#still its def 20 pages at least even if you take them out
readingloveswounds · 1 year
i.....need to check journal word limits before i get too silly with it
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applepi1101 · 3 years
every single question with rory if you would
oh my god-
okay this is a long post I'm so sorry:
1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
He's very afraid of going too far.. specifically when in a relationship with someone. His dad was not the best with consent and he saw how much it hurt his mom.. Rory is very careful about consent and if his partner looks even the slightest bit uncomfortable he would feel,, so bad.
2. Is your oc picky about food? What kinds of foods do they like and dislike? What do they consider a comfort or “safe” food?
He's baby he's very picky. He hates seafood. he doesn't like fish. uhhh,, he enjoys chocolate and fruity (hard)candy! also: pasta
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voice claim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
He can sing a little, he cant do anything fancy but he has pretty good control. he can whistle really loudly and he uses it to annoy people [cough] amanda [cough]. he cant roll his rs but he will try his hardest. he sounds like alucard from Castlevania and I'm not sorry for that.
4. Is your oc good at keeping secrets?
He's pretty average at it. He tries his best but he's just as prone to slip-ups as the rest of us.
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
He likes something comfortable when he's just hanging out in the castle. but when he has something important to do he likes to dress up a little fancy. he likes capes a lot!!
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
probably like.. something super revealing.. he's still king and the thought of being caught out in something 'indecent' stresses him out a little. he still has a reputation to uphold.
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
World's Smallest Violin- AJR def reminds me of Rory. I think Rory would probably listen to similar music too.
8. What’s it like inside your OC's mind? (Literally, or metaphorically.)
Rory has a few worries but overall he's quite good at not letting himself get overwhelmed by things. he's genuinely full of love and it takes a lot out of him to keep all of it inside.
9. What are your oc’s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
he kinda wants to get married. other than that he's fine with the way things are. he's definitely more of a 'in the moment' thinker. he thinks about the future when its important but he prefers to keep his mind in the present.
10. Who’s the first person your oc goes to to talk about something that made them happy? Sad? Angry?
amanda is his #1 go to. he knows that she wont judge him for anything and he's just gone to her for everything since he was a tiny little man. next would be his romantic partner and sean.
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
he loves collecting things!!! his favorite things to collect are probably bottle caps and coins!! he kind of only hides this because it doesn't ever come up in conversation. if you gave him a cool coin or bottle cap he would love you forever.
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can’t stand? What if it’s a situation where they’re forced to work with this person?
he tries to be civil. but if they continue to piss him off then he'll become really snappy. if he's forced to work with them then he'll probably manage. he'll hate every minute of it, but he knows he has to do it.
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
probably something cozy. he likes the castle but it seems like so much space and a lot of it goes unused. it sounds a little silly but he kinda likes the idea of a small house in a nice neighborhood, a place he can know by heart yknow.
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
He would probably run away lmao. not forever though, he loves his people and he would rather die than leave them with his father as their only ruler. at the moment he just has no vacation time and a day he can have just for himself would be too good for him to pass up.
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
he wouldn't get up early if amanda didn't wake him up every morning. but usually around 7 or 8 he's out of bed and brushing his teeth. he has a skincare routine that i wont go into because. no. but he usually takes a while to get ready in the morning.
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
he takes the LONGEST showers.. he likes to wait until his hair completely dries before going to bed.. so.. he usually goes to be a while after his shower :,,)
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
when he first sets up an account he would probably post about anything and everything he's interested in, after a while he would calm down a bit. he would be almost fully open about who he is online. he's well known anyway, and he has nothing to hide.
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
He sees himself as a leader (and he is). most people would agree that he gives off 'powerful man' vibes, but the people that he's closest to know that he's just a sweetie.. he's so caring and ready to help anyone that needs it.
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
they would probably think that he's childish. Rory is very protective of things that have been put under his protection, and he takes any loss very hard. however: Rory is good at what he does and he's always trying his best, so that might leave his enemy more than a little annoyed.
20. What’s a superpower or magical ability that this oc would hate having?
He would hate anything that involved touch.. he likes to be touchy with the people he loves so not being able to do that would upset him a lot.
21. What’s a fact you haven’t shared about this oc?
please.. this man is afraid of monkeys..
22. What’s your oc’s dream job? Is this similar to what they’re doing now? Do they believe they could ever achieve this dream?
he cant really see himself doing anything else. he was raised knowing that he was going to rule a country and he never really thought of doing something else.
23. Who would this oc consider their family? What is their relationship with these people?
his mom maybe. he hates his dad. amanda and sean are def people he considers his family. he grew up with Amanda and she's always helped him with everything. sean has been helping him out since he was fifteen and yknow. they talk about boy stuff. (also basil in that one specific au with squills mafia ocs)
24. What is one thing that, no matter who it’s coming from, would anger your oc?
Please please please, do not compare him to anyone else. he hates being compared to other people, even if its supposed to be a compliment. he spent so long being compared to his dad please just let him be his own person.
25. How does your oc handle sadness?
he doesn't get sad all that often (he usually gets angry as opposed to just.. sad..) but when he is sad he kind of.. tries to ignore it..
26. How does your oc handle anger?
he hates to admit it but he has some trouble controlling his anger... he's good at controlling his other emotions but just.. when he's angry he tends to let go of everything else and its very destructive.
27. How does your oc handle fear?
he's definitely one to ignore fear. He has a very dominant personality and his first instinct is to protect, so he finds himself ignoring his own feelings more often than not.
28. What’s your favorite thing about this oc?
he's so fun,, i love him because he just,,,, he's such a sweetie,,
29. What’s your least favorite thing about this oc?
He's probably one of my most inconsistent ocs.. his personality is somewhat unpredictable and he seems like he's always growing.. and thats a good thing but by god if it isn't hard to keep track of.
30. Tell a random fact about this oc!
he fucking loves dinosaurs.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
do you do reactions? 🥺 i was wondering if you could do a reaction of the boys when you’re a whole “stay 6 feet away” person bc of corona and when they try to kiss you, you like push them away and place a ruler between you and them? LMAOAOA ITS SO WEIRD BUT I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT THIS 😔 okay thank you love, stay safe and hope you’re doing well!
LMAO i never thought about doing them but i can def try! don’t come for me if they’re stupid or bad aha <3
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❥ kim hongjoong
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you didn’t think you’d have any problems with hongjoong since it had taken you a good few days to convince him to see you in the first place. “we’ll wear our masks and stay six feet apart,” you told him, “you weren’t even sick so i don’t know why you think you’re gonna give it to me.”
but the boy couldn’t help but worry, knowing he’s around a lot more people than you and traveled quite a bit during this outbreak. and if he got you sick, he’d never forgive himself. but he also wouldn’t forgive himself if he hurt your feelings by not coming, hence why you two were currently standing outside your home a few feet apart.
“see,” you told him, eyebrows raising playfully as a smirk crosses your face. “it’s fine!”
and it was fine, he sees that now, so when he walked forward with a determined look in his eye, he had fully expected you to accept his kiss and allow your mouths to crash just a little.
but then your eyes widen and you pull your mask up, holding your hands out right in front of you to push him away. “hongjoong!”
“what, it’s fine you said! so why can’t we kiss?”
❥ park seonghwa
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you were happy that you and seonghwa had been on the same page about social distancing and what not, the both of you seeing the importance in protecting yourselves and taking all the proper precautions. 
which is why you were incredibly surprised that when you went to visit seonghwa, he had gone right up to you and tried to kiss you.
“hwa, what are you doing?” you asked him, backing away from him ever so slightly. “i don’t have my mask on.”
“well yeah, it’d be kind of hard to kiss you if you did.” 
and you never thought you’d have the strength to actually pull away from him as your lips were about to touch, taking the ruler from your back pocket and smacking him lightly in the stomach.
“where the-where did you get that?”
you place the ruler between you both before eyeballing the rest of the distance. “i knew i would need extra protection. we can’t do that!” 
“y/n….” he said, his tone low and commanding like every other time you give him trouble. and usually it works, falling victim straight away to his deep voice and soft, narrowed eyes. but this is different, you try to convince yourself, this is way more serious and you can’t give in. 
“seonghwa, we can’t,” you whine again.
a sigh leaves his mouth before he reluctantly agrees, your lips quirking up into a smile as your face brightens; you think this is the first time you’ve ever called the shots with your boyfriend. 
your bright smile makes him groan, mumbling that you shouldn’t look that pretty and happy about being able to kiss. 
❥ jeong yunho
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he was always a sweet, understanding boy in every sense of the word. even when you guys were at your separate homes, he made sure be in constant contact with you whether it be through text, facetime, or calling, because he knew you were slightly anxious about getting sick and being quarantined.
however, when you finally did agree for you guys to hang out, he came rushing over with his mask and gloves up to his elbows causing you to giggle in the doorway. 
“is this okay?” he asked, “i was- i was gonna get a suit too but-“
your giggle turned into loud laughs, shaking your head as you insisted a suit would’ve been too much. so maybe that’s what made him think it was okay to break the six feet apart rule and lean down for a kiss. 
but then you gasped and covered your mouth with your dry, raw hands. 
“yunho!” you whined. 
“what?” he pouted, “i’m not sick, baby, i promise.”
but then the blank stare you gave him made him sigh, the pout on his lips making you frown as well; it’s not like you didn’t wanna kiss him, of course you did, but you were just too scared. 
and once you told him that, he ended up settling for you blowing him a kiss, insisting you do it for the remainder of your time together that day. 
❥ kang yeosang
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yeosang couldn’t help but burst out laughing when he saw you come out of your car. it wasn’t because the mask somehow managed to look cute on you or the fact that your hands were covered in the smallest size gloves he’d ever seen. 
it was because the last thing he expected was for you to be wielding a ruler. 
“y/n, what the fuck is that?”
“six feet apart!” you sang melodically, spacing out approximately six feet “and if you try to break that, it works as a weapon too.”
he brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose, squeezing it as he looks over you. he had known you were freaked out about everything and he understood the gloves and mask. but now you had brought something with the sole purpose of beating him when he very much so was gonna try to sneak in a kiss.
“so you’re saying one, tiny, quick kiss is off the table?”
“absolutely!” you squeal, “are you nuts!”
“but y/n, what about just…”
any and every ridiculous rationalization the boy came up with, you shot down with ease. no matter how many times he groaned and whined to you, even after he resorted to trying to be cute, you were able to resist. 
but he also never tried to come towards you on his own, so you suppose the ruler had done its job.
❥ choi san
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if you had thought he was whiney and needy before this, you were sadly mistaken. because even with the constant contact and video calls, he would still softly mumble how much he missed seeing you. 
“i miss you, too,” you said, your pout matching his. “maybe…you can over tomorrow. we can hang out and go for a walk or something.”
and that proved very hard for the boy. because he kept reaching out for your hand on the sidewalk, kept trying to pull you into him and kiss you despite the mask covering your face.
“san,” you whined, looking at him apologetically before putting a few feet between you. “i want too, please don’t think i don’t,” you tell him. 
because you don’t want to hurt his feelings or make him feel like you’re using this as an excuse not to touch him.  but you’re scared and cautious and doing it honestly more for his sake than yours. 
“i can’t wait for this to be over,” he sighs, his eyes going from your lips to your hand to your eyes. 
and you think if you hold his hand, your arms awkwardly stretched out to put some distance between you, that won’t too dangerous. 
❥ song mingi
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the first thing you see stepping out your car is mingi’s tall, lanky frame waving at you. and it’s within those two-seconds, you realize not kissing him is gonna be some of the hardest shit you’ve ever had to do. 
because it’s not like he’s making it any easier.
any time you take one step back, he takes one step closer. he gives you a wide, cute smile and says he just wants to hug and kiss you for less than a minute.
“that’s a long time, mingi,” you told him. but he only shrugs his shoulder, promising you over and over again everything will be fine. but you’re standing your ground, covering your eyes when he tries everything in the book: cute, seductive, whiney, pouting. 
and usually his duality is able to pay off, one of the tactics having you melt right into his hand and do anything he wants. so he’s surprised when nothing seems to be working, almost getting the idea to use his size against you and drag you into his arms. 
and you see the exact moment that thought crosses his mind, reaching in your bag and wiping out the ruler you knew you were gonna need for this annoyingly handsome man. 
❥ jung wooyoung
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“what is that even gonna do? that’s only a foot.”
“okay, so picture five more of those and stand over there.”
“babe….” he whined, looking you over in your mask and gloves while holding a ruler pointed threateningly toward him; this had been going on since he arrived 20 minutes ago.
“wooyoung, i’m serious! go!” you flail the piece of rubber in his face, the boy half-tempted to take it out of your hand and throw it in the street.
he knew you were anxious and scared and taking extra precautions to not get sick. but he hadn’t left his home in weeks either and has been taking the same amount of precautions: so, really, what was one kiss gonna do?
