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twshipoftheday · 9 days ago
Teen Wolf Ship of the Day, February 22nd
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Stiles Stilinski x Peter Hale x Erica Reyes
Peter fucking sucks, Erica knew that. It doesn't mean she's not obsessed with him. Stiles is too though so she's not alone in this insanity. She doesn't know why she and Stiles are so drawn to him but they are. They can't leave Peter behind.
Headcanons under the cut.
Erica prides herself on the attractiveness of her boyfriends and she will dress them if she feels like they don't know what they're doing
When the three of them are out together they are never not touching each other, they really dislike being apart from each other in any way, especially physically
Peter will sometimes just sit in a seat and Erica and Stiles will pile on top of him
To sleep, Peter is the big spoon, Stiles is in the middle, and Erica is on the end, the three of them will sometimes roll over and Erica will be the big spoon and Peter the little spoon
They spend full moons on the preserve together, Erica loves to roughhouse with Peter while in wolf form
Peter can cook a few meals but Stiles is more of the chef in the relationship. Erica is a takeout kind of girl
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headcanonthings · 3 months ago
Melissa: We call that a traumatic experience. Melissa, turning to Scott: Not a "bruh moment." Melissa, turning to Isaac: Not "rip." Melissa, turning to Lydia: Not a "failed oversight on my part". Melissa, turning to Peter: Not an "omen of destiny". Melissa, turning to Boyd: Not a "failed mission". Melissa, turning to Derek: Not a "display of weakness to the Hale bloodline." Melissa, turning to Erica: Not a "whoopsie daisies". Melissa, turning to the Sherriff: Not a "day without a paycheck". Melissa, turning to Stiles: And definitely not an "oof lmao".
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nightlark100 · 4 months ago
Stiles sets up a betting board rather early on, figuring it'll be something that might help the betas bond a bit. It started off with a few silly things but the main category quickly became 'what is going to try and kill us next'. The name was changed after Derek expressed concerns over how cavalier Stiles was about dying and instead became 'what is going to put us in danger next'. The rules were simple:
Each of them contributed to a pool.
Each beta was given the opportunity to change their pick after something tried to kill them or once a month (if things were quiet)
Winner got the contents of the pool
If there was no clear winner or if there was more than one and they didn't want to split it, pack could make an argument for why their pick was the closest.
Scott put down 'Peter betraying the pack'
Peter in retaliation put down 'Argents being Argents'
Both refused to change it.
Stiles put down 'Dereks love life'
Erica put down 'Stiles losing his mind in a haze of caffeine after too many sleepless nights researching'. Boyd silently added his name against that pick as well.
The problem was Stiles seemed to always get it right. No matter what he wrote down each time, it usually happened in some way.
Derek's love life - a barista he'd been tentatively flirting with at the coffee shop turned out to be a succubus
Extreme cold (mocked by the others for being written down in the middle of a heatwave)- an abominable snowman popped up and set off a cold spell that even werewolf heat and Isaac's scarves couldn't ward off
Scott's cooking - After breaking some of Melissa's kitchenware while trying to make a romantic meal for Allison (the exact details of how remain a mystery, although Isaac was involved) and replacing it with a new set from a cute little shop that seemingly popped up out of nowhere, the pack quickly found out that there was a poltergeist attached.
The only time he didn't put anything down, was when he got possessed. And Peter argued that he technically still got it right since the only thing in his section was his name... Which was accurate in its own way (Stiles was not pleased by this logic and refused to talk to anyone for a long time)
He began to get gradually weirder and weirder with his picks, not even really trying to win after a while. He was a little confused and concerned by his strange predictions and hoped that eventually it would get too absurd to possibly come true.
Musical theatre - a siren showed up and almost lured Isaac into the swimming pool with her voice.
Killer Tomatoes - Lydia ended up nearly choking on her salad
Hummus - Jackson managed to ingest poisoned hummus and became practically feral.
Puppies - Stiles woke up one day to a very stressed Derek with an armful of his now tiny canine betas. Stiles didn't mind that one so much.
