#still obsessed with peri
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jaxsterrapp · 6 months ago
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PERI 💜💜💜💜
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frootiest-loopdee-doo · 2 months ago
Thinking about him
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year ago
my confession is that i love peri fire emblem and she is one of my absolute favorite fates characters. yes she is poorly written. yes everything about her character contradicts corrin’s army’s values. yes she does drag almost all of her support partners down when they talk (not u laslow stay safe bby). yes she looks like a 13 year old’s edgy oc, dual colored hair and heterochromia with a red eye that she has. but you all fail to understand that that’s literally camp. like fuck it she literally ate!! “im feeling stabby!” girl you are psychotic. i love you. xander gets me, literally hired her bc you know what, crazy IS hot and we need to stop pretending like its not. i made her the queen of nohr and didnt look back. its MY sandbox fire emblem game and i’ll do whatever the hell i want thank you very much.
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lethality-of-dual-strike · 2 months ago
to the 3 people who have written (or currently writing) the Cupid/Sanderson fanfics…I love you and would kill for you
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smallmediumproblems · 1 year ago
Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature
American Hysteria
The Magnus Archives
Saffron and Peri
Finding Pattersby
If Books Could Kill
Sold a Story
St Mary's School for Children With the Stigmata
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality
Dark Academia Podcasts
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Vulgar History
Let's Talk About Myths, Baby
Myths and Legends
Cabinet of Curiosities
Crime Junkie
In Our Time
Our Fake History
The Dark Academicals
The Literary Teen
Philosophize This!
Welcome to Night Vale
The Penumbra Podcast
Art Of History
You're Dead To Me
The Bright Sessions
Historical Figures
The Mystery Of The Tweed Club
Prose Talk
Dead Academics Society
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shrimpyjackal · 3 months ago
Since villain peri and dale are both egomaniacs and obsessed with timmy (aleast that's the vibe I get from them) would they fight over timmy's attention?
It s more of a one-sided rivalry, ofc it s from Peri s perspective, cause Dimmadome didnt even realised that dude was watching his son until Timmy(post-reunion) greeted Peri.
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Dale thinks that he can trust Timmy enough to get him involved in stuff( half of their meetings are more like shitty therapy sessions), but Timmy is still not sure how to feel abt Dale.
I would describe it more like^
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stringsbasement · 7 months ago
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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hajimedics · 6 months ago
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relationship charts between my fop ocs and their respective groups
tsubaki's whole deal at school is that she lied about being an esper and has to rely on kira to back up her frauds despite her reluctance on making wishes. hazel's hot on her tail. she suspects that girl genius might have a magical being on her side. tsubaki suspects the same with hazel and forms this one sided rivalry with her. hazel thought tsubaki was kind of mean and thinks she's flaunting her academics. however as they spend more time together and get caught in supernatural situations, they began supporting one another and telling each other to think about what she wants for her own benefit (tsubaki to hazel) or relax for a bit and not think everything and everyone's out to get her (hazel to tsubaki). also tsubaki hangs out with the hazel gang when she doesn't have cram school for the day
tsubaki and dev did not get long. they both came from harsh home lives (obsessive parents, neglectful dad) but they don’t see eye to eye because they have opposing attitudes and values in life. tsubaki thinks you only deserve good things if you work for it while dev gets everything handed to him on a gold platter. she also thinks dev doesn't deserve his godparent or anything good in life (words that later push them to understand each other better). dev looked genuinely upset, she later apologized, and they became.... frenemies? rivals? they still throw jabs at one another but tsubaki wants to put in effort to make more friends thanks to hazel's encouragement. when they're older they became close friends and catch up on how each other's doing despite not going to the same schools after elementary. it's cool.
kira believes the fairy world is hypocritical. he doesn't have world domination plans (that one goes to irep) but he wants to change fairy world for the better and make the fairies realize the flaws in the godparenting system, and what better way there is than through peri?
