified in the silence of the taxi, a poignant memory that refused to fade. He clung onto those memories, his fingers tracing the rim of the cowboy hat she'd given him. Every thread of it, every crease, was a testament to their shared dreams and love, a love that had grown in the short time they'd spent together. It wasn't just a hat anymore; it was a piece of Taylor he was carrying with him, a piece that would be a constant reminder of her in the days to come. The journey to the airport seemed to stretch on endlessly, each mile a cruel reminder of the distance that was growing between them. His heart felt heavy with the knowledge that he was leaving Taylor behind. But amidst the sorrow, there was a spark of hope - a promise they had made to each other. A promise of love, a promise to fight for their love, no matter what. As the airport came into view, Matty took one last look at the retreating landscape, his thoughts filled with Taylor. The goodbye had been tough, the pain of parting was sharp, but he held onto their shared promise. He'd be back, he knew. And until then, they would fight their battles, stand against the odds, and cherish their love. Because what they shared was not a fleeting affair - it was a love that would endure, a love that was worth fighting for.
There we go. My later chapters will have more x-rated scenes but do the math. The ages? No. Not touching that right now.
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brainrattlers · 1 year
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (42/n)
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Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC (AJ)
Word Count 3786
Warnings: This chapter is a little naughty. There is some insinuation of adult activities going on. Nothing graphic but, you've been warned (so I'll say 18+ just to C my A.)
Need to start from the beginning? Here's where it all began! https://at.tumblr.com/brainrattlers/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-1n/p7no8u1hzuza
Want to catch up? Check out the Masterlist!
Author's notes: Oh geez, I'm sorry you all. I've been MIA for a few weeks. It's been a little crazy with work, interviewing for a job I applied for while I was in Buffalo, and just life. Finally got through this chapter, and am already working on the next to wrap up the season. Definitely not how the Sabres hoped to see their season end, but this is just the beginning for their team. (And I will say I'm nervous with Tyson going RFA this summer, there are a lot of if this, then thats which can happen and possibly cause Tyson to be with yet another team next season. I really hope Buffalo figures it out though, he's a good fit there.) I already have plans for Tyson and AJ's summer, so get ready!
Now where were we when I last left off? Oh, that's right, Tyson was sad AJ couldn't be in DC for his birthday, but AJ has some plans of her own.
Tyson spent the week with a few things on his mind.
First, hockey, obviously. The Sabres being on the bubble of a wildcard spot. The team was working so hard, but still had some very off-nights that were diminishing the likelihood of them playing in the offseason, but they persisted. A week on the road kept Tyson’s focus mainly here.
Next was AJ’s lab results. She had another set run right before this roadie, and was waiting to hear back anything. Tyson wanted his partner in crime to be healthy for all the shenanigans he envisioned them getting into in their future. He also knew that it was bothering her simply not having answers.
Lastly, was his birthday surprise. Since AJ had told Tyson that there was something going down for it, “an experience,” he was told. He had no idea what she was up to, and frankly he was itching to find out. Was it going to be something ON his birthday while on the road? Was it going to be when he got home? He had no idea.
So his mission early on in the roadie was to find out as much as he can to piece it together… maybe AJ had talked to some of the guys on the team? He was going to find out.
AJ on the other hand, was busy working on trying to figure out the logistics of everything, which indeed include talking to a few guys on the team, as well as their significant others. The thought of starting a group chat came up, but it would seem weird if a few guys’ phones buzzed at the same time, yet Tyson’s wasn’t. For now she had to keep it separate.
Quinner: He’s asking again. Do I say anything?
AJ: He’s such a brat. No, not yet. Play dumb.
Quinner: Can do. What’s the word on my gaming rig?
AJ: Just waiting on the GPU to arrive, which is slated for tomorrow. It’ll definitely be ready when you all get back.
Quinner: Awesome
AJ went back to working on a PC on her desk, when her phone started buzzing again.
JJ: Guess what
AJ: I already know, apparently he hit up Quinn earlier. You have no idea what he’s talking about.
JJ: Got it 
Sighing, AJ finally decided to give some sort of hint to Tyson so he’d quit annoying everyone. She waited an hour or so before sending out any crumbs of info.
