#still not a fan but eh
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spoofyleaf · 2 years ago
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More Ao Lie bc I’m trying to figure out how I wanna draw him
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zhukzucraft · 7 months ago
=> Martyn: Proceed
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You proceed to flip right out.
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Mumbo: …so it can't be called a "waste of lapis", thank you very much.
Tango: Mmm debatable!
Joe: And never forget! You can't put a price tag on-
Martyn: You've got to be KIDDING me!
Tango: eeeek!
Mumbo: goodness
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Skizz: Dude are you ok?
Martyn: Obviously NOT. Have you seen the messages? There are people in the Nether already!
Skizz: There are?! Yeah baby!
Skizz: Uh
Skizz: I mean, what's so wrong with that?
Martyn: What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! A bunch of hotshots are trying to steal my thunder! And they're led by Scar!
Martyn: Scar!
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Skizz: Geez sorry i asked
Tango: You sure you aren't overreacting a teensy little bit there?
Martyn: I'm overreacting?!
Martyn: You just wait till they're gloating about beating the bastion!
Martyn: And hoarding the enchanter!
Martyn: Then we'll see who's overreacting!!
Joe: Woah there, let's all take a deep breath and think positively.
Joe: After all, it's no guarantee they'll survive.
Tango: Yeah- wait what
Start Over -- Go Back
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madootles · 2 years ago
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12 year old ed verbally assaulting the librarian
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on-a-lucky-tide · 5 months ago
Gaz and Soap use Nikolai as attitude adjustment.
cw: canon typical violence, mild sexual content towards the end.
If Gaz and Soap really want to humble a new trooper that's got a bit arrogant, they won't escalate them to Ghost or Price, because any fresh recruit would expect to be obliterated by fully trained operators at some point during their training; it would be viewed as a privilege to be crushed by the one and only Bravo Six, and Ghost is legendary.
Instead, they put them in a room with Nikolai.
It was Gaz's idea originally. Nik isn't SAS, he's precisely the type of unhinged, formidable opponent these little fucks are going to have to face in the field. In fact, he was one life decision away from being one of their actual enemies. Every time Soap and Gaz have to go toe to toe with the Russians they're sure to thank whatever higher power that they haven't got Nikolai running rings around them rather than waiting to bail them out.
They have one particular scrote who has been pissing them off all week. He thinks he's Billy Big Bollocks and, while he follows the letter of an order, he always likes to think he knows best and... interpret. The sergeants told him to focus on endurance and cardio in his workouts and he continued to build strength, he navigated a river crossing wrong and ended up stranding his crew. Lots of little things that mean if he doesn't shape up then he's gonna fail.
Gaz and Soap take him, and the friends that are beginning to get ideas, to Nik's hanger where he's working.
"Nik, fall in," Gaz calls at the Black Hawk.
Nik drops from the top of the heli where he was doing some maintenance on the main rotary engine, and Soap has to work hard to keep his face serious, because fuck does Nik play his part well.
He's shirtless, sweating from the exertion of turning the big wrench in his hand, and there's grease spattered on his stomach, up his arms. That gold chain really tops off the look, nestled in the fur on his chest, and he looks every bit the Russian mobster. Gaz can see why the captain thirsts so much.
(Not that there's anything wrong with that, sir. You hit that, uh... man, umm..)
"Sergeants," Nik greets them respectfully, and then those dark eyes turn to the trooper standing at their side. To his credit, the kid squares his shoulders and meets Nik's eyes, which is a pretty big ask given Nik's reputation on base. "Between one and ten?" Nik asks, still the very picture of affable civility.
"Four," Soap says, pulling a baton and a coil of rope from his belt. He throws them both to the floor in front of the trooper they've brought for a lesson in respect and listening skills. "Subdue and apprehend."
"What?" The trooper asks, stunned.
"Subdue and apprehend the target," Soap repeats, and then juts his chin after Nikolai. "'E's yer target."