peri's both a fairywinkle and a cosma, he's the first fairy to be born in 1000 or so years, he's incredibly powerful and harbors massive potential, yet his powers is kept under control in that glass orb. peri is also new to godparenting while kira has thousands of years of experience. kira's witnessed many things that gave him such views (kids with abusive parents, homeless kids, sickly kids, mentally ill kids, etc), and he also noticed that peri is struggling with his first godkid and is such a stickler to da rules that it strains his relationship with dev. he must've noticed it too, right? how he and dev are at odds due to peri's reluctance to give him the things he wanted, how he and irep aren't really as close as they were when they were children. kira knows peri's naive, not stupid.
kira's not going to manipulate peri or straight up force him to do anything but he does want to become a presence in peri's life so he can open his eyes and change fairy world for the better ("a good godparent wants to see their godkid happy, right?"). he wants to guide peri in the path that he thinks is right. unfortunately they don't see eye to eye often so most of their conversations are at benches outside the school while their godkids are in their classroom
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doodletrash · 7 months ago
I was rewatching old fairly odd parents episodes (I'm actually rewatching the whole series)
While watching I noticed in Superbaby, Cosmo and Wanda couldn't wish their baby back to them because Timmy's mom and dad loved Superbaby and magic couldn't bring him back.
This made me realize that Cosmo and Wanda were able to make Timmy disapear meaning that no one truly loved Timmy and I though that was horrible. Because Timmy's parents don't care about him at all, like they're terrible parents. (I'm pretty sure Cosmo and Wanda love Timmy, but in that episode I'm pretty sure they still thought of that love as temporary so they COULD wish him away)
This episode makes a lot of things really sad BUT on the bright side I discovered something this episode could do. At the end of the episode Superbaby is willingly returned, but no one's memories were erased so while Timmy may not able to remember his FAIRIES he can remember his super cool awesome little brother Poof because his memories still have him as his little space brother.
Bringing this on to my point, Peri visits Timmy often and Timmy doesn't question it because Peri isn't a stranger to him. Peri is still his brother except he remembers his adventure with him as being adventure's with his space baby brother.
Timmy still remember Peri bcuz I said so and I don't like seeing Peri sad
Honestly I'm obsessing so much I might make a separate blog for Fairly odd parents
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Some more t4t gentlebeard headcanons!
Ed's fine with giving himself his T shots but Stede has to be on the gel, not because he has any weird reactions or anything but because he cannot fuckin handle shots. Getting stabbed? That's fine, he can walk it off, he's just pissed about getting blood on his nice jacket. Giving himself an injection every other week? No! This is awful! It's terrrible! YES it's worse than the time he got stabbed, EDWARD!
After a while your T levels stabilize, for most people. Stede still has a couple days after his T gel application where he gets crazy horny, they call the person he becomes during this time "Mr. Sex"
Speaking of sex. One of the cool things about being on T is that you do tend to have a higher libido even as you get older, and Ed and Stede generally have a higher sex drive and more stamina than others their age. Yes they make this everyone else's problem
both of them had to push for the kind of top surgery they wanted. Ed was a good candidate for periareolar/keyhole top surgery (the kind where they make tiny incisions and you get to keep your nipples with no grafts), but he chose double incision (the classic two scars and nipple grafts) because he wanted to be super flat and peri/keyhole usually leaves you with some tissue. Stede was told he needed double incision but he really really wanted keyhole because he was pretty small-chested and he really wanted to have enough tissue left to be able to breast boobily in a masc sort of way. Ed's nice and flat and Stede's obsessed with wearing deep-v shirts to show off his pecs, and they're both very happy.
Overall it's probably a good thing that Stede played it safe when choosing his new name after he came out. But sometimes Ed catches him muttering "Stede Montague Bonnet" to himself in a sort of disgruntled way and he knows Stede's regretting not making his middle name "Sexfiend Coolmeister" again
Ed has a running bit where when they go out and he's wearing a mesh crop-top or something so people can see his top surgery scars, and they ask what happened that gave him those scars, he looks down at his chest and pretends to scream in horror
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petrifiedperi-au · 7 months ago
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imagine. Dev returns home after the finale. This is the biggest stress in his life: his father will never love him, his relationship with Hazel went to hell, HIS GODPARENT WHO WAS ONE OF THE FEW WHO CARED ABOUT HIM DIED IN FRONT OF HIS EYES. He is grieving and trying to cope with it by arranging a funeral. Somewhere at this point Peri just appears in the room and is like:
"Hi there!!! such a rough day, huh?😅 ............... Dev what the hell are you doing"
[AU info here!]