AJ: Alright Jost, your birthday is tomorrow. It will be celebrated at a later date. Stop asking your teammates for clues (winking emoji)
Tyson pouted as he and the rest of the team were on their way to the arena, but was grinning on the inside knowing that AJ was up to something. Not only that, but she also was finding her footing more in Buffalo, getting out and about, meeting new people - not just his teammates, but WAGs, and just a few people she’d see around the neighborhood often. 
When Tyson was on a roadie, and the weather was decent, AJ would walk down the street and snag a Beef on Weck from Charlie the Butcher.  (This was probably her favorite Buffalo thing so far, she’d never had anything like it prior to moving there.) She’d sit at one of the tables in the lobby and people watch as she enjoyed her sandwich. A few people from the offices would come down at lunch time and start chatting.
AJ started recognizing some of the employees at the local market. She even started going to a bowling alley, getting picked up to sub for people missing on teams every once in a while on league nights. Feeling more comfortable being around strangers, she realized that some of her meds were finally starting to do their thing again.
Braving a bit of rain and snow, AJ finished up her lunch, and headed back. After checking the tracking on some computer part orders, she sighed and looked around. Something clicked in her head after scanning the living room, seeing the pile of laundry she needed to fold in the basket. Through the bedroom and into their walk-in closet, AJ found herself looking through her own clothes, and sliding hangers around of Tyson’s clothes as well. Grabbing a specific hanger, she dropped the garment on the bed. 
Rummaging around in her dresser, AJ grabbed a pair black Culprits and tossed them on the bed. Pulling a couple bags from the closet, she set up her tripod and camera, making sure the memory card was not full. Lamps were moved around. Pulling up an app on her tablet, she set the scene, making sure she’d be in the shot correctly. 
With a quick wardrobe change, finding poses that were sexy but still classy, and not ridiculously silly. were kind of difficult. AJ would tap the screen on her tablet, and try to pose quickly before the timer ran out. Locations were moved, to the living room, and the kitchen. After about an hour and a half, she gave up, having exhausted all of her pose ideas. A few minutes were spent editing each photo. Finally AJ gave up.
AJ: I need your help with something. Tomorrow’s Tyson’s birthday, right? I shot some photos for him while he’s on the road but I need help picking out which ones. So awkward.
Jess: Send away! 
With a deep breath, AJ picked her top 10.
AJ: Alright, I might throw in silly too, but pick  your top… 5.
<4 attachments><4 attachments><2 attachments>
Jess: Oh, wow, Tyson’s going to LOVE these! I’m going to say 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
AJ: You don’t think 7 is too much?
Jess: Nooooo he’s going to be all over you when he gets back (winking emoji)
Truth be told, AJ started daydreaming of Tyson striding through their front door with that determined, almost primal look on his face that usually happens after a roadie, or when Tyson was just in the mood. Being gently pinned up against whatever surface was nearest to them at the time was a common occurrence, with a few minutes of intense making out sometimes leading to more. It wasn’t uncommon to find a trail of clothes leading to the sofa in the living room or toward the master bedroom, which had to be retrieved later.
Tyson hadn’t even been gone two days and AJ was suddenly missing him a lot, longing for his touch, his facial scruff against her cheek. The feeling of his arms wrapping around her from behind as she cooked dinner… She sighed at the thought of laying in bed, arm around her as she rested her head against his chest, fingers playing with his small patch of chest hair. This was just as torturous to her as it would be for him.
It hit her at that point that they literally spent a month apart at one point, and she survived. A few more days wasn’t going to be the end of the world.
Thankfully, a shipment of computer parts came the next day, and AJ was going to be occupied the rest of the week… But not before sending Tyson a little impromptu birthday present.
Tyson’s birthday started with a few texts from family, and one from AJ wishing him a good birthday. But compared to the others’ texts, AJ’s had a bit more mystery to it.
AJ: Happy Birthday to my Maple Syrup Man! I hope you have an amazing day. While it’s not your actual present, I have something for you later. 
Tyson: (thinking emoji) What is it?
AJ: Patience babe - you’ll get it tonight (winking emoji) Love you!
Tyson: Love you too! 
