#still obsessed with peri
jaxsterrapp · 24 days
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PERI 💜💜💜💜
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ghostlygeto · 2 years
u guys ever just watch It (2017) 3 times in one day and then have to physically control yourself so you don’t fall back into the 2 year long fixation you had for the movies between the ages of 16-18? haha. ha. me either (sweats)
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xplore-the-unknwn · 2 months
Peri having Cosmo and Wanda’s sense of showmanship! HIS VOICE and Charisma is like Cosmo’s OG personality from the pilot episode and I LOVE IT!! 😍
Also giving him a Wand/Magical Cane that resembles his RATTLE. Peri’s hair having a perfect blend of Cosmo and Wanda- the swirl from Wanda and a strand from Cosmo’s design. His suspenders parallels Cosmo’s suit and tie.
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The Character Design is Peak!! I just love how they aged him up bec some cash grab show would keep him a baby forever. It’s the little things like this that show that the people behind this reboot care so much of the original legacy that we grew up on and loved!
They’re taking from the source material in all the right ways giving many callbacks and evolving the characters that still respects what was originally established-
They changed his name to Peri cause Poof is a slur in some countries. And that is a change I gladly accept cause Periwinkle is a perfect name for this new Tumblr Sexyman!
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Thank you sm to the people behind this show for respecting our childhod! Genuinely hope this reboot gets more love! 👏
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stringsbasement · 2 months
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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reareaotaku · 1 month
Yall are strange, but I hope you like this!
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🟣 You worked for Dev's dad, though doesn't seem like you were all that interested in your job. But who is?
🟣 You interacted with Dev on a daily basis and you both seemed to get along to point, even though you were an adult and Dev didn't respect adults.
🟣 Fairies can not interact with humans, especially adults/ones aren't their kids, so when he first sees you and his world seems to freeze.
🟣 You were- Wow, he can't take his eyes off of you. He's enchanted by you. He's never seen a human like you- hell, he didn't know humans like you even existed. You're beautiful. It makes him wish he was a human
🟣 He shouldn't ditch Dev, but he's really obsessed. Any chance he gets, he's near you. Sometimes he'll 'encourage' Dev to be around you, just so he can be near you.
🟣 It's only matter of time before he accidentally reveals himself. He didn't mean to, but he didn't take any precautions to keep his identity hidden.
🟣 You freak out. Like freak out. At first, you think you're hallucination or finally going crazy. Why is there a floating man in front of you?
🟣 He tries to explain things to you that he's a fairy, but you're still freaking out. You don't know what to think or how to react.
🟣 He needs you to calm down, because if anyone finds out he was exposed, he could lose his grandkid.
🟣 You do eventually calm down and are willing to listen to him. It's weird at first, but you do come to terms with it. He tells you that you can't tell anyone or everyone would have their mind erased.
🟣 You're still a little freaked out, but you decide to calm down and try to understand what was going on. Fairies are real??? And some of them work for kids.
🟣 And now that you know he existed, he uses his free time to talk to you. Whenever Dev doesn't need him, he's around you. He's usually some type of work supply; Like a pencil/notepad/stapler/ etc
🟣 He likes to talk to you and just regular stuff. Doesn't matter what it is, he just likes to talk to you
🟣 Sometimes he appears in your home, which freaks you out, but you become used to it. You're not even surprised anymore...
🟣 He really likes you and just likes your attention. He just wishes you were a fairy too, because it's forbidden... But maybe there's a way?
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doodletrash · 2 months
I was rewatching old fairly odd parents episodes (I'm actually rewatching the whole series)
While watching I noticed in Superbaby, Cosmo and Wanda couldn't wish their baby back to them because Timmy's mom and dad loved Superbaby and magic couldn't bring him back.
This made me realize that Cosmo and Wanda were able to make Timmy disapear meaning that no one truly loved Timmy and I though that was horrible. Because Timmy's parents don't care about him at all, like they're terrible parents. (I'm pretty sure Cosmo and Wanda love Timmy, but in that episode I'm pretty sure they still thought of that love as temporary so they COULD wish him away)
This episode makes a lot of things really sad BUT on the bright side I discovered something this episode could do. At the end of the episode Superbaby is willingly returned, but no one's memories were erased so while Timmy may not able to remember his FAIRIES he can remember his super cool awesome little brother Poof because his memories still have him as his little space brother.
Bringing this on to my point, Peri visits Timmy often and Timmy doesn't question it because Peri isn't a stranger to him. Peri is still his brother except he remembers his adventure with him as being adventure's with his space baby brother.