YES. YES. OH MY COB. YES. BWAHAHAHA. I am OBSESSED so much with the idea of Peri showing up then. Dev doing a double take as he feels Very Conflicting Feelings. Augh... I gotta draw the Room Funeral Scene at some point...
I'm still thinking about the timeline and if it makes sense for Peri to show up that night or if it happens a few days later. The latter gives more time for Dev to grieve a bit + feel even worse and even MORE guilty [I LOVE myself some delicious, juicy guilt/grief angst]; it gives him time to plan out his little funeral too. [Or... just to do it. It feels like it could be either a spur of the moment decision after Feeling Bad for a few days, or that it could be planned out.]
BWAHAHA... EITHER WAY. YEAH. YEAH. This spins in my brain microwave all the time. Dev might not show up to school for a few days, either, until Peri shows back up. Adds to the angst, mayhaps...
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cringecompanionapologist · 3 months ago
Moffat, Sexy Women, and More 80s Who Complaints:
Note: I am a woman and everything I'm saying is my opinion as an individual woman and not an attempt to represent women as a whole. We're like half the world's population. We're not gonna agree on everything.
I'm just gonna randomly say a bit about the Moffat era and women that's sort of a defense in an "this still feels better than other things" sort of way.
Look, I will not deny that the Moffat era (mostly 11's part) has some issues with women. Most of it, at least for me, has less to do with how the female characters are written and more to do with how the male characters address them (Let's Kill Hitler, I'm looking at you).
But, one thing that bothers other people that doesn't bother me as much is the sexualization. This is mostly compared to what came before it.
For me, because sexuality isn't an inherently negative thing, a character of any gender being sexualized isn't automatically a bad thing. It's more of a matter of subject vs. object.
To illustrate my point, let's bitch about 80s Who for a bit.
Now, when I say 80s Who, I'm mostly referring to the Saward Era (seasons 19-23/5th and 6th Doctors). Ace wasn't really sexualized in the same way the companions before her were.
If you dig through this blog, you'll find that this is sort of the third in a miniseries about various issues with 80s companions that mostly come down to something about gender. With Tegan, it's that she's an outspoken woman and treated negatively for it. With Turlough, it's that the EU tries to downplay the more gender-nonconforming aspects of his character, which admittedly mostly happened by accident.
This time, I'm talking about Peri. Peri was heavily sexualized but in a way that I don't particularly like. It ultimately comes down to how the era handles sexuality in general.
JNT was more of a marketing guy than a creative guy, but his ideas of marketing the show ended up contradicting one another. On one hand, he wanted to avoid controversy. Doctor Who had a bit of a history of controversy, though most of it was about how violent it was, something this era of the show clearly did not care about. Instead, the primary JNT/Saward obsession was with sex. It had to be clear that the Doctor did not fuck and never had. But, this sort of extended to the companions as well. 60s and 70s Who would occasionally give companions one-off love interests. This didn't happen a lot, but there was a history of it dating back to The Daleks, where Barbara makes out with one of the Thals for a bit. In 80s Who, the only time a companion got a love interest was right as she was leaving the show and that was a last minute change.
(Side Note: I'd once again like to comment that Doctor Who wrote women better in 1964 than in 1984 and that Barbara is a great character. The worst thing Moffat every did was have Twice Upon a Time trick people into thinking of this era as The Sexist One.)
You might be wondering, "so what? It's a kids show. Of course nobody's gonna be horny!". And yeah. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The problem is that the show isn't horny, but it is sexy.
What I mean: Horny is sexuality in-universe. It's the characters having sexual attraction and interests. Sexy is sexuality out-of-universe. It's characters being attractive to the audience.