With that little nugget of intrigue planted in Tyson’s brain, he was getting antsy as the team was traveling to DC. A group of the guys were taking him out to dinner when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
AJ: Hey Birthday Boy, message me when you’re free. And preferably alone. (winking emoji)
Finishing up installing the new graphics card into Jack’s computer, AJ was starting to fidget and get nervous regarding what she was about to do. As she started cleaning up the cables inside the case, her phone buzzed loudly against the table.
Tyson: Everyone just left, in my room by myself. So… what��s so important that I be by myself for? 
It was time to draw this out to make him get a little more curious.
AJ: I just wanted you all to myself. How was dinner? Did you get cake? Or pie, as it is Pi Day?
Tyson: Dinner was good, had a pretty good steak. Now why do I need to be alone?
AJ: Cake?
Tyson: YES CAKE WHY DO I NEED TO BE ALONE? You’re driving me crazy over here!
AJ: I’m driving you crazy now? Just you wait… (evil imp emoji)
For good measure, AJ waited another minute or two before setting up the text with the photos.
AJ: Happy Birthday, babe <4 attachments>
<1 attachment>
Tyson’s jaw dropped when he opened the photos, finding AJ in various poses, wearing Tyson’s Sabres jersey and showing the smallest hint of her black boycut Culprits underneath. His brain definitely started short circuiting seeing AJ in the kitchen cooking, lounging on the sofa, one cute photo on the bed… but the last one of her on the bed definitely got his heart racing.
Nervous of how he’d react, AJ nearly dropped her phone when Tyson was trying to facetime her. She accepted the call.
“Holy smokes, you’re killing me over here babygirl…” Tyson’s eyes were dark. “I can’t wait to get back home… but at least I’ve got these photos to tide me over.”
AJ blushed heavily.
“This isn’t your actual birthday present but I thought you might enjoy them.”
“I’m going to be up for a while thinking about that last one, and definitely enjoying it. Might have to make that one my home screen on my phone,” Tyson got quiet for a moment. “It’s my birthday, and since you’re not here and I don’t get to have birthday sex ON my birthday, but… what would you think about maybe… over facetime, you and me? I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but… it might be fun?”
The smirk and biting of AJ’s lip was the only thing that Tyson needed to know. It was always amusing watching him go from adorable and almost shy, to straight up feral. She saw him reaching for his earbuds immediately, and could hear that his voice lowered when he made his next request.
“Put the jersey on.”
And because this is a classy joint, let’s just say that AJ and Tyson had a rather exciting evening doing things that are… less than classy. (But fun.)
AJ woke up exhausted the next morning. She couldn’t even imagine how Tyson was feeling… but after watching the game, it might have been just what he needed as he scored an unassisted goal in the first period. 
Finally at the end of the week, after a tough loss to Philly, Tyson was on a flight back to Buffalo and could not possibly be more antsy about getting back to the apartment. Texts were sent as soon as he landed, as soon as he was on the road, and one from the garage that he was on his way upstairs… requesting that AJ was in the jersey (again).
Just as she imagined earlier in the week, Tyson opened the apartment door, dropped his bag in the laundry room, and immediately strode into the kitchen to find AJ wearing little more than that Sabres blue jersey as she was getting a glass of water to take her nightly pills. Barely letting her swallow them and put down the glass, Tyson had already twisted AJ around to face him, lifting her onto the countertop.
AJ yelped in shock of how cold the surface was against her legs.
An intense kiss was shared, but Tyson was impatient. He pulled AJ down off the countertop, grabbing her hand and leading her to the bedroom. Unwrapping his favorite gift was the only thing on his mind that night.
With no practice scheduled in the morning, the couple lounged in bed, finally getting up late in the morning to seek out some brunch. The conversation over waffles was about what was coming up in the next week for both of them. Tyson had a number of home games, with one interruption of a quick trip to Long Island for a game there. AJ talked about how she was meeting up with a few new clients to work on setups for. The big thing she emphasized though was that the following Sunday (not tomorrow), Tyson needed to keep his night free. Yes, it was his birthday present, and no, she was not going to give hints. Also she pleaded with him to not ask his teammates any more questions. 