Timmy still remember Peri bcuz I said so and I don't like seeing Peri sad
Honestly I'm obsessing so much I might make a separate blog for Fairly odd parents
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hajimedics · 18 days
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relationship charts between my fop ocs and their respective groups
tsubaki's whole deal at school is that she lied about being an esper and has to rely on kira to back up her frauds despite her reluctance on making wishes. hazel's hot on her tail. she suspects that girl genius might have a magical being on her side. tsubaki suspects the same with hazel and forms this one sided rivalry with her. hazel thought tsubaki was kind of mean and thinks she's flaunting her academics. however as they spend more time together and get caught in supernatural situations, they began supporting one another and telling each other to think about what she wants for her own benefit (tsubaki to hazel) or relax for a bit and not think everything and everyone's out to get her (hazel to tsubaki). also tsubaki hangs out with the hazel gang when she doesn't have cram school for the day
tsubaki and dev did not get long. they both came from harsh home lives (obsessive parents, neglectful dad) but they don’t see eye to eye because they have opposing attitudes and values in life. tsubaki thinks you only deserve good things if you work for it while dev gets everything handed to him on a gold platter. she also thinks dev doesn't deserve his godparent or anything good in life (words that later push them to understand each other better). dev looked genuinely upset, she later apologized, and they became.... frenemies? rivals? they still throw jabs at one another but tsubaki wants to put in effort to make more friends thanks to hazel's encouragement. when they're older they became close friends and catch up on how each other's doing despite not going to the same schools after elementary. it's cool.
kira believes the fairy world is hypocritical. he doesn't have world domination plans (that one goes to irep) but he wants to change fairy world for the better and make the fairies realize the flaws in the godparenting system, and what better way there is than through peri?
peri's both a fairywinkle and a cosma, he's the first fairy to be born in 1000 or so years, he's incredibly powerful and harbors massive potential, yet his powers is kept under control in that glass orb. peri is also new to godparenting while kira has thousands of years of experience. kira's witnessed many things that gave him such views (kids with abusive parents, homeless kids, sickly kids, mentally ill kids, etc), and he also noticed that peri is struggling with his first godkid and is such a stickler to da rules that it strains his relationship with dev. he must've noticed it too, right? how he and dev are at odds due to peri's reluctance to give him the things he wanted, how he and irep aren't really as close as they were when they were children. kira knows peri's naive, not stupid.
kira's not going to manipulate peri or straight up force him to do anything but he does want to become a presence in peri's life so he can open his eyes and change fairy world for the better ("a good godparent wants to see their godkid happy, right?"). he wants to guide peri in the path that he thinks is right. unfortunately they don't see eye to eye often so most of their conversations are at benches outside the school while their godkids are in their classroom
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petrifiedperi-au · 1 month
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imagine. Dev returns home after the finale. This is the biggest stress in his life: his father will never love him, his relationship with Hazel went to hell, HIS GODPARENT WHO WAS ONE OF THE FEW WHO CARED ABOUT HIM DIED IN FRONT OF HIS EYES. He is grieving and trying to cope with it by arranging a funeral. Somewhere at this point Peri just appears in the room and is like:
"Hi there!!! such a rough day, huh?😅 ............... Dev what the hell are you doing"
[AU info here!]
YES. YES. OH MY COB. YES. BWAHAHAHA. I am OBSESSED so much with the idea of Peri showing up then. Dev doing a double take as he feels Very Conflicting Feelings. Augh... I gotta draw the Room Funeral Scene at some point...
I'm still thinking about the timeline and if it makes sense for Peri to show up that night or if it happens a few days later. The latter gives more time for Dev to grieve a bit + feel even worse and even MORE guilty [I LOVE myself some delicious, juicy guilt/grief angst]; it gives him time to plan out his little funeral too. [Or... just to do it. It feels like it could be either a spur of the moment decision after Feeling Bad for a few days, or that it could be planned out.]
BWAHAHA... EITHER WAY. YEAH. YEAH. This spins in my brain microwave all the time. Dev might not show up to school for a few days, either, until Peri shows back up. Adds to the angst, mayhaps...
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fountainpenguin · 21 days
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #30
The Battle of Big Wand
Part 4 of reacting to this episode (spoiler-free)!
I LOVE that we get to see so much of Foop's spindly fingers in this episode. The way he wiggled his fingers was one of my favorite body language quirks back in the OG series. He's the same person...
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Uh-oh... Dev's starting to have second thoughts now that people are getting hurt... And Irep doesn't like it...
I think it's REALLY funny that Irep's hair looks blue when he's in good lightning and black when he's in dim lighting. Not sure if that was intentional to mimic both his parents' hair and his old curl, but that's super clever if it was.
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/record scratch. "So, you're probably wondering how we got here."
Irep remembering why he prefers working alone.
Fascinated by the choice to portray Irep tucking his hands behind his back. It seems to be his thing while his parents lean into the OG show's style of holding their hands like stubby chicken wings. I've been thinking that this whole episode... I have random memories sticking out to me from OG series; I'm gonna look it up.
- Oh, interesting... He does it in "Playdate" (dressed nice and trying to fool Cosmo and Wanda into believing he's rehabilitated after Abracatraz), "Love Triangle" (flirting with Goldie on the playground), "Timmy's Secret Wish" (bragging about being a lawyer), "Two and a Half Babies" (pretending to be a good boy for his teacher at the end so she'll let him go to summer camp), "Terrible Twosome" (swaying Poof to mess around and pull pranks), and maybe others, but that's enough looking. - I guess it's just his thing! That's cool; I don't think that was a gesture I paid much attention to in the OG, but he's done it a lot in New Wish. I think he's happy he lost his stubby arms.
