#still craving salmon sushi
sadthixx · 2 years
when you want sushi but can't afford fish
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Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth, other men being useless while Enver calls them pathetic
Whenever Enver's wife gives birth to one of their children, he has a tradition he adheres to.
Once he's certain his wife is safe, patched up, cleaned, fed, and content, he takes their newest child on a walk around the estate. He starts outside, walking with his cane in on hand, his spawn cradled in his opposite arm. He narrates as he walks, giving a tour of the grounds to the newborn. He shows them the water fountain, the horse stables, the gardens, the orchard, even the livestock. Hell then walk them around inside, showing them every room. He'll have the servants line up to all be introduced to the newest Gortash, especially the small team of nannies he employs to watch his brood. He lets the staff coo and leer, but not hold his child. Not yet. Their siblings get to first.
He'll walk up the stairs with a little difficulty, his cane is a bit of a hindrance here. He proceeds to the play room where his gaggle of children usually resides. He orders them all to be quiet, to sit calmly and wait their turn for the baby. They usually don't obey.
Squabbles break out over who gets to hold the new sibling first, and he often sighs, too tired to argue. Eventually all of his children have their turn holding their newest playmate. They coo over them, demand to know their name, and some even try to gift the baby a few of their toys as a birthday gift. Enver can't help but watch, lovingly, as his children somewhat get along. It's a far cry from his childhood of hunger and fighting for resources. They openly share everything they have, knowing that they can just have more. New clothes, more toys, extra food at any time. Even their parents' attention isn't squabbled over much. He and his wife do their best to ensure all of their children are given bonding time and attention. His biweekly homeschool lessons on artificing and maintenance skills definitely held make sure his children don't feel ignored or neglected.
Soon though, the tour ends in the birthing room where it began. His wife is typically done with her post-birth nap, and ready to breastfeed. He carries their child back to her, relinquishing them to her affections. Not one to be idle, he spends this time making sure she eats and drinks as well. He's always had a strong policy of his wife eating whatever she wants after a childbirth, even if he has to hunt down game, skin and dress it himself and roat is over a spit for her. That's never been necessary, as their kitchen staff is quite good, able to cater to the whims of children and hormonal mothers easily. Enver himself enjoys the occasional prime rib and potatoes, something the chef is a master at preparing.
After their first child was born, his wife ate nothing but fried chicken for three days, groaning at every bite and sweating it was the food of the gods as Enver contemplated how many chickens she was eating per day. When he wondered that aloud, however, a pillow was thrown at him.
Their second child had his wife craving sushi her entire pregnancy, and the second the child popped out, his exhausted wife snapped at him to get her a tray of salmon and eel sushi. He went a step further, and had one of those wooden boat trays brought to her room, loaded with various rolls and roes. She had smiled for five hours straight, and he had ridden that high for weeks.
Every pregnancy was a bit different, and each post birth meal was different as well. Once it was nothing but pork belly and pork ribs. Another time all she wanted was cheese and fruit. The last time was odder to him still, when she craved nothing more than cucumber sandwiches and lemon water.
He indulged her every whim of course, he considered it his main job. After a birth, the nannies priority was to take care of his offspring, and Enver's job was to take care of his wife. She sometimes recalled these moments, stating that he acted like he wanted to outdo himself each and every time. "You know, most noble men don't even see their wives the day she gives birth. They just lock themselves away in their offices, get drunk, and then stumble down a day or two later to meet their new baby."
Enver couldn't help his scowl. "I'd be ashamed to ever show my face to you again if I did that."
His wife smiled, her eyes fawning over him. "I tell the other lady's at my book club about you. I'm the envy of all of court. They all swoon over tales of you making me tea, and drawing me a bath. I told them you occasionally wash my hair for me after I give birth, and they couldn't believe it."
Enver snorted, trying to hide his immense satisfaction. "I wish other men would give a bit more care to these things. I want to compete properly, damn it, they're making it too easy."
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at-tensionseeker · 2 years
No Is A Full Sentence
Elizabeth Olsen x Y/N
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks
Genre: Fluff, Funny (i think, based on my humor lol)
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44250676
This fanfic is inspired by Lizzie's Sam Jones' interview. I hope you enjoy!
It’s your first time going to this sushi place that one of your friends recommended. It isn’t far from your apartment, but you did have to walk for about ten minutes to get there. You wouldn’t have been if you weren’t craving those salmon nigiri take outs that your friend Jan brought to your apartment last week during your regularly scheduled movie nights. Instead, here you are standing in the back of the restaurant’s long ass line that reached their storefront because of so many people trying to buy their own food.
You put your hands in your coat’s pockets, just a failed attempt of trying to warm them. The memory of your gloves flashes in your eyes and the regret of not bringing them with you makes you want to kick yourself.
The December breeze in New York is definitely a killer. When you first moved in two years ago, you couldn’t even go outside for a full month without getting sick. The climate was new to you, especially having lived in sunny, warm weather all your life. It became a habit to buy long coats, jackets, winter gloves, and even earmuffs just so you don’t get hypothermia in the long run. Soon enough, you adjusted to the temperatures and learned how to adjust both your apartment’s and car’s heating system to help you during the winter season. It was fun.
The line moves slowly. Whatever the reason for that is, you really don’t know. Besides, you tell yourself, that you’re already in line and people behind you have come up so if you leave now you’ll just wake up in the middle of the night with those damn nigiris flooding your mind. So, you decided to stay.
You tip your toes to see if the people in front of you have moved since the last ten minutes you were there, but the sight of a short blonde hair and green eyes that met yours as she turns around for a split second stops you from breathing. 
You’ve seen that face before. Multiple times. 
In movies, in that Disney+ show, interviews, edits. You know it’s her.
You’ve been following her journey since her first appearance in Avengers Age of Ultron and has been on the ride up until her most recent successful film, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. You weren’t a die-hard Marvel fan before and even now you wouldn’t dare to call yourself one, but you quickly found yourself latched on to the franchise ever since you saw her. There aren’t any posters in your room, and you certainly haven’t gone to any Comic-cons, but you loved how she portrayed such a powerful character and has been fascinated by her ever since.
Elizabeth Olsen is standing in line in front of you in the middle of the cold New York weather, her frame clad in black faux fur coat and beanie on top of her head that really barely covers her blonde hair.
You suddenly couldn’t breathe. The air is getting colder and thinner for your liking, and you fear you’ll pass out before you could even say hi to her. There’s sweat forming on your palms and you know you can feel it, but you’re also a little confused since you’re pretty sure normal people don’t sweat in the cold. You brush it profusely against the material of your coat just to get it off or to calm your nerves. That one you’re still debating on.
The line moves briefly and then stops, and you think to yourself that if you could just muster any amount of courage, you’d say hi to her. Maybe get a photo with her even.
Should you say hi to her? What will you tell her? Do you tap her first on the shoulder so she can look back at you? Or is that rude?
The line moves again and you curse inwardly. It was barely moving five minutes ago, and now that you see a Hollywood Star in front of you it suddenly budges?
How infuriatingly unlucky of you.
From what you’ve seen, Elizabeth seems nice to her fans during fan meets and interviews so you know she’s not rude. That’s one of the reasons why you fell in love with her personality.
But this isn’t a Comic-con, is it? This isn’t some staged interview wherein you get a free backstage pass to meet your idol, no. This is literally outside of the restaurant in the middle of a busy New York street and she’s just trying to grab some food just like everyone else.