“so i can’t come in the house?” he whined, taking a few steps back so you can at least put the ruler down. “you’re the one who asked me to come over!”
“because i wanted to see you,” you tell him, pout behind your mask. “i didn’t say anything about kissing.”
“i figured that was a given,” he mumbled, the scoff leaving your mouth causing him to chuckle. he looks you over once more, standing there with a mask on your face while his hangs below his mouth. 
“if i’m six feet away, will you at least take off your mask?” he bargains, “i wanna see your face.”
and the sneaky fuck he is, the second you take it off he attempts to charge towards you; so, naturally, you throw the ruler at him and smile triumphantly when it hits him right in the chest.
❥ choi jongho
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you figured given his age that the boy wouldn’t really be taking this seriously, maybe even make fun of you for being so cautious with your mask and gloves and strict schedule of not leaving the house. 
but he was extremely understanding, even learned from you and only asked to hang out when you told him you were sick of being in the house and wanted to start going on walks. 
the first few were great, six-feet apart as you walked through the streets talking and laughing about how you both had watched every single show on netflix. but then they more you laughed and had fun and the more he saw you smile, the more he wanted to touch you. 
he missed hugging you and feeling your lips against his and smiling into the kiss when you poked at his side teasingly. he also knew it was a risk to try it, just looking at you with a longing expression before leaning in ever so slightly. 
 and you’d almost forgotten about everything until you remembered this is not allowed and you jumped away from him.
“hey! that wasn’t fair!” you whined. he only smirked at you knowingly, a small frown on his face before he covers his mouth with his mask. 
“it was just gonna be for a second,” he mumbled, smiling when you break the six-feet apart rule to smack him in the arm playfully. 
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Can I ask what field your new job is in? I know you wanted to move away from law; I want to move away from the career path I've spent all the years since graduating university bolting myself to, and I just wondered how you did it/ if you did it, and what kind of sideways movements made sense for you?
For privacy reasons, I won’t talk explicitly about my new job, though you’re correct it’s not an attorney position. (I still love law but I’m not barred in Illinois and I haven’t been practicing long enough to waive in, which makes finding attorney jobs very difficult until I can retake the bar.)
I will say that if you want to move away from a particular career path, there are a couple questions I’ve found helpful to ask myself:
1.) What do I want to do when I grow up?
I am a big proponent of the game plan. 
You can, of course, jump off a cliff with no parachute or idea of what waits for you at the bottom. That is a certain kind of game plan! And some people pull it off with great aplomb, I’m not knocking it. However, I am a risk-adverse, pragmatic scaredy cat, and I absolutely never start something unless I have at least a vague idea of the best- and worst-case results. So when I’m about to make a life change like “get out of terrible job, move back to Chicago” I start by figuring out—well, what the hell does that actually look like?
But before I think about what that looks like, I take a step back and ask myself a whole battery of questions:
What is my ideal, perfect-world job? What’s my title? What are the hours I work? Do I travel often, not at all, somewhere in between?
What do my dream responsibilities consist of? 
How much interaction am I comfortable with—would I be happy sitting behind a desk all day, or do I want to be out among the people?
How much authority would be happy with? Do I want to be in charge, or is following orders where I’m most comfortable?
What else do I want in my life, such that I’m willing to make career tradeoffs? (e.g., do I want a family I spend lots of time with, a hobby I can devote myself to outside of the 9-to-5, a charity or start-up that I see as my real passion?)
Where do I want that perfect-world job to be? Am I happy changing cities, moving frequently, to pursue the work I want to do, or does location come first and drive what jobs I’m willing to take?
[An additional question you encounter a lot as a lawyer is: “are you okay not necessarily believing in the organization you serve? do you care whether  you serve a particular mission, or are you really just here to draw a paycheck and not break laws?” but I recognize that’s a conundrum probably….unique to lawyers.]
After answering the questions above, you might realize that your exact, ideal dream job doesn’t exist—that’s fine! but a valuable first step is understanding what your priorities are, where you see yourself being happy, and what you think is important in your professional life.
2.)  What steps would I very likely need to take to get there?
Even if it does exist, chances are you won’t be able to leapfrog from your current position to your exact, ideal dream job. (FYI, my current position is not my dream job or even really a stepping stone to the dream job; I made compromises based on other criteria.) So the next step is the inevitable plunge back into reality—namely, okay, so how the hell do I get to where I’m going???
If you don’t already know (which is likely, given that this isn’t your field) then this step is a knowledge-gathering endeavor. You’re trying to figure out what the path looks like, so naturally, consult other people on the path you’re interested in. 
Personally, I highly encourage you utilize the absolute crap out of your network. 
By which I mean: stalk facebook, LinkedIn, your school’(s) alumni pages, your parent’(s) friends, your friends’ friends, the people who work at the same place you do (even if you’ve never met them), everyone you have a mutual connection with via social media, individuals who belong to a professional association you hope to join, academics/journalists/lawyers/etc. with non-private twitters who you’ve looked up to for a long time and whose career you want to emulate, etc. If they’re nearby, invite them to a 15-20 minute coffee break. If they’re interested in mentoring, do lunch, dinner. Follow up with the professors who inspired you and email people who make news about stuff you want to work on. If you’re interested in going back to school for a degree (the clearest way to communicate a professional shift, fyi) then email the school you’re interested in and let them fete you. You’re going to be so obnoxious!!!*
* Do not be obnoxious. If you’re looking for a polite way to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know personally but hope to make a professional connection with, see me after class.
And honestly, sometimes the answer is a degree, a certification, a particular internship or a personal connection. Sometimes the answer is redrafting your resume. Sometimes the answer is “well, you’d really want to work as X or Y before I consider you for Z.” Sometimes the advice is, “sorry, we only consider graduates from this school/that internship/etc. and you aren’t so.” 
You end up having to keep looking, and looking and looking. There are a lot of ways to get rejected from a job these days. There are similarly a lot of ways to get where you’re going, whether you know about them or not.
………I’d also urge you to keep in mind that all advice (all of it, even mine!) is personal. When people talk about their careers, career paths, and their strategies for attaining both, they are speaking from a deeply private place—as much as “how to know your romantic partner is The One.” It’s just a bit more prosaic in its outlook. 
3.)What skills do I currently have, or can reasonable acquire in my current role, that will take me from A to X/Y/Z/or ultimately B?
Even if you could snap your fingers and go from point A (where you are) to point B (where you ideally, perfectly, want to be) chances are the you that currently, professionally exists wouldn’t be prepared for it. So as you think about transition to a stepping-stone job, or a new field, think seriously about what the hell you bring to the table and how you’ll convince that interviewer that actually, you’re perfect for the job. 
It does take some creative thinking and a little bit of conniving corporate wordplay (which is fair game, as the corporations invented it first.) For example:
Have you worked as a McDonalds’ drive-thru window representative and shift manager for the past 5 years? well, congratulations, you are, right now, an expert in customer service and human capital resource management. 
Are you currently a lowly typist-slash-clerk? well, mazel, because actually your specialty is in database management and particularly data cleansing, you could probably pass yourself off as an analyst if you knew a little R, python, or other programming languages.
Do you deal with disgruntled customers all day? Well done, because literally every industry will hire you, they all have angry people who call the hotline/helpline/tipline/etc. and are constantly on the lookout for humans who will not shout YOU ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE back at said disgruntled customers.
Have you been in a different industry, but are looking to transition to a similar role in a new industry? Well done, you, talk about your leadership, curiosity, and self-starter attitude. Managers love a self-starter, probably because they like to entertain visions of not having to do work.
If you feel you could attain the necessary skills in your current role, sometimes  it’s just matter of talking to your current boss (depending on the boss!) Saying, “hey, I’m really interested in Z, could you put me on Z? is there any Z to be had?” is a good first step. Even just to tell the interviewer for a position with a lot of Z duties that you went to your boss saying “I want to do Z, Z is def a priority for me.”
4(ish): Keep reevaluating, based on the new information you acquire.
Going through Step #1 now, answering those questions about myself and my ideal work/workplace/job, is a completely different experience than it was in early 2018. As a recent law school graduate, all I thought about was finding the best learning experience—a year and 6 months later, having been run through the wringer of one helluva a learning experience, I can tell you that there is other stuff to think about. It’s not that my answers have changed, I would still be happy traveling, working long hours, with diverse clients. But there’s other stuff I couldn’t even conceive of then, that I realized (the hard way) was very important to me.
So don’t be afraid to revisit your answers, to keep thinking, reevaluating, considering where you are and where you want to end up.
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 6 Love Victor live reaction:
- i’m stressed over the physical stuff i already feel some shit gonna happen this ep about it and he’s gonna backtrack💀
- omg Mia def ain’t happy about something rip. Once the water is clear with them they are gonna be fucking best friends i know it. She’s like Simon’s Leah.
-ik i don’t like Andrew and I don’t mean to be biased but??? Isn’t Andre making off color comments about Mia’s sexual life... harassment!????? They are fucking sophomores in high school anyways can everyone on this episode take a chill pill christ.
- okayokay i feel like they are babies bc i’m in my 20s but i had friends sexually active at 16 (altho they also in part had trauma). So.... teens have sex and i’m not gonna be weirded out about all these babies talking about sex I promise 😭
- to any high schooler reading this: being sexually active as long as it is 1) safe 2) consensual 3) and with someone YOUR AGE and not creepy out of high school people is absolutely fine!!! But TALK ABOUT IT before doing it. Don’t invite your partners over expecting shit. TALK ABOUT IT. TALK. ABOUT. IT. AND BE HONEST IN THOSE CONVERSATIONS AND RESPECT IF YOUR PARTNER ISN’T READY THE SAME WAY THEY SHOULD RESPECT IF YOU AREN’T READY. TRYING TO CONVINCE SOMEONE AND NAGGING UNTIL THEY AGREE ISN’T CONSENT EITHER!!!!!!
- back to Love Victor lmao. BITCH WHAT DO YOU MEAN BACK WHEN I WAS FIGURING THINGS OUT AND YOU SAID GIRLS PLURAL??? YOU A SOPHOMORE AJDJDJDJDJD these babies BE having sex omg i feel like such a grandma im shocked😭😭😭😭 i feel like im so used to watching sexually active seniors or juniors even in HS shows. This is good tho. Teens be having sex and is good a show that has actors with according age (same age as the characters and not 25 year olds) discussion sex in a healthy manner and their sexualities. Im shocked but also happy. I never get weirded out in other shows bc the actors are so grown.
- Benji’s bf looked so disappointed 😤😤 baby Benji deserves better smh he even put lights all over 🥺
- Mia girl u can’t be angry u guys hadn’t even talked about it!!! COMMUNICATE WITH UR PARTNERS BEFORE EXPECTING SEX
- everyone can say what they want about Felix but he’s def the most mature one. He’s right, I don’t think Victor has anything to apologize for. Sex shouldn’t be expexted at all if there have no been any conversations about it beforehand. ESPECIALLY if they haven’t even french kissed yet.
- omg Benji fuck this guy😭 gays overDO anniversaries what do u mean he won’t even care!??? At least do it bc ur bf clearly cares im crying fuck this guyyyyy
-omg this guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 bitch i get ur point but go feel joy hold ur bf’s hand and celebrate damn. Also.... lowkey how come these topics didn’t come up before?? Like at least on Valentines day or something???
- omg lake wtf?? He can like her without wanting sex jesus christ this is a conversation they never had and if he isn’t ready that’s valid. Christ.
- nah imma repeat for any young person who might read this: is NOT cruel if you aren’t ready. You SHOULDN’T expext sex without a conversation first (no matter the age or whether or nor u are a virgin), and not being ready has NOTHING to do with whether they like you or not. These things are complex and everyone should be on the same page period. No one has the right to be mad at another person if they aren’t ready.
- now im uncomfortable by them kissing bc he’s doing it out of guilt💀 i hate it here
- Felix is so cute🥺 i want a 21 year old Felix who respects everyone🥺🥺🥺🥺
- yes felix! But also no felix! U deserve better than to be a secret!!!
- the ep ending with him and Benji?? Amazing writing and foreshadowing damn
-ik this was supposed to be a suprise but i think it was obvious. Is a lil annoying to me she realizes she might still be into Andrew bc Victor won’t have sex with her. On one had is like, she feels the sexual chemistry isn’t there (and thats bc he gay) and she’s right. On another, Victor could totally be into her like that and simply not ready and is unfair she gets angry or nostalgic for past relationships simply bc her current partner isn’t ready for physical shit yet. But again, her not feeling the chemistry is important and valid too. She’s ultimately gonna end up with Andrew that feels obvious to me too even if its not this season. What makes me wonder is, after her and victor become friends once he is out and the fix their shit, and she gets with Andrew, how is Andrew and Victor’s relationship gonna look like?? Bc they aren’t even close to being friends lmao
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jinpanman · 6 years
thank you, dear writer.
this is a long time coming...