The week was kind of rough on Tyson as he’d been scratched a couple of games. AJ was taking it harder than he was, but she couldn’t help but have flashbacks of his time with Minnesota again. Thankfully he was playing again by the end of the week. She showed up to the game against New Jersey, and watched as the team warmed up in their Military Appreciation sweaters. It’d been a minute, but AJ forgot how good Tyson looked in green. (To be fair, AJ thinks Tyson looks good in all colors, really.) The team was super intense during warmups, and barely did Tyson kiss his glove knuckles and tap the glass as he skated by AJ. Had to keep the tradition up though.
The next morning, Tyson headed to practice, and then off they went to NYC for their game against the Islanders that night. AJ spent her day finalizing plans and making sure everything would be great for Tyson’s present the next night. Reservations were made. Random texts were sent to not ping the entire group chat at once. It was a GO.
With a 2-0 win, Tyson got back relatively early, coming home to AJ watching KSU playing in the NCAA tournament.
“I didn’t know you liked basketball?” Tyson questioned as he unloaded his backpack from the super short trip.
“I don’t, but it’s where I went to school, and actually was working there before Nate convinced me to move to Denver. Just kind of a nostalgia thing I guess. First year in quite a while that KSU has had a decent team.”
Tyson flopped down onto the overstuffed sofa next to AJ, stealing a few pieces of popcorn from the nearly empty bowl. Unfortunately, the Wildcats just couldn’t come back from their point deficit and lost in the Elite Eight. Tyson had curled up and fallen asleep across her lap as she was playing with the short curls on his head in the last few minutes of the game. His features were serene as he snored lightly. Unfortunately though, because she wanted to go to bed, AJ was going to have to wake him up.
“Tys..” AJ whispered to not jar him awake, “Tys, babe, you gotta get up so we can go to bed.”
His eyes stayed closed as he mumbled something unintelligible.
“Tyson, hon, really we gotta get up, my foot is falling asleep.”
More mumbles, followed by Tyson burying his head harder into AJ’s lap, wrapping his arms around her torso. Clearly he was awake and faking it this time. His body shook a little as he laughed. Rolling off her lap, he sat up and sleepily smiled. Suddenly his eyes went wide.
“TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY MAKE-UP!!! YEAAAAH! The sooner we sleep, the sooner it gets here!”
You’d think it was Christmas the way he was acting. Tyson ran to the master bedroom, and ducked into the bathroom to get ready for bed, leaving AJ just rolling her eyes at the absolute kid of a man she had. But it was one of her favorite things about him… he was an adult when he needed to be, but like her, wasn’t going to grow up otherwise if he didn’t have to. 
That early Sunday was rough on Tyson. He went to the optional skate, antsy as hell in regards to not knowing what was going on. Kyle had texted AJ letting her know that Tyson was still sniffing out clues, but everyone was shutting him down. Both Kyle and Danielle were helping AJ put this all together, she probably wouldn’t have been able to orchestrate the entire thing. Thankfully there was nothing really physical that could be left out for Tyson to see, other than maybe a text message here or there… but AJ was doing pretty well keeping her phone on silent and on herself when Tyson was being snoopy.
AJ clearly caught him when he got home from practice, seeing if there were any signs of fun that was to be had that evening. After a quick nap, Tyson found AJ getting out of the shower (which was difficult keeping him from climbing into the shower with her, but they would definitely be late for the plans). She wasn’t getting super dressed up, just some jeans, a tee, and a warm hoodie. He finished up his shower as AJ put the finishing touches on her hair. Putting down the diffuser, she did offer him some advice.
“Put on something warm, let’s go for a little walk.”
Tyson squinted as he grabbed his Nike SB hoodie from the closet, pulling it over his wet curls. Grabbing his hands, AJ pulled him in for a quick kiss. 
“C’mon birthday boy, let’s go!” AJ giggled as she pulled Tyson to the door. 
The two walked hand-in-hand on Main Street, swinging their hands as they strolled past the Ellicott building, past Tesla Park, past Lafayette Square. 
“Are we going ax throwing?” Tyson questioned, as they neared Hatchet & Hops.
“Nope, just a bit further!”