Nik places his wrench down and uses the rag on his workbench to wipe his hands. He is completely unarmed, dressed only in his combat trousers, belted low on his hips, and boots. He glances at the baton and rope on the floor, and then to his intended adversary. "When you are ready, comrade."
The trooper picks up his weapon, glances at his sergeants, the rest of his troop and then flicks the baton out. Nik stands there placidly, hands down by his sides as he flicks his fingers in a little come on gesture. The trooper runs in.
The slap Nikolai lands across the lad's face echoes around the hanger. Even Gaz and Soap grimace, while the other two troopers flinch, their shoulders rising around their ears. The trooper recovers after being forced into the work bench with the force, and leans in for a swing to the gut, which Nik swerves, shoving the incoming shoulder down.
With each failed or blocked attack, Nik retaliates with precision, administering openhanded slaps to the jaw, shoving away or ducking poorly timed swings, before landing a gut punch and then swiping the trooper's boots out from under him. The lad recovers with a decent enough roll and dives in for another, but Nik grabs his shirt and slams him into the side of the Black Hawk. He makes it look easy.
The trooper groans and staggers. Nik growls, irritated. "Pochemi ty tebya ne perestat vyyobyvat’sya, eh?"
"I wouldnae take tha' rookie, he called yer ma a bitch," Soap calls over.
Gaz huffs. "No he didn't."
Soap shrugs then forms his mouth into a grimacing 'ooh' when Nik lands a knee to the bollocks, proceeding to dissect their trainee's defences with brutal efficiency now that he had run out of patience. He grabs the wrist holding the baton, twists and throws his opponent like he's nought but a cheap stuffed toy from the local carnival.
When the lad scrambles to his feet, now without defence, Nik is already waiting with a right hook that sends him down to his knee and three swift kicks to the ribs that takes him the rest of the way to the floor.
Nik rests a boot on the trooper's face, and reaches for the spanner on his workbench. Gaz clears his throat, flashing four fingers with a single shake of the head to remind Nik of the agreed scale, and Nik nods, lifting his hands apologetically before clasping them before his hips. He tuts down at his felled opponent. "Ah, it appears you have been killed, comrade. A shame."
Soap swaggers over, his hands tucked inside his carrier vest, and crouches down by his trainee's head. "An' that was him at a four. Can ye imagine wha' 'e woulda done to ye at ten, eh, hen?" Soaps answer is a groan and a gurgle.
Soap stands abruptly, Gaz straightens and the two intact troopers smack their boots together, backs rigid. Nik looks up more leisurely, his placid, Labrador eyes, now empty of malice, settle on Captain Price, who stands in the shadows of the hanger door, his arms folded. "That's quite enough. I think Reynolds has learned his lesson. Let 'im up."
Nik steps back and tucks his hands behind his back. The way he stands at ease reminds Gaz and Soap that their favourite Russian arms dealer used to wear a uniform instead of a leather jacket, and they're again thankful he bats for their team. Ha, in more ways than one, as it goes.
Reynolds climbs to his feet slowly and rejoins his mates as Gaz dismisses them.
"Get them to mess. It's dinnertime," Price says to his two sergeants, and then looks at Nik. "My office."
Someone unfamiliar with the captain might have missed the way he looked Nik up and down before he turned his back, from scruffy boots to sweating, grease-slick chest, his blue eyes aflame like pilot lights in a bloody gas boiler, but Gaz didn't. He smirks as Nik swaggers past, his jacket slung over his bare shoulder. "You dog," Gaz mutters.
Nik winks at him before he disappears with the - his - captain.
"Really?" Price asks, with a kind of tired exasperation, as they step across the threshold into the pokey little cubby hole he occupies on base.
"I was teaching," Nik says, shoulders rolling in a shrug.
"Yer take far too much joy in slappin' 'round my soldiers, Nik." Price leans against his desk, arms folded, his eyes raking over Nik's body with a white hot desire roiling in his gut.