You’re still conflicted, even when the both of you finally reach inside. There’s probably about 4 to 5 people in front of you now, and you’re not even thinking about the sushi at this point anymore. Your hands still shake and sweat no matter how many times you wipe it off, and your heart beats faster than normal when you realize you’re both going to part ways sooner than you like it. It gets even harder to convince yourself to just go for it because when will another opportunity like this be presented to you in the future? Chances are lower than zero itself. A negative number if you think of it.
So when the customer in front of her finally reaches the counter, your shaky hands poke her slightly on her left shoulder.
Okay, maybe a little harder?
You poke her again, and she whips her head back to you. Her brows furrowed at the sight of you and they raise up in question. It’s hard not to look like a fool in front of a famous person, isn’t it? You probably look like a deer in headlights, but you quickly found your voice after a few blinks.
“Uh- h-hi,” you stammer. “Are you- is it okay if- I’m a huge fan of your work. Is it okay if I ask for a photo?”
You’re pretty sure she didn’t hear that. You barely let out a whisper, or is that blood that’s rushing through your ears?
Realization dawns on her face on what you mean. She shakes her head.
There is a breaking sound somewhere. You’re not entirely sure if it’s one of the waiters who accidentally breaks some glass or if it is the sound of your heart breaking. You freeze in your place, embarrassed and hurt, but mostly embarrassed because of the dumb decision you made. Instead of letting that get to you, you give her a smile and nod to let her know that you get it.
“Forgive me,” you blurt out, still smiling at her to hide the tears burning in the back of your eyes. “I understand, of course. You’re not obliged to. I’m really-“ you pause to swallow the lump in your throat. It’s just really embarrassing. “I’m really glad to have seen you in person.”
Elizabeth only looks at you and gives you a warm smile and that eases out a little bit of your anxiety of probably offending her at some point. The customer in front of her left, you notice, so you usher her forward. She gives you one last smile and orders her food.
Few of the things you didn’t notice though. Her eyes are red and a little bit swollen, probably from crying and when she ordered her food, her hands are clasped together with fingers rubbing each other to ease her anxiety. Of course you would have, had you not been too busy cursing yourself at your stupidity.
Elizabeth grabs her takeout, gives you one last look and exits the restaurant.
You take the sushi you’re not craving anymore and replays the encounter as you go your way home. You can’t believe that the first celebrity you’ll meet in New York is the one person you adore. It was surreal, to say the least, and despite the rocky meeting with Elizabeth Olsen you are still happy to have seen her smile and look at you directly in person.
You swear to God you’ll attend the next Comic-con.
Sending the news to Jan, who doesn’t believe you therefore requested that you call him as soon as you arrive, you quickly pocket your phone and sprint your way outside of the busier streets of New York. You reach the more calm and quiet area where your apartment is and begin to walk slowly.
The unfortunate encounter with Elizabeth Olsen has been the only thing that’s replaying in your mind so when you spot a crouched figure with faux fur coat and beanie once again, you couldn’t help but squeak.
You almost tripped on her actually. She’s just by the sidewalk, both of her hands are covering her ears and her eyes are tightly closed. There’s a frown and a thin line of sweat on her face and you didn’t think twice before fully sitting down in front of her to check.
“Hey,” you prod slowly. “Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?”
Flashes of hands clasped together back at the restaurant flood your brain and it didn’t take you another minute to realize that she’s currently having a panic attack.
“Uhm… Elizabeth- Lizzie? Can I call you that? I’ll call you that, okay?” You stammer. “I’m here to help you. Can you breathe slowly please?”
Elizabeth does as you tell her. You continue to tell her to breathe and that everything is fine around you. “It’s scary, I know. But it will pass, okay? You need to be in the present, Lizzie. Just listen to my voice. I’ll be right here and you’re not alone.”
Albeit her eyes are still shut, her breathing sounds less worse than before. And when she finally looks up to you, you see the green eyes you have admired for a long time swimming in pain and anxiety. It makes you want to pull her for a hug since she may need one, but you obviously don’t want to overstep your boundaries even if that means comforting her to help.
“Concentrate on my breathing,” you nod at her to encourage her to copy the rhythm you set for her.  “That’s it. You’re doing really good, Lizzie.”
Eventually after what seems like hours of doing breathing exercises with her capped with a lot of reassuring words, the hands cupping her ears drop down to her lap and are slowly rubbing her palms in another attempt to calm herself. You slowly stand up from the ground and hold out a hand for her to take.
“Are you okay now? Can you stand?” You offer. She takes it and stands up rather wobbly.
“Thank you,” she murmurs. “I feel better.”
“Right,” you smile at her. Noticing that you’re still holding her also glove-less hand, your cheeks flush as you pull it back while taking two steps backwards. You don’t want to overcrowd her after having an anxiety attack.
“Um so, are you from around here? I could walk you to your place if you want,” you tell her, not really wanting to risk letting her go alone after an episode. You know how it feels to be trapped by anxiety like that, and to break down in public places without backup is definitely one of the worst experiences ever. 
“I’m not trying to stalk you or something,” you clarify after not getting an answer from her. “I’m Y/N. I live there in that building,” you point towards your apartment. “If you want, I can jog really quickly and get my car and I can drive you home. Or not, of course I don’t want to overstep. I understand completely.
“It’s just, I don’t want you to go on your own after experiencing that,” you add. “I know how it feels and I honestly just want to help you.”
Elizabeth contemplates for a moment and answers. “That’s very kind of you, Y/N. But, I think I need to decline the offer. Being in this business, I’m not a very trusting person-“
“Of course,” you cut her off quickly. “I understand, Ms. Olsen.”
“However,” she smiles a little bit at your rambling once again. “Can I please borrow your phone? Mine died down and I need to call my sister so she can pick me up from here. And I guess don’t mind the company while waiting?”
You quickly fish out your phone and hand it over to her. You also ignore the amused chuckle from her as soon as she sees your lock screen is that of Wanda Maximoff.
“The phone’s locked. Do you want to type in your password?” She smiles, the look of amusement still twinkling in her eyes. You don’t mind though. You’d prefer her teasing eyes over the sad ones you witnessed a while ago.
“Oh, okay. Here let me just,” you move forward to type in 0216 in your phone and the blush creeps back in your face once again when you feel her eyes watching you.
Elizabeth calls one of her twin sisters. Apparently, they’re here in New York for a fashion event and Elizabeth thought it’d be nice to come with them. While waiting for one of the Olsen twins, you both sat on one of the stairs and talked for a bit.
“I want to say that I’m sorry for refusing to take a photo a while ago,” she looks at you a little apologetically. Her posture seems calmer now and you’re really glad that she’s doing better every passing minute. “I was out on my own, and a few people have recognized me on the streets and I was just trying to have a nice time for myself.”
“No, don’t worry about it,” you reply. “I wasn’t lying when I said I completely understand and that you’re not obliged to. I'm just glad to meet you.
“I should be the one to apologize,” you bite your lip nervously. It didn’t cross your mind that you could’ve been the trigger to her already bubbling up anxiety but hearing her say that crowds have already recognized her, you asking for a photo was the last straw. “I was contemplating whether or not to ask you and I did, but I know I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”
The actress waves it off. “No, honestly you were the most polite one. You were just the first and only person I said ‘no’ to who didn’t insist on getting a photo, and that set me off. Others just didn’t care and they still took their flashing phones out and pointed it at me.”