Peri is the ultimate example of this. She's completely normal for this era of the show when it comes to sexuality. It's not really a thing and when it is it leads to almost immediate marriage. But, she's always dressed in revealing outfits. In Planet of Fire, she's on vacation in a warm region, so that makes sense, but she continues to dress that way everywhere she goes.
Peri is sexualized as fanservice for the audience and for villainous characters to leer at to make them more threatening. Her personality doesn't really match her choice of outfits. It's all for the benefit of the audience and a justification for creepy bad guy behavior.
I mentioned before the sexual subject vs. object. A subject does while an object is done to. A subject looks while an object is looked at. When a character's sexuality isn't an aspect of their character, existing primarily as something for the audience and other characters to leer at, she's a sexual object. And that sucks.
The reason Moffat's sexualization of characters like Amy and River doesn't bother me is that they do not have this problem. The women in this era are just as horny as the men. It's clear that these characters are the sort of people who'd choose to wear the outfits they wear. Yes, it's still fanservice written that way due to Moffat's horniness, but the female characters he writes have sexual agency. They're sexy because they're horny. They flirt with people they're attracted to. They're not just being leered at by the audience and other characters. They're looking as well as being looked at. They actively participate in the show's sexuality. They are sexual subjects.
Of course this doesn't work all the time. There's a lot of "men are horny idiots about women" jokes. When it comes to other aspects of female characters, there's a lot of talk of them being overly emotional and focused on romantic relationships. This did get better over time, being less of a thing with Clara and basically not a thing at all with Bill. I think Moffat was aware of the criticism he was getting and learned from his mistakes. But mistakes were certainly made.
But, though Moffat was obviously horny for his female characters, he them sexual agency. It might not be for everyone but it meant that the horniness of the era didn't bother me.
Besides, I'm horny for Moffat's female companions too. Is it morally different because I'm a woman being horny in a gay way?
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ramune-raven-art · 2 months ago
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Fairly oddparents Pokémon au wip !!!
Timmy plays the role of ash ! 10 year old Pokémon trainer and rescuer
Wanda’s a clefable
Cosmo whimsicott
Peri jugglypuff
All the humans are gonna be trainers, and all the fairies/magical creatures are Pokémon ((except anti Wanda, she’s a trainer and anti Cosmo is a Pokémon))
Vicky and Crocker fill the role of team rocket, they don’t work together though.
Pokémon thieves and black market sellers
Vicky has dark/poision type Pokémon
Doidle is a poochyena
And than she has a shiny skuntank
And a mega sableye
She is abusive to her Pokémon, minus doidle, he gets spoilt
Her sableye is scared of her, and her skuntank hates her.
Still a wip, but Crockers obsessed with fairy type Pokémon, he has none but he definitely wants some
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peri-berrypawductions · 8 days ago
…So uuuhhhh
Hi cookie run kingdom fandom :DDD
I’ve been obsessed with Shadow Milk Cookie ever since his update dropped and I KNOW THIS ISNT WHAT I USUALLY POST AS I NORMALLY POST WANDERSONG this is peri-berry productions (pawductions.. cause.. cause pun.. haha I’m so funny /j) and there will be multiple fandoms here so be prepared to see MORE FANDOMS :D
Sssoooo Shadow Milk Cookie!!! We know him, we love him, our favorite jester cookie (probably)!!! We all know how he’s a beast and how he had a pre-corruption variant.. so what if I just…
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BOOM new au baby, let’s go!!!
Not sure what it’s called yet, But I’m thinking “Future Of Deceit” or “Past Of Truth” work!!! If you have any other ideas please tell me I’m not good with names TwT
Basically, basic summary? Well, after the events of episode eight where Pure Vanilla asks for him to be his friend and Shadow Milk lashes out.. they do a lil fight and, using a spell he had learned back in the Faerie kingdom, PV seals Shadow Milk away, not in a silver tree.. but in the past. Specifically HIS past. He had mixed it up with a spell that was just supposed to weaken him a little to try and speak to him again.