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sototallynormaliswear · 4 months ago
yeah anyway part of the reason that season 2 felt so weird to me is the insistence that the hunters and werewolves of beacon hills are going to war when its AT BEST six werewolves and a stiles (three of which turned for less then two months, another just back from the dead) against 30+ fully trained professional hunters?? not really a war there guys. pretty. pretty one sided actually.
and they were "going to war" over a woman who has been publicly proven to have murdered a family of eleven people, including KIDS, by trapping and burning them alive? who was killed?? by a guy who's family she murdered??? and now HES dead????
anyway. I do not care for the Argent family. or the way this season tries to make this a two sided conflict when it very much is not.
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harlstiel · 1 year ago
Derek: if you were arrested what would the charges be?
Isaac: Theft
Jackson: disturbing the peace
Erica: aggravated assault
Jordan: Arson.
Peter: Murder
Stiles: all of the above in that order.
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takaraphoenix · 11 months ago
I don't know why, but 2024 really is the year of missing the Hale Pack for me :(
I miss Derek having the chance to become a real alpha
I miss Erica and Boyd getting the chance to return to the pack and live
I miss snarky bastard uncle Peter in the corner
I miss getting to explore Isaac living with Derek and finding a home
I miss Pack Mom Stiles
Heck, I miss Jackson getting the chance to find a place where he belongs instead of being written off
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areyoufeelingwhelmedyet · 1 year ago
Now correct me if I’m wrong, but as someone who’s thinking of watching Teen Wolf, from what I’ve seen it seems to be:
(Group of outcast teenagers have gotten themselves involved in deadly supernatural shenanigans)
Derek, standing there silently, unhelpfully:…
Stiles:…we don’t need an adult but if we did we would need an adultier adult
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sterekmpreg · 2 years ago
Stiles and Derek: *accidentally kissing during argument in front of the pack*
Peter and Scott:
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Erica and Isaac:
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Lydia and Allison:
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Boyd and Theo:
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riahreadz · 4 months ago
Okay ideal Teen Wolf fanfic pack Take 2! 🎬 Sterek✨️
If Derek is Alpha, then obviously Stiles is Pack Mom and Alpha Mate.
All the good fics have Peter as a good little wolf or at least relatively good to the Hale Pack whilst protecting them doing some dirty work as the Left Hand. Peter and Stiles, as best friends, 🤌🏼✨️ is just t it's golden. Derek honestly gets scared when they team up - he knows it'll never end well, especially if Erica is involved. Peter supplies Stiles with all the family heirloom books and artifacts or from his own personal collections.
Stiles just has a habit of collecting Hales, first Derek, then Peter, Cora, and even Malia.
And in the rarity that I read a fic where Ell isn't Stiles's son well Stiles took one look at the kid (maybe before he even knew Eli was Derek's) and filed him under Lost (Hale) PuppyTM Derek is particularly fond of Stiles's seemingly sixth sense when it comes to protecting the Hales. Despite also yelling at the younger man who can't get it through his thick skull that putting himself in the line of danger won't help Derek losing him anymore than losing another Hale.
Somewhere along the way, Peter gets back together with Chris cause, yes, they dated as teens with an unfortunate near 20-year pause due to the Argent/Hale shit show extravaganza. They are raising their teen/young adult daughters Allison and Malia as sisters - bonus points if Jackson and Malia are twins.
Now I can't for some reason ever really see Allison and Isaac being romantically involved after her death and resurrection. Usually, Stiles figures some way to bring her back,and going forward, she gets back with Scott, Issac becomes dependent on Chris as a father figure, so Allison and Issac are just good friends once she's back. OR he sees Derek as a brother or father figure kinda situation being the Alpha that originally turned him, and skips over the emotional attachment to Chris all together.
Malia and Kira make for an interesting side ship that I never saw coming but a cute addition lol
Boyd and Erica are mates, obviously. Erica is a little shit just like Stiles and especially teaming up with Stiles, but Boyd balances her crazy. Crazy fun that iS.
I do love a good fic with Cora being involved. The dynamic of her and Derek finding their footing once again as siblings just makes me super emotional, okay? Plus, Cora and Isaac make for a good couple/mates.