“One thing I learned from you is that ‘no is a full sentence’ so,” you acknowledge with a smile, distinctly remembering that one interview of hers with Sam Jones.
“Yes, exactly,” she laughs.
“We can take a photo now if you want to?” The actress offers after a moment of silence. “You helped me through a tough time. It’s one of the ways I can repay you.”
“It’s okay, really. You don’t have to repay me or anything. Kindness is free,” you reply, to which her small smile widens a lot more. “You’ve had a long day. I’m just the stranger who wants to help a fellow anxiety sufferer,” you joke to which she laughs lightly.
“At this point you’re not a stranger anymore,” Elizabeth says, her fingers still fiddling with each other. “I know your name is Y/N, and where you live,” she points to your building to prove it. “Those two plus the fact that your wallpaper is Wanda and your passcode is my birthday.”
She smirks at you, clearly enjoying the way your cheeks flush for the nth time that day. “Okay, you win. Yes, I’m your fan and all that. You can make fun of me now.”
“Don’t be like that,” Elizabeth laughs at your silly eye roll but waves it off. “I’m always honored to meet my fans.”
A black car pulls up from out of nowhere and Elizabeth stands up to leave. “This was really great. Minus the anxiety part,” she turns back to you and flashes that award winning smile yet again. “I’m grateful that it was you who found me cowering in the streets, Y/N. I’m hoping to see you again some other time when neither of us is either breaking down or a complete and total stranger,” you note the hopeful tone in her voice, and that makes you wonder if there’s another universe out there wherein she’ll still remember you after tonight because you’re pretty sure she wouldn’t.
If you’re lucky, this might be that universe but who knows?
“I’m glad you’re safe,” you smile at her. “See you around, Ms. Olsen.”
“That is such a formal way to address me,” She calls out, opening the door to the front seat.
“Elizabeth, then?” You suggest to which she grimaces.
“Just Lizzie is fine. I distinctly remember you calling me that a while ago during… you know,” she trails off. “And only my mom calls me by my full name and that only happens when I’m in trouble.”
“Okay, Lizzie,” you chuckle. Waving a hand up to a goodbye, the car finally speeds off to the opposite direction of your apartment. You let out a sigh and smile at the events as you walk back home.
Even when you are in bed, the memory of her voice and her smile makes you giddy. This definitely goes on the top of your list of  most memorable things that have happened to you while staying in New York. You still couldn’t believe your chances. Granted your first meeting was terrible in all ways, Elizabeth was nothing short of amazing to you. You really aren’t wrong to follow her throughout her career because of her personality. The personal encounter made you want to support her more in the future.
The morning after that, the wild array of flowers on your doorstep have kind of taken you by surprise. To add to that, you see the simple note on one of the bouquets that says 
“To my biggest fan, 
Thank you.
Wanda Maximoff”
and your heart melts at the sentiment.
You aren’t expecting yourself to be at the receiving end of this, but it’s definitely not unwanted. It most definitely isn’t, especially when you check your phone and see a text from an unknown number asking whether or not you got the package.
You replied to Elizabeth, saving her number under “Lizzie” with a huge grin on your face. She must’ve gotten the number from her sister when she borrowed your phone to call her. Who would’ve thought that asking for a photo with Elizabeth Olsen and getting rejected will lead you to this?
Y/N: Are you my stalker now? Did our roles change?
Lizzie: Ha-ha. Very funny. I just want to say thank you again for yesterday.
Y/N: And you already have. The flowers are unnecessary.
Lizzie: Did you not like them?
Y/N: I love them. They’re beautiful, Lizzie. Thank you.
Lizzie: Would you say, they’re beautiful enough for us to talk about them over coffee?
You almost choke on the bread you made for breakfast this morning. That is definitely upfront and honest. You convince yourself that it’s probably just another way to thank you for the good deed yesterday, but there’s also a teeny tiny voice in your head saying she’s asking you out. 
But why would she, right?
Deciding to not listen to any of your demons, you turn your attention back to her text. Upon rereading the text she sent for the third time now, it’s dawning on you that you’ve yet to reply. Elizabeth follows that up with another text and it makes you feel really silly because of how much your cheeks ache from smiling.
Lizzie: Maybe about Wanda also? If you want?
Lizzie: Or… anxiety issues?
Y/N: You already have me on board with coffee. Wanda talk, too. The anxiety issues, I think we should both stick to our therapists.
Lizzie: I can’t say I don’t agree on the last one.
Lizzie: So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow then? 3PM?
Y/N: Works for me, Lizzie.
Y/N: Or I can pick you up instead. I wouldn’t mind.
Lizzie: It’s okay, Y/N. Besides, I know where you live. *winky face*
You laugh at that one. She should definitely be a star of another comedy film. Elizabeth is funny by nature even though there are countless interviews of her saying that she’s not.
Y/N: Of course you’ll throw that.
Y/N: I feel unsafe now. This is unfair. I feel like I should also know where you live.
Lizzie: You will.
Lizzie: On the second date.
Lizzie: When you take me home.
Elizabeth leaves no room for questions. Your demons shut their mouths when you read that it most definitely will be a date. You want to play it cool, like coyly and shy, but what’s more to hide? She already knows you’re a fan, so you stick to that and pray that maybe… someday maybe, who knows, right? You’ll like each other.
Y/N: You’re smooth, Olsen. Got two dates in one day.
Lizzie: I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.
Y/N: Can’t wait.
You’re late. And you forgot your gloves again.
It’s another cold, almost snowy day in New York city. You love living here despite the busy times and countless people just trying to go through with their respective lives. It’s loud and lively and you used to hate that but there’s nowhere else you’d rather be but here.
You check your bag for the passes, but the memory of the glossy paper beside your gloves on your messy bed makes you internally groan. The first time you attend a Comic-con, and you leave your backstage passes. How else are you going to meet her?
Cursing inwardly, you send her a text to let her know of your situation even though you know that the event started an hour ago and she won’t see it because she’s definitely not holding her phone in the middle of answering questions. You blame your boss for sending that last minute spreadsheet, but this is your idea right? You have to suffer the consequences.
Being in line isn’t something foreign to you. In fact, it’s so familiar that you chuckle as kids, teens, and grown ups join you from the entrance. The line is moving rapidly as most people with passes (which could have been you if you weren’t so careless) have already gone inside. When you enter the place, it’s no surprise to see it packed as the recent MCU film has made tabloids and charts because of its success. You easily spot her even though you’re rows away from the front line. She’s sitting in the middle with her face scrunched up in annoyance and teeth biting her lower lip so hard you swear she wants to draw blood.
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You grimace as you helplessly stand in the back with no way to even come forward to be close to her. The situation is laughable, but the frown on Elizabeth’s forehead is enough to make you worry and act fast. You find a spot with a lot of light so you move towards that, passing a lot of people in the process, with the hopes of her green eyes spotting you even for a distance.
It’s effective apparently, because she spots you at the same time a question is asked towards her. The frown eases, she scrunches up her nose adorably towards you and you nod back both in confirmation and reassurance that you made it there, and she lets out a full on grin you know is solely reserved for you. The interviewer interrupts and you laugh at her confused state.
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“Elizabeth? The question?” The interviewer supplies.