I'm OBSESSED with Dev's realization that he and Irep aren't business partners if Irep doesn't listen to his feelings as a partner. He's gonna realize he didn't listen to Peri, and he's gonna want him back!! They're gonna work it out! ... Hopefully with a mediator!
I like how Dale went from 0 to 100 in paying attention to his son as soon as he realized Dev was capable of business deals. He's not being comforting, but he's interested in talking business.
Dale is one of the funniest characters I've ever seen in my life. Not necessarily for the things he says, but for the commitment to the bit.
His swagless looks, nonexistent charm, and extreme amounts of oddly specific lemonade trauma have captivated me. I desperately want to look at him and say "Huh?? Who invited THIS guy??"
Hands down favorite part of Dale's design is the enormous puffer jacket he wears despite the fact it's obvious he's still super scrawny. But I also like how his child design ALSO has the exhausted lines under his eyes in "Nectar of the Odds," which I'd just assumed were invented for adult Dale until I took another look. Also, on some bizarre level, I feel like Dale has actually recovered remarkably well for a guy who spent 7 years tormented underground in servitude? Is he generous with his money? No. Does he have friends? No. Is he kind to his son? No. Is he capable of resting between projects or just taking breaks in general? Also no. Can he handle people messing with his schedule? Absolutely not. Is he keeping tabs on his abuser to ensure she doesn't wreck his or his son's life? Nope. But does his hard work bring him happiness? ... I don't know :'D But he's good at getting things done when he sets his mind to it, he can host a killer event, he's heavily implied to have amazing robotics skills, and he has insanely quick turnaround on his marketing plans, so he's got that going for him. -> Dale will look at stuff and say "Is anybody gonna hyperfixate on that?" and not wait for an answer. "Self-made" lemonade boy, my beloved... If we get a huge plot twist that Dale is the creator of the Vicky-themed robot babysitters from the "Channel Chasers" epilogue, would that be nuts or what? Me: Wait, what are all the symptoms of hyperfixation again? Lemme look this up... Me: Me: ... Good to know! (It was all of them. All of them are the symptoms)
The Dale ramble I wrote here got so long that I moved it to its own post. I hope you like my shirtless "Dale bad at being on his honeymoon" doodles <3
I'm glad Dale seems like he's doing okay and that Dev didn't bug him with lemons (or throw him down in the dark pit that swings shut from the top, even though that would've been so easy). I think I was right in that I'm probably making a bigger deal out of his backstory than the show intended, but I think it's hilarious.
I do have a history of going for characters who give me "Okay, but where else can I ever get this character / this dynamic?" energy. He's one heckuva guy. I need to put him in a 'fic and shake him up and down like a snow globe. I desperately want him to find out he accidentally hired his abuser to babysit his kid. I hope it was an accident, because if he's kept her number in his contact list, I'm gonna have a talk with him.
I wish we'd see Dale doing "angry at Hazel" stuff. I'm confused as to what the purpose of it was... Are we not going to touch on that in the finale? Was it just to upset Dev, but not vital enough to follow through with as an actual plot point? hm.
-> ?? I feel like it was a big deal in at least two episodes leading up to this big finale plot, so I'm just... surprised? Hm.
I guess I'm not really bothered because I don't think Dale knows Hazel came to Fairy World or that she'll appear again, and I understand why his attention is diverted, but it'd be fun (for me).
Also, this is our second time being robbed of a Dev-Irep sleepover D:
omfg, Irep ditching Dev for Dale is the funniest thing ever.
oh no.
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Alone again...
sdlkfj, Wanda has spent this entire series taking shots at Dev because she thinks he's a bitter bully and she kept saying things to Peri like "Blink twice if you need help getting out of here."
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I remember posting years ago about how I like to think Cosmo's really good at reading people (especially when it comes to distracting them, like encouraging Jorgen to "scramble the Fairies" in "Abra-catastrophe" before he can separate them from Timmy).
So... I really enjoy that he senses Wanda's going too far and might lose any chance of Dev helping, and he tries to stop her.
oh no... I like how when Wanda is telling Dev about dying from magical back-up and she uses the example of a fairy feeling queasy and needing to use the bathroom and then they explode...
... because that's how the Grim Reaper told Foop he'd die back in "Man's Worst Friend" ("Oh, this is fun! You're gonna perish on the toilet!"), and I've been thinking about it ever since I saw Peri dying on the floor.
I headcanon them dying young, but not THIS young!! /jk
Wanda, I have good news for you! I'm pretty sure that guy you think is dead isn't dead. Pretty sure I saw him when I took my screenshots of Anti-Fairies taking over Earth and (ironically) the memorial scene at Fairy Con.
Irep when the alarm goes off cracks me up. There's no point in posting the screenshot because he's tiny and blurry, but he's so spooked. His eyes take up his entire face. RIP overly sensitive bat ears and weak bat eyes.
Oooh, Jasmine singing is going to do something. Are the Anti-Fairies going to enjoy it despite other characters thinking she sings poorly?