Given that I love a good bad friend Scott fic, Isaac has pulled away from following Scott like a lost puppy. His lost puppy status belongs to Cora or Derek, depending on whose good side he's trying to get on that day. But back to Scott - his main roll usually is to tear down Stiles or attempt to anyway. Usually, Allison is there to gather his wits back together and reel him back into being a good friend. I'im game with a good redemption arc for him, but it ain't required.
Lydia and Stiles make a good team, and she makes a damn good motivational ass kicker when Stiles needs one, which is usually at least once in every fic, let's be honest. She's either with Jackson or just a bad ass that doesn't need a partner to ground her. Jackson is still an asshole - it's why we love him. But he and Stiles develop a pretty decent friendship when they bond over healing from losing control from the Kanima and Void. He'd kill to protect Stiles. They all would. He's with Lydia, Danny, or Ethan.
Now we can't forget Sheriff Stilinski, rather his name is Noah or John, he's a big player in this pack. Despite being only human, he has a lot of sway when it comes to this rag-tag group of puppies and puppy adjacents. Derek and him make for a good team in the fics. Derek is a deputy. Or just the Sheriff adopting Derek as an unofficial Stilinski once he realizes his son won't ever let go of the Hales but especially one Derek Hale - plus it's easier to expain to his across-the-street-neighbor that Derek is family rather than filter through the panicked 911 calls of astrange man in a black leather jacket climbing once again through his son's bedroom window. Cause the Hales don't know how to use front doors - a trait they passed along to the whole pack like a worst kept secret family tradition.
Oh, and it's recently been brought to my attention that the Sheriff is in a secret relationship with his deputy Jordan and eventually gets exposed by Stiles seeing them on a date. Bonus points if it turns into a double date. Didn't know I needed this one until I needed it. However, I'm down for seeing him with Melissa or even a thropple with Chris and Peter. If he's with Melissa, then Scott has to have a redemption arc, or he was the good best friend/step brother all along.
And last but certainly not least, Eli Hale or shall I say Eli Stilinski-Hale or Hale-Stilinski? Doesn't matter as long as we all can agree that Elis Stiles's son. l'm not picky on whether it's adoption, mpreg, or Stiles and Derek got together after Eliwas born. Stiles. Is. Eli's. Father.
If some of this seems repeated from my Steter Ideal Pack - well, that's cause it is, lol. I wrote this first but finished Steter before Sterek. I'll probably rewrite this cause it's rushed, but I need to get it out to link for my Secret Santa in the Sterek Exchange.
✋️🛑 Now, all of this is just my personal preference on fics I've read. A lot of these obviously stray from the actual character on the show but 🤷🏻‍♀️ show canon meet 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 one person's fanfic canon. All respect and rights for the cast and crew in bringing these characters to life, though. Also, I'm not saying that I won't read fics that don't include this stuff - like I've mentioned just some stuff I've read over the years and liked. ✋️🛑
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abibliphobiac · 12 days ago
Guys, I hate to break it to you, but I’m rewatching Teen Wolf as an adult and:
-Derek isn’t an interesting or even good character til like season 3
-Isaac and Allison shouldn’t have been a thing (but could’ve been something w Scott 👀)
-Boyd and Erica should’ve had more time and been flushed out more
-Kora felt very thrown-in and wasn’t given any respect frfr
-Isaac my Beloved sassy man you are missed every scene you’re not present
-ALL of the characters should have been flushed out more (but oh well, ig that’s what fanfic is for)
-Peter pisses me The Fuck off
-The storylines are so ???
-Some of the scenes are corny as HELL
-Some of the scenes are COLD AS FUCK bruh
-Stiles and Malia were actually really great together imo
-Malia is so fuckin funny on god
-Dylan O’Brien is. THE actor fr
-I really like Scott and Lydia’s friendship and would’ve liked it to be explored more 💕 (platonically)
-Stiles needed the time away from Lydia to love her in a way that wasn’t toxic or obsessive (and yet still has some concerning tendencies)
-EVERY. SINGLE. FEMALE. CHARACTER. Deserved so much more development and time without a male counterpart. Period.