It’s been 2 or 3 years (give or take) since I broke my several-year-long rest from fanfics. Before BTS, i used to read many, many Naruto, Inu Yasha, and Harry Potter fanfics (who remembers the citrus scale?) as well as a few Big Bang fanfics. Then somewhere down the road, I stopped reading fan fiction and erased it entirely out of my life.
It is thanks to a wonderful lady (who’s name I will leave out for privacy reasons) who helped me to remember the beauty that is fan fiction. I eventually began to venture out and found wonderful creators here on Tumblr. Considering it’s been a few years now, I have read a multitude of fanfics. I've read well over 400 stories, all equating to nearly 5 million words. (probably way more than that since I only calculated the stories I’ve reblogged on my BTS fic recs sideblog. and yes... yes. i did actually count it all. well. almost. i got lazy with, like, the last 20 hahaha) That would equate to reading the entire Harry Potter series 5 times. It’s roughly a 20,000 page book.
You, dear writers, did that.
Too often fan fic writers are given a huge ass plate of “hurry up, when are you gonna update?” and a side dish of  “this isn’t going the way I (the reader) want it to go so i’m leaving” and an appetizer of “shame on you for writing fics of the boys!1!! they’re real people you know!!!!11” and a delicious drink of “[insert ungrateful anons/harassment here].” Writers are just given a lot of shit in general for something they enjoy doing and give away for other fans to consume FOR FREE. Too often fan fic writers are given the short end of the stick on the content creators spectrum. I assume it is because viewers don’t get an instant gratification from the art that writers present. It’s something people have to work a little bit extra for to find. Fic writers are sometimes dismissed as the “weird, perverted, delusional fans”...
But I know the truth. I know it all because I’ve witnessed the love you pour out into your writing, the love you have for the idols you write for, and the love you give to your readers. The beautiful worlds you paint as your fingers move around on the keyboard and weave intricate stories and complex characters and relationships. The numerous universes I’ve visited have been nothing short of wondrous, from the rip-my-heart-out-and-stomp-on-it-5-times-for-good-measure AUs to the so-fluffy-my-teeth-may-be-rotting-but-i-don’t-care-’cause-it’s-way-too-cute AUs to the please-gouge-my-eyes-out-but-also-don’t-cause-i-need-to-finish-this-sinful-beast AUs.... I have had so, so much fun venturing into all the different worlds you’ve created and shared that I often find myself poking my head back into those worlds and reminiscing~
I’m ballin’ in fan fic galore. and I have well over 1k fics on my to-read list that I cannot wait to dive into. and it’s all thanks to you. ❤ I’m writing all of this to let you know that you’re appreciated. even though it’s just from one person, i hope it’s enough. i don’t even know how to express how much your stories have touched me. thank you for the laughter, the feels, the tears, the anger, the ahem spice. from the 100 word drabbles to the 50k+ series on hiatus.... I have enjoyed them all.
So thank you, dear writer. for sharing with me and many, many other readers a part of yourself. I appreciate you and your works. even if you’re no longer writing for a certain fan base, even if you’re on an indefinite hiatus, even if you’ve stopped entirely.. it does not in any way undermine the amount of work you’ve put into your works and the many wips stored away. I still thank you. and i thank those of you who write outside of your main fandom. i know sometimes you get crap for that and i think it’s incredibly awesome of you that you don’t let that negativity thwart you from growth. Keep doing you! It’s because of you that I’ve come to learn that great storytelling doesn’t stem from the fandom someone writes for. It comes from the one who is making the story come to life. You. and I’m sending you lots and lots and lots of joy and inspiration and encouragement and money and love your way for 2019 and many years following.
Under the cut I will be tagging every fan fic writer (whom I am able to tag, at least) who has touched my heart in one way or another, whether I’ve read only one story of yours so far or if I’ve gone through your entire master list, I want to acknowledge you and thank you because you deserve it. This message is meant for you.
# & A-C
@94hixtape ✎ @11-ish
@aegyoguk ✎ @aexthetic-suga ✎ @alienpikachu ✎ @an-exotic-writer ✎ @anantisocialambivert ✎ @anon-luv ✎ @anyaaniyo ✎ @ardentlyjae ✎ @army-author ✎ @arrianna21 ✎ @astro-child ✎ @avveh ✎ @aiimaginesbts ✎ @atdawnsuga
@baeseoul ✎ @bang-tan-bitches ✎ @bangjeon ✎ @bangtan-insfired ✎ @bangtan-spells ✎ @bangtanboysboo ✎ @bangtaninink ✎ @bangtanstanst ✎ @bloodpotato ✎ @bluesxde ✎ @blushoseoks ✎ @bts-thestoryvalley ✎ @btsfiles ✎ @btsfix ✎ @btsjeonjazz ✎ @btslibrary ✎ @btsmutimagines ✎ @btsreactsarchive ✎ @btssavedmylifeblr ✎ @btssmutgalore ✎ @btsugaplums ✎ @btswritingsforyou ✎ @btsxyou ✎ @bulletproof-fantasies ✎ @bxebxee ✎ @btsfanficss ✎ @btspornfavor ✎ @bubblebop
@c7pher ✎ @carrotgguk ✎ @chaoticneutralwriter ✎ @cheelchan ✎ @cherrynochu ✎ @chim-chimmie ✎ @chimdeer ✎ @chokemejimin ✎ @cinnaminsvga ✎ @cravin-you ✎ @cupofteaguk ✎ @cutaepatootie ✎ @cyphertrip ✎ @chiminiemoans ✎ @cosmichobi ✎ @craft-rose ✎ @cyphrgf
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@daegusoftboys ✎ @dangerouslycasualchild ✎ @dat-town ✎ @deathbyyoongi ✎ @def-initely-soul ✎ @dimp1ejeon ✎ @ditzymax ✎ @dom-joonie ✎ @donewithjeon ✎ @dovechim ✎ @dosei-dreams ✎ @dreamhimcloser ✎ @dreamscript ✎ @dreamystuffers ✎ @drquinzelharleen ✎ @domjoons ✎ @deerguk
@ellieljade ✎ @eris0330 ✎ @etherealmins ✎ @euphoricguk ✎ @exidtotheleft ✎ @exoticarmy127
@fightmejeonkook ✎ @fairyjeons ✎ @floralseokjin
@gardentulips ✎ @geniuslab ✎ @gimmesumsuga ✎ @glassbangtan ✎ @gold-gguk ✎ @glosszn ✎ @goldenscript ✎ @gukiex ✎ @guksheart ✎ @gukspoc ✎ @guksthighs ✎ @guktwt ✎ @gukvks ✎ @gukyi ✎ @gwoongi ✎ @gxtsmxt ✎ @glossgf ✎ @gukooky 
@hallyuwriters ✎ @happy-meo ✎ @hayjeon ✎ @heartachetosing ✎ @hello-bangtanboys ✎ @heungtanbts ✎ @hijoonie ✎ @hobibliophile ✎ @hobiemin ✎ @hobiwonder ✎ @hoeseok ✎ @hollyhomburg ✎ @honeyedhoseok ✎ @hoseokdrafts ✎ @hoseokiehopie ✎ @houseofdemi ✎ @httpjeon ✎ @hueseok
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@ibangtanthings ✎ @icedrice ✎ @idolimagines ✎ @imagination-of-a-fandom-slut ✎ @imaginethisbts ✎ @imagniation ✎ @imsarabum ✎ @infireation ✎ @infiresjimin ✎ @inkjam-moon ✎ @inktae ✎ @iq-biased ✎ @ithinkilikeit-reactions ✎ @its-jeon-yoonsung ✎ @itskimtaehyung
@jaeminlore ✎ @jamlesspark ✎ @jamsjoons ✎ @jeonggukingdom ✎ @jeonjagiya ✎ @jeonseok ✎ @jeonsweetpea ✎ @jeontrack ✎ @jespere-hope ✎ @jessikahathaway ✎ @jhope-seok ✎ @jhopesjawline ✎ @jeonggukingdom ✎ @jiminables ✎ @jiminiethot ✎ @jiminnie-pink ✎ @jiminniethemarshmallow ✎ @jiminshoran ✎ @jiminwreckedme ✎ @jimlingss ✎ @jincherie ✎ @jinjikook ✎ @jinpire ✎ @jjkfire ✎ @jjungkooked ✎ @jkjelly-sea ✎ @jonginreverie ✎ @jonginswife619 ✎ @joonbird ✎ @joondaily ✎ @joonsgalaxy ✎ @jungblue ✎ @jungcock ✎ @jungee ✎ @junghopegf-archive ✎ @jungk0oksthighs ✎ @jungkookienoona ✎ @jungkxook ✎ @jungnoir ✎ @jungshookz  ✎ @junqkook ✎ @justoneday-namjoonii ✎ @jvnqkooked 
@kainks ✎ @kaythebest ✎ @kdreamscenario ✎ @kidguk ✎ @kimvtae ✎ @kinktae ✎ @kittae ✎ @kkulcafe ✎ @kookiesbadhabits ✎ @kookingtae ✎ @koyapuff ✎ @kpop-bts-smut ✎ @kpop-goestheweasel ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ @kpopnlockit ✎ @kpopyourcherryy ✎ @krreader ✎ @kz-i-co 
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@leechailatten ✎ @lili95276 ✎ @littlemisskookie ✎ @lolbtsaus ✎ @lovekck ✎ @lovelyyyoongi ✎ @lovewyself ✎ @lthyl ✎ @luciditae
@marienadine ✎ @meetevil ✎ @mia-x-bee ✎ @mikamangata ✎ @miniatureyoongi ✎ @minisyubie ✎ @minlouvre ✎ @minnpd ✎ @minnochu ✎ @minsuxga ✎ @minsvga ✎ @mint-kook ✎ @minyoongittaemune ✎ @miss-noo-na ✎ @misstae ✎ @monoguk ✎ @monstaccato ✎ @baebae-goodnight ✎ @moonnightyoongi ✎ @moonojoon ✎ @moonscriptx ✎ @mortaljin ✎ @mouneemoon ✎ @mrsjeontobe ✎ @myfeelsinink ✎ @mygjhs-love ✎ @namjoonilicious
@nchu ✎ @nightbts ✎ @ninibears-erigom ✎ @nitaescence ✎ @njssi ✎ @nochanchu ✎ @nochugguk ✎ @noir0neko ✎ @noona-la-la-la ✎ @noonatrash ✎ @notaseoul ✎ @notsoguiltykpop 
@ofsunshine-andrain ✎ @oh-hey-tae ✎ @ohmywjh ✎ @oh-so-scenarios ✎ @ohbabyitsbts ✎ @oilblotter ✎ @oneofthemillionarmy ✎ @oppaimagines ✎ @orthdx ✎ @outroshooky 
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@pac-mang ✎ @pantaemonium ✎ @papersoldierxo ✎ @parkhabits ✎ @parkmuse ✎ @perpetually-jungshook ✎ @picficskpopstyle ✎ @pjxmin ✎ @plumblackjeon ✎ @polaritae ✎ @prolixitae ✎ @puppetwritings
@rainwards ✎ @randomkpopscenariosandreactions ✎ @ravedkook ✎ @re-sugance ✎ @readyplayerhobi ✎ @remembeo ✎ @rohobi ✎ @rosaetae ✎ @roseok 
@saltybtsstan ✎ @sangsanghaebwa ✎ @sarangtaee ✎ @scriptmin ✎ @sehunpeachy ✎ @seokeros ✎ @seokjin-ish ✎ @seokkgenie ✎ @seokline  @shookykookie ✎ @silkhyung ✎ @slaypjm ✎ @smuttyfairy ✎ @smuttykpopscenarios ✎ @sodoyouknowbts ✎ @softjeon ✎ @solastia ✎ @sonnenfuchs ✎ @sopewriters ✎ @squishyjiminnie ✎ @sseudanym ✎ @sue-bts ✎ @suga-kookiemonster ✎ @sugasgrowl ✎ @sugaviolet ✎ @sugaxjpg ✎ @summertae ✎ @sungvin97 ✎ @sunshobix ✎ @sweetheartjeongguk ✎ @sylph-wings ✎ @syvbngseok ✎ @syubits 
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@taecas ✎ @taechubs ✎ @taeddybearscenarios ✎ @taegonia ✎ @taehyung-the-baehyung ✎ @taelight ✎ @taeniasis ✎ @taesbetch ✎ @taesjpg ✎ @taesthetes ✎ @taetaetown ✎ @taeverie ✎ @taexyla ✎ @tahyungs ✎ @taichoushadow ✎ @tatamancer ✎ @tayegi ✎ @tendershepherd ✎ @texting-bangtanbts ✎ @the95liner ✎ @thedefinitionofbts ✎ @thekpoptopshop ✎ @thelillzmonster ✎ @thoughtssilent ✎ @thusecrets ✎ @tipsyrosay ✎ @today-we-will-survive ✎ @tokyoscript ✎ @trbld-writer ✎
@vanaera ✎ @vankoya ✎ @versigny ✎ @very-important-army ✎ @vitaemin-dae ✎ @vin-taege 
@warmau ✎ @waywardscenarios ✎ @whalien52 ✎ @whoajeon ✎ @wildernessuntothemselves ✎ @winetae ✎ @wonhopes ✎ @writingseoul ✎ @waffleyoon ✎ @wasabi-duck
@xforeverweareyoungx ✎ @xobtso
@yeolsmuffin ✎ @yminie ✎ @yo0ngles ✎ @yoohtae ✎ @yoon-kooks ✎ @yoongihime ✎ @yoongink ✎ @yuudetama ✎ @yehet-me-up ✎ @yeoltidecarol ✎ @yoonia ✎ @yoonsintro ✎ @you-know-bts
@zienth ✎ @zixxossi
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One last message from the King of Hearts and the King of Love:
happy Hoseok day and happy Love day~!! <3
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sheonvinyl · 5 years
the snl standby line ~experience~
um. wow.....