AJ wasn’t kidding when she said just a bit further, they stopped just past it, in front of a restaurant front blasting music. Opening the door, she led Tyson into Misuta Chow’s. The hosts greeted them.
“Has anyone for the Toasty Josty party arrived?”
“Ah, yes, this way,” the host led them to the back where tables and chairs were marked with reserved signs. 
Tyson immediately recognized a few teammates and their significant others. Cheers for the birthday boy were abound as the couple sat down. A few more people showed up. Dinner and drinks flowed, including a special birthday mochi for Tyson. But the fun was just beginning, as the party moved upstairs to the arcade/bar/karaoke night.
It’s not surprising that the first person to get on the mic from the group was Skinner, not surprisingly an 80s pop song. There were a number of the group that went up and took their turn belting out a tune. Some were surprisingly good! Some were much better after they had a shot or two. Some… were just bad. Video games were played. Lots of smiles and laughs were had.
“Tys, you should go sing!” AJ prodded a bit, as they played Mortal Kombat against each other.
Tyson bumped his hip against AJ’s as he mashed buttons on the arcade cabinet making a combo that nearly took out AJ’s character.
“No thanks, but I know someone that has a beautiful voice that should go up there…”
AJ lost focus on the game as she blushed a little, and Tyson plunged his character’s sword into hers.
“Fine, but only because it’s your birthday, Josty.” AJ winked.
When it was her turn, AJ did a quick shot (and cheered on by the guys) as she took the mic, clearing her throat. Her eyes closed as she took the mic in her hand, the opening guitar notes of Mazzy Star’s “Fade Into You” playing throughout the bar. A little unsteady at the start, her voice found its footing as her eyes found Tyson’s. The softest of smiles graced his lips as AJ’s voice flooded the room. A few surprised looks went her way as they were not expecting her to sing that way. Whoops and applause happened after she put the mic back on the stand at the conclusion of the song. AJ’s face turned a number of shades of pink to red as she quickly got to her security blanket of Tyson with his arm around her. 
A few of the bar-goers, friends and strangers alike  came by and high-fived or complimented AJ. Tyson just beamed next to her, especially when his teammates and friends said something.
“You know, that’s how I fell for her, she was singing while fixing, what was that thing again in the dressing room?”
“Access point.”
Tyson continued, “Yeah, Access Point. She was on a ladder, singing with her headphones in, and I was last off the ice, taking a shower and headed into the dressing room. Her siren song had me hypnotized in the doorway. And she twisted a bit to do something, saw me… and that's when she first fell for me… literally, down the ladder a bit. And as awkward as we both were… that’s when I knew she was the one.”
Tyson pulled her in and kissed the side of her head. 
“Aww, babe, you never told me that last part. But wow, you left a LOT out of that story, that’s probably for the best,” AJ grinned.
A few “That’s so cute!” and “Adorable!” exclamations came from the significant others.
A few more songs were sang, more video games were played, and maybe another drink or two were had. AJ was definitely a bit more tipsy than Tyson, but he also had a game the next day and was behaving. Calling it a night, Tyson thanked everyone for coming out, and thanked AJ (who thanked everyone else for helping) for putting on the party. 
The walk back home was pretty chilly, with a drizzle falling all around the couple. Tyson insisted on holding AJ’s hand to keep it warm, as well to make sure she stayed upright in case some of the drizzle had frozen on the sidewalks. Back at their building, he stole a kiss in the elevator ride up the twelve floors, which still tasted a bit of Jolly Rancher shots. Tyson pulled AJ in tight.
“Good birthday? You’re a hard man to shop for, you know that?”
“No I’m not!” Tyson defensively shot back while tickling AJ as she opened the door to their home, “But this was definitely one of the best.”
Read on, Chapter 43 is HERE.
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
July Activity Update (Pinned Post)
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of May. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here, which I’m currently updating.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Houskeeping
@normallyxstranger has released a new book! Check it out!
@sanguinelupus is back, and so I will be using this at every opportunity. But more importantly: you should go follow!
I’ll be heading back home around the 8th, which means I’ll have PC access back. 🥳
I’m currently updating my rpthreadtracker page, so please excuse the mess over there.