“Right! I’m so sorry,” she laughs gleefully, head thrown back and hand covering her mouth and you’ve seen that look a thousand times before but it still gives you the same butterfly effect in your stomach. “I- uh. I saw my wife in the crowd and I got distracted. I’m sorry. What was the question again?”
“How romantic!” the interviewer swoons. “Everyone, that’s Elizabeth’s wife Y/N. Can we say hello to her?”
Your face turns red as people look at your direction and send cheers and hoots. You wave back to the fans shyly, stealing another glance at your wife on the stage as you do so. Standing in front of the light definitely has some good and bad results. You can’t believe she did that in front of everybody, but you’re not one to complain. Her PA also runs from the front to you upon hearing this and she ushers you through security. You chuckle as they bring you in, blowing Elizabeth a kiss before you disappear backstage.
“Hey,” your wife greets you after the event is finished. She skips towards your direction and plants a chaste kiss on your lips to which you happily sigh into. “I was worried you weren’t here.”
“Forgive me, my love,” you apologize while engulfing her in a hug. “You know commuting in New York is insane.”
“I repeatedly told you to get your license so we can buy you a new car.”
You smile at the worry in her voice. “I like it when you drive us to places you’re familiar with, Ms. Stuyvesant Street. And the boss left me with some last minute work.”
She pulls back to look at you. “And what were you doing in the back? Didn’t I leave the passes in our apartment?”
“I left them,” you sheepishly reply. Elizabeth narrows her eyes at you and shakes her head. 
“And your gloves too. Am I right, my love?”
The cheeky smile you gave her is enough to confirm her suspicions. “I was really late and I wanted to see you as soon as I could. I miss you this morning.”
“Charming,” she laughs and rummages through her bag for something. Curious as you are, you lean forward to look at it. “Here.”
She hands you a pair of gloves.
“I keep one in case you forget yours during winter,” she grins, proud of what she did. “And I was right.”
You want to wipe off that cocky smirk off of her lips. There are a lot of people around you but she did announce you to everyone, so really what else is stopping you? After she said goodbye to everyone, you pull her hand so she moves closer to your side.
Elizabeth lets out a squeal when you grab both of her waist. You smell her perfume that invades your nostrils and your head swims at the fact that there’s nothing better than having her close again. She’s everywhere and the background fades away like a cliche movie scene, but you don’t care about any of those. She’s here in front of you and you’re incredibly happy to know that she loves you as much as you love her.
“I love you,” you whisper against her mouth.
“I love you, too.”
It’s insane how one kiss from her makes you feel giddy. And that’s saying something after being married to her for a year now.
“You need to wear the gloves, my love,” she chuckles when both of you pull away. Elizabeth leads you to the back exit that leads to the parking lot. The breeze picks up a little bit and snowflakes fall on your heads, but your face is still hot from kissing her. 
“Why do I need the gloves when I could just hold your hand and let you warm me up?” You bob your eyebrows at her and kiss her temple as the both of you walk towards her car.
You’re lucky. There’s no doubt about that now. Being with such an incredible woman who supports you in everything that you do and loves you through it all is a bliss. You couldn’t have asked for more.
“And they say I’m the romantic one.”
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mikachusblog · 1 month
Ten facts about me!
Thank you so much for the tag darling @aurorangen ཐི♡ཋྀ
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I'm 22 years old, a pisces sun and taurus moon & rising! Don't know the faintest thing about astrology but based off what my friends have told me i think my chart represents me quite well ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
I speak five languages! Dutch being the one i'm most comfortable with followed closely by english. I'm trying to learn a sixth atm, japanese!
I've been a vegetarian for over a decade. It was an impulse decision after watching a very upsetting documentary as a child.. i was a strange sensitive kid.. The only time i willingly had meat was when i craved salmon so badly one day i ordered a bunch of sushi to binge. Felt so guilty about it aferwards that i cried myself to sleep ૮(˶╥︿╥)ა
Being a fangirl is simply in my blood.. i've been in a wide plethora of fandoms over the years. From various bands to anime, books, tv shows, video games, vocaloid, j & kpop and other artists. I just love consuming different types of media and surrounding myself with people that enjoy talking about it too!
My first ever concert was the nbhd in 2014. I distinctively remember being truly scared i'd get high from all the secondhand smoke around us.
I used to swim competitively until i got injured a couple of years ago. Ex swimmer turned reformed gym rat right now (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
When i first met my girlfriend she was a barista! I worked at a flower shop at the time (and still do) so the start of our relationship literally felt like something straight out of ao3.
I love love love fashion and dressing up every day! The few instances where i've worn casual clothing i've been approached by people asking me if everything was alright.. guess you can say i've committed to my style a little too much.
Despite being in med school, becoming a doctor wasn't something i always desired or knew i wanted to do. I was 18 when i made that decision!
I am ridiculously clumsy and have multiple scars from unfortunate accidents i've had. Surprisingly i've never broken anything (yet)!
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I am tagging @matchalovertrait @orbitsuns @kuroashims @charmtrait and anyone else that would like to participate (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ Feel free to ignore this if you've already been tagged or don't feel like doing it!
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secretobsessionstuff · 11 months
i have a little set of blair/dakota scenes in my head i wanted to put in a request for please!! one night, they come home after a big dinner, overstuffed and cuddly. blair has indigestion but kota helps get the burps out and they go to sleep. but the next morning, blair is still bloated... and she realizes all that old food is about to be burped right back up. (maybe onto the blanket? toilet? cup by the bedside table?) ty ty!!
Hi anon! Thanks for the beautiful request and your infinite patience. 💙
The only reservation they could make was at 9pm. It was a little late for Blair and Dakota’s liking since they both had work early the next morning, but they booked it anyway because they were craving sushi and conversation with each other after a long day at the office. 
The sushi was cold and refreshing, while their conversation was warm and relaxing. Dakota and Blair reminisced over their first few dates while eating sashimi, spicy salmon salad, and sushi pizza. Blair laughed but enjoyed the Canadian invention of making sushi mimic pizza. A fried rice patty acted as the bread, with avocado, crab meat, mayonnaise and wasabi acting as the toppings. 
They didn’t linger in the city for long after dinner. Their bed was calling to both of them by the time they cleaned their plates. Blair could have fallen asleep at the table, with the big meal rumbling in her belly. She got that sluggish over-stuffed feeling from all the food. After taking a swig of water to help her stomach digest, she burped deeply into the empty glass. She excused herself with an embarrassed laugh. 
Together they stumbled up to the front door of their home, drunk on the lethargic feeling of eating too much. The growing nausea also reminded Blair of late-night drinking. Her cheeks felt hot and the fatigue in her bones made her wobble like an alcoholic. 
Blair let out a heavy sigh as she fell onto the bed next to Dakota. Rubbing her full belly she said, “This is why I don’t like eating too close to bedtime. There’s no way I’ll be able to fall asleep like this.” She was all bloated and squirmy, wiggling on the bed to find a comfortable position. 
Dakota pulled her in close, seemingly determined to make her comfy. “I can rub your belly until you fall asleep.” He supressed the urge to say that he would rub something else and glide his hand passed her belly button, because he sensed that she was feeling more than a little full. Her tummy grumbled loudly, and she curled in on herself. He could feel the organ moving beneath his hand. Gurgles and light vibrations tickled his palm. 