so i’m making this post mostly for myself and to have a documentation of these memories while its all still pretty fresh in my brain, but i figured i would share it on here too just in case anyone wanted to read it or chat about it all w me. (side note: if u were in the line too PLS hit me up we MUST discuss)
basically, long story short is my friend and i slept on the streets of nyc for three nights in below freezing degree weather, got standby tickets for the live show and were able to get in......like i was THERE. for the snl LIVE taping. 
feel free to keep reading below the break if you want an extremely detailed description of the whole ordeal and my personal experience that no one asked for dsjkhfksdjh
to be frank our journey did not start out as we had originally planned lmao. when harry announced that he was doing double duty my friend and i immediately were like. let’s start planning bc we’re 100% going. that resulted in a lot of amazon prime orders and reading up on blogs about tips and tricks in order to plan. we were trying to gauge how far in advance we were going to have to get in line in order to have a good chance. we got a lot of our info from a twitter account/blog run by these three women who have been to every show this season and been in the standby line every week so we trusted their advice. they have been so many times that they apparently have a relationship with the security ppl and are in contact with them. and obviously since it was harry this week, there was a lot more buzz about it and higher stakes of actually getting a ticket. people had been tweeting about lining up on MONDAY in order to be in the front of the line. this account reached out to people and nbc and said that security didn’t want anyone lining up before thursday and if people did, they would be asked to leave and not allowed to get back in line again. finding this out made us panic a bit bc we didn’t want to get thrown out for breaking the rules or anything like that. we originally decided to finish up our days at our internships on wednesday, head back to our apartment, gather up all our supplies and head to 30 roc around 10 so that we could be ready to get in line at midnight aka when it would officially be thursday. 
however, when i woke up wedensday morning amidst all the news about harry’s tour dates etc. there was an update that there were ~20ish people in line already. and that set us into a panic. we were confused if they were going to be thrown out or not bc they lined up before thursday, but periodically as we checked throughout the day security didn’t seem to be doing anything about it. so we made the decision to get to the line as quickly as possible after work. not sure i’ve ever moved faster in my life than i did when i got home and immediately threw anything i thought would be remotely useful into my duffle bag. the state of my room right now? despicable.
we make it to the line a little bit after 8 pm and after an initial assessment, we were around #70-80 in line. and based on that, we decided to stay and set up camp bc we thought our chances were pretty good. (for reference: when the standby tickets were handed out on saturday morning, we were 86th and 87th in line so the number definitely fluctuated based on when people counted us and people maybe being in the bathroom during the count etc.)
everyone around us in line was super super super nice and the ppl we met thru it will def be homies for life. we went through too much together not to be bonded for life ksjdhfksdh. shout out to aisha @teafull​ specifically !!!! we really did that luv......miss u and kristina already babes xoxoxox
wednesday night was definitely the worst sleeping-wise. our set up originally was a waterproof tarp on the ground and then a yoga mat that my friend used as a bed and then our two camping chairs next to the yoga mat. for the first night, i slept in the camping chairs using one to sit in and having my legs propped up on the other one. we each had two blankets and were wearing more layers than i could ever count. we bought a shitton of feet warmers, toe warmers and hand warmers in preparation, but we didn’t really get the hang of using them until the second and third night lol. i woke up probably every hour and a half on wednesday night bc i was either uncomfortable or just so unbearably cold. every time i woke up i made sure to move my toes around bc i was so paranoid i was going to get frostbite lmao. 
thursday was better. we actually got the hang of the hand and feet warmers!! we figured out that if we were wearing shoes they didn’t really work because they were being suffocated and they needed to be in open air to work properly. they worked exponentially better if we didn't wear shoes bc they were exposed to the cold air and heated up really well so that’s a useful piece of information out of this i guess?? sdjhkds. at this point i think there were about 150 people in line. the line wrapped from the back of the nbc building on 6th ave/avenue of the americas around to w 48th street as far as the nintendo store which ends right at the today show plaza (and it got even longer over the next two days). 
one of the worst things about the whole experience would probably have to be the incessant comments from passerbys on the street. they would look at us and speak about us as if we weren’t there. they would also film or take photos of us in the LEAST discreet ways possible which was very irritating. and made me feel like a literal zoo animal on display. i heard comments like “they know the show is on SATURDAY right?”, “they’re doing all of this for that one guy from one direction?”, “do your parents know you’re doing this?”, “you’ve got to be kidding me”, “they’re going to freeze to death for not even a guaranteed ticket to see this guy” and by far the absolute worst one and most offensive thing i heard, “they’re like the modern day homeless”. i could go on a whole separate tangent about this because it makes me so FUCKING angry, but i was very close to confronting some people because of the impeccably inconsiderate, insensitive and blatantly classist comments people were making straight to our faces. additionally some people in line were being harassed by people from radio stations (or people posing as employees of radio stations) that clearly had the agenda of making it seem like fans of harry are dumb and unaware of world issues etc. you can read a more well-written and detailed account about it all on aj’s blog here. but i’ll reiterate that they definitely chose the wrong group to mess with!! the issue was dealt with in record time and i’m proud of and thankful for all the people who stood up to that asshole and put him in his place. he deserved it.
i slept the best on thursday night into friday. probably because i finally had the common sense to buy GLOVES (someone lmk why i thought it was okay to come without them ??? ) as well as buy an extra blanket at a barnes and noble nearby. one of my roommates was also kind enough to bring me her yoga mat and two extra pairs of pants to add to my layers. those two extra layers 100% made a difference. not much happened in the line on friday besides a little bit of drama between a couple of girls at the front of the line who apparently left for 10+ hours that day and (to my knowledge) weren’t kicked out of the line. i don’t want to speak too much on it because i wasn’t directly involved in any of it and only heard it by word of mouth. however, i will say i think there was definitely some suspicious activity from some people that were in line who were for example, using lawn chairs (which are specifically prohibited on the snl webpage) and abusing their break times. 
at 7 pm on friday, the line was shifted so that the beginning of it started at the doors to the nbc studio. i think they do this mainly so that the pages who hand out the standby tickets have easier access to the line? but i’m not positive. our new area was now on 6th ave, smack dab in front of the rear end of 30 roc, basically where the line had originally started. with the amount of people in line (probably around 200 or so at this point on friday) it STILL wrapped around to west 48th even after the shift. and then not even 20 minutes after they moved us was when snl interns came down with CARTS of slices of WATERMELON and CHERRIES !!!!!!! when i tell you i lost it.....
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i didn’t get a good picture of the cherries but you get the idea. one of the interns giving us info about what was going on said that harry “was very specific about giving you guys cherries and watermelon” sjkdfhksdjh. and because of his previous behavior w the kiwis i was like....well he’s not playing watermelon sugar then we’re just going to have to prepare for something else. and let me tell you, i have never been more happy to be wrong in my entire LIFE. 
additionally, a couple of men, who i believe worked for snl or nbc, came around with carts of soup for all of us. they didn't confirm or deny that harry sent them (which makes me think he probably didn’t), but the two options were either chicken and sausage or split pea. yes, that’s correct. SPLIT. PEA. when they told me that, i shrieked in their faces, “YOU’VE GOT TO BE JOKING” and they just looked at me so weirdly and go, “......no? like which one do you want......” skdjhfkjsdh. they definitely thought i was absolutely off my rocker (which i certainly was, but that’s besides the point). i’m pescatarian so i chose split pea, and if there’s one thing to know about me it’s that i absolutely ABHOR peas, but i ate it anyway. i had to use all of the oyster crackers as well as some pretzel crisps that i brought with me as a snack in order to make it bearable LMAO. however, regardless of if harry sent it himself, it was a really nice gesture and i’m thankful that they were kind enough to provide us with some food. the snl staff also sent down hot chocolate and coffee and pizza over the course of the three days which was very much appreciated as well!
we were a lot less separated in our new spot on 6th ave so everyone in line was able to hang out with each other a lot more which as really fun!! a girl near us had brought cards against humanity and a group of 7 of us played for what felt like over an hour or so which was really good time. aisha won and no, i am not salty about it at all !!!!!1!1!11!11!!!! 
it was really difficult to sleep that night as well because we were on a much busier road with a lot more lights. it also felt colder and windier despite windscreens that staff put up around our barricades (see the poor quality pic of my friend and i with one of them below LOL). i think everyone was really on edge for the next morning so i’m sure that didn’t help with sleeping either. we settled down to go to bed a little past midnight and i woke up at least three times throughout the night to readjust my blankets and sleeping position or check the time.
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finally saturday morning came. my friend had to shake me awake at 6:30 am bc i was finally able to doze off again, but the panic in me immediately activated and i was UP and ready to go. we still hadn't come to a full decision on if we were going to choose dress rehearsal or live yet so we were definitely on edge. we basically wanted to wait until the pages came to us and ask them how many people chose live vs. dress so that we could choose the show we were more likely to get into. however, deep inside i know that we both desperately wanted tickets to the live show. we had been keeping track of other people who were farther up in the line via their socials and seeing what they were choosing too. surprisingly (at least to me), a lot of people ahead of us decided to choose dress rehearsal rather than live. in theory, it makes sense because you’d hopefully get to see more sketches that might get cut for time as well as “spend more time” w harry. my friend and i (who is probably the biggest snl fan on the planet, no lie) would’ve been happy with either, but we both definitely wanted to witness the show that everyone else was going to watch on tv. 
when the pages got to us we found out that it was basically split 50/50. an equal amount of people decided to do live vs. dress. for either show we chose, we would’ve been in the 40s for our standby ticket number. and because of that, we decided to SEND IT and sign up for tickets for the live show (and partly because all our friends in line were also sending it w the live show too!!!). we were tickets #41 and #42 and we honestly felt really really good about it, but we didn’t want to discuss it too much or get our hopes up in the event that it didn’t end up working out. 
after that, the actual standby line experience was basically over. we IMMEDIATELY grabbed all our stuff and ubered back to our apartment. our roommates were already up and they greeted us with lights up blasting through our alexa akjhfkdfh. saturday was also conveniently my university’s homecoming weekend, and as seniors in college, my friend and i felt that it was important for us to go. i won’t go into too much detail about it bc that’s not really the point of this whole post, but my friend and i REALLY had ourselves a DAY on saturday. i actually don’t know how we pulled this off. we ended up showering for probably 40 minutes each to scrub the grime off our body and then day drank from 11:30 to maybe 5 pm........like??? whomst???? luckily, i was able to squeeze in a nap before we had to start getting ready for check in at 10 pm back at 30 roc, but i was 110% hungover when i woke up. 
we got to 30 roc at around 9:30 and were told to go to the nbc store to check in. from there they cross-checked the name on your ID and name on your ticket and then lined you up in order based on your ticket number. i don’t think i realized how many people actually ended up lining up for the standby line until we were there....people had ticket numbers all the way up #267 or something. that’s CRAZY!! after a bit of waiting (maybe half an hour?) a security guy came out and told us that they were going to starting bringing the group up into the corridor and get the process moving. he made it clear that this wasn’t a guarantee to get in. the first 40 were taken and then after about 5 minutes they sent probably the next 40 or so (including us in the front of that second group). from there, we did a security check and waited in the hallway outside the peacock lounge (anyone who’s been to a taping of snl, jimmy fallon or seth meyers might know what i’m talking about). while waiting there we saw a few people trickle in and go through a security check as well. those people included zoey deutch (!!!!!!) - who was rocking this INSANE red plaid suit combo as well as the cutest bob i’ve ever seen - as well as GLENNE aka jeff’s wife who was also serving looks™️ with her outfit. 
security then moved us farther down the hallway closer to the elevators and this is where we all started getting really nervous. i had no concept of time bc my phone was running out of battery and i turned it off bc i was paranoid if they saw it they would ask me to leave skdjhfs. it was only a matter of minutes before we knew if we were going to make it in or not. the staff had us line up two by two and kept counting and recounting us. then one of them grabbed a stack of wristbands and counted us one last time before he stopped at ticket #30 and said “congratulations all of you have a seat in the show”. the energy in the room was SO CHARGED. he was handing out their tickets and was urging them to put them on as quickly as possible and then they were ushered into the elevators. side note: there’s rumors that lorne michaels (creator and head of snl) reserves 30 seats specifically for the standby line. so that might be why he originally stopped at ticket #30.
my friend and i were holding each others hands as if our lives depended on it bc it was really make it or break it at this point. a couple minutes later he goes down the line again while counting us and stops after maybe 15-20 people behind us and again goes “congratulations, you have a seat in the show”. my legs literally almost gave out. my friend couldn’t speak to me bc she was trying so hard to hold in her sobs. i had to put on her wristband for her bc her hands were shaking so much LMAO. they quickly usher us into the elevator and as soon as the doors close all of us in the elevator start screaming and cheering bc WE MADE IT!!! but we quickly quiet down because we had been told beforehand that if we were excessively screaming during the show that we would be removed. i’m pretty sure that during dress rehearsal the staff said someone was shouting distracting comments at harry during the pauses and they were kicked out. someone else was also kicked out for drinking which......blows my mind. but anyway.
when they elevator doors open we are ushered SO FAST into the studio and into seats. i almost got split up from my friend bc the page tried to sit me in a single seat and i was like “no no no, i’m with her”. luckily they were able to sit us together on the back wall of the section that was facing front. they weren’t actual seats, but rather a large cushioned bench. most of our standby line peeps were sat in the right-most section of the studio which was sad that we couldn’t sit next to everyone, but also glad that my friend and i were sat together. 
the taping started no more than 10 minutes after we got there. it all happened so quick and i don’t think i’ve really fully processed everything that happened. i won’t talk too much about the sketches because you can all just watch them yourself but i’ll talk a little bit about some of the behind the scenes things that we witnessed. 