The queue is currently set to post twice a day.
I still haven’t found my login for Ty’s discord. Don’t judge me. 😬
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
I’ll just be over here screaming about Azzy OMG. (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty takes Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
At the bar with drunk!Ty (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (queued!) - @demcnsinmymind
No soul for you. 😤 (link) - @demonstigma
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty finds Vampire!Damon (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
“Get out of there, he’s a priest!” (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ghost Stories: Charmed 2018 verse (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The idiots reconcile aka Tyler can’t be left unsupervised (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters dark!Ty (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Judging 50 shades and unexpected cuteness (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted).- @derschwarzeengel
“This isn’t what it looks like.” (link) - @discipulusmaleficus
Starter from @first-born-to-his-name! ❤️ (queued)
Birthday cuteness! (link) - @heavenguided
��I don’t understand your definition of good news.” (link) - @hvbris (for Olive)
Tyler being massively confused by Wednesday (queued) - @hvbris
Extremely normal headwear and cake experiments (link) - @imprvdente
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (drafted! So sorry again for the wait!) - @imprvdente
Mischief at the fair (queued) - @indyflanery
Bad jokes with Charm. (link) - @innerwar
Monster encounter (drafted) - @lcbcshcart (welcome back!)
Demon problems (queued) - @magaprima
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (queued) - @magaprima
“I totally didn’t do what you think I did.” (link) - @pantslessoptimism
Leaving the compound (queued) - @razorfst
Taking serious notes with her most serious pen. 😤 (link) - @tobeblamed
Drafts: 8
Memes/Asks: 12
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Ty’s questionable coping mechanisms (link)
She’s a 10, but… (link)
Tyler + love (link)
Dash game: What chess piece are you? (link)
Taco Tuesday! (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, stay safe, and happy pride! ❤️ — Em
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measureyourlifeincake · 10 months
May your old computer rest in peace (?)
yeah so the thing about my old computer is that i bought it a year ago bc my old-old one was running out of storage space and was just lowkey crappy, so i asked my brother to help me look at specs to figure out what would be a "good computer" and i found one that seemed good for a decent price*(it was some kinda dell inspiron. the old-old computer was a different dell inspiron)—yknow, decent amount of RAM, solid state drive, good processor, all that stuff—but it just like...kinda sucked? pretty much from day one. it ran super slowly, couldn't do a video call half the time, and im not much of a gamer but it couldnt run disco elysium (i'm no expert on this sort of thing, but i feel like disco elysium shouldnt be that hard to run on a modern pc? it doesnt seem like theres that much going on there, as far as games go).
so anyway, i was making do with that hunk of junk, when i tried to open it and the hinge totally broke out of nowhere. i brought the thing to best buy and the geek squad dude was like "you should call dell bc you have warranty and this is a known problem with these things so they could probably replace the part for free, but if you get it fixed here it'll cost money" so i called dell and they were like "yeah thats not covered by your warranty but we'll have the warranty guy call you back tomorrow" and then the warranty guy never called me back so i was like. welp. and i went back to using my old-old computer and honestly it runs better than my new-old computer did so i was like "why spend any money getting that thing fixed (or make myself push through executive dysfunction enough to follow up with dell and see if they can get it fixed for free) when im just gonna have a still-shitty computer by the end of it and I already have a working computer?" so i'm back to this old one and the new-old one has been collecting dust on a shelf while i waited to get a new-new one
so when black friday was nearing i decided to look at lenovos (bc a friend who knows more about computers than i do recommended the brand) and spent a long time just staring at and comparing different laptops bc i only know a little bit about this and was freaking out bc the specs looked FINE last time and i STILL dont know why my computer sucks (like. it was a newer model with a better processor and more ram than my old-old computer. by all rights it should NOT be running worse) so i just kinda crossed my fingers and hoped (i ended up getting one that is maybe a little more higher-end than is probably necessary for my purposes out of fear that anything lower would Mysteriously Suck. hopefully this one lasts for a good long while)
anyway at least lenovo seems to have a reputation for being durably built, so i probably wont have broken hinges (ive had several dells and multiple hinge/other hardware problems)
so yeah rest in fucking pieces or whatever
*you'll note that i bought it nearly exactly a year ago. i have been making use of black friday/cyber monday deals lol
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cameraxel · 1 year
Long time away & a Poem
Long time no used! Feeling like I should put this piece of poetry somewhere even if noone likes it or even reads it - simply so it exisits elsewhere than my pc. If on some of my posts and things you notice i rarely used caps - its something i allways forget about. (edited to fix htis to this) The poem was written on the 17-08-2023 while watching Impulse & Skizz playing Phasmophobia.