-Especially Kira, Braeden, and Lydia
-PUT SOME RESPECT ON KIRA and please 🧎🏻‍♀️ let overpowered characters BE OP and not two hits and down fr
-I need more Dread Doctors content in my life for Reasons™️ and I will not be elaborating unless asked
-Theo is a character that exists almost solely in The Grey and y’all ain’t ready to have a civil conversation about how well Cody played the nuances of him
-Hayden is fine, Hayden and Liam is ? such a high school relationship I can’t complain but I don’t love
-the beast was 🤣
-Ducalien👌🏼 (but not the cgi)
-Theo and Liam are a Fantastic duo, romantic or not (but they should’ve been canon ngl)
-We deserved more Mason content TBH
-(and more puppy pack in general)
And so much more that I can’t articulate at the moment.
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lilsblavk · 5 months ago
Anyone know that one fic of stiles getting bitten but he’s not a wolf, he’s actually a were-deer! and Derek is like all over him because come on predator vs prey! I CANT FIND IT AND I FORGOT THE NAME! Help me please *bambi eyes*
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jade-bright · 2 months ago
Okay, so I am actually working on the fic involving Allison and Stiles having a chat about finding out your boyfriend's a werewolf.
However, there's shit that happens before that, and one of those things involve me having to list out all the shit the Argents have done to the Hale's (+ others)
Anyway, here is the list in chronological order (until the end of season 2) to the best of my memory:
Kate, raped/manipulated 16-17 yr old Derek
Kate + Gerard, burned/killed (most of) the Hale's
Kate or Gerard, had a hunter put as Peter's nurse and gave him shit that drove him mad
(Most likely) Kate, cut Laura's body in half
Chris, hunted/shot Scott
Chris, threatened Derek
Kate, shot Derek
Chris, hunted/shot Derek
Kate + hunters, capture/tortured Derek
Allison, tortured/shot Derek
Gerard + hunters, hunt Derek and his pack (+ Scott, I think? at least tortures/threatens)
Victoria, poisons Scott and tried to kill him (+ Derek, I'm pretty sure)
Gerard + Allison, capture/torture Erica, Boyd and Stiles
Gerard (+ Scott), makes Derek give him the bite
And you know what the Hale's have done to the Argents?
Derek, joins Peter in his quest to kill the Argents (but literally doesn't)
Peter, killed Kate and associates (after they killed his family and practically tortured him + his nephew)
Peter, tries to kill Allison (doesn't)
Derek, gave Victoria the bite (likely against his will since it was only after she poisoned him and Scott and tries to kill them, but doesn't kill her)
Derek, bites Gerard (AGAINST HIS WILL!!!)
I mean literally, I don't think Derek's ever gotten one hit on the Argent's in the first two seasons (never watched the full show), and only ends up killing Kate wayyyyy later on in the show.
Everything they've done, has been in retaliation, and I'm gonna say what others have said on tumblr and fics, etc.: the Hale's follow the hunter's code better than the actual hunters do.
Anyway, I'll let y'all know when I finish the fic :)
Edited: 1/11/2025, cuz jc -_-
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shipping-world1994 · 3 months ago
Stiles; stressed, overworked, without sleep: Peter, look at me. Look at me in the windows to my soul. Shut the fuck up. Shut all the way the fuck up until you reach the top of Shut Fuck Mountain, where there are no more fuck-ups to shut!
The pack:
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nightlark100 · 4 months ago
The List
I had an idea for a silly fanfic about the teen wolf pack making a list of rules for their pack to follow but i never got beyond the list itself and a tiny bit of story. So i thought i'd post it here.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
It had started as a joke. After another brilliant Scott plan gone wrong, Stiles had scribbled 'SCOTT IS NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE PLANS' in big letters on a piece of paper which he then stuck beside the front door.
"This is ridiculous," Scott protested, moving to take it down. "My plans aren't that bad"
"Yes they are. And no touching the paper! That is an official document"
Derek, drawn by the discussion, hovered in the doorway to the living room.
"Stiles… what is that and why is it on my wall?"
"This is the official Hale pack list of rules. We must all abide by it."
Scott scoffed and looked to Derek, expecting the alpha to side with him. Instead, he just narrowed his eyes before nodding.
"What?! But… Derek!"