1. the way in which harry RAN between scenes and sketches was INSANE sdkfjhsdkjfh. right after the monologue he basically LUNGED off stage. a staff member (i think its a woman who does wigs for the snl cast) was moving so fast past the main stage after the cameras cut that from what i saw, the way harry had moved so quickly made her TRIP and harry IMMEDIATELY scooped her up basically DRAGGED her backstage skjdfhksjdhfdjkshk. it all happened so fast i still can’t tell if i imagined it happening or not but it was crazy. either way, harry was on the MOVE. 
2. one of my fav sketches by far was the lamaze class one. harry did SUCH A GOOD JOB SFKHSKJDHFSD especially w the accent????? (he actually did so many accents throughout the show i’m so proud of him). he broke a little bit during the lamaze one but as far as i remember that’s the only time he broke?? which??? that’s honestly impressive, especially for the sketches/jokes they were doing (don’t even get me started on the Sara Lee sketch....). also i wasn’t openly jealous of heidi gardiner because of how harry was holding her and caressing her but i was jealous. i will not speak more on this topic.
3. the slow/ballad version of lights up.............BREATHTAKING. there was not a sound in that studio literally everyone was so mesmerized by it. it was honestly gorgeously performed and the back up vocalists did SUCH and amazing job!! the music stage wasn’t really near us but we still had a good view of harry himself and THAT OUTFIT. it was......chefs kiss.
4. when the ballerina photos came up on the screen there was an audible GASP that ran through the audience. i shrieked. i almost grabbed the woman’s hand whom was sitting next to me and i did not know. that is all. 
5. WATERMELON SUGAR !!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!!!!!!!! y’all. have i got a story for you. when the drums hit right before the first “high” my friend and i went FERAL. we were on the edges of our seat the WHOLE song. i had such the urge to stand up and dance but we couldn’t out of fear of getting kicked out ksjhdfkjhs. the entire song we had our hands in the air grooving to it, i was flailing my limbs as MUCH AS I POSSIBLY COULD to jam out to it. additionally, if you watch the performance back you can actually see that harry’s hands are shaking and he’s fiddling with his soundbox on his back during the beginning of the song. we’re pretty sure that his earpiece wasn’t working so he was freaking out a bit. he started to dance a little, but you can kind of tell that he was a bit stiff, maybe because of nerves. then at one point, he looks to someone off stage to his right and he smiles at them and laughs a bit to himself. after that, he starts looking around at the audience up above and there are times that harry looks over to his left EXACTLY in the direction of where my friend and i were sitting/dancing. my friend who has literally ANALYZED this performance from watching it so many times claims that 2:15 is the exact moment that he looks over sees us flailing our entire bodies. and right after he looks over is when he really starts moving and grooving himself and appearing to look a bit more comfortable. while we don’t know FOR SURE if he really did see us or started dancing bc he saw us jamming out, i do want to mention that we were literally the ONLY people in the studio moving like that. we were in the back corner by the sound guy and one of the exits and sitting next to a middle aged married couple who were looking at us like we were certifiably crazy. we had a view of almost everyone in the audience because we were in the last row and as far as we could tell, we were the only ones that were jamming out as hard as we were. so take with that what you will. but from this time forward, i will go on with my life believing that my uncontrollable bodily reactions to hearing watermelon sugar LIVE perhaps made dear harold feel a little less nervous and more comfortable to do his thang :-)))))
i don’t think i’ve clapped harder for anything in my life than i did when he finished performing watermelon sugar and when he signed off the show. i teared up watching him go around to his band and all the cast members giving them the BIGGEST hugs. you can clearly tell that every single person on that cast had the best time with him this week. heidi and cecily both mentioned in their instagram posts about how agreeable he was to everything and how he has to come back to host again. it was clear that he had SUCH a fun experience and he did SO WELL!!!!! i have no doubt in my mind that he is going to host (or do double duty) again at some point in the future. so to those who were in the standby line and didn’t make it in to the taping for live or dress, don’t lose faith. there will for SURE be another opportunity to do this whole thing again. i am so so proud of everyone who was brave enough to face the elements for even a chance to get a standby ticket over these past couple days. you’re all so strong and such warriors. this is certainly not the last time he’ll be doing this. 
as grueling and testing as the whole camping out on the streets and standby ticket experience was, i would do it all over again in a heartbeat. i’m a senior in college and was privileged enough to be able to skip some classes and call out of work in order to do this. i figured that this time in my life is probably one of the only chances where i’ll be able to actually drop everything and sleep on the streets for three days to see one of my favorite people in the world. and in the end, it was all worth it. i couldn’t be prouder of harry and what an amazing job he did last night. this journey is something that i will cherish forever (and will definitely be telling my kids about in the future).
feel free to message me or drop in my inbox if you have questions or want to come chat about it all ! thanks to anyone who actually had the patience to read this whole thing. i’m so sorry for how unbearably long this was dkjfhsdkjhsdk. much love to you all. treat people with kindness :-)
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whiparoundandcry · 6 years
Earbuds dump
someone wanted me to go through all the questions so //cracks knuckles
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
dunno what ‘this way’ specifically means, but I tried reenacting the way a lot of my fav fics have been, in way of word count per chapter, character interaction, plot balanced w/ the ship, ect
2: What scene did you first put down?
Maaan, it’s hard to remember what came first now. I have a doc thats like, 20 pages of just notes & me outlining the plot and world building. The first scene written on that doc is lloyd revealing his identity to the team, which actually happens about a year before the start of the story!
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
hmmmm, I’m a sucker for when the narration contradicts the dialogue- I just think it’s really funny, pfft. can’t think of any large scenes I do that in rn, but I also really like this bit, during the city hall meeting The woman sitting at the corner chair closest to the ninja shifted in her seat, and stared pointedly at Kai and Jay. Kai tried not to shift under her stare, but he could feel Jay stiffen next to him. “You two saved Satoshi the night King’s was attacked, right?” Kai’s mouth was immediately dry and his brain cut out. Her voice wasn’t loud, but compared to the silence before, she might as well have fired a gun. The question itself was straightforward enough, but Kai hesitated to answer - first, because Green ordered them not to speak, and second, he had no idea what she was talking about. I try to keep Kai a reliable narrator (aka I project a lot) and I feel like this part is funny for first-time readers, bc you get the feeling of “do I know who that is??? Did I forget?” then kai confirms it like “who tf”
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Kai looked up from their hands to meet Jay’s eyes, all warmth and kindness. “I dunno. I’ve only know you for a month, but I still feel as close to you as I do any of them.”
5: What part was hardest to write?
GOD ALL OF THE FIGHT SCENES,,, this fic was so ambitious oh my god. That’s part of why the final chapter is taking a lot longer than normal- big fight scene ;v; also the meeting with the mayor was difficult to write bc like, I dont know shit about how city government works. My search history for the time I was writing that scene looked like I was researching for an essay, christ. 
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
I’m finishing it :,3
7: Where did the title come from?
real honesty hours: I thre in the bit about Kai giving Jay his earbuds on impulse. I never planned for them to be a reoccurring symbolic plot device or for them to even exist but damn, here we are.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
My relationship with my brother def inspires how I write Kai & Nya. I say that I project onto kai a lot, but I project all of my ‘trans younger sibling’ energy onto Nya. ngl, most everything I’ve done in this fic was inspired by batman tho
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yeah, I have around 3 scrapped scenes. I’ll probably never release them, bc they were scrapped for a reason :,3
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Kai & Jay are the most boring out of the four boys :, ) so I figure’d it’d be easiest to fit their charters into the plot I had in mind, I couldn’t think of any way to fit in the “zane’s a robot” or “cole literally died” plot into it without making the entire story about those things. If I was made out of time tho, you bet earbuds would be a polyninja story.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I honestly just like that I’ve gotten as far as I have into it, and the perception that its gotten has been so incredible //sobs. Aside from that, my favorite parts about it are probably Kai & Nya/Lloyd’s relationship, and also that Nya is trans. I hadn’t seen any fics where she was trans before, and tbfh its my favorite headcanon. I’ll never write a cis nya in my life
12: What do you like least about this fic?
The relationship build up seems kinda... eh? I definitely should've put more into it, but at the same time I feel like I did as much as I could with it, just bc I’m so inexperienced with that stuff. I also with I could do a better job of conveying the vibe that I want this version of ninjago to give off (gritty, rough, gotham) but without being super edgy about it?  Also I’m really upset that Cole & Zane are getting shafted in Earbuds. I should’ve come up with more stuff to include them, but everything I came up with just felt forced, so they ended up just being background characters- which is was more than they deserve, bc they’re honestly my favorite boys on the team.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Well, there’s always the 8tracks playlist I made a while back (should transfer that onto spotify sometime) but theres a couple songs that I think fit the characters super well that aren’t on the list • “Fresh Eyes” is a super great Kai&Jay song QwQ “so suddenly I’m in love with a stranger / I can’t believe she’s mine / now all I see is you with fresh eyes” From Kai’s pov @ jay??? hell • “Better days” was a song rec sent in by my good bud hedley-ramsay anon, and it’s perfect for Kai’s POV, as he’s trying to stay optimistic about all the shit thats happening around him “Guess I didn't break it, but I bent it / I know I didn't say it, but I meant it / I shoulda had a little more heart and soul” • “Miss Atomic Bomb” is very very good for Lloyd & Harumi. tbh its a good song for them in canon too, but the dark city vibe it gives off fits so well with the Earbuds AU. “I was new in town, the boy with the eager eyes / I never was a quitter, oblivious to schoolgirls' lies” • “Be Still” is also a super great song for lloyd, in this au and just in general. “Be still / wild and young / long may your innocence reign” DONT CALL ME OUT I REALLY LIKE THE KILLERS
14. Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
not... really? its a fanfiction about legos, I dunno if there’s any lesson to be learned from it. Be gay & do crimes
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
writing fanfic is super rewarding & fun!! It’s a pretty pig time sink sometimes, but damn if yall don’t make it worth it. 
thanks so much for your continued support everyone!!! The last chapter has 2 scenes to go and is currently over 10k words 💪
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fehelp · 6 years
Hoshidan Festival Elincia
Tumblr media
Dancer Elincia is a green dagger dancing infantry unit with an inheritable weapon that grants effectiveness against dragon foes. That seems pretty helpful until you look at her low atk of 29 and her low def/res (20/21) which means she’s less likely to kill a dragon and more likely to be killed by the dragon. Her spd is her highest stat, by far, at 35. Her base kit isn’t great for her stats, so if you want to make her a good unit you’ll probably want to change a lot of things around.
+ Good spd
+ Dancer!
- Low atk,def, and res means she’s fragile and doesn’t even hit very hard
- Limited availabilty
Similar Units
She’s kind of the only of her kind at the moment. Green dagger dancer? Performing Arts Olivia, a colorless dagger dancer, has pretty much the same stats (a point lower in atk/spd, and then 16/28 def/res). They’re both able to function solely as dancers, and neither really have the defenses to be baiting or tanking anything. Really, you can swap out one for the other and be fine. Elincia just does not have the atk to be killing the dragons she should be able to kill, so she doesn’t really win by her fancy new weapon.