Blair pushed her back up against Dakota’s chest so that he spooned her. “Will you rub in big circles like you did the last time? Felt good.” 
“Sure.” Dakota chuckled softly into her hair, then shooed the strands away that tickled his nose. “You fell asleep fast when I did that.”
“Let’s hope I do this time.” She burped into the pillow. “Mm, it’s late. I don’t like feeling so full.” 
“Shh, just focus on the feeling of my hand on your tummy. Nothing else.” Dakota flattened his palm against her midriff. He circled all the way up to ger ribs and down to the waistline of her pajama pants, occasionally using his fingertips to add a light touch. 
Blair must not have found his touch so light because she started to burp as soon as he made one circle around her middle. Her stomach tensed with each build up and release of gas. She shivered, tasting the memory of spicy sushi in the back of her throat. She was glad to be facing away from her boyfriend. 
The belches just kept coming. Some were long and deep; others were quick but painful. It didn’t matter the size or intensity in the burps—nothing was making the indigestion go away. Dakota must have sensed her frustration because he gave her tummy a good push. The burp rumbled up from the pit of her stomach and splashed the back of her throat with a something spicy and unpleasant. She immediately shot up into a sitting position, slapping a hand over mouth. Acid reflux and nausea crawled up her throat. 
“Sorry, honey.” Dakota pulled his hand back fast. The sound that gurgled in her throat made him worry that he nearly just made her puke. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to make it worse.” 
Blair waited a beat before answering. Her throat moved as she swallowed down the close call. “I’m okay. It kinda helped.” 
Blair’s pale face and wide eyes gave Dakota a moment’s hesitation. “You sure? It looked like you were about to be sick.” 
“For a second I thought—but no I’m fine.” She shook her head to shake off the lingering nausea. It was true, she did almost lose her dinner all over the bed, but then everything settled down just as fast. The massive belch at least helped to bring up the trapped air. She could feel the indigestion losing its grip. 
“Really?” he asked, still on high-alert and propped up on his elbows. He abandoned his comfy spot when Blair jumped up. 
“Yes, really.” She placed her hand on his chest, easing him onto his back again. “I might be able to sleep now. But to make up for scaring me, I get to lie on your chest.” She was already beginning to find a soft spot between his shoulder and pec, and avoiding his collar bone that sometimes dug into her cheek. After many many nights of sleeping this same way, she knew what would feel best. 
“Come here.” Dakota nuzzled his face into her neck and pulled her as close as he possibly could, just short of letting her sleep inside his skin. 
• • •
Blair awoke the next morning to the absolute worst taste in her mouth and dried drool on her pillow. She peeled her face off the pillow with squinting eyes that were still adjusting to the sunlight coming in from the window. She felt like she had the flu or something. Her stomach ached as if it were pumped full of rotting food—in a way, it kind of was. It seemed her stomach hadn’t done any digesting while she slept. It simply let last night’s dinner soak and marinate in stomach acid. On top of it all, her belly was still bloated and gurgling painfully. 
Dakota must have gotten up earlier because his side of the bed was empty. Blair hoped she could shake him awake, but clearly that wasn’t going to happen. She could hear him moving around in the kitchen. 
Shouting for him was not an option when her mouth began to fill with saliva. All that food from last night was coming up now. She didn’t have to time to throw off the blankets before a deep belch burst from her mouth. Blair gagged from the taste that coated her tongue—fishy and spicy, and not something she ever wanted to experience again. 
Thick strings of saliva dripped off her lips as she continued to burp and gag. 
Dakota’s whistling came clearly from down the hall. Blair was happy to have him near when she inevitably puked everywhere, but she was sorry that his first look at her that morning would be of her hunched over, hugging her belly, and gagging on the bed. 
“Baby?” Dakota knocked on the ajar door. “What’s that sound? Are you—Oh shit.” Dakota scrambled for something to do as he watched Blair burp up a wave of old, clumpy sushi onto the blankets. 
The sick fell like mush past Blair’s lips. The texture alone was enough to make her heave again. She choked up another mouthful of vomit onto the bed. She held onto the duvet so tightly that her knuckles turned white.
“Fuck honey,” Dakota said gently as he came to sit on the edge of the bed. He helped her sit up straighter and rubbed her back. Big circles. Big circles between her shoulder blades and on her lower back until she was able to catch her breath. 
“Ugh, I’m not done.” she sniffled and wiped the bile that dripped from her lips. “My belly’s so full still.” 
“Do you want a bucket or—” Dakota began but was cut off by Blair belching up another stream of puke. “Oh…nevermind.” He sighed and continued to rub her back. “That’s alright. Get it all up.” 
Blair burped up all of last night’s meal until she felt like there was nothing left in her tummy. The organ still ached and groaned even when she brought up the last small wave of partially digested rice and yellow bile. She coughed and sniffled like a mad woman until falling forward and letting her head hit Dakota’s chest. 
He quickly enveloped her in a hug. “Oh Bee, that’s not a good way to start the day. Your poor tummy,” Dakota cooed as he slipped his hand under her shirt. With the softest touch, he let his hand fall back into the rhythm of big circles. 
Blair allowed herself a few moments to contemplate death inside the hug, until she scrunched up her nose and pulled away from her boyfriend. “Ugh Kota, I have to get up before the smell makes me puke again.” 
“What smell?” 
“Shut up, this is fucking disgusting.” 
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.” 
Blair shoved him off the side of the bed. It was nice of him to pretend like nothing was wrong, but she really would spend the entire morning dry heaving if she didn’t start cleaning. The one good thing about this whole mess was that her stomach would start feeling better now that it was empty; she just had to get away from the puke that was soaking into the blankets. 
Dakota helped her wrap up the blanket, ensuring that nothing spilled. Afterword they had the unavoidable debate over whether Blair should attempt to go into the office. It was no surprise that Dakota argued strongly for her to stay home. 
“Baby, you’re going to be shaking and nauseous all day. I know you.” He said adamantly. “I promise you’ll be refreshed and ready to girlboss tomorrow if you take the day to feel better.” 
“But I’m not even sick sick.” 
“You threw up at least three times. By my count that sick sick sick.” 
Blair sighed at his ridiculousness. “Why are you like this?”
“It’s a long story.” He took her hands and dragged her back to the bedroom. “It’s going to take all day to explain so get comfy.” 
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cizzle-freezy · 2 years
rules: tag 9 people (or so) you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — I was tagged by @whitewyrmings !~
The Mind Electric-- Specifically the Chonny Jash version.
Dear goodness has this song given me major earworms lately. Sure, the original is great! Amazing even. But this one tickles my brain in many ways. Not only is it satisfying to listen to, but my mind wanders to the "Bad End AU" plot thread for the Phantom Gang (Seph, Izulda, Angelo, Tempys, and Gelum... and technically Ignis?), and keeps associating the lyrics to different OCs. The feelings that the Phantom Gang has to come to terms with when they meet the worst versions of themselves.
I rarely indulge in fandom ships, because generally I can appreciate the chemistry people write between characters (as long as its not like... toxic or pedophilic or something)
Huntlow (Owl House... despite only watching the first 3 eps and I SHOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THEM--)
Virgil x Richie (Static Shock)
And whatever the HECK is going on in Maya and the Three (the entire series I kept saying "is this a prophecy or a polycule?")