"Sorry Scott. It's on the official list of rules, we have to follow it. No more plan making for you"
Scott is not allowed to make plans
No one mentioned the list again for a while and when they did, it was in a teasing way whenever Scott tried to suggest something, whether that something was what they should do that weekend or how best to combat a flurry of pixies in the preserve. The reminder of the ‘no plans’ rule was met with a good natured groan and an eye roll from Scott but little else.
One day however, Stiles was brought out of his latest research binge by the lid of his laptop being sharply closed. He looked up, blinking a few time as his eyes adjusted to the room after hours of staring at the bright screen.
“What the hell?”
The rest of the pack was sitting nearby, having been occupied by their own activities, with Isaac hovering uncertainly beside Stiles’ chair with a sheepish look on his face.
“Isaac?” Stiles prompted.
“Sorry Stiles but you’ve been researching for a day straight.”
“Well… i mean… it’s on the rules.”
“What rules?”
“The official pack rules. By the door.”
Their conversation had drawn the attention of the others, most looking confused. Stiles set his laptop aside and went to the door. There beneath his scrawl was a new addition. 
2. Stiles' laptop and phone must be taken away after 24 hours of continuous research.
“Who put that there?” he asked. The others stayed silent. Scott looked slightly smug but Stiles knew that wasn’t his writing. He let out an irritated noise and fished his phone from his pocket, intending to retreat to his room. If Isaac wouldn’t let him back on his laptop, he could still access his work that way.
Derek reached over and plucked the phone from his hand.
“Sorry Stiles. It’s on the list. You can have them back tomorrow.”
“Derek! Come on!”
He moved to grab at the phone but was struck with a wave of dizziness that sent him stumbling. Hands reached out to steady him, he wasn’t sure whose.
“Stiles, when did you last eat?” Lydia asked.
“Ermm… breakfast maybe?”
“No… yesterday…”
“Hmm. And drank something? That wasn’t full of sugar?”
“Kitchen. You’re going to eat, drink some water and then you are going to get some sleep.” She guided him out of the hall with a firm hand, pushing him into a chair at the kitchen table while Isaac retrieved some leftovers from the fridge and filled their largest glass with water.
Both of them stayed in the kitchen with him until he was suitably fed and hydrated, then Lydia took him upstairs and put him to bed, giving him a dark look as she promised that if he got up to get one of his books instead of sleeping there would be consequences.
Stiles reluctantly obeyed.
He wouldn’t admit it but he did feel better the next morning. Until, as he headed downstairs, he noted a new line had been added to the paper by the door. 
3. Stiles must be made to eat something and drink water after 6 hours of continuous research
After the first few additions, it seemed that some kind of dam had been broken and the rest of the pack didn’t hesitate to implement their own rules (although no one would admit to putting the limits on Stiles’ research time)
4.  Newly turned betas are not allowed to partake in team sports until they have proven they can control themselves (e.g. no eye flashing, no claws, no fangs, no doing backflips over other players or any other feats of sudden athletic ability that may draw attention to the pack)
5.         All of Derek's dates must be vetted. THOROUGHLY
“That's it. I'm putting a ban on Derek dating” Stiles said, picking chunks of viscera out of his hair. “This is the third time! At this point it's just negligent of us not to investigate anyone inviting you out.” A thought occured and he spun around to face Derek. “oh my god. You're a Xander!”
“A Xander! Right Peter?”
“I would have to agree. He does have Xander like qualities when it comes to dating.”
“Again I say… what?”
“Buffy the vampire slayer. Peter and I have been watching it together.”
“Really Peter?”
“It's good!”
“It has its moments”
“Yeah you're just mad cause they got rid of Ethan. Who is 100% you. Just in it for the chaos.”
“Would that make you the Giles?”
“No! Why?”
“Oh come on, they were definitely a couple.”
“If i’m anyone, i’m willow.”
“Wouldn’t Lydia be Willow?”
“No, Lydia is Cordelia.” he glanced around, fearing the redhead would appear and yell at him. “On the surface, superficial cheerleader type. But goes through a bunch of character development and has a power that sucks.”
“Flawless logic. Why are you Willow?”
“Magic. Bi. Brief fall to the dark side. And then Scott would be Xander,”
“I thought I was Xander?”