Poem Title: spooky hunt - a phasmophobia poem 17-08-2023
there's a haunted house across the way a truck drives up and the driver appears placing restricted zone dividers out they return to the truck
a short time later the truck's back opens revealing light and sounds while four figures clamber out they're passing strange equipment about laughing and jostling as they walk up the path to the local haunt they cat call eachother as they joke as they go in equipment all ready to go hunting they sweep the house as they go looking for the haunter's place it calls home
they poke and pry and peer about looking for places that when in doupt that they could hide and save them when the ghost haunts to maim them places found and looking still for the spook to be called and claimed they go back and forth from the house and the truck equipment passing about as they set in the place they think is best the place the haunted spirit rests
the lights flicker flash and a sudden smash the bulb above breaks in a flash the sudden shimmer of spectors frame and then the darkness in the room remains the four react fleeing away towards safe spots that they've claimed a glance to the door and they return toward the room where they once were
equipment placed and they retreat looking as they go for something unique a haunted item or something that has claim on the spector that remains they return singularly but more often in pairs questions asked sometimes ansered depending on the spirits type or desire responses gotten or unreplied they continue their quest to find the spector's identity or even a guess
darkness decends their lights start flicker they go all quiet and turning off their equipment as they scatter and hide and hope that the spector has not seen them as they hid they wait with baited breath and worried minds as the spector moves about closer and further as it hunts and suddenly silence that they hope is the end that the spector is spent and not killing a friend
awhile they spend watching the screen hoping to spot things unseen for movement for lights or things that glow to tell them more of their ghostly foe they go to check the equipent placed in a rush keeping up a soft whispered hush they go with plenty of haste for time they have they will not waste incase the spook resumes it's hunting for a taste
they gather the evidence and make up their minds to the truck they go and write up their finds a decision is made but is it right as the truck drives away into the night
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phazius · 2 years
Outlaws of Alkenstar - Book 3 The Smoking Gun - Session 1
Oops trying not to get to behind on these. Wednesday was the holiday return of the IRL game down at the FLGS and we started with beginning book 3 of Outlaws of Alkenstar, probably my favorite of the 3.
After a bit of downtime to give the PCs some time to catch up on gear, they were contacted by Dunsmith about their next briefing where they also met with the Grand Dutchess of Alkenstar who to their surprise was pretty chill about the their unhinged outlaw activities and offered to forgive their crimes, real or framed, as part of payment of working for her. The Job is to track down Loveless and the people she sold the Pyronite fomula to, but shes gone into hiding. So to find information about what Loveless is up to the party is directed to highjack/sneak aboard, armoured carriage delivery thats headed toward the Shield Marshals hidden vaults.
Getting aboard the carriage goes surprisingly smoothly with everyone making their stealth checks and double crit successes to pick the lock on the carriage to slip inside. It travels for a bit before coming to a warehouse with a secret elevator that goes down to the hidden vault. After waiting for the Marshals that were on the carriage to leave, they slipped over to the vault branch offices ran by Loveless and started rummaging, finding a trio of clues. An invitation to a rich art gala by a private funder tomorrow, a news paper clipping about a hanging of a riverboat merchant scheduled the day after, and a cattle rustler whom the marshals havent been able to track down but is somehow related to the riverboat merchant. Just as they were wrapping up searching for clues a group approached the office vault with half the PCs standing watch outside with the other half still inside, the group wasn’t shield marshals though but a group of thugs that had been hired to destroy any evidence, 4 dwarves in suits and bowler hats roll up mafia style lol. The PCs standing watch outside manage to lie their way out, and the PCs inside manage to stealth out while the thugs gather everything up in the office and proceed to smash it then set it on fire.