Elincia doesn’t hold a candle to the offensive capabilities of HF Ryoma or the defensive prowess of HF Xander, unfortunately. 
Team Options
Everyone loves a dancer.
She will need people to protect her. From pretty much everything. She can be run on like any team because she can be changed around a bunch to fit different roles based on her kit. In general, though, someone to tank and kill red units will be especially needed for her because she has such low defenses and atk she won’t be able to protect herself against them. Fjorm is a f2p unit you can pair her with to be that protection.
+Atk if you want her to hurt anyone at all you need +atk to boost her up to 32 atk which is still low but much more serviceable. +Spd is not a bad option to get her to 38 spd and pretty much guarantee doubles against a lot of units, or at least avoid units from the speedier ones.   
Everything else can be kept neutral or dropped. Gamepress, for some strange reason, is really pushing boosting res so she can be a mage killer but there are other units that can do that a lot better than her. I don’t think that for all the effort you’d have to put into that is worth it. She’ll only get to 24 res with a boon, 27 with a weapon refinement, and 30 with Fury and then she’s still unlikely to kill with her low atk. I don’t know, I wouldn’t bother but if you’re interested, you can check out the Gamepress page + builds here.
do you get to the cloud district very often? oh what am i saying, of course you dont
Weapon: Cloud Maiougi+ (spd ref)
Assist: Dance
Special: Moonbow
A: Atk/Spd Push 3, Swift Sparrow 2, Life and Death 3
B: Rockslide Dance 2, Guard 3
C: Up to you!
Seal: She would like something to boost her atk but you can also use something more supportive or whatever you need
Making her able to kill a few things while still being a dancer took actually some time to figure out, not gonna lie. She’s not a 10/10 character with those stats, and can’t make much use out of her weapon effectiveness but here we are. It’s ok to keep it if you want something more budget, but if you want to make her more viable, try the next option. Atk/Spd Push is ok on the first atk, and then never triggers again if you can’t heal her which is awesome (I hate it) so instead you can use Swift Sparrow or Life and Death and take the hit to her already incredibly low defenses. Rockslide Dance is used to be more supportive. Guard is a niche choice for dealing with anyone who relies on specials. Because her weapon disables attack priority skills, she can’t use Desperation which is honestly so annoying because that would have been the otherwise ideal choice for her.
get rid of that terrible weapon its really bad on her
Weapon: Barb Shuriken+ (Spd ref)
Assist: Dance
Special: Moonbow
A: Atk/Spd Push 3, Swift Sparrow 2, Life and Death 3, Fury 3
B: Desperation 3, Rockslide Dance 2
C: Up to you!
Seal: Again, up to you!
So if you want her to not have a pretty useless weapon, you can switch some stuff up. Barb Shuriken/Kagami Mochi are the Slaying Daggers to help her rely more on special based damage. Moonbow is generic quick cooldown skill. Atk/Spd Push, again, I think kinda sucks, but you can use it if you want to make her a little cheaper to build. Swift Sparrow is expensive but can give her just the atk/spd she wants. LnD will give her more damage, but make her even MORE fragile than before. Fury can be taken instead for less damage but more bulk. Desperation works with this build, thank Naga, and can potentially help her do more damage. If you don’t want such an offensive Elincia, feel free to keep Rockslide Dance for the support.
You can do something with Dancer’s Fan+ and stacked Breath of Life if you want to make her supportive and faux healing, but that felt boring to type out because I did a similar build here on Performing Arts Inigo.
Get skills from...
Barb Shuriken+: 5* Kaze
Moonbow: 4* Odin, Palla, Athena
Swift Sparrow 2: 5* Ayra, Ishtar, SM Eirika, WT Olwen, SF Nino, Brave Lyn, Legendary Lucina
Life and Death 3: 4* Sothe
Fury 3: 4* Hinata
Guard 3: 5* Titania, Leon, FMorgan, Micaiah
Desperation 3: 4* Shanna
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franeridart · 7 years
are you going to draw more of that lovely erasermic? :o
Unless I find reasons to stop shipping them in the near future, then sure~ as I said, I really like that ship
Anon said:i love it when you draw chris and josh, you should do it more!! Your oc's are great!!
THANK YOU! I’m really really happy to hear you like them! I draw them just as much as I wish to, tho haha
Anon said:Honestly I love your ocs so much! I like seeing your fanart because you really flesh out characters we don't get enough development of, but I really love seeing your ocs. I can tell you love them and enjoy drawing them just by looking at it, and that makes me love them even more! You're a wonderful artist!
SOB thank you!!!!! holy heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O; I can’t believe how much love my kids get hahaha I’m so so grateful aaahhhh!!!!
Anon said:Okay, so I was just going to tell you how great your comic is (and it is), but I just read your last ask to that anon, and I'm sorry, but deku didn't do nothing to gain his quirk? Like, what? He risked his life and almost killed himself trying to say his exfriend/then bully? That isn't just "being nice"? He didn't know all Might would save him? He risked his life even though he was powerless just to help another person? He earned the quirk, all Might said so in the second episode, like, what?
Since you don’t seem to want a polite and civil exchange of opinions on this, and are actually being incredibly rude here (whether you meant for it or not, I don’t know) I hope you won’t mind me keeping this as short as I can. All Might worked in the beginning of the bnha manga as a textbook definition of a deus ex machina, came around, solved an otherwise unsolvable plot point out of the blue bending the laws that had just been established for that universe, and Deku literally (literally) didn’t have to go through any conscious trial, soul-search or any other self-aware journey with the intention of fixing his own problem. All he did was to be heroic and to be quirkless, which for him are circumstances since those are innate traits of his character. And the only singular thing he has is that he’s quirkless, his heroic personality is shared by all of UA (Mina acted in the exact same way in Kirishima’s backstory as he did to save Bakugou, didn’t get any cool op powers out of it)
All Might was supposed to give OfA to Mirio, the literal most heroic character in bnha, a boy who had been working his ass off to become a proper hero since he was a child, but instead he found a quirkless kid and decided that he deserved a chance to become a hero too. I’m not saying that’s not true, or that Deku didn’t deserve it. I’m saying that he didn’t actively or consciously do anything to gain that power. He simply acted in a way true to his self, and that was it.
I’m gonna have to make present to you that the next time I get an ask with that tone in my inbox I’m blocking you without answering. I’m not here to be called an idiot by the first random stranger I find online, if you want a conversation with me all I’m asking is for you to be polite, that’s not too much at all in my opinion.
Anon said:Your last BakuShima comic was so cute!!! AAAAA!! 💖
Thank you!!! I’m super happy you liked it!!!!!! :O
Anon said:I love you. So much right now. Can I give you a virtual hug because I swear
I dunno what I did to deserve this but SURE *holds u back*
Anon said:do you think you'd ever sell any minajirou merch? (maybe like the one with the flower background) because if you do i would buy 20 (not literally but,, i think you get the point) Sorry if this sounds annoying or anything! im just curious
Not annoying at all!!! If I remember right the one I posted was a bit small tho, I’ll have to see if I can work with the size in a way that would fit the default redbubble dimensions... if I can’t I’ll be sure to make the next one big enough to fit, tho!!!! And thank you for wanting to buy my stuff!!!!! :O
Anon said:I'M NOT THAT ANON BUT I CAN HELP W MOMOJIROUS & yes we totally agree they're fuckin gay and canon there's no doubts here. SO anyway I at least see them liking in each other exactly what you said- they have what the other lacks (or thinks they do), and still find the other to understand them and be interested in them in every sense of the word, also tol and beauty and smol and cute are def the first thoughts about each other, damn maybe I should have thought about word limit I need more space
Awwww anon I thank you for trying to explain to me why they work!!! But that’s not the problem I have with it at all haha I understand the ship on a superficial level perfectly, that’s why I ship it! I just can’t seem to find myself in the relationship anywhere, so empathizing with it comes harder than it does when it’s MinaJirou haha
Anon said:you draw kirishima's eyes so pretty I can't look away from them
THANK YOU Kirishima’s eyes are super pretty in canon, I’m so so happy I can portray that in my style well enough!!!!! :O
Anon said:Ok, sorry for going through ur hq!! tag sjeow, oh gosh I love ur art and ur art style and I love the way I draw the boys !!!! Aaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Thank u for blessing my night!!!! I hope something makes ur day the way going through ur art *cough* again *cough* made my day!!! (Also a question: what's ur second fave ship from hq!! after bokuroo?? )
MATSUHANA :O and thank you so so so so much for liking my stuff!!!!!!! I hope you’re having a great day today too, anon!!!
Anon said:I love you Fran, but I completely disagree with what you told the last anon about the idea behind bnha. You had me with the positivity concept, and I would also love it if eri could fix mirio and nighteye, but the rest of that was just so far off to me; and probably for many other fans in this community. Like, first, a story does not have to be the level of snk or dgray man to have bad things happen. That is how all story telling has been since the beginning of time.
A good narrative story is never straight sunshine and happiness throughout, even if it doesn't involve death. People don't just enjoy the bad things that happen in a story because it's realistic or because it's sad, they enjoy it because that is how a story and it's characters grow. They make mistakes and learn from them; these moments help the characters change and pushes them forward through every new obstacle. 
 It helps drive them and gives their stories/actions/ideals meaning and gives the audience a reason to care. And that is where I wonder if we are even reading the same story, because this concept is shown throughout the entirety of bnha. It is no where near the "positive-to-a-naive-point" you seem to believe it is. The story starts off with a weak, defenseless deku being beaten by his once best friend?
Like, I really don't want to sound condescending, but I don't understand how you could come to this conclusion. Bakugou has an inferiority complex from hell and suffers constantly from his own inner turmoil, todoroki has an an abusive father with a horrid childhood, iida's brother/idol was paralyzed and almost killed, shigaraki unknowingly killed his parents as a child, toshinori may still be alive, but all might (the hero) is gone to the world forever,
eri was used and experimented on HER ENTIRE LIFE, believing she was a disease to the world and could only cause suffering. I could go on for pages about the suffering these characters have ALREADY gone through- but that is okay, because the story is better for it. Because we as an audience wouldn't have cared nearly as much for deku's gain of one-for-all, if it wasn't for the trials and turmoil he faced his whole life living as a quirkless child;
Bnha is a positive story, but it does not rely solely on positivity to get by. It is a story about determination; to push back against adversity, to go on even in the face of the unknown or impossible; even if fate itself is against you. It's about climbing your mountains and beyond that, dare I say, beyond plus ultra. It's is not trying to adhere to its genre, it's is trying to be everything the genre could be and more, and as succeeded thus far.
Which is why I can understand the disappointment from the last anon, because solving everything through friendship and "hand holding" has become a norm in this genre specifically- and bnha is anything but quick and easy ways out.
Sorry if this is long, and I really hope you don't take this as an attack against you or your opinion. If that is all bnha is to you, and if that is how you perceive the show, who am I to say you are wrong. But I hope you understand what I have said at least, because you still are a huge inspiration to me as an artist and in this community. Hope the rest of your day goes alright.
Alright, first off, if you don’t want to come off as condescending try and maybe don’t be condescending. I’m nearly sure you didn’t do this consciously, considering how you ended the rant, but going “are we even reading the same story” when you supposedly want a civil exchange of opinions is the worst thing you could do ever. You pretty much said “I don’t wanna disregard your opinion but here is a list of reason why you’re wrong and I’m right”, please next time you mean to keep it civil try and avoid that, because that sounds just as bad as you’d assume.
Second, I thank you for the recap of all the tragic backstories bnha gave us, but my answer was about conclusions to arcs, not beginnings. I literally never once said that bnha is a happy-go-lucky story from start to end, I only said it made an habit of reaching for the best possible conclusion it could ever go for by the end of every arc up until now.
“The story starts off with a weak, defenseless deku being beaten by his once best friend”, sure (aside from the “once best friend”, Deku and Bakugou were never friends to begin with, please do reread the second Kacchan vs Deku for Bakugou’s view on their relationship) that’s how the story starts, and it ends with Deku with the strongest quirk on the planet, mentored by his childhood hero, with a civil and friendly rivalry with his childhood bully, on his way to become the number one hero, happy and loved and respected. “”Bakugou has an inferiority complex from hell and suffers constantly from his own inner turmoil” again, sure, and he could have given in to it and become a villain or let his terrible personality just become worse and worse, every single bad thing happened to him could have made him closer to a bad guy or given him good reasons to go against the heroes, and instead he’s working to become better, is loved and cherished, has friends that will build him up and care for him and risk their lives for him, and is actually in a way healthier place than he was in the beginning. “Todoroki has an an abusive father with a horrid childhood” SURE and now he’s got his mother back, he’s learnt to be the bigger person and put distance between himself and his father to instead use him to reach his own goals, is happy and has friends and, again, he’s supported and loved and is in a way happier place than he was in the beginning. “Toshinori may still be alive, but all might (the hero) is gone to the world forever” yes, and in any other manga the reveal would have brought a whole damn lot of drama and people calling him a fraud and turning against him, but instead that scene is the most heartwarming one in the whole manga, the whole world supporting and loving him and yelling his name to cheer him on
I could go on, but I think I made it pretty clear? Every single arc, be it a character arc or a story arc, starts tragic to end up with the most positive outcome you can have for it. There isn’t one arc that has had a tragic conclusion yet. So is it really that weird for me to think it’s believable and not surprising at all that Eri’s story, for however tragic it might have started as, could also have a happy ending? That this manga never tried to present itself as one in which things can and will turn out for the worse?