Shortly after appearing in the past, SM wakes up and the two realize PV can communicate and see through Shadow Milk’s soul jam (sometimes his staff if he makes the switch), so there’s communication down. However, they also come to realize no one can see or hear SM. While he can interact with the world, it’s kind of a ghost situation. No one can see him.. well, except his past self.
So, the whole plot of the au is PV trying to figure out a way to bring SM back to the present, meanwhile past SM (Not sure whether he’ll be called Shining Blueberry Milk Cookie or Light Blueberry Milk Cookie, we’ll see) is just trying to live his life as normal, all the while our SM has decided to take it upon himself to torment past SM at every turn. Sometimes it’s more detrimental (as seen in the art above), others it’s just him pissing him off by either being too loud for him to focus during conferences or making jokes and puns while he’s trying to do something. Either way, past SM does NOT like who he turns out to be…it both annoys and terrifies him. After all, he’d never become a cruel, deceitful beast like him! Right?
Honestly the only good thing out of this exchange is past SM and current PV are good friends (much to current SM’s dismay) and talk when they can, PV just talking through the soul jam to him. PV does honestly feel bad for SM, seeing as he went from this polite, respectful headmaster.. to a beast-like jester. He’s using this as an opportunity to try to learn more about SM’s past and hopefully be able to help him as much as he can when he does get back, reminding SM once or twice that his offer for friendship still stands.
Aaaand that’s really it so far! Still a work in progress, some things aren’t set in stone, but y’know! This au will have angst AND silly stuff. Very coolio :]
Uuuuhhh enjoy the Shadow Milk art!!!
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royal-daydream · 3 months ago
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Have this Wings and Wisps side au, This won't make a lot of sense if you aren't familiar with that one.
Changeling au
The plot goes that Cosmo and Wanda after having saved Peri from kidnapping attempts, Realized that it wouldn't exactly be a good life for Peri to live in hiding and fear that he'd be taken away again.
So reluctantly they make a difficult choice, The two thankfully found a relative of Timmy's that had just had a son, A family that would raise a human disguised Peri well.
The Fentons, A family of formerly three, Now four.
They aren't monsters though, So instead of replacing Danny with their own son, Cosmo and Wanda manipulative the memories of everyone into thinking Maddie had two,
It works for the most part, Jack acts like that one meme with the two cakes, Jazz despite being two is handling the surprise well.
Maddie however, Knows that this other child isn't hers, She doesn't feel the same maternal pull she gets from her son and daughter.
He doesn't look like her or Jack, He's weaker than he should be, She ends up reasoning with herself that even if it's not her baby, It's still a baby and their bond forms to be as close as with her other kids over time.
As teenagers, Peri wasn't present for Danny's accident, He doesn't know it even happened, Nor does he know about Phantom's real identity and that's for good reason.
Where as Danny and Jazz saw their parent's obsession as annoying and embarrassing, Peri clung to it, Joining them in their charade, Even going so far as hunting ghosts and especially Phantom, Believing that bringing his parents their biggest foe would make them proud.
At some point Danny finds out about fairies, Because he runs into a couple, A Cosmo and Wanda who seem to have answers to questions he didn't even realize he needed solved.
This is just a side au so I do plan on posting for it and happily answering questions but a fic for it would be unlikely as I'm working on the main fic currently.
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shrimpyjackal · 3 months ago
What does swap peri think of swap timmy? Is he obsessed with him like his parents? Also what is swap irep's relationship with swap chloe?
I wouldn `t call that obsession, but yea He still love his bro...if you tecnically can call `em that And `cause anti `s apper after fairies, Timmy had an opportunity to overcome the fear of holding someone, so he was first out of godkid duet to touch cursed bowling-ball baby- /And Swap!Peri thinks that if Timmy was a bit more chaotic- they woud ve been a perfect partners-in-crime -/
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And about Swap! Irep:
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Yes, he loves both Chloe and Timmy, but he have a soft spot for his big sis. Will def shed a tear or 10 when they meet- if you look in his drawer- you`ll find Chloe `s headscarf
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