With a timeline of events to look into the PCs clean up and get disguised for visiting that art Gala. It takes place in the richest part of the city at the top of a skyscraper which impressively has basic electricity so they get a powered elevator ride up. Its a very rich affair and a lot of the art pieces are gun focused like the weird rich gun nuts they are. The Bard, the only actual criminal in the party gets the brilliant idea to try and sell the guess Novel Firearm Tokens, receipts of a picture of a gun they supposedly bought (yes this is exactly the joke you think it is, we all died laughing). Not long after arriving at the Gala the head of security, a cyclops gunslinger is a suit whos in charge of the thugs the PCs say earlier tries to get the PCs to the the center of attention for a bit so the security detail can slip out the person the the PCs are looking for. This backfires a smidge as only half the PCs falls for the attention grab while the others slip away from the spotlight and notice security trying to get her out of the room. She is reluctant to leave her own party and the PCs not being focused on track her down and slowly start a conversation with her to get her away from security. They learn that shes purchased enough guns for a private armor for Loveless, wants to make Alkenstar not just a great city but a great nation, supports conscription for a standing army 😬😬😬😬😬, and that she isnt a fan of Loveless’ wizard compatriots. The PCs ride out the rest of the Gala not waiting to be rude to their ‘lovely’ host. As they’re leaving in the elevator it stops 1 for down and a bunch of security gets in... the elevator goes down a few more floors before they all draw guns. Its time for the most cramped fight I will ever run as the scene mimics the elevator fight from captain america lmao.
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neerikiffu · 17 days
headline (i am very creative indeed) ((27.02.24))
i bingewatched the entirety of hamefura in 3 days and playing the game now
it doesn't go with turnip drivers so i have to sacrifice all of the quality and smoothing just to not get stutters, with the system driver
which is something like <480p and i can't even use the smoothing that makes the text readable cause that chops 10 fps off immediately and yet the screen still flashes black every ten seconds
painful for the eyes to be honest the game doesn't have anything in it that's worth so much gpu power (ui sucks!!! the pause menu should cover me up and it doesnt!!! the shortcuts don't make any sense!!! how the hell am i supposed to play in class???)
playing geordo and well i never liked him, im on 5th or 6th chapter rn i think the recommended route order and my willingness to maxx the game out didn't go anywhere, i can't just skip him
brawl stars servers are dead again (too many people like the update) and tbh im getting kinda lazy to play… still have to finish up the season though… how much time has left
they renamed ranks into tiers???????? tf 8 days left and 2k XP left and then im tier 50 (not rank tier, but bp tier)
alright i have enough quests to pull this off
tbh not like crazy but annoying as hell man
so i already paid for the coolest left-handed mouse ever (i give up on my right hand, may it rest in peace LITERALLY I AM GIVING IT REST) and now am trying my best to not buy half of aliexpress accidentally cause the keyboard now tires me out as well
i wanted to buy keycaps too, but will just buy switches decided on gateron g pro whites v3
that's like $40 for 110 pieces… that's like a whole new keyboard off of the same aliexpress… but the money is burning some gaping void pits in my pockets while setting the entirety of me ablaze and i can't wait to spend it because i have no goals or aspirations i am not geordo, though there is little hope left
all my career paths kinda presume me being in front of my pc for 10h+ a day, and my hopes and dreams do too
it's in my best interest to make the job easier for self (自分)
on an off note, i think that if i spoke japanese i'd use the atashi pronoun, and occasionally jibun lmao that's literally pronouns huh
i haven't studied jp for a week because i gave in to burnout
but today i managed to start and let's just hope that after writing this post out i'll be able to come back to it
talking about giving in to burnout that's supposedly called living without the grind and constant feelings of guilt huh
tbh it went as far as to make me a little bit more suitable for reality
i probably dissociated too hard this time, because school isn't painful anymore, and i am even able to enjoy and live through it (presuming i am distracted 100% of the time)
some people even hug me
crazy stuff
but talking about school - there's no hope (note: hope that would align with MY PREFERENCES) for me if i don't get my shit straight
please give me powers and HANDS to come back to gamedev
i have to work
nothing will work if i wont work
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