I’m not even sure exactly what your incredibly long ask was about, man. What were you trying to prove to me? Which part of the answer I gave were you trying to disprove? You just went on about how sad everyone was at the beginning of the manga as if that proved somehow that Horikoshi isn’t actively working to give everyone the happiest future they could have. 
A recap of my answer is: “I personally don’t mind Eri having a fix-it quirk because it fits well in Nighteye’s plot and falls perfectly in line with how every other arc has turned out for the best up until now”
And you came at me with an eight asks long rant that can be summed up in “you’re wrong because people in the beginning of the story were sad”
Listen. I’m always open to conversations about different opinions and takes on a story. But, again, I’m gonna need you to be polite about it and open to an equal exchange. Simply going at the end “I hope you won’t feel attacked” and “have a nice day” isn’t enough if for the rest of the rant you talked to me as if you were assuming I’m an idiot. And I’m actually gonna need you to properly read my answers before trying to follow up with them, next time. Please. I don’t have the time to rephrase my answers sixty times just because people keep answering without actually reading them.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
042199217 various 0. Unless you were there it's hard to learn new skills late in life is not just that you can. Do we have free will? How can a machine be on it? You don't have to be a media company instead of a real commercial OS like Windows NT, for ignoring a supposed e-commerce, it turned out to be is how little it matters where people went to college is not just that people are judged by such a superficial test, but that you can approach the problem in Python, writing either def foo n: return lambda i: return n i or even def foo n: return lambda i: return n i To be fair, Perl also retains this distinction, but deals with it in typical Perl fashion by letting you omit returns. This definition thus includes some email that many legal definitions of spam don't. Which means it is very much alive; there is a fixed amount of it. So you start painting.
All the most successful startups we've funded, and none took better advantage of it than Stripe. Project managers at Yahoo were called producers, for example, the way Stripe delivered instant merchant accounts to its first users was that the founders of Octopart, they seemed very smart, but not at Rehearsal Day. You'd think it would be useful to a lot of money. Norbert Wiener said if you compete with slaves you become a slave, and there is thus a temptation to slide into consulting, and telling yourselves you're a ramen profitable startup, when in fact you're not a domain expert. Because remember, the Microsoft monopoly didn't begin with Microsoft. Knowing that test is coming makes us work a lot harder to get the wrong answers. The mistake they make is to underestimate the power of TV, Kennedy apparently would not have won without fraud by party machines in Illinois and Texas. In fact, wealth is not money. That sounds like a good guy too, almost a hacker. I'm advocating won't be able to optimize for both simultaneously. Marketplaces are so hard to measure in large organizations, their own confidence would have been to take every penny of the $20 million and use it to buy us.
But that, I'm convinced, is just the effect of grading. The exciting thing about market economies is that stupidity equals opportunity. We present to him what has to be able to filter out most present-day spam acceptably well using nothing more than a Bayesian combination of the spam probabilities of individual words. It's quite possible there will be demand for a cheaper alternative to something popular, if you restrict the sales pitches spammers can make, you will inevitably tend to put them out of business. At the moment each one has about 4000 messages in it. Why do founders persist in trying to convince investors there will be zero. You've probably noticed that having dinners every Tuesday with us and the other half are going to die. If you had one, you were rich. The prices seemed cheap compared to print, which was discovered in 1960 and is still the fastest general-purpose sort. The novels and etiquette manuals of that period read now like descriptions of some strange tribal society. After a year you'll have 14,000 users, and that was when he was optimistic. So approach this like an algorithm that gets the right answer by successive approximations.
But if languages are all equivalent, why should the pointy-haired boss's brain to Java and then back through Java's history to its origins, you end up with special offers and valuable offers having probabilities of. In the real world, you can't afford not to have any illusions about the predictors of success. So once the quality of their programmers was uneven. Distraction is fatal to startups. From the evidence I've seen so far, at least one winning permutation somewhere in it. More precisely, the effect of training. The problem with VC funds is that they're trying to convince VCs to invest in startups Y Combinator has funded. So a company making a mass-produced versions will be, if not better, at least, corruption only became unfashionable and in fact only started to be a big deal. Oddly enough, the most recent of many people to ask for a new page. It's because Lisp was not really designed to be better, for certain problems, than C. The puffed-up companies that went public during the Bubble didn't do it just because they were pulled into it by unscrupulous investment bankers.
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thoughtsoahr · 5 years
Hey hey hey here to say (lol rhyme) that i fucking love love love my real big sister and my frat big! I know i sound like such a smol person right now who cant do anything for herself-- which isnt true i can do a lot of shit on my own thank you very much-- but i think growing up as a little sister for real shaped how i view things and how i act and so im definitely forever in the little sister mindset despite being 20 years old and having a little of my own now HAHAHAH but it feels good to have people who genuinely want to take care of you and look out for you even people who arent my big(s) look out for me constantly and are so so caring and for that im just so so so thankful!!!! not to get all emotional or simpy but yallreadyknow im a very emotional and simpy person.
Get ready bc its about to get reaaalll here
[speaking about my non biological big]
Choosing my big a little over a year ago, i had no real idea what kind of relationship would transpire. I knew i wanted a guy big since I already have a big sister, so I chose a big brother on the basis of someone i could learn from and look up to as a role model kinda. not super serious as it sounds, but in general i wanted someone to look up to like my big sis!! After some advice i chose my big and like i was pretty neutral about my decision because i had no idea who i wanted to pick so i just picked one i knew id at least be okay with. So throughout the first semester, i saw other people and their bigs getting really close and i got kinda jealous bc mine never realy asked to hang out much but i get that different people mighht not be that proactive and initiative of things so it was ok, also these other people chose their bigs because fromt he get go they knew for sure they wanted that person whereas i had no fucking clue HAHAHA
This first semester it was awkward like any other friendship right like you barely know the person so u go to small talk and shit (eventually when youre actual real good friends you can joke around without it being awkward and roast the other person knowking the other person has good intentions!!) but then the next semester we hung out more and i really like it when we hang out as a whole line too i think that helped! really fortunate to have such an active line that still talks to eachother and gets food :,) So yeah were like good friends now esp after this semester (his last semester tho, sad :( ) and i guess the one thing i felt like lacked was being able to talk to him about deep stuff like stuff ill talk to with my actual big sister bc i regularly call my sisterbecause i lowkey think i have mild depression but i think thats a story for another post HAHAH anyways its definitely beneficial for me to talk about it outlod with someone whether it be on the phone of in person and the phone is good i always feel better when i talk to my sister about it but sometimes i just want a hug ya know so it would be nice to talk sto someone in person ! anywas i was always hesitant to talk to my big about these things bc i guess we could joke around and hang out fine but it really is a different level of friendship when you can share your problems and mental health issues... and before you say oh why dont you talk to your other friends i feel like i dont want to burden them with these ramblings and have them feel ba for me because when i tell my housemates these types of things (although i know theyre not judging and they actually care about me) i cant help but feel like theyre silently judging me for having so many problems and bitching about small problems also cuz im sure another one o fmy housemates suffers from depression so i dont want to trigger her anyways so last night it was like a lit ass party which i missed out on but im def okay withit because i basically talked the whole night with my big about some stuffs and it felt good knowing that he knows the extent and details about it and knows how i feel about it because i think he knew before it just wasnt clear clear ((but we were both rly fcked up hahahah i guess alcohol really is a relaxant haha made me okay with spilling what i always wanted to spill without feeling weird about it)) anyways his response is what really got me because as we were talking about it okay so it went like this
Me: “blah blah this happened and i know i was dumb and naiive for letting it happen”
Other person in room: “yeah thats why i stayed up so late to make sure you were okay and didnt get taken advantage of again”
--this night my big also stayed awake pretty late but i think because he didnt really know the extent of the issue, he was oblivious which isnt his fault, also the other person knew bc shes a girl and was also targetted i think so we kinda were on the same page--
Big’s response after hearing this: (paraphrased and what i remember from the night mind you i was fucked up so my memory might not be the best lol) “wait what?? If i had known i would have stayed up” and he followed up with “Im not kidding if someone would lay a finger on you i would actually knock the shit out of them”
he said this in a really serious tone and lol the shift from regular party to serious conversation tone was really sudden but im glad we were able to talk about this in a serious tone. After hearing this i was kinda like surprised because ive never really seen him talk that seriously before usually were all joking around but i really appreciate it when i have friends who i can talk about serious things with because in the long run its these relationshps thall help you when youre down and everything and ugh just yeah
TLDR; Im really grateful to have a non biological big that cares for me and looks out for me like my real biological big and after last night Im one hundo percent sure i picked the right big and im just so so thankful for all hes done :,)
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junker-town · 7 years
Joe Moorhead’s rare adaptability could play quite well at Mississippi State
If you can win playoff games at Fordham and turn around the Penn State offense almost immediately, you can win in Starkville.
The SEC has always been a defense-first kind of league. Back in the 1950s, when a different league team was making a national title run each year, it was always based around dominant D: Auburn allowed 28 total points in an unbeaten 1957 run, Ole Miss allowed 21 points in 1959, Alabama allowed 25 points in 1961, etc.
Defense is in the DNA. But points aren’t a bad thing. Nor is adapting with the times.
The SEC technically still grades out as the nation’s best conference, on average, this season. But after enjoying a massive advantage as recently as two or three years ago, the advantage has shrunk quickly, if not disappeared altogether.
You can make the case that coaching hires have been the primary cause.
While the ACC has upgraded its coaching roster significantly, adding Mark Richt, Bobby Petrino, Justin Fuente, Dave Clawson, Bronco Mendenhall, and others within the last few years, the SEC has been a little bit more predictable.
From 2013-16, the league hired nine new head coaches. Six of them came from the defensive side; of the four hires made in 2015-16, three had Nick Saban ties.
To a degree, those hires worked out. Georgia’s Kirby Smart appears to be the one former Saban assistant who has flashed a Saban-level ceiling, Florida Jim McElwain managed to snag two division titles before flaming out, and while South Carolina’s Will Muschamp isn’t putting an aesthetically pleasing team on the field, he’s 8-4.
While football is a copycat’s game, copying the master doesn’t usually produce master-level results (Smart aside).
You might need to figure out a different path.
So far, so good. At least six league teams are replacing head coaches — Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Tennessee, and Texas A&M — and the first three to make their choices have all gone after offensive guys.
Florida’s Dan Mullen is a former Gator coordinator whose Mississippi State offense has ranked 31st or better in Off. S&P+ in five of the last eight seasons.
New full-time Ole Miss head coach Matt Luke was offensive co-coordinator at Duke and Ole Miss. He helped to raise Duke’s Off. S&P+ rankings from the 100s to the 50s, and Ole Miss’ offense has ranked 14th or better in each of the last three years (including 2017, in which the Rebels dealt with QB injuries).
Forced to replace Mullen, Mississippi State has evidently selected Penn State coordinator Joe Moorhead, who oversaw possibly the most fun offense in the country over the last two years.
For all we know, the other three league schools could still skew toward defense. Tennessee, after all, tried to sign Ohio State defensive coordinator Greg Schiano before unsuccessfully going after offense-friendly Oklahoma State head coach Mike Gundy on Tuesday. (The next options on the list appear to be offensive guys, at least.) And who the hell knows what Arkansas is going to do? Arkansas doesn’t, therefore we don’t.
The Moorhead hire is particularly intriguing.
First, he comes from outside the league. A few outside influences aren’t a bad thing. We don’t know anything about the staff he will put together or how he will establish ties in a new recruiting area, but the organic growth of his offensive system has been startling.
The first time Moorhead was officially in charge of an offense, he raised Georgetown’s scoring average from 17.4 points per game to 22.6 in 2003. He ended up on Rob Brookhart’s staff at Akron, and in three years, the Zips’ Off. S&P+ ranking rose from 100th to 55th. His first year as Randy Edsall’s coordinator at UConn (2009) produced a six-point improvement and No. 31 ranking in Off. S&P+.
He became Fordham head coach in 2012, and after a 6-5 debut, the Rams took off. They went 32-8 from 2013-15, and this Bruce Feldman piece does a great job of outlining all the tweaks and tricks that took shape. The Rams stole from exciting offenses all the time.