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Yes. lol. I was going to theorize in my 2nd post for this episode about whether Irep is still really affected by music, but I didn't bother because I was like "I can't imagine that would come up."
oh no, he is. Not enthusiastically... but he is. Love that for him. This kid's always loved to dance and play loud music. Never change.
oh no!!! They're exploiting Irep's one true weakness...
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Diversity win!! The genderfluid bisexual has a gender-neutral response for nonbinary folks he thinks have bad boy energy!!
sdlfjk, I think Irep just found the person he most wants to godparent for. Ever.
I checked "Certifiable Super Sitter" again just in case I missed a bad boy joke, and I totally forgot Sammy screams "Break Vicky like a 2 x 4!" at the top of his lungs while he mimes snapping her neck. He's so funny. I love him. I wonder if Foop ever told Sammy about his "Scary Godcouple" trauma and if Sammy was extra ruffled about Vicky because of that.
Peri: I don't understand what you see in Sammy. He's so... mild. Irep: Not after I talk to him ❤️
okay, nerd.
......... Did Foop have a crush on Goldie back in "Love Triangle" because she has major femme fatale energy?? Discuss.
omg, just realized the reason why Irep's single eyelash felt so familiar to me is because that's how he looked in "Blue Angel." Absolutely hilarious that when he opts for a feminine disguise, he has fewer eyelashes than usual.
- Poof and Foop had 3 eyelashes per eye when they were young, but Peri's lost those, and Anti-Cosmo doesn't show lashes. Jorgen's New Wish eyes don't either (Jorgen wore mascara in the OG series) and neither do Cosmo's (Cosmo also liked make-up) - I ?? have to assume that means Irep is deliberately going for a more femme, nonbinary, or genderfluid vibe of some kind, which is perfect for me! His gender identity is one of his plot points in the 130 Prompts. - Can't believe all those years ago, I clocked Poof as growing up to be "the one suppressing trauma with candy and soda" and Foop as "the one who plays with gender expression" ... I know it's not stated by canon, but you get me...
??? I like how Anti-Wanda seems to be teaching Anti-Cosmo how to make his eyes look in different directions and he's loving it? Unclear.
I also like how with his accent, it sounds like he's saying "Hazel-y," which is cute. I like how he made the effort to find out her name; that's 100% in-character.
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They are doing their best!! (They are not)
I like that when confused, Anti-Cosmo's instinct was to turn to Anti-Wanda for advice. That's new for him considering he used to shake her and scream. I'm glad they worked that out. And I'm glad he's exactly as "extinct by instinct" as he's always been <3
Apparently Irep (or at least Foop) gets the "spelling out unnecessary details" bit of his dialogue from his mom??
Like, monologuing important info is one thing, but in the OG series, Foop elaborates on things for no reason, like Anti-Wanda here. lol.
I was kind of worried about the direction Anti-Wanda's reboot might go. I believe what I said was, "I'd be interested to see her redesigned with new clothes and with a reduction on the "Anti-Wanda's stupid" angle in favor of mirroring Wanda better (owing to how I've always felt she was a hasty design slapped down in Season 2 and then they couldn't go back on it when Wanda's character developed further). Anti-Wanda's hit every mark I was hoping for in a rebooted design for her. She's still Southern and goofy, but she's not being played as stupid... She and Anti-Cosmo are equally silly and equally dumb and messing around <3
sdlkfj, Anti-Cosmo out here like "This isn't my party, so I'm down to follow my wife's suggestion that we slip from the room together."
Okay, other nerd; I'm glad you're excited to be alone with your hot wife as you definitely try to catch a real human running around.
ALSO very in character; man LOVES forgetting what he's doing and wandering around!! That's his thing!!!
Me out here like "Oh yeah, now I remember why I wrote a 'fic where no one looked for the captured Anti-Cosmo for 77k years because his family totally thought he'd gone wandering and dissociated and started a new life... oh no.
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More Vision Magazine Stuff
So, I've looked a bit into the origin of all of Five's companions (except Kamelion, who hardly exists as a character) and tracked down early character descriptions for all of them.
Well, not quite for Adric. The Adric description was very short.
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We get that he's supposed to be 15, so that's good to know. The thing with Adric is that it seemed like no two writers thought of him as the same character.
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These takes don't entirely need to contradict one another, but it sounds like the writers were all given a kind of vague description and were never on the same page for what to do with it.
Andrew Smith: He's smart but also immature
Eric Saward: He's a brat
Christopher Bidmead: He's curious and the Doctor likes that about him.
Terrance Dicks: He's an arrogant know-it-all.
This also gives off the vibe that Bidmead liked Adric and Saward didn't, which might explain why Adric worked slightly better in season 18 than season 19. The script editor actually wanted the character to work.
I'd personally go for a mix of the Smith and Bidmead approaches. He's a genius, but his knowledge is still limited, something he's reluctant to admit. He can be a bit of a brat, because he's 15. He's literally immature. But, the Doctor sees his potential and admires his curiosity, so he acts as a sort of mentor figure.