"You must enjoy your work to perform it to a high standard." Nik strolls up into Price's personal space like he belongs there, nudging the captain's boots apart to make room, gaze dropping to his crotch. "And, perhaps, you enjoy my work too?"
Price chuckles low in his throat. "Yer sick bastard," he growls, reaching to wind his hand through that golden chain and yank Nik down.
The kiss is fierce, tongue licking possessively into Nik's mouth as Nik slots between his legs. Nik's filthy hands find Price's waist and then slide down to his arse for a greedy squeeze, moving to Price's thighs when his knees hook up and over Nik's hips.
"Hng, bloody 'ell, get those fuckin' kecks down and fuck me," Price snarls, still keeping Nik in place by his chain even as he yanks open his belt and fly.
Nik had wanted to finish his repairs, but railing Price over his desk when he looks about ready to devour him feels like a far better use of his time.
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weishenkun · 6 months ago
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go higher : kun
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nessacousland · 4 months ago
Well, I finally finished Dragon Age: Friendship is Magic and that is *my* biggest regret.
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
I keep seeing fanarts of ppl's OC's being on the ship, so do you think that if there was 6st crewmember (specifically, another woman) Anya would've been more safe? Like, someone to actually call Jimmy's begaviour out, someone Anya might wanna trust? Is there a possibility something might have changed (even if a little) or it would not have mattered at all?
I feel like the game would make it part of the commentary on where she would believe and help Anya but still be sort of dismissive? Like the whole “don’t waste time crying and being scared keep going and move on, don’t let him win”. It’s supposed to be positive and reinforcing but sometimes it does more damage in those times of mourning and grief, it feels patronizing, like you don’t understand what you’re going through but they do. Even if they did call out his behavior it’s still on Curly to act and while another voice would help, it’s still 4 against 2 on guys that don’t get it until they have to vs women who always have to.
I don’t mind mouthwashing OCs but I do get a bit bored as they tend to be borderline saviors or like Jimmy aligned. They are either more complicit than Curly or just Jimmy haters for no reason, outside of what the creators know about what he did to Anya. I am never irked by OCs but in a story like mouthwashing you really need to think about what your character adds to the commentary, especially if they are there during the crash. It’s nice to have like characters on Anya’s side more whole heartedly and interesting to see characters who placate Jimmy but sometimes it’s one note.
I can’t and don’t want to police peoples OCs it’s never my intention when I comment on trends I notice, but I do feel like the way people make their OCs interact with these two characters and especially Curly, really show a grave misunderstanding of the narrative and these characters as people vs roles in the story. Still, I know people just make up characters for fun and that’s fine. Great even, but I guys I’m focusing more on OCs that are supposed to have those serious dynamics. My favs tend to be pretty-Tulpar or post-Tulpar au OCs.
The inevitably of the crash is on Jimmy. He did that not because he wasn’t stopped but because all his means to kill Anya were taken. The gun, the axe. Even if Curly did strip him of his co-pilot privileges and try to keep him contained there’s only so many people. An extra body helps but they have jobs they have to do, he’s the only one steering the whole ship and Jimmy would likely have an out: food, bathroom, etc. He’s not new and if he couldn’t crash the ship directly, who’s to say he wouldn’t sabotage something else? A clunker like the Tulpar wouldn’t take much. An extra person helps but it’s just another thing that prolongs what a person like Jimmy is willing to do to shirk responsibility.
It’s more than just needing someone to stand up to him and think that’s what is missing when it comes to inserting a character into the mouthwashing setting.