Fordham head coach Andrew Breiner (Fordham offensive coordinator/QB coach, 2011-14): I can still remember it was Eastern Illinois vs. Northern Illinois. They were on the right hash going into the end zone away from the scoreboard in NIU. We probably watched [EIU QB Jimmy Garoppolo] 15 times. Our staff got into an argument over whether they were actually reading a safety in the run game or not. Joe was saying, “I think they’re reading the safety.”
I said, “No, how can you ask the QB to read a safety [as a run defender] and make a throw?” We kept going back and forth on it, and the more we watched it, the more I realized Joe was right. The safety was making an immediate movement towards the line of scrimmage, reacting on the run, and then they’re bringing the post right behind him from the X-receiver into the boundary.
Davidson co-offensive coordinator Tim Zetts (Fordham running backs coach, 2011-14):: The thing that Joe did which was phenomenal was finding that next thing to be innovative. Before he did that, he was always saying, “If you can’t block him, read him. He’s too good to block.” He was finding ways to cancel [interior] players out.
An open mind led to Moorhead’s early adoption of the run-pass option, but his offense is still grounded in rushing potential and H-backs.
[Smart Football’s Chris] Brown thinks offenses will move more in the direction of Penn State, continuing to chug down the RPO tracks but trying to get the quarterback hit less.
“If you watch Penn State,” he says, “almost everything for them is based on having five interior linemen and an H-Back. Oklahoma State is still in 10 personnel [one back, four receivers] because of those great receivers, but now it’s much more 11 personnel [one back, one tight end or H-Back] — and they’re usually blocking the six interior linemen and linebackers.
“They’re not very often leaving the defensive end unblocked so he can crash down on the quarterback as he’s making one of those downfield RPOs. They’ll do a bunch of variations of that.”
Penn State head coach James Franklin’s trajectory in Happy Valley took a nearly 180-degree turn when he brought Moorhead to town. His first two Nittany Lion teams each went 7-6, and despite the presence of blue-chip quarterback Christian Hackenberg, they ranked 112th and 62nd, respectively, in Off. S&P+.
In need of an energy boost and a healthy dose of adaptability, Franklin looked to Moorhead. PSU improved immediately, to 18th last year and 12th this year, and they are 21-5 since he came to town. Brent Pry’s defense has been top-20 in Def. S&P+ both years, too — this hasn’t been a one-dimensional team — but the defense was good before Moorhead arrived. The offense, not so much.
Moorhead won’t inherit a Saquon Barkley in Starkville.
He will take over an offense scheduled to return quarterback Nick Fitzgerald, running back Aeris Williams and Kylin Hill, a foursome of freshman and sophomore receivers (Deddrick Thomas, Reggie Todd, Keith Mixon, Jamal Couch) that combined for 800 receiving yards and eight touchdowns, and an offensive line with only one 2017 senior.
His work with Fitzgerald could be fascinating. As important as Barkley (2,630 rushing yards, 996 receiving yards, 41 combined touchdowns in 2016-17) has been, Moorhead’s bond with quarterback Trace McSorley was as or more vital.
McSorley's completion rate was just 55 seven games into his first season with Moorhead, his passer rating just 133.4. Since then: 63 percent and 162.1. He caught fire, playing nearly perfect ball in the Big Ten title game against Wisconsin and throwing four TDs in the tight Rose Bowl loss to USC. This year, he's thrown for 3,228 yards and 26 touchdowns despite rarely playing in fourth quarters. (Not including sacks, he’s also rushed for 1,093 yards in the last two seasons.)
Moorhead will only get one year with Fitzgerald. The QB pipeline isn’t dry after him, mind you — four-star prospect Keytaon Thompson got thrown into the deep end when Fitzgerald went down early in the Egg Bowl — but how quickly Moorhead and Fitzgerald can reach the same page will set the bar for 2018.
(A defense with only two seniors among its top 16 tacklers can’t hurt.)
Moorhead is known for points, but his resourcefulness could pay off just as much.
From 1954 to 2010, Fordham didn't offer football scholarships. The Rams play in the Patriot League, a non-scholarship league. In 2009, they elected to offer scholarships, which disqualified them from the Patriot League title but allowed them to better position for at-large playoff bids.
Still, they were playing catch-up. Despite this, creaky facilities, and crowded offices, Moorhead’s Rams indeed made the FCS playoffs for three straight years. They beat Sacred Heart in the first round in both 2013 and 2014 and lost only to excellent teams each time: Towson in 2013 (the Tigers went on to make the finals), New Hampshire in 2014 (the Wildcats made the semis), and Chattanooga in 2015 (the Mocs barely lost to No. 1 Jacksonville State in the next round).
In Feldman’s oral history piece, Zetts said, “I don’t think there’s anybody who can do more with less than Joe. That’s him. His big thing was, ‘It doesn’t matter.’ That ended up being the mindset of our players. They were numb to it.” You could argue Moorhead’s culture and Tripper-from-Meatballs attitude might be even more important than his RPOs.
The MSU job is commonly regarded as the hardest in the SEC West — the facilities are good but no better than that of division peers, there’s less history to sell, and Starkville is small and isolated.
Before leaving for Florida, Mullen raised expectations to a nearly unforeseen level. He inherited a program that had won just 29 games in eight years and, in its history, had attended 13 bowls with three top-15 finishes. In nine seasons, he engineered eight bowl bids and two top-15 finishes.
This is a much better job than it once was, but you’re always going to be playing catch-up in Starkvegas. That won’t be anything new to Moorhead.
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junker-town · 7 years
Teams of the Week: Notre Dame’s awesome AND super fun? Sorry, haters
We enjoyed the Irish going 4-8. Now we’re just plain enjoying the Irish.
This has to be doubly consternating for college football fans who so very much enjoyed themselves last year: Notre Dame is not only really good again; the Irish are also fun as hell.
Team of the Week: No. 13 Notre Dame (def. No. 11 USC, 49-14)
Fun fact: Brian Kelly’s Notre Dame Fighting Irish went 4-8 last season. It really happened. Buy rings if you want. Definitely make posters and memes. Lord knows plenty on this little corner of the Internet have. But don’t expect it to happen twice.
I have long noted how, when you look at a given year’s S&P+ rankings, you can pretty quickly point out the teams that are likely to rise and fall the next year (from a records standpoint) by simply looking at the standout records. My favorite example is 2011, when both 7-6 Texas A&M (eighth in S&P+) and 8-5 Notre Dame (11th) seemed out of place, ranking much higher than their records suggested they should have. The next year, the two teams went a combined 23-3.
It doesn’t always work out in such a clean manner, but the bottom line is, sometimes your record doesn’t match your on-paper quality. That usually rectifies itself quickly.
My 2017 Notre Dame preview was a summary of a) why fans so very much enjoyed the Irish last year and b) why it was not going to happen again. They were incredibly unlucky and unsuccessful in ways that would be almost impossible to sustain. They finished 26th in S&P+ despite that embarrassing record.
Now they are good enough to take their pent-up frustration out on others.
That BC team that is suddenly an offensive juggernaut? The Irish beat the Eagles by 29 on the road.
That Michigan State team that is suddenly playing Sparty-level defense again? The Irish averaged 5.9 yards per play and scored 38 points in a 20-point road win.
That USC team that we all thought was a genuine national title contender (and that spent most of last season providing evidence for it)? Yeah, the Irish led 28-0 at halftime on Saturday night in South Bend.
Matt Cashore-USA TODAY Sports
Even their lone loss burnishes their bona fides. The Irish fell 20-19 to a Georgia that has otherwise beaten every other opponent by at least three touchdowns. They’re the only team to hold the Dawgs under 31 points, and they’re one of two to score more than 14.
Saturday night was something else, though. The Irish had 14 rushes of at least 10 yards and allowed USC three of the same. They had four completions of 20-plus yards despite quarterback Brandon Wimbush throwing just 19 passes; USC quarterbacks threw 36 passes and managed three such completions.
I used the plural “quarterbacks” there because USC’s Sam Darnold got hit so much that he was taken out of the game early in the fourth quarter. That he managed to complete 20 of 28 passes against the aggressive Irish defense was impressive, but the completions only averaged about 11 yards each, and he was sacked four times and hit countless others.
This Irish team really is fun. The offense could stand to be more efficient but is pulling off a nearly Penn State- or Oklahoma State-level of big plays: 26 gains of 30-plus yards (sixth in FBS), eight of 60-plus (second), etc. And it only seems like Josh Adams — 10 yards per carry on Saturday night, 9.2 for the season — is responsible for all of them.
Josh Adams : 19 carries, 191 yards & 3 TD's (105 carries for 967 yards & 8 TD's this season) http://pic.twitter.com/RRW0hTqvkJ
— Lee Harvey (@MusikFan4Life) October 22, 2017
Josh Adams deserves a slow clap!! Retweet to get it started!!! GO IRISH!! ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ http://pic.twitter.com/4WxZVoq0PE
— Golden Tate (@ShowtimeTate) October 22, 2017
The defense, meanwhile, has been perhaps even more dominant. Despite having already played three teams in the S&P+ top 25, they entered fifth in defensive success rate and still have yet to allow more than 20 points in a game.
Rarely does Notre Dame get the chance to play the “DISRESPECT!!” or “NOBODY BELIEVES IN US!!” cards. Kelly is making the most of it. And he has a Playoff-caliber team at his disposal at the moment. You don’t have to like it. You can mourn it if you want to. But that won’t change it.
Other teams of the week
2. No. 2 Penn State (def. No. 19 Michigan, 42-13)
The Nittany Lions were so good that they actually allowed themselves an hour of celebration before turning the page to next week’s enormous Ohio State game.
3. Boston College (def. Virginia, 41-10)
Two weeks ago, BC was 2-4 and averaging 16 points per game, 12 against power conference opposition. Last week, the Eagles won a road shootout in Louisville, 45-42. On Saturday, they pummeled one-loss Virginia in Charlottesville, 41-10.
They scored 98 points in their first six games. They have 86 in their last two.
4. Arizona State (def. Utah, 30-10)
Two weeks ago, Arizona State was 2-3 and allowing 36 points per game, 40 against power conference opponents. Last week, the Sun Devils completely shut down national title contender Washington in a 13-7 win. On Saturday, they went to Utah and allowed 10 points in an easy 20-point win.
They were allowing 6.9 yards per play into mid-October. They've allowed 4.1 since.
5. FAU (def. North Texas, 69-31)
North Texas has beaten Southern Miss and UTSA and stayed within 17 points of Iowa. Lane Kiffin’s Owls dropped 69 points and 800 yards on the Mean Green.
6. No. 14 Virginia Tech (def. UNC, 59-7)
Yes, injuries and youth have rendered Larry Fedora’s Tar Heels pretty worthless at the moment. But while fellow ACC Coastal favorite Miami manages to turn every game into spectacular drama, Virginia Tech is just out here romping. They handled sudden offensive powerhouse Boston College by two touchdowns, and on Saturday, they straight-up embarrassed UNC. It was 35-0 at halftime and 52-0 after three quarters.
7. Iowa State (def. Texas Tech, 31-13)
Since upsetting Oklahoma, Matt Campbell’s Cyclones have beaten Kansas and Texas Tech by a combined 76-13. And Tech’s actually pretty decent! What a damn job Campbell is doing this season.
8. Southern Miss (def. Louisiana Tech, 34-27)
You need bullet points to do Southern Miss' Saturday evening in Ruston proper justice. The Eagles:
lost star running back Ito Smith to injury in the second quarter
fell behind the Bulldogs 27-16 with 4:08 remaining in regulation
nailed a 49-yard field goal to get to within 27-19 with 1:23 left
recovered an onside kick
scored on a 22-yard touchdown strike from Keon Howard to Korey Robertson wih 31 seconds left
made the two-point conversion (Howard to tight end Jay'Shawn Washington) to tie the game
allowed Tech to get close enough to attempt a 64-yard field goal at the buzzer, which came up only a couple of yards short
picked Tech off on the second play of overtime
threw a pick of its own on the fourth play of overtime
scored on a 25-yard pass from Howard to Robertson on the fifth play of overtime
shut down Tech to win a ho-hum 34-27 conference road game
9. Eastern Michigan (lost to Western Michigan, 17-20)
Behold the most “What if” team in FBS. Since beating Rutgers, 16-13, on a last-second field goal, the Eagles have lost by seven to Ohio in double overtime, by four to Kentucky, by five to Toledo, by one to Army, and by three to WMU in overtime.
All five of those teams will probably bowl this year. And because they lost to all five by a combined 20 points, the Eagles probably will not. That’s actually harder to pull off than winning a couple of those games. I doubt that’s much consolation, though.
10. Princeton (def. Harvard, 52-17)
Congrats on that big win over Purdue on Saturday, Rutgers. But beware: someone else is gunning for you now.
For the first time since the 1890s @PUTigerFootball has come away from 3 games scoring 50 or more points! #AmbushTheIvy
— Princeton Football (@PUTigerFootball) October 21, 2017
— Roshan S. (@notKDjustaKDfan) October 21, 2017
God, I love college football.
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