Anyway, the character descriptions of other characters that were provided are a little more detailed, so the writers probably had some idea of what they were doing. Going in order of introduction, here's Nyssa:
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Look at how detailed that is! Here's another one whose age we know (18), as well as her backstory, beliefs, skills, and what both Adric and the Doctor think of her. Most of this stuff isn't really explored in the show, but Big Finish clearly took it and ran with it.
Next, Tegan:
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So, we get another detailed background, but while it seemed like everything with Nyssa was worked out, we're not confident about Tegan, not sure whether she's going to stick around or not. She starts with a one-off story arc that sounds kind of annoying, honestly. The girl is accidentally put in a Situation and she responds by taking charge of the Situation. But, she basically has to learn to leave things to the men. I doubt Janet Fielding was happy about this: Playing the "uppity" woman who learns to shut up and follow the patriarch. I don't think the people writing this really thought the implications of this arc through.
So, yeah, I was a bit harsh on that one. It's not too bad as an arc out of context, but considering problems with how Tegan was treated by the writers (and the fandom tbh) later, it doesn't bode well.
Anyway, here's (me obsessing over) Turlough:
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So, Turlough is 20, around the same age as Tegan, which is what I assumed but this does confuse people. I still think it's funny that he's described as blond, they cast a blond actor, and then had him dye his hair red.
You'll notice from the May, 1981 date, that this was early in development and a lot changed between this and what he see onscreen. Turlough's initial arc was written without reference to the stories it occurs in and his introduction doesn't make any sense with the backstory he was eventually given. They meet him on a planet he's lived on for as long as he can remember.
They basically wrote Turlough's arc before the stories of Season 20. He was apparently going to be introduced in a story called The Song of the Space Whale, where he would just be a person on a planet. But, the story fell through and they decided to introduce him in another story, Mawdryn Undead, instead.
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The fact that Turlough was in exile was made up to explain him being at Brendon. Apparently just so the story would make sense to the person writing it. You can tell just how much they were making up as the went along.
Lastly, we've got Peri:
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Long blonde hair is basically the opposite of Peri's hair, so this was clearly written well before the role was cast. Also they didn't even know where they were filming "next season's foreign story". It really was just "The Vacation Episode" at this point.
Also, Peri's family life is given a lot of backstory that never comes up onscreen. The description of her dynamic with the Doctor is amusing:
"The Doctor reminds Peri of her dead dad. They remain platonic friends really." As if "surrogate father" would immediately be equated to "potential love interest" because Peri's hot. Peri has daddy issues. Saward and JNT had daddy issues issues.
Also, they clearly had no plans for the Sixth Doctor here. Once again, they made shit up as they went along and hoped it would all work out in the end.
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bleeding-hart · 4 months
trans zukka ramble
watched more avatar with my best friend and also started SU (expect me ranting abt how much I love that show sometime, my favorite characters are peri (for the feral autistic aroace rep) and ruby (for the unhinged adhd hopeless romantic rep) both of which represent me deeply) BUT that isn't what this post is about I'm talking abt zukka today!
Okay so. Transmasc zukka. Hear me out. We already know that zuko is transmasculine right? He's got the tboy emo energy, the shitty first haircut and then shaves it and it grows out cute and fluffy, and he just has the right vibes. Plus his dad sucks and his clearly transmasculine uncle (iroh IS an elder trans man fight me) is very protective of him. His journey of self acceptance and growth just seems very gender-y to me, like he has to evolve past what his father has taught him about himself and the world and accept his true nature (in the show his true nature is good rather than evil, but that translates decently well). He's also. Literally just autistic. I don't need to explain this, he's autistic the way peridot is, like it's so fucking obvious that it's hard to believe it could have been unintentional (I straight up do not buy that peridot wasn't intended to be autistic, with zuko I can maybe let it slide but I don't want to).
Now for the part that I'm excited about!! So we know that Sokka has his misogyny arc, which a lot of people would assume rules out trans sokka pretty entirely unless you want to change that, but I honestly think it makes a lot of sense. He always wanted to emulate his father and the warriors in his tribe, and his only reference for masculinity was that type of warrior energy, so he assumes the two are inextricably linked- you have to be a man to be a warrior and a warrior to be a man. This is also why he's obsessed with protecting his family and being 'the man of the village' basically. He thinks that that's what makes him masculine. His desperation to prove his masculinity to himself and others is what ends up driving him down the path of Being An Asshole To Women, and suki's arc with him is still about how femininity can be strong and powerful, and how feminity and masculinity can coexist, and nothing 'makes' him a man except for him being one. Idk I like it a lot
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upthewitchypunx · 8 months
I think I'm done with my seed buying for the year... I think. Is it ever true for a gardener?
I restocked tomato seeds we grow every year: Chocolate cherry, Cherokee Purple, San Marzano. I also picked up only one new one: Golden Jubilee because I think it might have been these really delicious orange ones we had a few years ago that were larger than a cherry but not as big as a big tomato and I forgot what they were, but was happy when one was a volunteer a few years ago.
With Ian B's pepper obsession we picked up 4 new varieties on top of the dozen we already have: Banana pepper (for my dad), a peri peri peppes, a Turkish variety that I forgot the name, and calabrian peppers.