I do have some OC ships I am especially soft for, but that's so many to list, especially when considering friends and mutuals ;w; (looking at YOU, Greyscale)
I haven't picked one up in a long time because I am DETERMINED to read the Amulet series before anything. I read the first book in middle school (so like, as of 2023, 10-12 years ago??), and it's been stuck in my brain since.
I rarely watch movies unless it's a Discord Watch Party Night, which I haven't done in a long time... The last movie that sticks out in my mind is Turning Red, which I found pretty enjoyable and brought me back to my old Flipnote Hatena days. Maybe it was the Sonic movies?? Which were also pretty fun. Just sadly, movies don't stick out like shows do.
Well... I often crave meat and seafood more than anything these days. I'm diabetic, so ever since I've weaned myself off of excessive sweets, sugary foods like candy and soda haven't tasted the same, but at least chocolate is still pretty good depending on brand. I find that spicy sushi rolls such as crunchy rolls, spicy tuna/salmon/etc are safe bets despite the rice, because by now I've memorized the carb amount. Plus, the sushi guy at my workplace tends to make them special for us!
Outside of food, my brain is always craving drawing, writing lore, and RP. It likes being creatively stimulated, and I'm lucky my workplace is cool with me bringing my art supplies to keep myself entertained when I'm bored.
@jessebizarreart @juan-o-clocks @jorgedrawssomethings @hikaririnku-blog
sorry for the ping yall! but it might get yall more accustomed to tumblr lmaoo
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lunasaturn999 · 1 year
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Didn’t weigh in today but yesterday I was 144lbs, I have 24lbs to go (hopefully).
This is what I’m eating today, I had some for lunch cause I didn’t eat yesterday, but I worked out (I was feeling accomplished cause of that) but only had water and had to watch my niece and even was able to smoke 🍃 once her grandma came home to watch her but even after smoking I didn’t eat.
I also have been craving sushi and fish so much recently so because I have a bunch of homework to do I grabbed this one, it’s just crab which is kinda a bummer since I wanted tuna or salmon but it was too much $$$ for those.
Anyway, imma make up for this tmrw, the whole tray is 728 cals so I’ll be under 1000 still which is nice. I started my caffeine pills again to lose the weight faster, although I didn’t take it today since I’ve almost been passing out.
Anyway, until I remember to post again
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yellowgnomeboots · 2 years
the gluten-free diet experiment is going well this time since I'm not experiencing pizza cravings every day. However it is difficult to find food for lunch that is both gluten and garlic free (and takeaway because of covid and the enormous number of coughing and sniffing students around). I can't take lunch from home because this would require firstly remembering to make it, secondly actually making it, and that's already too many steps and we haven't got up to to remembering to take it with me.
My only reliable options are salmon sushi, vegetarian sushi and hot chips (also tuna sushi but that has onion which I try to minimise). But I notice two of the trendy shops now put garlic on their hot chips so apparently this is the new fashion. I can't just order chips now, I have to double check and specify no garlic and make it into a whole thing.
Sometimes I can get a salad, but yesterday I queued for 10 minutes to order and then they all had garlic and they didn't have anything else gluten free. This cafe is under new ownership but they have not refined the ridiculous work flow where the person you order from ALSO has to pack any of the cabinet/counter food ordered so it takes forever.
Today I went to one trendy cafe I was sure would have gf options (because they are trendy) but although they had 10 sweet things, 4 scones, and about 15 different cabinet items, only 3 sweet items were gf. They offered to make me a gf ham and cheese toastie though and I accepted.
It cost $12.50, which was a lot. I actually laughed when I opened the takeaway container. Inside this giant container was a tiny little sad looking sandwich. The gf bread is half as wide and half as thick as the normal bread. Even after toasting it stayed white. It was a $12.50 pathetic looking tiny sandwich. It was so ridiculous it was only funny (but still expensive).
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checkers-dance · 2 years
Tagged by @ciaran, thank u!!
Last song: lucifer by shinee. One of my first shinee songs, it still slaps to this day
Currently reading: (looks at the 55 tabs open on my phone w various articles and fics) In terms of actual books I'm reading romeo and juliet in palestine by tom sperlinger for class
3 ships: The moment I'm asked my top ships my brain blanks out. But for now let's say (not in any particular order and also w the understanding that I'm probs forgetting ships) 1) chiscara of course 2) I would put the entire citycomet polycule here but nate/minnow is my guilty pleasure 3) hualian bc I've been thinking abt them lately (not my fave mxtx ship but they have so many iconic moments that I will remember forever)
Last movie: uhhh I rlly don't tend to watch movies so this might've actually been end of evangelion (like 6 months ago 😭😭)
Currently craving: I had sushi a week ago and the salmon nigiri was so good.....
Tagging @inceldonnie, if u're up for it!
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40sandfabulousaf · 4 days
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大家好! I was on my way to get sushi at the mall nearby when Pa sent a photo of his lunch of salmon bibimbap at the same mall. After he finished his meal, he came to the supermarket cum food hall to look for me. There was a new item: a huge mound of salmon sashimi and I decided to try it, along with salmon and ikura sushi. It was too much for me, alas. In order not to waste good food, Pa packed up the rest of the sashimi to make soup at home with wong bak (Napa cabbage) and shredded ginger. After finishing the sushi, we headed to the local cafe for coffee and a quick chat.
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Happy to say I got my standard yong tau foo fix! Wong bak (Napa cabbage), flower mushroom, stuffed brinjal and bittergourd, broccoli, carrot and okra were my chosen vegetables; tofu skin wrapped fish cake as well as an egg were my protein. Paired with rice, this is a balanced, moderately healthy and filling meal. I didn't have stomach room for snacks after lunch and waited till I got home and cooked dinner. Time flies, it's been over 14 months since I stepped into a fastfood joint. I usually feel lethargic after a greasy fastfood meal anyway, so there isn't a craving for it.
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MI, SC, ML, CL and I frequently pass by a very crowded coffee shop which houses a cai fan (mixed dishes and rice) stall with very long lines of customers waiting to place their orders. Naturally, we had to visit and see what the fuss was about. I chose salted egg yolk prawns, tofu with red pepper and tree ear mushrooms as well as stirfried celery with rice. Mmm, those prawns! Besides being very fresh, they were well coated with a layer of savoury salted egg. The vegetables retained a slight crunch and weren't too salty. This was delicious and, at $5.50, provided good nutritional value. No wonder the stall is so popular!
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Pa enjoyed his little adventure taking our public transport the weekend before, so on Sunday, we met again at the bus interchange. The little eatery we wanted to visit was located in a mall across the road. Most items on the menu are priced below $10 and there're some moderately healthy options, so, why not? The food isn't atas (fine dining) but dining here doesn't burn a hole in our pockets, very important when food prices are still much higher than before. Pa chose seafood marinara spaghetti, I went for shrimp and broccoli aglio olio spaghetti and we shared a chicken salad. The meal was decent, although we would've preferred less dressing on the salad. Most importantly, we enjoyed our father-daughter bonding time.
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We're entering the rainy season though, so this may be 1 of the last times this year that Pa goes on these bus and train adventures. I don't want him caught in the rain if he forgets to bring an umbrella. Nonetheless, we had fun and that's what is most important! In a few days, YL and I will be off on our short getaway. Can't wait to indulge in their good food and roam the malls. I've been looking forward to this so much. 下次见!