“No, you’re just Xander when it comes to dating. Scott’s Xander the rest of the type.”
“And I suppose Allison is Buffy?”
“Noooo… Allison is Faith. "
6. Peter and Stiles are not allowed to watch Mythbusters anymore 
“Really Derek?”
“Yes. Really. Last time you watched that show, you ended up building a trebuchet.”
“I believe it was just Stiles who built the trebuchet.”
“Yes but you helped load it.”
7. No Sex in the common areas! Erica this means you! (poor Isaac)
8. When offered a boon by a faerie BE SPECIFIC
9. Stiles is not to be left unattended in the vet clinic
10. Stiles is not to be left unattended around witches
11. Stiles is not to be left unattended around magic users
12. Stiles is not to be left unattended
13.  Lydia and Peter are not to be left alone in a room together.
14. In the event that Stiles is transformed into a small furry animal, he is to be given into the custody of the Sheriff or Derek. Or Peter. Most importantly, Erica is banned from going near him (OH COME ON! YOU LOOKED INSANELY CUTE IN THE BATMAN COSTUME)
15. The Notebook is a great film and whoever keeps hiding the disc will stop immediately. OR ELSE. I think the or else was implied here Stiles…
16. Stiles is not to be given coffee
17. Stiles is not to be given extra Adderall
18.  Anyone who gives the Sheriff food not on the approved list will face the wrath of Stiles
19. Peter is not allowed to comment on how attractive he finds Melissa McCall
20. Peter is not allowed to comment on how attractive he finds Chris Argent
21. ~Peter is not allowed to comment on how attractive he finds Stiles Stilinski~ (Stiles objects to this rule)
22.  When throwing items at people, do not throw any of the books or Peter will eat you
23. No Stiles, having sex with a male werewolf won't get you pregnant. Even if it's an alpha. (That we know of)
24. No one is allowed to drive the Camaro except Derek
25. No one is allowed to eat in the Camaro
26.  Alison is not allowed to take her crossbow to school
27.  Alison is not allowed to take her knives to school
28.  Seriously Alison, stop taking weapons to school!
29. Stiles is not allowed to touch any of Alison's weapons
30.  If you bleed in the jeep, you are responsible for cleaning it
31. Do not enter the kitchen when Stiles is cooking. (This is for your own safety)
32. If you enter the kitchen while Stiles is cooking, do not attempt to steal food he is preparing. Werewolves cannot regrow fingers
33.  If Stiles declares someone is evil, he is probably right and should be taken seriously.
34.  If someone new starts working at the school, they are probably evil
35.  If Peter offers to kill someone for you, he is not joking and it is not okay (no matter how tempting it is)
36. Do not ask Derek about dating Cora
37.  Do not make dog jokes, especially to Derek, Stiles! (Not my fault he has no sense of humour)
39. Stop asking where our eyebrows go when shifted
40. Stiles is not allowed a pet dragon
41. Stiles is not allowed a pet griffin
42. ~Stiles, stop trying to adopt baby mythical creatures~
43. Peter stop leaving dead animals on Stiles porch seriously dude, my dad thinks I've got a budding serial killer after me ~well, I wasn't technically wrong…~ minus the budding part
44. Stiles is not allowed to use his PowerPoint when telling people about werewolves (I don't care how many slide transitions you put in)
45.  No Stiles, giving your PowerPoint to Peter or Lydia to present is not a loophole (oh come on! I even put a bibliography at the end! it's not my fault you're technology adverse!)
46.  Derek is not allowed to lurk around abandoned buildings. It really doesn't help with the serial killer vibe you give off
47. If you kill someone, please make sure you chop them up or find another method to ensure they don't come back! We shouldn't kill people at all! I said IF! ~Stiles, please remember I'm an officer of the law~
47B. AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUS: If you kill someone, please make sure you chop them up or find another method to ensure they don't come back AND make sure you dispose of the body so that dad doesn't have to do extra paperwork
By request, here is a legend to tell who is writing what:
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headcanonthings · 3 months ago
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stereksthings · 5 months ago
re-watching Teen Wolf and reading Sterek fanfics is the only correct way to spend your Sunday
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