I also picked up some more snap peas, honeynut butternut squash, and pattypan summer squash.
and that's it, I think.
We have so many seeds already!
It's supposed to snow today/night/tomorrow, but not one really knows how much or when. There's the ocean and mountains to take into account and they work on their own time. More importantly, it's supposed to be colder than normal, into the high teens (F) at night. We still have cabbage, brussel sprouts, radishes, parsnips, beets, carrots, daikon, and lettuce in the ground. So we took some stakes and put those in the ground and put our vending tent top without the structure on top of them. If snow falls on that it will insulate them. We really need to take the time to set up a hoop system for winter gardening, it just never really gets that cold.
Other than that, Ian B is making some bread, I have all the battery bricks charged, and I'm witch so I have a bunch of candles. We still need to chop wood just in case.
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kar01an3-13wizz · 1 month
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Decided to show my FOP OC if you wanna do fanarts of her! (with her when she was a baby too) :]
Karolane's biography:
Name: Karolane
Nationality: French/British
Karo (by everyone)
Sweetheart (by Wanda (platonically) and Peri)
Silly (by Cosmo/Timmy and Wanda)
Girlie (by Cosmo/Timmy and Wanda)
Dear (by Anti-Cosmo/Cosmo and Peri)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Immortal (same age as Peri)
Height: Shorter than Peri
Species: Fairy
Sexuality: Bisexual/Asexual
Appearence: Karolane has brown hair tied to a ponytail with a white ribbon, she has heterochromia, having the left eye blue and the right eye green, she has freckles on her face, she has small fangs and a tooth gap on the middle teeth along with one of her upper teeth broken on the right. She also has a crown floating above her head. She wears a Japanese school uniform with a pink collar, a rainbow ribbon along with a heart in the middle, a black belt and a pink skirt with a white stripe. She wears black fingerless gloves along with black painted nails, a pink and white long striped sock on the right, and a short rainbow sock on the left, along with black shoes and a pink small bandaid on her right knee. Her wand is the same as Cosmo and Wanda, but with a red ribbon.
Mental disorders: She has ADHD, PTSD, arachnophobia, depression, athazagoraphobia, social anxiety, school phobia, obsessive love disorder, schizophrenia, autism, insomnia, dissociative syndrome, Peter Pan syndrome, hyperventilation, Balint syndrome and dementia.
Personnality: Karolane is a kind-hearted, silly, goofy, optimistic and bubbly girl.
Karolane's relationships (present):
 Cosmo: Best Friend
 Wanda:Childhood Friend (Enemy on Karolane's side)
Peri: Crush/Love interest
 Timmy: Friend/Godchild
Anti-Karolane: Enemy/Evil Counterpart
Anti-Cosmo: Best Friend (she thinks Anti-Cosmo's accent is cool)
Anti-Wanda:Best Friend (they became instantly BFFs, still BFFs even if she's married to Anti-Cosmo)
Foop/Irep: Enemy
Hazel: Friend/Godchild
Chloe: Friend/Godchild
Karolane's interests:
Likes: Animes, cats, drawing, videogames, eating, sleeping, cosplay, baby-doll style, Peri, memes, her bestie Anti-Wanda.
Dislikes: Her disorders, being forgotten.
Her dream is to be an J-Pop Idol in the Fairy World and in the real world.
She loves Poof/Peri since the first time she saw him (when she was a baby).
She thinks the real world is too cruel.
She's extremely dumb (like completely dumb, she's not smart at all) meaning that her IQ is extremely low, just like Cosmo's.
Instead of being extremely dumb, her anti-fairy counterpart is extremely smart.
She has a slight British-French accent.
Karolane is secretly jealous of Wanda.
When Poof/Peri was gone before A New Wish, Karolane never knew where he went.
She's borderline addicted to sugar.
Everytime she sees anything sugar related, her pupils are bug and dilated.
Her official love interest is Poof/Peri.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
May I ask for headcanons for Yan Peridot (Steven Universe) with Gem reader? Perhaps they arrived on earth after the events of the series finale (before Future) with other gems, if that helps.
Yeah I can try! This is assuming the main Peridot. I took awhile to write this as I had trouble writing Peridot's character for some reason? I apologize if she's too OOC.
Yandere! Peridot with Gem! Darling
(After series, before movie/future)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Jealousy, Clingy behavior, Stalking, Thoughts of violence, Manipulation, Poofing of Gems mentioned, Peridot actually does want help for her emotions, Dubious partnership
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You and Peridot would parallel a lot with each other.
You're a Homeworld Gem that came to learn about Earth after Steven began to save the corrupted Gems.
You weren't corrupted but did want a change of pace from the strict rules of Homeworld, even if they were easing up.
You heard on Earth you aren't judged by your Gem type... so that's new.
When you arrive you're greeted by all sorts of people.
You get acquainted with other Gems and even try to speak with humans.
Despite your attempts at understanding Earth culture you still struggle with it.
That's when Steven thinks it'll be a good idea to have you meet Lapis and Peridot.
He has his hands full after the finale and asks the two Gems for help.
After all, they went through a similar situation.
It took those two some time to understand Earth but they grew to love it!