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pankustreetfood · 15 days
The Ultimate Street Food Experience in Malta: Panku Street Food
Malta, an island nation known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and crystal-clear waters, is also home to a vibrant and diverse culinary scene. Whether you're a tourist or a local, the array of dining options available can be overwhelming, especially in Sliema, one of Malta's most bustling towns. Among the many choices, one stands out for those who crave authentic Asian flavors and a unique dining experience: Panku Street Food.
Located in the heart of Sliema, Panku Street Food has quickly become a go-to spot for those seeking the best street food in Malta. This Maltese restaurant in Sliema offers a menu that is both diverse and delicious, making it one of the top places to eat in Sliema, especially if you're in the mood for something a little different. Whether you're looking for a quick lunch, a relaxed dinner, or a new culinary adventure, Panku Street Food delivers on all fronts.
A Culinary Journey at Panku Street Food
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Panku Street Food is not your typical restaurant; it's a culinary journey that transports you straight to the bustling streets of Asia. The menu is a testament to the rich and varied traditions of Asian street food, offering everything from sushi rolls to more traditional street food fare. What makes Panku unique is its commitment to authenticity while also incorporating fresh, local ingredients that give each dish a distinct Maltese twist.
If you're in Sliema and looking for something different for dinner, Panku Street Food should be at the top of your list. The atmosphere is casual and inviting, making it a great place to unwind after a long day of exploring the island. Whether you're dining alone, with friends, or with family, Panku offers something for everyone.
Highlighting the House Rolls
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One of the standout features of Panku Street Food is its selection of House Rolls. These sushi rolls are a perfect blend of traditional Asian flavors and local Maltese ingredients, making them a must-try for anyone visiting the restaurant. Let's take a closer look at some of the House Rolls that have made Panku Street Food a favorite among sushi lovers in Malta.
California Sushi Roll, 10 pieces  
  Priced at €8.80, this roll is a classic choice for sushi enthusiasts. The California Sushi Roll is made with surimi and avocado, topped with mixed sesame seeds. Each bite offers a delightful combination of creamy avocado and the slightly sweet flavor of surimi, all wrapped up in perfectly seasoned rice. It's a simple yet satisfying option that never disappoints.
Salmon Avocado Sushi Roll, 10 pieces  
  For €9.35, you can enjoy the Salmon Avocado Sushi Roll, another favorite among Panku's patrons. This roll combines the rich, buttery texture of salmon with the smoothness of avocado, all topped with mixed sesame seeds for a bit of crunch. The flavors are perfectly balanced, making it a great choice for those who appreciate the finer nuances of sushi.
Chicken Katsu Sushi Roll, 10 pieces  
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  If you're in the mood for something a bit different, the Chicken Katsu Sushi Roll is a must-try. Priced at €8.80, this roll features crispy chicken katsu and avocado, topped with mixed sesame seeds. The combination of the crunchy chicken and creamy avocado creates a delightful contrast in textures, making each bite a satisfying experience.
Veggie Sushi Roll, 10 pieces  
  Vegetarians will appreciate the Veggie Sushi Roll, which is priced at €7.70. This roll includes red pepper, cucumber, and avocado, all topped with mixed sesame seeds. It's a fresh and light option that still packs a lot of flavor, making it a great choice for those looking to enjoy a healthy meal without compromising on taste.
Prawn Katsu Sushi Roll, 10 pieces  
  For seafood lovers, the Prawn Katsu Sushi Roll is a standout option. Priced at €11.00, this roll features crispy prawn katsu and cucumber, topped with mixed sesame seeds. The combination of the succulent prawns and the refreshing cucumber makes this roll a perfect choice for a light and flavorful meal.
Tuna Sushi Roll, 10 pieces  
  Finally, the Tuna Sushi Roll, priced at €8.25, is a must-try for those who enjoy the bold flavor of tuna. This roll combines fresh tuna with cucumber, all topped with mixed sesame seeds. The simplicity of the ingredients allows the natural flavor of the tuna to shine, making it a favorite among sushi purists.
Why Panku Street Food Stands Out
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There are many Sliema restaurants for dinner, but Panku Street Food offers something truly unique. The combination of authentic Asian flavors with a touch of Maltese influence creates a dining experience that is both familiar and exotic. The use of fresh, high-quality ingredients ensures that every dish is bursting with flavor, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.
Moreover, the casual and laid-back atmosphere at Panku makes it a great spot for a relaxed meal. Whether you're grabbing a quick bite or settling in for a leisurely dinner, Panku Street Food caters to all dining preferences. The friendly staff and prompt service further enhance the dining experience, making you feel right at home from the moment you walk in.
Perfect for All Occasions
Panku Street Food is more than just a restaurant; it's a place where people come together to enjoy good food and great company. Whether you're planning a casual dinner with friends, a family outing, or even a date night, Panku provides the perfect setting. The diverse menu ensures that there's something for everyone, from sushi lovers to those who prefer heartier, more traditional street food dishes.
In addition to being a top choice for dinner, Panku Street Food is also a great option for lunch. The quick service and delicious offerings make it an ideal spot for a midday meal, whether you're taking a break from work or exploring the sights of Sliema.
A Must-Visit for Asian Food Lovers
If you're a fan of Asian food, Panku Street Food is a must-visit destination in Malta. The restaurant's commitment to authenticity, combined with its innovative use of local ingredients, sets it apart from other dining options in the area. Whether you're in the mood for sushi, noodles, or more traditional street food fare, Panku delivers on all fronts.
Panku Street Food has established itself as one of the best places to eat in Sliema, offering a dining experience that is both unique and memorable. The restaurant's dedication to quality and flavor ensures that every meal is a feast for the senses, making it a top choice for anyone looking to enjoy the best street food in Malta.
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In the ever-evolving culinary landscape of Malta, Panku Street Food stands out as a beacon of authentic Asian flavors. Whether you're a local or a visitor, this Maltese restaurant in Sliema offers a dining experience that is second to none. From its delicious House Rolls to its welcoming atmosphere, Panku Street Food is a must-visit for anyone looking to explore the best of what Malta has to offer in terms of street food. So the next time you're in Sliema and looking for a memorable meal, make sure to stop by Panku Street Food—you won't be disappointed.
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kkotda · 2 months
cw: food
BRO. i am craving like salmon noodles so bad AND I'VE NEVER EVEN HAD THEM BEFORE but like idk if y'all know what i'm talking about but i want
i want so bad
or just sashimi
or sushi
(dw guys i will eat soon, it's almost dinner time BUT STILL)
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reikunrei · 3 months
wrowww thanks for tagging me @caffernnn !!
favorite color: it's always so hard for me to choose just one gsjfhd i tend to say periwinkle, but i also love love love salmon pink, lavender, and soft moss green. i also really love a soft yellow or sunflower yellow. love me some soft colors
last song: "in another life" by the killers! i am not immune to listening to pressure machine on repeat
last movie: oh man what is the last movie i watched... i know i watched like 5 minutes of jurassic world the other day bc it was on tv and my dad flipped to it... the last one i watched all the way through though was, i think, sweeney todd?? watched it with tha boys a couple weekends ago
currently reading: "the girl in the leaves" by robert scott. it's a true crime novel that i just grabbed to take with me on my flights last week bc it's mass market paperback size and could fit in my bag, and i'd be able to read it fairly quickly hjsfkdj. other than that, i haven't picked up a new long-term read yet after finishing house of leaves, but hopefully will in the next couple months once life settles down!