#like again most people treat Jimmy like a misanthrope and he’s not and the way he’s just evil/rude to everyone all the time just isn’t real#like he’s snarky and rude but it can’t be 100% of the time like hes not going out his way to instigate#he’s the type to say shit and hope it stirs the pot like Daisuke likes him at first#thinks he’s a bit of a jerk but he likes him like unless you specifically make a character he’s dislike he’s not just gonna be#readily antagonistic to strangers or at the get go#not to mention it’s not just about Anya needing a friend but someone with the power to do something#a point in why she confides in Curly is he’s the captain she’s not just gonna tell the only other woman just because it’s still personal#not every girl tells their friend or another woman especially if they are new and they don’t know how they react not all girls are#girls girls some can be just as toxic as the men they are being confided in about#the nuance of the situation is not solved by having more people who actively hate jimmmy if anything it would make him escalate further as#clearly has issues with how people perceive him and being liked like another woman who hates him that’s gonna do something crazy in his mind#I think it’s interesting when OCs explore another side of the pre established dynamics as Jimmy uses each remaining crew member to fill a#something Curly provided for him and represent his dynamic with Anya and being an abuser I just feel like a lot is being missed out on#and it’s mainly cause people don’t want to make OCs that aren’t great people like it’s okay to have a grey mediocre OCs in situations like#this its realistic and helps you write more grounded characters like idk i like the ocs but eh im not like a super fan#I really should make an analysis on Jimmy cause people hate discussing him and his character is being really misunderstood#like not saying she’s innocent or an excuse but just not getting how he is supposed to work like he’s no dick fucking dasteredly#he’s a shitty guy who gets shittier like he ain’t start out an avengers level threat#mouthwashing#💀 anon#mouthwashing game#ask#anya mouthwashing#curly mouthwashing#jimmy mouthwashing#mouthwashing oc#now I gotta make an oc just to prove myself but I can’t draw#so maybe not cuz what’s the point if I can’t explain the fly drip
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hwashitape · 2 months ago
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and here is every red square I made in 2024 in order of redness, kinda
may 2025 allow me to reach for any other color amen
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maythray · 5 months ago
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Ever Near, Travel Through Time.
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dearmizumi · 8 months ago
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♪ The slaughter's on, I'd like to see you come undone.
Unsatisfied, until I've got you flayed alive! ♪
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danwhobrowses · 9 months ago
Well Critters it's Bells Hells Live Show Day! That snuck up on us quickly didn't it? Felt almost like a few weeks ago that they announced it!
Alas, being across the pond (also tomorrow's Father's Day in the UK) I will have to wait for the VOD, sitting here with my usual Thursday night doses of anticipation, imagination and anxiety, but I hope all that are attending have a great night. So much can happen, so much stuff I want to happen too but ofc some things are long shots - anyone who looks at my feed can tell what I want to happen let's be honest, and there'll be dress up and whatever beyond extra entrance Sam has planned to make his anticipated and grandiose return.
So sing the intro loud, tag your live spoilers just in case, do creepy whispers if Laudna performs a Sending, tell them to stop it if they sneeze, and most of all enjoy the show!
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stellar-collective · 7 months ago
Hi hi hi could you draw Roxana tending to Agent Phoenix after the events of KBOOM?
(totally understand if you're busy tho)
don’t worry about that, i’ve currently got more free time then i know what to do with haha! here you go!
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solplease · 9 months ago
hsr 2.4 leaks!!
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s0fter-sin · 5 months ago
i have no stake in this whatsoever since i’ve never even watched good omens and absolutely 100% unequivocally think it’s a good thing that an abuser is seeing the consequences of his actions but i don’t really see the point in shortening the 3rd season? rewriting it so he doesn’t get money from it? yes absolutely, but if that’s the reason, why not delay the season and do a full six episode rewrite? or just cancel it altogether instead of an inevitable disappointing finale. he’ll still be receiving royalties from the first two seasons and whatever ideas they use for the episode plus whatever he’s already contracted to receive so making a short season feels like it’ll impact the cast and crew more than him; they won’t be paid for a full season of work that they were expecting to have in an increasingly unstable industry
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polyhexianbirb · 6 months ago
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pittsburghhockeybirds · 2 years ago
The 2 times they thought of moments from the Hand Kiss™ ...I literally think about this too often
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