Peridot is probably the most excited to be given this job.
Earth has taught her to be an entirely different Gem!
She used to be so cold and calculating, valuing work for the Diamonds above all else.
Now she's her own Gem! She's passionate and fun-loving and loves the change.
A bit too excited even... which requires Lapis to warn you about the smaller Gem.
Peridot is friendly towards you when you first meet.
How the friendship between you and Peridot forms is her showing you how Earth works.
She shows you water, plants, the people... and even the Meep Morps she created.
Peridot becomes your guide to Earth.
Lapis helps out too but the water Gem notices how upset Peri gets when Lapis spends time with you without her.
Which seems odd to you both but you don't expect anything.
Peridot could feel platonic feelings or romantic feelings towards you in this scenario.
Honestly, Peridot is just excited to make another friend and introduce them to the planet that changed her.
Anything after that could develop later.
Peridot isn't even aware of her own obsession until the longer she hangs out with you.
Okay, sure, the jealousy is a bit strange...
But it has to be normal in small amounts, right?
Then her jealousy grows....
It starts with just Lapis.
Peridot feels Lapis is trying to take all of your attention....
It upsets the Gem... she liked it when she acted as your guide to Earth.
It was originally supposed to be a shared job.
Yet Peridot is convinced she can do it alone!
Peridot follows her Gem! Darling around Beach City.
She doesn't think of it as stalking....
Just... hanging out with you at a distance.
You don't entirely see Peridot's clingy behavior as a bad thing.
You just think Earthlings are like that and Peridot picked it up due to her time on Earth-
It's a bit strange, you don't deny that....
Peridot loves to cling to her darling.
Even more so if you're a larger Gem type.
She loves to give hugs but that's about as far as she goes.
This could be due to her seeing you as a friend or not understanding romantic displays of affection still.
Also the idea of accidentally fusing is a slight fear she gets over with time.
Peridot thinks something is strange when she starts wanting to be violent towards other Gems or humans over you.
She thought she was over her phase of violence....
However, Peridot can't help but throw a fit when she sees you getting so much attention on Earth.
Lapis may notice this and tell Steven about it.
The idea is to get Peridot help with her jealousy before she hurts anyone.
Talking with her obsession also helps.
If Peridot didn't get help for her obsession one way or another then she can get worse.
Peridot may try to manipulate you away from others, claiming you two are meant to be partners one way or another.
Everyone else is a clod....
It's sad because Peridot essentially replaces Lapis with you.
Peridot may actually get violent, too.
Which causes fights and tension.
You were originally thinking of living with them, then saw the fights and decided against it.
With her new personality it would take awhile but she considered poofing others a few times before....
The idea comes to mind more than once for her.
She's even thought of keeping your Gem to herself... but fights that thought.
There's a good chance Peridot will ask for help before things get to that point.
But if she doesn't...
She promises to keep your Gem in a good place and will just tell the others you went back to Homeworld with a teary frown to hide her true feelings.
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jenhedgehog · 10 months
2 questions
Do you like answering questions about lapidot?
Do you have any lapidot merch?
I'm happy to answer Lapidot questions!
Lapidot (and SU in general) isn't something I'm as interested in as I used to be, now that the show's over and I wasn't satisfied with the ending. So my knowledge of specific scenes and things like that is getting a little bit rusty in places now, which feels very weird to say after how obsessed I was! The gap left by SU has been filled by Deltarune, and I only have so much space in my brain for this stuff 😂 But I do still love the ship a lot, I think it's forever going to be my OTP despite everything! The journey from crackship to almost-canon was absolutely wild, I've got some great memories from when the show was on and have genuinely made some friends for life because of the ship. It's always going to have a special place in my heart.
As to the merch...
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I used to have a mini Lapdot shrine! Some of this is still in place but it's kinda scattered around now. I also have some other things including the official Lapis and Pumpkin plushies, the mini Lapis and Peri plushies, a custom-made Peri plush, some of the books, and a few art prints including these from dement09:
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The one at the top is framed and still hanging on the wall in my living room.
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saffronandperi · 1 year
Casting Call: Season Five
Saffron and Peri: Season 5 Casting Call
Saffron and Peri is coming back with a fifth season and we need more voices!  
If you’re interested in lending your voice to the fifth season of Saffron and Peri, we have a form for you to fill out, and a list of characters for you to get acquainted with.
Once your form is filled out, and an mp3 file of your audition is ready, please email us at SaffronAndPeri @ gmail.com (no spaces). 
Please note that your audition has to be crisp and clear, and it is very much preferred if you have access to recording equipment. 
The deadline to submit your audition is Friday, August 25th. 
Feel free to leave me a message if you have any questions. Good luck! 
Character List
The Seven Dwarves: 
Sunny Day:
Gender: Any 
Description: Dwarf, Copywriter at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: A self-proclaimed poet. A bit dreamy and easily confused.  
I brought another poem.
This is dedicated to a true friend and honorary dwarf *Ahem* 
Snow White, Snow Bright, 
Still your star shines oh so Bright. 