currently watching: still trucking through the untamed hgjhdfk i'm soooo bad at watching new tv shows i'm so sorry... also just finished this season of top chef earlier today so that's also done... been thinking about watching dark or looking through some other past recommendations to see if there's anything i wanna supplement with, but nothing yet!
currently craving: i honestly don't know. i'm craving some sort of food rn but i could not tell you what that is. it's something savory. crunchy. maybe a little salty. earlier i was craving shrimp cocktail. was also thinking of making some pesto and trying it with pistachios instead of pine nuts. yesterday i was craving sushi so bad i thought i was gonna cry. been also thinking about big heirloom tomatoes a lot recently?? but right this moment? could not tell ya
tea or coffee: i drink neither tea nor coffee, but i'm more willing to drink tea or tea-adjacent drinks. i've had some bad experiences with coffee that make me sort of... unable and unwilling to drink it lol. i'm fine with stuff like coffee candy and ice cream tho! but yeah i'm more favorable to tea-based drinks than coffee-based ones
tagging i'm feeling incredibly sleeby so i'm leaving these tags open to whoever wants to do them wahoooo
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girlnameddude · 4 months
still craving salmon aburi sushi so much rn
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julien5-malfunction · 8 months
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01022024 (evening) SUSHI!!! 🍣🍣🍙
Omg, I feel like some thing/one is throwing some nice things at me, today feels like I won the lottery.
Today was fucking insane.
I had a therapy appointment. THAT LASTED LIKE TWO HOURS. She was like 'eh, you are the last patient for today so it's ok if it goes a little overtime. TWO HOURS.
She/ we made some phone calls. THE SOCIAL WORKER PICKED UP (SHE IS KNOWN FOR NOT DOING THAT). They are arrangeing a meeting for the rehab thing, and switching the bureaucracy stuff to a different support/care provider. I was kinda held at gunpoint to make the decision to stay with the current one or switch to a different one. I pretty much just said 'fuck it, I'm bored with my life let's mix it up.' and that moved forward instantly. Things never do that on my case, I've had to wait for things for ages and ages, it's insane, like there was always a 5km line to pay groceries. I'm mind blown.
The therapist broke her Harry Potter quill pen and she gave it to me, but I'm gonna repair it and give it back. I have enough pens allready and I'm not a Harry Potter fan so I don't care to have it. The ink is nice tho, I'll see if I have some other pen with a compatable ink tube to put in so she can write with it again.
I visited this little help-centre type thing too. (the name of it translated to 'directory' or 'cockpit'. I think Directory is better since they direct people) As it had recently moved to a new building. Apparently I'm considered a frequent customer, as they gave me a special card that they only hand out to frequent folk there. The card is pretty cool, I haven't read the leaflet about it yet, but the lady explained that I can use it to go to places for free, for example the swimming pools, gym, museums, art gallerys, concerts too. I can even take up one course in the civic college FOR FREE.
(LIKE OOOH BBY It's gonna be hard to choose just one, they have so many interesting things in there. But the wirst ones were BASS LESSONS OR MAYBE SINGING LESSONS???????? I wonder if there is one for like METAL focused one aka how to fucking scream but actually do it right.
or some freaking. Mongolian throat singing???(I'm serious)
AAH and then I was walking home and went to a super market on the way bc there are no treats at home and was craving something sweet. And they have like this japanese guy there, who makes sushi and you can get little boxes of sushi. There used to be a buffet tyoe thing too where you could pick the ones you wanted, idk if it's still there bc the virus and stuff. BUT ANYWAY the sushi is kinda expencive so I never get myself any(👉👈), but they had some on -50% discount so I got a box for about 4 €.
I ate almost all of them (I was hungry), but there are few left for tomorrow. There are ones with grilled salmon and sauce, those seem to be the popular favourite and I like them a lot as well, but the one with tuna paste or just the salmon are pretty good too.
(I'll count my K-16 dreams on this list as well, it still has me going in high gear...)
(I think I drafted the post about that in the morning, had to go to the therapy, I'll finish it in a moment...)
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dramantedrinks · 10 months
Product Insight 02
Hello and welcome to Dramante’s second product insight! In this edition (02) we will take a closer look at Masons of Yorkshire - Tea Edition which is available on our website!
Masons Gin 
Karl and Cathy Mason created the brand in 2012 and launched their first gin a year later on World Gin Day, 13 June 2013.
Masons Tea Edition Gin 
Uniquely characteristic, Masons Tea Edition combines inherently dry Yorkshire Tea with smooth juniper flavours, sharp citrus and warming spice for a refreshingly long, dry finish. Subtle notes of cardamom and coriander spice are lifted by lemon citrus, leading to a long, dry, black tea finish. Masons Tea Edition has won some of the world’s most prestigious gin awards, including Gold Outstanding at the International Wine and Spirits Competition in 2019, Best British Contemporary Gin at the World Gin Awards 2019 and Gold at the New York Wine & Spirit Competition in 2017.
How to drink Masons Gin
For a highly refreshing G&T, it is recommended to serve with plenty of ice, premium Indian tonic water and garnishing with a twist of lemon zest. 
Alternatively,  Masons Tea Edition is a perfect partner to Fever-Tree Lemon Tonic or Double Dutch Cucumber & Watermelon Tonic. Masons Tea Edition Gin is also an ideal base for the driest of martinis.
There are as many different cocktails that the variety of editions from Masons Gin can be enjoyed with such as:
Strawberry Mai-Tea Gin Cocktail
Naugh-Tea Iced Tea Gin Cocktail 
Red Rose Negroni 
Tropical Gin Punch
Karl’s Aviation
Summer Punch 
Distiller’s Martini
Pear Raiser 
What food to eat with Gin
Gin has made a significant comeback recently, inspiring an increasingly popular trend dubbed “ginstronomy,” which refers to the art of gin and tonic food pairings in order to create a uniquely satisfying gastronomic experience. 
Seafood is an unbeatable gin and tonic food pairing candidate. Complement the floral and herbal notes in a classic gin and tonic with smoked salmon or gravlax topped with cream cheese and cucumbers.
Strongly flavoured cheeses seasoned with herbs also pair beautifully with gin and tonics. Indulge in Fourme d’Ambert, Camembert, Saint Marcellin, Brique, Manchego, Stilton, or Comté. Nibble these cheeses on their own or topped on crackers, providing a creamy texture and a wonderful earthy tone that is sure to satisfy any G&T lover’s cravings.
Gin makes an excellent palate cleanser for sushi, sashimi and is perfect with a range of berries, charcuterie, nuts, chocolate and anything spicy!
Masons of Yorkshire Distillery 
Set on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in the market town of Bedale, Masons Yorkshire Gin were the first to establish a distillery in Yorkshire back in 2014, the year after they launched. It’s very much a working distillery, housing three 250 litre copper alembic stills which currently distil 5 days per week and are usually surrounded by continual activity since bottling and labelling is also done on-site.
At their state-of-the-art distillery in the heart of Yorkshire, you can discover the magic and marvellousness behind Yorkshire’s favourite gin. Learn the art of distilling, develop your senses with guided tastings of their range or join them for a sophisticated cocktail evening where you will learn the coveted art of mixology - the ultimate gin connoisseur experience!
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