Minnie Day:
Gender: Female  
Description: Dwarf, Receptionist at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Self-obsessed and dramatic. If you like, you can try a stereotypical valley girl accent
Hey guuurrrll, Snow, you look so good for a dead person! 
As you probably already noticed, the first thing upon entering is me, Minnie Day. The face of the company. 
Tutu Day:
Gender: Female  
Description: Dwarf, Fashion Consultant at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Condescending and snobby. Thinks she knows best. The type of person who calls everyone “dear” and never means it.
Oh yes, your complexion is as blindingly pallid as the first time we saw you.
Seven League Boots are SO last season, dear. Perhaps you should pop those in the donation bin?
Wendy Day:
Gender: Female  
Description: Dwarf, Graphic Designer at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Morose and very prone to crying. Some lines of dialogue will just be incomprehensible sobs. 
Sn-Snow, I want you to know.. *weeps*
*weeps like she’s trying to say something* 
*weeps more desperately*
Arthur Day:
Gender: Male  
Description: Dwarf, Accountant at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Polite, non-confrontational. A very practical dwarf who’s very good at math.
Magic? No no, it’s not magic. Excellently crafted, yes, but not magic. 
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh - OOOF.  *bumps into a wall here*
Farah Day:
Gender: Female   
Description: Dwarf, Talent Scout at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Outgoing, a go getter, and never misses a chance to do business. Likes to encourage people to be as motivated as she is. 
Ignore Minnie! Hi, I’m Farah. Farah Day of Ad-a-Day Agency. Did anyone ever tell you that you have a gorgeous profile? And your friend here has the most beautifully manicured claws I ever saw! Did you two ever think of modeling? Our card. 
Sadie Day:
Gender: Female   
Description: Dwarf, Manager at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Full of eldest sibling energy. Organized and meticulous, but still makes the business feel like a cozy family affair. A little sarcastic. 
Welcome to the Ad-a-Day Agency! Founded by seven siblings - we apply our dwarven diligence and craftsmanship to create top notch, top trending advertising campaigns. 
Other Characters: 
Gender: Male   
Description: Rock Troll, Secretary/hired goon/transportation at the Detective Agency.
Personality: An intellectual snob who thinks very highly of his own “genius”. Constantly neglects his job to work on his plays. Abrupt and insulting, he does not take kindly to interruptions or criticism. 
 Silence! The muse has called to me! I must write!
Interior: detective office. An under-appreciated and undiscovered playwright stares soulfully out the window. Enter: two hooligan youths. Youth 1: Hark noble faced Sirrah, word of your wordsmithing and crime solving has reached us in yonder far away lands
That, you myopic munchkin, is precisely the point!
Prince Bartholomew: 
Gender: Male   
Description: Prince and ex-husband of Snow White. 
Personality: Has courtly manners and a gentle spirit. 
 AAAAGGHHH. ULP (like he’s being choked. In this scene, he’s attacked and the attacker goes for the throat) 
Forgive me if this is crass, but isn’t Snow White dead? 
Thank you, your majesty, for allowing us to join you today. 
Mrs Garden: 
Gender: Female    
Description: Human, Grieving mother. Middle aged
Personality: Usually quiet and soft-spoken 
 I can’t imagine anyone heartless enough to do such a thing!
Now, now, let’s not be too hasty. 
Mr. Garden: 
Gender: Male    
Description: Human, Grieving father. Middle aged. 
Personality: More talkative and action-oriented. A good foil to his wife. Grief translates to anger for him.  
If I ever get my hands on whoever did this…. 
Gender: Female    
Description: Human, young college student. 
Personality: Usually kind, but has a dark side that comes out when someone hurts her friends. 
*grief stricken* I tried! I tried! I tried everything under the sun! Nothing would work.
Have you ever heard of the “quiet ones” who suddenly go violent? That’s me. 
Gender: Female    
Description: Fairy 
Personality: Dramatic as all fairies in this universe are. Hot-headed and jumps to conclusions frequently. 
Ahhhh! Thank you both so much for coming!! 
Oh, I’m so glad that stereotype about how teenage girls love to solve mysteries is true!
Agghhh, okay, so I threaten to do creative and violent things sometimes! But what fairy doesn’t??
Gender: Any    
Description: Prison Guard.  
Personality: Stiff and rule-abiding. 
you have fifteen minutes. No funny business. 
Saffron and Peri Voice Actor Form
When emailing us your audition, please fill out the following form and include it in your email. 
Name/Contact Information:
(Please provide your name and an active email address where you can be reached.)
How you would like to be credited: 
(If you don’t want to use your actual name and have a stage-name you would prefer to go by, please state it here.)
Part(s) auditioning for: 
(Please list the part or parts you are auditioning for.)
Previous Experience:
(If you have had any previous experience lending your voice to a podcast or other such project, please list them here.)
(Can you assure us that you can submit your work within the time limits we set? If you have a minimum amount of time you need to provide us with your work, please state it here. Example: “I can only record on weekends” or “I need at least a week to record an episode”)
Social media:
(Please list any social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or some other site. Please let us know if you would like us to link to your accounts in our cast page, that way listeners will be able to find you elsewhere if they’d like.)
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